Using SQL 2000 I have data in a sql table that is store in varchar like below
The integer part will never be bigger than 20. I need to move it to another SQL table that is char(5). I need the results that go in that table to like like below
I looked at the replace and cast but couldn't get the results. Any better approaches?
Hi all,I have a column LateHours (Varchar). I want to put it in another table which has Latehours column in Decimal(4,2) Example = +04:33 Should be 4.33 (Only + values) Char to Decimal (4,2) Please Help me,Thanks,Janaka
i'm going nuts with this, i suppose i will crack it eventually, but i thought i'd ask around here, seems like all the smart SQL Server guys hang out here
(i'm an SQL guy, not an SQL Server guy)
how does one place 5 spaces into a CHAR(5) column? create table testzeros ( id smallint not null primary key identity , myfield char(5) ) insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 1') insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 11') insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 111') insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' 1111') insert into testzeros (myfield) values ('11111') insert into testzeros (myfield) values (' ')
select id , myfield , len(myfield) as L from testzerosno matter what i do, id=6 shows up with L=0, just like an empty string
i've even tried inserting 4 spaces and a non-blank character, which enters just fine, just as you would expect, but when i update the value and replace the non-blank character with a blank, all 5 spaces collapse back to an empty string
is there some kind of server setting like SET ALL_SPACE_EQUALS_EMPTY_YOU_IDIOT to OFF or something?
Please help!!!We had a sql server 7 DB, with a char 8 field, in which some of thedata was only 7 characters in length.Via a type 4 JDBC driver, we got back a NON space padded String.This server got upgraded to sql server 2000. Now, via the type 4 JDBCdriver, we get a String padded field!!I understand there is a ODBC setting for ANSI padding on/off, but thetype 4 doesn;t use the OdBC-JDBC configuration could beaffecting the data coming back?No one here can work out why. Any ideas?
Hi,I have a table of text. I need to search for whole words within this text...For example, I need to be able to search for records that contain 'dog' butnot return 'hotdog' or 'dogma' for example.I am doing this by throwing a space around both the records in the table andthe search word like this:WHERE (' ' + Text + ' ') Like ('% ' + Search + ' %')The problem is that punctuation needs to be stripped out of the text so thatit will still find "...walking the dog."Is there a way to update, converting a certain set of characters intoanother character (i.e. a space) and/or to do the same thing during the wordsearch query itself?Thanks!
I'm looking through some data in a third party application, trying to figure something out for a report. There is a char(1) column holding control characters that apparently effects the status of certain records, and whether they should appear on the report. I want to look at the integer value of those characters rather than the character representation, but I can't get it to work. I keep getting "Error converting data type varchar to numeric." I'm trying to do something like this: Code:
SELECT CONVERT(int, MyColumn) As IntValue FROM MyTable
I've tried every combination of cast and convert I can think of, as well as numeric data types other than int. There aren't that many distinct values, so I'm just going to do this manually, but I still want to know why it won't work, or what I'm doing wrong. Any thoughts?
I have a Column called PostNr which is of type Char(4) I want to be able to Convert it to int How can I accomplish that in query analyser, I tried changing it in Ent Manager, it keeps timing out. I data in Post is in this format, does not contain illegal character just number
Hi all, There are several columns called enabled with a char datatype in my database. One enabled column per table. These columns either have a value of T or F (true or false), depending on whether they're enabled or not. I want to change these columns to a bit datatype and insert the relevant value of true or false... I guess the best way to do this is to add a new column to a table with a bit datatype, and based on the value in the current enabled column, insert TRUE or FALSE. Anyone ideas on the best way to accomplish this? Thanks.
Hi, I have DB2 date value 00000000. If I'm exporting to SQL server using openquery that is automaticaly converting to char of 8 and stored as the same value 00000000. My question is how I can convert them as datetime value in SQL server 2000.?
declare @new table( id int not null identity(1,1), dat char(10)) insert into @new select'111214' union select'121214' select cast(dat as datetime)from @new -----------------------
Select Cast('100.1234' as float)give me the result 100.1234Now when I convert it back to char I want exactly 100.1234Select Convert(char(100),Cast('100.1234' as float))Gives me 100.123 (Here I was expecting 100.1234)When I doSelect STR(Cast('100.1234' as float),25,4)I get back the result as 100.1234However here I am not sure how many digits do I have after the decimalpoint. If I put some value likeSelect STR(Cast('100.1234' as float),25,8)I get 0's appended to it, which is again not desired.Thanks in advance,Jai
We have the same database in three different environment. The statement below works just fine in two database environment, but I am getting the error in the third one. All the databases are Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I could not pine point the source of the issue. Please any input that you might be able to provide. Thanks
The issue in simplest from
DECLARE @UDF_Value nvarchar(255)
set @UDF_Value = 111
Msg 235, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.
