Converting .rdl To .rdlc!

May 9, 2007

Hey there guys!

I am trying to convert, (as the title suggests), an already created .rdl file to a .rdlc file. I have googled it and yes came across the most informative "step-by-step", however even after renaming to .rdlc and opening the file in SQL Server 2005 BI the file is still not being deserialized using the reportdefinition from 2005.

Can somebody please help with this and provide me with something a little clearer than " must convert the file.".

Thanks in advance for all your help,


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Multiple Rdlc Files In One Winforms ReportViewer Control

Aug 14, 2007

How can I add multiple rdlc report definitions to a single Winforms ReportViewer control? I would like to start with the first rdlc and concatenate subsequent rdlc files after that. I want the user to be able to scroll through several different rdlc report definitions as if they were all just one report.

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Integration Services :: Converting RTF Files To PDF Files?

Jun 25, 2015

I have a scenario where I need to convert RDF files to PDF files? may I know is this achievable in SSIS - writing C# code?

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Task Converting Xls Files To Csv Files ?

Jan 21, 2006

Is there a way to do this with some sort of task ?

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Converting .dbf Files To Sql Server 2000

Oct 9, 2006

Hi.. I want to convert .dbf files to sql server 2000 tables.. without using any tools. I need to create a different structure for sql server tables other than contains in the .dbf files. May be the dbf files contain only 3 columns. but i need 5 columns and some calculations to determine the values of some fields to insert into sql server table...  i need to code this using c# in  can u help me? thanks in advance.. Fraijo 

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SQL 2012 :: Converting XML Files To PDF And Zip In Folder

Jun 16, 2015

Convert 100 xml files individually to pdf's and zip them in a folder along with the source files.

Can it be possible in SQL server BI world?

If possible make this an automated process for every 100 files.

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Importing Text Files And Converting Datatypes

Oct 8, 2004

Hi ya... About to tear my hair out.

I thought i fixed this problem, as it WORKED about two days ago, but now I'm getting errors.

I have a series of text files, some are delimited, some are fixed width. I previously was able to import these files thru a dts package by creating the table in a stored procedure. Exple:
CREATE TABLE [Pol_Dump073104]
[Product_Type] varchar (12) NULL,
[Benefit] float NULL,
[Base_Premium] varchar (12) NULL,
[Rider_Premium] float NULL,
[Contract_Value] float NULL,

I then import the text file into the table and then cast the float datatypes as money in a select into statement to do aggregate functions on the money fields. this worked previously, but now I'm receiving this: 'Error converting datatype char to money.' I tried to convert to float and received the same error, only with float where the word money was.

Please help! :mad:


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Converting Csv Files From One Format To Another Format With Differing Columns

Dec 19, 2007


I have a set of csv files and a set of Format Specification files for each of the csv files. I need to convert the csv files into another format of csv files as specified in the Format Specification files. All the columns of the input csv files do not have a mapping with the columns of the output csv files. How can I achieve this using SSIS ? This is an urgent requirement. Please reply asap. Thanks.

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Converting Report Desinger Files To Report Builder

Oct 6, 2007


I am working on Report builder project and was wondering if somone can help me with below questions

Is it possible to convert RDL files built in report designer to Report Builde RDL file? if yes then is there any tool or we will have to do it manually. I have also seen that there is no SQL in RDL files created in Report Builder.
If above is not possible then my second question is if we can only copy the layout but as we have got 1000 RDL files in built by report desinger how can we automatically convert this into layout in Report Builder.
Does Microsoft has any specific tools for this?
Will highly appreciate for any help on above.



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Any Editor For Rdlc?

Nov 2, 2007

I would like to use SQL client-side reporting in ASP.NET. However, our customer would like to edit the report sometimes, is there any existing graphical editor to edit .rdlc file?

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How To Set Page In RDLC?

Mar 31, 2008

I am using Local Report, .RDLC, I want to Set PageName A4, How Can I set PageName in Report .RDLC??

I can set Page Size but I wan to Set Page Name.

Thanking You.

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Rdlc Reports

Feb 26, 2008

I am having a rdlc report in which i have to fit the image. I dragged and dropped the Image from the toolbox. I am able to get the Image but if the image is small i want to get small or else if the image is big i want to get big image . At the moment i am getting same for both of them. I am using to get the Image and sql2005. Any solution for this....

