Copying And Renaming Database

Oct 25, 2005


I have created a complete database with its tables, views, procedures, everything in SQL Server for a system. Now I am creating another system and I have realised that I can use almost the same fields I have and only do small changes, therefore I want to copy the existing one and rename it

I have been trying to copy it but I don't know how to copy exactly everything. Could you help me please?

Any help would be really appreciated!
Thank you

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Copying And Renaming Database

Oct 25, 2005


I have created a complete database with its tables, views, procedures, everything in SQL Server for a system. Now I am creating another system and I have realised that I can use almost the same fields I have and only do small changes, therefore I want to copy the existing one and rename it

I have been trying to copy it but I don't know how to copy exactly everything. Could you help me please?

Any help would be really appreciated!
Thank you

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Database Renaming

Feb 13, 2004

Can anyone suggest a quick and easy way to rename a database AND .MDF/.LDF file in SQL Server?
I can not, for the life of me, figure out a way to do this.

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Renaming Database Or Files

May 17, 2006

Hi all, I have a dev database on a dev machine that is the same name as a database on a production server.

I would like to attach the dev database to the production server but I can't because there would be two database with the same name. I tried just renaming my dev .mdf to another name but that doesn't work., I think I need to rename the database files but I don't know how.

Can anyone tell me the solution to this problem?


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Renaming Database After Log Shipping.

Jun 30, 2007

In order to move from one data center to another, I am planning to use log shipping.
Lets say,

Current Data center - DC1
Current Server- S1
Current Database- DB1

New Data Center -DC2
New Server -S2

Now, on the New Server S2, I already restored DB1 as DB1 for QA testing. QA has to do some testing before we move from DC1 to DC2. In the mean time, I need to start log shipping from S1 to S2, so that we can fail-over to S2. Now since DB1 database is already present on S2, I can not use the same name. I will have to use some other name (say DB1_New).
I can not wait for QA to finish their testing. I have to start log shipping before that. When QA is done, I will delete the DB1.

So for this log shipping, -

Primary - S1- DB1
Secondary - S2 DB1_New

So when we fail-over, we will have the database name as DB1_New. But all the apps use the name DB1. So I will have to rename the database as DB1.

So want to know, will this renaming the database (DB1_New to DB1) cause any issues?

Anyone had similar experience?


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Renaming A Logical Database File

Mar 9, 2000

Is there a way to rename the logical file for a database. For example, if I am moving a development database into production, I can use backup - but the backup takes the logical file names of the database and puts it into my production server. Now I have a production database with "dev_data1" for a logical file.....Can I change that name....?



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Renaming SQL Server 2000 Database?

Mar 6, 2004

This is a cross posting with:

Is it possible to rename a database in SQL Server 2000? If
not, is it possible to copy the tables and relationship diagram
from one to another? The database is new, so there are no records
to copy. I just want to rename it, because redoing the tables would
take too much energy (<----Lazy). :)

Mike B

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SQL 2012 :: Renaming Logical Filename Of A Database?

Mar 27, 2015

If I run an ALTER DATABASE command that renames the Logical file name of a database, will I run into any unseen consequences in terms of day to day use of the database?

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Change In Database User Perms When Copying Database

Mar 9, 2000

How to maintain Database User Permissions when copying the Database from One SQL Server to another(Either through backups or sp_detach). The reason is the login sid is different in the target server and as a result the database user is not able to map to the login existing in the target server. The only way I can correct this is through dropping and recreating the user's again and assign the permissions, or change the system catalog - sysusers to remap the login to the user in the database.
I do not wish to use the sp_addalias as it is available only for backward compatibility.
Is there a better way of doing this ?

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SSIS Error When Copying Database To Database

May 5, 2008

I am trying to copy one database to another using copy wizard for SQL Server 2005. The destination database is on another server/box.
I get the following errors when executing the SSIS package: "The job failed. The Job was invoked by User abcd. The last step to run was step 1 (abcd_0_Step).".

"Executed as user: BILLSVRSYSTEM. ...ion 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 11:30:55 AM Progress: 2008-05-05 11:30:56.81 Source: crmtest_BILLSVR_Transfer Objects Task Task just started the execution.: 0% complete End Progress Error: 2008-05-05 11:30:57.34 Code: 0x00000000 Source: abcd_abcd_Transfer Objects Task Description: Failed to connect to server crmtest. StackTrace: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ConnectionManager.Connect() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.TransferObjectsTask.TransferObjectsTask.OpenConnection(Server& server, ServerProperty serverProp) InnerException-->Login failed for user 'abcdabcd$'. StackTrace: at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.... The package execution fa... The step failed."

