Continue ForEach After An Error Was Handled
Mar 13, 2008
How can we continue with the rest of the iterations in ForEach Loop after handle an error.
I Have a dataflow task inside a for-each loop and processing a set of flat files in that. When error occurs in the dataflow task, i moved that particular flat file to another location. But, If an error occurs at first falt file, It moves that flat file to the location i specified and not continue with the next file (The Execution finished at that stage itself afetr the first flat file).
I Set the FailParentonFailue of Dataflow task to TRUE (Since its inside the for loop).
Any thing i have to change ? Or Where i miss the thing.
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May 26, 2006
With a ForEach container, configured to loop through files in a
directory, if I have a problem with a file.. can I direct the loop to
skip on to the next file?
I'm processing structured files, first record of each is some
header info, body records are in the middle, and then the last record
is a trailer containg a checksum
So, for each file in the directory, I split the records into three raw
files, one for header rec(s) , one for body recs and one for trailer
recs. (based on line numbers and using a conditional split to direct
the records)
Then I start by processing the header recs in a dataflow.. if all goes
well there I move on to the next dataflow to process the body recs from
the DataRecs raw file.. etc...
I would like to do some validation at each processing step.. if a
header rec fails validation say... then I'd like to just stop
processing that file and move onto the next file...
Now, I don't see my validation throwing an exception... so its more
that I'd decide (maybe using an Audit ) that the header doesn't pass
validation.. then I'd like to put a record in an error table (with info
about filename, source etc, not just content of the current data row)
But not sure what approach to take on this...
If there is an appropriate section in BOL please point me at it...
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Sep 21, 2006
When my production server processing some queries suddenly the SQL Server service crashed and following error was in the error log:
SQL Server Internal Error. Text manager cannot continue with current statement.
The server is running SQL Server 2000 with SP4.
I am really concerned because this is a production sever and there are over 300 users access concurrently.
Please help me to find a solution.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All,I want to catch the next MSSQL error in my SQL code with following continuecalculationsServer: Msg 17, Level 16, State 1, Line 1SQL Server does not exist or access denied.If REMOTE_SERVER_1 is inaccessible (as in (a) below) the executing of SQLwill not continue with (b) - I need the code in (b) to run despite whetherthe previous exec was successful or not - Any ideas?begin transaction(a) exec REMOTE_SERVER_1...bankinsert '1' , '1' , 1 , 0 , 0(b) print @@errorcommit transactionwhere REMOTE_SERVER_1 is link to server created byEXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', @srvproduct = '',@provider = 'SQLOLEDB', @datasrc = 'MYCOMP1', @catalog = 'mirror2'EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', .....Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'data access', 'true'Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'rpc', 'true'Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'rpc out', 'true'Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'collation compatible', 'true'Any help will be greatly appreciated
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I cause my insert statement to skip over (without failing) rowswhere there's a primary key constraint violation?I've got a case where daily I insert >500k rows of daily data, wherethe data is date and time stamped. So, for example, I have an insertstatement with constraint: WHERE date >= '5/20/05' AND date <'5/21/05'. That takes care of one day's data (5/20).However, the next day's data (5/21) will still have some time stampsfrom the previous day. Therefore the statement needs to be somethinglike WHERE date >= '5/20/05' AND date <= '5/21/05'. The 5/20 data isalready loaded but I need to take the 5/21 data which just happens tocontain just a few rows of data marked 5/20 and insert it withoutgenerating a primary key error from all the other 5/20 rows that arealready inserted.-Dave
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Aug 27, 2007
I have an SSIS package that uses a for each loop to send an order confirmation e-mail. If it does not find an email I need the package to continue after the failure path. The package stops after the failure, but I need it to continue with the next iteration of the for each loop. How can I do this?
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Jan 14, 2002
I have a sql statement which runs through a reference table to drop columns no longer needed. It works, however if it tries to delete a column that does not exist, it errors out. Is there a way to continue if this error appears(I have the set error routine set up) The question is can I tell it if it is this error to go on, and is "continue" the
right syntax? Below is statement
open dbcursor
fetch next from dbcursor into @tbname,@fldname,@recid
while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)
--set @tbname = 'IMMUNIZATION_MAST_'
--set @fldname = 'cb_other'
set @sql = 'alter table ' + ltrim(@tbname)
set @sql3= ' drop column ' + ltrim(@fldname)
exec(@sql + @sql3)
select @error = @@error
if @error = 5924
print @error
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Jan 28, 2004
I have transactional Replication from A to B.
