I have a Send Mail Task in my control flow to notify users that the processing is done. I want to avoid the package to fall in error if the Send Mail task failed.
What is the best practice to do that ?
Should I raise the MaximumErrorCount of theSend Mail Task ? Should I play with ErrorHandler ?
I have a simple Control Flow setup that checks to see if a particular table exists. If the table does not exists, the table is created in an alternate path, if it does exist, the table is truncated before moving to a file import Data Flow that uses an OLE DB Destination to output the imported data.
My problem is, that I get OLE DB package errors if the table the OLE DB Destination Container references does not exist when I load the package.
How can I over come this issue? I need to be able to dynamically create the table in an earlier step, then use that table to import data into in a later step in the workflow.
Is there a switch I can use to turn off checking in the OLE DB Destination Container so that it will allow me to hook up the table creation step?
Seems like this would be a common task...
1. Execute SQL Task to see if the required table exists 2. Use expresions to test a variable to check the results of step 1 3. If table exists, truncate the table and reload it from file in Data Flow using OLE DB Destination 4. If table does not exist, 1st create it, then follow the normal Data Flow
I have an application like fetching records from the DataBase(MS Access 2000) and results i have to use in Script Task. At present i have used the record fetching query,connection string in Script itself. I would like to use in Independently. Is there any Tools like (Control Flow Tools like Execute SQL Task) are there to fetch the result set from Acccess and can use the fetching results in Script Task....
Hi, this is my first post and I'm relatively new to SSIS so please go easy on me.
Without going into too much detail about it, I've set up a simple SSIS package which does this in a nutshell:
Foreach loop picks up all *.xls files in a given folder 1 - Puts the name of the current spreadsheet into a variable 2 - File System Task copies the current spreadsheet ("abc.xls") to a file called "work.xls" 3 - Data Flow task performs data extraction on "work.xls" and puts it into a SQL server database 4 - File System Task moves "abc.xls" into a "success" folder Continues with loop - move onto next spreadsheet
This works fine, so long as the spreadsheets all have the same number of columns.
As soon as one of them has a column missing (believe me, this will happen - we're dealing with users here) the package falls over at step 3.
When the package comes across an erroneous spreadsheet, what I'd like to do is move the offending file to a failure folder (making step 4 either a success or failure file move) and carry on with the next one.
I know that you can have an error path (the red line) from any step within the dataflow task, but this doesn't help me because the error lies in the structure of the spreadsheet and not the contents.
I've already come up with a work around whereby each file is moved into the failures folder just after step 2, then moved from the failures folder into the success folder at step 4.
This almost gives me what I want, although of course the package still falls over whenever it encounters a dodgy looking spreadsheet.
Is there any way that I can get the package to do what I'm after?
I'm trying to conditionally execute a dataflow based on the presence of a data file. If the data file isn't present, I'd like to execute gracefully without error.
Logic is as follows:
If FileExists Then execute dataflow Else exit w/o error End If
I've got the code ready to go, but I'm not sure how to do this conditional branch logic. Right now, the code calls the Dts.Results.Success / Failure. The problem, however, is Failure is exactly that... which doesn't result in the graceful exit I'm looking for.
What SSIS Task or process can i use to stop my Control Flow Process from running?
I created a SQL Task to do a count on a table to see if there is data, if the count is > 0 then the Control Flow task must continue, else it uses a RAISERROR statement which i use with the event handler, but i want to put something in the event handler to stop the process then and not continue?
This is a question to the SSIS development team. I would like to know what are the requirements to implement custom SSIS Control Flow task in C++ . There is a documentation describing the process when implementing a managed task, but no such documentation exists for implementing a task in C++.
I'd like to use a SQL Task to execute a stored proc, which checks for a value, and if I don't like the result, raise an error. If the stored proc fails I'd like the package to fail as well.
When I run the stored proc outside of the package, it fails as it should. However, when I run it in the package, the package does not fail. It moves on to the next task and completes normally.
i have a package that contains a foreach loop container, in this container i have sql tasks, and execute package tasks, that end with a send mail task. if there something wrong with the smtp server, or it's down, the send mail task fails the package. i don't want this to happen, what i want that if the send mail taks fails, the package will continue it's execution.
--i thought of using the event handler... but i don't know if it works...
Why does the Execute Package Task in SSIS always fail when set to execute in-process?
Having ExecuteOutOfProcess = False always results in that the package fails when run from within BI Studio.
I have also tried it from Command Line using dtexec., same results.
The problem with setting ExecuteOutOfProcess = True all the the time and running from within Bi Studio is that an enourmous amount of processes is created, none of which die because SSIS runs in Debug mode, another problem which is there doesn't seem to be a way to run it in Release mode so as not to get so many Dtexec processes, which ultimately results in having the Server die.
By Dying I mean, thrashing of the CPU & Memory. Page file to extreme limits.
And yes, the hardware should be able to take much more than what SSIS is supposed to eat. Dual 3GHz Xeon & 4GB of Ram.
I have an error when a package is trying to execute a SubPackage using the "Execute Package Task". I have this problem for all packages that are running sub packages.
The packages are stored in the DTSPackages folder of the SQL Server installation folder.
