Constructing Email Message

Jul 23, 2005


I am constructing a Message (Body) for sending our Emails. It is around
3000 characters long. But for whatever reason, the last line seems to
be broken with a "!" exclamatory mark in it, which results in
displaying the constructed image path as a broken one.

How to resolve this ?. Thanks.


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Email Being Sent, But No Message

Jul 20, 2005

I have setup an email notifications system, that basically takes eachrow from a table and sents out an email according to the data in thatrow. The emails get sent, with the subject being filled as expected.Only problem is that sometimes there is no message.Here is the stored procedure that is being called every hour to sendthe emails:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.RemindersSendEmails AS--CursorDECLARE RemindersCursor CURSOR FORSELECT *FROM RemindersTodaysAndUnsent--Values for cursorDECLARE@I_Reminder_ID bigint,@I_Notice_ID bigint,@V_Reminder_Text varchar(250),@SDT_Reminder_Date smalldatetime,@V_Email varchar(50),@I_Reminder_Type bigint,@SDT_Reminder_Sent smalldatetime,@I_Attempts_Made int,@V_Notice_Type varchar(50),@I_Notice_Period int,@V_Period_Description varchar(50),@I_Project_ID bigint,@V_Notice_Ref varchar(10)--values for sending the mailDECLARE @NEWLINE varchar(2)OPEN RemindersCursorFETCH NEXT FROM RemindersCursorINTO @I_Reminder_ID, @I_Notice_ID, @V_Reminder_Text,@SDT_Reminder_Date, @V_Email, @I_Reminder_Type,@SDT_Reminder_Sent, @I_Attempts_Made, @V_Notice_Type,@I_Notice_Period, @V_Period_Description,@I_Project_ID, @V_Notice_Ref--INTO @I_Reminder_ID, @I_Notice_ID, @V_Reminder_Text,@SDT_Reminder_Date, @V_Email, @I_Reminder_Type,--@SDT_Reminder_Sent, @I_Attempts_Made, @V_Notice_Type,@I_Notice_Period, @V_Period_Description,--@I_Project_ID, @V_Notice_RefSET @NEWLINE = char(10)--PRINT 'start'WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINDECLARE @EmailMessage varchar(6000), @Subject varchar(100), @StatusintSET @Subject = RTRIM(CONVERT(varchar(8), @I_Reminder_ID)) + ' NoticeAlert - Project ' + RTRIM(CONVERT(varchar(8), @I_Project_ID)) + 'Notice Ref ' + RTRIM(@V_Notice_Ref)SET @EmailMessage = 'Project: ' + RTRIM(CONVERT(varchar(8),@I_Project_ID)) + @NEWLINE +'Notice: ' + RTRIM(@V_Notice_Ref) + @NEWLINE +'Notice Type: ' + RTRIM(@V_Notice_Type) + ' - ' +RTRIM(@V_Period_Description) + @NEWLINE +'Reminder: ' + RTRIM(@V_Reminder_Text) + @NEWLINE + @NEWLINE +'Reminder date: ' + CONVERT(varchar(11), @SDT_Reminder_Date) +@NEWLINE +'Reminder sent: ' + CONVERT(varchar(11), GETDATE()) + @NEWLINE +'Email sent to: ' + @V_Email + @NEWLINE +'Number of attempts made at sending this email (once every hour): '+ CONVERT(varchar(4), @I_Attempts_Made)--@I_Reminder_ID, @I_Notice_ID, @V_Email, @I_Reminder_Type,@I_Notice_Period,PRINT 'subject = ' + @SubjectPRINT 'message = ' + @EmailMessageSET @V_Email = LTRIM(RTRIM(@V_Email))EXEC @Status = master..xp_sendmail @recipients = @V_Email,@message = @EmailMessage,@subject = @Subject--PRINT 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX status = ' + CONVERT(varchar(2),@Status)--If send mail is a successIF (@Status = 0)BEGINUPDATE RemindersSET SDT_Reminder_Sent = GETDATE(), I_Attempts_Made =@I_Attempts_Made + 1WHERE I_Reminder_ID = @I_Reminder_IDEND--Else send mail failedELSEBEGINUPDATE RemindersSET I_Attempts_Made = @I_Attempts_Made + 1WHERE I_Reminder_ID = @I_Reminder_IDEND-- Get the next reminderFETCH NEXT FROM RemindersCursorINTO @I_Reminder_ID, @I_Notice_ID, @V_Reminder_Text,@SDT_Reminder_Date, @V_Email, @I_Reminder_Type,@SDT_Reminder_Sent, @I_Attempts_Made, @V_Notice_Type,@I_Notice_Period, @V_Period_Description,@I_Project_ID, @V_Notice_RefEND--PRINT 'End'CLOSE RemindersCursorDEALLOCATE RemindersCursorGO

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Email Any SQL Error Message

Sep 7, 2000

If I want any SQL error message created inside a database to send an error
message is the xp_sendmail the way to go?

