I'm quit new into SQL - have a problem - and hope someone here ca n help me.
I have a table TABLE1 with different fields. A part of it looks like this:
111111 121212 0
111111 121212 91
222222 232323 0
222222 232323 73
etc. etc.
I want to "copy"/write over '0' in FIELD3 with the number in FIELD3 from the line that has the same numbers (and unique for these two lines) in FIELD1 and FIELD2. The table will then look like this:
111111 121212 91
111111 121212 91
222222 232323 73
222222 232323 73
I can make a temporary table or a new field if necessary. I just don't know how to write the right SQL.
Hello. I am really new to sql server. I have a db in the server that I use for testing. i want to export it in plain sql so as to import it in another db system. How can I do it?
Greetings all. I am currently working to improve the security on a legacy application we have at my company. The app was written in vb6 years ago. We now have the app running against a sql 2005 server. One of the function/screens in the application is used to administrate users. (each user has a sql user id) and one of the functions is to reset the password. The vb code uses a call to sp_password. Here is the problem. We setup a network sniffer and found the command being in plain text. While the user logon is encrypted ( SSL Fallback) the sp_password commands issued by the app are plan text. Anyone know of a way to make this encrypted? Leif
I have a SQL Server 2000 table with a few fields of "text" data typethat contain rich text. I have to downstream this data and therecipient cannot handle rich text. I need to figure out a way toconvert it back to plain text. Any suggetions?TIA
How can I set the default body_format in database mail. I would like to send a warning with plain text format (from the alerts), that i'll get on my mobile phone, but the message's format is html... always...and I don't get the sms-s.
sorry to raise this again here. I have seen a lot of posts on this board about plain text rendering but never really a satisfactory answer. So my question is: Has anyone succeeded in developing a custom rendering extension which is able to render a report as plain text?
I am a Technical Lead in a project to convert and migrate reporting from Unix/C to Reporting Services 2005. One requirement is, to render the reports in plain text for archiving purposes. I know that there are a million options out there to archive in PDF and whatever. Well, we need plain text. No way around it! It is a governmental requirement!
I am about to pull the plug on SSRS 2005 just because we are not able to fulfill this requirement. And we are talking about a big project converting >700 reports!
Challenges we are facing:
Reporting components are rendered as they appear in a compnent list, one after each other. If you now have two multiline components side by side, i.e. two lists, the first list component in the array gets rendered and then the other. This makes it almost impossible to render the lines in those two components side by side. In the sample below, the Report Header would be rendered, then the Address block, then the Other Data block, then the Order History Table and then the Account Statement table.
Positioning of text boxes is almost impossible. We are able to find out how many centimeters/inches/millimeters/points a control is located from the left border. But how can we translate this into i.e. how many spaces will we need to add for padding?
The column width can't be determined. SSRS adds a line break if the cell text is longer than the column width.
We have reports which look something like this:
Code Block
Code Block
I also got some advice that SSRS is probably the wrong tool. And I also read this in some of the "Plain Text" posts here. And I am actually surprised about this. People suggest to look for some other tool and not use i.e. email subscrptions, other rendering formats, SSRS security model, snapshot history, report models and all the other goodies only because we can't render in simple text?
If anyone has any information to share, I would very much appreciate it. We also looked at third party tools and plug ins but couldn't find any! If anyone knows of a company who would be able to help us, let me know!
I really would love to pull this project off with SSRS 2005 because I Iike the technology and SSRS provides a lot of functionality we want to leverage. I believe SSRS is the right tool for us and it covers 95% of our business requirements! But at this stage it doesn't look very rosy! Because of the Plain Text rendering!
The following dbo.Tables of Northwind.mdf in my .SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server Management Studio Express) are missing: dbo.Categories dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo dbo.CustomerDemographics dbo.Customers dbo.Employees dbo.EmployeeTerritories dbo.Order Details dbo.Orders dbo.Products dbo.Regions dbo.Shippers dbo.Suppliers dbo.Territories.
But, I have these dbo.Tables in a different Database "xyzDatabase". How can I copy each of these dbo.Tables to the another blank dbo.Table of Northwind Database?
I right clicked on the dbo.Categories and I saw the following thing: dbo.Categories New Table... Modify Open Table Script Table as |> CREATYE To |> DROP To |> SELECT To |> INSERT To |> New Query Editor Window File.... Clipboard UPDATE To |> DELETE to |> From the above observation,I think it is possible to copy the dbo.Table from the one Database to the Northwind Database that needs to be repaired. Please help and advise me how to do this task or tell me where I can find the Microsoft document that gives the details of this X-copy thing.
Thanks in advance, Scott Chang
P. S. I am using VB 2005 Express to create a project to learn "Calling Stored Procedures with ADO.NET" (see Paul Kimmel's article in http://www.developer.com/db/article.php/3438221) that needs the dbo.Tables of Northwind Database and my Northwind Database has been screwed up for quite a while and needs a big repair.
