Contract And Queue Confusion If Named The Same Plus Positioning Issue.............

Nov 17, 2006


The problem I was having regarding re-enable a queue was because it was in another database. I am guessing it did that because the contract and Queues have the same name. I double checked and nothing pointed to that database. I fixed it because I can re-enable the queue in the other database and it is fixed. My question is why did this happen? The other issue I am still having is regarding why the queue got disabled to begin with. I understand that it was because of positioning but do not understand how or why and how to provent it from being disabled.


Scott Allison...

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Alter Service &&<SVC1&&> (Add Contract &&<CONTRACT&&>) Does Not Really Work, Need Help

Aug 20, 2007


Sure you can run


alter service SVC1 (add contract CONTRACT2);

But You can only send message using contract1, when you try to send msg using contract2, it always say can not find CONTRACT "contract2".

The following query shows the contract is there.

select s.*,c.* from sys.service_contract_usages U

inner join S on S.service_id = U.service_id

inner join sys.service_contracts C on U.service_contract_id=C.service_contract_id


declare @lMsg xml

declare @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier

set @lMsg = '<test>testing</test>'

Begin Transaction

Begin Dialog @ConversationHandle

From Service SVC1

To Service 'SVC2'

On Contract contract1

WITH Encryption=off;


ON CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle

Message Type [type1]


The above works, but the following will not work.

declare @lMsg xml

declare @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier

set @lMsg = '<test>testing</test>'

Begin Transaction

Begin Dialog @ConversationHandle

From Service SVC1

To Service 'SVC2'

On Contract CONTRACT2

WITH Encryption=off;


ON CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle

Message Type [type2]



Any idea ?


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Clarifications On Queue Service And Queue Readers

Jan 11, 2006

This is info that I am still not certain about and I just need to make sure, my gut feeling is correct:

When a procedure is triggered upon reception of a message in a queue, what happens when the procedure fails and rolls back?
1. Message is left on the Queue.
2. is the worker procedure triggered again for the same message by the queue?
3. I am hoping the Queue keeps on triggering workers until it is empty.

My scenario is that my queue reader procedure only reads one message at a time, thus I do not loop to receive many messages.

For my scenario messages are independent and ordering does not matter.
Thus I want to ensure my Queue reader procedures execute simultaneously. Is reading the Top message in one reader somehow blocking the queue for any other reader procedures? I.e. if I have BEGIN TRANSACTION when reading messages of the Queue, is that effectively going prevent many reader procedures working simultaneously. Again, I want to ensure that Service broker is effectively spawning procedures that work simultaneously.

Thank you very much for the time,


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Horizontal Positioning

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,Thinking about building a new database in the enterprise addition ofsql server and using some horizontal parititioning techniques in orderto accomaodat what will eventually be a monster huge database.Can you share some hard earned experience, gotchas, etc...with me? Wewill be setting up this server on a SAN array that will be made up ofjust one or two huge virtual RAID10 volumes and I am also wonderingabout the wisdom of this? Its simple and should work, but is thatconfig relevant in any way specifically to our plan to partition?

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Tables And Positioning

Jun 11, 2007


I am trying to create a report which needs to print the table footer (not page footer) at the bottom of the page, regardless of the amount of data (detail). How do I go about this?



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Pie Char Positioning

May 2, 2008

In a report we have a couple of pie charts one for each category.
for eg. if there are 3 categories red,blue and yellow there will be three pie charts. Now the data is shown to a particular user only if the user has access to a particular category.
suppose while designing the report the pie charts are created in the order : chart - red chart - blue chart - yellow.

If a user has rights only on the yellow category, only one chart will be displayed and chart-red and chart-blue will be hidden. Now the problem is, on the report I get blank space before chart-yellow as chart-red and chart- blue are hidden. is there a way to position chart - yellow in place of chart-blue if chart-blue is hidden or position chart-yellow in place of chart -red if chart-red and chart- blue both are hidded?

Thanks in advance,


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Positioning Problem

May 4, 2008

I have a report which contains just one textbox. I set the location of this textbox to 0cm x 0cm. Page size is 8,27in x 11,69in (A4). I want this textbox to be printed 15cm from the top and 15cm from the left. What should I do to achieve this? I tried using report maegins, but no success.

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Positioning Of Stored Procedures

Aug 15, 2007

Hi all,I have been facing this dilemma since when I started coding in 2.0. I can have Data Access Layer wherein I can write stored procedures to access the data from database. I can create data access object, data table and all other stuff. Also I can create stored procedure in SQL 2000 server, and then access them from the Data Access layer. Which of the two method is preferable, and why. i have been searching net for answers to this question since long, but could not find anything. All answers can contribute may be little but invaluable knowledge.Thanks. 