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RDLC Vs RDL Revisited

May 8, 2007

I have searched the archive of this forum, and based on some previous answers have read the followin FAQ

However, even so, I still have a questoin about when to use RDLC vs RDL from the point of view of licensing and load sharing betwee DB and report server.

1. As we all know that SSRS will take a license of SQL Server if the web service is deployed on any other machine other than SQL Server (which is normally the case because no serious DBA will allow IIS apps to be installed on the DB Server). Also, if the SSRS is deployed on NLB cluster then each node of the cluster would need a "SQL Enterprise" license. (which can be very expensive).

2. Co deploying the SSRS with SQL Server is a bad idea because it puts excessive load on the DB+Report Server.

3. Since there is no "load balancing" in SQL all the rendering has to be done by the SSRS service which is running on the DB Server.

Now compare this to RDLC

1. RDLC gives me the same engine as RDL

2. However it has no licensing tags to it.

3. I can deploy ASP.NET report viewer on my web farm and scale it out as much as I like.

4. Extract data from the DB using stored procedures.

So it seems that RDLC solution is cheaper, gives better scale out capabilities and also moves the rendering of reports on the web farm rather than the Report Server.

Why should me or anyone else choose RDL at all?

There seems to be one disadvantage that the data has to fetched programmatically and manually binded (like an ASP.NET app) as RDLC does not provide any feature to connect to data sources. But this is not much when you see the cost and scalability benefits.



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.rdlc Table Use Of SUM And SWITCH Together?

Jan 19, 2007

Hello everyone, thanks in advance for reading. I'm new to reports and have tried searching for my answer with no luck. Any direction would be great.

Here is the issue, I have 3 colums in the dataset which display String data ("High", "Medium", or "Low")

I've added a column to the table on the report where I would like to convert the value of "High", "Medium" and "Low" to 3,2,1 respectively then SUM these numbers.

Is this possible? I've tried several variations of the code below--maybe it's not possible to do what I want? Thanks again for your time and help.

Fields!PP.Value is set to:
=Switch(Fields!Avail_Rank.Value = "High", 3, Fields!Avail_Rank.Value = "Medium", 2, Fields!Avail_Rank.Value = "Low", 1)

=Switch(Fields!Volume.Value = "High", 3, Fields!Volume.Value = "Medium", 2, Fields!Volume.Value = "Low", 1)

=Switch(Fields!Integ_Rank.Value = "High", 3, Fields!Integ_Rank.Value = "Medium", 2, Fields!Integ_Rank.Value = "Low", 1)

=Sum(Fields!Avail_Rank.Value + Fields!Volume.Value + Fields!Integ_Rank)

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Add Serial No In Report.rdlc

Jun 20, 2007

hi forum

how to add Serial No in "Report.rdlc". I want to add SNo. in as a extra field in Report.

SNo. ItemName Price

1 abc 10

2 xyz 20

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RDLC Report Formatting Issues

Mar 9, 2007

We have developed client SQL Server Reporting Services reports (rdlc) that are completely dynamic.

Everything on the report itself is build from code.

There are a few problems in the formatting of these reports that we have not been able to correct.

1) Because of the way the data has to be displayed. we have had to use a List control with Textboxes and Lines within to give the appearance of a table.(Column headers are textboxes with background set to gray). Line controls exist between each column of data. We did this because we need to have nested lists in some cases to display the data.

The height of the listbox is adjusted to fit the contents within. The vertical lines between the columns appear broken with gaps between each item.

Is there any way to set the line height to automatically fit the height of the ListBox.

2) Another issue we have is with Texboxes. If there is no value in the Textbox, the borders do not show. CanShrink is set to false. Hidden is false. Is there any other setting or something else that could be causing this?

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Can You Encrypt The Rdlc Xml File To Keep Someone From Changing It?

Feb 21, 2008

this idea goes with my post on licensing reports. Is it possible to deploy an encrypted rdlc file and have custom SSRS pages that will decrypt it, run it, manage it, etc? We were thinking what is the point of custom SSRS pages for licensing if the rdlc is just a plain xml file any one can see, change, copy, etc.


