Converting Hex Data To String
Jan 21, 2001
I am writing a stored procedure that generates a computername for new workstations. Our naming standards, based on terminal ID's, are as follows:
'R' + X + Y + ZZZ, where 'R' is the letter 'R', X is a hex digit indication a locatoin, Y is a hex digit indicating business line, and ZZZ is a hexadecimal sequential number assigned within each location/busines line, for up to 4096. (This isn't a perfect naming standard, but is an improvement over the one that preceded it and is a requirement for our legacy applications).
I can do everything fine, and calculate the sequential number using an int. Once I have the new number, I am trying to convert the integer to a varbinary, then convert that to a string, then use RIGHT to get the rightmost three characters of the hex string.
set @SEQNUM = 4095
set @HEXSEQNUM = CONVERT(varbinary ,@SEQNUM)
PRINT CONVERT(varbinary ,@SEQNUM) -- displays 0x00000FFE etc.
Any ideas? I am very new to TSQL...
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Aug 14, 2007
Hello Everyone,
Please guide me in converting the value to date format.
from source i'm getting the value (which is acchally a data value) '20070730'.
I need this value to be in date format '2007/07/30'
Please help me in getting it done.
thank you
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Jul 13, 2006
The source is a flat file with a column where dates are stored as: 07/12/2006 11:35am. In some cases the column is blank.
I need to import this into a table with a datetime column. In the data flow task, I get the error that conversion b/w String and DB_Timestamp is not allowed. First question is why does SSIS think its a DB_Timestamp column? Shouldnt it be DB_Date or DB_Time. Anyway, when I add a Data Conversion Task in the Data Flow, and cast to the source column to either DB_TimeStamp, DB_Date or DB_Time I get an error.
Please help. What am I doing wrong.
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Oct 12, 2006
I am newbie in asp and sql, and I am using VS & SQL expresswhen I try to submit I get following error"Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type"Following is my insert statement<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:oncallConnectionString %>"SelectCommand="SELECT data.* FROM data" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO data(Apps, Location, Impact, System, Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Duration, Problem, Cause, Solution, Case, Comments) VALUES ('@DropDownList1','@DropDownList2','@DropDownList3','@TextBox6','@DropDownCalendar1','@DropDownCalendar2','@DropDownCalendar3','@TextBox1','@TextBox2','@TextBox3','@TextBox4','@TextBox5','@TextBox7')"></asp:SqlDataSource>These are @DropDownCalendar1','@DropDownCalendar2','@DropDownCalendar3' defined as datetime in database.I would appriciate if somebody could help.
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Mar 25, 2007
Hello, I have problem with this code.(This program presents - there is GridView tied to a SQL database that will sort the data selected by a dropdownList at time categories. There are 2 time categories in DropDownList - this day, this week.
Problem: when I choose one categorie in dropDownlist for examle this week and submit data on the server I got this error.
Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
Here is code:
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<script runat="server">
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string datePatt = @"yyyymmdd";
// Get start and end of day
DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Today;
string @StartDate1 = StartDate.ToString(datePatt);
string @EndDate = StartDate.AddDays(1).ToString(datePatt);
// Get start and end of week
string @startOfWeek = StartDate.AddDays(0 - (int)StartDate.DayOfWeek).ToString(datePatt);
string @startOfNextWeek = StartDate.AddDays(7 - (int)StartDate.DayOfWeek).ToString(datePatt);
switch (DropDownList1.SelectedValue)
case "1":
// day
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT [RC_USER_ID], [DATE], [TYPE] FROM [T_RC_IN_OUT]" + "WHERE" + "[DATE] >=" + "'@StartDate1'" + " AND [DATE] < " + "'@EndDate'";
case "2":
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT [RC_USER_ID], [DATE], [TYPE] FROM [T_RC_IN_OUT]" + "WHERE" + "[DATE] >=" + "'@startOfWeek'" + "AND [DATE] <" + "'@startOfNextWeek'";
<html xmlns="" >
