Could Not Load System.EnterpriseServices Assembly
Nov 1, 2007
Guys, this the first time I got this message
TITLE: Connection Manager
Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
This happens whenever I press "Test Connection" button in the Connection Manager dialog. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the installation of the .NET Framework. I'm using a new machine and so far I havent had any problem with .NET applications. Do I need to add this assembly somewhere?
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Nov 30, 2005
I am trying to use SQL Mobile 2005 with Visual Studio 2005. I have a simple sql mobile db i created and am trying to test connectivity to the DB in a simple app. I added the reference to the SqlServerCE and the verison # that is shown in properties is 3.0.3600.0, but when i look at the physical DLL in explorer (found at C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev3.0) the version # is 3.0.5206.0, so when i compile and run the test, I get :
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May 8, 2008
We just upgraded our applications from VS 2005 to VS 2008 and discovered we had to convert our SQL Server CE databases. So I did that. I then included the sqlce...35.dlls in the application directory on my test computer as well as the System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll version 3.5.
When I run the app and it tries to load the System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll I get the following error:
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.
We have the application targeting the .NET Framework 2.0 and need to keep it that way for awhile.
Any ideas on how to resolve the error?
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Apr 7, 2007
Just tried upgrading to SP2. All went well except for Client Components. Here's what I think is the relevant serction from sqlrun_tools.msp.log:
MSI (s) (80:04) [11:25:22:989]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINDOWSInstallerMSIB24.tmp, Entrypoint: CommitTransaction
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Status: LANGID: 1033
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Entry: CommitTransaction started
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Status: LANGID: 1033
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Entry: CMsHelpObject constructor
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Status: LANGID: 1033
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Entry: CHelpCrypto constructor
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Exit: CHelpCrypto destructor
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Status: CommitTransaction()->IHxRegisterSession::CommitTransaction() returned 0.
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Status: CommitTransaction()->{FE7C8861-3195-4CA5-98EB-094652478192} was successfully committed.
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Exit: CMsHelpObject destructor
04/07/07 11:25:23 DDSet_Exit: CommitTransaction ended
MSI (s) (80:98) [11:25:23:083]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINDOWSInstallerMSIB25.tmp, Entrypoint: Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcsWOW
<Func Name='LaunchFunction'>
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='0'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs : Sat Apr 07 11:25:23 2007
<Func Name='Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs'>
Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog.
Error: 2147942402
Error message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error descrition: Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Error Code: -2147024894
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.
Source File Name: sqlcasqlassembly.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:27:11 2006
Function Name: Do_sqlAssemblyRegSvcs
Source Line Number: 155
MSI (s) (80!8C) [11:25:25:973]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (80!8C) [11:25:25:973]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (80!8C) [11:25:25:973]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
Error Code: -2147024894
MSI (s) (80!8C) [11:25:26:067]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (80!8C) [11:25:26:067]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (80!8C) [11:25:26:067]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (80!8C) [11:25:26:067]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools (64-bit) -- Error 29549. Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2147024894
Error message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error description: Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Error 29549. Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2147024894
Error message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Error description: Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='-2147024894' GetLastError='0'>
MSI (s) (80:70) [11:25:26:333]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=301,Timestamp=914840316,LangId=1033,Platform=589824,ScriptType=2,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
MSI (s) (80:70) [11:25:26:333]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
MSI (s) (80:70) [11:25:26:333]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools (64-bit))
MSI (s) (80:70) [11:25:26:333]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
MSI (s) (80:70) [11:25:26:333]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:Config.Msi6d67d1.rbf)
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Apr 20, 2007
I created a CLR function based on following VB code:
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Public Partial Class SqlClrVB
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _
Public Shared Function GetTotalPhysicalMemory() As Integer
GetTotalPhysicalMemory = My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory
End Function
End Class
The VB code was complied into a DLL called totalmem.dll and call following TSQL to map it into a SQL function:
create assembly totalmem from '!WORKINGDIR! otalmem.dll'
create function fnGetTotalMem()
returns int
as external name totalmem.SqlClrVB.GetTotalPhysicalMemory
When I call this function, it returned following error:
select dbo.fnGetTotalMem()
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'fnGetTotalMem':
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.MyServices.Internal.ContextValue`1.get_Value()
at My.MyProject.ThreadSafeObjectProvider`1.get_GetInstance()
at SqlClrVB.GetTotalPhysicalMemory()
Anyone knows why I'm hitting this error? I didn't reference any System.Web interface why it needs to load System.Web assembly? The same code runs OK if I compile it as a separate VB application out side of SQL Server 2005.
