Constraint Between Two Tables

Jan 22, 2014

Is it possible to have a constarint between two tables based on a FK relationship and a value based on another column. For example to have a valid record in table b the TableA_ID value needs to exist in tableA and the charge Value can't be null. So row number 3 would be invalid in table B in this example.




TableB_IDTableA_IDSome other data
1 1 A
2 3 B
3 4 C

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FK Constraint From One Column To Two Different Tables

Apr 13, 2012

I have a requirement where one column of a table is supposed to have two foreign key constraints i.e. it can be referring to two different columns in two tables.

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How To Disable ALL Constraint In ALL Tables

Jul 23, 2005

I know to disable all constraint in a table just :ALTER TABLE table_A CHECK CONSTRAINT ALLbut how to disable ALL tables at the same time?Thanks anyway

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How To Get Tables Involved In Constraint

Jan 18, 2006

Hi,The following request select a constraint from TABLE_CONSTRAINT withthe name specified in the where clause:select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS whereconstraint_name = 'FK__51OtherParties__51Claims'It returns: I have TABLE_NAME that correspond to the first table involved in theconstraint, but how do I get 51Claims ????Thank you

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Unique Constraint On Two Tables?

May 5, 2007

Is it possible to create a unique constraint on two tables?In mssql2000?

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Foreign Key Constraint- Reference 1 Of 2 Tables

Nov 2, 2007

I don't know if this is possible, i believe not, so I'm here to ask the experts if is possible to have a foreign key constraint that references the key of one of two tables.
Like this:
I have 3 tables: TABLE X, TABLE A and TABLE B
Is it possible to the FK on TABLE X refernce the PK of TABLE A OR TABLE B?
If yes, how can I do this?
If not, I need to have a fourth table, so TABLE X references TABLE A and TABLE Y references TABLE B.

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Referential Constraint Between Two Tables In Two Databases

Dec 7, 2007

Is it possible to define a referential constraint between two tables in two different databases (on two servers)? Or are there beter best practices methods/products to achieve this result.

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Enforcing Foreign Key Constraint On Tables

Mar 5, 2008

Greetings all!

How can I enforce a foreign key constraint when I have two tables each one residing on a different database?

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Child Tables Accessing UNIQUE Constraint.

May 8, 2008

What query gives me the list of child tables accessing a unique key (But Not PK) for a given table?

For. E.g. In the folloiwng scenario I should get o/p as t3

create table t1 (id1 int primary key , id2 int unique )

create table t2 (id1 int references t1(id1))
create table t3 (id2 int references t1(id2))

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Check Constraint Across Parent-child Tables

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,DDLs and DMLs:create table #job (jobID int identity(1,1) primary key, jobNamevarchar(25) unique not null, jobEndDate dateTime, jobComplete bitdefault(0), check (([JobEndDate] is null and [JobComplete] = 0) OR([JobEndDate] is not null and [JobComplete] = 1)));Q1 with check constraint:sample dagtainsert into #job (jobName)values('first job');transaction Aupdate #jobset jobEndDate = '12/19/2003', JOBCOMPLETE=1where jobID = 3;RESULTSET/STATUS = Successupdate #jobset jobEndDate = NULL, JOBCOMPLETE=0where jobID = 3;RESULTSET/STATUS = Successtransaction Cupdate #jobset jobEndDate = '12/19/2003'where jobID = 3;RESULTSET/STATUS = Failurehow come check constraint can't set a value which is preset in thecheck constraint? If it's the way how it works with MS SQL Server2000, well, IMHO, it's limiting because the above transaction C is avalid one. Or maybe check constraint is not fit for this purpose?Maybe, it doesn't make much sense for me to go into Q2 but I'll try-- create job's child table, taskcreate table #task (taskID int identity(1,1) primary key, taskNamevarchar(25) unique not null, taskEndDate dateTime, taskComplete bitdefault(0), jobID int not null references #job (jobID));-- skip check constraint for taskEndDate and taskComplete for nowNow, the Business Rule says,1) if all tasks are complete then automatically set jobComplete forthe #job table to yes;2) the jobEndDate in the #job table must be >= the last/MaxtaskEndDateI tend to think trigger would slow down data update quite a bit, so,try to stay away for this purpose if possible.Always appreciate your idea.

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How To Create A Constraint On A Header And Detail Tables?

Feb 5, 2008


I have a header and detail table. I want to create a constraint on the detail table, based on a value it's linked to in the header table. If the bit is checked in header then a unique value is required , if it's not checked then a NULL value is acceptable.

Many thanks in advance.

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Named Constraint Is Not Supported For This Type Of Constraint (not Null)

May 13, 2008

Hi, all.