The master package is called from an Event Handler on a document library in MOSS 2007.
The account from the Sharepoint Application Pool has Full Control on the DTSPackages folder.
I am trying to create a simple BI Application for SSIS. In Visual Studio 2005 I just get a Data Flow Task from the toolbar and add it to the project. When I double click it I get the following error:
The task with the name "Data Flow Task" and the creation name "DTS.Pipeline.1" is not registered for use on this computer.
Then when I try to delete it it gives this other error:
Cannot remove the specified item because it was not found in the specified Collection.
I am creating this application in an administrator account in this computer, so I doubt the problem is related to permissions. I am running SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 in WinXP Tablet PC Edition.
Any suggestions why this is happening and how to fix it?
In my control flow, I have a container which contains an Execute SQL Task, and then upon success, a Data Flow Task. The SQL Task truncates my datamart table. In the data flow task, I execute a stored procedure (through a variable) that populates that same datamart table. I can execute the stored procedure's select statement in Management Studio with no problems in about ten seconds. However, in the SSIS package, the SQL task completes successfully, and then it hangs indefinitely on the data flow step. In the Data Flow tab, none of the boxes are even turning yellow. Why won't it complete? When I move the Exec SQL Task to another container, the package executes fine, but it should be in the Load Phase container.
I'm trying to copy and paste an 'Execute SQL Tasks' within one of my packages.
I've managed to solve the copy part of the problem by registering the following dlls:
regsvr32.exe msxml3.dll regsvr32.exe msxml6.dll However, I can't paste the copied task onto my control flow. When I paste I get the following error:
The designer could not paste one or more executables. Additional information: At least one executable could not be pasted correctly. the executable with the name 'Record Row Count' could not be pasted successfully. Information about the state of the executable with the name 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteSQLTask.ExecuteSQLTask, Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTask, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' could not be loaded from the clipboard. Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0010028 (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)
I'm trying to get a record count out of a databse using OLE DB Source and row count tasks but keep getting an error. I set up a variable as int32 and select the variable name in the row count task and when I go to the Input Columns tab to select a field to count, it gives me this error:
Error at Data Flow Task[Row Count[505]]: The component "Row Count" (505) has forbidden the requested use of the input column with lineage ID 32.
In the data flow task, i have done a group by and now i have a single row.... I want to assign the value in this row to a package variable.... Without using the script component .......Any suggestions ??
I'd like to transfer some records between the following 2 tables. Surely this should be a no-brainer - what am i missing that is making this so impenetrable?
I am currently: Hoping someone can help me get here: (this is my first time of using SSIS btw).
here is the source table (MS Sql Server 2005, SP 2)
I used the SSIS Import and Export wizard to copy data between the two tables, and attempted to execute it. I use Sql Native Provider on source, and Native Ole DBOracle Provider for OLEDB. however, I get an error:
[Destination - IMAGINE_DIVS [37]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-12571: TNSacket writer failure".
I notice that the wizard has created a data flow task with 3 steps: source - imagine_divs, Destination - IMAGINE_DIVS and "data conversion 1".
Data Conversion 1 seems to be taking my source nvarchar columns and converting them to DT_STR with twice the size (for example div_mnemonic become DT_STR, size: 22).
If I change the mappings in the OLE DB Destination Editor, such that only the numeric and date-typed columns are included in the transfer, it works fine.
If I include any string-typed column in the destination editor mappings, I get the TNS Packet Writer error. If I remove the Data Conversion step and connection teh source and destination tasks directly, i get validation errors saying that:
Error 2 Validation error. Data Flow Task: OLE DB Destination [294]: Columns "div_mnemonic" and "DIV_MNEMONIC" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types. Package4.dtsx 0 0
this is despite the fact that everything is unicode here (right?)
I have two tasks on a control flow. First task is Execute SQL task which drop an index. Second one is a Data Flow task. I also have an error handler for packcage_onerror. Because there is no index in the database, the first task rasies an error and package on error catches the error. The precedence constraint for the Data Flow task in "success". I don't expect the data flow task to execute because of the error. But it does. Is this the right behavior because I have already handle the error? I don't want the the job to continue if there is any error. I believe I should raise error in the error handler. Pleae help me how to do this. Thanks
My SSIS control flow includes a standard "textbook" WMI Event Watcher Task that monitors a folder for incoming files. Generally it works fine, but now I regularly see the error message:
"Watching for the Wql Query caused the following system exception: "Quota Violation." Check the query for errors or WMI connection for access rights/permissions"
I do not see any indication of trouble in the event logs. The SSIS log simply states that it failed.
Is there any magic about WMI Event Watcher?
When I restart, it runs fine for hours.
SQL05 is 9.0.3054 on W2003 with all microsoft updates applied. It is basically a bare machine with SQL Server, SSIS running and a service that kicks in occasionally.
