Contitional Split, LTRIM

Apr 11, 2007

I am trying to follow an SSIS tutorial. It is doing a transformation on mainframe data.

It has the statement LTRIM(State) == '' in the Condititonal split editor.

The data type is DT_STR.

Nothing works (dbl quote,brackets, ect)

I have also tried to change the type to DT_WSTR. According to docs ltrim only works with Unicode.

Can someone please tell me how to detect an empty string.

Thanks for any help


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Mar 26, 2007

I Have a sql select statment and i need to trim white space off one of my columns .

How do I do that please help.

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Sep 4, 2001

Could somebody please give me a syntax that I can use to trim spaces. I have used and I still have the spaces. :


We are trying to clean up spaces at road intersections. Thanks for your assistance.

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Rtrim And Ltrim?

Oct 5, 2004

I have some data that contains spaces both before and after the text string, and now I'm wondering what would be the best method to remove these blanks (sometimes there are no blanks, so I can't check with a specifik width)?

Is it possible to do something like:

set foo = ltrim(rtrim(foo))

or do I have to split it into 2 steps?

This trimming will be done in update & insert statements

// Pati

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Ltrim + Rtrim

Nov 13, 2005

How do i remove carriage returns in SQL Server ? each of the lines have a carriage return as well as in front and back of the text.

Keith Waltin

Transport Ticketing Authority

03 9651 9066

I've tried the

update test.dbo.test
set bodytext1 = ltrim(rtrim(bodytext1))

but the whitespace/carriage returns still exists in the back and front of the text ? Anyone got any ideas ?

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What Is The Meaning Of LTRIM(N' ') ?

Sep 7, 2006

Actually, I don't know what is the meaning and difference of "N" in thefunction.Thanks.

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May 8, 2008

can anyone explain me what happens when we write the above for a col.

I k now it remove spaces but can anyone explain with exmpls


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LTRIM In Grouping

Jun 13, 2007

Hello All,

I am trying to ltrim a portion of multiple fields in a grouping. I am able to do it for one of them, but unfortunately there are several I have to do it for. If I use the following expression, it works for that one.

Code Snippet

=iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Inquiry Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Inquiry Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)

However, if I try and do it for more than one it errors out. For example...

Code Snippet

=iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Inquiry Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Inquiry Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)

OR iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Search Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Search Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)

OR iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="SEAX - Bank 083",LTRIM("SEAX"),Fields!TestName.Value)

Is there another way to arrange this so I can LTRIM each field group seperately?



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Ltrim And Rtirm Is Not Working

Jan 12, 2005

Hi i have a select statement as

select empnum, len(empnum), ltrim(rtrim(empnum)), len(ltrim(rtrim(empnum))) from employee

When i execute this stament i get the following

1234 61234 6
4321 84321 8
1111 61111 6
2222 62222 6

How does this happens. Why ltrim and rtrim is not working here.

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RTrim And LTrim With UPDATE

Dec 2, 2005

You all have been so much help, but I've discovered yet another problem. I'm trying to clean up my table using the following command:
UPDATE dbo.TableName
SET First_Name = LTrim(RTrim(First_Name))But it does not seem to have any effect. Thoughts? Thanks!

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Ltrim Entire Column

Jun 16, 2008

How do I "ltrim" an enire colum?


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LTRIM All Tables With ID Field

Apr 17, 2008

I imported data into a database and the first character in an ID Field starts with %. This is causing many problems for the application. Unfortunately, this field exists in 72 of 128 tables in the database. Is there a way to LTRIM every ID field where the first character is %? This is easy in 1 Table but how do I apply it to all 72 tables at once? Thanks for for your assistance

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Oracle Ltrim With 2 Arguments Conversion In SQL Server

Mar 1, 2004

How do I convert Oracle's LTRIM(char, set) to SQL Server?


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Transact SQL :: LTRIM And RTRIM Does Not Remove Spaces

Oct 25, 2012

I'm not sure about why I'm not able to remove spaces even after trimming them. Below is the result of query I'm usning.

select distinct LTRIM(RTRIM(Promotion_Code)) Promotion_Code
--, count(Promotion_code)
from dbo.Marketing_Promotion_Tb
where Promotion_code  like '%1BTPIZZA%'

Result :

Promotion_Code   Length
1BTPIZZA                  10
1BTPIZZA                   8

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Text Doesn't Support Rtrim,ltrim Etc Functions...which Is Other Better Way To Save A Long String

Nov 10, 2007


I sent a long string of ID from front end to my stored procedure...till now I was using varchar(8000)...but if the string crossess that limit it is breaking.

If I try to use text datatype..It doesn't support rtrim, stuff functions etc...

So could any one suggest me a best way to save a long string without any restriction of size...

My front end is C#.Net and Back End is SQL SERVER 2000

Thanks in advance

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Name Split

Feb 16, 2005

Quick question.

I've got a CHAR (70) field called NAME that has a first and last name separated by a space. I want to split it into two fields FIRST and LAST -- with all the characters to the left of the space a first name and all the characters to the right of the space as last name. I couldn't find a string function that would let me do this simply (it may be right in front of me and I missed it).