Thanks much,
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May 10, 2006
I am trying to make a mobile application work, but I get the following error. The operating system on Pocket PC is Microsoft� Windows Mobile�� 2003 Second Edition. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
The followings are the error and my codes:
System.TypeLoadException was unhandled
Message="Could not load type 'System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataAdapter' from assembly 'System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91'."
at SQLMobile.Form1.Form1_Load()
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad()
at System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible()
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run()
at SQLMobile.Form1.Main()
Private Sub FillGrid()
Dim filename As New String _
("Program FilesSQLMobilesqlmobile.sdf")
Dim conn As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=" + filename)
Dim selectCmd As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
selectCmd.CommandText = "select Destination from flightdata"
Dim adp As New SqlCeDataAdapter(selectCmd)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds
End sub
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Jan 12, 2006
I previously had an ASP.NET 1.1 site running on my IIS 6.0 server (not the default website) with Reporting Services running in a subdirectory of that website. I recently upgraded to ASP.NET 2.0 for my website and was greeted with an error when trying to view a report. The error was very non-descript, but when I checked the server logs, it recorded the details as "It is not possible to run two different versions of ASP.NET in the same IIS process. Please use the IIS Administration Tool to reconfigure your server to run the application in a separate process."
First of all, I could not figure out where and how to do this. Secondly, I decided to try to also change the Reporting Services folders to run ASP.NET 2.0 and when I did, I was greeted with the following message when attempting to view a report:
"Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: StrongName cannot have an empty string for the assembly name."
Please help.
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Mar 7, 2007
Hi there.
I have an assembly, call it A1, that I've deployed to a SQL Server 2005 database. I can use the managed stored procedures from A1 in SQL Server no problem.
In A1 there is a bit of code which uses the Assembly.Load() method, so load another assembly and use instances of class found in that external assembly. However, when I run the managed stored proc in A1 that uses Assembly.Load() I get the error:
Could not load file or assembly 'A1, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken='????' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
(note: for security I've changed some of the above line).
So I changed the Assembly.Load() to use
I re-built the project, re-deployed it and ran the code in SQL Server - it worked. I could create an instance of a System.Data.DataSet for example. So why can't I load my own custom assembly? My assembly does have a strong name and it's installed in the GAC. I wrote a console app to try and Assembly.Load() my custom assembly and that worked fine (it was also running on the same server as the SQL Server).
So it's defiantely the SQL Server that can't 'see' my customer assembly. What do I need to do this assembly so that SQL Server will allow me to Assembly.Load it, just as it can with System.Data?
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Aug 2, 2006
I am a bit paranoid about what I just did to my SQL Server 2005 with this CLR experiment.
I created a Class Lib in C# called inLineLib that has a class Queue which represents an object with an ID field.
in another separate namespace called inLineCLRsql, I created a class called test which will hold the function to be accessed from DB, I referenced and created an instances of the Queue class, and retrieve it's ID in a function called PrintMessage.
namespace inlineCLRsql{
public static class test{
public static void PrintMessage(){
inLineLib.Queue q = new inLineLib.Queue();
int i = q.queueId ;
to access this from the db, I attempted to create an assembley referencing inLineCLRsql.dll. This didn't work as it complained about inLineLib assembly not existing in the db. I then attempted to create an assembley for inLineLib but it barfed saying System.Management assembly not created.
so what I did is (and this is where I need to know if I just ruined sql server or not):
2- CREATE ASSEMBLY SystemManagement
FROM 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.Management.dll'
3- CREATE ASSEMBLY inLineLibMaster
FROM 'D:inLineServerinLineLibinDebuginLineLib.dll'
4- and finally
FROM 'D:inLineServerCLRSQLinlineCLRsqlinDebuginlineCLRsql.dll'
Everything works after those steps (which took some trial and error). I can create a sproc like:
EXTERNAL NAME inLineLib.[inlineCLRsql.test].PrintMessage
and it returns the Queue ID
Is there anything unadvisable about the steps above?
