I have a column in a table I want to convert all data to UCASE. Currently I have some that are lower case, some Uppercase, and some mixed. Considering there are over 700,000 records and these are just manufacturer names, I want to convert these to uppercase so all displayed information is consistent and I do not have to go through my scripts and convert to UCASE anywhere I pull a manufacturer name.
Is it possible to update a column data to UCASE? I understand how to do this via a row and with a condition, but an entire column has me confused.
I am using a stored procedure which returns a value of charecter datatype 'V' to the calling program.I am getting an sql exception System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting the varchar value 'V' to a column of data type inti didnot define any int datatype in my tablethis is my codeSqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("StoredProcedure4", connection);com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter p1 = com.Parameters.Add("@uname", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p2 = com.Parameters.Add("@opwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar);SqlParameter p3 = com.Parameters.Add("@role", SqlDbType.NVarChar);p3.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;p1.Value = username.Text.Trim();p2.Value = password.Text.Trim();com.ExecuteReader();lblerror2.Text = (string)(com.Parameters["@role"].Value); can your figure out what is the error ? Is it a coding error or error of the databse
Hi, I have a webform with a drop-down listbox, binded to a table and a GridView, binded to another table. My goal is when I select a value (country in my case) in the drop-down listbox to change what is shown in the GridView, based on the ID that I get from the drop-down listbox. Here is the code (the important parts...): Select a Country : <asp:DropDownList ID="CountriesDropDownList" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="CountryID" Width="220px" AutoPostBack="True"> </asp:DropDownList> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [CountryID], [Name] FROM [DS_Country]"> </asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:GridView ID="ProvincesGridView" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ProvinceID,CountryID,Name,ShortName,Description" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#E7E7FF" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3" HorizontalAlign="Left" > <Columns> .............................. </Columns> </asp:GridView> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DineSelectConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM DS_Province WHERE ProvinceID=@ProvinceID" SelectCommand="SELECT ProvinceID,CountryID,Name,ShortName,Description FROM DS_Province WHERE CountryID=@ddlCountryID" UpdateCommand="UPDATE DS_Province SET CountryID=@CountryID,Name=@Name,ShortName=@ShortName,Description=@Description WHERE ProvinceID=@ddlCountryID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO DS_Province (CountryID,Name,ShortName,Description) VALUES (@CountryID,@Name,@ShortName,@Description)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter Name="ddlCountryID" ControlID="CountriesDropDownList" PropertyName="DataValueField" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
When I run it I get this error "Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'CountryID' to a column of data type int.". If I specify the Type="Int" in <asp:ControlParameter>..</> I get "Input string was not in a correct format. " This is supposed to be easy, but I can't make it work ! Any suggestions will be more than welcome. Thanks.
ALTER TRIGGER DeleteTriggerC_Middleware_Exception ON dbo.C_Middleware_Exception AFTER DELETE AS BEGIN DECLARE @RowCount AS VARCHAR SET @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT
DECLARE @TableName_Deleted AS VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @ErrorMsg_Deleted AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @AddlErrMsg_Deleted AS VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @SubjectArea_Deleted AS VARCHAR(25) DECLARE @CHKPT_Deleted AS VARCHAR(10)
SELECT @TableName_Deleted = table_name , @ErrorMsg_Deleted = cast(error_msg AS varchar(255)) , @AddlErrMsg_Deleted = cast(addl_error_msg AS varchar(255)), @SubjectArea_Deleted = cast(SUBJECT_AREA AS varchar(25)), @CHKPT_Deleted = cast(CHKPT AS varchar(255))FROM DELETED --where subject_area = 'inventory'
UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE Table_Name = @TableName_Deleted IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE @ErrorMsg_Deleted like Error_Msg and Subject_Area IS NULL and ChkPoint IS NULL END IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE @AddlErrMsg_Deleted like Addl_Error_Msg END IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN UPDATE dbo.Error_Log SET No_Of_Occurance = No_Of_Occurance + @RowCount WHERE @ErrorMsg_Deleted like Error_Msg and Subject_Area = @SubjectArea_Deleted and ChkPoint = @CHKPT_Deleted END
when i am executing the follwing query i am gettin systax error.
