Convert 1st Letter To Uppercase In SQL Comand

Aug 15, 2005

Hi all!This is the problem:User enters student name, in the database, only the 1st letter is uppercase and the rest is  in Lower case.So, I want to fix this so as it is not case sensitive, i.e. the user can enter a name and it will return the recordwhether they enter it in upper or lower case.My Code:CvtUpperCase.Text = UCase(Content.Text)                //stores user's input

   Select Case OptionChoice

       Case "Student_FirstName"            MyCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("select * from [qryStudentDetails] where [qryStudentDetails].[Student_FirstName] like             '" & CvtUpperCase.Text & "'" , myConnection)

....Any ideas??

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Display Data First Letter Uppercase Rest Lowercase

Sep 19, 2006

I know you are able to display data all uppercase or all lowercase, but how do you display it First letter capital rest lower. Like a First or Last name?

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Reporting Services :: Expression To Change All Caps To First Letter Uppercase And Rest Lowercase

Aug 1, 2015

The states in this report are all in caps TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, etc.. Is there a way to use expressions to only have the first letter in uppercase and rest in lowercase?

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Convert To Uppercase The Data In Table

Apr 9, 2008


I am trying to output the data in the table to uppercase. I am using bcp to output as text file.Any possible solution to convert the data to uppercase from the table.Any tsql code for this

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2014 :: Convert 6 Digit Letter To Month And Year

Feb 27, 2015

How to convert 6 digit number to mm/yyyy.

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Using IF In A Sql Comand With VB

Mar 29, 2008

Hello guys

I need to read if a userID is in a table. If it is not I want to add it.

How can I do that with just one line sql-command using


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To Uppercase We Go

Dec 11, 2007

In sql2005 how can I update a table in my db to give me all uppercase. I have never created a sp but would like to try to do this so can someone point me in the right direction. If a select/update statement is better then please give me suggestion that way also. Thanks in advance

12/11/2007 6:44:00 AM

12/11/2007 7:51:00 AM

12/11/6:58:00 AM

12/11/2007 8:06:00 AM

12/11/2007 7:24:00 AM

12/11/2007 7:29:00 AM

12/11/2007 8:00:00 AM

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Uppercase Trigger

Jul 23, 2005

How can I create a trigger that obliges UPPERCASE of a field in thedatabase?thanks

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Trigger To Set Names To UPPERCASE

Apr 27, 2006

I have been tinkering with triggers and have tried to build one that will format the names in two columns to UPPERCASE.

Trouble is it won't run and I don't know why, how can I accomplish this uppercase task with a trigger?

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Update Query Using Uppercase

Dec 30, 2004


I have a table where the values in the Description field are all upper case. I found a script that will change all the words to UPPERCASE in the first character then LOWERCASE for the remaining until the next space is found. It will also repeat this for all words in the field.

The part I need help with is having this repeat through the entire table. Heres the code and thanks - troy

declare @input varchar(20)
declare @position int
set @input = (SELECT Description FROM tbl_ItemMast where wallysku ='10071')
set @position = 1
SET @input = Upper(substring(@input,1,1))+ LOWER(substring(@input,2,len(@input)-1))
WHILE @position < DATALENGTH(@input)
set @position = charindex(' ',@input,@position+1)
if @position = 0
goto done
SET @input = REPLACE(@input,substring(@input,@position,2),Upper(substring(@input,@position,2)))
PRINT @input

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How Do I Get Uppercase Values Returned Only.

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table where inactive names are lower case and active names areuppercase. Note: Not my design.Anyways I want to select all names form this table where the name isuppercase. I see collate and ASCII pop up in searches but the examplesdon't seem usable in queries as much as they were for creating tablesand such.Thanks,Phil

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Predicate Or Key Word All In Uppercase?

Jul 12, 2006


What is the dowside of not using all uppercase for predicates and key words?