My distribution agent failed becos of a primary key violation error in a table.[i have not included the skip error option].
Then the replication stopped.
The transactions on other tables are also not replicated to B.
IF an error is encountered in one of the tables will the replication stop entirely??.Is there no way for the replication to continue for the rest of the tables..
Pls clarify
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May 10, 2007
Imagine this SQL statement:
If one of the insert fails ... don't continue, the statement fail. For example if any field in A violate a constraint in B, the statement fails.
I want that the statement continue if errors occurs, if i lost a number of rows don't matter ... but if i can save or log this row will be great too !!
Is posible? Any way to do it?
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Oct 22, 2007
I have an application resource that is accessible from multiple clients applications that all have access to a common SQL Server db. By this, I mean, multiple clients can potentially connect to this resource at any given time. I want to limit the usage of this resource to one client at a time and was thinking about simply using SQL to maintain the name of the client that currently has "control" of the resource.
My question pertains to the case where two clients are executing a SQL query, simultaneously, to check whether someone has control of the resource or not. If two users were to simultaneously execute this query, do i have to lock the table in order to ensure that both users are not viewing data in an incorrect state? Or, does SQL Server ultimately execute the queries in a specific order? Meaning, the requests are simultaneous from a human standpoint but one request may have actually come in a millisecond before the other one and SQL server executes that query first, and then the second query. Is this how it works?
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Jan 12, 2004
I have a looped query querying linked servers. When it cannot connect to a server, it errors out.
Error Message;
Server: Msg 6, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Specified SQL server not found.
How can I handle this error message and continue the query?
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Jun 5, 2006
We have a package that loads the data from several excel files into database in a forloop.
Everything works files until the package hits the bad file.
My goal is to continue the loop to process the rest of the files by skipping the bad file and error. In each task OnError I am creating custom error message to send an error/ sucess summary email out at end of the process.
How can force the for loop to continue when there is an error?
Is there any way to reset the errors?
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Oct 20, 2007
I have a CSV file which sometimes contains the odd CSV error, for this reason the odd row throws an error.
If I have a clean CSV file my SSIS package works great, but I am having problems getting the package to continue past the rows in the file that throw errors.
How do I :
Get the package to continue on error, I have tried playing with the Propagate Variable with no joy
Add an Error event, which will capture the error and log it to a SQL table or File Destination?
Any help will be great!
Thank you
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Nov 30, 2006
I have an SSIS package where I have directed the error output to a Flat File Destination. The issue is that there are some bad entried in a set of log files, where the source file reads on more delimited column than there are actual columns. (As in there are 26 column headers, and one row will have 27 commas, or delimiters.) I am trying to redirect the row output to put the bad rows into a Flat File for debugging purposes. Although, the package is not able to continue past the error. As soon as it hits the bad row, it fails despite the error output.
Any ideas?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I would like to know if anyone out there really uses SQLServer 2000 (which edition?) to hold the data for a datawarehouse? How much data does it handle efficiently?TIAFrank
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Jan 7, 2004
Hi There,
If an update in a stored procedure fails/errors (as in (a) below) the procedure will not continue with (b) - I need the code in (b) to run despite whether the previous update was successful or not - Any ideas?
(a) if(@Data2 = 6)
Start_CallBack = getdate()
(Block = @Block)
(b) WHILE @Block_Count > 0
UPDATE BLOCK SET Status = @Block_Status
Any help will be greatly appreciated :)
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May 27, 2008
does anybody know this error code? I get that error from a jdbc-connection ocasionally but can't find an explanation. The original message is in German. The number should be ok. The error occures when a transaction is aborted, the jdbc-connection is lost.
'Der Server konnte die Transaktion nicht fortsetzen. Beschreibung: 60000000b8'
Please help,
Many thanks
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May 12, 2006
When attempting to save an SSIS package in Visual Studion I receive the following error message detailed below. If I attempt to "Save As" to another location, I then receive an insufficient storage error. The development machine has over 1.5 GB of available physical memory and several GB of disk space availabe to save my 16 MB package. I have checked the event log and have found no related messages in the Application or Server logs.
Any suggestions on how to determine the cause or resolution of this error message would be greatly appreciated.
