We've been running into this problem and it is becoming very urgent and critical to resolve it.
I am running a package called "Inventory", using a system (for both commercial and accounting operations, called "Sage") having "CBase" as database.
When we run the package to given date parameter "To Date", let's say "18/03/2008", it runs successfully.
However, when we run it to "31/03/2008", we got a error message (the message is translated from french), as following:
Simba ODBC Driver:
Error in a predicate
Conversion error into date type
Backup Memory pool invoked. Please report this error to customer support.
I will really appreciate any hint or feedback, helping me to resolve this issue.
Thank you in advance.
I had just installed SQL 2005 dev on my laptop and got an error message when I tried to create a package using the BI IDE. I received the same error using VS2005 IDE. But the project was created regardless without any packages. When I tried to create a new package in the project, I received the same error again, but with an option to view the error details.
Following is the text of the error details:
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------
I''m working on a data conversion process and trying to convert data from SQL Server to Oracle 10g. The problem I'm encounterin g is that when I go from SQL to Oracle with a date into a Timestamp field in Oracle, it errors out. Not because it's only Timestamp, Oracle accepts dates in that field type. I don't know why this is happening, but I'm sure someone else has run into this...thoughts?
I have a data flow task in which I have a ADO NET source and OLE DB Destination. I have in the ADO NET source a sql command which pulls all the columns in a table. My requirement is to ignore a particular column,say column99. I opened advanced editor and deleted the mapping between the external and output columns for column99. I had also set the Error and Truncation to "Ignore Failure" for column99. I had also mapped the destination column to <Ignore> in OLD DB destination.
But this still throws the error-
Description: The ADO NET Source was unable to process the data. Field table-column99 missing an escape character for a quote.Unable to update PK WHERE clause.Error processing data batch.
i have a weird situation here, i tried to load a unicode file with a flat file source component, one of file lines has data like any other line but also contains the character "ÿ" which i can't see or find it and replace it with empty string, the source component parses the line correctly but if there is a data type error in this line, the error output for that line gives me this character "ÿ" instead of the original line.
simply, the error output of flat file source component fail to get the original line when the line contains hidden "ÿ".
here is my code the falue of pr_h_reqby is "Test" Dim strconn As New SqlConnection(connstring) Dim myReqdata As New DataSet Dim mycommand As SqlDataAdapter Dim sqlstr As String = "select pr_H_reqby from tbl_pr_header where pr_h_recid = " & recid & "" mycommand = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr, strconn) mycommand.Fill(myReqdata, "mydata") If myReqdata.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then 'lblReqID.Text = myReqdata.Tables(0).Rows("reqid").ToString lblNameVal.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_H_reqby").ToString() lblEmailVal.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_reqemail").ToString() lblReqDateVal.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_reqdate").ToString() lblneedval.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_needdt").ToString() lblDeptval.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_dept").ToString() txtbxReqDesc.Text = myReqdata.Tables("mydata").Rows("pr_h_projdesc").ToString() End If
I have a big problem and i'm not able to find any hint on the Network.
I have a window2000 pc, VS2005,II5 and SQLServer 2005(dev edition)
I created an SSIS Package (query to DB and the result is loaded into an Excel file) that works fine.
I imported the dtsx file inside my "Stored Packages".
I would like to load and run the package programmatically on a Remote Scenario using the web services.
I created a solution with web service and web page that invoke the web service.
When my code execute: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.LoadFromDtsServer(packagePath, ".", Nothing)
I got the Error: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsRuntimeException: The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008 "Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error information can be stored.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails.
The error message doesn't help so much and there is nothing on the www to give me and advice....
My Server having DTS package even Job failing saying "Error string: The specified DTS Package ('Name = 'ERP_Mater_Encript_Data_Move'; ID.VersionID = {[not specified]}.{T0I37w32-AB51-1SA4-9495-AcE6SSS4a321}') does not exist"
I have developed an SSIS package for ETL purpose. I am invoking the SSIS package through .Net console application by referencing the ManagedDTS Assembly. I am able to execute the package in Sql Server 2005 Developer Edition and it runs fine till completion.