I cannot find to see a problem beside adhering to a clean coding convention. After all I already have color coding so what would be the uppercase for?

Same question for the semicolon ; at the end of a sql block. Is that real necessary not to get in trouble sometime down the road or is it a non-issue. I find like I am now a C# guys if I use these ;

Just curious, I find tedious to switch from all upper case to normal case all the time. And not forget to type the ;



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Is There A Option To Change Keywords To Uppercase

Dec 10, 2007

I am always changing the Sql Query Keywords to UpperCase and formatting the T-sql.

Is there a option so that i can change the keywords to uppercase automatically in the sql 2005 management studio ?

How do most of you format the sql statements?

Please let me know it will save me and most of us like me alot of time.
Your help will be most appreciated.

Thanks in Advance


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Uppercase T-sql Keyword In Query Editor

Oct 16, 2006

In Query Editor I type statements like this:

"select * from ...."

Does Query Editor support a "macro" facility where I could, via keystorke, uppercase all t-sql keywords? (so it would look like SELECT * FROM...)



P.S. You think I'm lazy? I knew a programmer who was so lazy that his password was one character long!

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Coverting Mixed Case Data To UPPERCASE

Jan 28, 2004

I am trying to convert all my client first and last names in my table to uppercase. They are currently listed as mixed case. Also I wanted to know what is the best way to force the data to UPPERCASE hwen a end user tries to insert or update the clients name. I am thinking about trying a trigger, but I am unsure how to set it up. Thanks for all the help.

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Make SQL Server Distinguish Between Uppercase And Lowercase Characters In A Stored Procedure?

May 10, 2007

I would like SQL Server 2000 to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters, but only within a single stored procedure. Also, at the end of the sp, I want the original collation to be restored. How will I implement this in my sp?

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Get The First Letter

Mar 24, 2008

I have a table of definitions:

Term | Definition

What I need to do is find all the letters that are at the beginning of the terms.

So if I have "apple" as a term, A is returned.
Also, if I have "forest", "fruit", and "flower", F is returned, but only once.
And if I have no terms that start with Q, Q is not returned.
Lastly, if I have a term like " 'Walking' Pneumonia", it should recognize that the term starts with a W.

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Get First Letter In A Sql-query

May 6, 2007

Hello!I want to get the first letter in a sql-query and compare with a QueryString.This is the pricip in ASP Classic:Select * From Dictionary Where Left(_Name, 1) = Request.Querystring["Letter"]I think you'll understand.Thanks. 

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How Many Times Does A Letter Appear In A Name

Nov 30, 2006

i have a column containing employee name with datatype varchar.
i want to find out that how many times does letter 'y' appear in employee's name.

am a beginner to sql
help appreciated


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Getting Only First Letter Of The Column

Jun 29, 2007


I am using an OLEDB source to run a stored procedure, which returns records from a temp table. The destination table is exactly same as the temp table in the stored procedure. I've some collation settings on both the destination table and temp table, but both are exactly same.

I got Unicode to Non-unicode conversion error first. I dont know why it happened as there is no difference in source and destination table. I solved that issue using the data conversion component. Then I got the truncation error. I set the Ignore on Truncation on error output to get rid of that issue. Then the package executed without any problem. But all the nvarchar and varchar fields in the destination table got populated with only the first letter of data.

Any Idea?

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Drop Down List - Use More Than 1st Letter

Apr 26, 2005

In my drop down menus - which are populated by tables - we can only use the scroll bar OR type in the first letter to find the item - Is there a way to type in several letters to find something? (e.g. if I want to find clockwork - right now I could type in "C" to get to the C's - but if I tried typing "clo" it would end up at the beginning of the "O's" - Thanks

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Grabbing The First Letter Of A Field

Dec 1, 2005

Hey all, i'm trying to build a little piece of code that will grab the first letter in a first name field, but I can't quite get it.

