Convert Access Query To Syntax?

Aug 21, 2013

I am trying to convert a code from access Db to sql code?


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Convert Access Query To Sql

Aug 17, 2007

I am being asked to convert this access query into sql server 2000.
Access query
SELECT Left(Trim([Notes_Primary_Key]),InStr(Trim([Notes_Primary_Key])," ")) AS PcnPID, Trim([Notes_Secondary_Key]) AS PcnTicketNum
FROM tri_offnotes;

I'm new to SQL and am not familiar with which function replaces the InStr access function.

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Trying To Convert Query From T-SQL To Access

May 9, 2008

First off, I apologise if this is classed as off topic as it's concerning access but I couldn't see another forum that was better suited for this question.

I'm trying to run this query in Access. I designed it in SQL Management Studio with a test database that I set up and it runs fine. However, when I tried to run it in access I get a syntax error on the subquery bit. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

UPDATE tblInvoice
SET tblInvoice.PeriodID =
(SELECT p.PeriodID FROM tblPeriod p
tblInvoice i
ON i.TransDate BETWEEN p.PeriodStartDate AND p.PeriodEndDate
WHERE i.InvoiceID = tblInvoice.InvoiceID)

Thanks in advance,


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Convert Access Query To Sql

Apr 10, 2007

how to convert this access query to sql query

IIf([Total Bunches] > 0, Production * 1000 / [Total Bunches], 0) as Name2

SUM(IIf(BlockInYield = -1, [SIZE], 0)) as Name1

IIf(BlockInYield = TRUE, IIf(TC_M > 0, TC_M, TC_DENS *[SIZE]), 0) as Name


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Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword CONVERT When The Syntax Is Correct - Why?

May 20, 2008

Why does the following call to a stored procedure get me this error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CONVERT'.

Code Snippet

EXECUTE OpenInvoiceItemSP_RAM CONVERT(DATETIME,'01-01-2008'), CONVERT(DATETIME,'04/30/2008') , 1,'81350'

The stored procedure accepts two datetime parameters, followed by an INT and a varchar(10) in that order.

I can't find anything wrong in the syntax for CONVERT or any nearby items.

Help me please. Thank you.

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PLEASE Help To Convert An Access Query To Sql Quer

Apr 2, 2008

Here is the access query

SELECT tbl1.evenID, Sum(IIf(IsNull([evpeDateCompleted]),0,1)) AS Completions, Count(tbl2.evpeID) AS Attendees, IIf(Count([evpeID])=0,"No Bookings",IIf(Count([evpeID])=Sum(IIf(IsNull([evpeDateCompleted]),0,1)),"Closed",IIf(Sum(IIf(IsNull([evpeDateCompleted]),0,1))>0,"Closing","In Progress"))) AS Status
FROM tbl1 LEFT JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.evenID=tbl2.evpeEvenID
GROUP BY tbl1.evenID;

coding is my passion

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Convert Access Query To Sql 2000

Mar 18, 2008

I having trouble converting this access query to sql 2000, can anyone offer advice? The where clause is troubling me.

---Access Query---
SELECT DISTINCT Procedures.PatientNumber,
Procedures.Counter, Procedures.DateOfService, Policies.PatientNumber, Policies.CarrierCode,
Policies.EffectiveDate, Policies.Employer, Policies.FirstName, Policies.GroupNumber, Policies.LastName,
Policies.MiddleInitial, Policies.PolicyHolderBirthdate, Policies.PolicyNumber,
Policies.PrimaryPolicyIndicator, Policies.TerminationDate, Procedures.ProcedureCode,
FROM Procedures LEFT JOIN Policies ON (Procedures.Counter = Policies.Counter)
AND (Procedures.PrimaryPolicyCarrierCode = Policies.CarrierCode)
AND (Procedures.PatientNumber = Policies.PatientNumber)
WHERE (((Procedures.DateOfService)>=[effectivedate]
And (Procedures.DateOfService)
OR (((IsNull([procedures].[primarypolicycarriercode]))<>False))

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MS Access Query That I Would Like To Convert To MS SQL Server Query

Jun 28, 2005

I have the following query created in MS Access that I would like to convert to MS SQL Server, but I can't get the IF logic to work properly, any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