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Can We A Use A CSS Or Equivalent For A Reports(RDLC File)

Jul 3, 2007


I will be using RDLC files to display reports in various pages.

My Question is this.

I need to use the same type of formatting of color,fonts,font sizes and the background colors so that the same can be used across the reports.

This is somewhat like using a CSS file for aspx pages.

Any ideas... , solution........, .......

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RDLC And Excel - No Grid Lines

Jul 9, 2007

Using ASP.NET 2, C#, Web application, we have an rdlc report which will be primarily used to export to an Excel spreadsheet. When we run thw report, then export it, we wind up with a spreadsheet with no gridlines, eg a spreadsheet with invisible cell borders.

Is the a setting or property somewhere which can be changed so that the spreadsheet which opens after the export looks like a standard spreadsheet, that is, with visible cell borders?

Many thanks
Mike Thomas

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Passing String To Rdlc's TextBox

Jan 23, 2008

I am pretty new to reporting services. Now i have something like this. on the .cs file, i have a fullName lets say
String fullName = "John Smith",
Now I want to pass this string to the report's textBox and show this value on this textbox.

How can i do this?
1.How should i write in .cs file?
2. How should i set the expression for the textbox?

Thank you very much. It is very urgent! Please help!

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Work Around To Display RTF Text In RDLC?

Apr 18, 2008


We had come a long way in implementing reports using RDLC and now we are stuck with the requirement to display RTF text using RDLC.

Is there a way to display a RTF Text in RDLC in a purely managed code?

The links mentioned below provides a work around solution to this but a part of its implementation is in un-managed code.

Iam also curious to know if Microsoft has released a patch or service pack that supports RTF in RDLC?

Iam using .NET 3.0 with SP1 and my backend is MS-SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

Thanks & Regards
Arvind T N

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Stream A Rdlc Report From Dll To Browser

Apr 22, 2008

I have a very simple test report created in Visual Studio 2005 as an rdlc file in my dll. The rdlc file is in the dll because it is built off of the business objects. I need to be able to stream this file (i.e. not use a report viewer) to the browser.

I found code that I included below, but get an error:

The report definition for report 'Monkey.Report1' has not been specified

Yes my test namespace in my dll is named "Monkey" )

Anyway, any idea on how to solve this?

Code Snippet
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport();
localReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Monkey.Report1.rdlc";

ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource("FamilyCollection", Monkey.Family.RetrieveAll());

string reportType = "PDF";
string mimeType;
string encoding;
string fileNameExtension;

string deviceInfo =
"<DeviceInfo>" +
" <OutputFormat>PDF</OutputFormat>" +
" <PageWidth>8.5in</PageWidth>" +
" <PageHeight>11in</PageHeight>" +
" <MarginTop>0.5in</MarginTop>" +
" <MarginLeft>1in</MarginLeft>" +
" <MarginRight>1in</MarginRight>" +
" <MarginBottom>0.5in</MarginBottom>" +

Warning[] warnings;
string[] streams;
byte[] renderedBytes;

//Render the report
renderedBytes = localReport.Render(reportType, deviceInfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileNameExtension, out streams, out warnings);

//Clear the response stream and write the bytes to the outputstream
Response.ContentType = mimeType;
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=foo." + fileNameExtension);

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Bind Object To RDLC Report

Apr 8, 2006

I hava a question about Bind object to RDLC Report,the RDLC like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
    <DataSource Name="DummyDataSource">
        <ConnectString />
      <Table Name="table1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox7">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox8">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox6">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox9">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="ID">
                    <Textbox Name="Name">
                    <Textbox Name="Name_1">
                    <Textbox Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox2">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox4">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox3">
                      <Value>Patient Of Medcial Case</Value>
    <DataSet Name="WindowsApplication1_MedcialCase">
        <rd:ObjectDataSourceType>WindowsApplication1.MedcialCase, WindowsApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null</rd:ObjectDataSourceType>
        <CommandText />
        <Field Name="ID">
        <Field Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
        <Field Name="Name">

the object I bind  to the Report like

public class MedcialCase
        private Guid iD;

        public Guid ID
            get { return iD; }
            set { iD = value; }

        private Patient patient;

        public Patient PatientOfMedcialCase
            get { return patient; }
            set { patient = value; }


    public class Patient
        private string name;

        public string Name
            get { return name; }
            set { name = value; }


and the code bind object to report like

  MedcialCase medcialCase = new MedcialCase();
  medcialCase.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
  Patient patient = new Patient();
  patient.Name = "Michael";
  medcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase = patient;
  this.MedcialCaseBindingSource.DataSource = medcialCase;

