Correct Syntax For Dtsrun
May 18, 2006
Somehow I'm not getting dtsrun to work.
The server is local
The name of the package is ImportHosttrncs. It is saved under Local Packages.
There is no password.
Is this syntax correct?
dtsrun /Slocalhost /PImportHosttrncs
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May 20, 2008
Why does the following call to a stored procedure get me this error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CONVERT'.
Code Snippet
EXECUTE OpenInvoiceItemSP_RAM CONVERT(DATETIME,'01-01-2008'), CONVERT(DATETIME,'04/30/2008') , 1,'81350'
The stored procedure accepts two datetime parameters, followed by an INT and a varchar(10) in that order.
I can't find anything wrong in the syntax for CONVERT or any nearby items.
Help me please. Thank you.
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Sep 25, 2006
HelloI have having trouble displaying some simple columns in ascending order.I know that the database is populated and I can get the more complex code to work if I display like this: SELECT FName, LName, Town, '<a href="' + url + '">' + Site + '</a>' as LinkFROM Names_DBWHERE FName = 'Tom' And url like 'http:%'ORDER BY LName ASCBut I need a simpler view but I can't get it to workI have tried this:SELECT FName, LNameFROM Names_DBORDER BY LName ASCAnd thisSELECT FName, LNameFROM Names_DBORDER BY LName ASC; And This:SELECT FName, LNameFROM Names_DBORDER BY LName 'ASC' What is wrong with this syntax?ThanksLynn
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Mar 15, 2007
I have a query and I need to check to see if a field is occupied, i.e., it can have anything in it, i just want to see if something is there... this is what I want, but of course, anything isn't the right word here...
and ( = 'anything')
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Feb 25, 2008
This is a Stored proc I am working on
I dont know much about stored procs.
This is what I am trying to achieve
The proc takes two input parameter and returns one outparameter.
This is what I have
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNextAction]
@Code char(10),
@Track varchar(30),
@NextAction ntext output
Declare @ID int;
@ID = Select Sequence from [dbo].[Track] where Code=@Code;
Declare @nextCode varchar;
@nextCode= Select Code from [dbo].[Track] where sequence =(@ID+1);
@NextAction= Select nextAction from [dbo].[CaseStage] where Code=@nextCode;
return @NextAction;
I guess you can understand what I am trying in the proc but the rules and syntax are wrong. Please help me with this.
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Dec 3, 2006
hi there
RS2005 - Layout tab
I have a field that says
txtTrackerTrue=Sum(Iif ((Fields!Tracker.Value = Fields!RecvdBy.Value), 1,0 ))
I want another field that says
txtAllTrue=Sum(Iif ((Fields!Tracker.Value, ClosedBy.Value = Fields!RecvdBy, 1,0 ))
obviously this is going to error
how would I do this please
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Oct 19, 2007
select CONVERT(VARCHAR, stdate, 'YYYY') startyear
from tbl_emp
i want output : 2007
How can i get?
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Jan 29, 2008
If someone can show me the correct syntax for the right side of the code below, I'd appreciate it.
srcMoreInfo.InsertParameters("Address").DefaultValue = DirectCast(cuwMoreInfo.FindControl("txtAddress"), TextBox).Text
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Jun 21, 2000
@spname nvarchar(20),
@tblname nvarchar(50)
declare @sqlrun varchar(8000)
set @sqlrun = "CREATE PROCEDURE @sp_name AS CREATE TABLE @tblname
(MsdsId [nvarchar] (5),
IngredId [nvarchar] (2),
Agency [nvarchar] (10),
AgencyText [nvarchar] (4) ,
nName [nvarchar] (40))"
eXEC sp_ExecuteSql @sqlrun
PS: I'm getting this error:
Server: Msg 214, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 7
Cannot convert parameter '@statement' to ntext/nchar/nvarchar data type expected by procedure.
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Feb 27, 2007
Hi, I'm new to SQL and was wondering if there was an easier way to filter data.
I have two tables -
The first table called Names of Companies has a column named: NAMES
XYZ Company
ABC Limited Liability Company
ZZZ Corporation
KKK Inc.
ABC Inc.
The second table called Keywords has a column named: WORDS
I want to search for all NAMES that contain the WORDS in some form
The results should be:
XYZ Company
ABC Limited Liability Company
Technically, I can get the results I want by manually typing into the SQL statement all the words that appear in the WORDS column.
FROM [Names of Companies]
WHERE [Names of Companies].Names Like "*Company*" Or ([Names of Companies].Names) Like "*limited*"));
But is there a way that I reference the table Keyword instead of typing into the query statement all the words that appear in the column WORD? I have a lot of words to search for.
Can anyone recommend a better way to do this?
Thanks for all your help!
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Apr 11, 2008
What is the correct syntax for dropping a column if it exists?
