I have a table (Not my own, cannot be changed) that has this structure:
ID, field, data
1, fname, john
1, lname, doe
1, address, 123 any st
2, fname, jack
2, lname, sprat
2 address, 345 some st
2, phone, 321-555-1234
I want this:
ID, fname, lname, address, phone
1, john, doe, 123 any st,,
2, jack, sprat, 345 some st, 321-555-1234
This query will need to run on a regular schedule.
There are over 100 fields, I don't want to do this 100 times:
The data I have has a 1 in for each Yes answer and a 2 for each no answer. I just want the select statement to show the word yes when there's a 1 and the word no when there's a 2. I don't need to update or change the database. Could anyone lead me in the right direction here? Thanks
I have a select statement which has to convert some date fields stored as varchar based on critera of adding numbers to the date. What I have below will return data show below but gives me an error message when it encounters any data with null in the field. Is there something wrong in my conversion? Thanks
I want to combine two of my fields somewhat like when you combine to char fields and concatenate them. But these two fields are int. How do i do that? Here's my query right now:
Code Block SELECT AutoID, CONVERT(Varchar(Mars_Calender_Year )+ CONVERT(Varchar(Mars_Calender_Period_Code) as MarsId FROM NavisionReplication.dbo.Tbl_Mars_Calender ORDER BY Mars_Calender_Year DESC
I have a query that produces seperate rows for people, but I want to combine them into one place. I tried doing this in SQL but apparently it's not very easy in SQL Server. You need to loop through a table using cursors. I'm not quite that advanced with SQL Server and was wondering if there might be an easier way just using SSRS.
In other words I have a table as such:
1 John Smith 2 Jane Doe 3 Matthew Jones
And I'd like to create one textbox that contains the following:
Hi, how do i do a select statement with asp.net to return a record if a field is null. I have the following code: SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE ParentId = @ParentId", cn);.Parameters.Add("@ParentId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = parentId != null ? (object) parentId : DBNull.Value;cn.Open(); The variable parentId is a nullable int. However when i pass in a null value it doesn't return anything even though there are records in the database that have a null value for the ParentId field. Appreciate if someone could tell me what i am doing wrong. Thanks
I have three tables X,Y,Z. Table 'Y' is having foreign key constraints on tables 'X' and 'Z' (which happen to be primary key tables). I would like to run a query in which I can retrieve rows from Table 'X' only if the matching rows in Table 'Y' have "ALL" their matching rows available in a simple query being run on Table "Z". The "All" part is very important.
For more clarification, let me give you an example. Table "X" is equivalent to a mathematical "Equation" table which consists of an equation made up of several "Fields". These fields are stored in Table "Z". Table "Y" contains the primary keys from Tables "X" and "Z". i.e. Table "Y" determines what fields are required for an equation to be complete.
I am having a query "Q" on Table "Z" (Fields table) which returns me a bunch of Fields. Now, on the basis of these fields, I want to retrieve only those Equations (Table "X") which have "ALL" their required Fields present in the bunch retrieved by the Query "Q".
I hope I am clear enough. Does anyone have any solutions???
I want to convert the row value as column name example:--> value ratio 3 4.166666666661 1.315789473680 00 0 To :-> value ratio ratio1 ratio2 ratio3 3 4.166 1.315 0 0 any ideas?
I need to convert the number of rows returned from a column in a table & assign it to a variable, so I can use it to control a loop. So far no joy. The T-SQL used is :
SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table AS column_alias GO SET @numberofrows = column_alias GO
Any suggestions? I have declared all variables etc. The headache seems to be the converting from the column alias.
Assuming I have the following data where the header represents budget cost and the value represent no. of projects
<2K 2K-5K >5K -------------------- 10 15 5
For the above table: the following is my sql:
How do I program it in sql such that the data will be displayed as below? Thanks
Hi All,I need to help with converting rows to columns in SQL2k.Input:Id Name Role58Ron Doe Associate58Mark BonasDoctor59Mike JohnsonDoctor59John SmithAssociate102Chris CarterAssociate102Ron Doe Associate102James JonesAssociateOutput should look like:IdDoctorAssoc1Assoc2Assoc358Mark BonasRon Doe NULLNULL59Mike JohnsonJohn SmithNULLNULL102NULLChris CarterRon Doe James JonesThere could be more than 3 associates in the input but I only need 3above columns for associates.I used following query:SELECT Q.sales_id,doctor2= (SELECT Q2.name FROM view1 Q2 where Q2.role = 'doctor'and Q2.sales_id = Q.sales_id),assoc1= (SELECT Q2.name FROM view1 Q2 where Q2.role ='associate' and Q2.sales_id = Q.sales_id),assoc2= (SELECT Q2.name FROM view1 Q2 where Q2.role ='associate' and Q2.sales_id = Q.sales_id),assoc3= (SELECT Q2.name FROM view1 Q2 where Q2.role ='associate' and Q2.sales_id = Q.sales_id)FROM view1 QGROUP BY sales_idand I get this error "Subquery returned more than 1 value" since thereare multiple associate for Id 102.Thenks
1 W 1.5 100 2 X 1.5 100 3 Y 1.5 100 4 Z 1.5 100 5 W 1.6 98 6 X 1.6 98 7 Y 1.6 98 8 Z 1.6 98.1
Now I want to display the data in this format
ID Color Density Value ID Color Density Value ID Color Density Value ID Color Density Value 1 W 1.5 100 2 X 1.5 100 3 Y 1.5 100 4 Z 1.5 100 5 W 1.6 98 6 X 1.6 98 7 Y 1.6 98 8 Z 1.6 98
Basically I want this format so that I can bind this to the datagridview directly and then use the same for a two way binding (saving) back to the database. How do I get this result format using a query? Thanks in advance.