Thanks in advance.


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To Split Or Not To Split

May 9, 2007

I have a database with a "large" table containing date based information Basically they're reservations. I've thought about creating a new table and adding any records from past years to this table. For the most part only current reservation need to be searchable, but in some circumstances it would be useful to be able to search through the archive too. so, my questions!!!

Is 8,000 or so rows of data "large" and unwieldly in SQL terms?

Would splitting this data into 2 tables - one small table for current and future reservations and one larger archive table then using a UNION SELECT query to make archive information seachable be a significant improvment on server resources/load or am I making the whole thing more complicated than it need be as 8,000 rows of data is nothing to worry about.............

What did they say about a little bit of knowledge being a dangerous thing?

Thanks in advance of any guidance to a neophyte!!?

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Split Value In Sql

Jul 14, 2007

Hi to all

I have one problem regarding sp and pass value in sp
I am gating a value like Abc,Def,Ghi,

Now I want to split the whole pass value by “,�
And fire one for loop to store value in database
This things is done in web form but I want to do all process in sp
So please guide me how I am write sp .
The purpose is pass value one time so connection time is decrees and give fast perforce

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Jan 8, 2008

SQL UDF split()

The objective of this article is to help the SQL developers with an UDF that can be used within a stored procedures or Function to split a string (based on given delimiter) and extract the required portion of the string.

Scripting languages like VB script and Java script have in-built split() functions but there is no such function available in SQL server. In my experience this function is really handy when you’re working on an ASP application with SQL server as backend, whereby you’ll need to pass the ASP page submitted values to the SQL stored procedure.

To give a simple example, in a typical Monthly reporting ASP page – the users would select a range of months and extract the information pertaining to this date range. Classic implementation of this model is to have an ASP page to accept the input parameters and pass the values to the SQL stored procedure (SP). The SP would return a result set which is then formatted in the ASP page as results.

If the date range is continuous ie. JAN07 to MAR07 then the SP can typically accept a ‘From’ and ‘To’ range variables. But I’ve encountered situations whereby the users select 3 months from the current year and 2 months from previous year (non-continuous date ranges). In such scenario the SP cannot have a date range as input parameters.

Typically an ASP programmer would do is by having a single date input parameter in the SP and call the SP within a loop in the ASP page. This is an inefficient way of programming as contacting the database server within an ASP loop could cause performance overhead especially if the table being queried is an online transaction processing table.

Here is how I handled the above situation.

1.Declared one string input parameter of type varchar(8000) (if you’re using SQL 2005 then it is advisable to use Varchar(Max))
2.Pass the ASP submitted values as string, in this case the months selected by user would be supplied to the SP as a string
3.Within the Stored Procedure I’ll call the split() function to extract each month from the string and query the corresponding data

The basic structure of the stored procedure is as pasted below:-

--<<Application specific T-SQLs>>-- (BEGIN)
--<<Application specific T-SQLs>>--(END)


Dbo.SPLIT() function takes 3 parameters
1)The main string with the values to be split
2)The delimiter
3)The Nth occurrence of the string to be returned

The functionality of the UDF is as explained STEP by STEP:

1.Function Declaration
@nstring VARCHAR(MAX),
@deliminator nvarchar(10),
@index int


Function is declared with 3 input parameters:-
@nstring of type VARCHAR(MAX) will hold the main string to be split
@deliminator of type NVARCHAR(10) will hold the delimiter
@index of type INT will hold the index of the string to be returned
2.Variable Declaration
DECLARE @position int
DECLARE @pcnt int

Three variables are needed within the function. @position is an integer variable that will be used to traverse along the main string. @ustr will store the string to be returned and the @pcnt integer variable to check the index of the delimiter.
3.Variable initialization
SET @position = 1
SET @pcnt = 1
SELECT @ustr = ''
Initialize the variables
4.Main functionality
WHILE @position <= DATALENGTH(@nstring) and @pcnt <= @index
IF SUBSTRING(@nstring, @position, 1) <> @deliminator BEGIN
IF @pcnt = @index BEGIN
SET @ustr = @ustr + CAST(SUBSTRING(@nstring, @position, 1) AS nvarchar)
SET @position = @position + 1
SET @position = @position + 1
SET @pcnt = @pcnt + 1

4.1The main while loop is used to traverse through the main string until the word index is less than or equal to the index passed as input parameter.
4.2Within the while loop each character within the string is verified against the delimiter and if it does not match then local word count variable is checked against the input index parameter
4.3If the values are same ie., the input variable index and the word being processed in the while loop are the same then the word is stored in the @ustr variable. If the values does not match then the @position variable is incremented.
4.4If the character matches with the delimiter then the word count variable @pcnt is incremented along with the @position variable

5.Return the value
RETURN @ustr

I hope this article would benefit those who are looking for a handy function to deal with Strings.

Feel free to send your feedback at

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How To Split A String Using Sql

Feb 4, 2008

I have 5 dynamic rows each row consisting of 5 checkboxes & 5 dropdowns.I am concatenating the values of each controls in a row using a wildcard charater "~" and each row i am concatenating using "|".The complete string is then assigned to one hidden field and passed as sql parameter to the backend.

