One of my clients decided to put letters into their customers' account numbers. They have a numbering scheme where all temporary accounts have a letter in the account OR are numbered greater than 33000, and all permanent accounts are all digits and less than or equal to 33000. all primary accounts have a NumberSuffix of 000.
Now i am tasked with retrieving all primary, non-temp accounts. I cannot simply do WHERE Number <= 33000 because when it gets to an account containing a letter like "00A01", it craps out and says "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '00A01' to data type int."
So decided to run a filtering query first to filter out all accounts with letters, and then from that dataset select all accounts <=33000.
WITH members (FirstName, LastName, Number, NumberSuffix) AS
NumberSuffix = 000 AND
Number NOT LIKE '%A%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%B%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%C%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%D%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%E%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%F%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%G%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%H%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%I%' AND
Number NOT LIKE '%J%'
Number <= 33000
when i do this, i get the same error for some reason. Yet when i execute this at the end instead:
Number LIKE '%A%'
i get an empty set (meaning it actually does get filtered).
but somehow it still able to participate in a range comparison?
Okay, I have the following store procedure and I kept getting an error.
Code Block ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Search] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @schoolID int = NULL, @scholarship varchar(250) = NULL, @major varchar(250) = NULL, @requirement varchar(250) = NULL, @debug bit = 0 AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here Declare @SQL as Varchar(4000); Declare @Params as Varchar(3000); Set @SQL = N'SELECT * FROM [scholarship] WHERE [sectionID] = ' + @schoolID; Set @Params = N'@scholarship VARCHAR(250),@major VARCHAR(250),@requirement VARCHAR(250)' If @scholarship IS NOT NULL Set @SQL = @SQL + N' AND [scholarship].[schlrName] LIKE + ''%'' + @scholarship + ''%''' If @major IS NOT NULL Set @SQL = @SQL + N' AND [scholarship].[Specification] LIKE + ''%'' + @last + ''%''' If @requirement IS NOT NULL Set @SQL = @SQL + N' AND ([scholarship].[reqr1] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' If @requirement IS NOT NULL Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr2] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' If @requirement IS NOT NULL Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr3] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' If @requirement IS NOT NULL Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr4] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' If @requirement IS NOT NULL Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr5] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%'')' If @debug = 1 PRINT @SQL Exec sp_executesql @SQL, @Params, @scholarship, @major, @requirement END
And I kept getting this error:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Search, Line 28
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'SELECT * FROM [scholarship] WHERE [sectionID] = ' to data type int.
I am new to SQL and trying my hand at what I thought would be a simple query to bring back the loan products that are not HMDA reportable - hence the NOT IN and I get an error message after adding the NOT IN...I have read a lot of responses to the issue of an error message of 'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value' to try and solve the error - and have had no luck. Before I throw my laptop out the window..Here is the error message along with what I thought was a simple query; Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '80/10/10' to data type int.Here is the query;
SELECT P.ProductID, P.Name, PC.Name AS [Product Group], LP.Name AS [Loan Purpose], CASE WHEN LP.IsHMDAReportableFL = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS [HMDA Reportable],
declare @localtab INT SET @localtab = (SELECT Convert(INT,('select count(*) from ' + @specificDB+'.'+'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables WHERE TABLE_TYPE = ''BASE TABLE'' AND Table_name = ' + @tablename))) Print @localtab Print @localtab
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 8 Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'select count(*) from AdventureWorksDW2012.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND Table_name = DimAccount' to data type int.
I am using Sql server 2005, 2.0. In my application i have to store a mobile number in database, and in table it is declared as nvarchar(50) (datatype). In stored procedure as it is nvarchar(50). In my code , stored procedure is called in a function. In that while executing project error is coming as (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery) Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value xxxxxxxxx to data type int. Kindly give your suggestions to solve this problem.
I can't seem to fix the following error in my stored procedure.
Error Message: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1007-001' to data type int.
The line of code in my stored procedure that seems to be the problem is the following:
CASE WHEN [Order Details].[Job No] IS NULL THEN [Orders].[Order No] ELSE [Order Details].[Job No] END
Order No has a data type of INT and Job No has a data type NVARCHAR(8). In the above case statement i'm not trying to convert anything but just display a column depending on the out come of the case statement. If anyone knows how to get around this error you help would be very welcome.