But when i try to execute the packahe in Sql Server 2005 Standard edition, by invoking the package through .Net console application the status of the package is failure.
Can any one help me how to over come this problem.
While Creating a script task in Control Flow, I am getting "Package Validation Error". Here is the complete message:
Error at Validate File and Load Data: The task is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)
As mentioned in the message, I opened the script IDE and added the code I need. When I close the VSA IDE, package designer displays the same error message.
The worst part of whole story is that if I close the package designer and reopen it, I find that all the code I wrote in the script task has been deleted by the package designer. This is not at all acceptable as I saved the package the and still lost all my work. I did all the coding from scratch for that task.
Please respond if anyone faced similar problem.
Thanks in advance!
PS: If any one from Microsoft is reading this, please see what you guys are coding there. Due to the buggy software you deliver, I am loosing my credibility.<P< P>
I am having problems executing a child package from a parent package using the Execute Package Task. I am attempting to run the master package through a SQL Server Agent job.
The SQL Server Agent job is owned by sa. The step that runs the parent package is configured to load the package from the SSIS Package Store on the same server that the job is running.
I have the Execute Package Task configured as follows:
Location: SQL Server ExecuteOutOfProcess: True Connecting as a SQL Server login (let's say TestEtl)
I have added the db_dtsoperator database role to both the TestEtl login and the login that SQL Server Agent connects through. I have also configured the child package's reader role to include db_dtsoperator. Per http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ms141053.aspx, this should allow these logins to run the child package.
I have enabled logging of all events in both the parent and child packages. I see the following in the logs when the Execute Package Task executes (omitted portions unrelated to the execution of the child package task):
450939 OnPreExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450940 OnPreValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450941 OnPostValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450942 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource'.450943 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource succeeded'. The external request has completed.450944 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize'.450945 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize succeeded'. The external request has completed.450946 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession'.450947 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession succeeded'. The external request has completed.450948 OnError ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450949 OnError ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450950 OnTaskFailed ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450951 OnPostExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450952 OnWarning ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. 450953 OnPostExecute ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450954 PackageEnd ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 End of package execution.
I am sure that what I am doing is quite common, and I obviously have something misconfigured somewhere - but I'm not sure what my misconfiguration is. Can anyone enlighten me?
Hi,I keep getting the error:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '@qty' to data type int. When I initiate the insert and update.I tried adding a: Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text), but it didn't work.. I also tried fiddling with the update code, but I think it is to do with the insert bool as the update works at the moment.. Could someone help?My code:private bool ExecuteUpdate(int quantity){ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; con.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.Connection = con; TextBox TextBox1 = (TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1"); Label labname = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label3"); Label labid = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label13"); command.CommandText = "UPDATE Items SET Quantityavailable = Quantityavailable - '@qty' WHERE productID=@productID"; command.Parameters.Add("@qty", TextBox1.Text); command.Parameters.Add("@productID", labid.Text); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return true;} private bool ExecuteInsert(String quantity) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; con.