Thanks for your help
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Jul 14, 2015
I try backup database but this error message pop up: could not load file or assembly 'SqlManagerUi, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken= 89845dcd 8080cc91' oe one of its dependencies. Method signature has invalid calling convention. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131239)(mscorlib)
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Feb 27, 2006
I am receiving the following message when I try to create an SSIS project in Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite:
Could not load file or assembly "Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Controls" Version=, Culture=neutral, Public Key Token = 89845dcd8080cc91 or one of it's dependencies. Strong name validation failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013141A)
Thank you
Larry Geiger
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Mar 26, 2008
I have downloaded the project from
When i built and run athe application i get the error
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. C:Documents and SettingsJingaMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005Projectscalendar_themeweb.config 30
Line 30 in web.config
<add assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>
How do i solve this.
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Dec 19, 2007
My report runs from the Report Manager, but when I try to run it from the ReportServer, thats when I get this message.
Any help on how to fix it?
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Oct 20, 2015
I have deployed an MVC web app/SSAS database to our PROD machine and receive the following error:
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft. Analysis Services.AdomdClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies.
The system cannot find the file specified. The OLAP database has been processed and contains data. Also, the MVC app contains a reference to Microsoft. AnalysisServices. AdomdClient.
I have also tried installing the SQL_AS_ADOMD.msi from: URL....
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May 30, 2006
I'm in the process of migrating several SQL Server 2000 DTS packages to Integration Services packages. One of the old 2000 DTS packages used the SQLXML Bulk Loader component. In order to use the new SQLXML 4 COM object in my Script Task (to initiate the Bulk Loader using .NET code) I've used the tlbimp.exe tool to create a .NET wrapper DLL. I've placed the DLL in the appropriate directory (C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKAssemblies), successfully added it to my project (with Intellisense working), but when I run the package it fails with the following error:
Could not load file or assembly 'SQLXMLBULKLOADLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Note: I also tried placing the DLL in C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 with no prevail.
I've confirm the file exists (and any dependencies) in their appropriate locations. Has anyone else run into this? Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks, Shaun
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Nov 29, 2007
I have a custom library (ReportLibary.dll) and ı added it as a reference to the report (Report.rdl). I also copied the dll file to ..IDEPrivateAssemblies. The report uses a methot from the dll to get some data.
When ı run the report from my local computer there is no problem, the data is generated from the dll. But when I depoy it to the sever an exception occurs.
"Error while loading code module: ��ReportLibary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null��. Details: Could not load file or assembly 'ReportLibary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Can not find the file. d:...Report.rdl"
I hope ı can find a solution to my problem. Thanks in advance.
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Jan 26, 2006
Is it possible to load an assembly either from a byte array or from the disk at runtime from a CLR stored procedure.
have created a stored procedure that needs to load different assemblies
depending on a query and then invokes a method (called execute() passing a string query as a parameter).
From debugging the CLR stored procedure in .NET I have found that it is this line that creates an error:
Assembly myAssembly= Assembly.Load()
doesnt matter if I attempt to load the assembly from it's byte array or
from a file location, it always gives the following error:
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure runQuery, Line 0A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'runQuery': System.IO.FileLoadException: LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host.System.IO.FileLoadException:
at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoadImage(Byte[] rawAssembly, Byte[]
rawSymbolStore, Evidence evidence, StackCrawlMark& stackMark,
Boolean fIntrospection) at System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(Byte[] rawAssembly) at ClientInterface.RunInterface(String queryName, String parameters, String& returnValue)
It works perfectly if I run it using a mock up front end app it just seems to be sql server that doesnt like it.
Anybody have any ideas?
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Sep 28, 2007
I'm trying to develop a custom conflict resolver and I get the following message:
Error loading custom class "HQ.MemberHandler" from custom assembly "C:shareConflictHandler.dll", Error : "Could not load type 'HQ.MemberHandler' from assembly 'ConflictHandler, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=42ba9b913dccf3a9'."."
The resolver is register in the GAC.
I checked with sp_enumcustomresolvers that it is register in SQL.
The sync is working fine if I'm not using the resolver.
Here's the code of the resolver:
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport
Namespace HQ
Public Class MemberHandler
Inherits BusinessLogicModule
' Variables to hold server names.
Private publisherName As String
Private subscriberName As String
' Implement the Initialize method to get publication
' and subscription information.
Public Overrides Sub Initialize( _
ByVal publisher As String, _
ByVal subscriber As String, _
ByVal distributor As String, _
ByVal publisherDB As String, _
ByVal subscriberDB As String, _
ByVal articleName As String _
' Set the Publisher and Subscriber names.
publisherName = publisher
subscriberName = subscriber
End Sub
' Declare what types of row changes, conflicts, or errors to handle.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property HandledChangeStates() As ChangeStates
' Handle Subscriber inserts, updates and deletes.