I want to get Email address from sql database. But whenever I executed stored procedure I get an error message "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'xxxxxx@xxxxxx' to data type int" If I want some numeric ID it is worked.
I also change my SP like this but results same.
ALTER procedure [dbo].[findConsultantMail]
@PerID nvarchar(18),
@perMail nvarchar(100) OUTPUT
SELECT @perMail=PerMail FROM Personel
WHERE (PerID =cast(@PerID as numeric(18,0)))
return cast(@perMail as nvarchar(100))
How can I get a string value form stored procedure.
why do i have this error? not converting a varchar into int 1 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.RevertDB 2 ( 3 @Log varchar(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT 4 ) 5 6 /* Reverts Database to original "Clean" State */ 7 AS 8 SET NOCOUNT OFF 9 DECLARE @RowsInDB AS int 10 SET @Log = 'RevertDB Started at ' + CAST(GETDATE() AS varchar(50)) + '<br />' 11 12 /* *** Disable Constraints *** 13 ALTER TABLE Booking NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL 14 ALTER TABLE InventoryPC NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL 15 ALTER TABLE PC NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL 16 ALTER TABLE Platform NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL*/ 17 18 /* *** Start Deletes *** */ 19 DELETE FROM Booking 20 SET @Log = @Log + 'Clear Table Booking - Done' + '<br />' 21 SET @RowsInDB = (SELECT COUNT(BookingID) FROM Booking) 22 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar(10)) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />' 23 24 DELETE FROM InventoryPC 25 SET @Log = @Log + 'Clear Table InventoryPC - Done' + '' 26 SET @RowsInDB = (SELECT COUNT(InventoryID) FROM InventoryPC) 27 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar(10)) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />' 28 29 DELETE FROM PC 30 SET @Log = @Log + 'Clear Table PC - Done' + '<br />' 31 SET @RowsInDB = (SELECT COUNT(PCID) FROM PC) 32 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar(10)) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />' 33 34 DELETE FROM Platform 35 SET @Log = @Log + 'CLear Table Platform - Done' + '' 36 SET @RowsInDB = (SELECT COUNT(PlatformID) FROM Platform) 37 SET @Log = @Log + '-- Rows Affected: ' + CAST(@@ROWCOUNT AS varchar) + ', Rows in Table: ' + CAST(@RowsInDB AS varchar(10)) + '<br />' 38 39 /* *** Enable Constraints *** 40 ALTER TABLE Booking WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL 41 ALTER TABLE InventoryPC WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL 42 ALTER TABLE PC WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL 43 ALTER TABLE Platform WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL*/ 44 45 SET @Log = @Log + '*** End Truncates ***' + '<br />' 46 /* *** End Truncates *** */ 47 48 /* *** Start Insert Platform *** */ 49 SET @Log = @Log + 'Start Insert Platform' + '<br />' 50 51 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition', 'Some description for Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition over here …' 52 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Windows Vista Ultimate', 'See everything you''re working on more clearly with Windows Aero, and quickly switch between windows or tasks using Windows Flip 3D and Live Thumbnails. You can easily find what you need—when you need it―with Instant Search and live icon previews that display the actual contents of your files. And while you''re at it, give your personal productivity a boost with instant access to the information you care about using Windows Sidebar and Gadgets. Put these easy-to-use and customizable mini-applications on your desktop and reveal the information you''re looking for at a glance. Website:' 53 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Apple Mac OS X Tiger', 'Some description for Apple Mac OS X Tiger over here …' 54 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Apple Mac OS X Leopard', 'Desktop: The new look of Leopard showcases your favorite desktop image and puts new file Stacks at your fingertips for a stunning, clutter-free workspace. Finder: Browse your files like you browse your music with Cover Flow. Time Machine: See how your system looked on any given day and restore files with a click. Website:' 55 EXEC dbo.InsertPlatfrom 'Red Hat Linux', 'Some description for Red Hat Linux over here …' 56 57 SET @Log = @Log + 'Rows In Platform: ' + CAST((SELECT COUNT(PlatformID) FROM Platform) AS varchar(10)) + '<br />' 58 /* *** Start Insert PC *** */ 59 SET @Log = @Log + 'Start Insert PC' + '<br />' 60 61 DECLARE @WinXP int, @WinVista int, @OSXTiger int, @OSXLeopard int, @RedHat int 62 SET @WinXP = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Windows XP SP2 Professional Edition') 63 SET @WinVista = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Windows Vista Ultimate') 64 SET @OSXTiger = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Apple Mac OS X Tiger') 65 SET @OSXLeopard = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Apple Mac OS X Leopard') 66 SET @RedHat = (SELECT PlatformID FROM Platform WHERE Title = 'Red Hat Linux') 67 68 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion PC One', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz 1066MHz', '1GB Dual Channel DDR2 667 SDRAM', '120GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 256MB GDDR3', '22" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinXP 69 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion PC Two', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Duo E6850 3 GHz 1333MHz', '2GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '240GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra 256MB GDDR3 SLI', '24" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinVista 70 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion PC Three', 'Description here ...', 'AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ 3 GHz', '2GB Dual Channel DDR2 667 SDRAM', '240GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'ATI Radeon Cross Fire 2900 256MB GDDR3', '24" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinVista 71 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion X1', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Extreme Q6850 3 GHz 1333MHz', '6GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '500GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra 256MB GDDR3 SLI', '30" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @OSXLeopard 72 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion X2', 'Description here ...', 'AMD Athlon 64 FX 74 3 GHz', '6GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '500GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8900 Ultra SLI 256MB GDDR3', '30" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @WinVista 73 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion Tiger 1', 'Description here ...', 'Intel Core2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz 1066MHz', '2GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '120GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 256MB GDDR3 SLI', '22" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @OSXTiger 74 EXEC dbo.InsertPC 'Fusion Linux 1', 'Description here ...', 'AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3 GHz', '1GB Dual Channel DDR2 800 SDRAM', '120GB SATA2 NCQ HDD', 'NVIDIA GeForce 8600 256MB GDDR3', '22" 3000:1 Wide Screen LCD', @RedHat 75 76 SET @Log = @Log + 'Rows In PC: ' + CAST((SELECT COUNT(PCID) FROM PC) AS varchar(10)) + '<br />' 77 78 /* *** Start Insert Inventory *** */ 79 SET @Log = @Log + 'Start Insert Inventory' + '<br />' 80 81 DECLARE @F1 int, @F2 int, @F3 int, @FX1 int, @FX2 int, @FT1 int, @FR1 int 82 SET @F1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion PC One') 83 SET @F2 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion PC Two') 84 SET @F3 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion PC Three') 85 SET @FX1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion X1') 86 SET @FX2 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion X2') 87 SET @FT1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion Tiger 1') 88 SET @FR1 = (SELECT PCID FROM PC WHERE Title = 'Fusion Linux 1') 89 90 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @F1, 2.5, 'iCluster Fusion One' 91 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @F2, 2.5, 'iCluster Fusion Two' 92 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @F3, 2.5, 'iCluster Fusion Three' 93 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 6, @FX1, 6, 'iCluster Fusion X1' 94 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 6, @FX2, 6, 'iCluster Fusion X2' 95 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 10, @FT1, 3, 'iCluster Fusion Tiger One' 96 EXEC dbo.InsertInventory 30, @FR1, 2, 'iCluster Fusion Linux One' 97 98 SET @Log = @Log + 'Rows In Inventory: ' + CAST((SELECT COUNT(InventoryID) FROM InventoryPC) AS varchar(10)) 99 100 RETURN @Log if i remove the last line then all is well. but i get "An SqlParameter with ParameterName '@Log' is not contained by this SqlParameterCollection."
select case when count(convert(varchar(15), customer_id)) = 1 Then 'only one customer' else count(convert(varchar(15), kund_id)) end as no_of_customers, salesperson_id from customerdb group by salesperson_id
...and this is the result I was hoping for
no_of_customers ; salesperson_id 3 ; 1 2; 2 only one customer;3
...but SQL server only returns: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ...
conversion failed when converting date and or time from character string
I am using Sql Server 2008.(database designed for sql 2005 later moved to sql server 2008).
Pickup_time and actual_Pickup_time are varchar(5) in database.
What is wrong with this query?
