Copy SQL Server Objects - Strange Behavior
Jan 21, 2008
I'm a wee bit of a newbie concerning DTS and have inherited a db with a DTS containing a Copy SQL Server Objects task set to run nightly. Essentially, it does an informal backup of some core data.
Recently, I was notified that one of the tables it copies over is now empty on the Destination db. The DTS shows that it runs successfully with no errors logged, the table in question IS selected to be copied from the Source database, there IS data in the Source database table, and every other table in the Destination database is populated appropriately.
Any ideas on what would cause this one table to be empty without generating any errors?
FYI, running SQL Server 2000.
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Oct 1, 2004
I have two SQL Server Instances on two servers. One server is my webserver and database server and the other one is just a database server. i have an application that calls a stored procedure located on the webserver/database server that runs a query on the OTHER database server. I use linked tables in my first instance to make the call possible.
Everything was working just fine for months until the database server was restarted and the IP address was changed. The name of the database is the same however and my first SQL Server instance has no problems running queries on the other databases tables. However, when you try to run the application i get the following error:
Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
I have mixed mode authentication selected and my security uses the security context with username=sa and password=sa.
So here's the weird part.
The application will only run correctly when i manually run a SQL command from my webserver's SQL Analyzer on the linked SQL Server. however, after a few minutes, the same error comes back!! so as a temporary fix, i scheduled a dts job to run a simple query on the linked server every two minutes, so the application keeps working! It's almost as if the webserver's sql server forgot that the linked server is there, and by running a simple query in query analyer, the connection gets refreshed and everythings normal again - for about 3 minutes!
I am completely stumped by whats happeneing and appreciate any help. Thank you.
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Feb 1, 2008
I've done a new tabel that insert the UserId that in a uniqueidentifier get from Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKeySo if I want to make a select statement threw storedprocedure in codebehind it runs as it shouldCode behindDim GetCustomersCars As CustomerCarByUserId = New CustomerCarByUserId MyCars.DataSource = GetCustomersCars.CarByUserId(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)MyCars.DataBind() But in when I use ObjectDataSource it fails<asp:ObjectDataSource id="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" selectmethod="CarByUserId" typename="CustomerCarByUserId"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter defaultvalue="Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey" name="UserId" type="Object" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:ObjectDataSource>I've tried with Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString(), but that doesnt work. Error message:InvalidCastExceptionI connect to the same source in both cases.Any one with an Idee ?
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Nov 29, 2005
I have a SP that usually works fine (0-16 CPU time, 40 ms Duration), but from time to time the server hangs with apparently no reason. The SP has a lock timeout set to 500, so it should abort if a lock timeout error (1222) occurs but it doesn't. The Profiler reports very long execution time (over 30 sec), and because of that all other SP calls are blocked, 'cause the transaction opened by the first sp execution is not finished yet.
Any other attempts to identify other blocking queries did not show me anything suspect (sp_lock, dbcc opentran) other then the usual blocked chain. I'm starting to think about an IO bottleneck, or IO failure, that could block the disk access and cause the delay. The status of RAID 5 is healthy.
The server is used as storage system for a website (approx. 2000 concurrent users), and occasionally I noticed an ASP queue, but this strange behavior occurs even during the peak-off hours.
Any thoughts ?
HP Server - 2 CPU @ 3,4 ; 4 GB RAM; SCSI - RAID 5
Windows 2000 Advanced Server - SQL Server 2000 SP4
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi folksI have an C# app. connecting to a MS-ACCESS database with several tables.In a specific situations I have problems with a DateTime type in a table.The problemis when I want to select records from a table in a specific period the dayand monthseems to be swapped in the query, but it only happens when the swappinggives avalid date eg.12/10/2005 (12. Oct. 2005) returns records on 10/12/2005 (10. Dec. 2005)23/05/2005 (23. May 2005) returns records correctly since 05/23/2005 is nota valid date with danish regional settings.The query is:"SELECT [ID], [Activity], [BeginDate] FROM TimeReg WHERE [BeginDate] >= #" +_start + "# " AND [BeginDate] <= #" + _end + "#"_start and _end are of type DateTimeMy PC in running with danish regional settings and if I shift to en-USsettings in the control panel, thisfixes the problem, but that is not a solution for me.Any suggestions to solve this problemThanks in advance.Kim W.
