Count Date With 2 Tables?
Aug 18, 2012
I'm starting with the question but my end would be to store the results of this data so I can query it from my Access front end using between dates to determine totals.
1) How do I create a SQL view/temp table to query count totals from an MS Access 2010
2) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblProject](
[ProjectID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CAD] [bit] NULL, [RMS] [bit] NULL, [JMS] [bit] NULL,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblProjectMilestones]([MilestoneID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProjectID] [int] NULL, [ProjectSignedByCustomer] [datetime] NULL,
[ProjectCompleted] [datetime] NULL,
3) tblProject - CAD, RMS and JMS = True/False variations
tblProjectMilestones - ProjectCompleted = datetime
4) To calculate the count for each deliverable with no dates:
Select (Select COUNT (*) as CountCAD from tblProject where CAD='true') as CADNumber,
(Select COUNT (*) as CountRMS from tblProject where RMS='true')as RMSNumber
5) When I run the query between any dates, using tblProjectMilestonses.ProjectCompleted, what I would like is:
CADCount | RMSCount| JMSCount|
5 10 3
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Jan 19, 2007
iam new to SQL i mostly do select on DB but now iam asked to do this...need Help
I have a task to calculate the cost of a lead depending on conditions
Condition: The leads form PhoneLeads channel (of many channels)
First 30 records per day, type A will cost 20$. From 31st record its 50% off
First 30 records per day, type B will cost 10$. From the 31st record 50% off
Its straight and simple if the count is less than 30 on a day but how to change the cost from the 31st lead….How do I do this as an update to the table. Initially the cost is null for all
Sample output data:
PhoneLeadsA2007-01-17 00:00:0020
PhoneLeadsB2007-01-17 00:00:0010
PhoneLeadsB2007-01-17 00:00:0010
PhoneLeadsB2007-01-17 00:00:0010
PhoneLeadsA2007-01-17 00:00:0020
After the 30th lead on the same day the cost should be 50% discounted
PhoneLeadsA2007-01-17 00:00:0010
PhoneLeadsA2007-01-17 00:00:0010
PhoneLeadsB2007-01-17 00:00:005
PhoneLeadsA2007-01-17 00:00:0010
PhoneLeadsA2007-01-17 00:00:0010
PhoneLeadsB2007-01-17 00:00:005
PhoneLeadsB2007-01-17 00:00:005
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Mar 5, 2007
Hi all, i am prity new to sql and am just learning (that hard way)
I have this code and i am trying to get out of it: a date with the number of calles that have been taken on that date between 2 dates.
SET @DisplayFrom = <%FromDate|Enter start date%>
SET @DisplayTo = <%ToDate|Enter end date%>
SET @FromDate = dbo.fUniversalTime(@DisplayFrom)
SET @ToDate = dbo.fUniversalTime(@DisplayTo)
SELECT SUM(ActiveDate), ActiveDate
(SELECT DISTINCT (ActiveDate) from [case])as T
where ActiveDate between @FromDate and @ToDate
group by ActiveDate
e.g. output
01/02/07 52
02/02/07 63
hope this makes sence
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Jan 4, 2015
I have two tables. I have three columns DEPARTMENT_NAME, LAST_NAME, JOB_ID.
DEPARTMENT_NAME is from table
1. JOB_ID and LAST_NAME are from table 2.
I would like to count the number of employees for each DEPARTMENT_NAME and I want to be displayed DEPARTMENT_NAME, LAST_NAME, JOB_ID. But all I can do is to find the number of employees for each job_id. One DEPARTMENT_NAME has more than one JOB_ID.
Here is my code:
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Oct 10, 2007
What to know if it can be done.
Have a main table with the user id's in it it and i want to join it to two other tables. One being a downloads table and the second being a searches tables, will join them both via the user id's. What i would like to do is count the rows from both the and searches tables and return each value next with userid.