Why isn't there some documentation on how to do this. This should be really simple and it has taken me 2 weeks and I still haven't gotten an answer. Please Help Does anyone know the answner or some place where there is some documentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get the following error when I try to substitute the strings in the databasedetails collection with variables: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. StackTrace: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.TransferObjectsTask.TransferObjectsTask.CheckLocalandDestinationStatus(Database srcDatabase, DatabaseInfo dbDetail) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.TransferObjectsTask.TransferObjectsTask.TransferDatabasesUsingSpAttachDetach()
I created the following variables: strDestinationDB = AirCL2Exp_new3 strDestinationDBPath = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATAAirCL2Exp_new3_Data.mdf strDestinationLGPath = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATAAirCL2Exp_new3_Data.ldf strSourceDB = AirCL2Exp strSourceDBPath = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDataDataNewAirCL2Exp_Data.mdf strSourceLGPath = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDataDataNewAirCL2Exp_Log.ldf
I then assigned those variable to DatabaseDetails Collection:
Inaddtion I also assigned the following to the two DatabaseFiles Collection: for 0: DatabaseFileSize = 0 DestinationFilePath = @strDestinationDBPath FileType = DatabaseFile SourceFilePath = @strSourceDBPath SourceSharePath = @strSourceDBPath
I need to pass a parameter from control flow to data flow. The data flow will use this parameter to get data from a Oracle source.
I have an Execute SQL task in control flow to assign value to the Parameter, next step is a data flow which will need take a parameter in the SQL statement to query the Oracle source,
The SQL Looks like this:
select * from ccst_acctsys_account
where to_char(LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, 'YYYYMMDD') >?
THe problem is the OLE DB source Edit doesn€™t have anything for mapping parameter.
I have an Execute SQL Task that returns a Full Rowset from a SQL Server table and assigns it to a variable objRecs. I connect that to a foreach container with an ADO enumerator using objRecs variable and Rows in first table mode. I defined variables and mapped them to the columns.
I tested this by placing a Script task inside the foreach container and displaying the variables in a messagebox.
Now, for each row, I want to write a record to an MS Access table and then update a column back in the original SQL Server table where I retreived data in the Execute SQL task (i have the primary key). If I drop a Data Flow Task inside my foreach container, how do I pass the variables as input to an OLE DB Destination on the Data Flow?
Also, how would I update the original source table where source.id = objRects.id?
Thank you for your assistance. I have spent the day trying to figure this out (and thought it would be simple), but I am just not getting SSIS. Sorry if this has been covered.
Dear All! My package has a Data Flow Task. In Data Flow Task, I use a Script Component and a OLE BD Destination to transform data from txt file to database. Within Data Flow Task, I want to call File System Task to move file to a folder or any Task of "Control Flow" Tab. So, Does SSIS support this task? Please show me if any Thanks
I'm currently setting variables at the package level with an ExecuteSQL task. This works fine. However, I'm now starting to think about restartability midway through a package. It would be nice to have the variable(s) needed in a data flow set within the data flow so that I only have to restart that task.
Is there a way to do that using an SQL statement as the source of the value in a data flow?
OR, when using checkpoints will it save variable settings so that they are available when the package is restarted? This would make my issue a moot point.
Hi all! I recently started working with SSIS and one of the things that is puzzling me the most is what's the best way to go:
A small control flow, with large data flow tasks A control flow with more, but smaller, data flow tasksAny help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ricardo
I have SQL Server 2005 Express edition on my machine. On an SSIS project in BIDS, when i drag a "Data Flow Task" to the package it returns the following error:
The designer could not be initialized. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)
Does this has anything to do with the fact that i don't have SSIS installed on my machine?
I thought that SSIS was only needed (on my machine) for the runtime, just to run the packages. To create and edit the pachages i need to install SSIS on my machine too? this doesn't makes sense, maybe it's another problem.
I am having problems with the Data Flow task. It does not even show up in the list of items to drop into the SSIS project.
If I go to the Data Flow tab and hit create, I get the follow error. I have tried repairing and reinstalling, but nothing seems to clear up the error. Without rebuilding my machine, is there anyone who knows how to get the Data Flow Task reinstalled properly?
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio------------------------------Registration information about the Data Flow task could not be retrieved. Confirm that this task is installed properly on the computer. ------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:TaskHost "{C3BF9DC1-4715-4694-936F-D3CFDA9E42C5}"' is not installed correctly on this computer. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft%u00ae+Visual+Studio%u00ae+2005&ProdVer=8.0.50727.762&EvtSrc=Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.SR&EvtID=TaskHostNotInstalled&LinkId=20476------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------
Error: 0xC0047038 at Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "SAZ_GranoONew" (421) returned error code 0x80004003. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
Error: 0xC0047021 at Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
Information: 0x402090DF at Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New, OLE DB Destination [1022]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.
Information: 0x402090E0 at Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New, OLE DB Destination [1022]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.
Information: 0x40043008 at Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043009 at Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300B at Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (1022)" wrote 19522 rows.
Task failed: Extrae SAZ_GranoO_New
Warning: 0x80019002 at SAZSIE_CargaVentasSeguros: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
I have created a data flow task. In that, in a 'data conversion', if a column fails validation then that row is redirected to a script component, which in turn writes the error to a variable.
But though the error is generated and script component receives the error, package doesnt fail.
Is there any way to set the package result to failure inside the script component? I tried set 'FailPackageOnFailure' to true but doesnt work.