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Email Error Message Via Variable

Jan 2, 2008

I am trying to capture an error message and email to myself whenever the script has an error. I have an email task event handler on OnError and use the variable errormsg as my email body. I have the errormsg variable with a package wide scope defined as string with a value of @[System::ErrorDescription]. Is there anything elso I need to do to make this work?

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Sending PackageName In Email Message

Apr 23, 2008


I have define an "execute SQL task" followed by an "Send Email Task" :

I want to include the package name that is being executed in the message body of the email, How can i do this ?

I have tried to set an output parameter with Variable Name "System:ackageName", but i get the message :
Variable "System:ackageName" cannot be used as an out parameter or return value in a parameter or return value in parameter ....

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Add Error Output To Email Message

Feb 7, 2008

Is there a way that I can set up an error handler on a DataFlow so that errant rows within the DataFlow are delivered to a user via email?

I'm looking for Primary Key Violations. In this case, there are two columns of data involved in the DataFlow (AcctCode, RebateRate).

Thank you for your help!


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Send Email Message - OnError

Nov 2, 2006

I used onError event to send email in case ssis pckage fails

but it send multiple email with errordescription. for ex below are the errordescription of four diferent emails i received.

Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
An error occurred with the following error message: "The connection "{01AF859A-CF97-4F6C-9C78-1AA4B1C9C27B}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.".
Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
The PrimeOutput method on component "Flat File Source - Read from source file" (1) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Can anyone suggest if we can combine all this error description and send this as one email.

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Capture Error Message And Include It In The Email

Feb 15, 2008


I have a SQL Task that executes some stored procedure. When a condition is met the stored procedure raises an error by calling RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage,16,1). Following the SQL Task I have Send Mail Task that sends an error email.

I would like to know how to include the @ErrorMessage in the error email.

Thank you,

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Can Service Broker Process A Email Message

Feb 28, 2006

How do you set up the service broker to process an email message, and how do you format that message and send it to the que.

Can the service broker alos process an html form from a que.


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Transact SQL :: Html Email Message Procedure

Nov 5, 2015

I have a table that gets queued up with a list of people for example email, first name, temporary login account and temporary password.How would i create a store procedure to feed these fields into the html message for each record. For example:

Dear <first name>,
Your temporary access is listed below.
Login: <temporary login>
Password: <temporary password>

I am not sure how you insert the data into the html message. It has to be in html because the message has a couple hyperlinks.

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Show Error Message In SSIS Email

Dec 14, 2007

I have an SSIS package set up to run various SQL scripts and to notify me if any of the SQL scripts fail. This is working fine, but when I get the email it only says that the script has failed. Is there any way to actually show the SQL result with the error in it? This would save me from having to go and manually run the script again to see the error message.


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How To Incorporate A Table Field Into The Email Message Body Nto As An Attachment?

Oct 5, 2005

Hello everyone,

Please i need your help...

I dont know how to place the field 'strTitle and datBorrowed " in my email? Not as an attachment though....Just write it in the mail as part of message body...

I use this SQL select statement to retrieve the strTitle and datBorrowed fields

strSQL += @"Select replace(strtitle,'[Original Book] - ',''), datBorrowed from tblBooks where convert(varchar(10),datBorrowed,101) = convert(varchar(10),(getdate() - 1),101) ORDER BY strTitle asc";

Now, I have the following code to write the email

static void SendTest()

int iEmailLanguage = 0;
MailMessage objMail;
objMail = new MailMessage();
objMail.From = MAIL_FROM;
objMail.To =MAIL_TO;
objMail.Subject = "Books Borrowed Yesterday";
objMail.Body = Dict.GetVal(iEmailLanguage, "EMAIL_MESSAGE");
objMail.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment(strAttachment));
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = SSMTP_SERVER;

And the body of the email is this......

Dict.AddVal(0, "EMAIL_MESSAGE", "*** This e-mail is automatically generated. ***" +
"" +
"Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

"" +
"" +
"Thank you," +
"" +
"eLibrarian" +
"" +
"================================================== ===============" +
"" +
"This e-mail is automatically generated by the Library system." +
"Please do not reply.");

i need to put or wedge the data i got from the SQL Statement into this or after the line "Books Borrowed Yesterday are:" +

So how should i do this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: SSIS - Extract Data From Table And Insert In Message Body And Email To User

Jun 25, 2014

What I am trying to do, Extract the data from SQL table and Insert in Email Body and email to user. I got good article on Internet, I follow all steps as it is, but still I am getting error.