Failure saving package. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)
Advanced Error Message Details
Failure saving package. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializePackage(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Package package, TextWriter textWriter)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializeComponent(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, IComponent component, Object serializationStream)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Serialization.DesignerComponentSerializer.Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Object value)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseDesignerLoader.Serialize()
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush(Boolean forceful)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush()
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseContainerManager.OnBeforeSave(UInt32 docCookie)
Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package.SaveToXML(String& packageXml, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializePackage(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Package package, TextWriter textWriter)
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Apr 4, 2007
How do you sort files from the Foreach loop container?
I love this component, except I can't get it to sort by filename.
Nice to know how to sort by timestamps also.
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Apr 22, 2008
I have a question
How is foreach loop container - foreach ADO enumerator performace in SSIS package compares to use of cursors in stored procedures
Is there any articles comparing them
I understand a lot of factors can affect the performance, however what is expected performance for the foreach ADO enumerator loop for large dataset. What is Microsoft recommendation for that - recommended - not recommended (using large datasets - over million records)
Thank you
Arminr Bell
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Jan 14, 2008
Hello everyone,
I have a package that extracts data from a Flat File. If any errors or truncation occur during the extraction of the input data, the package should fail. All fields that have erroneous values should be reported in the log file.
My Solution:
- I have created a Data Flow Task that contains a Flat File Source Adapter and a dummy destination.
- I have left the default "Error Output" configuration of the Flat File Source adapter, namely if a truncation or an error occur for a certain column, then the reaction is "Fail Component".
This configuration gives me only the first erroneous column in the row being processed.
Is it possible to make the Flat File Source adapter continue parsing the current row before it fails? This way, I would be able to get all the erroneous columns in the row in one shot.
Thanks in advance...
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Apr 11, 2007
I have no "Foreach File Enumerator" oprtion in the Enumerator Property of the Foreach Loop Component.
I have this enumerator in the c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSForEachEnumerators folder.
Also I check it in the GAC - it does not here. I try to execute gacutil.exe -iF ForEachFileEnumerator.dll, but it is failed with "Failure adding assembly to the cache: The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest." Seems it is not managed enumerator.
Please help me.
Also information on how to regeister unmanaged enumerators are welcome!
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Aug 3, 2006
I have a ForEach loop that processes a list of databases. Inside the loop I many steps, one of which is a sequence that contains two steps. Either of these steps may fail (they are attempting to start mirroring and could fail for any number of reasons). I would like to trap this error and ignore it so the For loop will continue, but still fail if other steps than this one fail. The only thing I've been able to do so far is to tell the whole loop to continue through some insane number of errors. Is there a way to identify or actually ignore the error? In the sequence I have have on completion and from the sequence to the next step (which checks if mirroring actually started) is running on completion.
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Nov 23, 2007
I come before you seeking assistance on a package that basically flows very much like the "Table Driven foreach Loops" example provided by Kirk Haselden at
I am presently encountering the following exception:
SSIS package "DW.CUST_CNCL_ORDhardcodedate (1).dtsx" starting.
Error: 0x3 at Shred the contents of the variable: Variable "User::FullResultSet" does not contain a valid data object
Warning: 0x80019002 at Shred the contents of the variable: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
Warning: 0x80019002 at DW CUST_CNCL_ORDhardcodedate: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "DW.CUST_CNCL_ORDhardcodedate (1).dtsx" finished: Failure.
Does anyone in the community have any ideas as to what may be the cause of this exception?
I look forward to your reply. Thank you and Grand weekend to you and a very Blessed Thanksgiving.
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Jan 18, 2007
Getting Access Denied To FileName Error When Using the Execute Sql Task (With File Connection) into a Foreach Loop Container.
Please Note :
I have a folder containing .sql files. I have to dynamically loop through the files and send them as a File connection Folder to the Execute Sql Task.
When I run this Package I am getting the follwoing error :
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path 'C:ProjectsFuzzy Lookup DataFlow ExampleScripts' is denied.".
Also I have logged in to the machine as Administrator and to Sql Server with sa.
Please help.
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Aug 4, 2006
Ever since installing SQL Server 2005 SP1, when using the Foreach Loop
container in SSIS the Foreach File Enumerator and Foreach Item Enumerator are
missing from the Enumerator drop down box. Anyone else seen this issue? and
know how to fix it?