Any help would be great

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Not Display The Letter Unless Count &>= 3

Jun 3, 2008

SELECT name = SUBSTRING(name, 1, 1),
total = COUNT(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 1))
FROM products

the assignment said that,

quote:"Do not display the letter and count unless at least three product names begin with the letter."

but i got the errors when I try following.

WHERE total >= 3

quote:Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Invalid column name 'total'.

WHERE COUNT(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 1)) >= 3

quote:Msg 147, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.

so what should I do?

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Replacing First Letter Only In Column

May 17, 2006

Hello. We have a list of 1000+ sku numbers. 90% of them start with u. I need to replace the u with T.

It has to only replace the first letter, if there are other "u"s in the sku, they need to remain.
Not all skus start with u, those that don't should remain the same.

I have searched and searched because I'm sure someone has requested the exact same thing but I can't find anything that is identical.

I have this so far but I know its not correct:
set sku = replace(left(sku,1),'u',right(rtrim(sku),1)+

Can someone help lead me down the right path?

Thanks in advance!!!

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Increment Char Or Letter

Aug 17, 2007

I'm looking for a way to do something like this:
A, B, C, ... Z, AA, AB, AC

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Use Of Capital Letter N In Script

Dec 29, 2007

Below is from the SQL Help files on INSERT INTO

What is the N doing in this script? (...N'F2'...N'Square Feet'...)

USE AdventureWorks;
INSERT INTO Production.UnitMeasure
VALUES (N'F2', N'Square Feet', GETDATE());


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Changing Drive Letter

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there. I have to change the drive letter where SQL server have hisdatfiles (master included). If I do that, ob the SQL fail to start, becouseit's unable to find the master datfiles. Is it possible changing driverletter without reinstalling the complete product?BRamnésia

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First Letter Capital More Than One Word

Oct 26, 2006

Here is my question: Can you set this code up to do more than one word ex: I have names like Mc Donald, or Brook-Smith and the are lower case like the code states??

upper(left(client.first,1))+ lower(right(client.first,len(client.first)-1)) +' '+ upper(left(client.last,1))+ lower(right(client.last,len(client.last)-1)) As 'Full Name'

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Using 1 Report To Print In Both Letter And A4

Aug 7, 2007

I am looking for a way to, at execution, have 1 single report either print in "letter" or "A4" depending on a parameter I send it... anyone have an idea on where to start on this?

Thank you,


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Specifying Drive Letter For Data And Log Devices

Sep 25, 1999

Hi am new to this, I am doing some asp development and wanted to know if there is a way of specifying the drive to place log and data devices through sql statments or stored procedures.


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How To Get The Drive Letter And The Backup Directory

Jan 16, 2008


I'm looking to get the drive letter and path for my backups programmatically. I am monitoring my sqlserver boxes remotely and need to get this information to determine if my backups will fit on the backup drive.

I'm looking for either a sql statement or a stored procedure to accomplish this.

For example...the backup script states:
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N'H:MSSQLBackupmaster'

I need to know how this script gets H:MSSQLBackup

Thanks in advance.

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Update Column Based On 1st Letter

Feb 25, 2014

I have a large website with over 100,000 images and the location of the images are stored in a column (img_url) as below:


Because all these images are stored in the same folder it is hard to manage so we want to store each image under a directory based on the 1st letter of the image name, ie:


I can automate the physical move of the images into the correct directory but I need SQL update query that will update each column based on the 1st letter of the image.



Updated to:


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Mapping A Number To A Letter Grade...

Mar 24, 2008

I'm trying to think a way to map an average rating (1-10) to a letter grade (A-F).

For example, if I querry the name of a professor and the corresponding rating for the professor, then I would also like to generate a column displaying the corresponding letter grade for the professor based on the rating.

Professor | Rating | Grade |

Smith 8.5 B

I use an aggregate function to diplsay the rating.
I'm thinking I may need to write my own aggregate function to display the letter grade. 'Professor' is an actual field of the database.

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