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font: 1em Verdana;
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged"
Style="z-index: 100; left: 414px; position: absolute; top: 22px">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True" Value="1">jeden den</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="2">jeden tyden</asp:ListItem>
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Style="z-index: 102; left: 228px; position: absolute;
top: 107px" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" AutoGenerateColumns="True">
<br/> <br/>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=CRSQLEXPRESS;
Initial Catalog=MyConn;Integrated Security=True"
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Oct 3, 2007
I am running the following query:
select distinct hqvend, hqvprd,fprod,idesc,ilead,sum(cast(fqty as int) )as fqty, (cast(hqvend as varchar(5))+'/'+ltrim(rtrim(fprod))+'/'+cast(ilead as varchar(3))) as Keydata,'L1/'+rtrim(fprod) as LocPartno from tblkfpl01 inner join hqtl01 on (fprod=hqprod) inner join iiml01 on (hqvend=ivend and hqprod=iprod) where cast(cast(hqeff as varchar(8)) as smalldatetime) <= (Select CONVERT(varchar(8), getdate(), 1)) and cast(HQDIS as varchar(8)) >= (Select CONVERT(varchar(8), getdate(), 1)) and hqvend like '134%' group by hqvend,fprod,hqvprd,idesc,ilead order by hqvend,fprod
The bold sections are giving me the error message. The query works as written above, butis only evaluating on one date, contained in hqeff. However, when I try to modify the second date, HQDIS, by casting it the same way as the one before it:
select distinct hqvend, hqvprd,fprod,idesc,ilead,sum(cast(fqty as int) )as fqty, (cast(hqvend as varchar(5))+'/'+ltrim(rtrim(fprod))+'/'+cast(ilead as varchar(3))) as Keydata,'L1/'+rtrim(fprod) as LocPartno from tblkfpl01 inner join hqtl01 on (fprod=hqprod) inner join iiml01 on (hqvend=ivend and hqprod=iprod) where cast(cast(hqeff as varchar(8)) as smalldatetime) <= (Select CONVERT(varchar(8), getdate(), 1)) and cast(cast(HQDIS as varchar(8)) as smalldatetime) >= (Select CONVERT(varchar(8), getdate(), 1)) and hqvend like '134%' group by hqvend,fprod,hqvprd,idesc,ilead order by hqvend,fprod
I get the error message. I need to select based on both dates (hqeff AND HQDIS), but cannot seem to be able to it.... Both fields are of type Dedimal, with a length of 8, and dates stored in them look like: 20071003 (YYYYMMDD).
Any suggestions?
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Aug 8, 2005
Hi guys and gals,I have the following code:CREATE PROCEDURE searchRecords( @searchFor NVarchar (25) = NULL, @fromDate NVarchar (25) = NULL, @toDate NVarchar (25) = NULL)
IF @fromDate IS NOT NULL DECLARE @fromDateString VarChar(200) SET @fromDateString = ' CONVERT(smalldatetime, ''' + @fromDate + ''') '
IF @toDate IS NOT NULL DECLARE @toDateString VarChar(200) SET @toDateString = ' CONVERT(smalldatetime, ''' + @toDate + ''') '
SELECT * FROM MIPR WHERE ID = @searchFor OR DESC_QTY = @searchFor OR REQ_ACTIVITY = @searchFor OR ACC_ACTIVITY = @searchFor OR MANYEARS = @searchFor OR TECH_POC = @searchFor OR RESOURCE_POC = @searchFor OR SI_DATE BETWEEN @fromDateString AND @toDateString;GOit creates an error that I can't seem to fix. the error I get is:Syntax error converting character string to smalldatetime data type.How can I fix this? Thanks in advance!
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Oct 21, 2007
I have SQL Server 2005 database table with the following data definition as follows:
ID int
LST_TIME varchar(5)
LST_DATE varchar(21)
SUBJECT varchar(100)
Date format (Month,day YEAR) eg.- October, 21 2007
Time format, 00 - 23 hours, HH:MM eg. - 18:58
, and a VB code as below:
Dim Command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.LISTS WHERE (LST_WK = DATEPART(wk, GETDATE())) AND (CONVERT(datetime, LST_DATE) = CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 110)))
AND(CONVERT(smalldatetime, LST_TIME) = CONVERT(smalldatetime, CONVERT(varchar(5), GETDATE(), 108)))", conn)
Dim dataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
While dataReader.Read()
Dim NewAlert As New Alert(dataReader("SUBJECT").ToString(), DateTime.Parse(dataReader("LST_DATE").ToString(),
I am encountering error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type, which points to the codes in bold. Just wondering anyone out there has got a solution to my problem. Thank you.