I've been trying to solve this problem or just find an alternative to do this. I have filled a temp table with certain values for all columns except those columns that rely on calculations that need certain cell values from other columns in the temp table. I have a while statement that runs through each cell for one calculation column and this is the code that updates the fields on the calc column:
Code Block EXEC('UPDATE #tblTemp SET #tblTemp.['+@CalcColumns+'] = (CAST(ISNULL((SELECT #tblTemp.['+@Column1+'] FROM #tblTemp WHERE #tblTemp.PK = '''+@PubKey+'''), 0.00)as money) - CAST(ISNULL((SELECT #tblTemp.['+@Column2+'] FROM #tblTemp WHERE #tblTemp.PK = '''+@PubKey+''') , 0.00)as money)) WHERE #tblTemp.PK = '''+@PubKey+'''')
The problem is that it will not let me convert the two values to money. The error is:
Msg 235, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.
This is necessary to calculate the difference between these two cells from the temp table. I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
Hi, I am extracting data from DB2 into SQL server using DTS. We have the data type char(5) in DB2 and int in SQL server. I tried to give the select integer(columname) as columname from tablename in data source. I did parse the query it was Ok but If I tried to execute that giving the following error. Can you give me your answere for this issue.
--------------------------- Package Error --------------------------- Error Source : Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
--------------------------- OK ---------------------------
I read the topic from JROdden and this case is similiar but...
I got several varchar fields with values like 1.2 1.3 ... these I can covert with select CONVERT(dec(5,2), fieldname) as fieldname
In fact I also solved undefined- and NULL-values with. CONVERT(decimal(12, 2), CASE WHEN GESCHKOSTMAX IS NULL OR GESCHKOSTMAX < '0' THEN '0' ELSE GESCHKOSTMAX END) as GESCHKOSTMAX,
But now there are values like 1,4 and these ones neither CONVERT nor CAST will handle.
and get 0,40 0.25 0.30 and so on...
The error is: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Driver][SQL Server]Error converting datatype varchar to decimal. (or float or numeric (whatever I tried))
I think the easiest way would be to insist on higher data quality but I also would like to solve this interesting challenge.
Thanks for any hints
By the way, I followed rudys link to and now I know how I could protect myself !!!!
There must be a voice in my head saying: Try the db-forum, try it and stay happy... ;-)
I have to store the result of a calculation in a column of type CHAR(7) (and am unable to change the column type).
The calculation can have results ranging in size from 0.1234567 to 99999999.
In the first case, I would need to store the value of 0.12345 in the column. In the later case, an error should be thrown.
So I need to store all of the significant digits from the left of the decimal (if there are < 7) and as many of the digits to the right as will fit into a CHAR(7), with the remaining precision being truncated.
I have imported some data to sql2k from my old system. Somehow, it importedinvoice amount to char type.I just created another column called invamt2 type NUMERIC so I can copy orconvert content of invamt which is type CHAR. There are about 50,000records.How can I convert/cast from char type to numeric type ?Thanks
I can't seem to find a method of converting a CHAR(8) column in the form ofYYYYMMDD to an actual date such as mm/dd/yyyyCan anyone point me in the right direction?Thanks
I'm trying to convert a char(24) column to the datetime format. This is my query: select CONVERT(datetime, [Date], 121) from Table
The date in the char(24) column has this format: 2007-12-14 14:45:31.735 When executing this statemant it says it cannot convert this char to datetime. But when I execute this statement, it works: select CONVERT(datetime, '2007-12-14 14:45:31.735', 121) from Table
The problem... A new value is inserted automatically with (convert(smalldatetime,getdate()103)) to a smalldatetime field (date) into a new row in the db
Existing data needs to be updated via an html form in the format ”dd/mm/yyyy” - I get this when I try: “Error The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value”
Obviously the db field doesn’t like trying to update a smalldatetime field with a char type value. As the date field needs to use some SQL later with DATEADD, I can’t change the date field to char. (The date feild accepts ”dd/mm/yyyy” if I use Enterprise Manager and type it strait in but not via the update on a web page?)
The question... How do I change the update SQL to convert from Char to Smalltimedate to accept dd/mm/yyyy? ( I am using MS-SQL and ASP3 JS and new(ish) to MS-SQL)
I have a money field in SQL that when i try and get the sum of it i cannot convert it to decimal. This was working now its not, and nothing was changed.Any reason for the error? DECLARE @TEST decimal(10,2)SET @Test = (SELECT SUM(INV_Net) FROM abc.dbo.iSplit_Details WHERE LoanID='0000010604')Print @TestRETURNS: 160471.24----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Specified cast is not valid. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.Source Error:
Line 3576: // CURRENT TOTALLine 3577: cmd.CommandText = "SELECT SUM(INV_Net) FROM abc.dbo.iSplit_Details WHERE LoanID=@LoanID";Line 3578: decimal split_currentamt = ((decimal)cmd.ExecuteScalar());
I am trying to write a Procedure in SQL 2005 that retreives a list of rows from the database. I pass to the procedure sorting parameters. This procedure works fine for all of the fields that I enter in the Order By, except for one. The field that does not work is a varchar(500) field (named Description). I am not sure what the problem is. The error that I am getting is:
Msg 235, Level 16, State 0, Line 13
Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.
Attached is the T-SQL Code. The declare and set statements in the beginning are for informational purposes. Any help is appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ declare @Match varchar(75)
WHERE CONTAINS (ci.Keywords, @Match) AND ShowOnWeb=1
SELECT catitems.ID,
FROM catitems
WHERE RowNo BETWEEN @StartPos AND @StartPos + @NumRows -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------