Here is the link : [URL] ....

But I am getting Error:

Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
at ST_7f59d09774914001b60a99a90809d5c5.csproj.ScriptMain.Main()

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Unzip Using Execute Process Task Success But Getting Error Message In The Email?

Jun 17, 2015

Exec Prcoess task with source : ftp
destination :ftpunzip
work directory ftpunzip
executable : c:Program FilesWinZip

i am using expressing.

It is doing the unzip but getting this error

package process on server server1 has failed within the Task 'Unzip Files' with the following errors:
> File/Process "WZUNZIP.EXE" does not exist in directory "c:Program FilesWinZip".

This is the error message i am getting it

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Constructing A Datatable

Dec 27, 2006

I am experimenting to make a datatable in C# code in a page. This table should be a disconected table with Only valid for the present session.
I try the following code:
public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page
    DataTable DT = new DataTable("TEST");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            DataColumn Col1 = new DataColumn("Col1");
            Col1.DataType = typeof(Int32);
            Col1.AllowDBNull = false;
            DataColumn Col2 = new DataColumn("Col2");
            Col2.DataType = typeof(string);
            Col2.AllowDBNull = true;
            DataColumn Col3 = new DataColumn("Col3");
            Col3.DataType = typeof(DateTime);
            Col3.AllowDBNull = true;
            GridView1.DataSource = DT;
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
            DataRow MyRow = DT.NewRow();
            MyRow["Col1"] = i;
For one reason or the other. if I click the button I get the message that Col1 dus not make part of the table TEST. It turns out that there are no columns added to the table. altroug the code in the page load part has been run. I suppose I have to do something with the session state to make my DataTable persistent, but I have no idea what. Can somebody help me out?

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Need Help Constructing A View!

Apr 4, 2006

Not sure where to post this question so if you can answer this or have a better forum suggestion, please advise:

I have two tables.

Table USACITY has 100 cities with Latitude and Longitude data (Fields=CITY,CITYLAT,CITYLONG). T

Table USAFAC has 12000 facilities with Latitude and Longitude data (Fields=FAC,FACLAT,FACLONG).

I have an expression that I can use to calculate the distance between any city and facility. The resulting field in the view will be DISTANCE.


The total possible combinations are 1,200,000 however, the dataset that I am interested in will only include city-facility combinations within 150 miles of each other.

I have built 12 databases in Access that I am now in the process of converting to SQL so I am on a rapid learning curve. Any solutions should include code and instructions on creating the view.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Getting An Email (Exchange 2000) Message Into SQL Server 2000

May 9, 2002

I have a public mailbox that gets information mailed to it (in a pre-determined format).

Is there a way for that info to be put into a table in SQL Server without any user interaction (something running on the exchange server)?

I hope I've given enough info.

Thanks for any and all help!


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Need Help Constructing Stored Procedure

Mar 3, 2004


I need to construct a stored procedure that will accept a set of comma seperated numbers. What I would like to do is something like this

create procedure shopping_cart(@contents as varchar) as
select dvd_title
from movie_dvd
where dvd_detail_id in (@contents)

dvd_detail_id is defined as int in the table.
The problem is if I declare @contents as varchar, the procedure only recognizes the first number and ignores the others. Does anyone know how to get around this?



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Help Constructing A Headache Query...

Sep 28, 2005

I have two tables, both with phone numbers and call times.

one is for incoming calls, one for outgoing calls.

I need to find all phone numbers from the incoming calls table where the number of calls exceeds 100 within the last 30 days, where the last call was within the last 15 mins, and where the number does Not exist in the outgoing call table within the last 30 days.

so far I have this...
(call record is the incoming, callout is the outgoin)

I believe this is giving me all records in the call record table that are within the last month, and not in the outgoing call table OR have not ben called within the last month..