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Positioning An Added Column...

Jan 28, 2004

how do I position a newly added column in the table?
the default is at the very end.

what would I have to add to this code:

ADD Model varchar(55)


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Sql Server DBA Contract

Apr 16, 2008


can someone please advise me, that if i were to do those video tutorials on sql server 2000, 2005 on:

Will i be able to do a contract which requires about 2 years experience?

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Positioning Tables And Graphs On A Page Using Rectangles (or Anything!)

May 15, 2007

I am creating a report that contains several tables and graphs. The report should fit on one page. It is a dashboard type of report that gives a quick look at key information. I have several sections that have related objects - a table and a graph for the same subject. I grouped the subjects into rectangles so that I could have a nice border around each section. However, when the report is rendered in IE, the rectangles do not stay together, and I have white space between them. I tried putting a background color on the body, but the background color does not show when the report is rendered in IE.

I tried a work-around using lines, not rectangles, to separate sections. The spacing seems to be working, but again the background color is not showing on the rendered report, so that is not a viable option.

As a work-around for my work-around, I put the objects within one rectangle, again using lines to separate sections. However, the spacing of the objects within the rectangle is not working - I am left with large blank spaces again.

Has anyone run into the same problems?



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DBA Contract Without Local Admin Priveleges

Apr 30, 2007

O what a place to be I started this Contract as an (Interim) for a new DBA role, for an application support Company last month & all was going well. The User Application is run via Citrix against multiple Hosted Sybase ASA Databases. I introduced SQL 2005 with Reporting Services as a mixed Data Mart Remote Query via ODBC Linked Servers setup. Because they had never had a DBA before the Data I was able to pull from over thirty seperate databases into one and present via Reporting Services has blown them away. And then one day the Senior Support Analyst told me he had put the main most important Sybase Database on a completely seperate domain he had created(with no Trust between the two) , because he was unable to secure the existing domain against unauhorized remote internet intrusion & Viruses. (I never liked the idea that hosted customers were domainusers on the Corporate network) To add insult to injury he then told me to install & maintain another SQL Box on the new domain, OK so far. I logged into the supoposed new box via citrix & then remote desktop, and to my disbelief he had the desktop locked down - no access to control panel or anything - he asked me why i needed access - I told him - he asked me why I need to have reboot priveleges - I told him. So now he's installed 2005 himself in the vain hope I can work without Local Admin privelages or need to unlock the Desktop - he certainly won't give me Domain Admin. I Just cannot believe I'm unable to persuade him to Unlock the Desktop & have even threatened to walk out unless he lets me do my Job. He probably does'nt like me but there can be absolutely no question about my abilities or accessing data that i should'nt. He's basically read a Deny by Default article and expects me to start of as a user with a locked desktop and then request & justify escalating my security from there. Is this possible ? Good Grief :eek: Any ideas what I should do ? Thanks GW

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Receiving A Message With A Specific Contract

Jun 28, 2006

If the service is defined with multiple contracts is there a way to receive a message with a specific contract?

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Populating Sales Figures By Contract Length

Jan 9, 2014

Aim – Take the “One Month Figures”, look at the revenue start date, and calculate the sales by the “Contract Length”, broken down by the year in the “Revenue_State_Date”.

For Example

As the Revenue_State_Date starts on 01/01/2015, you have 12months of full trading in 2015, so you need to calculate 12 months of sales,

This needs to be spread out over the contract length

For eg
YearSales Months

My query is

[Total_Contract_Value__c] as TCV,
[Contract_Term__c] As Contract_Length,
[Revenue_Start_Date__c] as Revenue_State_Date,
[Total_Contract_Value__c]/[Contract_Term__c] as One_Month_Sales
FROM [FDMS].[Dan].[Raz_Reporting_LCS]
where ID = '006a0000015qcGsAAI'

Which produces following results

TCV £13,113,150.00
Contract_Length 54
One Month Figures £242,836.11

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Calculate Contract Days In Financial Year

Feb 4, 2015

I have a table with 3 fields: Contract_No, Start_Date, End_Date. I need to calculate how many of the days between the Start and End dates fall within each financial year (FY) beginning 1st April and ending 31st March.

So for example if the Contract Start_Date is 26/01/2012 and the End_Date is 20/05/2012 or is null then the number of days for 2012 FY is 49 (counting from 01/04/2012 to 20/05/2012).