Please help in writing the split function to get the values of each checkboxes and dropdowns from the string in order to save them in separate columns.


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Reg Split Funtion

Jan 28, 2004


Is it possible to split the following value in sql server ?

I have the value like 25 Email Accounts,50 Email Accounts in my sqlserver database.
Here i need only the numeric value .ie 25,50.Is it possible? can any one give me the solution ..

I am using ASP.Net and C# backend is SQL Server 2000.

Thanks and Regards

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SQL Search Split

Oct 17, 2005

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ShowComboLocation]@Keyword varchar(50) ASSELECT TOP 100 PERCENT PropertyAreaID, PropertyAreaFROM dbo.iViewAllWHERE (PropertyArea LIKE '%' + @Keyword + '%')GOQuestion 1 isIf Keyword ="London WestEnd Harrods", I know my query will end up like this (PropertyArea LIKE 'London WestEnd Harrods')But I want to to individually search for 3 or 1-nth words therefore my query should end up like this(PropertyArea LIKE 'London')OR (PropertyArea LIKE 'WestEnd')OR (PropertyArea LIKE 'Harrods')i WANT TO perform this on my SQL STored Procedure,Can anybody provide code or links pls

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Should I Split The Procedure Or Not???

Mar 21, 2001

I have a procedure that is going to be called through asp pages. This procedure carries out instructions depending on whether customers wants to insert, update or delete their portfolios. Rules are as follows: 1. It should not allow duplicate portfolio name to insert. 2. If customer has reached their max limit of 20 portfolio they can't add. They may have to delete or update the existing portfolio first. 3. all the error handling is done and returned as output parameters.

Now coming to the question at present I have one procedure that does all these things. Should I split up the procedure and have three procedures handling the events seperately: 1 Insert 2 Delete 3 update The reason I am concerned is 1 procedure being hit so many times by concurrent users with varying events. I am concerned about performance issue and slowing down of the page. I do not have exact numbers of users at this point. But they would be in thousands or more. Thanks for any suggestions or advice you all might have to share. Hiku

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Split A Fullname

Mar 22, 2001

I want to know how to parse a fullname into a fname and lname.

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Split Relationship ?

Sep 19, 2002

What I have is a table with a primary key. Then I have 5 other tables with a relating key. No problems there.

I need to create a relationship with the primary table (primary) key who's data field is 25 charachters. I need to parse that out and have 3 charachters go to one, 2 to the other and so on.

I don't know how to do that, can you help?

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Split A String In Sql

Nov 28, 2002

Hi I need a stored procedure in SQL that will split a comma separated variable passed to it
select a name for each value and return a recordset. Any pointers greatfully received.
First attempt is dreadfully slow as I am opening recordsets each time

Function func_getFood()
Dim rsfoodsql
Dim foodoutput
for x=1 to ubound(masterfoodarray)-2
set rsfoodsql= objconn.execute ("select foodname from tbl"&language&"food where foodID='"& masterfoodarray(x) &"'")
if not rsfoodsql.eof then
if not foodoutput="" then
response.write foodoutput&"<BR>"
end if
end if
End Function

Hope someone can help,

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Split A Column

Nov 4, 2004

Hi everybody

Does any body know how to split a field in a table into two fields


usermaster has 40 users with user id 1 to 40
i want to get data as

userid userid
1 21
2 22
3 23
. .
. .
. .
20 40

Thanks you very much

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Split Tables And Keep ID

Sep 27, 2005

I have a large table that I'm planning on splitting out into 5 smaller ones. What I need to do is maintain some central repository for auto-numbering new records to make sure that no 2 records in different tables have the same unique ID. Thanks in advance!

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Split A String

Oct 29, 2007

I have this string which might have a hyphen in it "-"
What I want to do is
if I get a hyphen then take all characters after hyphen
else take only all the characters starting from the 5th position of the string
How can this be achieved?

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How To Split CSV Values

Mar 14, 2014

following is the base table

create table #sample (id int , value varchar(100))
insert into #sample values (1,'aaa,bbb')
insert into #sample values (2,'ccc,ddd')
insert into #sample values (3,'aab')

& i need the attached output

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Split Row Into 2

Dec 17, 2014

So I would like to split rows in my query based on if they match criteria and I really havent dealt with splitting in SQL only combining(which is usually what everybody does lol)

So for instance my query results is this

14-123456 $500.00

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Split Function

Apr 7, 2008


I have tried like this. but I cant execute my SP it ended up with errors.

IF (@FirstLetters IS NOT NULL)
SET @FirstLetter = 'SELECT SplitValue FROM dbo.FnSplitString('+@FirstLetters+','',''))'
print @FirstLetter

P.PUB_ID AS ''PubId'',
P.PUB_TITLE AS ''PubTitle''

AND S.Audience = ''Public''
' + @FilterByLang + '
ANDP.PUB_TITLE LIKE '+ @FirstLetter +'''%''' +'


Any one please clear me


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How To Split The String

Jun 4, 2008

I am having City, State i need to split these two string with comma separated and to search based on the city and state how to write the select query

any one know help me

Prabu R

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