Return (ChangeStates.SubscriberInserts Or _
ChangeStates.SubscriberUpdates Or ChangeStates.SubscriberDeletes)
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function InsertHandler(ByVal insertSource As SourceIdentifier, _
ByVal insertedDataSet As DataSet, ByRef customDataSet As DataSet, _
ByRef historyLogLevel As Integer, ByRef historyLogMessage As String) _
As ActionOnDataChange
If insertSource = SourceIdentifier.SourceIsSubscriber Then
' Build a line item in the audit message to log the Subscriber insert.
Dim AuditMessage As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
AuditMessage.Append(String.Format("A new member was entered at {0}. " + _
"The ID for the member is :", subscriberName))
AuditMessage.Append("Member Name :")
' Set the reference parameter to write the line to the log file.
historyLogMessage = AuditMessage.ToString()
' Set the history log level to the default verbose level.
historyLogLevel = 1
' Accept the inserted data in the Subscriber's data set and
' apply it to the Publisher.
Return ActionOnDataChange.AcceptData
Return MyBase.InsertHandler(insertSource, insertedDataSet, customDataSet, _
historyLogLevel, historyLogMessage)
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Function UpdateHandler(ByVal updateSource As SourceIdentifier, _
ByVal updatedDataSet As DataSet, ByRef customDataSet As DataSet, _
ByRef historyLogLevel As Integer, ByRef historyLogMessage As String) _
As ActionOnDataChange
If updateSource = SourceIdentifier.SourceIsPublisher Then
' Build a line item in the audit message to log the Subscriber update.
Dim AuditMessage As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
AuditMessage.Append(String.Format("An existing member was updated at {0}. " + _
"The ID for the member is ", subscriberName))
AuditMessage.Append("Member Name :")
' Set the reference parameter to write the line to the log file.
historyLogMessage = AuditMessage.ToString()
' Set the history log level to the default verbose level.
historyLogLevel = 1
' Accept the updated data in the Subscriber's data set and apply it to the Publisher.
Return ActionOnDataChange.AcceptData
Return MyBase.UpdateHandler(updateSource, updatedDataSet, _
customDataSet, historyLogLevel, historyLogMessage)
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Function DeleteHandler(ByVal deleteSource As SourceIdentifier, _
ByVal deletedDataSet As DataSet, ByRef historyLogLevel As Integer, _
ByRef historyLogMessage As String) As ActionOnDataDelete
If deleteSource = SourceIdentifier.SourceIsSubscriber Then
' Build a line item in the audit message to log the Subscriber deletes.
' Note that the rowguid is the only information that is
' available in the dataset.
Dim AuditMessage As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
AuditMessage.Append(String.Format("An existing member was deleted at {0}. " + _
"The rowguid for the member is ", subscriberName))
' Set the reference parameter to write the line to the log file.
historyLogMessage = AuditMessage.ToString()
' Set the history log level to the default verbose level.
historyLogLevel = 1
' Accept the delete and apply it to the Publisher.
Return ActionOnDataDelete.AcceptDelete
Return MyBase.DeleteHandler(deleteSource, deletedDataSet, _
historyLogLevel, historyLogMessage)
End If
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Here's the SQL query to register the resolver:
DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
DECLARE @article AS sysname;
DECLARE @friendlyname AS sysname;
DECLARE @assembly AS nvarchar(500);
DECLARE @class AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'memb';
SET @article = N'memb';
SET @friendlyname = N'TestConlictResolver';
SET @assembly = N'C:shareConflictHandler.dll';
SET @class = N'HQ.MemberHandler';
-- Register the business logic handler at the Distributor.
EXEC sys.sp_registercustomresolver
@article_resolver = @friendlyname,
@resolver_clsid = NULL,
@is_dotnet_assembly = N'true',
@dotnet_assembly_name = @assembly,
@dotnet_class_name = @class;
-- Add an article that uses the business logic handler
-- at the Publisher.
EXEC sp_changemergearticle
@publication = @publication,
@article = @article,
@property = N'article_resolver',
@value = @friendlyname,
@force_invalidate_snapshot = 0,
@force_reinit_subscription = 0;
Any clues??