If the End_Date is null for the same contract, then the number of days for 2012 FY would be 365.

Since the contract period from Start_Date to End_Date might span more than one or even several FY I need to be able to show this in columns seperately for each FY. What is the best way of achieving this?

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Is It Ok To Post A SSIS Contract Vacancy On This Forum?

Jun 30, 2006


I wonder if anyone could tell me whether it is acceptable to post a SSIS contract vacancy on this forum?

If not, where would be the best forum/site to find UK-based SSIS developer contractors?

Many thanks,


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Reporting Services :: Dynamic Positioning Of Text Boxes In SSRS

Sep 30, 2015

I have a user table with Label and value fields where i would like to control the display of the text boxes based on the values selected in my user table.Can we adjust the text box positions dynamically based on the user table values.

Ex: Table

Label1 Field1 Label2  Field2  Label3 Field3
ID       100                           Dept   Sales

Report Design :

Label1: ID    Field1:100
Label2:          Field2:
Label3:Dept   Field3:Sales

Expected Result :

Label1: ID    Field1:100
Label3:Dept   Field3:Sales

In my table i don't have values for Label 2 & Field 2 , can we adjust the spacing conditionally to be utilized by Label3 & Field3 in SSRS.

Note : Above mentioned data is just for an example and in my actual report i can have more than 3 columns and report is looking ugly with all the spacing if i don't have data in all the fields.

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Server Broker Contract Talking To Multiple Computers

Nov 16, 2006


I solved the previous issue I had and now need to find out how to make it so I have Service Broker running on one machine and the services running on another machine. I mean you can set a connection string to post a message to the service broker but then it will need to respond and the connection string in the method called does not allow you to put a server in the connection string. The other issue is because the stored procedure calls the method in your code based on a namespace and then a method but does not specify a server. I am sure a way exists but am not familiar with it. This is the last piece of the architecture I need to work out before I finish designing the system.

Scott Allison...

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Transact SQL :: Get A List Of All Contracts Equal Or After To Their Maximum Contract

Jul 7, 2015

I have two tables and a CTE table.

-Shop : list of all shops with an ID_SHOP
-Contract : list of all contract with a FK to the shop FK_SHOP. A shop can have multiple contracts

I have a cte where I calculate for each FK_SHOP the maximum contract start date. I now want to join my shop table with the contract table but only for the contracts >= their maximum contract start date.

WITH cteContracts AS

[Code] ....

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Create Output Which Just Reflects Latest Conditions When Joining Back To Contract

Oct 10, 2013

col 1 is the pk for this table called Conditions - this table is related to contract.

Col 1 - PKContract TypeType ID
973300 711917 C30
973301 711917 C32
973302 711917 C31
1152323 711917 C30
1152324 711917 C31
1152325 711917 C32

A contract can many conditions so 1:M...Col 2 is the contract reference and the linking join to contract

Now - a condition related to an contract can have many re-trys and the causes the pk to increment. As you can see there are three conditions related to first attempt and then another three conditions.I want to create an ouput which just reflects the latest conditions when joining back to contract - Is this possible?I have requested to application providers to provide flag, but this will take some time...

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Reporting Services :: Possible To Merge Group Header Cells Used As Toggles To Expand / Contract Detail?

Sep 5, 2015

I have a report with 3 groups, and a toggle on the first cell in the group header, and group totals on that line also. So it renders as:

- Group 1 G1Total G1Total G1Total
- Group 2 G2Total G2Total G2Total
- Group 3 G3Total G3Total G3Total
Detail DAmt DAmt DAmt

I would like to save some space and render more like

- Group 1 G1Total G1Total G1Total
- Group 2 G2Total G2Total G2Total
- Group 3 G3Total G3Total G3Total
Detail DAmt DAmt DAmt

I haven't been able to find a way to have the first group cells overlap each other. Is there a way to do that and am I missing something obvious?

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Question (X-axis): How Does Automatic X-axis Label Positioning Work?

Jul 19, 2007


I have read through the following:

The relevant section of this document is :-

Question (X-axis): How does automatic x-axis label positioning work?
Answer: Currently, built-in Reporting Services charts only allow automatic positioning in order to avoid overlapping the x-axis labels. The label direction (horizontal/vertical) of the axis labels depends on the label string sizes and the available space. X-axis labels are either shown horizontally in one line, horizontally in multiple lines with line breaks, or vertically. Showing x-axis labels at an angle, or explicit manual control over individual x-axis label positions is currently not supported.