Query :delete from dbo.c_middleware_exception where subject_area = 'eap_room'
Error : Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteTriggerC_Middleware_Exception, Line 17 Syntax error converting the varchar value '*' to a column of data type int.
I have an inventory database that Im trying to create a report out ofthe IP address are a lookup on a seperat table but I keep getting theabove error can I change the table row to something to fix this orwhat.SELECT i.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID AS [IP Address],i.HOST_NAME AS [ServerName], '' AS Flag, i.MEMO AS Comments, 'Seattle' AS City, 'Washington'AS State,CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN '1111 3rdAve.' WHEN fv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '999 3rd Ave.' ELSE '' END AS[Address 1],' ' AS [Address 2], CASE WHEN fv.value = 'ELEET1410' THEN '1111' WHEN fv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '2222' ELSE ''END AS [Building ID],fv.VALUE AS Building, '98101' AS Zip,CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN '14' WHENfv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '17' ELSE '' END AS [Computing FacilityLevel],CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN '14' WHENfv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN '17' ELSE '' END AS [Bldg Floor],CASE WHEN fv.value = 'EL EET1410' THEN 'C028'WHEN fv.value = 'EL WFL17' THEN 'C123' ELSE '' END AS WSPID,i.LOCATION_IN_FACILITY AS Location,i.SERIAL_NUMBER AS [Serial Number], i.ASSET_TAG AS [Asset Tag], ' ' AS[Second Asset Tag(s)],vv.VALUE AS Manufacture, mv.VALUE AS Model,'Yes' AS [Rack Mountable], rv.VALUE AS [Rack Units], 'DEV' AS [ServerEnviroment],lv.VALUE AS [Sever Type], ov.VALUE AS OS,CASE WHEN lv.value = 'Server - Intel Blade' THEN'Windows' WHEN lv.value = 'Server - Intel' THEN 'Windows' WHENlv.value = 'Server - Unix' THEN 'Unix'ELSE '' END AS [OS Type], '19x28' AS Footprint,ev.VALUE AS [Technical Owner of Server], 'N/A' AS [SLA Category],i.ON_BOARD_NIC_PORT_COUNT AS [NW Connectionquantity], 'Devlopment/Test Machine' AS [Application(s) Name],ev.VALUE AS [PW Contact],'N/A' AS RTO, 'N/A' AS RPO, 'No' AS [Is BoxClustered?], 'N/A' AS [Buisness Critical],CASE WHEN mv.value = 'Proliant DL580G1' THEN'90lbs' WHEN mv.value = 'Proliant DL360G2' THEN '85lbs' WHEN mv.value= 'Enterprise 220R' THEN'45lbs' ELSE '' END AS Weight,i.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE AS [Date of Last Install], 'No' AS [DedicatedCircuit]FROM dbo.INVENTORY_ITEM i LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.IP_TO_INVENTORY pv ON pv.IP_ADDRESS = i.INVENTORY_ITEM_IDLEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE lv ON lv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.DEVICE_TYPE_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE fv ON fv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.FACILITY_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE vv ON vv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.VENDOR_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE mv ON mv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.MODEL_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE ov ON ov.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE ev ON ev.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.CHECKED_OUT_BY_ID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.LOOKUP_VALUE rv ON rv.LOOKUP_VALUE_ID =i.U_HEIGHT_ID
I have a table(tab1) with a column(col1) of type varchar. I insert a row with an integer value(1). And when i query the table using the sql, select col1 from tab1 where col1 = 1, it works fine.
But after i insert a varchar, say 'a' and then do the same query, i get an error message saying, "Syntax error converting the varchar value 'a' to a column of data type int.". Why is this so? Please reply.
Well I am doing a simple insert through a stored procedure..., but I am getting this error. In my table I have the UserID as a VARCHAR 100. I am storing from a textbox that will have number because its there email. But I am not converting anything. Do I need to convert in this scenario?? Server Error in '/pickem' Application.