I am trying to create table with following SQL script:

Code Snippet

create table Projects(
ID smallint identity (0, 1) constraint PK_Projects primary key,
Name nvarchar (255) constraint NN_Prj_Name not null,
Creator nvarchar (255),
CreateDate datetime

When I execute this script I get following error message:

Error source: SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider
Error message: Named Constraint is not supported for this type of constraint. [ Constraint Name = NN_Prj_Name ]

I looked in the SQL Server Books Online and saw following:

CREATE TABLE (SQL Server Compact)
< column_constraint > ::= [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { [ NULL | NOT NULL ] | [ PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE ] | REFERENCES ref_table [ ( ref_column ) ] [ ON DELETE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ] [ ON UPDATE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ]

As I understand according to documentation named constraints should be supported, however error message says opposite. I can rephrase SQL script by removing named constraint.

Code Snippet

create table Projects(
ID smallint identity (0, 1) constraint PK_Projects primary key,
Name nvarchar (255) not null,
Creator nvarchar (255),
CreateDate datetime
This script executes correctly, however I want named constraints and this does not satisfy me.

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Cannot INSERT Data To 3 Tables Linked With Relationship (INSERT Statement Conflicted With The FOREIGN KEY Constraint Error)

Apr 9, 2007

 I have a problem with setting relations properly when inserting data using adonet. Already have searched for a solutions, still not finding a mistake...
Here's the sql management studio diagram :

 and here goes the  code1 DataSet ds = new DataSet();
3 SqlDataAdapter myCommand1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from SurveyTemplate", myConnection);
4 SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(myCommand1);
5 myCommand1.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
6 DataTable pTable = ds.Tables["Table"];
7 pTable.TableName = "SurveyTemplate";
8 myCommand1.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
9 myCommand1.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection;
11 SqlDataAdapter myCommand2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Question", myConnection);
12 cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(myCommand2);
13 myCommand2.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
14 pTable = ds.Tables["Table"];
15 pTable.TableName = "Question";
16 myCommand2.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
17 myCommand2.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection;
19 SqlDataAdapter myCommand3 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Possible_Answer", myConnection);
20 cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(myCommand3);
21 myCommand3.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
22 pTable = ds.Tables["Table"];
23 pTable.TableName = "Possible_Answer";
24 myCommand3.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
25 myCommand3.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection;
27 ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("FK_Question_SurveyTemplate", ds.Tables["SurveyTemplate"].Columns["id"], ds.Tables["Question"].Columns["surveyTemplateID"]));
28 ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("FK_Possible_Answer_Question", ds.Tables["Question"].Columns["id"], ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Columns["questionID"]));
30 DataRow dr = ds.Tables["SurveyTemplate"].NewRow();
31 dr["name"] = o[0];
32 dr["description"] = o[1];
33 dr["active"] = 1;
34 ds.Tables["SurveyTemplate"].Rows.Add(dr);
36 DataRow dr1 = ds.Tables["Question"].NewRow();
37 dr1["questionIndex"] = 1;
38 dr1["questionContent"] = "q1";
39 dr1.SetParentRow(dr);
40 ds.Tables["Question"].Rows.Add(dr1);
42 DataRow dr2 = ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].NewRow();
43 dr2["answerIndex"] = 1;
44 dr2["answerContent"] = "a11";
45 dr2.SetParentRow(dr1);
46 ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Rows.Add(dr2);
48 dr1 = ds.Tables["Question"].NewRow();
49 dr1["questionIndex"] = 2;
50 dr1["questionContent"] = "q2";
51 dr1.SetParentRow(dr);
52 ds.Tables["Question"].Rows.Add(dr1);
54 dr2 = ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].NewRow();
55 dr2["answerIndex"] = 1;
56 dr2["answerContent"] = "a21";
57 dr2.SetParentRow(dr1);
58 ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Rows.Add(dr2);
60 dr2 = ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].NewRow();
61 dr2["answerIndex"] = 2;
62 dr2["answerContent"] = "a22";
63 dr2.SetParentRow(dr1);
64 ds.Tables["Possible_Answer"].Rows.Add(dr2);
66 myCommand1.Update(ds,"SurveyTemplate");
67 myCommand2.Update(ds, "Question");
68 myCommand3.Update(ds, "Possible_Answer");
69 ds.AcceptChanges();

and that causes (at line 67):"The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
"FK_Question_SurveyTemplate". The conflict occurred in database
"ankietyzacja", table "dbo.SurveyTemplate", column
The statement has been terminated.
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatusErrors(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatus(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataRow[] dataRows, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdateFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable)
at AnkietyzacjaWebService.Service1.createSurveyTemplate(Object[] o) in J:\PL\PAI\AnkietyzacjaWebService\AnkietyzacjaWebServicece\Service1.asmx.cs:line 397"

Could You please tell me what am I missing here ?
Thanks a lot.