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Apr 10, 2008
Recently i traspased a database from sql server 2000 in spanish to sql server 2005 in english. I change the language of the user sa to spanish and the database is in spanish. . The problem is our dateformat is dmy, i try to force with set dateformat dmy, but always i execute a stored procedure that have a date as input it fail. The error is:
Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Procedure pa_CalendarioGestion, Line 40
Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
The code of stored procedure in this line is:
set @diaActual = dateadd("d", @i, @fechaInicio)
This stored procedure in sql server 2000 in spanish not have any problems. For this reason i think the problem is in the configuration.
I hope someone can help me. Thanks.
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Oct 10, 2006
I am newbie in asp and sql, and I am using VS & SQL express
when I try to submit I get following error
"Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type"
Following is my insert statement
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:oncallConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT data.* FROM data" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO data(Apps, Location, Impact, System, Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Duration, Problem, Cause, Solution, Case, Comments) VALUES ('@DropDownList1','@DropDownList2','@DropDownList3','@TextBox6','@DropDownCalendar1','@DropDownCalendar2','@DropDownCalendar3','@TextBox1','@TextBox2','@TextBox3','@TextBox4','@TextBox5','@TextBox7')">
These are @DropDownCalendar1','@DropDownCalendar2','@DropDownCalendar3' defined as datetime in database.
I would appriciate if somebody could help.
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Jul 15, 2014
All source and target date fields are defined as data type "smalldatetime". The "select" executes without error though when used with "insert into" it fails with the error:
Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 25: Conversion failed when converting character string to small date-time data type..I am converting from a character string to smalldatetime since the source and target date columns are "smalldatetime". All other columns for the source and target are nvarchar(255). I assume there is an implicit conversion that I don't understand. In a test, I validated that all dates selected evaluate ISDATE() to 1.
USE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014]
IF OBJECT_ID ('[SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]
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Feb 12, 2005
I am trying to create a page that adds users to a MS SQL database. In doing so, I have run into a couple errors that I can't seem to get past. I am hoping that I could get some assistance with them.
Error from SQL Debug:
Server: Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Procedure AdminAddUser, Line 65
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax error converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
Error from page execution:
Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
Source Error:
Line 77: cmd.Parameters.Add( "@zip", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userZip")
Line 78:
Line 79: cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Below is what I currently have for my stored procedure and the pertinent code from the page itself.
Stored Procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AdminAddUser( @username varchar(100),
@password varchar(100),
@email varchar(100),
@acct_type varchar(100),
@realname varchar(100),
@billname varchar(100),
@addr1 varchar(100),
@addr2 varchar(100),
@city varchar(100),
@state varchar(100),
@country varchar(100),
@zip varchar(100),
@memo varchar(100) )
-- Returns 1 if successful
-- 2 if username already exists
-- 0 if there was an error adding the user
DECLARE @error int, @rowcount int
-- Make sure that there isn't already a user with this username
FROM users
WHERE username=@username
SELECT @error = @@ERROR, @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT
IF @error <> 0 OR @rowcount > 0 BEGIN
-- Set expiration date
DECLARE @expDate AS smalldatetime
IF @acct_type = "new_1yr" BEGIN
SET @expDate = DATEADD( yyyy, 1, GETDATE() )
IF @acct_type = "new_life" BEGIN
SET @expDate = DATEADD( yyyy, 40, GETDATE() )
DECLARE @paidCopies AS decimal
SET @paidCopies = 5
-- Add this user to the database
IF @acct_type <> "new" BEGIN
INSERT INTO users (userName, userPassword, userEmail, userJoinDate,
userPaidCopies, userExpirationDate, userLastPaidDate,
userBname, userRealName, userAddr1, userAddr2, userCity,
userState, userCountry, userZip, userMemo )
VALUES (@username, @password, @email, GETDATE(), @realname, @billname,
@paidCopies, @expDate, GETDATE(), @addr1, @addr2, @city, @state, @country, @zip, @memo )
SELECT @error = @@ERROR, @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT
IF @error <> 0 OR @rowcount < 1 BEGIN
IF @acct_type = "new" BEGIN
INSERT INTO users (userName, userPassword, userEmail, userJoinDate,
userBname, userRealName, userAddr1, userAddr2, userCity,
userState, userCountry, userZip, userMemo )
VALUES (@username, @password, @email, GETDATE(), @realname, @billname,
@addr1, @addr2, @city, @state, @country, @zip, @memo )
SELECT @error = @@ERROR, @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT
IF @error <> 0 OR @rowcount < 1 BEGIN
Page Code:
Sub AddUser(Sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
Dim db_conn_str As String
Dim db_conn As OleDbConnection
Dim resultAs Int32
Dim cmdAs OleDbCommand
db_conn_str = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=xxxxx; User ID=xxxxx; PWD=xxxxx;"
db_conn = New OleDbConnection( db_conn_str )
cmd = new OleDbCommand( "AdminAddUser", db_conn )