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Nov 1, 2007
I am have the following code below on a standalone computer and it worked perfectly. Suddenly, without any significant changes to the code there were no Servers instances found on my local computer. I know there are several server instance on the computer. Why is it acting so unpredictable? The same thing happened when I tried SQLDMO.
// Get a list of SQL servers available on the networks
DataTable dtSQLServers = SmoApplication.EnumAvailableSqlServers(false);
foreach (DataRow drServer in dtSQLServers.Rows)
String ServerName;
ServerName = drServer["Server"].ToString();
if (drServer["Instance;] != null && drServer["Instance"].ToString().Length > 0)
ServerName += " + drServer["Instance"].ToString();
if (cmbServer.Items.IndexOf(ServerName) < 0)
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Mar 5, 2008
I have 2 packages that for ease I'll call Parent & Child. The Parent package calls the Child package as the 4th step in the process. Once the Child has completed, the Parent has a few more imports that it does.
The Portfolio table is loaded in the Child package which is step 4 in the Parent package. Then in step 5 a few tasks utilize that Portfolio data for lookups.
The strange part is that there are probably 4 or 5 data tasks that do lookups against the Portfolio data in Step 5 (step 5 is a container). All but 2 of the data tasks retreive data from the Portfolio data. The other 2 don't find any data and just move on. Once the package stops, if I simply execute those tasks they run and load the data correctly.
It seems to me to be a caching or an isolation problem but I can't find a solution.
Any ideas?
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Aug 2, 2005
Hi all,
I face a problem as follows: We have an application runnig on SS2K.We log every delete of
documents(from Archive table) in another table.Now it seems some of the rows have deleted strangely
without any delete log by our application.We assumed there is somebody who has direct access to
database and delete them manually(obviousely our app does not generate any log in this situation)But
there is no people.We check that with admins many times.
Does SQL Server itself deletes rows for any reason? How can I know what is happening?Do you think
our app flaws somewhere?
Thanks a lot for your attention.
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Aug 2, 2005
Hi all,
I face a problem as follows: We have an application runnig on SS2K.We log every delete of documents(from Archive table) in another table.
Now it seems some of the rows have deleted strangely without any delete log by our application.We assumed there is somebody who has direct access to database and delete them manually(obviousely our app does not generate any log in this situation)But there is no people.We check that with admins many times.
Does SQL Server itself deletes rows for any reason? How can I know what is happening?Do you think our app flaws somewhere?
Thanks a lot for your attention.
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Oct 5, 2004
We are noticing some strange behavior with MSSQL. I was hoping somebody can shed some light.
Since the past few days in our production database we have been getting the following error
Could not allocate space for object 'Person' in database 'PROD' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full...
Some data on your system
The PRIMARY filegroup is 20G in size. And 80% of it is free. Also, the Primary filegroup is setup to auto grow and there is about 20G free space at the OS level. So, I don't think it has anything to do with the filegroup.
I started doing some research on the 'person' object (table), run sp_spaceused etc... to get some data. On a trail and error basics I run DBCC INDEXDEFRAG on the 'person' table and the error went away.
1. Why is the error misleading? Why does it say, the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full?
2. Why am I getting this error and why does running DBCC INDEXDEFRAG fix the problem?
3. I can understand the index being fragmented and needing a defrag, but can MSSQL server actually fail with this error if the index is fragmented too much?
4. What data can I look at and prevent this from happening in the future?
Any other data will be much appreciated.
Thanks so much.
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Mar 22, 2006
Running SQL 2000 SP4 on Windows 2000 Server.
When a SELECT query is executed in Query Analyzer results are displayed in the results pane, fine...when an "ORDER BY" clause is added to the select stmt the query runs for apprx. 20 seconds then displays "TempDb log is full [Error 9002, Severity 17]". (The tempdb is set to autogrow/10%/unrestricted and plenty of storage space) The next time the query is executed after getting the "tempdb log is full" error, the server reboots upon query execution. As soon as F5 or ctrl-e is pressed to execute the query the server does a hard crash - black screen then warnings, no event viewer log, no sql log warnings/errors, no drwtsn log, no hardware log message errors...nothing.