User ID, Downloads, Searches
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Jul 20, 2005
I have two tables in my DB for an e-commerce app. This allows for 1 order tohave multiple products. I want to select the OrderID from the Orders tablebut only when all the corresponding records in the OrderDetails table allhave their Despatched value = 0. Can anyone offer any help please?Simplified tables below.Orders-------------OrderIDUserIDOrderNumberOrderDateOrderDetails-------------OrderDetailsIDOrderIDProductIDDespatched
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May 12, 2014
I have a table containing some events. Those events all have a start date and an end date.
eventID int,
eventname char(30),
startdate date,
enddate date
[Code] ....
When looking at the data some days have multiple events. Now I want to generate a new table that show all the dates in this month showing the number of running events for that specific day.
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May 7, 2015
I want to count the values of 2 field on particular date
I have user table with 3 field
Now i want to count the no. of files from_userid have send, no. of files to user_id have received on particular day. The data is like this
From_userid to_userid date
3953 6274 10/22/2014
3953 6152 10/22/2014
1112 2710 10/22/2014
3953 1851 10/23/2014
3953 4302 10/23/2014
4302 2710 10/23/2014
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a problem that I can't quite get started on solving.I have a table of asset statuses. Each time the asset status changes, anew row is inserted into the table.CREATE TABLE dbo.Tbl_EMStatusHistory (EMStatusID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,EMSessionID int NULL ,AssetID int NOT NULL ,AssetStatus int NOT NULL ,StatusComment varchar (250) NULL ,StatusDate smalldatetime NOT NULL ,InsertUser sysname NOT NULL ,InsertDate smalldatetime NULL ,CONSTRAINT PK_EMStatusHistory PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED(EMStatusID))Here is some sample data:EMStatusID AssetID AssetStatus StatusDate DeviceType4772622624OUT2003-10-05Monitor3810022624IN2003-10-16Monitor4726122624OUT2003-10-25 Monitor3819322624IN2003-11-02 Monitor3917122624RV2004-05-02 MonitorFor asset 22624, the current (most recent) status = RV. Before that, itlastchanged status on 2003-11-02, when it was IN. So it was IN from2003-11-02 to2004-05-02.I need to produce a report that counts the devices by type that were INon a given report date,like so:ReportDateMonitorsTransmitters05/01/2004342605/02/2004373005/03/2004393205/04/20043531The end user supplies the date range.I am unsure how to approach this. I came up with oneEinsteinian-Newtonian method that involved three temp tables, a gardenhose, and a duck, and it was getting uglier by the minute. Has anyonehad experience with a requirement like this? Thanks, Dave"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky?"*** Sent via Devdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Aug 31, 2006
I am currently using this SQL code to capture some records over the last 2 months and it has been working great. I am now being asked if I can change this code with specifications:
1) Scan the records in the system until the count (*) as Volume reaches 30 because they prefer that as a denominator when figuring an average
2) Only run the scan for a maximum of 6 months.
So, there will most likely be some records that do not reach a volume number of 30 in this date range. In this instance we will just take the maximum volume number reached at 6 months.
So, how can I write this so it will build the file each time a record has reached the maximum of 30 and keep scanning back until we reach 6 months? If someone could lead me in the right direction on the proper order of the methodology in my code to accomplish these results it would be greatly appreciated. Desperate!