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add( "result", OleDbType.Integer ).Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@username", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userName")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@password", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userPass")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@email", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userEmail")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@acct_type", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userEmail")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@realname", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userRealName")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billname", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userBname")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@addr1", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userAddr1")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@addr2", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userAddr2")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@city", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userCity")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@state", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userState")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@country", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userCountry")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@memo", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userMemo")
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@zip", OleDbType.VarChar, 100 ).Value = Request.Form("userZip")
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Mar 26, 2007
Hi,We have stored proc name proc_test(str nvarchar(30)). So far this prochas been invoked from a .NET application assuming that only Englishcharacter strings will be passed to it. The calls are likeproc_test('XYZ')We now have a requirement for passing Chinese strings as well. Ratherthan changing the calls throughout the application, we would like tohandle it in the stored procedure so that it treats the string as aunicode string. Can we apply some function to the parameter to convertit to unicode so that we don't have to call with an N prefixed to thestring?Thanks,Yash
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Nov 7, 2007
I have a fixed-width flat file that I'm importing to a SQL table in a data flow task. The first field is an ID field, of length 12, that I'm told I can assume is an INT datatype. Obviously, it's a little silly to shove an integer that can be a max of 10 digits into a 12 digit field... but that's my situation.
I set the columns on the flat file connection manager to be inputColumnWidth of 12, and datatype of DT_I4. When I try to run the package, I get the error (understandably): The data conversion for column "ID" returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
What are my options here? I'm going to assume that even though the width is 12 characters, only an integer will appear in those spaces. I attempted to use a derived column and a type cast, but to no avail. Help would be appreciated... thanks!
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Jun 27, 2006
is there a way to query a varbinary column and print the readable char in query analyzer?
thanks in advance!
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May 3, 2007
Hi guys,I'm currently trying to insert image into my SQL db.
I have tried a number of methods that were posted online, and so far
with no luck.My current code reads: Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection() conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MainDBConnection").ToString conn.Open() Dim cmd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SP_SAVEImage", conn) cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure Dim sImageName As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@sImageName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) sImageName.Value = sImageName Dim sImageType As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@sImageType", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) sImageType.Value = fileType Dim sImageData As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@sImageData", Data.SqlDbType.Image, uploadedFile.Length) sImageData.Value = uploadedFile cmd.Parameters.Add(sImageName) cmd.Parameters.Add(sImageType) cmd.Parameters.Add(sImageData) Dim reader1 As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReaderRunning
through debug, everything runs up until the last line, where an error
is caught saying : Failed to convert parameter value from a
SqlParameter to a String I reckon it's to do with the input sImageData being input as a byte array - but I can't seem to find a way around it. Any help greatly appreciated!!
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Apr 20, 2008
I have been working on this all day and cannot find an answer
I need to convert a string to an object, a string to object of type Command
Is there anyway to do this?
Thank you all in advance!!!!!!!
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Aug 12, 2005
Hello,I try to convert a pseudo datetime string into a date. In Oracle I can doto_date( MyDate, 'yyyymmddhh24miss' ); how I can do this with MS SQL ?thanks and regardsMark
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Aug 6, 2007
I get the following error when I do a CONVERT(UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, 'guid'), where 'guid' is a properly formatted GUID created in VS2005, inside my INSERT statement:
The data was truncated while converting from one data type to another. [ Name of function(if known) = ]
The column I am inserting into has a datatype of uniqueIdentifier.
This is the query I am running:
INSERT INTO [Table] ([guid], [value1], [value2])
VALUES (CONVERT(UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, 'F067FE20-EC76-44C8-9859-FEF222FBC96D'), 'Test, 'Test')
What am I doing wrong?
