I Have a problem when copying data from one server to another in Management studio, I need to create and exact copy of the original because of primary key relationships,
Currently when I export the data the data will run through an insert type statement, which means that all PKs are reissued, rather than being duplicated from the original, How can I be sure that the data will be copied exactly how it is on one server to the other.
I need a recommendation on a data modeling tool that can be used with a data warehouse. My warehouse is running SQL 2012.
Here is my challenge: Most of the tables in the warehouse do not have primary keys and none of the tables have foreign keys on them. However, there are indexes and unique keys/indexes on the tables. I am looking for a tool that I can create virtual relationships on how the data is related, so it is visually easier for the ETL developers to write the code.
I have looked at both ER/Studio 11 and ERwin 9.6. Neither of them do it exactly the way I want it too. However, ER/Studio is pretty close.
i've created a package that will copy data from an oracle table to a sqlserv table (that table elemenst are identical), when i click on the connecting line between the two connections it executes without any errors, but nothing is copied, when i try to execute the package i'm getting an error... where can i go to find out what's causing the error. There is no error message or number returned from dts, all i get is a red 'x' . There are 1236 records that need to be inserted and when i get the red 'x' it tells me 1236 records have been processed. When i click on tranformations and select test, it works, but since it's a test nothing is actually copied. I've got other packages that i've created that do the same thing with other tables and they work. I tried just copying one record and that worked, so i assumed it must be data dependent, i've checked all the fields and made sure they weren't null, i've checked to make sure there aren't duplicate primary key records. Without knowing what the actual error is I'm stumped ???
Is it possible to easily copy data from one table to another if the data types don't match. I know you can do a INSERT INTO table1(col1,col2) SELECT (col2,col7) FROM table2 if the data types match but is there a way to do this if they don't. I'm not trying to copy date times into bit fields or anything. I just have an old table that I built when I really didn't know what I was doing now I at leastthink I have a better understanding of what data types to use, so I was wanting to move the data in the orignal table to my new one. Most of the fields in the olddatabase are text datatypes and the new database is nvarchar(50) data types. Thanks for any suggestions.
It looks like these options are only available in the SQL Server Management Studio? I installed SQL Server Management Express Studio and I can't even find the DTSWizard.exe on my machine.
Can you please help how I can import data from excel or where can I download the SQL Server Management Studio?
Background: In my current company the business users maintain a huge quantity of master data using excel. Then a series of SSIS jobs are edited and manually executed.
Goal: the challenge is to replace this process using MDS. One of the requested features is the possibility for the users to edit or insert new master data using the Web UI or the Excel Add-in and when they are done perform a merge of the master data in the target, in this case in the reporting DB.
The perfect solution for me is something like trigger the execution of a SSIS package to export the data from the subscription views to the reporting DB after the business rules are apply to a specific entity.
How can I Export Database with foreing Key and primary key.
Operation is that SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data
Before Version is SQL2000 we can Selected Copy Object and data between server and then Use Default Options click checked and Select Copy Index, Copy Foreing Primary key vs vs
But this options is not found in the SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard or I can't found it.
How can I export foreing Key and primary key with SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard.
I've got two DBs in the same SQL instance. They are named TST and PRD. I am using 2.0 so there are many ASP generated tables also. Every once in a while I want to refresh data from PRD to TST. But I don't want to copy the data from ASP tables.What is the easiest way to do so?
Rene writes "Good evening. This is my first time using sqlteam for answers and I'm hoping I can get some much needed direction.
Basically what I am trying to accomplish is taking records from a temporary source table to a permanent table. Here is what the tables look like (oversimplistic version)
ID Value1 Imported FailedReason
ID Value1
Basically I would like to take the values from tblTemp and INSERT them into tblPerm. The catch is that values in tbltemp might violate primary key constraint because of duplicate values in the ID field. The value1 field is required in tblPerm and it might contain a null value on tbltemp causing the insert statement to fail.
What I would like the end result to be is that any records which are INSERTED from tbltemp to tblperm are flagged with a value of imported=1 on the tbltemp table. Any records which fail should then be flagged as imported=0 and failedreason=reason for failing.
I am trying the following to start with but am not sure if I am steering in the right direction or not. The process should be as automated as possible, perhaps part of a scheduled dts package or likewise since new data will be inserted in the tbltemp table on a weekly basis.
set rowcount 1
update tblsource set imported = 0 where imported is null
insert into tbldest (col1, col2) select top 1 col1, col2 from tblsource where imported = 0 and notimportreason is null
IF @@Error <> 0 GOTO ErrorHandler
UPDATE tblsource SET imported = 1 where imported = 0 and notimportreason is null
update tblsource SET notimportreason = @@error where imported = 0 and notimportreason is null
I just copied sm data from a table in a DB to a flat file which I have created previaouly in my documents in my local machine. I used the following command.