Note There are several third-party chart add-ins that enable more control over axis labels. These add-ins can be installed on top of Reporting Services 2005.

I have exactly the problem indicated above in that some sectors of my Pie Charts I am are trying to produce are small and are close together thus labels overlap in some cases. As it says above, only automatic placing of the labels is available, but there could be a solution through third party software.

Does anyone know of a 3rd party solution/add in or a workaround?


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DTS Confusion...

Nov 28, 2001

I'm using DTS for the first time and am having difficulty understanding some of its usage.
In essence, I have 70 tables which are on an ORACLE database. I've created the schema on SQLServer from an ERWin model. I now wish to use DTS to import the data into SQLServer. Of course there are referential integrity constraints. The DTS 'import wizard' seems oblivious of these and carries out the import in alphabetical order!
I'm now trying the DTS designer (which I don't fully understand yet). It appears that I have to create a workflow which moves the workflow from table to table in the order dictated by RI - this is not a trivial task! (I want point and click!!).
Are there any shortcuts I can take to have DTS automatically arrange the workflow in the correct order? Can I do it programaticaly? I don't want to have to fiddle with 140 'workflow' and 'success' links.

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Confusion In AWE

Apr 26, 2007

suppose i have enabled only AWE option in sql server but i didn't add 3

GB switch in boot.ini. in this case what will be the effect on physical memory?

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SQLExpress ASP.NET Confusion

Jul 19, 2006

Hello,I am just getting reaquainted with programming and all. I work in GIS mapping and am having diffilculty using  a internet Map site and adding records to a needed database.I would like to be able to add records to a linked SQLExpress table when the user clicks on a map location. I adapted the following code snippet from an example that does what I would like only using an .mdb file.CODE:    // create connection to database                        var connection;                        connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");                        connection.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=OutdoorsExp;Data Source=NOLOGOSQLEXPRESS;");                        status = "Can't access 'FishSQL' table.";                        // create recordset                        var recordset;                        recordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");                        recordset.CursorType = 1                        recordset.LockType = 3;                        recordset.Open("dbo.FishTable", connection);                                                status = "Can't append new record.";                        // append record for clicked location                        recordset.AddNew();                        recordset.Fields("LongitudeI").Value = xco;                        recordset.Fields("LatitudeI").Value = yco;                                                recordset.Update();                        recordset.Close();                        // release the .mdb file                        connection.Close();However, this does not add anything to the SQLEx table. What am I missing? I am thinking that it might have something to with the primary key.I had a table with way more columns then just lat/longs (as above) but only coded it to add data to the latitude and longitude fields. Nothing got added of course. Would have to add data to every field that doesnt allow nulls.How do I generate a random, unique ID for a primary key on the fly and for example add it to the appropriate column.Thanks you in adavnce for any insights.

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Proc_problem Confusion

Nov 3, 2006

i'm trying to write a stored_proc which involves 3 tables. Product, Orders and OrderDetails
i want to return products that haven't sold for a particular month. So these products aren't in the OrderDetails table. When i try and run this i get some really random results. when i change the Orders.OrderDate value to different months, i get the same result when i shouldnt. but then when i add the Orders.OrderDate row to the select statement, i get 400 results and i dont have that many products. the extended amounts are just for my datagrid
ALTER PROCEDURE proc_Report_NoSales_Septasset nocount onSELECT              Product.productID, Product.Title, Product.QtyOnHand, Product.Category, 0 as ExtendedAmount,              Product.BuyPrice, 0 as ExtendedAmount2 from       Orders, OrderDetails, Productwhere     Orders.OrderDate > '2006-09-01' and Orders.OrderDate < '2006-10-01'and        Orders.OrderID = OrderDetails.OrderID  and        Product.ProductID not in (Select distinct OrderDetails.ProductID from OrderDetails)/* Product.ProductID NOT EQUAL to OrderDetails.productID */and        Product.productID <> OrderDetails.productIDGROUP BY             Title, BuyPrice, Category, Product.ProductID, QtyOnHandORDER by            TitleRETURN
any ideas

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Very Simple Confusion

Nov 7, 2006

hay friends
scene is that i wana read single multiple rows of a single column from a sql database and then want to shows those values in text box,,,
so plz tell me ho to do it.
 By using data set ,,data table or what to use for this and how....
wll be waiting for ur coordination

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Instance Confusion

Jul 26, 2007

I have built an application in web developer that has a sql data base in the App_Data
folder. It works locally fine.
I have uploaded it to my web host client successfully and it all displays. The web host is enabled
for  But the sql data base is not information is getting from the web application into
my instance of sql in App_Data.
My web host has given me an      e:/webs/
to alter in my web config connection string which I have done, but still not working.
I have also tried  every version of this in connection string without success
Im just confused about the e: is that going to get to my App_Data?
Can someone give me a quick overview of what the problem might be

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DateTime Confusion.