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Jul 26, 2007
What's wrong about
AND CONVERT(Datetime, @FY -1 + '/03/31') THEN Quantity ELSE 0 END) AS Expr1,
[Item No_]
FROM table A
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Jul 18, 2006
I am trying to write a function to convert a hex string to binary. I would like it in a function so I can use it on aggregate data in queries (instead of having to cursor through the data). So, I write my function:
CREATE FUNCTION HexToBinary (@hexstring char(16)) RETURNS binary(8)
declare @b binary(8)
,@sql nvarchar(255)
SET @sql = N'SET @b = 0x' + @hexstring
EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@b binary(8) out',@b output
Then, I try to call my function:
SELECT HexToBinary('E0')
...and I get:
Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1
'HexToBinary' is not a recognized built-in function name.
However, I can get it to work if I use a slightly different syntax:
declare @b binary(8)
exec @b = HexToBinary 'E0'
select @bAny thoughts as to what might be going on? Obviously, the lower syntax does not help me call this function in queries, which is really my goal.
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Nov 19, 2006
Hi, I need to convert the values entered into textboxes by the users before I can insert into db.have tried the following. Dim eventnum As string 'tried using integer makes no difference what i declare the variable aseventnum = Convert.ToInt32(txteventnum.Text)This value needs to be inserted into the field event_number wich is datatype int I get the following error message when I try to insert. Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'eventnum' to data type int.
Description: An
unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the
error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'eventnum' to data type int.
Source Error:
Line 62: Line 63: ' Execute(query)Line 64: myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()Line 65: Line 66: 'Close the connection
Source File: C:InetpubloansMemberPagesRequest.aspx.vb Line: 64
Stack Trace:
[SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'eventnum' to data type int.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +857242 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +734854 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +188 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +1838 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) +192 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) +380 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +135 Request.Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:InetpubloansMemberPagesRequest.aspx.vb:64 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +105 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +107 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +5102
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Mar 31, 2008
Hi Gurus,
Here is my problem-:
I have a field in the SQL 2005 database with type varbinary(50). Now when i enter value to this field, I enter a value for example 111111101. The reason to enter such a value in varbinary(50) type is, that this value is meant to grow, as each 1 and 0 in this value is a permission or right my user would have to various features of the web application, I am designing. Now when I open the table to see the data in the database, it shows as <Binary data>. But that's okay, as binary fields are mostly meant to store pictures, files etc. But when I read this value into my ASP.Net code using c#, the value as returned as 069F6BBD. After some research I realized that for decimal value 111111101, the hex value is 069F6BBD.
All I need in my code is the same thing that I entered which is 111111101.
Can someone guide me a lil bit.
Thanks in advance..
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Jun 6, 2008
I have a dropdown list thats boudn to a SqlDataSource. The DataSource looks like this:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsProgramList" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csData %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT [Program_Name] +','+ [Begin_Date] AS NAMEandDATE, [Course_ID], [LOC] FROM [ThisTable] WHERE ([LOC] = @LOC)">
Where the dropdownlists text = NAMEandDATE and its value = Course_ID
When I select the LOC from the LOCdropdownlist, the dropdownlist in question updates, and an error "Erro converting datetime from character string" happens?
Any suggestions?
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Jun 28, 2004
Hi there,
I have the following code:
Dim CityTown As String = Ctype(Request.Querystring("CityTown"), String)
Dim Suburb As String = Ctype(Request.Querystring("Suburb"), String)
Dim SuburbValue As String = Ctype(Request.Querystring("Suburb"), String)
Dim Rooms As String = Ctype(Request.Querystring("Rooms"), String)
Dim Rent As String = Ctype(Request.Querystring("Rent"), String)
Dim DateToday = DateTime.Now
Dim mySQL AS String
If suburbValue = "- All -" Then
mySQL = "SELECT propListID, propListExpires, propBuildType, propRoomNumber, propRentPerWeek, propDescription, propCityTown, propSuburb FROM tblPropertyList WHERE [propCityTown]='" & CityTown & "' AND [propRentPerWeek]<= '" & Rent & "' AND [propRoomNumber]='" & Rooms & "'AND [propListExpires] >='" & DateToday & "' "
However I am having trouble getting the Date to work as part of my SQL String. I keep getting the following error:
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
Source Error:
Line 30: MyDA = New SqlDataAdapter (mySQL, myConn)
Line 31: myDS = New DataSet()
Line 32: myDA.Fill(MyDS)
Line 33:
Line 34: dlPropertyListing.Datasource = MyDS.Tables(0)
Source File: K:detailsdetailspropertylisting.aspx Line: 32
Any ideas how to resolve this?? I do not want to use Parameters in my statement.
Thanks in advance,
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Jul 9, 2007
Hi all, first time post so go easy.