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Feb 14, 2008
I am getting the following error when executing a CLR stored procedure. I have set generate serialization assembly to 'ON' with no effect. The error is:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot load dynamically generated serialization assembly. In some hosting environments assembly load functionality is restricted, consider using pre-generated serializer. Please see inner exception for more information. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host.
at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoadImage(Byte[] rawAssembly, Byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence evidence, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean fIntrospection)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(Byte[] rawAssembly, Byte[] rawSymbolStore, Evidence securityEvidence)
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator.FromFileBatch(CompilerParameters options, String[] fileNames)
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator.FromSourceBatch(CompilerParameters options, St
at System.Xml.Serialization.Compiler.Compile(Assembly parent, String ns, XmlSerializerCompilerParameters xmlParameters, Evidence evidence)
at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly.GenerateAssembly(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, Evidence evidence, XmlSerializerCompilerParameters parameters, Assembly assembly, Hashtable assemblies)
at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly..ctor(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, String location, Evidence evidence)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.GenerateTempAssembly(XmlMapping xmlMapping, Type type, String defaultNamespace)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultNamespace)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type)
at SoftBrands.FourthShift.Transaction.FSTIError..ctor(String XMLErrorString)
at SoftBrands.FourthShift.Transaction.FSTIClient.ProcessTransaction(String sTrxn)
at SoftBrands.FourthShift.Transaction.FSTIClient.ProcessId(...
My code is:
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub SpPICK00()
Dim DbCon As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
Dim DbSql As New SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM TblTransactions", DbCon)
Dim TransactionID As Int64
Dim DbRs As SqlDataReader
DbRs = DbSql.ExecuteReader
While DbRs.Read
TransactionID = DbRs("TransactionID")
End While
Dim MenuID As Int16
Dim MONumber As String
Dim LineNumber As String
Dim PTUse As String
Dim SEQN As String
Dim WorkCentre As String
Dim Stock As String
Dim Bin As String
Dim Qty As Double
DbSql = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM VwPickList WHERE TransactionID = @TransactionID", DbCon)
DbSql.Parameters.Add("@TransactionID", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = TransactionID
DbRs = DbSql.ExecuteReader
If DbRs.Read Then
MenuID = DbRs("MenuID")
MONumber = DbRs("MONumber")
LineNumber = DbRs("LineNumber")
PTUse = DbRs("PT_USE")
WorkCentre = DbRs("WorkCentre")
Stock = DbRs("Stock")
Bin = DbRs("Bin")
Qty = DbRs("Hours")
End If
Dim FSClient As New FSTIClient
FSClient.InitializeByConfigFile("\FPTESTFShiftMfgsysfs.cfg", False, False)
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Config file initialized")
If FSClient.IsLogonRequired Then
FSClient.Logon("VBS", "visib", "")
End If
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("FSTI logged in")
If MenuID = 2 Then
Dim Pck As New PICK08
Pck.OrderType.Value = "M"
Pck.IssueType.Value = "I"
Pck.OrderNumber.Value = MONumber
Pck.LineNumber.Value = LineNumber
Pck.PointOfUseID.Value = PTUse
Pck.OperationSequenceNumber.Value = SEQN
Pck.ItemNumber.Value = WorkCentre
Pck.Stockroom.Value = Stock
Pck.Bin.Value = Bin
Pck.IssuedQuantity.Value = Qty
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("ready to process")
If FSClient.ProcessId(Pck) Then
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("process ok")
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("process error: " & FSClient.TransactionError.Description)
End If
ElseIf MenuID = 1 Then
Dim Pck As New PICK04
Pck.OrderType.Value = "M"
Pck.IssueType.Value = "I"
Pck.OrderNumber.Value = MONumber
Pck.LineNumber.Value = LineNumber
Pck.PointOfUseID.Value = PTUse
Pck.OperationSequenceNumber.Value = SEQN
Pck.ItemNumber.Value = WorkCentre
Pck.IssuedQuantity.Value = Qty
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("ready to process")
If FSClient.ProcessId(Pck) Then
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("process ok")
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("process error: " & FSClient.TransactionError.Description)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Any help anybody can provide on this would be fantastic.
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Jan 26, 2006
I have an application broadly deployed
(about 10 computers). As of yesterday, two of these computers are
unable to start the application, and failing with the error below. All
other computers run the application just fine.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or
assembly 'ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot
find the file specified.