@startdate smalldatetime,
@enddate smalldatetime ,
@month int,
@year int
@startdate = dateadd (mm, -2, getdate())
@month = datepart (month, @startdate),
@year = datepart (year, @startdate)
@startdate = convert (smalldatetime, convert(varchar(2), @month) + "/1/" + convert (varchar(4), @year))
@enddate = dateadd (mm, 2 , @startdate)
select distinct
pe1.patev_loc_id as LocID,
pp_cproc_id_r as ProcID,
count (*) as Volume,
sum (datediff (mi, pe1.patev_event_time, pe2.patev_event_time)) as Minutes,
sum (datediff (mi, pe1.patev_event_time, pe2.patev_event_time))/count(*) as AvgMin
risdb_rch08_stag..performed_procedure (index pp_serv_time_r_ndx),
risdb_rch04_stag..patient_event pe1,
risdb_rch04_stag..patient_event pe2
pp_service_time_r between @Startdate and @Enddate
and pp_asn_req_no = pe1.patev_asn_req_no
and pp_asn_seq_no = pe1.patev_asn_seq_no
and pp_status_v = 'CP'
and pp_rep_id > 0
and pe1.patev_event_code = 'PB'
and (pp_asn_req_no = pe2.patev_asn_req_no
and pp_asn_seq_no = pe2.patev_asn_seq_no
and pe2.patev_event_code = 'PL')
and datediff (mi, pe1.patev_event_time, pe2.patev_event_time) > 0
group by
pe1.patev_loc_id , pp_cproc_id_r
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Dec 28, 2007
Hi All,
I am wondering how to achieve a running count on the rows being displayed in a table list. Not sure how to get it to show 1 for first row, 2 for second row, 3 for third row and so on. Example
No | Name
1 | John
2 | Jane
3 | Jim
I am also wondering on the date format in SSRS. When I try to format the date 10/31/2007 in a DD/MM/YYYY format it does not come out so good. Basically I go to the cell property and choose custom formatting, input the formatting string d/mm/yyyy but it only shows 31/00/2007. Can you guys tell me what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for the help.
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Jan 10, 2007
I have two tables: Thread and Reply and they both have a field called UserID
I need to know the number of rows in both tables where UserID="Chris"
I can do this with two stored procedures and add the results together:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Thread WHERE Thread.UserID='Chris'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Reply WHERE Reply.UserID='Chris'
but there must be a better way. Can this be written as one stored procedure with some sort of join?
Thanks, Chris
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Jan 31, 2005
I have 4 tables
One is a user table and the other three contain records for the users. They all have a USERNAME column
I would like to get a count of records for each table grouped by USERNAME
My output would be:
Thanks For the help!
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Feb 14, 2000
Hi ,
Is there anyway I can get to know the total no of tables on a database
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Mar 1, 2001
Do anyone knows how can i count rows in all the tables in a database.
With select count(*) I can count rows only from one table .
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Jul 23, 2003
Hi all....
Have a bit of a dilema involving getting a count on an inner join table select.
The projects (WU_Title) are listed in one table (BPI_Upload) and the second table (BPI_ProjectFeedback) holds multiple rows that are added via form where PF_Project is the same as WU_Title.
Here is the current select I am using...
SELECT t1.FileID, t1.WU_Title, t1.WU_Start, t1.WU_End, t1.WU_ProjectStatus, t2.PF_Project
FROM dbo.BPI_Upload t1 INNER JOIN dbo.BPI_ProjectFeedback t2
ON t1.WU_Title = t2.PF_Project
WHERE t1.WU_ProjectStatus = 'Completed'
This presently returns:
ID(1)Project(t1) ID(2) Project(t2)
1 project_a 1 project_a
1 project_a 2 project_a
1 project_a 3 project_a
What I need is to return only the title and a count from the second table of how many times the title occurs there.
Ultimately ....
Title[project_a] Count[3]
I am having difficulty with where to place the COUNT() within the select.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Apr 22, 2002
Does anyone know how to get the row count of a user table by using the system tables.
There is no guarantee that these user tables will have any indexes - so I can not use the sysindexes table to count the rows in a clustered index.
Is there another way?
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Jan 18, 2005
Hello To All @ Dev Shed,
I have three tables, say, A, B, and C. Both B and C contain/reference the primary key of A, ie B.a_id, and C.a_id. Multiple rows in B and multiple rows in C can have the same a_id. C and B have no relationships and essentially independant of each other.
I'm trying to find a single query (to prevent having to rewite function interfaces) that can return all the fields of A, the sum of a feilds in B, B.cost, where B.a_id = A.a_id and finially the count of C.a_id 's for where C.a_id = A.a_id.