I got a qry that takes 10s. This is off course too long. As I described in my earlier posts, I'm no sql hero, but I'm on a neverending quest to improve. Currently I need a select statement over several (7) tables and return fields from almost all of them. Furthermore I have optional restrictions on fields spread over all those tables, based on a set of parameters. What I initially do is inner join all my tables and then have a big where clause that adds where-rules depending on the arguments given.
Like so: select c.clr_id, n.clr_nm, co.long_nm, p.paint_cd, a.appl_desc, m.modl_nm, y.yr_num from CLR c inner join paint_cd p on c.clr_id = p.clr_id inner join clr_use_yr y on y.clr_id = c.clr_id inner join co on co.co_id = c.co_id inner join modl m on y.modl_id = m.modl_id inner join clr_appl ca on c.clr_id = ca.clr_id inner join appl a on ca.appl_cd = a.appl_cd inner join clr_nm n on c.clr_id = n.clr_id WHERE (CASE @regn when '' THEN '' ELSE n.regn_cd END) like (CASE @regn when '' THEN '' ELSE @regn END) AND (CASE @co when '' THEN '' ELSE co.long_nm END) like (CASE @co when '' THEN '' ELSE @co END) AND (CASE @clrNm when '' THEN '' ELSE n.clr_nm END) like (CASE @clrNm when '' THEN '' ELSE @clrNm END) AND (CASE @paintCd when '' THEN '' ELSE p.paint_cd END) like (CASE @paintCd when '' THEN '' ELSE @paintCd END) AND (CASE @applDc when '' THEN '' ELSE a.appl_desc END) like (CASE @applDc when '' THEN '' ELSE @applDc END) AND (CASE @useYear when '' THEN '' ELSE cast(y.yr_num as varchar(4)) end) like (CASE @useYear when '' THEN '' else @useYear END) AND (CASE @modlNm when '' THEN '' ELSE m.modl_Nm END) like (CASE @modlNm when '' THEN '' ELSE @modlNm END)
It appeared to me that by getting those where clauses in the join, I would limit the calculations. So the joins where similar to this: inner join paint_cd p on c.clr_id = p.clr_id AND (CASE @paintCd when '' THEN '' ELSE p.paint_cd END) like (CASE @paintCd when '' THEN '' ELSE @paintCd END)
The result though, was exactly the same. So, where in my thinking am I wrong and what is the correct way to go about this?
Thank You, You are the first person, that has given me a clear answer. I am going to explain in plain English What this SP is suppose to do.
I have to find any station_nbr that has more than one group_code and that the current date = (DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,dateadd(mm,-0-datepart(day,0),getdate())),0) The current date starts with the first day of the previous month. Example today is October 10, 2007 I need September 01, 2007 for this query. To insert the record it needs to be active meaning that the current date is in between Beg_eff_date and end_eff_date, and the end_eff_date is = ‘12/31/3000’
I need to write SP(cursor) that reads line by line this table and that insert the answer: INSERT INTO #TP_TIES_OVerlaping_Dates.
The above explanation is for the first type of Error.
The second Type of Error: If the Group Code ends with "W" and the End_effective_date = '12/31/3000' and the W_Beg_date is Part of the Temp Table(I to create the W_Beg_Date Column) -- is GREATER than the End_eff_date. I want to Insert this Record into the Table. I need to set sometype of Record Control to make the different between one error to another one.
I thank you so much for your help.....I hope this is clear to understand for everybody.
Does anyone have the logic to convert RTF formatted data in a textcolumn into plain ascii text that I can use in a varchar variable orfield?We have an app that allows formatted comments/notes to be stored in aSQL 2000 text column. Ideally, I would like a trigger that would copyany inserted comments into a seperate table, varchar field so thatthese are viewable in other apps that can not display formatted RTF.I would really like the logic to be all SQL based and not have to use aclient app to read/convert/insert the data in a batch mode.
Hi all. Iv'e tryed out xp_smtp_sendmail, and I like what I can see sofar. The thing I wonder about is if the xp supports sending both htmlAND plain text in the same mail. I'm on a sql2000 sp3 and I have noproblem with the xp when i either send plain text or html, but asstated above I need to send with both formats in one mail......For use when one does not know if the receiver uses a mail-client thatsupports html or not. If not does anyone know of a good way to attackthis problem?thanks in advanceKarl B
We are trying to figure out how to make a stored procedure call and pass some inputs using C# and plain ADO. We are able to call an empty stored procedure but cannot pass parameters into a stored procedure.
Does anyone have sample code in C# whereby we can open a connection and pass inputs into a stored procedure? The following is a sample code we are using:
In the above example, we create a parameter of type integer and try to add it to the ADO Command object. It is supposed to return a recordset. It returns a recordset with record count -1.