Cant seem to get it to work. This is SQL 2005 if it makes a difference.
ALTER TABLE Reports_PI_Recent
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Dec 30, 2007
I'm trying to create a SQL job in SQL Server and am a little unclear about the formatting.Here's a snippet from the stored procedure that creates the job:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spArchive] @DB varchar(30), @Date DateTimeAS EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'ArchiveIncentives' , @step_id = 1 , @step_name = 'ArchiveAHD' , @subsystem = 'TSQL' , @command = 'spArchiveAHD ''@Date''' , @on_success_action = 3 , @on_fail_action = 2 , @database_name = '@DB' , @retry_attempts = 1 In this case, the job will be calling this stored procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spArchiveAHD] ( @dtArchiveBefore DateTime)AS I'm unclear about these lines: @command = 'spArchiveAHD ''@Date''' @database_name = '@DB' Do they look correct to you or should I drop some/all of the apostrophes?Robert W.
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Apr 3, 2008
I try to call the storeproc to perform task by allowing only input 6 of length. The syntax over here might not be relevant, im seeking for correct syntax.
Dim connString2 As String = _ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Local_LAConnectionString1").ConnectionString Using myConnection2 As New SqlConnection(connString2)
Dim test01 As IntegerDim myPuzzleCmd2 As New SqlCommand("GetRandomCode", myConnection2)
myPuzzleCmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim retLengthParam As New SqlParameter("@Length", SqlDbType.TinyInt, , 6) < -------- allow 6 letters in length to be input
retLengthParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputmyPuzzleCmd2.Parameters.Add(retLengthParam) Dim retRandomCode As New SqlParameter("@RandomCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30)
retRandomCode.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
TryDim reader2 As SqlDataReader = myPuzzleCmd2.ExecuteReader()
Catch ex As Exception Response.Write("sp value : " & retRandomCode.Value)
Dim iRandomCode(1) As StringReDim Preserve iRandomCode(1)
iRandomCode(1) = Convert.ToString(retRandomCode.Value)myPuzzleCmd2 = Nothing
Session.Remove("RandomCode") HttpContext.Current.Session("RandomCode") = iRandomCode(1) Response.Write(Session("RandomCode"))
End Try
End Using
StoredProcedure ALTER PROC [dbo].[GetRandomCode]
@Length TINYINT,
@RandomCode VARCHAR(30) OUTPUT
@Chars2BUsed VARCHAR(30),
@iCnt INT,
@CharFound CHAR(1)
SELECT @RandomCode = ''SELECT @iCnt = 1 WHILE @iCnt<=@Length
BEGINSELECT @LookAt = FLOOR((RAND()*LEN(@Chars2BUsed))) + 1
SELECT @CharFound = SUBSTRING(@Chars2BUsed, @LookAt, 1)IF CHARINDEX(@CharFound, @RandomCode)=0
BEGINSELECT @RandomCode = @RandomCode + @CharFound
SELECT @Chars2BUsed = REPLACE(@Chars2BUsed, @CharFound, '')SELECT @iCnt = @iCnt + 1
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Jun 22, 2007
This (demo) statement is fine in Access, and so far as I can see, shouldbe OK in SQL Server.But Enterprise Manager barfs at the final bracket. Can anyone helpplease?select sum(field1) as sum1, sum(field2) as sum2 from(SELECT * from test where id < 3unionSELECT * from test where id 2)In fact, I can reduce it to :-select * from(SELECT * from test)with the same effect - clearly I just need telling :-)cheers,Jim--Jima Yorkshire polymoth
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Nov 23, 2004
I am using @strsql to construct the where condition for a select query.
Can you please correct my syntax.
DECLARE @strsql nvarchar(2000)
IF @ProgNO <> '' then
strsql = WHERE ProgNO = @ProgNO
end if
If @ProjNO <> '' then
if strsql <> '' then
strsql = strsql & " and ProjNO =@ProjNO
strsql = wHERE ProjNO =@ProjNO
Thank you very much.
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Nov 24, 2005
This is probably a very simple question but i would appreciate some helpwith the correct syntax for and update stored procedureI have created user form that allows the user to update the name and address fields in a datatable called customers based on the input value customer ID = ( datatable/Customers)customerIDI have got this far and then got lost:Create SP_UpdateCustomer(@customerID, @name, @address)As Update customers ( name, address)Where customerID = @customerID GOCould anyone tell me what the correct sntax should be.many thanksMartin
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Feb 17, 2006
I have a interger stored in x.
I want to use x in a SELECT statement like so :
SELECT * from aTable WHERE A_Column = x
This select statement is then assigned to and passed as a string like :
sql = "SELECT * from aTable WHERE A_Column = x"
How does the x get interpreted correctly ?
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Mar 30, 2008
I have a test page where I'm using SqlConnection and SqlCommand to update a simple database table (decrease a number).
