Could Not Find Server 'System' In Sysservers. Execute Sp_addlinkedserver To Add The Server To

Jun 4, 2008


I am getting the above error message when I try and bind a stored procedure to a gridview:

string connectionString2 = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[project].ConnectionString;
            SqlConnection con_room_code2 = new SqlConnection(connectionString2);

            SqlCommand cmd_sofa = new SqlCommand("report", con_room_code2);
            cmd_sofa.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            cmd_sofa.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@code", SqlDbType.VarChar));
            cmd_sofa.Parameters["@code"].Value = Session["code"].ToString();

            SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = connectionString2;
            SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = cmd_sofa.ToString();
            plreport.Visible = false;
            plreport.Visible = true;

            test.Text = Session["code"].ToString();

does any1 know why this is? 

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Could Not Find Standby In Sysservers. Run Sp_addlinkedserver To Add The Server To Sysservers

Apr 23, 2007

a different scenario leads to the same problem, the error message:
Could not find "Standby" in sysservers. Run "sp_addlinkedserver" to add the server to sysservers"

I browsed the thread for the same error message and the solution doesn't applies to me. Here is my system settings. we have a kind of backup system. a primary server is set up to copy the database files to a standby server. when the primary is off, the standby server will take over primary's name and ip. and our application runs on the standby as if in the primary. in both machine the odbc connection are set to point the primary server.

this setup works well in SQL server 2000 for both primary and standby servers, but it gives the error message on SQL 2005 in the standby server. I noticed that this is because the application opens an empty table. after inserting a record by hand, the error has gone away.

I know it doesn't make too much sense, but it 's what I observed. Could anyone give me some input how could this happens and what' s the solution?

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Upgraded To SQL Server 2005. Updates No Longer Work. Error Could Not Find Server 'DEVDB' In Sysservers. Execute Sp_addlinkedse

Feb 28, 2006


We just upgraded to SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server 2000. The DB was backed up using Enterprise Manager and restored with SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP. Everything went as expected (no errors, warnings, or any other indicator of problems).

The DB resides in a DB Server (Server1) and the application we are running is a Client/Server system where the AppServer resides on Server2.

During the application's operation all read, create, and delete transactions work fine but no update works. When viewing details in Trace Log I see this message after attempting any update:

Could not find server 'Server1' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers. (7202)

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Lucio Gayosso

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Could Not Find Server 'drop Procedure Dbo' In Sysservers

Oct 9, 2007

I have SQL SERVER 2005 with SP2 on windows XP professional.

When I execute DROP PROCEDURE manually,it works.
However when I execute inside a loop made using static cursors,
it generates following error
"Could not find server 'drop procedure dbo' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers."

OR it gives this error "Could not find stored procedure"

any idea???

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Error Message Could Not Find Server 'FLDB1' In Sysservers....

Jun 19, 2007

I'm getting the following message from a VB6 program running ADO...

It will process a job then I get the message.... [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find server 'FLDB1' in syssservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers...

This started to happen after I moved the db from SS2000 to SS2005...

Our db server and sql server instance on that server are both named 'FLDB1'... Do I need to run the above execute sp_addlinkedserver command on the new 2005 server?


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Query: Master..sysservers In SQL Server Mobile Edition

Sep 25, 2007


I have a program in VB.NET 2003 where I have query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..sysservers WHERE srvname = '" & strServerName & "'". This program copies data from .MDF file to another .MDF file. This query is written since I have created linked server.

Issue 1:
But now I to copy data from .SDF (SQL Server Mobile Edition) to desktop .MDF file. For this I cannot fire the above query on .SDF file. What is the other alternative?

Issue 2:
In the existing prgram that copies data from .MDF to .MDF, I have created linked server. Can I do the same with mobile edition?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Sysservers Error When Running Script

Apr 23, 2014

I am getting the error "Could not find server 'bmf' in sysservers. Executive sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers" when running the following script. if I remove the last bit of the FROM statement (i.e. bmf.dbo.activities.activity_desc actdesc2) then the script runs fine. I'm confused as the same server and DB are being referenced elsewhere in the FROM part of the script.

SELECT organisations.organisation_number,, organisations.status,
activities.activity_desc, activity_values.activity_value_desc, organisation_categories.quantity,
orgcat2.activity, orgcat2.activity_value, actval2.activity_value_desc

FROM bmf.dbo.activity_values activity_values, bmf.dbo.organisation_categories organisation_categories, bmf.dbo.organisations organisations,


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Error Execute Sp_addlinkedserver In Stored Procedure

Mar 14, 2006

Error Message:

Msg 7202, Level 11, State 2, Procedure LoadConvertsDB, Line 24
Could not find server 'CONVERTSDB' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers.


EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'CONVERTSDB', @srvproduct=N'Access', @provider=N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', @datasrc=N'F:Converts.mdb';


SQL 2005 Std, Win2000 Pro SP4, same computer. F is the network drive. SQL Log with the Windows NT domain account. F is the network drive.


1. I can execute the T-SQL in the Query window in the SQL2005 Management Studio without any issue. After that, CONVERTSDB is in the Linked Servers lists.

2. If I put the T-SQL into a stored procedure, it does not work, and generate the above error. (EXEC dbo.LoadConvertsDB)

3. In the same Query window, If the above T-SQL is executed first and then execute the stored procedure, it will succeed. In the stored procedure, only the below T-SQL is before the sp_addlinkedserver.



IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM sys.servers srv WHERE srv.server_id != 0 AND = N'CONVERTSDB') EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'CONVERTSDB', @droplogins='droplogins';

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Execute SSIS Package In A System Without SQL Server.

Jan 11, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to execute a SSIS package in a system which doesn't have SQL server installed on it ?

Note : The rights to use xmdshell is not given on the SQL server where the package resides.

Any help would be appreciated.


DB Analyst

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Replication Could Not Find Or Execute Stored Procedures

Jul 20, 2015

Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent PRODDATA6 failed. Could not find stored procedure 'sp_MSdel_dboActiveTask_msrepl_ccs'.

Replication-Replication Transaction-Log Reader Subsystem: agent PRODDATA6. The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' on 'PRODDATA6'.

Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent PRODDATA6. Could not find stored procedure 'sp_MSupd_dboActiveTask'.

Looks like these sp's got deleted?

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Integration Services :: Remotely Execute Packages On SSIS Server - Packages Are Deployed In File System

Apr 22, 2015

We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.

SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.

We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.

One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.

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Operating System Error Code 3(The System Cannot Find The Path Specified.).

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I use Bulk insert to put data to myTable.When the SQL server is in local machin, it works well. But when I putthe data in a sql server situated not locally, then I get a errormessage like this:Could not bulk insert because file 'C:Data2003txtfilesabif_20031130.txt' could not be opened. Operating systemerror code 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).BULK INSERT myTableFROM 'C:Data2003 txtfilesabif_20031130.txt'with (-- codepage = ' + char(39) + 'ACP' + char(39) + ',fieldterminator = ';',rowterminator = '',keepnulls,maxerrors=0)Someone can explan me what the error shows upThanks in advance- Loi -

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Anything That You Find In SQL Object Scripts, You Can Also Find Them In System Tables?

Jul 26, 2005

I tried all the INFORMATION_SCHEMA on SQL 2000 andI see that the system tables hold pretty much everything I aminterested in: Objects names (columns, functions, stored procedures, ...)stored procedure statements in syscomments table.My questions are:If you script your whole database everything you end up havingin the text sql scripts, are those also located in the system tables?That means i could simply read those system tables to get any informationI would normally look in the sql script files?Can i quickly generate a SQL statement of all the indexes on my database?I read many places that Microsoftsays not to modify anything in those tables and not query them since theirstructure might change in future SQL versions.Is it safe to use and rely the system tables?I basically want to do at least fetching of information i want from thesystem tables rather than the SQL script files.I also want to know if it's pretty safe for me to make changes in thesetables.Can i rename an object name for example an Index name, a Stored Procedurename?Can i add a new column in the syscolumns table for a user table?Thank you

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Sql Server 2005 Operating System Compatibility Warning Message In System Configuration Check

Apr 3, 2007

Ok guys, I am trying to install Sql server 2005 on Vista but I am still stuck with this warning message in the System Configuration Check during Sql server 2K5 installation :

SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning)
* SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility

* Some components of this edition of SQL Server are not supported on this operating system. For details, see 'Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005' in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.

Now, I know I need to install SP2 but how the hell I am going to install SP2 if Sql server 2005 doesn't install any of the components including Sql server Database services, Analysus services, Reporting integration services( only the workstation component is available for installation)?

Any work around for this issue?

P.S.: I didn't install VS.NET 2005 yet, can this solve the problem?


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Error :Execute Trigger From Remote Server To Another Server By Linked Server

Jul 22, 2007

i did "Linked server" between To Servers , and it's Working.


For Example :

Server 1 =S1.

Server = S2.

i create table in S1 : name = TblS1

i create same table in S2 : name TblS2

and i create trigger(name tr_cpD) From S1 in TblS1 For send data To TblS2 in S2

/****************** trigger Code ***************


ON dbo.TblS1





insert into [S2].[dbname].[dbo].[TblS2] Select ID,Name from insertedEND


result is :

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tr_cpD, Line 14

The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "S2" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Msg 7312, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tr_cpD, Line 14

Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "S2". A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or schema.

how i can execute this trigger

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System Cannot Find The File Specified

Nov 15, 2001

When I try to open a DTS package I get the message above. These packages were written by other developers.