File name: 'ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
I checked and ADODB.dll version 7.0.3300.0 is in the GAC in the deployment target machines.
I find ADODB.dll in my C:Program FilesMicrosoft.NETPrimary Interop
Assemblies folder (development computer), but this is version
7.10.3077.0 (file properties version)
I see ADODB.dll as a project reference, but this shows version
7.0.3300.0, and shows the path to the PIA folder. I have no clue why
these are not showing the same version number. Local Copy is false.
Installing MDAC 2.8 on the failing deployment target machines did not help.
Any clues or ideas or things to try??
View 34 Replies
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Jul 20, 2007
I've loaded a C# assembly into my database with External Access (the dll contains a routine
that accesses Environment.MachineName).
I am now unable to invoke any of the entry points in this assembly. I get the error message
'An error occured trying to load assembly Id XYZ. System.IO.FileLoadException.....'
I have set the database Trustworthy flag to ON and the assembly does not have a strong name.
Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?
P.S. I am calling the assembly from SQL code residing in a different database than the one
the assembly has been loaded into.
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Nov 9, 2006
I have developed an application in C#, and it uses both a SQL server database, and as part of its operation it opens up a Foxpro database. I am using Odbc to connect to the fox pro database and everything wortks just fine on my devleopment machine. However when I deploy my application I am getting the following error text when ever I create the form that does the Odbc work.
************** Exception Text **************
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Data.Odbc, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Microsoft.Data.Odbc, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
I have absolutely no clue why I am getting this error. I have insured that the latest MDAC was installed ( it is XP Pro so no updates there ) I have made sure that I have the latest Fox Pro Odbc driver installed as well and I can create the DSN just fine.
Can anyone point me where to look next ? Im truly stumped here.
Thanks in advance for any and all input!!!
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Apr 10, 2008
In article it says to generate a serialization assembly and pop this into the database along side the assembly with the serialized type. All well and good, but how doe the XmlSerializer know to look in the database for the assembly - does it use the name of the assembly + XmlSerializer?
It is certainly ambiguous in the aforementioned kb article. In one place it generates an assembly in the database called
CREATE ASSEMBLY [MyTest.XmlSerializers] from
WITH permission_set = SAFE
and in another it uses
USE dbTest
CREATE ASSEMBLY [MyTest] from 'C:CLRTestMyTest.dll'
CREATE ASSEMBLY [MyTest.XmlSerializers.dll] from 'C:CLRTestMyTest.XmlSerializers.dll'
I can't get either to work, and I've tried various combinations, this and the fact that the kb artice uses two different naming conventions suggests to me that there must be "something else" which links the assembly with the serialization assembly.
Any ideas?
View 18 Replies
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Jun 19, 2007
Our server is 64 bits OS. After SQL instalation we try to load the Reports web site and the server return the following error, can anyone help us?:
Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to load for reflection purposes.Server
Error in '/Reports' Application.
Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use
ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to load for reflection purposes.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current
web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error
and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.BadImageFormatException: Attempted to load a 64-bit
assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to
load for reflection purposes.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current
web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the
exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[BadImageFormatException: Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to load for reflection purposes.]
System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection) +0
System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection) +211
System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection) +141
System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(String assemblyString) +25
System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssemblyHelper(String assemblyName, Boolean starDirective) +32
[ConfigurationErrorsException: Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to load for reflection purposes.]
System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssemblyHelper(String assemblyName, Boolean starDirective) +596
System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAllAssembliesFromAppDomainBinDirectory() +3479065
System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssembly(AssemblyInfo ai) +46
System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies(CompilationSection compConfig) +177
System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler..ctor(VirtualPath configPath, Boolean supportLocalization, String outputAssemblyName) +180
System.Web.Compilation.ApplicationBuildProvider.GetGlobalAsaxBuildResult(Boolean isPrecompiledApp) +3446645
System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileGlobalAsax() +51
System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.EnsureTopLevelFilesCompiled() +462
[HttpException (0x80004005): Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to load for reflection purposes.]
System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.ReportTopLevelCompilationException() +57
System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.EnsureTopLevelFilesCompiled() +612
System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.Initialize(ApplicationManager appManager, IApplicationHost appHost, IConfigMapPathFactory configMapPathFactory, HostingEnvironmentParameters hostingParameters) +456
[HttpException (0x80004005): Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to load for reflection purposes.]