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Unique Constraint Error When There Is No Constraint

May 13, 2008

We are using SQL CE 3.5 on tablet PCs, that synchs with our host SQL 2005 Server using Microsoft Synchronization Services. On the tablets, when inserting a record, we get the following error:
A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index. [ Table name = refRegTitle,Constraint name = PK_refRegTitle
But the only PK on this table is RegTitleID.

The table structure is:
[RegTitleID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[RegTitleNumber] [int] NOT NULL,
[RegTitleDescription] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,
[FacilityTypeID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Active] [bit] NOT NULL,

The problem occurs when a Title Number is inserted and a record with that number already exists. There is no unique constraint on Title Number.
Has anyone else experienced this?

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Why Would Tables Pulled In From ODBC In Access Be Different Than Tables In SQL 2005 Tables?

Jan 24, 2008

I'm new to my company, although not new to SQL 2005 and I found something interesting. I don't have an ERD yet, and so I was asking a co-worker what table some data was in, they told me a table that is NOT in SQL Server 2005's list of tables, views or synonyms.

I thought that was strange, and so I searched over and over again and still I couldn't find it. Then I did a select statement the table that Access thinks exists and SQL Server does not show and to my shock, the select statement pulled in data!

So how did this happen? How can I find the object in SSMS folder listing of tables/views or whatever and what am I overlooking?


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May 29, 2001

I am trying to figure out how to do this.
For each row, only one out of two columns(id1,id2) should be populated. So if the id1 column is already populated and the application tries to fill in something for id2 then we just simply don't want to allow that and vice versa.

I am thinking triggers is the way to go. What do you think?

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Constraint Help!!

Sep 21, 2000

using alter table syntax how can i insert the field TramingChoiceCd
Extend the constraint on NetwkChannel table UQ__TetwkChannel__50FB042B to include TramingChoiceCd

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Nov 30, 2001

Which is the preferred method Rule, Check Constraint or Trigger?
I want to set a column to todays date when the column is = "T"
else when "F" set it to a future date. Each time there is a insertion into
the table.

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Jun 7, 2004

I have a varchar field in a table.I want to restrict the entries in that field as "yes" or "no" nothing else.No record will be allowed for this field without yes or no.My question is is it possible without using any trigger for the table?I want to do it with the help of a constraint.

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Constraint Ddl

Oct 13, 2004

When I see desing table option in enterprise manager of a table I don't see any constraints, but when I extract ddl I can see all 6 of them. They are all unique constraints not the check constraints. Is this normal. I am new to SQL Server and would appreciate some explanation.


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Constraint Help

Nov 15, 2007

Hi, i want to put a contraint on a table which much check agains two values in the same column for the same member.

For example, i don't want a male to get information based on breast cancer, and i don't want a female to get information based on prostate cancer.

I have included some sample data. Just copy and paste.

Code Block

DECLARE @MemberLookupValues TABLE (OptionID INT, ValueID INT, Description VARCHAR(20))
INSERT @MemberLookupValues VALUES (3, 10, 'Male')
INSERT @MemberLookupValues VALUES (3, 11, 'Female')
INSERT @MemberLookupValues VALUES (7, 69, 'Prostate Cancer')
INSERT @MemberLookupValues VALUES (7, 70, 'Breast Cancer')

DECLARE @MemberValues TABLE (MemberID INT, OptionID INT, ValueID INT)
INSERT @MemberValues VALUES (1, 3, 10)
INSERT @MemberValues VALUES (1, 7, 69)
INSERT @MemberValues VALUES (1, 7, 70)
INSERT @MemberValues VALUES (2, 3, 11)
INSERT @MemberValues VALUES (2, 7, 69)

SELECT * FROM @MemberLookupValues
SELECT * FROM @MemberValues

I've highlighted the values that must be stopped.

So the basic check would be, IF OptionID = 3 AND ValueID = 10 then it must not allow you to insert the values OptionID = 7 AND ValueID = 70

I hope that makes sense.

Any help will be greatly appreciated, if you need any more informaiton then just ask,

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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Check Constraint

Mar 28, 2007

Hi I was wodering how to add an OR statment right in the Check Constraint expression.
This is what I am starting with in the database
([zip] like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
and what I want well not exact but this would answer my question
([zip] like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] || [A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]')
 Thanks for any help

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Constraint Question

Oct 18, 2007

Is it possible to set an index of no duplicates on a column other than the primary key of a table? If yes, how is this done?