SELECT Customer.Last_Name, Customer.First_Name, Customer.Middle_Name, Customer.Address, Customer.City, Customer.Region, Customer.Postal_Code, Customer.Country, Orders.Order_ID, Customer.Customer_ID, Employees.LastName, Employees.FirstName, Order_Line.Item_ID, Item.[Long Description], Order_Line.Units_Purchased, Order_Line.Price, Order_Line.Discount, CCur(Order_Line.Price*[Units_Purchased]*(1-[Discount])/100)*100 AS ExtendedPrice, Store.Store_Address, Store.Store_City, Store.Store_State, Store.Store_Zip_code, Store.Store_Phone_Number, Store.Store_Fax_Number, Item.Taxable_Nontaxable,
IIf(Item.Taxable_Nontaxable=Yes,([ExtendedPrice]*Tax_Table.Tax_Rate),([ExtendedPrice]*0)) AS Tax_Amt,

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Convert Access Query To Sql 2000 Query

Jan 30, 2008

I'm having trouble converting this access query into a sql 2000 query.
Your help would be appreciated:


Here is what I have, but I'm not confident it is correct:
CASE WHEN (PTicketNum = '0' OR PTicketNum IS NULL) THEN 'M999Z' else PTicketNum END AS Ticket

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Convert Access Query To SQL Stored Procedure

Jun 6, 2008

I'm trying to convert an Access database application to an ASP.NET application with SQL Server 2005 as the database backend. However, I'm having trouble converting some of the queries to SQL stored procedures. Here's an example Access query that I'm trying to convert into working SQL:

FROM AccountCodes
WHERE CodeID = 22 AND AccountCodes.AccountID = Accounts.AccountID) AS FullTimeInfo,
FROM AccountCodes
WHERE CodeID = 24 AND AccountCodes.AccountID = Accounts.AccountID) AS ShortTermInfo,
FROM AccountCodes
WHERE CodeID = 10 AND AccountCodes.AccountID = Accounts.AccountID) AS GeneralInfo,
FROM Accounts
INNER JOIN AccountCodes
ON Accounts.AccountID = AccountCodes.AccountID
WHERE (((Accounts.SummitID)=@SummitID) AND ((AccountCodes.CodeID)=10 Or (AccountCodes.CodeID)=22 Or (AccountCodes.CodeID)=24))
ORDER BY Accounts.LastName, Accounts.FirstName

My understanding is that EXISTS can only be used in the WHERE clause in SQL. Any suggestions on how to properly rewrite this?


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Convert Query From Access To Sql Server 2000

Aug 10, 2007

How do I write this query that was written in access to sql?

SELECT Max(tri_InsrTran.claimnum) AS MaxOfclaimnum, tri_InsrTran.trannum
FROM tri_InsrTran
GROUP BY tri_InsrTran.trannum;

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Convert Access Query To SQL Server View

May 17, 2006

SELECT DISTINCTROW "01C" AS dummy, Buildings.BuildingNumber,UCASE(Buildings.BuildingName) AS BuildingName,Buildings.MasterPlanCode, Buildings.UniformBuildingCode,Buildings.FunctionalCategoryCode, Buildings.OwnershipCode,Buildings.ConditionCode, Format$([BasicGrossArea],"0000000") ASdBasicGrossArea, Format$([CoveredUnenclosedGrossArea],"0000000") ASdCoveredUnenclosedGrossArea,IIf(Month([DateOccupancy])>9,Month([DateOccupancy]),"0" &Month([DateOccupancy])) & Year([DateOccupancy]) AS dDateOccupancy,Buildings.YearConstructed, Format$([NumberLevels],"00") ASdNumberLevels, Format$([UnrelatedGrossArea],"0000000") ASdUnrelatedGrossArea, Buildings.YearLatestImprovement,UCASE(Buildings.Address) AS Address, Buildings.CityCode,CityCodes.CountyCode, Format$([Circulation],"0000000") AS dCirculation,Format$([PublicToiletArea],"0000000") AS dPublicToiletArea,Format$([Mechanical],"0000000") AS dMechanical,Format$([Custodial],"0000000") AS dCustodialFROM CityCodes INNER JOIN Buildings ON CityCodes.CityCode =Buildings.CityCodeORDER BY "01C", Buildings.BuildingNumber, Buildings.BuildingName;Please if anyone can help me in Converting the above given Access Queryto Sql Server. I don't know which function to use for format$, IIF. Iwould really appreciate your suggestions.Thanks,

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Converting Rrom Access Syntax To Sql Syntax