System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +3426871
System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +88
System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpWorkerRequest wr) +149
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET
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Aug 3, 2015
Task- To Send csv files to Secure FTP.
Problem: Script Task using Third Party DLL for Secure FTP mainly "Eldos" is not able to load dll ,when deployed on integration server.
Resolution: Usually i Follow and it works even : Copy and Paste Dll in below location depending on Server Configuration.
If Server is Window 32 Bit
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100DTSBinn"
If Server is Window 64 Bit
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100DTSBinn"
Tried Another Resolution:
If Server is Window 32 Bit
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100SDKAssemblies"
If Server is Window 64 Bit
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100SDKAssemblies"
View 4 Replies
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Feb 28, 2007
Please... any ideas? Is this a footprint config issue?
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
There was an error displaying the preview.
Could not load file or assembly
'Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTaskConnectionsWrap, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
There was an error displaying the preview. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Could not load file or assembly
'Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTaskConnectionsWrap, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Program Location:
sqlStatement, ConnectionManager connectionManager, Control
parentWindow, IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
IDTSExternalMetadataColumnCollection90 externalColumns)
sender, EventArgs e)
View 1 Replies
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Dec 30, 2006
I'm developing a tool to deploy the CLR objects from any where to the server
But I'm unable to deploy from remote system to the server.
I'm getting the error like
CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because it could not open the physical file 'D:WorkingDBS2005V2GLGLREPORTSDBS.GL.RM.SQLinDebugsample.dll': 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).
when I try to deploy using
EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N' CREATE ASSEMBLY [DBS.GL.RM.SQL]
FROM ''D:WorkingDBS2005V2GLGLREPORTSDBS.GL.RM.SQLinDebugsample.dll''
can anybody tell how to generate assembly_bits for assembly
the VS.NEt is generating assembly bits instead of physical path to deploy the assembly on the remote server.
FROM 0x4D5A90000300000004000000FFFF0000B800000000000000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000E1FBA0E00B409CD21B8014CCD215 ..
But nothing is provided reg this in MSDN.
will u help me in handle this please
Thank u
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Feb 1, 2008
If i try to register System.dll for ComponentModel workspace using the following statement -
create assembly [system.ComponentModel]
from 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727system.dll'
with permission_set = safe
I get the following message -
Msg 6596, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because assembly 'System' is a system assembly. Consider creating a user assembly to wrap desired functionality.
Can anyone please provide any pointers to implement the same.
Thanks in advance.
With regards,
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Mar 15, 2007
My reporting server 2005 frequently throws error below.
The PC hosting reporting server has .net framework 1.1 and 2.0 installed, and it does not have SQL server installed. The 2 databases used by reporting server are in another PC.
Please help.
w3wp!webserver!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Reporting Web Server started
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing ConnectionType to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing IsSchedulingService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing IsNotificationService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing IsEventService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing PollingInterval to '10' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing WindowsServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing MemoryLimit to '60' percent as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing RecycleTime to '720' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing MaximumMemoryLimit to '80' percent as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing MaxAppDomainUnloadTime to '30' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing MaxQueueThreads to '0' thread(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing IsWebServiceEnabled to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing MaxActiveReqForOneUser to '20' requests(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing MaxScheduleWait to '5' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing DatabaseQueryTimeout to '120' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing ProcessRecycleOptions to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsScavengerCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsDbCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsAge to '30' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing CleanupCycleMinutes to '10' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing DailyCleanupMinuteOfDay to default value of '120' minutes since midnight because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonFlags to '1064' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing SecureConnectionLevel to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing DisplayErrorLink to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Initializing WebServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!resourceutilities!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Reporting Services starting SKU: Standard
w3wp!resourceutilities!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Evaluation copy: 0 days left
w3wp!resourceutilities!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Running on 2 physical processors, 4 logical processors
w3wp!runningjobs!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Database Cleanup (Web Service) timer enabled: Next Event: 600 seconds. Cycle: 600 seconds
w3wp!runningjobs!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Running Requests Scavenger timer enabled: Next Event: 60 seconds. Cycle: 60 seconds
w3wp!runningjobs!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Running Requests DB timer enabled: Next Event: 60 seconds. Cycle: 60 seconds
w3wp!runningjobs!1!3/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Memory stats update timer enabled: Next Event: 60 seconds. Cycle: 60 seconds
w3wp!library!1!03/14/2007-07:01:35:: i INFO: Catalog SQL Server Edition = Standard
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:36:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.