Other packages on this server state that the Parameter is incorrect when I try to open them.

Any ideas?


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System Stored Procedures Do Not Execute

Oct 23, 2006

I tried this morning to check some of the system stored procedures and ran into trouble. Only four of them executed: sp_alterdiagram, sp_creatediagram, sp_dropdiagram and sp_helpdiagramdefinition. I could not check all the rest, I did it selectively. The typical error message was: Invalid object on RETURN statement. Some had syntactical errors.
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_ActiveDirectory_SCP' Line 171
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_ActiveDirectory_SCP' Line 171
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_ActiveDirectory_Start' Line 19
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_add_agent_parameter' Line 60
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_add_agent_profile' Line 123
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_add_data_file_recover_suspect_db' Line 17
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_addalias, Line 44
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure sp_addalias, Line 64
'get_sid' is not a recognized built-in function name.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_addalias, Line 78
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_addalias, Line 119
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_bindefault, Line 95
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_bindefault, Line 134
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_bindefault, Line 182
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_bindefault, Line 208
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_bindefault, Line 228
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_bindefault, Line 264
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_bindefault, Line 273
Incorrect syntax near '%'.
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_databases'. Line 6
Invalid object name 'sys.sp_tables'

Is there a chance that these errors are due to the fact that I executed them without parameters?


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Job Fails With The System Cannot Find The File Specified

Oct 31, 2007

I have a package that copies data FROM an MS Access database table to a SQL Server 2005 table. 'Run64BitRunTime' has been set to 'False'. The package has been saved to SQL Server. I have a Job that runs the package using an operating system command. The following is the command syntax:

€œC:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90DTSBinndtexec.exe€? /SQL "RebatesRebates_TotalSecurity" /SERVER bwdbfin1 /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E

I created the package on a machine other than bwdbfin1. I can run the package from Visual Studio. I can run the package from Integration Services. I have sysAdmin rights on bwdbfin1. I've tried running the job using two different proxy accounts and the sql agent account. I have the location of the Access database. No matter what I do, the Job fails with the following error:

The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0xD947EF76ACD96340B12279FEDDC580CE (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed.

I have an identical package that copies data TO an Access database. The database addressed in that package and this package are in the same location. The 'CreatorName' of both packages is the same. I have logging enabled for every category, but nothing is written to the sysdtslog90 table when the Job runs. I set up error output in the DataFlow task, and have also tried to 'ignore' errors. I have searched the forum, done a web search, and I can't find a reason for the failure.

Is dtexec the file that is not found? If that were the case, then why can a Job run my other package?

Any ideas?

Thank you for your help!


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Error 3: The System Cannot Find The Specified Path

May 5, 2006

Installed SQL Server 2000 Enterprise trial a week ago on XP Pro. Installed new Seagate 80G HD; used Seagate's utility to copy old C: to new drive as new boot drive. All seems to work fine, except, when booting up, SQL server doesn't start. When I try to start it manually I get the following:

Could not start SQLSERVER service on the local computer. Error 3: the system cannot find the specified path.

1. What could be wrong?

2. How do I fix it?

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SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2005 - Any Changes Required To Existing Code, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection?

Dec 13, 2007

My web project (ASP.NET 2.0 / C#) runs against sql server 2000 and uses the System.Data.SqlClient.using System.Data.SqlClient;
 I use System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection and System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand to make the connections to the database and do selects and updates.  Is it correct to continue to use these against SQL Server 2005?  I ask because I made a connection string (outside of .Net) for SqlServer 2005 using the SQL native provider and it had the following - Provider=SQLNCLI.1 and any connection strings I had made (also outside of ASP.NET) fro SQL Server all used Provider=SQLOLEDB.1.  This is why I wondered if there is a different SqlClient in .Net 2.0 for SQL Server 2005?

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Find Columns Which Execute Updatetriggers

Oct 9, 2006


I want to find the columns which execute updatetriggers. Is there in sqlserver a way to find out?

In Oracle you can say:


I tried: EXEC sp_depends "dba.JobUpdate".

This says nothing about the updatecolumns.

Can anybody help?

thanx and greetz

C Dunnink
The Netherlands

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How To Find If Index Key Is ASC Or DESC From System Tables?

Apr 29, 2003

There is a index: CustomerInfo_1
with keys: customerId, EnteryDate DESC
I could not find where the order of index key (i.e. whether the key is ascending or descending) is stored?
I tried system tables such as sysindexes and sysindexkeys tables. But could not find it.
Any help in this regard will be truly appreciated.

Thank you.
Anuj Goyal

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How To Find If Index Key Is ASC Or DESC From System Tables?

Apr 29, 2003

There is a index: CustomerInfo_1
with keys: customerId, EnteryDate DESC
I could not find where the order of index key (i.e. whether the key is ascending or descending) is stored?
I tried system tables such as sysindexes and sysindexkeys tables. But could not find it.
Any help in this regard will be truly appreciated.