In dexterity iam using table_compare() function to check if tables in datasource and dictionary are same but its not picking up the primary key change but it does pick up the column change
I am new to Integration services.I have one query ,Is it possible to import the data from text file in integration services. I know that we can import the data from excel sheet and we can export it to table.But my question is whether we can do the same thing from the text file.If anyone come acroos the same thing send u r possible answers.Your help is much appreciated.
PeopleID in People Table is the primarykey and foreign Key in PeopleCosts Table. PeopleID is an autonumber
The major fields in People Table are PeopleID | MajorVersion | SubVersion. I want to create a new copy of data for existing subversion (say from sub version 1 to 2) in the same table. when the new data is copied my PeopleID is getting incremented and how to copy the related data in the other table (PeopleCosts Table) with the new set of PeopleIDs..
Hi allI have two tables in SqlServer with Exactly Same Structure,I want to Copy all Records fromone of them to another one.I came across to "Insert....select..." statement But i have two problem 1) I don't know any thing about Columns name!!! i just know they have same structure and as far as i know , "Insert...select..." need the Column list to operate correctly, am i right? 2) these two table have One Prinary Key column with IDENTITY feature. Any Help Greatly appriciated.Regards.
Hi i have set up two very simple tables, I want a user to be able to create a basic account ( data stored in User_Profile table with Id set as the Primery Key as Identity) I want the user to be able to be able to return to their account at a later date and then post multiple reviews of different bands they have seen at a later date. I kept the tables in my example very simple so I could get my head around the concept, but generally, I want to connect the Id (PK) value in User_Profile table to the User_Id filed in the User_Review table, so every review that user writes, will be connected directly to their Id.
Any help you could give would be fantastic a i have no idea where to start!!!
Id int, ( as primary Identity Key)
I have a second table called User Reviews
Revew_Id int , ( as primary Identity Key)
User_Id int, ( I want this to contain the Id value in the User profile Table)
Hi, All, I have agentID in product table. Now I add agentID column in transaction table. Now I want to copy all agentID from product table to transaction table based on the order_id in both table. Can you show me an example? Thanks Betty
I need to copy existing row data from one table into a new row in a different table, both in the same database. Can this be done in a stored procedure where the selected row is passed in as parameter value? Thank you,
Hello everyone, I have a local MSSQL server (I guess it's called MSDE), with some tables that I would like to use as a template for a set of new tables. I would simply like a Stored Procedure that takes these 3 tables, makes a copy of their structure (not data, since they will be empty), and name them by using a parameter given to the SP. I have made something that I thought would work, but after testing it a bit more, it seems to forget default values for the fields, which is of course not good enough :). I hope that someone can tell me how to duplicate these 3 tables, including every detail for the fields!
Hi.Like the title says - how do i do this?I was given the following example:INSERT INTO TABLE2 SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE COL1 = 'A'The above statement threw the following error:An explicit value for the identity column in table 'TABLE2' can onlybe specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.Then, after filling in all the column names in my above selectstatement I kept getting an error to the effect that the number ofsource and destination columns don't match. This is because one column"confirm_hash" does not exist in the destination table, just thesource table.could somebody show me how to get this to work?thanks!PS - MS SQL SERVER EXPRESS 2005
I want to put fields from four tables into one table. I created a new table, but how do i get the same fields from the other tables to this table along with primary and foreign keys.
I have a number of large tables (50,000,000 + rows and 30+ columns) that are refreshed once per month with data from another system. Data is first loaded into a staging table, that has an indentical strcuture to the final table, cleansed and then copy to the final table.
The current copy process is simple but inefficient:
Truncate Table <final-table> Insert Into <final-table> Select * from <staging-table>
If possible I don't want to use DTS for this and I'd like to use a batch size of around 10,000 rows to help reduce the size of the log file because I have 3 of these types of Inserts running concurrently.
What is the fatest way to copy data from one table to another, within a stored procedure using SQL 2000 on a large, clustered server that uses logging?
hai friends.............. I want to know how to copy table from one database to another in a same sql server 2005? ex : i have one table called sample1 in database db1. we want to copy it and and paste it to database db2.how can i do this explain me elaborately. regards Samuel Chandradoss .J
Hi I have 2 MSSQL databases. I want to copy some tables of DB1 to DB2. how can I do it? Also, how can I copy some columns of table1 of DB1 to table 2 of DB2? Thanks for help
What is the best way to copy a table, with the foriegn keys, primary keys and indexes, from one database to another using SQL Server 2005? In sql server 2000 I used the DTS, but in SQL server 2005 it does'nt bring over the foriegn keys, primary keys and indexes.Thanks
Hi everone,I have one table called temp and I am copying its content over to another table called final. The final table has 2 more coloumns than the temp table, 1 of which is a primary key, and the other one is calculated. What is the easiest way I can do this?Thank you for the answer.