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Mar 11, 2008
I'm struck with a small issue.. would be great if somebody can help me out. Here is te scenario
1. There would be more than one CSV files in INPUT folder.
2. I'm using a Foreach Loop file enumerator to loop thru the files and load the data into database.
3. If loading is successful the file need to be moved to ARCHIVE folder and next file needs to be picked up for loading
4. In case if there is an error in loading the file has to be moved into ERROR folder, Error description should be logged to error log text file and next file needs to be picked up for loading.
I don't think increasing max error count is an option as I don't know how many no. of input files are available as it depends upon the feed.
What is the best way to go.
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Aug 25, 2006
Hi all,
I need a bit of assistance with a piece of code I have written. I keep receiving a Syntax error "Incorrect syntax near END". The procedure is ~1000 line of code so I have just cut and paste the "problem" sql here and attached the full code to this message to see if anyone can help me out. Cheers :beer:
IF @NoOfChildren > 0
SET @childNo = 1
WHILE @childNo != @NoOfChildren
-- Perform Dynamic SQL check for children
SET @SQL = 'IF @strChild'+ @childNo + 'Surname IS NOT NULL
SET @asciicounter = 1
SET @asciifound = 0
WHILE @asciicounter != 255
IF CHARINDEX(char(@asciicounter),@strChild'+ @childNo +'Surname) != 0
IF @asciicounter NOT IN (32,45,46)
SET @asciifound = 1
SET @asciicounter = @asciicounter + 1
IF @asciifound = 1
SET @strErrorBucket = @strErrorBucket + ''''45'''',''
SET @SQL = ''
-- Perform Dynamic SQL check for Forename
SET @SQL = 'IF @strChild'+ @childNo + 'Forename IS NOT NULL
SET @asciicounter = 1
SET @asciifound = 0
WHILE @asciicounter != 255
IF CHARINDEX(char(@asciicounter),@strChild'+ @childNo +'Forename) != 0
IF @asciicounter NOT IN (32,45,46)
SET @asciifound = 1
SET @asciicounter = @asciicounter + 1
IF @asciifound = 1
SET @strErrorBucket = @strErrorBucket + ''''46'''',''
SET @SQL = ''
-- Perform Dynamic SQL check on DOB
SET @SQL = 'IF @dtChild'+@childNo+'Dob IS NULL
SET @strErrorBucket = @strErrorBucket + ''''047'',''
IF ISDATE(@dtChild'+@childNo+'Dob) = 0
SET @strErrorBucket = @strErrorBucket + ''''048'',''
IF DATEDIFF(YEAR, @dtChild'+@childNo+'Dob, GETDATE()) NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 18
IF DATEDIFF(YEAR, @dtChild'+@childNo+'Dob, GETDATE()) > 18
SET @strErrorBucket = @strErrorBucket + ''''049'',''
SET @strErrorBucket = @strErrorBucket + ''''050'',''
SET @SQL = ''
-- Perform dynamic SQL check on Gender
SET @SQL = 'IF @blnChild'+@childNo+'Gender IS NULL
SET @strErrorBucket = @strErrorBucket + ''''051'',''
SET @childNo = @childNo + 1
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Nov 29, 2007
Will using continue cause an infinite loop in a cursor or will the cursor know to go to the next record?
Begin Tran
exec @rtn = spDoSomething
select @err = @@error
If @err <> 0
Commit Tran
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Apr 15, 2008
In my package i have to loop through files and load the data from files into a table.
but if a file has error i need to move it to a folder like errored and continue execution with other files.
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Nov 27, 2001
I am running a .sql file containing a large number of delete and insert statements, using isql from the command line. After 2 minutes I get a message "Insufficient memory to continue", same statements if I cut and paste in SQL server query analyzer I do not get this message. On looking at the
task manager, it shows a lot of available memory.
Any clues
Thanks in advance
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Jun 1, 2007
I have a for loop I have several tasks inside. I would like to "continue" with a new iteration if any of the tasks in the loop error or fail. Is this possible and if so -- how?
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Nov 30, 2006
I get the message when loading the bcp. I check the path variable and the sqlserver BINN directory is there, but twice. If I try opening the command window and write bcp, I get the error, if I enter the whole path c:...80 oolinncp there is no problem. I wonder what could it be?
I've manually reinstalled many times but still having trouble.
Thanx in advance
SQL SERVER 2000 or SQL SERVER 7 (I've tried with both)
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