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.Connection = con; TextBox TextBox1 = (TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1"); Label labname = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label3"); Label labid = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("Label13"); command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Transactions (Usersname,Itemid,itemname,Date,Qty) VALUES (@User,@productID,@Itemsname,@date,@qty)"; command.Parameters.Add("@User", System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); command.Parameters.Add("@Itemsname", labname.Text); command.Parameters.Add("@productID", labid.Text); command.Parameters.Add("@qty", Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text)); command.Parameters.Add("@date", DateTime.Now.ToString()); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return true; }protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ TextBox TextBox1 = FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox; ExecuteUpdate(Int32.Parse(TextBox1.Text) );}protected void Button2_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Update") { TextBox TextBox1 = FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox; ExecuteInsert(TextBox1.Text); } } Thanks so much if someone can!Jon
Please help.I have an aspx page with a drop down list(ddlCategories), and a datalist(dlLinks). The drop down lists data property is a uniqueidentifier from a table.When an item in the list is selected it fires the following:SqlLinks.SelectParameters("CategoryID").DefaultValue = ddlCategories.SelectedValuedlLinks.DataBind()The sqldatasource for the datalist runs a stored procedure (below)sp_GetLinks (@CategoryID ?) ASselect * from links where category = @categoryMy question is, what should @Category be declared as if the category column in the table is a uniqueidentifier? And what conversion do I need to do I just can't work it out, as I keep getting the following error:Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to uniqueidentifier is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to uniqueidentifier is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.Source Error:
Line 5: Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlCategories.SelectedIndexChangedLine 6: SqlLinks.SelectParameters("CategoryID").DefaultValue = ddlCategories.SelectedValueLine 7: dlLinks.DataBind()Line 8: End SubLine 9: End ClassSource File: C:Documents and SettingsKarl WallsMy DocumentsMy WebsAFRAlinks.aspx.vb Line: 7 Stack Trace:
This is the error message I get: :( Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
This is the query: Select Qual_ins.CompanyCode, Qual_ins.ParticipantCode, Qual_ins.Ins_Code, Qual_ins.Plan_Code, dbo.PremiumRate(Qual_Ins.Crit,Qual_Ins.PQB_Spec,Pl an_Mas.Extend_Fee, Qual_Ins.Adjpremium,Qual_Ins.Adjpremiumper,Qual_In s.Adjpremend, GetDate(),Qual_Ins.Cover_Amt, Plan_Mas.CR_A, Plan_Mas.CR_B, Plan_Mas.CR_C, Plan_Mas.CR_D, Plan_Mas.CR_E, Plan_Mas.CR_F, Plan_Mas.CR_G, Plan_Mas.CR_H, Plan_Mas.CR_I, Plan_Mas.CR_J, Plan_Mas.CR_K, Plan_Mas.CR_L, Plan_Mas.CR_M, Plan_Mas.CR_N, Plan_Mas.CR_O) AS PremiumRate FROM Qual_ins, Plan_Mas WHERE Qual_Ins.CompanyCode = 'ACME' AND Qual_ins.ParticipantCode = 4 AND Plan_Mas.CompanyCode = Qual_ins.CompanyCode AND Plan_Mas.Ins_Code = Qual_ins.Ins_Code AND Plan_Mas.Plan_Code = Qual_ins.Plan_Code Order BY Qual_ins.Ins_Code
Please let me know if you need to see my PremiumRate (User Defined Function) in order to help me elimate this error message. Any help is appreciate! I'm new to this.... "Hello" to all!
I have a dts package that imports data from a comma delimited .csv file.
I'm getting a conversion invalid for datatypes on column pair 1 (source 'col0012' (DBTYPE_STR), destination column 'latitude' (DBTYPE_R8)).
So, the source file is populated as a string for 'col002' and I have that field specified as a float within my table. Float is the correct type for the value.
How can I make the conversion correctly during the dts execution.
Using SQL 2005. Getting the following error. Using a cursor to update a table. I need to pass through the table two different times. The fields in the table update fine on the first time through, but on the 2nd time through I get the following error: Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
Thank you for your help. David
Hi, can anyone please shed some light on this error:
[OLE DB Destination [466]] Error: There was an error with input column "Price" (518) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (479). The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
The column "price" is a numeric (9)
In the flat file connection manager, the datatype for the price column is a float [dt r4]. I've also tried numeric, etc.
Basically I am trying to create a package that will
(A) Create a table with specified datatypes
(B) Use a text Source file for the data
(C) on Success Completion of the "Execute SQL" transform the data from the text into the table.
Connect to DB <-- [TRANSFROM]-- Text (Source) <-- Execute SQL (Create Table)
It all seems to work now but when I run the package I get the following error
The number of failing rows exceeds the maximum specified.
TransformCopy 'DTSTransformation_6'conversion error: Conversion invalid for datatypes on column on pair 1 (source column 'Col007' (DBTYPE_STR),destination column 'Rec_Amt' (DBTYPE_CY)).
But when I go into the TransformDataTask, under transformation and test that column it all works fine, infact I tested all the columns and they all seem to work fine.