Hello all,my first post here...hope it goes well. I'm currently working onstored procedure where I translated some reporting language into T-SQLThe logic:I have a group of tables containing important values for calculation.I run various sum calculations on various fields in order to retrievecost calculations ...etc.1) There is a select statement which gathers all the "records" whichneed calculations.ex: select distinct Office from Offices where OfficeDesignation ='WE' or OfficeDesignation = 'BE...etc.As a result I get a list of lets say 5 offices which need to becalculated!2) A calculation select statement is then run on a loop for each ofthe returned 5 offices (@OfficeName cursor used here!) found above.Anexample can be like this(* note that @WriteOff is a variable storing the result):"select @WriteOff = sum(linecost * (-1))From Invtrans , InventoryWhere ( transtype in ('blah', 'blah' , 'blah' ) )and ( storeloc = @OfficeName )and ( Invtrans.linecost <= 0 )and ( Inventory.location = Invtrans.storeloc )and ( Inventory.itemnum = Invtrans.itemnum )"...etcThis sample statement returns a value and is passed to the variable@WriteOff (for each of the 5 offices mentioned in step 1). This is donearound 9 times for each loop! (9 calculations)3) At the end of each loop (or each office), we do an insert statementto a table in the database.
date item_id grade in out ------ ------- ------- ----- ----- 01-01-08 001 A 10 0 02-01-08 001 O 8 0 01-02-08 002 O 1 0 03-01-08 001 T 0 10 02-01-08 003 O 20 0 02-01-08 003 T 0 10 02-01-08 003 B 0 8
Result View =======
Item_id A B O T Total ------- --- ---- --- --- ------- 001 10 0 8 -10 8 002 0 0 1 0 1 003 0 -8 20 -10 2
I want result group by Item_id and sum of grade in column . where grade could be any Alphabet, the column of result query could varies. Each grade contains sum of (in-out) of item_id of detail table.
I work with SQLite and need to write a query the old school way to convert rows to columns. If it was MS SQL I would use pivot to get the expected result. However this is SQLite I cannot use pivot.
Sample data:
create table t1 (id int, Dept char (1), Total int); insert t1 select 1, 'A', 100 union select 2, 'B', 120 union select 3, 'C', 140 union select 4, 'D', 150;
How do I use LEFT OUTER JOIN to produce result similar to the below?
i have a table with dob and test results , i am trying to pull the data from the table and converting rows columns , below is the table i am using . i used to pivot to do this .
create table #TEST_RESULTS (ID INT,NAME VARCHAR(10),DOB DATETIME,DAYS_SINCE_BIRTH_TO_TEST INT,TEST_RESULTS INT ) INSERT INTO #TEST_RESULTS VALUES(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 0 ,1) ,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 0 ,1) ,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 1 ,3) ,(1,'A','2015-01-01' , 2 ,6)
I want to have a query like SELECT SettingKey, SettingValue FROM Settings WHERE SettingGroup='Comms' GROUP BY SettingSubGroup
where the result set has a single row for each distinct value of SettingGroup. I want the result set to look like: SettingSubGroup, Speed, Parity, DataBits, StopBits <--column headings ---------------- Com1, 9600, N, 8, 1 Com2, 2400, E, 7, 2
I've had a look at the PIVOT command but it seems to require an aggregate function... is there a way to simply flip from rows to columns?
Our division has approximately 300 employees. We have an annual shift bid where seniority is calculated using Date of Hire. If 2 or more employees share the same Date of Hire then we fall back to Date of Application. Currently the SSRS report does a very simple query and shows all the employees in order of their Date of Hire. If they match then it sorts the matching Date of Hire entries alphabetically by the employee name. It then becomes the task of the scheduler to locatethe entries with the same Date of Hire and manually look up the employees' dates of applications then sort them accordingly and re-write the report.
Goal: Convert the manual process into an automatic process by modifying the current SSRS report. Data: The dataset is "DivDir" which contains the following fields: "EmpName", "DofHire", & "AppDate".
EmpName DofHire AppDate Adam ...... 12/2/1996 11/15/1996 Bob ..... .... 1/16/1997 12/27/1996 Charlie ....... 1/16/1997 12/12/1996 Dan ...... ... 4/11/2001 3/22/2001
In the above example I want the SSRS report to list the employees in this order: Adam, Charlie, Bob, Dan.How do I do this programmatically using SSRS?
Setup: Windows Server 2003 R2 - Enterprise - SP2 - 32 Bit SQL Server 2014 Express - 32 Bit
Problem: I have a calculated field on a PO table that adds up item prices on an Item table to get the total PO value. This works as expected until there are at least 10 rows in the PO table. From the 10 row on the calculated field stops working and only shows 0.
I have experienced this before and it seems like calculated fields break on the 10th row of a table and onward.
My PO table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PO]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Quote_Number] [varchar](max) NULL, [Customer] [varchar](max) NULL, [CustomerPO] [varchar](max) NULL, [PO_Received_Date] [datetime] NULL, [Total_PO_Value] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,