I'm trying to figure out how to make a number in the database table to decrease by 1 each time a button is being pressed. I know how to update the number by whatever I want to, but I have no idea what the correct syntax is for putting variables inside the query etc. Like "count -1" for instance.
The database table is called "friday" and the one and only column is called "Tickets".
Here's the code behind the button:protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{SqlConnection conn;
conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=***;Initial Catalog=***;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=***;Password=***");
conn.Open();int count = -1;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select Tickets from friday", conn);
count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();if (count > 0)
string updateString = @"
update friday
set Tickets = 500" ; <------ Here I want to set Tickets like "current count -1"SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(updateString);
cmd2.Connection = conn;
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Nov 10, 2003
I have the following .bat file that I call to register users to my MSDE instance...
echo osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%OfficiumInstance -Q "sp_grantlogin '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"
echo osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%OfficiumInstance -d Officium -Q "sp_grantdbaccess '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"
echo osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%OfficiumInstance -d Officium -Q "sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"
My question is how do I correctly append %COMPUTERNAME% as a string to
I have tried using + signs...
"sp_grantlogin '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"
But that doesn't work.
I have looked for .bat file tutorials on the web but can't find the correct way to do this.
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Sep 30, 2015
I am having trouble finding the correct syntax to access a variable. I have a variable defined in the Variables window: The variable name is formatedDate. The DataType is String.
I am successfully setting the value of the variable in a Execute SQL Task. The SQL is as follows:
SELECT LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, MAX(ReportDate), 120), 10) as formatedDate
from DimReportDates
The Result Set is set to “Single Row” and properly set up.
No problem so far. I can see with a watch that the variable has the correct value, something like:
Now, in a subsequent step, a Data Flow Task, I want to access the variable. Actualy it is in the SQL statement of a OLE DB source in the Data Flow… I have the following:
Declare @sDate smalldatetime
SELECT @sDate = xxxxx
I have tried several things substituting xxxxx above, but nothing seems to work. One variation was
Another was
((DT_WSTR, 10) @[User::formatedDate]).
I think I’m close, but just can’t get it. What is the correct syntax.
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Jan 13, 2006
Hello,I've been searching the web for quite some time to resolve the problemof "1/1/1900" returning in a datetime field in SQL that resulted from ablank (not NULL) value being passed to it through an ASP page.The solution is that a NULL value needs to passed to SQL from ASP.Thats fine...I understand the why the problem is happening and thesolution around it. HOWEVER, I can't seem to get the proper syntax towork in the ASP page. It seems no matter what I try the "1/1/1900"still results. Below are a few variations of the code that I havetried, with the key part being the first section. Does anyone have anysuggestions?!?!?______________cDateClosed = ""If(Request.Form("dateClosed")= "") ThencDateClosed = (NULL)end ifsql="UPDATE rfa SET "&_"dateClosed='"& cDateClosed &"', "&_"where rfaId='"& Request.Form("RFAID")&"'"_____________________________cDateClosed = ""If(Request.Form("dateClosed") <> "") ThencDateClosed = (NULL)end ifsql="UPDATE rfa SET "&_"dateClosed='"& cDateClosed &"', "&_"where rfaId='"& Request.Form("RFAID")&"'"_____________________________cDateClosed = ""If(Request.Form("dateClosed")= "") ThencDateClosed = NULLend ifsql="UPDATE rfa SET "&_"dateClosed='"& cDateClosed &"', "&_"where rfaId='"& Request.Form("RFAID")&"'"_______________Thanks in advance!!!!
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Feb 20, 2015
I'm looking for the correct syntax to pull back duplicate vendors based on 6 fields from two different tables. I want to actually see the duplicate vendor information (not just a count). I am able to pull this for one of the tables, something like below:
select *
from VendTable1 a
join ( select firstname, lastname
from VendTable1
group by firstname, lastname
having count(*) > 1 ) b
on a.firstname = b.firstname
and a.lastname = b.lastname
I'm running into issues when trying to add the other table with the 4 other fields.
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Sep 5, 2001
What is the minimum SQL install required for dtsrun? Can I get away with copying a few files and not installing SQL.
Basically, the central SQL database has a DTS package which I need to enable a number of users to run. What I do not want to do is have to install SQL Server on all the end users computers.
ANy advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Dec 7, 1999
We need to schedule a dtsrun batch to run on several servers at the same time. Can
someone tell me how to write this in my command prompt so it will run remotely.
We tried to run it locally but it does not work.
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Mar 11, 2003
Question with DTSRUN
1) I have a batch file which runs a DTS package. Problem is after completion of the package the control doesn't return to command prompt. Any idea how to tackle this.
2) Even on the same server /U /P doesn't work. It errs out saying password is incorrect, Although I can connect to ISQL with same credentials.
Need to fix this asap.
