I would like some help converting an access query to a SQL Server query.
The access query is made up of the following and then repeated for each field:
SELECT Sum(IIf([gender]='Female',1,0)) AS Female, Sum(IIf([gender]='Male',1,0)) AS Male...
FROM dbo.applicants
I have tried using the following to test out an alternative, but it brings back the incorrect figure:
SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN gender = 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Female
FROM dbo.applicants
I've looked at the table and should get back 350, but only get back 193.
But using the following query I get the correct figure:
SELECT COUNT(gender) AS Female
FROM applicants
GROUP BY gender
HAVING (gender = 'Female')
Although I can't use the above query because I want to also count how many 'Male' applicants there are.
Hello, I have the following query in Access 2000 that I need to convertto SQL 2000:UPDATE tblShoes, tblBoxesSET tblShoes.Laces1 = NullWHERE (((tblShoes.ShoesID)=Int([tblBoxes].[ShoesID])) AND((tblBoxes.Code8)="A" Or (tblBoxes.Code8)="B"))WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;The ShoesID in the tblShoes table is an autonumber, however the recordsin the tblBoxes have the ShoesID converted to text.This query runs ok in Access, but when I try to run it in the SQLServer 2000 Query Analizer I get errors because of the comma in the"UPDATE tblShoes, tblBoxes" part. I only need to update the tblShoesfield named Laces1 to NULL for every record matching the ones in thetblBoxes that are marked with an "A" or an "B" in the tblBoxes.Code8field.Any help would be greatly appreciated.JR
It works fine if I use the MS Access version of the database through ODBC, but if I try using the SQL version, I get the following error for this query:
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '.'. Statement(s) could not be prepared.
Why on earth is this happenning? I'm completely at my wits end...and pointers would be wonderful.
I am trying to upsize a database to SQL server (on which I am a novice). InAccess as part of a much more complex query I had the following (from sqlview)SELECTIIf(InStr([ItemName],"*")>0,Left([ItemName],InStr([ItemName],"*")-1),[ItemName]) AS ShortName FROM corp_infoWhich gives a return value for the whole of ItemName if there is no star init, or the portion up to the star if there is a starI am having a nightmare trying to get an equivalent in SQL server. I'veworked out that Instr is charindex in sql and can adjust for that, but can'twork out how to get a conditional select statement working.It may well be obvious, but any help much appreciated. Thanks.Robin Hammondwww.enhanceddatasystems.com
Any help converting the following sql to T-Sql would be helpful. I created it in Access ant works great but cant get the case to work. Need to put it into a accounting program that uses T-Sql. The purpose it to come up with a new field called STATUS based on key words in the "decoded" column.
Status: IIf([TableName]![ColumnName] Like "*PA'D*","PA'D",IIf([TableName]![ ColumnName] Like "*SOLD*","SOLD",IIf([TableName]![ ColumnName] Like "*DNU*","DNU","ACTIVE")))
I did create the field on table as TinyInt. I created an appending query and appended the records to the SQL table. Now I have 0's or 255's in the field. Shouldn't they be 0's and 1's instead???? What am I doing wrong? What's the best way to convert the Yes/No fields into SQL, since I want to keep the access front end. Thanks for any help.
I'm converting a View from access to Sql and I'm stuck on this IF statement.
IIf([FG_Qtys_1].[CoreQty]=0 Or [FG_Qtys_1].[CoreQty] Is Null,[KitCoreOnHand],[FG_Qtys_1].[CoreQty]);
I know that I could use CASE statement but i keep on getting errors.
My Case Statement: case when [dbo.FG_Qtys_view].[CoreQty]=0 then dbo.FG_Qtys_Kits.KitCoreOnHand when [dbo.FG_Qtys_view].[CoreQty] ISNULL then [dbo.FG_Qtys_view].[CoreQty] end as CoreQty
Hope this makes sense. I am trying to convert an Access based blog app to SQL Server but I'm having some trouble with some SQL.