Can this be done? Is there something that needs to be set security wise for this to work?

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Copying A Database

Mar 27, 2004

Hi all,
I want to copy a database from my SQL Server system and install it on another. Can anyone suggest me how I can copy the same along with log info, login info, permissions, etc. and install it on another system. Thanks!


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Copying The Database

Aug 18, 2004


I am changing my hosting from one company to another company. How can I copy my full database along with views and stored procedures. I have only access to query analyzer and enterprise manager from where I am not able to backup the database on my local computer. As it is very urgent please suggest me a way to do this.

Thanks in advance,

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Help-for Copying Database

Oct 11, 2004

i m new 4 sql server.
i create one app. in

i create one database in sql server.
i want to make setup for my app.
i want copy database and put on c:/..../wwwroot/app folder.

how can i do this?

one more things,
i create database using enterprise manager.
i want to see my database file.
where it is stored?

somebody help me.

it's urgent.
thanks in advance.

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Copying A Database

Nov 9, 2005

I created a DB on the server. i would like to make a copy of it (structure and data) on my local machine to play with. Then i try using the wizard i get this error:

Your SQL Server Service is running under the local account. You need to change your SQL Server Service account to have rights to copy over the net work.

Where do I go to change my rights to copy over the net work?

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Copying The Please!!

Apr 13, 2007

HI I'm quite new to the admin side of SQL server 2005

and I need help copying a SQL database to my colleagues laptop (we are not on a network)

Basically I try to copy the .mdf file so that he can attach it onto his server, but I get the following error:

"Cannot copy ....mdf as it is being used by another person or program"

Although I am not using it. i.e. i re-start my pc and try to copy it and get the same error.

I also try to detach the database from SQL and copy it, but still no luck.

Please can anybody give me assistance.

Many thanks!!!

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Copying One Database To Another

Jan 21, 2008

Hi all,

New member here...

I've used SQL2000 before (Enterprise Mgr, Query Analyzer), but, now I'm at a company without any DBAs so I'm on my own as far as administration goes which I haven't done before on SQL2000.

We have a production database about 100MB in size. As of now there is no development DB. They won't pay for a new server, so I'd like to create a new development database on the same prod server. Then, I want to copy the existing prod database into the new dev DB.

I've read up some on DTS, but I wanted to check with the community to see if anyone had other recommendations or if this is the best way to go about it.

Also, is this a process that should run at off-hours? Would the copy of production lock the DB up?

Thanks a lot...

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Copying A Database

Apr 5, 2008

Hello,I'm trying to make a copy of a database with this code

Code Snippet

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string dbname = @"D:Documents and SettingsBeheerderMijn documentenVisual Studio 2005ProjectsTest12Test12inDebugDatabase1.mdf";
string constr = string.Format("Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDBFilename="{0}";Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True", dbname);
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(constr))
File.Copy("Database1.mdf", "Database1Copy.mdf");
but once the code tries to execute the File.Copy line it comes with an error that the database is currently in use by another program, and also when I'm debugging the program and I try to copy this database with windows explorer it says that the program is currently in use.I've read up some stuff and found that you can stop the SQLServer Service, wich I did but then my program gave an error about not being able to connect to the database, when starting upand also detaching and attaching a database, wich I don't know how to do.So my question is are any of these above methods correct to do, and how do write the code for it? If not is there any other way to copy a database?Thanks in advance,Ruben Pieters

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Copying A Table From One Database To Another

Jun 10, 2007

in query analyzer, how do you copy a table form one db to another db
i thort it was something like
select * into dbo.databaseA.tableNew from dbo.databaseB.tableOld

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Copying A Database Diagram

Sep 5, 2007

Hi, I have a database diagram on my sql server 2005, how can i copy that diagram to my pen drive so that i can build the database using that diagram on another computer...well the bottom line is i want to copy the datbase from one computer to another. thanksVishal 

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Copying A Database And All Contents

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone advise me of a convenient way to make a copy of a database in SQL2005.  I need to make a complete copy - including all Stored procedures, functions tables and table contents.
I want the place the copy ont he sae SQL server but obviously under a different name.

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Copying A Table From One Database To Another?