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'johndoe@hotmail.com' to a column of data type int. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting the varchar value 'johndoe@hotmail.com' to a column of data type int.Source Error:
Line 113: Line 114: dbConnection.Open Line 115: Dim Dr As System.Data.IDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) Line 116: Line 117: Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0 Here is the code: Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connString")) Dim myCommand as New SqlCommand("prcAddTeam", dbConnection) myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure myCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.Varchar, 100).Value = TRIM(emailBox.Text) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@TeamName", SqlDbType.Varchar, 40).Value = TRIM(teamBox.Text) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address1", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(addressBox.Text) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address2", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(address2Box.Text) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@City", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(cityBox.Text) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@State", SqlDbType.Varchar, 30).Value = stateList1.SelectedItem.Value myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Zip", SqlDbType.Varchar, 11).Value = TRIM(zipBox.Text) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(firstNameBox.Text) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.Varchar, 50).Value = TRIM(lastnameBox.Text) dbConnection.Open Dim Dr As System.Data.IDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0 dbConnection.OpenStored procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE prcAddTeam @UserID VARCHAR(100) ,@TeamName VARCHAR(40) ,@Address1 VARCHAR(50) ,@Address2 VARCHAR(50) ,@City VARCHAR(50) ,@State VARCHAR(30) ,@Zip VARCHAR(11) ,@FirstName VARCHAR(50) ,@LastName VARCHAR(50) ASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @ID INTSET @ID = 0SELECT @ID = ISNULL((SELECT UserID from tblUserInfo where UserID = @UserID),0)IF @ID = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO tblUserInfo (UserID,TeamName,Address1,Address2,City,State,Zip,FirstName,LastName,CreateDate) VALUES(@UserID,@TeamName,@Address1,@Address2,@City,@State,@Zip,@FirstName,@LastName,GetDate()) SET @ID = @@IDENTITY END
I'm moving data from one database to another (INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM ....) and am encountering this error:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 6 Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
My problem is that Line 6 is:
set @brn_pk = '0D4BDE66347C440F'
so that is obviously not the problem and my query has almost 200 columns. I can go through one by one and compare what column is int in my destination table and what is varchar in my source tables, but that could take quite a while. How I can work out what column is causing the problem?
Hi, all I'm getting this error at runtime when my page tries to populate a datagrid. Here's the relevant code. First, the user selects his choice from a dropdownlist, populated with a sqldatasource control on the aspx side:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlDataSourceCompany" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [PayrollCompanyID], [DisplayName] FROM [rsrc_PayrollCompany] ORDER BY [DisplayName]"> </asp:SqlDataSource> And the dropdown list's code:<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPayrollCompany" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="sqlDataSourcePayrollCompany" DataTextField="DisplayName" DataValueField="PayrollCompanyID"> </asp:DropDownList> Then, I use the selectedindexchanged event to bind the data to the datagrid. Here's that code: 1 Sub BindData() 2 3 Dim ds As New DataSet 4 Dim sda As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter 5 Dim strSQL As String 6 Dim strCon As String 7 8 strSQL = "SELECT [SocialSecurityNumber], [Prefix], [FirstName], [LastName], [HireDate], [PayrollCostPercent], " & _ 9 "[Phone], [BadgeNumber], [IsSupervisor], [SupervisorID], [IsUser], [IsScout] FROM [rsrc_Personnel] " & _ 10 "WHERE ([PayrollCompanyID] = @PayrollCompanyID)" 11 12 strCon = "Data Source=DATASOURCE;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;User ID=USERID;Password=PASSWORD" 13 14 sda = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, strCon) 15 16 sda.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@PayrollCompanyID", Me.ddlPayrollCompany.SelectedItem.ToString())) 17 18 sda.Fill(ds, "rsrc_Personnel") 19 20 dgPersonnel.DataSource = ds.Tables("rsrc_Personnel") 21 dgPersonnel.DataBind() 22 23 End Sub 24
I'm assuming my problem lies in line 16 of the above code. I've tried SelectedItemIndex, SelectedItemValue too and get errors for those, as well. What am I missing? Thanks for anyone's help! Cappela07
I've got have a populated table and I want to convert a datetime column so it lists the date only (without the time component) I tried to run this as a script, but returns an error:
update <table> where <column>=convert(datetime,convert(char10),<column>,101))
When I run only this part, it does strip the date of the time component but it becomes a string, and I need this field stored as a datetime field:
I have a column that is frequently updated with an append query. I need to turn all of the incoming positive values into negative values (as well as convert all of the existing). I tried to multiply the column by -1 in the formula option in table design view but couldn't find the proper formula format.