It also seems to be creating the same table twice first in the " Execute SQL" task and then again for some reason in the "DataTransform" task. I dont know if that is realted to the problem or not though.
Any idea's or suggestions I could try ?
Im very new to SQL 2000 & DTS so dont rule out any very newbie errors :)
I cannot execute a package by using Execute Package task. I supplied sa credentials to connection manager, and it shows the list of Packages on SQL Server but when running the task it says
Error 0xC0202009 while preparing to load the package. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!.
I am running dts in Sql Server 2005 management studio from Management, Legacy and data Transformation Services.
Once the dts has run, I get this error message "Error Source : Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Error Description : Error accessing Windows Event Log."
I have a function that retrieves a data set from a passed SQL string. I'm getting this weird error.
Input string was not in a correct format
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
Source Error:
Line 205: sSQL = "Select * From LedgerDetails Where LedgerID = " & _LedgerID.ToString() Line 206: msgbox(sSQL) Line 207: TransactionDetails = GetDataSet(sSQL) Line 208: Line 209: _TransactionsIndex = CShort(Val(GetDataValue("Select Count() From LedgerDetails Where LedgerID = " & CStr(_LedgerID)))) -1
Source File: C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsUniversityFall 2004DSSASP WorkAlgorithmTest.aspx Line: 207
Stack Trace:
[FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.] Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DoubleType.Parse(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) +184 Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.IntegerType.FromString(String Value) +96
[InvalidCastException: Cast from string "Select * From LedgerDetails Wher" to type 'Integer' is not valid.] Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.IntegerType.FromString(String Value) +211
I have no idea why, but it seems to trying to convert the string into an integer. Both the argument and the parameter in the function are strings. I checked on the internet and the usual response is this is because the SQL is incomplete, but I have it showing me the compiled SQL string, and it is not imcomplete. I've tried hotwiring the query to match something I know will work, and I still get the same error. I've also tried compile the string using .ToString() on my number portion, storing the converted number into a string and only combining strings on the call, using another string variable as a temporary holder, using the String.Concat function, and even CStr. There is no way possible that this thing is an integer when the call is sent...
I'm trying to create a jbo to run in SQL that will update my table DeviationMaster in crcwebauth table, with the value from qvqote in table invoice_tbl in database crcbrio...I get an error in the job that says...SQLSTATE 42000 Error 8114 Error converting data type varchar to numericThe field DNumber in the DeviationMaster table is numeric 9, and qvqote is char 6.I know about the cast/convert, but I havent been able to successfully do this. I was hoping someone could show me how to get around this problem.Here is my current SQL statement that triggers the above error:update crcwebauth.dbo.deviationmaster set ldate = (select max(qvdate) from crcbrio.dbo.invoice_tbl where DNumber = qvqote)
I am running a 'simple' stored procedure from the Query Analyser (command - FindCustomer L18239, [ ]) which should return a name from a customer table from the input id. It does return the name but I keep getting the message 'Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure FindCustomer, Line 9 Syntax error converting the varchar value 'Kevin ' to a column of data type int.' - Any ideas what I've done wrong?, thanks.
I am using DTS to import a DB2 table from the mainframe and export the table in text format to a shared folder. I want to convert two fields to a date format yyyy-mm-dd. RELSE_Date is in this format and Updtts is a timestamp coming from the mainframe. The text file is all vchar. In dts here is my query pulling from the mainframe SELECT A.PROD_ORDER_NUMBER, A.DYE_SEQUENCE, A.STYLE, A.COLOR, A.SIZE, A.STATUS_IND, A.STATUS_CODE, A.QUANTITY_REC_DC, B.SHIP_OTFQ_QTY, A.MRP_PACK_CODE, A.LABELS_PRINTED, date(A.RELSE_DATE) as RELSE_DATE, date(A.UPDTTS) as UPDtts, A.LOCATION FROM DB2.WP1_PO_CUST_REQ A, DB2.WP1_DYE_LOT_REQ B WHERE A.PROD_ORDER_NUMBER = B.PROD_ORDER_NUMBER AND A.DYE_SEQUENCE = B.DYE_SEQUENCE AND A.STYLE = B.STYLE AND A.COLOR = B.COLOR AND A.SIZE = B.SIZE AND (A.PROD_ORDER_NUMBER LIKE '__K____') When I parse the query it accepts it. When I run the DTS I get an error stating (SQL STATE 220077 SQLCODE -180) The sting representation of a datetime value has invalid syntax. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to convert these fields before the text file is exported or another output format that is similar to .dat in comma delimited format? Thank you.