Re-applied Windows 2000 SP3 and SQL SP4 to server, same behavior.
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Aug 17, 2007
Hi folks,
I have some code, that just works. But when I put it into a exec() I get a strange error. First the code
exec ('
year,quarter, min(price) as minimum
into #temptable from
ntile(4) over (partition by year,quarter order by price) as rang
select distinct id,year,quarter,price from #tbl1
) as a
) as b
group by rang,year,quarter
Select year ,quarter,
SELECT CAST(minimum as varchar(max)) + ","
FROM #temptable t2
where t1.year=t2.year AND t1.quarter=t2.quarter
from #temptable t1
group by year,quarter
SQL Server says, that Insert Into is missing a column name. It points at line with FOR XML PATH("").
Any Idea what's wrong here?
The Output without exec (and correct quotes) looks like:
Thank you
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Oct 10, 2007
I created a very simple SSIS package (it just updates a single row in a table). When I execute the package from the command line (using dtexec), it takes about a second to finish, as expected. But when I execute it using dtexec via xp_cmdshell, it takes about 91 seconds. When I use a SQL job to execute the package as an operating system type, it takes 91 seconds. Using a SQL job to execute it as a SSIS package takes again 91 seconds. It appears that something is causing a delay of about 90 seconds before the package actually gets executed. I tried changing the SSIS service account, but that didn't change anything. Why is executing the package through SS2005 different than executing it directly from the command prompt?
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Jun 1, 2004
I have a trigger on each table in a database which updates a datetime column (lastupdatedon) and a varchar field (enteredby) after update on each individual table. The problem is, when one table is updated at the same instant as another table (by different users), the same varchar data (SYSTEM_USER) is put in both tables, even though the users are different.
Here is an example of the trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER EventUpdate ON jrowley.Event
UPDATE jrowley.Event SET LastChangedOn = getdate(),EnteredBy = SYSTEM_USER WHERE EventID in (Select EventID from deleted)
Any suggestions are welcome.
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May 1, 2008
Ok maybe someone smarter than me (not difficult) can help me out :)
Two queries:
PCI_Template_NR_Map b
left outer join
PCI_Master a
on a.attribute_name=b.attribute_name and
a.load_id in (select distinct top 53 load_id from PCI_Load')
PCI_Template_NR_Map b
left outer join
PCI_Master a
on a.attribute_name=b.attribute_name and
a.load_id in (select distinct top 54 load_id from PCI_Load')
#1 Produces a correct left outer join, any values in PCI_Template_NR_Map that are not in PCI_Master show null. This works for any number of load_id values in the subselect up to 53.
#2 Is the exact same query, except I am no longer limiting it to 53, when i get to 54 (or if I take away the top altogether) it returns rows as if it were a normal inner join, instead of a left outer join (i.e. it only shows rows that are a match between PCI_Master and PCI_Template_NR_Map).
Can anyone explain to me what is happening here, and how to get around this issue? I need to be able to filter this for as many load_ids as I need (usually aobut 200). Thanks in advance,
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Apr 25, 2008
I have a fairly complex report. I have a couple of sub reports on the left hand side, a table in the middle and a couple of rectangles on the right side of the screen. When I try to add another sub report, even though I make it about a one inch square, it pushes the rectangles three or four inches further right when I display it.
Any way to reign in an errant sub report?
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Jan 20, 2007
I have a data flow two lookups components (call them lookup1 and lookup2). They both query the same relational table but with different values. Each has a single row result set containing one column and the each of the two columns is mapped to a corresponding package-level variable. The original data flow sequence had lookup1 executing after lookup 2. Each component redirects errors to a separate text file.
Lookup1 succeeds but lookup2 fails on every row which populates its error text file; however I can construct a sql query from the lookup2 values that returns the expected result.