Sep 23, 2007

Ok I am tying to convert access syntax to Sql syntax to put it in a stored procedure or view..
Here is the part that I need to convert:

SELECT [2007_hours].proj_name, [2007_hours].task_name, [2007_hours].Employee,
IIf(Mid([proj_name],1,9) In ('9900-2831','9900-2788'),'II Internal',

) AS timeType, Sum([2007_hours].Hours) AS SumOfHours

how can you convert it to sql syntax

I need to have a nested If statment which I can't do in sql (in sql I have to have select and from Together for example ( I can't do this in sql):
select ID, FName, LName
if(SUBSTRING(FirstName, 1, 4)= 'Mike')
if(SUBSTRING(LastName, 1, 4)= 'Kong')
if(SUBSTRING(Address, 1, 4)= '1245')


Case Statement might be the solution but i could not do it.

Your input will be appreciated

Thank you

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Execute SQL Task: Executing The Query Exec (?) Failed With The Following Error: Syntax Error Or Access Violation. Possible F

Jan 23, 2008

I'm having an SSIS package which gives the following error when executed :

Error: 0xC002F210 at Create Linked Server, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec (?)" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Task failed: Create Linked Server

The package has a single Execute SQL task with the properties listed below :

General Properties
Result Set : None

ConnectionType : OLEDB
Connection : Connected to a Local Database (DB1)
SQLSourceType : Direct Input
SQL Statement : exec(?)
IsQueryStorePro : False
BypassPrepare : False

Parameter Mapping Properties

variableName Direction DataType ParameterName

User::AddLinkSql Input Varchar 0

'AddLinkSql' is a global variable of package scope of type string with the value
Exec sp_AddLinkedServer 'Srv1','','SQLOLEDB.1',@DataSrc='localhost',@catalog ='DB1'

When I try to execute the Query task, it fails with the above error. Also, the above the sql statement cannot be parsed and gives error "The query failed to parse. Syntax or access violation"

I would like to add that the above package was migrated from DTS, where it runs without any error, eventhough
it gives the same parse error message.

I would appreciate if anybody can help me out of this issue by suggeting where the problem is.

Thanks in Advance.

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CONVERT And Syntax

Jan 22, 2007

Here's my sp

SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, LastDateIn), 0) AS Date_Checked_In, COUNT(*) AS No_Files
FROM tblFiles
WHERE (CONVERT(datetime, LastDateIn, 103) >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 10, GETDATE()), 0))
GROUP BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, LastDateIn), 0)
ORDER BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, LastDateIn), 0) DESC

I want Date_Checked_In not to show the time. I have tried using convert on the 1st line to just show the date but keep getting a syntax error.

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Convert(datetime, Order_date) Syntax

Nov 11, 2002


select first_name,last_name, order_date
from orders where convert (datetime, order_date) > '11/08/02'

I get the following error while executing this on sql server 2000.

Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

This statement wokrs with 7.0. Also I haven't come across anything that tells me that this syntax is not supported in sql server 2000.

Then why am I getting this error? Is there any database setting that needs to be changed? How can I make this statement work in 2000?


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Help Me! Convert SQL Syntax To LINQ With Multi Join

May 5, 2008

I have 3 tables:SportTeams (TeamID, TeamName)SportAthletes (TeamID, AthleteID, AthleteName)SportMedals (AthleteID, Medal)
I want to have a brief medal list (TeamID, G, S, B). I can write query in systax:
Select a.TeamID, a.TeamName_en,g.G,s.S,b.B from SportTeams aLeft Join(Select c.TeamID,Count(*) as G from SportMedals b Inner Join SportAthletes c On b.AthleteID = c.AthleteIDWhere Medal = 'G'Group By c.TeamID) g On a.TeamID = g.TeamIDLeft Join(Select c.TeamID,Count(*) as S from SportMedals b Inner Join SportAthletes c On b.AthleteID = c.AthleteIDWhere Medal = 'S'Group By c.TeamID) s On a.TeamID = s.TeamIDLeft Join(Select c.TeamID,Count(*) as B from SportMedals d Inner Join SportAthletes c On d.AthleteID = c.AthleteIDWhere Medal = 'B'Group By c.TeamID) b On a.TeamID = b.TeamIDOrder By g.G desc, s.S desc, b.B desc, a.TeamID asc
But I can't write it in LINQ syntax (I am beginner with C#, LINQ)
Can you help this sample to LINQ systax?