New to the forum here, it seems like this is a good SQL Server resource...
I'm still somewhat in the learning phases of T-SQL coding, and so far what I've learned has been pretty beneficial...a problem i'm having at the moment though, is with some conversion. I created a stored procedure that basically takes all the records from one table to another. I'll paste the code onto here and show you what's flagging on me (comment about the error within code). It probably seems a bit convoluted, but the UserProfileValue table is something that I TOTALLY wish Microsoft had second-guessed (it's from SharePoint Portal Server 2003)
ALTER procedure profile_ImportUserProfileData
declare profile_curs cursor for select UserProfileValue.RecordID, UserProfileValue.PropertyID, UserProfileValue.PropertyVal, PropertyList.PropertyName, PropertyList.DataType from PropertyList inner join UserProfileValue on PropertyList.PropertyID = UserProfileValue.PropertyID order by UserProfileValue.RecordId, UserProfileValue.PropertyId
open profile_curs fetch next from profile_curs into @RecordId, @PropertyId, @PropertyVal, @PropertyName, @DataType
if (@@fetch_status = -1) begin print 'End of table' close profile_curs deallocate profile_curs return end
while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin SET IDENTITY_INSERT UserProfileReportTable ON insert UserProfileReportTable(RecordId) values(@RecordId) SET IDENTITY_INSERT UserProfileReportTable OFF
set @OldRecordId = @RecordId
fetch next from profile_curs into @RecordId, @PropertyId, @PropertyVal, @PropertyName, @DataType
if @DataType like 'nvarchar' set @DataType = @DataType + '(20)'
while (@RecordId = @OldRecordId) begin declare @sql nvarchar(1000) set @sql = 'update ' + @table -- this next line is the one that's crapping out, saying "Incorrect syntax near @DataType" set @sql = @sql + ' set ' + @PropertyName + ' = ' + convert(@DataType, @PropertyVal) set @sql = @sql + ' where RecordId = ' + @RecordId execute sp_executesql @sql fetch next from profile_curs into @RecordId, @PropertyId, @PropertyVal, @PropertyName, @DataType end end
close profile_curs deallocate profile_curs
I also tried cast(@PropertyVal as @DataType) but got the same results. I know it probably isn't the best idea to use a cursor, considering there are 3000+ records in UserProfileValue, but more than likely this procedure will only be run once, and I couldn't think of any better way to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm importing data from a text table, into a temp table, and then on to a final working table. I'm running into difficulty converting data from text into a 'datetime' format. I'm getting the following error:
"Arithmetic overflow error" when trying to convert into a column with the data type "DateTime"
I half expected it to reject all conversions into a Date format because of the source file being in text format, but it allows this conversion in other columns.
If I switch the Data type to 'nvarchar' instead of 'datetime' it converts and pops up with a date format.
My question is: Will this nvarchar that looks like a date behave like a date? For example, if someone tries to perform a calculation with a date format, will the nvarchar suffice, or would it cause problems?
i am passing date value from a textbox in c# and asp.net. i am calling an sql procedure . The result is binding to a datagrid. my sql procedure is like this
) as DECLARE @SQL varchar(5000) SET @SQL = 'select Customers.CustomerFirstName as Name,ComplaintLog.LogDate,ComplaintLog.LogID, ComplaintLog.ComplaintStatus,ComplaintLog.DueDate,ComplaintCategories.CategoryName from ComplaintLog Join ComplaintCategories on ComplaintLog.CategoryID=ComplaintCategories.CategoryID join Customers on ComplaintLog.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID where ComplaintLog.IsActive=1'
IF Datalength(@FirstName)>0 SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND Customers.CustomerFirstName LIKE ''' + @FirstName + '%'''
IF Datalength(@DueDate)>0 SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND Convert(DateTime(10),ComplaintLog.DueDate,101) = '+@DueDate + ' '
my error is Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
if i pass nothing in test boxit will show another error
SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
I am getting an issue when I am using a stored proc from a view. I am to returning values, one being a varchar(50).