If I reverse the sequence of components (lookup2 followed by lookup1) lookup2 still fails on every row. Whenever both lookups are present in the dataflow, lookup2 fails for every row and all its rows are redirected to the error text file
Now this is where it gets interesting. If I omit either lookup1 or lookup 2 from the data flow, it works. If the data flow contains lookup1 only the destination is populated. If the dataflow contains only lookup2 then no errors are written to the error text file, all lookups succeed, and the destination is populated.
I'm stumped. Is it possible that both lookups selecting from the same table could cause a problem? Each works independently, but when both are together in the data flow, lookup2 fails for every row. I've been over the configuration and code a dozen times and am positive there are no errors; besides, lookup2 runs fine if lookup1 is excluded from the data flow.
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Jul 7, 2006
In my package I have a source, a script component to make some changes to that and a destination. To speed up the process, within a data flow, I have created 6 copies of the above components and running them in parallel. Each source takes different set of data. I have divided the data using the record no such that, each set will read 1million records.
Now, my question is, though each pipleline is supposed to process exactly 1million records, they are not running at the same speed. For example, 1 pipeline completes processing all 1million records whereas another pipeline processed only 250000 records in that time. I don't see any reason for why one should run slow while another is running fast considering that both are doing the same thing?
Do you have any idea about this?
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Jun 23, 2000
I have a stored proc with the following two lines of code:
Select @SumCredits = (Select Sum(CreditAmount) From AccountBalanceList WITH (NOLOCK) Where (AccountRowId = 2000) And (DocDate >= '1/1/1900' And DocDate <= '12/31/2099'))
Select @SumDebits = (Select Sum(DebitAmount) From AccountBalanceList WITH (NOLOCK) Where (AccountRowId = 2000) And (DocDate >= '1/1/1900' And DocDate <= '12/31/2099'))
If I execute this stored proc via Query Analyzer, it will take about 11 seconds. If I execute the above two SQL statements indiviudally within Query Analyzer, each takes less than a second (the entire stored proc should take about a second). This hasn't always been happening. Just recently this behavior started occuring - after we imported a large amount of data into our database. However, I don't know if the two events are related.
Has anyone ever noticed this type of thing?
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Jan 18, 2007
Try a little experiment. Partly to humor me, and make me believe I am not quite insane.
Step 1: Install SQL server 2000, such that the data files are not in the default location, but in a location with a shorter path (i.e. install the data files to E:MSSQL8).
Step 2: Run the following queries, and comment on any oddities:
select filename
from master..sysaltfiles
where dbid = 2
select reverse(rtrim(filename)), filename
from sysaltfiles
where dbid = 2
select reverse(rtrim(filename))
from sysaltfiles
where dbid = 2
I am guessing that #2 is some sort of odd effect caused by the fixed length data field, but I just want to make sure that other people get this oddity, and not just me. I have no idea what could be causing the third output...or perhaps the lack of it.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,I developed a win32 .exe CGI that connects to a clustered SQLServer toreport some data.The software is written with Borland C++Builder.This is the oledb string:Name=Provider=SQLOLEDB;Password=xxx;Persist Security Info=True;UserID=xxxx;Data Source=xxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxxx;NetworkLibrary=dbmssocnIt suddendly stopped working on my customer network, so I made sometest and I verivied that the problem is on the connection withSQLServer: my test program just opens a connection, closes it andexits, reporting in a log file if the open was successful or failed.If I run the program locally, just launching it, no problem, it works.I can run it mutilple time continuosly and is connects every time.If I run the program through my webserver, as a CGI that's how it issupposed to work (http:\localhostscriptsconnect.exe), it connectsthe first time, and then I have to wait 40 seconds to connect againsuccessfully, or it fails.If I try against MY sqlserver on my laptop or on my network no 40 secproblems, but on my customer network, with THEIR SQLServer , if I tryto connect from their webserver, or from my laptop webserver, I havethis 40sec problem.I analyzed the network traffic, and I discovered that when I run mytest program locally it originates only TCP/IP packets, and SQLServeranswers only with TCP/IP.But when I use it from the webserver as a CGI, it originates an UDPpacket, then SQL answers with another UDP packet, and then theycommunicate over TCP/IP.This when it works: the second time my program continues to send theUDP packet, but it receives no answer, and fails the communication.I can only say that:- we haven't touched the program for months, and it really stoppedworking suddendly, so I suspect that something in my customer netowrkhas changed- I tried many different OLEDB strings, disabling connection poolingand all the services, calling the SQLServer by name or IP...- the problem can't be related to my program, because now is reallyjust an oledb connection testAnyone have an idea?Thank you very much,Mattia
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Apr 25, 2008
Has anyone expirenced this? I'm upgrading my SSRS 2000 SP2 instance to 2005 SP2 and I have to "upgrade" the database twice (First time I click "upgrade" in configuration it throws an error).
