Convert Datetime Columns To Smalldatetime In Whole Database
Nov 7, 2007
I need to convert all datetime columns to smalldatetime in the whole database. I really don't want to do it by hand and It would probably take me a whole day to figure out how to write such a procedure. If someone could help me out that would be great.
My database is divided into schemas just like AdventureWorks.
Also, no need to worry about date conversion, value could be set to current date.
Hello everyone. I am running into some small problems converting a smalldatetime field. I currently have 2005-10-17 00:00:00 in the field but what it to have forward slashes instead of th dash. I tried a few convert methods but not successful.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work?
I need to convert a datetime field to smalldatetime. This particular field we only care about the time portion (an example would be '1899-12-30 13:15:00.000') For now I created another field say 'newTime' that is smalldatetime, in which I want to "update" to the smalldatetime version of the data. I know this will truncate the ms, but I don't care about that. Also the min date that can be used with smalldatetime is Jan 1 1900. Not sure how to go about doing this.
Hi guys! I need to convert datetime data type to smalldatetime on production server with hundreds transactions per minute. In this case do I need to restrict users access to the table or put table in the single user mode? Or it doesn't have any impact on productivity and I just can open Design table window in SQL Enterprise Manager and edit it? Thank you in advance, Igor
I am looking for just the date element of a datetime/smalldatetime col. For example the rows appear in typical datetime/smalldatetime format as:
1999-11-30 07:53:00
I need just "1999-11-30". So how do I strip off the time element? Datepart doesn't seem to be the route to take. I also need to use the date with Datediff so by stripping off the time element, I still need to keep the date element as a date datatype.
I just imported an Access database into SQL Server. The database is the 2005-2006 NFL schedule. there are 2 smalldatetime columns, one of which is the date of the games, the other has the times. In order to get the table to import (without just stopping with an error) I had to change the smalldatetime setting on the SQL Server table to Varchar. The error I was recieving was "blahblahblah DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Dataoverflow. ... Invalid character value for cast specification" . Google has explained that this is due to the dates being outside of the acceptable range. An example of a date in the date column is "9/11/2005". An example of a time in the time column is "1:00:00 PM". These seem perfectly acceptable to my untrained eye, and they do indeed work in the Access version of the database.Now for the questions:What do I have to do to these dates to make them acceptable to the smalldatetime setting? Can I just run a query that smushes the two columns together into a valid datetime? I need to have them as valid dates in order to perform checks when people submit their picks (you can't make picks after the game has started). Is there any real reason why SQL Server would not have accepted them as they existed in the Access database? How lenient are the datetime and smalldatetime datatypes?I realize that in the time it took me to type out this post I could have just manually re-entered them all into one new datetime column, but I would like to know why this isn't working. I hope my post isn't too jumbly. Any help is appreciated.
Sorry if this is really dumb; I'm a database newbie. Suppose I want to insert a .NET System.DateTime object into a SQL Server smalldatetime field using a string representation of the INSERT statement. How do I extract an appropriate string representation of the DateTime object to stuff into my INSERT string? Also, as a follow on, is there a better way to do this, say with LINQ?
I have a simple question to ask; I need to create a column with the data from my DOB column (which has the smalldatetime type attached to it). I know how to do that but I am not too sure how to convert the data from that column int normal character for example when I copy it into my newly created column and change the type to varchar I get this jan 16 1979 from this date 1979/01/16. But I actually want the data to look like this 19790116, so in effect I just want to take out the slashes.
I am trying to write a simple query that retrieves the data field from a table (stored in the smalldatetime format) and converts the date to mmm yy format. The closest I can get is retrieving the date in the dd mmm yy format using the query below.
select convert(varchar(10),DATA_DATE,06) As DATA_DATE
If there an easy way to parse out the information I want? I also attempted to use the SUBSTR functions, but they always returned error messages.
Can anyone help me on this!I've got more than a 1000 records in a SQL server database.The problem is that the the date field is set to varchar, and that gives a lot of trouble. (for example by sorting a table, it's a mess)How can i make sure that i will have a table with the date field set to datettime en that those 1000 records still will be in it. thanks in advance!
In SQL Server 2000 / Asp.Net I am trying to use default values for all fields; hoping to eliminate nulls.
For number and character fields, the default is pretty obvious, but is there any empty value for a date field? I think a null there might be better than putting in a bogus date, at least it can be tested for.