Oct 25, 2007

Hi All,I'm stumped. I've got a stored procedure with a  number of input parameters, and working fine.I added two extra input parameters, FromDate datetime, ToDate datetime. I have not even included these in the SQL yet and just tried to execute the stored proc alone with manually inputting paramters, but I keep getting error: @FromDate: this input parameter cannot be converted.That surely means a formatting issue, so I copy and pasted a value directly from the database into this parameter field, and still get the same error. I've tried various formats, with single and double quotes, and without. But just dont know?And even when I populate these parameters in my code and call the stored proc, it returns no results either, even though I haven't included these new date paramters in the SQL select, so that means it was in error and no doubt a formatting issue on those date fields.format I used was:  17/07/2007 00:00:00 I tried to populate the parameters via the code as follows:            Dim dt As DateTime            DateFromTB1.Text = DateTime.Now            DateTime.TryParse(DateFromTB1.Text, dt)            SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters("FromDate").DefaultValue = dt I know there is an extra step for now (DateFromTB1.Text = DateTime.Now), this step will fall away and just parse the textbox.text field as entered by the user.Any help appreciated, thanks.  

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My ISNULL Confusion

May 1, 2008

I've got this query and it use to work or at least I thought it did. Could someone please help me with it.
Thank you
SELECT CID, CompletionDate, MarkedExport, CustomerName, EditUser, RouteID, WorkOrder FROM RouteCustomer WHERE (CompletionDate IS NOT NULL) AND (ExportDate IS NULL) AND (RouteID LIKE '%' + ISNULL(RouteID,@RouteID) + '%') AND (EditUser IS NULL OR EditUser = '' OR EditUser = @EmployeeID) AND (MONTH(CompletionDate) = ISNULL(MONTH(CompletionDate),@Month))
The problem comes with in the WHERE clause. What I wanted it to do is if the user did want to use a RouteID critera then the user would speified one else it wouldn't, and it was my belief that the ISNULL feature in SQL was the answer for that. same for the Month. I believe the EditUser is fine the way it is written.
thanks to anyone that can help me with this.

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Connection Confusion

Apr 27, 2005

When I try to run my application on our server I cannot connect to the SQL Server that's on the same machine (a named instance). I get the SqlException:Login failed for ("null") user. Not a trusted SQL Server connection. I CAN however, connect to this database from the IDE on my laptop--the app works just fine.
I have reconfigured the IIS, the default site and the directory for the app: I turned off anonymous access, turned it on, changed users, changed passwords, etc. I have done the same for the database, added users, changed permissions, added permissions, etc., you get the picture...none of it worked. (I changed the connection string to those users/pwds)
I saw on an MS site that this error can occur under heavy loads...but that's not the case here.
Please help! Thanks!!

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Locking Confusion

Jun 15, 2000

In Query Analyzer I have 2 connections active. In the first connection I have the following SQL Insert statement:

Begin Tran
Update Account
Set SomeField = 0
Where CustomerId >= 1000 And CustomerId <= 1101


In the second connection I have the following SQL Insert statement

Begin Tran
Insert Into Account (Account,AccountName,AccountTypeRowId,CustomerId,U serId)
Values('MMM-989', 'Test Account', 1, 1098,207 )


The query in the second connection will hang waiting for the query in the first connection to finish. The query in the first connection touches 767 records (out of a total of 9174).

If I change the Where statement in the first connection to "... And CustomerId <= 1100", the query in the second connection will execute immediately. The query in the first connection is now only touching 645 records instead of 767.

Could someone explain to me why this is happening?

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Trans Log Confusion

Nov 5, 2002


Here's my situation (SQL2K)

We have a testing database we're using to convert large amounts of data from 1 system to another. We might process 5-6 million records, but don't care about being able to recover point-in-time.

I set recovery mode to simple, do a full backup every night. I keep getting large transaction logs. I manually run Shrink Database when I realize the logs are big

What can I do to prevent the logs from getting big in the first place ?? Can I prevent logging from happening ?

I keep reading various books and BOL, but I guess I don't quite "get it" yet ......

Any plain spoken, detailed suggestions would be very appreciated .... thanks in advance.

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