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Apr 13, 2006
I am trying to run two dts jobs using a batch file obviously using dtsrun but im having trouble. I've never attempted this before and it looked easy but not as easy as I thought.
I have two dts jobs, call them package1 and package2. I also saved these as .dts files. I made a .bat file and put it in the same location as the .dts files.
My batch file looks like this:
dtsrun /F package1
dtsrun /F package2
This does not work and I get the following:
C:WINDOWS>dtsrun /F package1
DTSRun: Loading...
Error: -2147287038 (80030002); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts80.hlp
Help context: 704
Can anyone help and tell me what I am doing wrong?
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Feb 4, 2008
Hello all,
I am trying to run a DTS package from a .DAT file and in my file this is my code:
DTSRun /S ServerName /E /N "Promo Point Adjust - Import promo file"/
But when I run that the data in the table is not being updated. my question is
-how to I step through the to see what the disconnect is?
-Or if there is an error that is happening but being displayied?
Can anyone help me
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Nov 23, 2005
when I run the following in sql Analyzer :dtsrun /S"Local" /Ntestemail /UExternalRO /P"changmail"got this error:Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '/'.Is the command right?And how to run this dts package in commandline?Thanks
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Mar 20, 2002
I have SQL Server 7.0 desktop installation and I installed SQL Server 2000 clinet.
Now, when I execute DTSRun from the command prompt, I am getting error message
dtsrun.exe Entry Point Not Found in dynamic link library SQLRESLD.dll
Can some one help on this.
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Mar 20, 2001
I have created a very simple DTS package to transfer data from one database to another on the same server. I am able to successfully execute the package from DTS. But if i try to schedule the package and run it from SQL agent it fails. The job that is created by the SQL agent appears as follows -
'DTSRun /~Z0x2939C85E61C391613034D42DC85BA5E18B1E12D06DC31F 242542405E07594E436B58219AC124F29B80EDEB464ACB52BA 977BF7A0E59BE9C183507AF7CDA9EB1033C1E04009EC5D4467 E1955FB83FA31BC185F4D4398F51F008BDE6677D23F9C5571A 4C3010B0ED1943C234'
and the error message i get is invalid switch .... DTS command invalid options
Please help!
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Apr 9, 2001
Hello everyone,
I have a question about dtsrun hoping someone have an answer. Does anyone know if there is a switch that I can turn onoff so that it will suppress the output result when I execute the dtsrun ulitity?
This is what I ran:
master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /Sclancy /E /N ExpDispute'
I get the following result back after it's done:
DTSRun: Loading...DTSRun:Executing...DTSRun OnStart: Copy Data from Results to [Transplus_TestArchive].[dbo].[SG_DISPUTE] Step DTSRun OnProcess: Copy Data
from Results to [Transplus_TestArchive].[dbo].[SG_DISPUTE] Step; 14 Rows have been transformed or copied.; PercentComplete = 0; ProgressCount = 14 DTSRun OnFinish: Copy Data from Results to [Transplus_TestArchive].[dbo].[SG_DISPUTE] Step DTSRun:
Package execution complete.
(6 row(s) affected)
Thank you in advance for any help.
Mai Nguyen
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Jul 31, 2001
Here's a problem I'm having with user's laptop.
I installed SQL Server 7.0 client tools long time ago so she was able to use dtsrun utility.
Recently we moved our production database to the new server.
The difference between new server and old one is SP.
The old server had SP1 for MSSQL Server 7.0 and new server has SP2.
The DTS packages were copied from old server to new one and recreated accordingly.
Then when user was trying to run dtsrun utility she was getting error "Parameter is incorrect".
Then I applied SP2 to her SQL installation.
After that we've got different error message "Can not create COM server to load DTS package.
Class not registered".
I tried to register following files dtsffile.dll,dtspkg.dll,dtspump.dll,axscphst.dll using regsvr32 but I coudn't-I was getting errors.
Then I reinstall SQL client tools and applied SP2 again-still same error about COM server.
Any ideas what else can be done or changed to fix it?
Thank you
P.S.this user has another computer.
Applying SP2 to her SQL client installation fixed "Incorrect parameter" error and dtsrun works fine on this machine.
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Jul 12, 2000
Thanks for any help on this matter in advance.
I have a DTS Package that when I run from within the MMC it runs fine but when I schedule the job from the DTS design window or create a new job via SQL Agent and use dtsrun.exe with the correct parameters I get the following error:
DTSRun: Loading . . . Error -2147008511 (80074001) Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error String: Not implemented
Dts Owner is sa
Sa is also listed as owner for the job.
I tried changing the provider to ODBC for SQL Server since error message indicated a provider error and that did not work.
I searched Technet for 4001, provider error, dtsrun and got nothing relative. It would seem like a rights issue but SQL Agent Logs on as a local administrator for the SQL box which is also the PDC.
Any insight?
Paul Kelly
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