I have been trying to find a way of creating a datetime comprised of getdate() and a time that i specify. I am trying to do this as shown below:
Declare @Test datetime
Declare @Test1 Datetime
Set @Test = getdate()
SET @Test1 = CONVERT(datetime, datepart(y, @Test) + datepart(m, @Test)+ datepart(d, @Test)+' 16:30:00',120)
So, i am building a string using datepart and then adding the time at the end. The 120 after the final comma is to define the style (as i am sure you will all know anyway).
When i run this i get the following error:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 35
Syntax error converting the varchar value ' 16:30:00' to a column of data type int.
If i take out the colons it runs but brings back the wrong date, the whole date seems to be dependant on the time part at the end.
I am sure this is a really simple problem and i am sorry if i am wasting you time but its late and i just cant see it. Any help would be fantastic.
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Dec 2, 2004
Can anyone tell me what this error message means and how I can correct it on my statement:
Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
Here's my query statement:
SELECT animalid AS "Animal ID", name AS "Name", categoryid AS "Category ID", DATENAME(MONTH, dateBorn) + ' ' + DATENAME(DAY, dateBorn) + ', ' + DATENAME(YEAR, dateBorn) AS "Date of Birth"FROM animalWHERE categoryid = 'Cat' AND dateBorn = 'May%'
I know it has something to do with: dateBorn = 'May%' because when I took out Quote: AND dateBorn = 'May%' I get results, but I need to narrow it down to list the cats born in May.
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Nov 23, 2005
I'm looking for some good hints and tips for reprogrammin an old VB module I just found.
Basically what it does, is receive an input parameter (an int), does a select [name row] from Names where Name_id = [input parameter] and turns this into a string if multiplenames appear.
E.g. result set: John, Josh, Jock turns it into string "John Josh Jock".
So its piece of cake creating a stored procedure selecting data on the base of an input parameter. Select X from Y where Z = @input... the trick is, I don't know how to do arrays in TSQL as in VB.
In the VB edition I create an array, load the names into it, I do a count on how many row the select returns and then a simple for... next adding the names to the string.
Any good examples on how to do this in a sql-server stored proc?
P.S. This is what I have pieced together this far:
@number int
DECLARE @instrument varchar(50)
DECLARE @tempinstt varchar(10)
DECLARE medlemcursor CURSOR
FROM DW.dbo.names(NOLOCK)
WHERE number = @number
OPEN medlemcursor
FETCH NEXT FROM medlemcursor INTO @tempinstt
SET @instrument = @instrument + @tempinstt + '-'
FETCH NEXT FROM medlemcursor INTO @tempinstt
CLOSE medlemcursor
DEALLOCATE medlemcursor
SELECT @instrument
Just doesn't seem to work, returns NULL, even though I've checked that the cursor SELECT statement actually returns data,
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Jul 19, 2014
I have a column which has 05MAY2006:04:34:00.000000 it is stored as varchar(25). I need to save it as datetime in the same column. I have tried using
update tablename
set columnname = (SUBSTRING(columnname,1,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(columnname,3,3) + '-' +
SUBSTRING(columnname,6,4) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(columnname,11,8));
and then
alter table tablename
alter columnname datetime;
but later it shows up the error
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
How do I change it any other opinion or any modification for the above query.
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May 5, 2008
there is something strange in the code below:
declare @a money
set @a=1.2365
print cast(@a as varchar(10))
when i run the code in the query analizer , the output will be rounded and always will be displayed with two decimal digits(=1.24)...why?
how can i move the whole number value as an string value to an string variable without this truncation?
kind Regards.
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Jun 12, 2008
I am trying to import a txt file that has a string for it's date. How do I change it over in the import wizard I've tried going to advance then changing from string to date or date time but I get an error.
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Sep 19, 2014
I have a string like below
i want to convert the string into rows like
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Jan 29, 2007
I am very new to SSIS though I have written hundreds of SQL 2000 dts' with all kinds of active scripts doing all kinds of things. I am now trying to convert them to SSIS and since scripts don't come through the migrator I am doing them by hand once again. I have the package created, but one of the input fields on the text file is YYYYMMDD , but the database field it is going into is a datetime so I need to convert it to a valid date format so that the conversion will take place. I tried data conversion task but that doesn't work, now I'm assuming I need to use the derived column, but not sure and don't have a clue how to use that, can anyone help? Thanks bostonrose
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