I have this situation here: I have a table structure something like : id name keywords
100 60 tabs Action Labs
100 60 tabs Actionlabs
100 60 tabs Actions Labs
100 60 tabs Super Glucosamine
100 60 tabs Super Glucosamine And Chondroitin
100 60 tabs Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin
100 60 tabs Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin Sulfate
101 60 caps Action Labs
101 60 caps Actionlabs
101 60 caps Actions Labs
101 60 caps Super Glucosamine
101 60 caps Super Glucosamine And Chondroitin
101 60 caps Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin
101 60 caps Super Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin Sulfate
How can I bring all the values under 'keywords' as comma seperated under one column identified by their ids? eg: id name keywords 100 60 tabs Action Labs,Actionlabs,Actions Labs,Super Glucosamine,Super Glucosamine And Chondroitin etc.
Hello everyone, I have searched and seached for an answer to something that I know has to be simple but have been unsuccessful. I appreciate any help...
I am trying to take a char (6) column named col001 and convert it to datetime. The column is in mmddyy format. I am using SQL 2000, but have available sql 7.0 servers if there is a difference. I expect that I have to write a cursor but have been unable to get the correct syntax. Thanks everyone
I have a data field that's datatype int and I need to convert it to smalldatetime, however, I get one row erroring out due to a typo in the data that has a date of 21190101. What's wrong with my case statement to set that one typo to 20790101?
'SD' = Case When pro_date > 20790000 Then pro_date = '20790101' Else CAST(CAST(pro_date AS VARCHAR) AS SMALLDATETIME) End,
I'm having trouble converting a date in the format of:
Jan 11 2006 12:00:00:000AM
to a smalldatetime in my new SSIS package. I'm trying the derived column transformation, but I'm at a wall now, especially with the conversion of 'Jan' string to integer/month/value of 1. Anyone have experience/advice on this transformation?
What happened to the DateTime String transformation in SQL 2000? Was that too unpopular to move to integration services? That transformation saved my butt many times - every banks' data feed we import uses a different date format.
When I execute the below stored procedure I get the error that "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int".
USE [FileSharing] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[xlaAFSsp_reports] Script Date: 24.07.2015 17:04:10 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
[Code] .....
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Procedure xlaAFSsp_reports, Line 25 Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int. The statement has been terminated. (1 row(s) affected)
Hi, Can anyone please help me with the syntax for this query please. Error is "syntax error converting varchar value '/' to a column of datatype int" Query:
select iCalls_Calls.Call_ID,iCalls_Calls.Requestor,Type,Scope,iCalls_Calls.Status_ID,iCalls_Status.Status_I D, iCalls_Status.Status_Label,((select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = " & Session("Call_ID") & " ) + ' /' + ( select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = "& Session("Call_ID") & " and Events_Flag <> 0)) as Countrec from ((iCalls_Calls inner join iCalls_Status on iCalls_Calls.Status_ID=iCalls_Status.Status_ID ) inner join iCalls_Users on iCalls_Calls.Requestor=iCalls_Users.User_ID) left outer join iCalls_Messages on iCalls_Calls.Call_ID=iCalls_Messages.Call_ID where Requestor='" & Session("User_ID") & "' AND iCalls_Calls.Status_ID <> 6 order by iCalls_Calls.Call_ID
The conversion would remove the foreign key definition and add this trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER tr_single ON parent_tab INSTEAD OF DELETE AS BEGIN DELETE FROM child_tab WHERE (child_tab.col_x IN (SELECT col_a FROM deleted)) DELETE FROM parent_tab WHERE (parent_tab.col_a IN (SELECT col_a FROM deleted)) END;
Unfortunately, now I need to resolve a situation where there is involved a multi-column foreign key.