The sql is as follows: SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblComment WHERE tblComment.blogID = tblBlog.BlogID AND tblComment.commentInclude <> 0) AS TOTAL_LINKS FROM joinBlog WHERE BlogIncluded <> 0 ORDER BY BlogID DESC
The access version returns blog entries & the number of comments posted to each entry.
joinBlog is an Access query: SELECT tblBlog.BlogID, tblBlog.CatID AS tblBlog_CatID, tblBlog.BlogHeadline, tblBlog.BlogHTML, tblBlog.BlogDate, tblBlog.BlogIncluded, tblCategory.catID AS tblCategory_catID, tblCategory.catName FROM tblCategory RIGHT JOIN tblBlog ON tblCategory.catID = tblBlog.CatID;
I assume I need to make a view out of the Access query, I have done this & that appears to work.
The problem I have is when I try the 1st sql that is in my page with sql server I get the following error: The column prefix 'tblBlog' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
I can make the following change which returns data but does not attach the blog comment counts to the proper blog entry, instead it returns the total comments in the query: SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblComment,tblBlog WHERE tblComment.blogID = tblBlog.BlogID AND tblComment.commentInclude <> 0) AS TOTAL_LINKS FROM joinBlog WHERE BlogIncluded <> 0 ORDER BY BlogID DESC
Can anyone tell me how to convert this for SQL Server? This is my 1st access to sql server attempt. Thanks.
I'd like to convert my Access database table to MS SQL Server 2005 Express. I have a text field and a memo field. What are the corresponding datafield types for SQL Server?
Hey people,I have to convert MS Access 2000 database into mysql database, the wholething being part of this project I'm doing for one of my facultyclasses. My professor somehow presumed I knew db's and gave me long listof things to do with that particular database, first thing being thatparticular conversion. Truth is that I don't know a first thing aboutdb's, let alone using mysql... I downloaded mysql form www.mysql.com andstill searching for MS Access 2000 (it doesn't work with 2003 I have,or I don't know how to make it work).Any kind of help will be welcomed and highly appreciated!!!Thanks,Mario
Hi, I have some tables in an ACCESS database, and would like to recreate them in a SQL2005 databse.How may this be done?I am able to create a Data Component with the ACCESS mdb file. Likewise, how may I convert EXCEL data to SQL2005 table?Thanks. David
We are migrating an access97 database to sql server7.0. there are queries in access which need to be made into tsql queries.And what are the steps to convert access97 to sql7.0 and how do i migrate memo fields to sql7. Is there some method to convert or tool that does that...any help is welcome and thanks in advance.
I have created a package which imports a unit of measure table. I now want to populate more rows in the same table from itself. In Access VBA the below code extract does the first part of the job I need to do. Can anyone point me in the right direction to convert this into an efficient SSIS solution. SQLstr =€?SELECT [UOM conv].[Short Item No], [UOM conv].UOM, Count([UOM conv].[UOM 2]) AS [CountOfUOM 2] €œ & _ €œFROM [UOM conv] €œ & _ €œGROUP BY [UOM conv].[Short Item No], [UOM conv].UOM €œ & _ €œHAVING (((Count([UOM conv].[UOM 2]))>1)); €œ
Set RsMoreThanOne = db.OpenRecordset(SQLstr) With RsMoreThanOne While Not .EOF SQLstr = "SELECT [UOM conv].* FROM [UOM conv] WHERE ((([UOM conv].[Short Item No])=" & ![Short item No] & ") AND (([UOM conv].UOM)='" & !UOM & "'));"
Set RsSql = db.OpenRecordset(SQLstr, dbOpenSnapshot) RsSql.MoveLast x = RsSql.RecordCount Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("UOM Conv") rs.Index = "PrimaryKey" RsSql.MoveFirst Item = RsSql![Short item No] For y = 1 To x Um1(y) = RsSql![UOM] Um2(y) = RsSql![uom 2] Fct(y) = RsSql!factor RsSql.MoveNext Next y For y = 1 To x - 1 For k = 1+y To x rs.Seek "=", Item, Um2(y), Um2(k) If rs.NoMatch Then rs.AddNew rs![Short item No] = Item rs!UOM = Um2(y) rs![uom 2] = Um2(k) rs!factor = Fct(k) / Fct(y) rs!calculated = True rs.Update Else If rs!calculated = True Then rs.Edit rs!factor = Fct(k) / Fct(y) rs.Update End If End If rs.Seek "=", Item, Um2(k), Um2(y) If rs.NoMatch Then rs.AddNew rs![Short item No] = Item rs!UOM = Um2(k) rs![uom 2] = Um2(y) rs!factor = Fct(y) / Fct(k) rs!calculated = True rs.Update Else If rs!calculated = True Then rs.Edit rs!factor = Fct(y) / Fct(k) rs.Update End If End If Next k Next y