SELECT cr.cli,min(cr.starttime)as "first call",max(cr.starttime)as "last call",count(cr.cli) as "number of calls"
FROM callrecord cr
LEFT JOIN callout co
ON cr.cli = co.cli
where (co.cli is null or datediff(dy,co.calltime,getdate())>30 )
and datediff(dy,cr.starttime,getdate())>30
group by cr.cli
order by cr.cli

i need to add in the 15 minute call check, and also only return those with a count of > 100

can anyone assist? i'm getting a headache :D



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Constructing Strings From Table

May 22, 2007

Hi friends,please help me in selecting values from the tablethe record is as follows:Id HomePhone WorkPhone Mobile Email20 2323223 323232232 Join Bytes!i have to select values as follows.Id DeviceType DeviceInfo20 HomePhone, Mobile, Email 2323223, 323232232, Join Bytes!the one solution is:select'HomePhone, Mobile, Email' AS DeviceTypeHomePhone + ',' + WorkPhone + ',' + MobilePhone + ',' + Email ASDeviceInfofrom table where Id = 20but here the work phone number is not available so that informationhas to be truncated...Thanks in AdvanceArunkumar.D

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Constructing An Sql Statement Which Stops A Method.

Jan 29, 2008

Hi i have a page in which stock can be allocated, there are two boxes which have a product serial number start range and a product serial number end range, when these boxes are filled the "allocate" button is then clicked and the product will then be allocated the serial numbers.
What i want to happen is that when the start and end ranges have been entered into the text boxes it will fail if any number within the range has already been allocated previously. E.g

Start Range

End Range

So lets say in the start range text box 15 is entered and in the end range 25 is entered, however 18 has already been allocated previously, this will then bring up a message saying please select another range;
I have done the following so far;private void ValidateRange()
//String strSql;SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["strConnectionString"]);
String strSql = "SELECT SqlCommand dbCommand4 = new SqlCommand(strSql, conn);
dbCommand4.Parameters.Add("@Start_RangeID", txt_Start_Range.Text);dbCommand4.Parameters.Add("@End_RangeID", txt_End_Range.Text);
dbCommand4.Connection = conn;
conn.Open();SqlDataReader myDataReader = dbCommand4.ExecuteReader();
myDataReader.Read();if (txt_Start_Range.Text == Convert.ToString(myDataReader["Serial_No"]))
{lblRange.Text = "Please enter a different range a portion of the selected values have already been allocated";
My problem is constructing the select statement, thanks.

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Invalid Object Name Error While Constructing Sql Using Datarelation

Sep 4, 2007

 Hi matesI am getting the following error "Invalid object name 't1'.Invalid object name 'relT1T2'." from this line of code "  String SQLREL = "SELECT t1.SubCategory2Name, t1.CityName, SubCategory2Name,relT1T2.N FROM " +       "t1 INNER JOIN relT1T2 ON t1.PKSUBCAT2ID = relT1T2.FKSUBCAT2ID";"i am basically using datarelation and the relation is working fine and is showing all the data for the parent and child tables but while constructing sql i get above mentioned error.can some one pls help me out. the full code is given below:         DataColumn parentCol;            DataColumn childCol;            parentCol = ds11.Tables["t1"].Columns["PKSUBCAT2ID"];            childCol = ds11.Tables["t2"].Columns["FKSUBCAT2ID"];DataRelation relT1T2;            relT1T2 = new DataRelation("T1T2", parentCol, childCol);            ds11.Relations.Add(relT1T2);              Response.Write(ds11.Tables["t1"].Rows.Count);                 foreach (DataRow rowParent in ds11.Tables["t1"].Rows)            {                foreach (DataRow rowChild in rowParent.GetChildRows(relT1T2))                {                    Response.Write(ds11.Tables["t1"].Rows.Count);//test code                    DataView dv1 = ds11.Tables["t1"].DefaultView;                       String SQLREL = "SELECT t1.SubCategory2Name, t1.CityName, SubCategory2Name,relT1T2.N FROM " +       "t1 INNER JOIN relT1T2 ON t1.PKSUBCAT2ID = relT1T2.FKSUBCAT2ID";                    DataSet ds77 = new DataSet();                    SqlConnection cn77 = new SqlConnection(CONN1);                    cn77.Open();                    SqlDataAdapter da77 = new SqlDataAdapter(SQLREL, cn77);                    da77.Fill(ds77);                    DataList1.DataSource = ds77.Tables[0].DefaultView;                    DataList1.DataBind();                    cn77.Close();              

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Problem Constructing Query To Weed Out Some Results...

Jul 13, 2006

Hi! I'm trying to put together some reports for an attorney's office. I'm having trouble constructing this query. What I'm doing is querying for defendants who do not have a particular charge against them.

Here are my tables:

VBKey CaseNumber
1 33365
2 66585

VBKey ChargeNum
1 27
2 19
3 20
3 21
Since both tables are linked via VBKey, I joined them together and this is where I got stuck.