CREATE TABLE child_tab ( col_x INTEGER NOT NULL, col_y INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk FOREIGN KEY (col_x, col_y) REFERENCES parent_tab(col_a, col_b) ON DELETE CASCADE );
This does not work, because the temporary table "deleted" might contain more than one row. How do I make sure that the values belong to the same row?
-- incorrect trigger, might delete too many rows CREATE TRIGGER tr_single ON parent_tab INSTEAD OF DELETE AS BEGIN DELETE FROM child_tab WHERE (child_tab.col_x IN (SELECT col_a FROM deleted) AND child_tab.col_y IN (SELECT col_b FROM deleted)) DELETE FROM parent_tab WHERE (parent_tab.col_a IN (SELECT col_a FROM deleted) AND parent_tab.col_b IN (SELECT col_b FROM deleted)) END;
-- some magic needed :-) CREATE TRIGGER tr_single ON parent_tab INSTEAD OF DELETE AS BEGIN DELETE FROM child_tab WHERE (child_tab.col_x IN (SELECT col_a FROM deleted AS t1) AND child_tab.col_y IN (SELECT col_b FROM deleted AS t2) AND row_id(t1) = row_id(t2)) DELETE FROM parent_tab WHERE (parent_tab.col_a IN (SELECT col_a FROM deleted AS t1) AND parent_tab.col_b IN (SELECT col_b FROM deleted AS t2) AND row_id(t1) = row_id(t2)) END;
I know the trigger definition above is ***... but I hope that it helps to make clear what I need.
I've converted datatypes in the past to something more appropriate in order to save space, and speed up the database, to great success. I'm in the middle of another such change, this one table in particular I am converting from [text] columns to varchar(max)'s, and varchar(1)'s to char(1)'s. I've made a duplicate of the table in question (which has about 25 text columns, and 20 varchar(1) columns), ported over the data, and ran 'sp_spaceused' and got the following results:
-- new table name | rows | reserved | data | index_size | unused Response | 39920 | 15384 KB | 15168 KB | 208 KB | 8 KB
-- old table name | rows | reserved | data | index_size | unused Response | 39920 | 124128 KB | 123696 KB | 200 KB | 232 KB
I didn't expect results quite this dramatic. Now to my question: Did I miss something measuring the difference? Is there something else, another method I should employ to determine the size differentials?
If this is right, it's outstanding, just unexpected. I would have been happy losing 10 or 20 MB.
I appreciate any insight anyone might be able to provide.
My organization have a web-based application and needs it to support multilingual so we will be adapting our app to use unicode. However, one of our problems is to convert existing data from text to ntext. I couldn't find anything that document this. What is the best way to do that? I would like to be able to migrate the data from an existing text column to another ntext column in the table.
I brief you about my system, I used List manager system to store the messages and distribute to all members. Right now,by design the Lyris system keep the message in the text field which mean it 's not support multilanguage directly because of unicode field. We needs to create new Db which has the data structure as same as Lyris but just one difference is keep the message in unicode format (ntext) which we need the sql script to automatically update the new record get from Lyris to new DB.
If I can't do that, what are the options? If it's possible, I would like to be able to do this in sql script.
I have a table with Million plus records. Due to Running Totals article, I have been able to calculate the Trial_Balance for all months.
Now I am trying to provide a Beginning Balance for all months and the Logic is the Beginning Balance of July would be the Trial_Balance of June. I need to be able to do this for multiple account types. So the two datasets that need to be included in logic is actindx and Calendar_Month.
For actindx of 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-01-01The Trial_Balance_Debit is 19585.46 This would make the Beginning_Balance of actindx 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-02-01 19585.46
I am trying to do some type of self join, but not sure how to include each actindx number differently.
Table creation and data insert is below.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TrialBalance]( [Trial_Balance_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
I have flat file source from which data is imported to a Sql table.The target column is int and input column is string .The column has some numeric values and some blank values.when I tried to convert into int values it fails.