The query I've been worlking on so far is as follows,
SELECT, A.a_id, SUM (B.cost), COUNT ( DISTINCT C.a_id)
This produces the correct result for the count of C.a_id (thanks to a DISTINCT) but the sum of B.cost is out by the factor of count C.a_id. I can see why this is happening but have completely run out of ideas. Group by on two columns may be? A strategically placed subquery? Is is even possible?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time.
PS I'm new to this forum thing so if you want the unsimplified query with all the full names just let me know and I'll post it.
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Jan 31, 2005
I have three tables - clients, messages, orders. clientid is the primary key for clients and clientid is present in both messages and orders as foreign key. I want to get clientid, messagecount, and ordercount, that is, for each client I want to get number of messages posted by the client and number of orders placed by the client.
To get clientid, messagecount I do this:
select a.clientid, count(b.clientid) as messagecount
from clients a left outer join messages b on a.clientid = b.clientid
group by a.clientid
To get clientid, ordercount I do this:
select a.clientid, count(b.clientid) as ordercount
from clients a left outer join orders b on a.clientid = b.clientid
group by a.clientid
But I am not able to get all three clientid, messagecount, ordercount in a single query. This is what I tried. But it is not giving me the correct answer.
select a.clientid, count(b.clientid) as messagecount, count(c.clientid) as ordercount
from clients a
left outer join messages b on a.clientid = b.clientid
left outer join orders c on a.clientid = c.clientid
group by a.clientid
Can any one tell me how to do it right?
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Jan 4, 2015
I have two tables. I have three columns DEPARTMENT_NAME, LAST_NAME, JOB_ID.
DEPARTMENT_NAME is from table 1.
JOB_ID and LAST_NAME are from table 2.
I would like to count the number of employees for each DEPARTMENT_NAME and I want to be displayed DEPARTMENT_NAME, LAST_NAME, JOB_ID. But all I can do is to find the number of employees for each job_id. One DEPARTMENT_NAME has more than one JOB_ID.
Here is my code:
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Apr 29, 2014
I have two tables
How would i write a single sql statement where i can get that counts how many bookIDs are listed for each custoemrID and how many magzaineIDs are listed for each customerID and have it return one table that looks like this:
CustomerID, BookCount, MagazineCount
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Nov 24, 2007
Hello. I'm quite new to SQL so have included as many details as i can think of here. The scenario is a wordsearch style puzzle. The user can select their answers in any order and these answers are stored in a table. I need help with the UPDATE statement to compare the users answers against the correct answers for that puzzle.
(Note: In the actual scenario there will be 10-15 answers per grid, but i have reduced the number to make testing easier - hopefully the code for a working UPDATE statement will be scalable to account for grids with different numbers of answers etc.)
The Tables:
-- These are the correct answers for a given grid (gridid).
-- Due to the nature of the puzzle, answers can be in any order.
-- Each level may contain one,two,or no 'bonusanswers' which are harder to find, so these are scored separately so bonus points can be awarded.
CREATE TABLE correctanswers
answer1 char(15),
answer2 char(15),
bonusanswer1 char(15),
bonusanswer2 char(15)
-- These are the user submitted set of answers 'answerid' for level 'gridid'.
-- Answers may be submitted in any order.
CREATE TABLE useranswers
gridid smallint,
firstanswer char(15),
secondanswer char(15),
thirdanswer char(15),
fourthanswer char(15),
-- A user (userid) submits their answers which get stored as answerid.
-- This table shows the scores for each set of answerid's the user has submitted.
-- A high score table for both the individual user, and all users may be created using this table.