RsSql.Close .MoveNext rs.Close Wend .Close End With db.Close
Hello, I am fairly new to SQL Server so I apologise if this is the wrong forum. I have a Sales analysis table in a SQL Server 2000 database. The table is populated from various sources in our ERP system. via a DTS package For our French branch sales unit of measure is eachs (EA) for actuals, but the primary UOM and our forecast data is normally in cartons. I have a product master table which defines primary unit of measure, and a unit of measure conversion table. So if I wanted to convert the data all to the primary measure I would write the below in Access:
UPDATE (tblSalesReport INNER JOIN tblItemMasterERP ON tblSalesReport.fldProductNo = tblItemMasterERP.fldProductNo) INNER JOIN tblUOMConvertERP ON (tblItemMasterERP.fldShortItemNo = tblUOMConvertERP.fldItemNo) AND (tblItemMasterERP.fldPrimaryUOM = tblUOMConvertERP.fldUOM1) SET tblSalesReport.fldUOM = [tblItemMasterERP]![fldPrimaryUOM], tblSalesReport.fldQuantity = [tblSalesReport]![fldQuantity]/[tblUOMConvertERP]![fldConvFactor] WHERE (((tblSalesReport.fldCompany)="00007") AND ((tblUOMConvertERP.fldUOM2)=[tblSalesReport]![fldUOM]) AND (([tblSalesReport]![fldUOM])<>[tblItemMasterERP]![fldPrimaryUOM]));
I have found that in the DTS I can add an SQL task, but it seems to only allow UPDATE if there are no joined tables. I found the same thing in Stored Procedures, the SQL designer would only allow me to use one table. I guess I am looking in the wrong places. Can anyone point me in the right direction to incorporate the above sql (or equivolent) into our DTS package. Unfortunately the company decided to dispense with the services of the person who designed the package.
Is there an easy way to convert Access Queries to SQL Views without doing it manually?I have used the Databse tool to migrate tables, but cannot see to find something similiar for queries.
Hi,We have several Access database that we would over time plan to convertto SQL. I am looking for a tool that works better than the upsizewizard in helping with the transition - I am looking for somethingreliable yet reasonably priced.Thanks in advance for all your helpKR
I'm upsizing an Access database. Got the data converted, working onthe front end, converting queries to views, but having troubleconverting queries that use logical expressions like the following:SELECT OrderId,Sum((BackOrderQtyAvailable>0)*-1) AS ReadyBackOrderItemsFROM OrderDetailsINNER JOIN ItemsON (OrderDetails.ClientId = Items.ClientId)AND (OrderDetails.ItemId = Items.ItemId)WHERE (NOT (SitesCustomerTypeId = 2AND ExpressBackorder =TrueAND OrderUrgency = 1 ))GROUP BY OrderId;Can someone suggest a strategy to achieve the same result, ieOrderId,ReadBackOrderItems that I can use in further joins?Thanks in anticipationTerry Bell
I am converting an old MS Access database to MSSQL. While I do get some data into MSSQL, some weird things are happening that are beyond my capabilities.
The database I am trying to convert exists of several tables. The first few are converted perfectly, but one of the last is giving difficulties. What I do is: SET @SQLQuery = 'INSERT INTO TableName ( ' + '[field1], ' + '[field2], ' + '[field3], ' + '[field4], ' + '[Date], ' + '[field6]) ' + 'SELECT ' + '[field1], ' + '[field2], ' + '[field3], ' + '[field4], ' + '[Date], ' + '[field6]) ' + ' FROM '+ RTRIM(@LinkedServerName) +'...TableName'
EXEC (@SQLQuery)
I do the same for each table, all with their own TableNames and field names. 80% of the tables have a date field, which is of type DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP in Access and datetime in MSSQL.