File name: 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.CreateNewSessionAction.Save()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportExecutionService.LoadReport(String Report, String HistoryID, ExecutionInfo& executionInfo)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.GetExecutionInfo()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.SetParameters(NameValueCollection parameters)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportViewerHost.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:01:36:: i INFO: Exception dumped to: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1Reporting ServicesLogFiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
w3wp!library!a!3/14/2007-07:11:35:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
w3wp!library!9!3/14/2007-07:21:35:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:31:35:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
w3wp!library!8!3/14/2007-07:33:55:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.
File name: 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.CreateNewSessionAction.Save()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportExecutionService.LoadReport(String Report, String HistoryID, ExecutionInfo& executionInfo)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.GetExecutionInfo()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.SetParameters(NameValueCollection parameters)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportViewerHost.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
w3wp!library!8!3/14/2007-07:34:25:: i INFO: Exception dumped to: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1Reporting ServicesLogFiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
w3wp!library!1!3/14/2007-07:41:35:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams
w3wp!library!a!3/14/2007-07:42:44:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.
File name: 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.CreateNewSessionAction.Save()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportExecutionService.LoadReport(String Report, String HistoryID, ExecutionInfo& executionInfo)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.GetExecutionInfo()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.SetParameters(NameValueCollection parameters)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportViewerHost.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
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Mar 2, 2007
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DataWarehouse, version, Culture=neutral,publicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' - the system cannot find the file specified.
I get this message when I try to do a forcast from the Data Mining - Forecast menu.
Forecast from Table Tools, Analyse, Forecast works perfect.
Running Vista and using the DMAddins_SampleData workbook.
Any ideas ?
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Nov 17, 2007
I need to register a .Net assembly within the SQL 2005 eng because other assembies depend on it. That I need to use.
I get the following error message listed below, of the Assembly is depended on itself [ IE 'System.Web' need assembly 'System.Web' ] see the bold/unscore below...
Has any one solve this or can tell me what I'm doing incorrect?
The Jet
Here is the message stack:
Attempting to create the following assembly in SQL Server 2005:
CREATE ASSEMBLY [system.web] from 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727system.web.dll'
results in the following messages:
Warning: The Microsoft .Net frameworks assembly 'system.web, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorarchitecture=x86.' you are registering is not fully tested in SQL Server hosted environment.
Warning: The Microsoft .Net frameworks assembly 'system.directoryservices, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorarchitecture=msil.' you are registering is not fully tested in SQL Server hosted environment.
Warning: The Microsoft .Net frameworks assembly 'system.directoryservices.protocols, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorarchitecture=msil.' you are registering is not fully tested in SQL Server hosted environment.
Warning: The Microsoft .Net frameworks assembly 'system.enterpriseservices, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorarchitecture=x86.' you are registering is not fully tested in SQL Server hosted environment.
Warning: The Microsoft .Net frameworks assembly 'system.runtime.remoting, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089, processorarchitecture=msil.' you are registering is not fully tested in SQL Server hosted environment.
Msg 10300, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Assembly 'System.Web' references assembly 'system.web, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a.', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate and automatically load the referenced assembly from the same location where referring assembly came from, but that operation has failed (reason: version, culture or public key mismatch). Please load the referenced assembly into the current database and retry your request.
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Sep 21, 2015
I have created a custom library(CodeLibrary) which internally references the dlls Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client and Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.
I added this custom Dll codelibrary.dll to my SSRS report. and the expression of one of the field as
codefunction is the class and GetValue is the method.
When I preview the report, I get the error "Error while loading code module:
'CodeLibrary,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null'. Could not load file or assembly 'CodeLibrary,Version1.0.0.0, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
I am using VS2013, I have placed the custom library DLL in the path
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDEPrivateAssemblies
I have tested the custom library with a WPF application and it works fine.
I am not able to figure out what is causing this error.
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Sep 18, 2007
I am using sql reporting service 2005 with .NET 2.0.
I have created a custom dll file for report and put this dll in appropriate folder.
Report is running fine in designer project.
but when I am trying to view this report after uploading to report manager it give me an error like
Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: The type initializer for 'CableReporting.Utilities' threw an exception. (rsErrorLoadingExprHostAssembly)Is there any solution for that?
thanks and Regards
Apurv Shah
IBM India pvt Ltd
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