So, I get report manager to open. But, when I go to run a report I receive an rsInternalError exception. I look in the log and see that a few columns are marked as NOT NULL and the system is trying to push null values into the columns. The colums are:
I also get serious blocking on the key on chunkData table in the tempDB as well. this was a serious issue that I had a ticket open with Microsoft about. As I am finding is typical with the helpdesk with SSRS I had to fix it myself by adding locking hints on the CreateChunkAndGetPointer sp. Changing the last line to:
Code Snippet
SELECT @ChunkPointer = TEXTPTR(Content)
FROM [ReportServerTempDB].dbo.ChunkData AS CH with (nolock)
WHERE CH.ChunkID = @ChunkID
stopped the blocking issues that I was having.
Now, my question is this, is this normal or do I have a hosed installation of SSRS 2000 that I should just take the time to scrap and start new? Should I have to do this just to get reporting services working after upgrading?
PS - I found a bug in the upgrade script that is created for running later. if ReportServer is not the name of the database, the script will still use ReportServerTempDB in on of the stored procedures that is created.
Any input on this would be GREWATLY appreciated. Any input from MS would be better!
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Dec 1, 2006
Hi to all!
i hope that You could help me, because i must build a release version of my SSIS package in 2 hours..
This is my big issue:
i've a SQL Server 2005 (SP1 64bit version) and a remote SQL Server 2000 (SP4)..
I've created a Data flow task that contains an OLEDB source (native client on SQL 2005 local server) and a Lookup Transformation that has to connect to remote SQL Server 2000 and returns me some columns..
I see all, tables, columns.. no problem at first sight.. I choose some columns to use in Lookup output and confirm..
When i re-open my lookup task, columns are not selected (checked)..
obviously my oledb destination can't see that cols..
I choose, but my SSIS don't store any cols in output..
I've tried using error output, advanced editor, creating another package with sql 2005 tables only.. but no change.. the same silent error.. i cant use the columns for output to add to my sets..
can you help me plz??
i extremely need you a lot!!!
thanx in advance..
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Jan 25, 2007
Hi, I came upon a strange behavior of Format function in report, which I'm unable to explain.
I have some double value, which I want to format. E.g. the value is in db field "Users" and is 303870
If I set a Value property for the field to
=Fields!Users.Value or CDec(=Fields!Users.Value)
//the value is already double so the CDec has no effect
and Format property for the field to
=Format(me.Value,"#,#") or =Format(Fields!Users.Value,"#,#")
than the number which is visible in the report is 3303,873870 ???
If I put in the Value property
and the Format property is empty
than the output is ok 303,870, however this is not desired, because the value is than handled as string
If I put in the Value property
and into Format property
than the output is ok again.
As I understand, the Format should be same as in VB (I am actually C# programmer, not very familiar with VB) so I tried to use Format in VB on double value, and the output was as expected (e.g. 303,870), but when I used to a string I got only the style (e.g. #,#).
So I wonder, the ReportingServices Format function works correctly only with string input? But why than works the example 2)? Or do I have somewhere a mistake?
Thanks for the advice.
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm using Access as the front end to SQL2000.I have a table of contacts. UniqueID is the PK.There's also a column named "CreatedBy" int and a column Categorysmallint. They're all set to no nulls. If I create an index onCategory, an SP that searches the CreatedBy column fails and I get anerror message: 2757 There was a problem accessing a property or methodof the OLE object.If I delete that column from the index then the opposite happens withthe same error. I have even deleted the columns, saved the table, andrecreated the columns. This is an aggravating one!