I choose the MedcialCase.ID and MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name to show, but when the report was run ,,just MedcialCase.ID has been shown,
the text of MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name is "=Fields!Name.Value"

I modify it to "=Fields!PatientOfMedcialCase.Value.Name.Value" and run it ,the "#Error" show in the text of Name

anyone can tell me why?and how to bind object like MedcialCase to the Report?



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Render Html In .RDLC Reports

Jun 8, 2007

Hi all,

I am using the web application and microsoft visual studio reportviewer control and rdlc for creating a report ( not using sql server reporting). I used the Product table to view the result. It has five fields and I display all the itemsin the report. One field is Description and it store the html code as the value(eg:<div><ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul><b>aaaa</b></div>). I want to disply the output of this html code in my report's description field. But in my report, it shows the html value that I stored in my table (:<div><ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul><b>aaaa</b></div>). How can I render the html in my report. Please give me a solution.

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Local Report (RDLC) Formatting

Feb 22, 2007

I cannot find anything that would suggest it is possible to use a cascading style sheet when formatting data elements within a local report (RDLC). We created an HTML report using CSS and now want to generate the same report using the Report Viewer control along with our defined styles.

Any ideas?

thank you

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Create Report.rdlc In Dynamically

Oct 23, 2007

I' m using Microsoft Reporting. Is there a way to create Report .rdlc file Dynamically on the fly? I' m using
Any help can be appreciated.

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Rdlc Code Based DataSource?

Oct 24, 2007

Hi All,
Can I create a code based ( datasource for a report? I am using VS studio and really do not like the GUI based datasets/tables. They are a big hassle to manipulate. It is much easier to create them in code. But how do I make the dataset "visible" to the report.

The reports in VS studio seem very limited, they do not seem allow much programming?


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How Do I Asign A Textbox In A Rdlc Report A Declared Value?

Apr 8, 2007

Hi all..

I developed a local report to be viewed using the "Report Viewer" control. The report is attached to an object data source.

All works perfectly, now I want to display a declared value (from the form containing the report viewer) in a textbox. Like:

Dim NofDays as string

Me.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.textbox6.text = NofDays

I ve tried a lot of options like using the report paramaters but I cannot get it to work.

Does aneyone have a clue?



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Oracle Stored Procedure For RDLC Dataset

Aug 20, 2007

Is it possible to use an Oracle Stored Procedure for an RDLC report. There are posts I've read that deal with RDL reports that use the data tab and command type of "Stored Procedure", but I don't have that installed. I just create a new dataset that the report uses. I can do reports just fine with SQL statements, but I want to be able to call a stored procedure...


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Remove #ERROR Text On Rdlc Textbox

May 19, 2008


I use LINQ to SQL for showing reports, everything works fine but when I do something like

Fields!Order.Value.Customer.Address.StreetName it will show The addressStreet value

but if Customer or Address object value is null Textbox will output #ERROR message.

How can I get rid of this, is there any way to override the Textbox control?

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Reports Renders Very Slow

Oct 25, 2014

I am creating an RDLC report. but it is rendering very slow. I have very small amount of data and still it takes a long time in rendering. I thought it might be due to amount of SQL data so i cut data to 5 rows and 5 columns only. still it renders very slowly.I am using Visual Studio 2012 and SQL server 2012 for deployments. Also i have a good hard ware configuration and still it takes upto 5 minutes in loading a report.

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Cannot Add Image To RDLC Using SSRS On Visual Studio 2008

Dec 4, 2007

I am using VS2008 and trying to add an Image to a report (RDLC).
The documentation suggests the properties window for the Image field will have a Source and a Value field.
I cannot see them.
Elswhere, the documentation talks about an Image Wizard.
I cannot find that either.

I have added an Image to the Report's Embedded Images list.
How do I add an image to my RDLC?

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Report Page Break

Sep 26, 2012

i have used rdlc report. how can i set the page break in report

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