C:Documents and Settingsshamen> dbname.tablename out flatfile.txt -T
Once I run this it prompted two questions asking pre-fix lenght and field terminator. I jsut accepted the default values. After I run it, it copied data. But when I see the flat file , I did not see data in that file. To where data has been copied?
it says 10000 rows succesfully bulk-copied to host file. Total received 6176000. But I dont see data there now.
Does anyone have an opinion on specific “data comparison tools�?
We are looking for something to use in our test or dev environments that will be able to compare snaps shots of the data in a database before verse after a test event.
We have been able to record and compare data in specific tables but are learning that other tables were also being changed that we didn’t track. We want to be able to see all changes to a database.
Is there any simple way to copy tables from one database to another in SQL Management Studio or VS 2005? I sometimes work split work between home and work and I often need to copy and table and its data (data, stored procedure, etc) to a different database, but having to create a new database then copy the data is a pain. Is there an easier way?
If I have to copy data from one database to a temporary database on the same server, which transaction log will be written to as a result? Will it be the DB that the command is run from, the source DB, or possibly tempdb's log?
Hi All, I wish to copy between 2 tables in different databases. ( The source and destiantion tables already exist) The source table has duplicate entries which i want to avoid from being copied to destination table. How can i achieve this?
I have to setup some scheduled tasks to copy 3-4 tables from anSQL2000 database to DB2 v. 8.1.The job must run every night replacing all data.How can this be done - with standard utilities??Please be exact - I'm new to this.Thank for any help./Jep
Yet another very much newbie question I suspect€¦.
I want to know how I copy data from one field in one DataBase to another field in another DataBase??
Basically I have an ASP driven forum, and want to upgrade to a new ASP.NET forum€¦ Problem is obviously the DataBase structure is different and I don€™t want to loose all the data from my current forum€¦ So I would have to pick which table field needs to be copied to where in the new DataBase..
Is this easy to do?? I will be using SQLExpress 2005??
I have two servers, one is 2005 standard, the other is 2005 express. I'm using express to record test results and it will be keep recording non-stop. So, what I want to do is I want to transfer data from express to standard using SSIS package, and as soon as data gets transferred the data to no longer exists in express.
I have a job running the "copy" package every minute, but I don't know how to delete the data in express. Does anyone know how to help me out pleaseeeee..?
This table stores common information used in resolving technical problems based on Subject and Topic. However, I've now created a Subject/Topic where I want to copy all the data that corresponds to another Subject/topic.
There are 35 rows that correspond to Subject = 'Publisher01' and Topic = 'Subcategory03'. I want to create 35 new rows that contain the same RD and RR data, but have Subject = 'Publisher02' and Topic = 'Subcategory07'. Highest current RRID = 5008
I cannot figure out how to write that query. I apologize in advance for the fact that this is, no doubt, a seriously beginner question.
I am developing one automation tool for data migration from one table to other table, here i am looking for one function or SP for which i will pass source column and destination column as input parameter and want output parameter to return true when source column data is compatible to copy to destination column if not then it should return false.
For example if source column is varchar and destination column is integer, the script should check all the data in source column in good enough to move to integer column or not and return the output flag. I want a script to work this for all types of data types.
After selecting the CursorType, CursorLocation, LockType and Disconnected status of your Recordset (there are defaults). I bind my controls and that is it
Then I can Navigate, Add New, Delete, Refresh, Search and Save Changes to my recordsets without any other code. That is really it, no other code is needed.
What iam trying to do is put the table name from one db into a variable and another one into another variable and pass them into my statement basicaly trying to bulk copy data from one table in a db and insert it into another db on the same server based on a condition
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ClientComment]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
Declare @BDFR varchar(20), @BDTO varchar(20), @EQID varchar(20) set @BDFR = 'Commander' + '.dbo.' + 'ClientComment' set @BDTO = 'Test_Commander' + '.dbo.' + 'ClientComment' set @EQID = '80_300_005' insert into @BDTO select * from @BDFR where Eqid = @EQID
We've had a new server set up with SQL 2012 and I'm in the process of moving data to it from a 2008 (SP2) server.
Details are as follows:- 2012 instance:- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 (X64) May 14 2014 18:34:29 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)
2008 instance:- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP2) - 10.0.4000.0 (X64) Sep 16 2010 19:43:16 Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7600: ) (VM)
I don't want to do a backup/restore routine as there are collation conflicts on the 2008 server.I've created the database and tables on the 2012 instance and now I want to transfer the data from the 2008 instance to the 2012 one.
The 2012 instance has a linked server to the 2008 instance.I was trying to use sp_MSForEachTable (I know, it's old and will probably disappear shortly) but that doesn't seem to work properly because some of the columns have an Identity field set up.
Some of the tables have upwards of 10 million records in them and are quite sizeable.how I can achieve the transfer without a back-up/restore?