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May 21, 2007
I�m trying to create a DTS Package to copy my sql Server objects to a test Server. The server I�m copying from is UMTS1 and the server I�m copying to is UMTSDEV.
The database name is ProgramSpecs and exists on bother servers. My login is assigned to all server roles on both servers. I have created databases on both servers manually so I�m pretty sure I have all the necessary permissions. I�m using the DTS task �Copy Sql Server Objects� to copy sql server objects and have selected �Drop Destination objects first�.
When I try to execute the package I get the following error:
Error source: MS SQL DMO
Error Description: Invalid OLEVERB Structure [SQL DMO] create file error or UMTS1.ProgramSpecs.LOG
Can anyone tell me what I�m doing wrong?
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Jun 15, 2005
My goal is need to synch couple of tables in QA and Prod. I used "Copy SQL Server Objects Task" in DTS package with copy option "replace existing data". It is trying to truncate and insert new data. But BOL is says "Overwrite existing data in the destination objects with the new data from the specified source".
Let me know your thought about this.
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Jun 3, 2001
Copy objects and data between SQL Server databases
Display the Select Objects to Transfer dialog box, where you can specify both objects and data to copy, if both the data source and destination are Microsoft� SQL Server� databases. The objects you can transfer include tables, views, stored procedures, defaults, rules, constraints, user-defined data types, logins, users, roles, and indexes. You can transfer objects only between multiple instances of SQL Server version 7.0, from an instance of SQL Server 7.0 to an instance of SQL Server 2000, and between multiple instances of SQL Server 2000.
can I apply "Copy objects and data between SQL Server databases"
to run in two different sqlserver 2000 ( not an instance ) . what I mean is I have two different sql servers located in two different locations( I am not using an instance installation) can I still run the copy and get an identical database in both servers.
Q2. if I have two sql server 2000 with different collations (one is binary and the other is the default) will I be able to run the copy wizard and still have an identical copy of sql server in both servers.
I personally tried to run the copy wizard and IT NEVER WORKED FOR ME and I really do not know the reason.
Thanks for your input.
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Jan 12, 2007
I just upgraded to SQLServer 2005 Standard. I do development in adatabase on one server. When a solution is completely tested, I moveit to the operational database on a different server. With SQLServer2000, I could just open the .adp file and do File->Get ExternalData->Import to move the objects. That does not work with 2005.What is the recommended method for moving objects from one database toanother? Obviously, the objects that changed will not be the sameevery time.Thanks!Jer
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Jan 23, 2007
I am getting an error when doing the above.
I create a new SSIS package, drag in an Execute DTS 2000 Package Task, select and embed a DTS package which consists only one one task (as above), and then change the source & destination details (svr + user/pwd). Then when I go to the Copy tab, I get the following error when I hit Select Objects, to view the objects which the embedded DTS package should copy:
SQL-DMO error 21776: general error.
On further inspection, none of the objects selected for copy within the atomic/original DTS package, remain selected for copy within the embedded DTS package.
I have googled to search for an answer to this one, but to no avail. Any ideas would be greatly welcomed.
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Sep 7, 2006
Can anyone refer me to good 'recipes' or sources of information on thistopic??I have Visual Studio Tools for Office, which installs SS 2005 Expresslocally to my XP box, and I want to develop in SS 2005, then copy thetables or queries or reports etc. to a SS 2005 Standard server.Thank you, Tom
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Nov 6, 2006
I'm making a copy of some tanles between 2 servers.
Server 1 requires a sql login
Server 2 is using Windows Auth.
I have a user on server 1 named "odbc" able to log in.
however my copy task fails, when I drill the error, it's lists the first user in server 1 alphabetically as the failed login???? but in my dts I am specifying the "odbc" user and password.
I think I have a permissions problem on server 1. So my Question, what minimum permissions does user "odbc" need to copy a table?
On server 1 I can copy from northwind to server 2 just fine..but any other db on server 1 causes the weird failure with the wrong username.
Any Ideas? I am not a DBA obviously :)
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Aug 12, 2015
Using import task only can select and copy tables and views.
Since there are many objects at the same DB I don't need copy, is there any way let me select and copy some objects, such as functions, stored procedures?
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