Jun 17, 2008

Hi,Whats the best and easiest way to copy a table from one database to another via want to copy from SQL Server to Oracle.  I have an ODBC connection for Oracle.I was thinking I could use a DataSet, but wasn't sure of the details on doing this.  Am I off base on this?What I have so far..1) I can get the data from SQL Server into a DataSet.2) I can establish a connection to Oracle via ODBC and the database has the appropriate table structure.How do I 'use' the SQL Server DataSet to copy the data to Oracle?Thanks,Scott 

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Copying One SQL Server Database Into Another

Oct 21, 2004

Hi, I'm trying to copy one SQL Server Database into another SQL Server DB within the same server. I learnt a bit about this copying, that it copies only the Database structure, the Tabels, constraints view stored procedures etc etc. Is there a tutorial where I can get clear instructions to do this. I just need the table structure without any data to be copied into this. Have even tried exploring creating and executing DTS packages but cudn't get much help with this. Any help wud be really appreciated.


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Copying/ Backing Up A Database

Apr 24, 2005

Hi. im shortly going to have to submit my project for uni which ive created using sql server. How can i copy everything that ive made so i can submit everything and it can be replicated if necessary. Do i use the backup database task in enterprise manager or do i have to do that and export data or..?
ive used tables and stored procedures and a diagram btw.
thanks for any advice

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Sql Express Copying A Database?

Aug 8, 2005

Hi All,I have a database that I would like to copy for another project. The instance is SQLEXPRESS, I have copied the MDF file, renamed and then copied it back but how to I attach this.I have read a small article about XCOPY but could really understand it, and are there limitation of doing it this way ... i just want an exact copy in the same instance ?Anyone got any links to tuttorials for doing this?Thanks in advancelee

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Copying A Database From One Server To Another

Apr 26, 2001


Does anyone know how to copy a database from one server to another? I want to backup a production database and restore it to a different server (a test server) as a test.

I used a sample from the MCDBA study book and all I got was two copies of Northwind on the same server. Any idea what I did wrong? Seems like you should be able to backup on one server and restore on another. Here's the code I used:

TO DISK = 'Sd-appsmssql7DataNwind.bak'
FROM DISK = 'Sd-appsmssql7DataNwind.bak'
FROM DISK = 'Sd-appsmssql7DataNwind.bak'
WITH MOVE 'Northwind' TO 'Sd-sqlmssql7DataNorthwind.mdf',
MOVE 'NorthwindLog1' TO 'Sd-sqlmssql7DataNorthwindLog1.ldf'

Thanks for your help.

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Copying SQL 2000 Database To SQL 7.0

Jan 31, 2002

What is a good way to do such a thing?


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Copying Users From One Database To Another

Feb 25, 2001

I have a question regarding copying users from one server to another that are running different versions of Microsoft Sequel Server.

I have Server A running 6.5 version and Server B running 7.0 version. How can I copy just the list of users from Database1 on Server A to Database2 on Server B.

Can anyone help me.



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Copying SQL Database From One Server To Other

Nov 23, 2004

Hi All,

I need to take a copy of a database present in a SQL server to other SQl server using code.
I can make it out with wizards but i need the query to execute it thru


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Copying Database From One Server To Another

Sep 30, 2004

We recently got a new SQL Server 2000. I'm not really a SQL/Network admin but I was tasked to migrate some of our databases in the SQLSVR7 to SQLSVR2K.

I tried using DTS EXPORT but getting errors. Is there a better way to do this?

Any info would be appreciated.

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Copying MSDE Database

Feb 20, 2004

I have a MSDE database on a laptop and need to copy it to another machine in order to use Access 2000 to inspect the tables and view the data using an Access project adp file.

Could someone please tell me how to do this and whether there are any relevant issues/problems.


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Copying A SQL Server Database

Mar 5, 2004


I am new to SQL Server. I am required to make a copy of a live database, or bring the database down and then make a copy of it.

I need to create a webpage to query the database, but another scheduling program also connects to the database, so that shceduling can be performed

Any help

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Error On Copying The Database

Apr 13, 2004

Hi guys,
I can't find what is wrong.
I am copying a database via DTS and I get an error mid way "Invalid object dbo.fx_get_role_from_ownerid". But the object does exist and it has benn in production for a while now.
Why would I get his error, if the object does exist?

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Copying A Database Between Servers

Apr 10, 2008

I am attempting to move a User Database from the Production Server to a Training Server. What is the best/most simplistic way for me to accomplish this task and place this copying action on a schedule of say "every saturday morning @ 7am"

I tried the "Copy Database Wizard" within Enterprise Manager and it successfully copies the database, however when I try to schedule it to happen at a different does not copy the database. It seems to only work when I tell it to perform this action now.

Please help.



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