SELECT COUNT(Trip_ID) AS OntimePickupCount FROM MyTABLE WHERE Start_Dt BETWEEN '01/01/2014' AND '04/30/2014' AND (DateDiff(minute, CAST (Pickup_Time AS time), CAST (Actual_Pickup AS time )) BETWEEN 0 AND 15 OR DateDiff(minute, CAST (Actual_Pickup AS time), CAST (Pickup_Time AS time) ) BETWEEN 0 AND 15) AND Actual_Pickup IS NOT NULL AND Actual_Dropoff IS NOT NULL
I am recieving the following error when executing the following code. Field MonData is nvarchar (80), the only integer feild in the concatination is @Cnt all other fields are varchar or nvarchar. If I remove the everything past space(22) it works fine. I double checked the length and it does not exceed 80 bytes. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
INSERT INTO tbl_Export Select DISTINCT TOP(1) space(32) + '9' + space(2) + @Cnt + space(2) + Sys + space(2) + Prin + space(22) + 'TEN' + space(1) + 'ZZ' As MonData FROM dbo.Trans WHERE Sys = @vwSys AND Prin = @vwPrin
ERROR: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'TEN' to data type int.
-- AssignedToTasks 32,'from (Select Distinct wft.*',' OVER(Order by task.TaskId desc)','','where IsActive=1 AND RecurrenceRule is null',0,5 Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[AssignedToTasks]
This is probably a simple wuestion but i would appreciate some help I am trying to get and insert the userId into a table called "Orders" I got the user id as Dim CustomerId As Object = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey.ToString The button on click command is worldshop.ShoppingCart.CreateOrder(CustomerId,......................... The Function Has the parameter for Customer Id as follows Dim dbParam_CustomerId As System.Data.IDataParameter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter dbParam_CustomerId.ParameterName = "@CustomerId" dbParam_CustomerId.Value = CustomerId dbParam_CustomerId.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String command.Parameters.Add(dbParam_CustomerId) When i run this I am getting the error message "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier." Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong many thanks Martin
Hi, i have a problem, i keep getting this Error. I want to insert an uniqueidentifier using a textbox, i use the following code to insert. SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters["RWID"] = new Parameter("RWID", TypeCode.String, RWID); SqlDataSource1.Insert(); The databasetype is an uniqueidentifier of that column. Anyone who can help me with this problem?
I am trying to store a unique identifier that is text into a field in a SQL DB that is type uniqueidentifier and I get the follow error message.
Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier. My Code is shown below: comSQL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PROPERTYID", Format(Request.QueryString("ID").ToString, "{0:########-####-####-####-############}")) This has worked before but isnt' anymore. Any ideas?
I am trying to write a SP in Query Analyzer before I start the code from a web form to acces it. Here is the SQL: ------------------------------------------- DECLARE @cReportGroups Varchar(500)DECLARE @StartDateRange DateTime DECLARE @EndDateRange DateTime SET @cReportGroups = '''VCCEddieBauer'',''VCCEddieBauerDirect'', ''VCCEddieBauerOrder'', ''VCCEddieBauerOvernight'', ''VCCEddieBauerSpanish'', ''VCCEddieBauerCustomerService''' SET @StartDateRange = '09-16-2007' SET @EndDateRange = '01-31-2008' BEGIN Declare @sql As Varchar(800) Set @sql = 'SELECT ttalkacd, cName, dIntervalStart, cReportGroup' + ' FROM IAgentQueueStats ' +' WHERE dIntervalStart >= ' + @StartDateRange ---- ' AND dIntervalStart <= ' + EndDateRange + ---- ' AND cReportGroup IN (' + @cReportGroups + ')' + ---- ' AND cHKey3 = ''*''' + -- ' ORDER BY dIntervalStart' --+ ---- ' COMPUTE SUM(ttalkacd)' --Print(@sql) exec (@sql) END ----------------------------------------------- Just trying to get the first >= filter working before I fill in the >= working to complete the date range logic. But I keep getting this conversion error. Why does SQL think that anything is a character string?All dates are declared as DateTime.I have tried a bunch of combinations like Convert(DateTime, @StartDateRange, 101).Nothing seems to work.