Thank you.
Anuj Goyal

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Find Templates For Global Or System Functions And Sp In 05

Jul 28, 2006

In 2000 you could look at templates and find templates for global or system functions where are they in 05?

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Inport And Execute Sql Server 2000 Dts Packgages In Sql Server 2005

Jan 22, 2007

hello world,

i read some kb on msde that explain how to do the task in the title, but in sql 2005 client tool i can't see where to execute dts packgage in 2000 mode,

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SQL Server 2014 :: Powershell Script To Find Windows Server Reboot Date

Oct 16, 2015

I am searching for a Powershell script which picks Windows Server names from SQL server table(eg: Instance.DB.tbServerList) & writes last reboot date to SQL server table(can be same or different table).

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Cannot Install SQL Server Express On Vista Ultimate - Cannot Find MS SQL Server Native Client

Apr 5, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Express - (the non ADV version) and get the following error.

"An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'sqlncli_x64.msi'".

I have 64 bit Vista Ultimate running on an HP dv9000.

I am using the download from the bottom of the download page for SSX where it says 64 bit version.

Prior to this I got the. "64-bit is registered. Required 32-bit ASP.NET to install Microsoft Reporting services 2005(32-bit)." messagd during the pre-install scan. From what I gather in the posts, the reporting issue is different from my installation package problem.

I have been trying to prove a point to friends about how far you can go with SSX but am having no luck installing it. This whole process took 1 hour in XP but I've been stymied for 2 days.

I would appreciate being pointed at the right downloads for what seems to be a simple install.

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Can't Find SQL Server: SSIS Pipeline Performance Object In Perfmon For 64-bit Server

Feb 7, 2007

I can't find 'SQL Server: SSIS Pipeline' performance object in performance monitor on a 64-bit SQL Server. I see it on a 32-bit. Does anybody know why?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Find Report Server Database Name?

May 8, 2015

Is there any way to find Report server database name using T-SQL?

I have SQL server report server instance and authentication credentials.

I can use sys.databases but in case of user had changed ReportDb name at the time of configuration this approach will not work then How I can find?

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SQLSERVER-The System Cannot Find The File Specified(error While Running The JOB)

May 27, 2008


I have a SQL Server Agent job set up to run a job that calls a dts package on the server.

When I run the DTS Package manually, everything works fine and does what it is supposed to do.

When I run the job, The job fails. If somebody had this error can you please help me out

I am getting following error in my job...

DTSRun: Loading...Error: -2147287038 (80030002);
Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: The system cannot find the file specified. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts.hlp
Help context: 713.
Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

could you please let me know what is the possible cause for the above error.

Many Thanks,

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Failure Sending Mail: The System Cannot Find The Path Specified.

Aug 30, 2006

I have had a development XP workstation with RS2000 and IIS sending reports via email for 6 months straight with no problems.

Today my subscriptions are failing with

Failure sending mail: The system cannot find the path specified.

Been searching and digging for hours, and if anyone has any ideas they are greatly appreciated.

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With New Hard Drive- Error 3: The System Cannot Find The Specified Path

May 5, 2006

Installed SQL Server 2000 Enterprise trial a week ago on XP Pro. Installed new Seagate 80G HD; used Seagate's utility to copy old C: to new drive as new boot drive. All seems to work fine, except, when booting up, SQL server doesn't start. When I try to start it manually I get the following:

Could not start SQLSERVER service on the local computer. Error 3: the system cannot find the specified path.

1. What could be wrong?

2. How do I fix it?

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Create The Package On The Server, And Execute Through Sql Server Agent

Oct 24, 2006


Some of you guys seem to be gurus with the new Integration Services technology, so I hope someone can lend me some advice, as I haven't worked much with integration before.

Ok, here we go. What I want to do is select some data from my database and export the result to a flat file (really a .csv file with values delimited by semicolons). Sounds like a simple thing to do? Well, I'm sure it is when you know how to do it :) I know I could manage the same thing by writing a C# class that creates that .csv file, but the decision has been made to use Integration Services for these kind of operations.

I created an SSIS project in Business Intelligence Development Studio, and created a package (I defined the task flow etc.). By choosing "Execute package" from the IDE I managed to create the flat file, and everything seemed sweet. However, When trying to execute the package (package.Execute();) from C# code, it only results in a failure. I have read on several sites that this has to do with my program lacking the rights to run the package from the client side. OK, fair enough. I need to create the package on the server, and use an SQL Server Agent to execute the package through the agent.

Can anyone tell me how I need to do this? How can I ensure that the package is created on the sql server instead of locally on my development computer? When I create a new SSIS project the package is already made, and it is created locally on my PC.

I hope someone can give me some help. Even a little nudge would be appreciated ;)

Thanks in advance!


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