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SQL 2012 :: Syntax To Convert From Ounces To Pounds In Format Of 6 Lb 3 Oz

Jun 3, 2015

I'm very new to sql and it's syntax (access users), I've played around with various combinations, how would I get the weight to display as pounds and ounces? the field type is varchar

This works to convert, but number doesn't display the way I want:

(dbo.BIRTH_WT_NUM / 0.035274) AS [Birth weight in grams]

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Integration Services :: Trying To Convert C# Syntax For Use In Script Task

Aug 28, 2008

I was given the following code for use in a Script Task, but it is written in C#:
            Company.File.ACH.NACHA file = new Company.File.ACH.NACHA(126, @"Data Source=SERVERSAND;Initial Catalog=Database;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=ID;password=pswd;");
            FileInfo t = new FileInfo("C:/newfile.txt");            StreamWriter Tex = t.CreateText();
            //byte[] bytearraye = file.OutputArray;
            Tex.WriteLine(file.ToString());            Tex.Close();
I've tried to convert this to for use in a Script Task, but I'm doing something wrong.

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MS Access SQL Syntax Error

Apr 22, 2004

There is a JOIN syntax error in this SQL, but my slow brain cannot figure out where. I tried to join two queries, which had been successful. Problem occurred when I added second left join. Can anyone help?

PARAMETERS pstrFinYear Text ( 255 ), pintAdjMonth Long;

SELECT A.BudgetLineID, A.BudgetLine, B.NumIsDevelopBusinessInternationally, B.NumIsDeeperParticipation, B.NumIsNewExporter, B.NumProjects, C.NumCompanies, A.KMISReportOrder
FROM ( tblkpBudgetLine AS A


[SELECT BudgetLineID, FinancialYear, SUM(IsDevelopBusinessInternationally) AS NumIsDevelopBusinessInternationally, SUM(IsDeeperParticipation) AS NumIsDeeperParticipation, (-1*SUM(AdjustedNewExpMonth=pintAdjMonth)) AS NumIsNewExporter, COUNT(ProjectID) AS NumProjects
FROM qryBoardReport_Actuals
WHERE FinancialYear=pstrFinYear
AND AdjustedProjectStartMonth=pintAdjMonth
GROUP BY BudgetLineID, FinancialYear]. AS B
ON (A.BudgetLineID=B.BudgetLineID) AND (A.FinancialYear=B.BudgetLine)


[SELECT Z.BudgetLineID, Z.FinancialYear, Z.AdjustedProjectStartMonth, COUNT(Z.Company) AS NumCompanies
FROM [SELECT DISTINCT qryBoardReport_Actuals.BudgetLineID AS BudgetLineID, qryBoardReport_Actuals.FinancialYear AS
FinancialYear, qryBoardReport_Actuals.AdjustedProjectStartMonth, qryBoardReport_Actuals.CompanyID as Company
FROM qryBoardReport_Actuals
WHERE FinancialYear=pstrFinYear
AND AdjustedProjectStartMonth=pintAdjMonth
GROUP BY qryBoardReport_Actuals.FinancialYear, qryBoardReport_Actuals.BudgetLineID, qryBoardReport_Actuals.AdjustedProjectStartMonth, qryBoardReport_Actuals.CompanyID]. AS Z
GROUP BY FinancialYear, BudgetLineID, AdjustedProjectStartMonth] as C

ON (A.BudgetLineID=C.BudgetLineID) and (A.FinancialYear=C.FinancialYear))

WHERE A.FinancialYear=pstrFinYear

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Access To SQL Server 7 Syntax Help

May 7, 2004

This runs in Access, but SQL Server 7 complains that BETWEEN is unrecognized. Can anyone help me? thanks

SELECT yearId, IIf(Date() BETWEEN [qrtOneStart] AND [qrtOneEnd],1, IIf(Date() BETWEEN [qrtTwoStart] AND [qrtTwoEnd], 2, IIf(Date() BETWEEN [qrtThreeStart] AND [qrtThreeEnd], 3, 4))) AS CurrentQrt, yearName
FROM tblYear

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Incorrect Syntax Near... Fine In QA Not In Access

Apr 4, 2008

I created a couple of stored procedures. One of them (let's call it SP1) dumps information into a table and then calls another stored procedure (SP2) to put the info in a temp table in crosstab format. SP1 then displays the info from the temp table.

When I execute SP1 from Query Editor, everything works perfectly. No errors are returned and my data is displayed just as expected.