Are there any more developend ideas on this question?
hi all, the field type :datetime and smalldatetime, i still can't understand.everytime when i inserted the data to the db, i also get the error message "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value."i must change the field type to string, so that i can insert data my codetxt_datetime.text = '5/2/2006'insert into datetime (datetime) values ('"& txt_datetime.text & "')"can anybody tell me the reason???thank you!!
i have a table containing the column "current month" and "current day" as smallint which contains the number of months since 1900-01-01 and the day of this month. now i want to trnslate this column in a smalldatetime ( not datetime !) value using a computed column and then create an index on that column.
the formula should be: dateadd(d,[current day]-1, dateadd(m,[current month],convert(smalldatetime,'1900-01-01')) )
trying to create an index on this column results in an error message saying that the formula is nondeterministic or imprecise
removing the convert statement leaving only the date results in a column of type datetime and creating the index works fine
replacing convert(smalldatetime,'1900-01-01') with a column name which has the type smalldatetime also allows to create an index but thats not what i want to do.
it seems that sql2000 thinks a convert from a string to a date is nondeterministic. Is there any possibility to create a const of type smalldatetime without using convert?
Any idea?
(besides this, datediff(d,'yyyy-mm-dd',anydate) is nondeterministic but datediff(d,dateadd(d,0,'yyyy-mm-dd'),anydate) is deterministic. strange...)
I am inserting date and time data into a SQL Server 2012 Express table from an application. The application is providing the date and time as a string data type. Is there a TSQL way to convert the date and time string to an SQL datetime date type? I want to do the conversion, because SQL displays an error due to the
My date and time string from the application looks like : 3/11/2014 12:57:57 PM
Hi,I have a text file that contains a date column. The text file will beimported to database in SQL 2000 server. After to be imported, I wantto convert the date column to date type.For ex. the text file look likeName dateSmith 20003112Jennifer 19991506It would be converted date column to ydm database in SQL 2000 server.In the table it should look like thisName DateSmith 2000.31.12Jennifer 1999.15.06Thanks in advance- Loi -
hi, How do i convert a varchar field into the datetime data type? the reason i need this lies in the requirement that in the earlier data base the column that is hlding the date value is having the data type as varchar. and in the new design the column data type is datetime. i am using sql scripts for the data migration from the older design to the newer and got stuck with this datetime convertion issue. do let me know the best possible solution.
following are the sample data that is theer in the older table for the date.
12/12/2003 1/13/2007 01132004 1-1-2004 1.2.2001
there is no uniformity of the data that is stored currently.
1. Do I need to first convert into nvarchar then datetime. e.g. convert(datetime,convert (nvarchar,Cert_WarehouseDetails.IssuedDateX,101)) <= '3/29/2004')
2. Otherwise can I directly convert into datetime.
Hi, Is there a way to convert the date time column to MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM format. I tried Select Convert(varchar , Getdate(),100). But this is not in MM-DD-YY format..
Hi all..its kinda hard for me hw to figure out this, hopefully any of u guys can help me out with this super simple problem..
here is my query.. select convert(char(50),dateadd(day,-7,getdate()),105) its because i want it to look last week data. BUT i get the format like this '03-07-2006'
what i want is it to be like this '20060703' how do i do that?
I have a table with an int field that I'm trying to insert into a datetime field, however, there are 0's in the int field. How do I write a case statement to change the 0's to '01/01/1900' and then store the datetime field as 'mm/dd/yyyy'? The data is currently coming in as yyyymmdd as int.
I have SQL table with dateTime field which is INT type (This field contains a number representing DATE / TIME) I would like to convert this umber to actuall date time output. However, SQL gives invalid date times. See below) Appears the resulting date time are all the same. SQL COMMAND Select TimeStamp, cast(convert(TimeStamp,103) As datetime) from winsData2 OUTPUT TimeStamp Converted TimeStamp 2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343 2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343 1178694066 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343 2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343 1178688211 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343 1178828143 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343 2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343 Any assitance appreciated.
Hi: I have a column call Date_Sent (28/02/2004)(dd/mm/yyyy) format as varchar at beginning. I want to convert to other column as datetime. I use Query like: SELECT CAST(SUBSTRING(Date_Sent,1,2)as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(date_sent,4,2) as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(DATE_SENT,7,4) as int) From MyTable It is not working, anybody can give me some advise! thanks!
When I configure my SQL server datasource, what SQL statement can I use to convert a source field in a legacy DB2 database in 'mmddyy' format to a datetime field so that I can query by date on this field?
hi , i have a problem i have an textarea that i want to convert to DateTime format (dd/MM/yyyy) . the data in the textarea is (dd/MM/yyyy for example 21/12/2005). i need it to add this data in sql server , in smalldatetime formation colum . plz help.
Hi, How I can convert text '07012003' into datetime ?. If I am using below format and getting the error 'the conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value'
Hi, I have DB2 date value 00000000. If I'm exporting to SQL server using openquery that is automaticaly converting to char of 8 and stored as the same value 00000000. My question is how I can convert them as datetime value in SQL server 2000.?
I have a query that determines a product's date of manufacture from the serial number. The day is formatted as a day number (e.g. "107" = April 17) and the year as a two-digit year. All dates can be assumed to be 21st century.
I need to take this data, which is in two separate fields in varchar format, and represent it as a date in mm/dd/yyyy format. So for example, if the field values are "107" and "06" I need to display "04/17/2006."