When I run the view, the values for this column and all others are returned fine. When I run the stored procedure, the following error is shown:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'ejoy' to data type int.
All other values return fine bar this one column and as I said its already a varchar in the table so I don't know why sql server (2005) thinks I want to convert it, I don't and at no point have tried to. Below is my query statement
quote:SELECT u.User_fname, pv.PV_address, p.Start_monitoring, p.Last_monitoring, p.Period_of_monitoring, m.Ongoing_maintenance, m.Savings_for_inverter_replacement, m.Monitoring, m.Total_anual_maint_and_monitor FROM PerformanceData p, MonitoringCost m, Photovoltaic pv, Users u WHERE p.Performance_id=m.MonitoringCost_id and pv.PV_id=p.Performance_id and pv.PV_id=m.MonitoringCost_id and u.User_id =p.Performance_id and u.User_id =pv.PV_id and u.User_id = m.MonitoringCost_id
This error has been displayed quote:Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'ejoy' to data type int.
I keep getting this conversion error when I run this query: If I comment from the second part of the where clause it goes away? I can't figure out how to fix this!
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'B' to data type int.
Select sE.SSN, sE.enroll_yyyyQ_Code, sE.Sched_Switch, sE.gdb_Switch, sE.Fee_Switch, sE.Rank_Code, sE.Class_Code, sE.Status_Code, sE.Prim_Coll_Code, sE.Secondary_Coll_Code, sE.Dept_Major_Code, sR.Client_ID, sR.Contact_Number, master.dbo.fn_InitCap(nM.last_name) Last_Name, master.dbo.fn_InitCap(nM.first_name) First_Name, master.dbo.fn_InitCap(nM.mid_name) Middle_Name, nM.sfx_name, eA.Published_eMail_Address /* Tables ................................................................ */ From FCoBDB.Student_Current.dbo.enrollment sE With ( noLock ) JOIN FCOBDB.Student_Current.dbo.Name nM With ( noLock ) ON sE.SSN = nM.SSN LEFT OUTER JOIN FCoBDB.Student_Current.dbo.eMail_Address eA With ( noLock ) ON sE.SSN = eA.SSN LEFT OUTER JOIN ADIS_Import_Support.dbo.Student_Records sR With ( noLock ) ON sE.SSN = sR.SSN /* Selection Clauses ...................................................... */ Where /* Undergraduate Business Students .................................. */ ( sE.prim_coll_code = 'BUS' and sE.dept_major_code <> '805' and sE.status_code = 1 and /* Good citizens */ sE.enroll_yyyyq_code = 20074 and /* current quarter only */ sR.Client_ID IS NULL ) /* Data not in Maximizer! */ or /* Executive Education Students ..................................... */ ( sE.prim_coll_code = 'GRD' and sE.dept_major_code = '296' and sE.status_code = 1 and /* Good citizens */ sE.enroll_yyyyq_code = 20074 and /* current quarter only */ sR.Client_ID IS NULL ) /* Data not in Maximizer */ /* Sort Options ........................................................... */ order By nM.last_name, nM.first_name ;
I have created an SSIS package to run on a SQL 2005 server. This SSIS pkg was migrated from 2000 to 2005. There a Data transform task in that package to transfer data from a tbl on one server to another. In source tbl, datatype is text, and in dest (2005 tbl) datatype is nvarchar(1000). This data transfer worked just fine , in 2000 but in 2005 it is giving the foll error. But when I run my package, i get back the following error 'Column "xxx" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types'.
I tried using the data covnersion task, to convert to DT-STR, But is still failing.