When I try to execute SP1 from MS Access's pass-through query, I get the following error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near ','.(#102)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'A'(#102)

I've found that the error occurs when the SP2 is called from within SP1. If it's working fine in Query Editor, shouldn't it work from MS Access? Any insights?

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Syntax To Access Database On Another Server

Feb 26, 2008

I know how to access different tables on the same server by prefixingthe table with the database name. Is there anyway to prefix theserver name to link two tables across servers? Thanks.

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Syntax For WHERE Clause For Access Database

Oct 17, 2006

I have used this query statement with a SQL Server 2005 database and need to use something similar with an Access database:

SELECT products.*, Category AS Expr1
FROM products
WHERE (Category = @Category)

When I test this in a table adapter there is no preview due to lack of parameter. I seem to recall that Access uses different syntax in the WHERE filter clause (i.e., not @). Can someone help me out with this?

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Convert Access To SQL

Jul 15, 2006

The following is my code for Access... can someone help me convert it to sql:
My Connectionstring is "server=(local);database=Database;trusted_connection=true"
<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Sub btnLogin_OnClick(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand
Dim intUserCount As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblLoginInfo " _
& "WHERE username='" & Replace(txtUsername.Text, "'", "''") & "' " _
& "AND password='" & Replace(txtPassword.Text, "'", "''") & "';"
myConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _
& "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("login.mdb") & ";")
myCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, myConnection)
intUserCount = myCommand.ExecuteScalar()
If intUserCount > 0 Then
lblInvalid.Text = ""
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(txtUsername.Text, True)
lblInvalid.Text = "Sorry... try again..."
End If
End Sub

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Convert From Access DB To SQL DB....

Nov 4, 2007

Dear All,
 I would like to convert from Access To SQL DB undervisual Studio.Net 2005...
How can I do it easily, or if there any software to do this automaticlly, please your help..
 Awaiting your valuable reply.
Many thanks in advance for your cooperation and continuous support....

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DB Convert From Access

Feb 16, 2005

I am currently in the process of writing an application to convert an Access database to SQL. Basically, I have created an odbc link in access and then I transfer the data from the access table to the linked table.

The problem is where I have to transfer the Identity keys. I can transfer all the data but the keys. They will auto increment. I tried using INSERT_IDENTITY tablename ON but it just returns an error mosty of the time. I have gotten it to transfer once or twice by stepping through.

Here is the basic code:

The code that causes everything to error is commented out.

Private Sub CopySQLRecordSet(ByVal stTableName As String, _
Optional ByVal blIdentity As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal stSearch As String = "")
Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim tbl As ADOX.Table
Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Set tbl = New ADOX.Table
Dim adoCommand As New ADODB.Command, stCommand As String
Dim adoSQLCommand As New ADODB.Command
Dim errorString As String

On Error GoTo ErrorCopying
PrgPart.Value = PrgPart.Value + 1
If blCancelPressed Then End '???fix later
cat.ActiveConnection = db1 'This doesn't seem to work with our normal settings for spectrumDbase
tbl.ParentCatalog = cat
tbl.Name = "dbo_" & stTableName
tbl.Properties("Temporary Table") = False
'possibly, this line will work for Oracle as well
tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String") = "odbc;DSN=
tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name") = stTableName
tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Create Link") = True
tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Table Hidden In Access") = False
tbl.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Cache Link Name/Password") = False
cat.Tables.Append tbl
Suspend 1
adoCommand.CommandType = adCmdText
adoCommand.ActiveConnection = database
adoSQLCommand.CommandType = adCmdText
adoSQLCommand.ActiveConnection = rsDbase

'stCommand = "BEGIN TRANSACTION " & vbNewLine _
' & "go" & vbNewLine
'If there is an identity field in the table, it must be temporarily disabled
'to insert from an foreign DB.
'If blIdentity Then
' stCommand = stCommand & "SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo_" & stTableName & " ON " & vbNewLine & "GO" & vbNewLine
'adoCommand.CommandText = stCommand
'End If

'insert the records from the source table
stCommand = ""
stCommand = stCommand & "INSERT INTO dbo_" & stTableName _
& " SELECT * FROM " & stTableName & vbNewLine _
& "GO" & vbNewLine