I tried using HAVING ChargeNum<>21 but it would still return a result b/c VBkey=3 has two charges against him. So, when do my queries, I'm still getting individuals who have multiple charges. I tried doing this with SELECT DISTINCT but it would still give me results from people with 3 or more charges. I'm lost at how to complete this query. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Constructing A View Into Time Dependant Data

Oct 18, 2006

1. I have a table with data like this:


2. I want to build a view into this table so that it shows up as follows:

PersonID DateTime1 DateTime2 DateTime3 .....
1 Pressure1 Pressure2 Pressure3 ......
1 Temperature1 Temperature2 Tempearture3 .....
2 :

how would I do this?

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Email Subscription With Different Email Per Report Page

Jul 6, 2015

I have a report that gets sends out through a subscription and sometimes the report has multiple pages and all those pages appear within one email.Is it possible to set the subscription in such a way that an email is sent per page when the subscription executes.

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Dbmail Doesn't Rely On IIS SMTP, How To Set Bounced Email Redirect Email Etc.? Thanks

May 4, 2007

Under IIS SMTP I can set bounced email redirect etc. how to do that with dbmail, the idea is I can get the list of bounced emails somewhere so I can create a report.

Any idea?


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Help Split List Of Email Add Comma For Evry Email

May 12, 2008

need help
split list of email add comma for evry email
i have tabe "tblLogin" and in this table i have field emall
like this


need to do ilke this

Code Snippet
@list_email = (SELECT emall FROM tblLogin)

--------------------------i get this ; ;

@recipients = @list_email

Code Snippet

IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM [db_all].[dbo].[taliB] )




FirstName AS 'td','',

LastName AS 'td','' ,

Date_born AS 'td','' ,

Age AS 'td','' ,

BirthdayToday AS 'td','' ,

BirthdayThisWeek AS 'td'

FROM [Bakra_all].[dbo].[taliB] ORDER BY LastName FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))

SET @body ='<html><H1 align=center>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</H1><body ><table border = 1 align=center dir=rtl>









SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

@recipients =N'',


@body = @body,

@body_format ='HTML',

@subject ='ggggggggggggggggggggg',

@profile_name ='ilan'



print 'no email today'

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Can't Find Or Load Message DLL. Message DLL Must Be In Path Or In Current Directory.

Jul 23, 2007

In my SQL Server, I see the below message in the Application Event Viewer

"18265 :

Log backed up: Database: HSD, creation date(time): 2007/01/06(05:05:05), first LSN: 1439:495055:1, last LSN: 1439:496675:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'D:MSSQLBACKUPHSDHSD_tlog_200707141300.TRN'})."

When I save the application event viewer and open it in another server, I do not see the above message, instead I get the following message:

" Can't find or load message DLL. Message DLL must be in path or in current directory."

Any thoughts to overcome this problem is appreciated.



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This Message Could Not Be Delivered Because Its Message Timestamp Has Expired Or Is Invalid

Aug 8, 2007

I run SB between 2 SQL servers. In profiler on an initiator side I see next error: 'This message could not be delivered because its message timestamp has expired or is invalid'. For the conversation we use best practice, i.e. target closes a conversation. Target side succeed to close conversation, but initiator still stay in DO (disconnect_outbound).
What is a reasone for the error? What to do?

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This Message Could Not Be Delivered Because Its Message Timestamp Has Expired Or Is Invalid.

Aug 8, 2007

I see in profiler this error: "This message could not be delivered because its message timestamp has expired or is invalid"
What is a reason for error?

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Load A Text File With Email Addresses And Compare Against A Database Table That Has Email Addresses And User_id

Jul 12, 2007

Hello ALL

what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.

I also want to update some users using a different text file.

Please help me with the best way to do this

Thanks in advance

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Message Type And Message Body..............

Nov 17, 2006


I am having trouble specifying a message body that is valid. I mean for the client to send. If I leave it as null then everything is ok but if I create a memorystream and add a line of text it reports back it did not pass validation. I do not understand this and am not sure what to do. I need to send a message based on a code and text but do not know the format of the body that is allowed. The code I am refering to comes out of HelloWord_CLR because that is what I am formating my sample after. I call it the same way it calls the return message done in ServiceProc. I need to know the message format including body since this does not seem to work. A sample of the call is bellow.

// Create an empty request message

string Msg = "Hello";

MemoryStream body = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Msg));

Message request = new Message("Request", body);


Scott Allison...

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Email From SQL

Sep 5, 2000

How do i get the email to be send automatically from SQL

My SQL Server is configured so if sends an email after running a job. The email is been succesfully sent by SQL, but is not atually sent until you login and start up Microsoft Outlook and client on Send and Receive.

Surely there is a way to get SQL to automatically send the message.

I have got outlook to send message immeditally.

My mail server is SendMail - SCO Open Server 5.06



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