Within in Visual Studio 2012 solution, I have several projects, one of which is a Database project. I am defining several tables. The one in question is:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblKppHierarchyPcl] ( [ID] NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL, [Name] VARCHAR(500), [PartStructureKey] NUMERIC(18,0) NOT NULL, [PartNumber] VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL, [ParentPartNumber] VARCHAR(500) NULL,
Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 76 Conversion.failed when converting the varchar value 'Coolant Quick Disconnect' to data type int.So it has a problem with inserting 'Coolant Quick Disconnect' into the Name column. The Name column is CLEARLY a varchar column but somehow it thinks it's an int column.
I have been trying to convert datetime but keep getting this error(Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.It works just fine if I don't use execute sp_executesql,.
<code> DECLARE @tablename AS nvarchar(max) DECLARE @SQLQuery AS NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @ParameterDefinition AS NVARCHAR(100) DECLARE @startdate datetime
My query was working fine until I added the yellow highlighted areas below. Basically what I'm doing with this is getting the lowest open purchase order number (docnum) and its matching docduedate. Now when I run it I get
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'po_num' to data type int.
Any ideas? Thanks!
SELECT t3.product ,
t7.itemname ,
t3.shorted ,
t4.onhand ,
WHEN t8.linestatus = 'O'
THEN t9.docnum
END) po_num,
(SELECT t0.product product ,
WHEN t0.qty_topick <> t0.qty_picked
THEN t0.qty_topick - t0.qty_picked
END) shorted
FROM rbeacon.dbo.shipline2 t0
INNER JOIN rbeacon.dbo.shiphist t1
ON t0.packslip = t1.packslip
WHERE t1.date_upld = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE()-1, 101)
GROUP BY t0.product
) t3
INNER JOIN comparison.dbo.vlgxplc t2
ON t2.itemcode = t3.product COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
(SELECT t0.product AS product,
SUM(t0.quantity) AS onhand
FROM rbeacon.dbo.binlocat t0
GROUP BY t0.product
) t4
ON t3.product = t4.product
INNER JOIN wbau.dbo.oitm t5
ON t3.product = t5.itemcode COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS
LEFT JOIN wbau.dbo.ocrd t6
ON t5.cardcode = t6.cardcode
INNER JOIN wbau.dbo.oitm t7
ON t3.product = t7.itemcode COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS
LEFT JOIN wbau.dbo.por1 t8
ON t3.product = t8.itemcode COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS
I'm trying to pass a character (D) to an integer data type!i'm getting this error:Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '17D' to data type int.
I received the above error message when I try to convert a field to a date.
Here is the line of sql:
convert(datetime, cast(EligibilityEndDate as char(8)), 112) as EligibilityEndDate,
EligibilityEndDate is stored as an integer in our source system, so dates display 20080201.
Looks like the data is not a correct date. If I just bring in the field as is, and load results into a text file or Access, I can't see the offending record. The query returns around 320K records.
Is there another way of finding the invalid record(s)?
Hi, I am trying to insert an entry into my database, but I keep on getting the following error: "Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string." My query is a parameterized T-SQL query (i.e. "INSERT INTO blah (name, dob) VALUES (@name, '@dob')"), and I have initialized the SqlCommand object by doing: sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", "Captain America"); sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dob", birthdate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt");
sqlCon.Open(); sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlCon.Close(); The dob field in the table 'blah' is a smalldatetime datatype, and in the code above, the birthdate object is a DateTime object. I can insert into my database using a normal T-SQL through Management Studio, For example, INSERT INTO blah (name, dob) VALUES ('Captain America', '11/27/1923 12:34 PM') But it doesn't work when I try doing it the way I have listed above. It's really annoying because I don't know how to debug or if it is possible to debug the query. So first off, I want to ask, does anyone know how why this exception is occuring? Secondly, is it possible to debug the query? and if yes, how? And finally, is there a way for me to extract the T-SQL query sent to the SQL Server with the parameters filled in their values? For example, after adding all parameters to the SqlCommand via sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(), can I get the T-SQL query that is sent to the server?
I try to compile your query, and prompt error message in below 'conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'times' to data type int .Error code 245.
select user_member , sum(case when trx_date > dateadd(month, -3, getdate()) then 1 else 0 end) + ' times' , max(case when trx_date < dateadd(month, -3, getdate()) then trx_date else NULL end) from trx_hdr group by user_member