'stCommand = stCommand & "COMMIT TRANSACTION"

adoCommand.CommandText = stCommand

'clean up
' stCommand = stCommand & vbNewLine & "DROP TABLE dbo_" & stTableName & vbNewLine & "GO"
' adoCommand.CommandText = stCommand
' adoCommand.Execute

'reinsert identity property
' If blIdentity Then stCommand = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " & stTableName & " OFF" & vbNewLine

'Block statement, going to leave this out for now
'stCommand = stCommand & "go" & vbNewLine _

'adoCommand.CommandText = stCommand

Set adoCommand = Nothing
Set adoSQLCommand = Nothing
Exit Sub
'need to save this to a string so it doesn't reset when Resume occurs
errorString = Err.Description
' MsgBox "Error copying the [" & stTableName & "] table." & vbNewLine _
' & "Error: " & errorstring
Resume errorCatch
On Error Resume Next
'set a log
Dim fso As FileSystemObject, fStream As TextStream
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set fStream = fso.OpenTextFile(App.Path & "DBTransfer.log", ForAppending, True)
fStream.WriteLine "***Error copying the [" & stTableName & "] table."
fStream.WriteLine " Error: " & errorString
fStream.WriteLine " "
Set fStream = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
'clean up
adoCommand.CommandText = "DROP TABLE dbo_" & stTableName
If blIdentity Then
'reinsert identity property
adoSQLCommand.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " & stTableName & " OFF"
End If
Set adoCommand = Nothing
Set adoSQLCommand = Nothing
End Sub

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Convert Access Dba To Ms Sql

Jan 24, 2008

Who convert access dba to ms sql 2000 standard.
I try with access conversion, but some buttons commands and rules don´t work.
The dba contains tabs, forms, rel´s, macros, modules and relations with tabs and examination images. It´s possible convert everything without damage or transform this itens?
The dba contains critical information about identification and personal clinic story about patients, but the access capacity it´s out (2GB) and i need to expand this dba.

I have some urgency to this problem, it´s depends to buy a windows 2008 server and mssql server 2008.

I hope everyone help me.


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How To Convert A Database From MS Access To MS SQL

Feb 9, 2004

hi all,

How to convert a database from MS Access to MS SQL, is there some tool like that?

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Convert This Access Code To Sql

Jun 24, 2008

Hello does anyone know how to convert this access code to sql. Also is there a program out there that will do it for you.

IIf([Ceridian]![UnionIndicator]="U" And [YearsService]>=3,[HealthBenefits]![medplan.Bi-WeeklyURBio-Rad]*26,[HealthBenefits]![medplan.Bi-WeeklyBio-Rad]*26) AS MedicalCostER, IIf([Ceridian]![UnionIndicator]="U" And [YearsService]>=3,[medplan]![Bi-WeeklyUREE]*26,[medplan]![Bi-WeeklyEE]*26) AS MEdicalCostEE

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Convert My ACCESS 2000 Db To MS SQL

Jul 31, 2007

I have an Access database and would like to convert it to an MS SQL database?!

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Convert Access Queries To SQL

Oct 15, 2007

I have an Access database that used to produce a mass of Performance Indicators from Access tables. The data is now held on SQL Server and I run the Access queries from the SQL tables. I wouldlike to move all the queries over to SQL but not sure if I can do that. Here's an example of one of the queries (the SQL view)

SELECT tblCalls.*
FROM tblCalls
WHERE (((tblCalls.Call_date)>=[Forms]![ReportParams]![SDate] And (tblCalls.Call_date)<=[Forms]![ReportParams]![EDate]) AND ((tblCalls.NotAccepted)=False) AND ((tblCalls.Completed_time) Is Not Null) AND ((tblCalls.Category)="fly tipping"));

SELECT Month([Call_date]) AS Mnth, DateSerial(Year([Call_date]),Int((Month([Call_date])-1)/3)*3+4,0) AS Qtr, Sum(Work_Days([Call_date],[Completed_time])) AS RespTime, Sum(1) AS Count, Sum(Work_Days([Call_date],[Completed_time]))/[Count] AS AvgTime
FROM qryFlyTippingStatsSummary1
GROUP BY Month([Call_date]), DateSerial(Year([Call_date]),Int((Month([Call_date])-1)/3)*3+4,0)
ORDER BY Month([Call_date]), DateSerial(Year([Call_date]),Int((Month([Call_date])-1)/3)*3+4,0);

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Convert A Access Db To Sql 2005

Dec 16, 2007

what's the best way in sql 2005 to convert a access db?

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