As mentioned: the first tables are converted perfectly, however one fails with error message: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 8, Server XXXXXX, Line 1 Error converting data type DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP to datetime.
If I leave the date field out of the query for that table, it all works (obviously, with an empty date column). The weird thing is that most of the other tables have a date column as well, they are the same data types as in this column and the conversion query is very similar as well.
I have Googled on the full error message and on DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP alone, but all results I get seem different to what I have. I have tried using convert to put the date in the correct format (format in the date tables is DD-MM-YYYY), but this doesn't help. Would have been funny if it had helped, as all other tables use the same date format, and according to the specs, DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP should be automatically converted to datetime anyway (which in all other tables works)...
Basically, what I am saying is: I have 8 extremely similar tables, which I all try to convert using the exact same method, 7 tables succeed and one fails...
I know its a weird request, but we have created an application with sql server but our client wants a version which can be put onto disk.
We decided to create the stored procedures into queries, would this be the best idea and if so does anyone know if there is a freeware software that can do this or will I have to painstakingly re-create the queries?
I'm trying to pass a character (D) to an integer data type!i'm getting this error:Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '17D' to data type int.
i have a query which goes like this:-select a.col1,b.col2,c.col2from tab1 a,tab2 b,tab3 cwherea.col1 *= b.col1 anda.col2 *= c.col2 andb.col3 = c.col3how do I write this query in SQL 92?also can we replace *= with =* by interchanging the participating tables as in"a.col1 *= b.col1" is this same as "b.col1 =* a.col1"
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Collections;
namespace TimeTracking.DB { public class sql { OleDbConnection conn;
// //the constructor for this class, set the connectionstring // public sql() { DBConnectionstring ConnectToDB = new DBConnectionstring(); conn = ConnectToDB.MyConnection(); }
// // // public void UpdateEntry(int ID, string Week, string Year, string Date, string Project, string Action, string Time, string Comment) { int m_ID = ID; int m_Week = (Convert.ToInt32(Week)); int m_Year = (Convert.ToInt32(Year)); string m_Date = Date; string m_Project = Project; int m_ProjectID = new int(); string m_Action = Action; int m_ActionID = new int(); Single m_Time = (Convert.ToSingle(Time)); string m_Comment = Comment;
// //get the project ID from the database and store it in m_ProjectID // OleDbCommand SelectProjectID = new OleDbCommand("SELECT tblProject.ProjectID FROM tblProject" + " WHERE (((tblProject.Project) LIKE @Project))", conn);
// //get the action ID from the database and store it in m_ActionID // OleDbCommand SelectActionID = new OleDbCommand("SELECT tblAction.ActionID FROM tblAction" + " WHERE (((tblAction.Action) LIKE @Action))", conn);
finally { //close the connection if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } } } } }
Code Snippet
The update statement is not working in my application, no error in C# and no error in ms-access. When I paste the update query into the ms-access query tool and replace the parameter values (@....) with real values, is will update the record.
I getting an error when trying to convert the following into a view. I can't take the credit for the code as I copied it from with a program.
Create view vwMAW_KnowledgeDB AS Select * from don0001 left join (select donclass.donor from donclass where classification = 9 and code in ('KB')) inc0 on inc0.donor = don0001.donor where inc0.donor is not null
quote:Error; Msg 4506, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vwMAW_KnowledgeDB, Line 2
Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name 'donor' in view or function 'vwMAW_KnowledgeDB' is specified more than once.
SELECT distinct whse_zone_id, bay_id From prod_geneology WHERE whse_zone_id in ('SH','CU','SG') START WITH unit_id = 'BL7B230811' CONNECT BY PRIOR parent_id = unit_id
And in this case, 'BL7B230811' could be any 10 character string
I am extremely new with .asp. We have the .net framework 1.1 installed on our server and the following query works in Crystal Reports (older version). We would like to have this converted to a .asp page with two inputs. One for the date range and one for the state. Can someone please tell me how to go about this. I do have downloaded as test. Visual Studio 2003.net and Web Matrix. I really am looking for (if there is any) a way to pretty quickly convert query to web pages so users can use them without a huge expense. IF someone already has something like this done. That would be great. The following query is for Visual Enterprise (Manufacturing software). Thanks