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Delete Constraint

Jan 3, 2005

how can i implement delete constraint? i mean i don't want the rows of the primary key table to be deleted if they are used as foreign key in some other table. so i want to check if that PK is used as foreign key in other tables before deleting.

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Add UNIQUE Constraint

May 13, 2006

Hi,I want to add unique contraint to EXISTING column in EXISTING table.I have ms sql 2005.How to do that?

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Check Constraint

Oct 31, 2000

hi, I want to implement a constraint on a talbe for two fields
phone numbers should b (###)###-####
and ss# should be ###-##-####

How can I create such constraint. I tried, but got an error message and could not save the table with the new changes.


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Foreign Key Constraint

Aug 11, 1999

student --- enrollment is 1- to - many . ssn is pk in student. ssn and courseid is pk in enrollment. later I added the foreign key constraint FK_SSN in enrollment table reference student table. it is ok.
enrollment --- lessonhistory is 1-to -many, ssn, courseid and lessonid is pk in lessonhistory . I tried to set FK_SSN foreign key constraint in lessonhistory table reference enrollment table, it always show error message " no primary key in referewnce talbe enrollment "
I don't know how to fix it. could you help me out, thanks!!

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Delete Constraint

Dec 7, 2003

Can somebody tell me about on delete constraint and where should it be used - table having foriegn key?

coz want i want is- the moment i delete the data from the table whose primary key is been referenced as foreign key , The Data in all the tables where its primary key is beeen used as forein key should be deleted.


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Unique Constraint

Nov 19, 2001

Does anyone have any Idea on how I could enforce a unique constrait across multiple tables?

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Constraint Question

Mar 28, 2007

My company does medical billing for several clients. Each client may have a contract with several insurance companies (Payors) for rates for different procedures. I have a table named FeeSchedule with four (relevant) columns: Client, CPTCode (procedure code), Payor, and Fee.

Some Payors don't really negotiate, and have the same FeeSchedule for all clients. I know the right way to track that is have a separate set of records for each client, even for payors like medicare where every client will have the same set of records. However, the data-entry burden for populating that table would be very large, and I would like to use be able to have use a NULL client like a wildcard.

The problem is I then can't use client as part of the key, and I need to be able to restrict it so that if I have a NULL client for a specific CPT and Payor and I can't also have a another Client for that CPT and Payor.

Any ideas how to accomplish this or the equivalent functionality?

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Constraint Problem

Oct 27, 2004

Hi everybody

we have the following tables



Countryid CountyNAme
here Countryid is the primary key.

2) MainDept

DeptID Deptname Countryid
CSCustomer SupportIN
here deptid is the primary key

3) UserMaster

Uid Uname Deptid Countryid
001 Chris CMIN
002 Raja CSIN
003 Ram CBMY
here Uid is the primary key.

The problem is when i change the countryid from one country to another for a deptname.
THe change is not reflected in the usermaster table as it still shows the previous countryid.
For eg. user Chris belongs to dept Cash management which is situated in india.
Now if i change in mainDept table the cash management from india(IN) to say malaysia(MY).the corresponding change is not reflected in usermaster still shows india. So when i query for chris in usermaster i get an error
as i am searching in india for cash mangement.
i tried using on update cascade but here it did not work as i have to make DeptID & countryID in MainDept table as composite key & use Deptid & countryid in usermaster as refernce key.
Since i have 20-25 tables also referencing the above 2 tables i have to set reference key in all these tables & these tables are in turn referenced elsewhere in other tables. Thus i end up creating a large no. of composite keys.
IS there any other way to solve this problem?
note : In sqlserver we can give on update cascade still it has the above problem
but in Oracle on update cascade is not possible

Can anybody suggest a solution for this in both sql server and in oracle

Thanks u verymuch

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Nov 30, 2005

I am having problem to find the right syntax to DROP a column with contrainst and recrate it
I get an error

if exists ( select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
where TABLE_NAME='myTable'
and COLUMN_NAME='myDate' )
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[myTable] DROP COLUMN myDate

myDate datetime CONSTRAINT [DF_myDate] DEFAULT (GetDate())

Query Analyser says :
Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
The object 'DF_myDate' is dependent on column 'myDate'.
Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN myDate failed because one or more objects access this column.
Server: Msg 2705, Level 16, State 4, Line 2
Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'myDate' in table 'dbo.myTable' is specified more than once.

thank you for helping

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Semantic Constraint

Mar 23, 2006

Hi all:

Just joined forums, so a big hello to you all :)

Just wondering if someone could explain the following two terms too me?

*Semantic Constraint
*Access Control

Are there limitations each can impose within a relational database?

Many thanks

Olly :D

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