CREATE TABLE userscores
userid smallint,
answerid smallint,
mainmatches smallint,
bonusmatches smallint
The Test Data:
-- sample test data
-- 2 users userid's '1' and '2' each have two goes on level1 (gridid 1)
-- correct answers for gridid 1
INSERT INTO correctanswers (answer1, answer2, bonusanswer1, bonusanswer2) VALUES ('cat','dog','rabbit','elephant')
-- user submitted answers for gridid 1
INSERT INTO useranswers (gridid, firstanswer, secondanswer, thirdanswer, fourthanswer) VALUES (1,'dog','rabbit','horse','cow')
INSERT INTO useranswers (gridid, firstanswer, secondanswer, thirdanswer, fourthanswer) VALUES (1,'dog','cat','elephant','horse')
INSERT INTO useranswers (gridid, firstanswer, secondanswer, thirdanswer, fourthanswer) VALUES (1,'rabbit','cat','elephant','donkey')
INSERT INTO useranswers (gridid, firstanswer, secondanswer, thirdanswer, fourthanswer) VALUES (1,'horse','cat','dog','sheep')
-- scores for users attempts - columns 3 and 4 needs calculating
INSERT INTO userscores VALUES (1,1,null,null) -- one main answer and one bonus answer, so null,null should be 1,1
INSERT INTO userscores VALUES (1,2,null,null) -- two main answers and one bonus answer, so null,null should be 2,1
INSERT INTO userscores VALUES (2,3,null,null) -- one main answer and two bonus answers, so null,null should be 1,2
INSERT INTO userscores VALUES (2,4,null,null) -- two main answers and no bonus answers, so null,null should be 2,0
I have included the correct new table values for the sample data - basically filling in the two null fields in the 'userscores' table.
I haven't used SQL much but from the little i know then i think the answer will include JOIN, COUNT and IN statements as part of the UPDATE statement...but i haven't a clue where to start with the order/logic etc.
I have looked for sample solutions myself but all the examples i have found so far are to do with exact matches between two tables, whereas in my scenario i need to know how many matches, irrelevant of the order.
Many thanks.
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Jan 11, 2006
There a stored procedure or query that will count all the recordsin all my tables in a database.One of these two -exec sp_MSforeachtable N'SELECT "table" = ''?'', cnt = COUNT(*) FROM ?'select object_name(id), rows from sysindexes where indid in (1, 0)Is there a way to add columns to the second query? I would like to seehow many columns and their names as well.Thanks.
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Apr 13, 2006
I need some help with this. I was able to count all the records in ourdatabase using the user_tables and user_tab_columns tables afterrefreshing the statistics on this database.We are doing an upgrade of a system and I will not be able to refreshthe statistics during the upgrade. I need more of a manual process ofrunning these queries.Now I do:select A.table_name, round(A.num_rows,0) as rowcount,count(b.table_name) as ColumnCountfrom dba_tables A, dba_tab_columns Bwhere A.table_name = B.table_name and A.owner in ('PS','SYSADM')group by A.table_name, A.num_rowsorder by rowcount desc, columncount descBut I can't use the num_rows anymore so I was thinking more to do this:Select A.table_name from(select count(*) from A.Table_name B where A.Table_name =B.Table_Name)from user_tableThis does not work for me since I don't know how to pass the table_namefrom the first select to the second select. The logic is there but thesyntax is not.Please help.
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Sep 12, 2007
Thank you in advance for your assitance. I am trying to write a query that will query multiple tables for the same column. All the tables have thsi column "szF11". I am wanting something similar to this:
Code Snippet
SELECT count(ulID)
FROM (dbo.F_ACCOU_Data UNION dbo.F_AGNCY_Data UNION dbo.F_APPEA_Data UNION etc.....)
WHERE szF11 = ' '
Note: ulID is the name of a column that every table has and szF11 is also in every table.
Pseudo Code: I want to count how many ulID's (if there is a row then something is in the ulID column it is never blank) in all the tables that are listed that have a blank in the szF11 column.
I am getting a very cryptic error message and of course I can't find anything in the documentation to help me understand the error.
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Feb 29, 2008
If I have the following tables:
ID Car
1 Mazda3
2 Miata
Color Car ID
Black 1
Silver 1
Black 2
Style Car ID
i 1
s 1
touring 1
What is the simplest query that will return a result set like:
Car # of Colors # of Styles
Mazda3 2 3
Miata 1 0
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Apr 17, 2008
My table contains following data
04/04/2005 12:15:300====0
04/04/2005 12:10:300====0
04/04/2005 12:20:300====0
04/04/2005 12:20:300====1
04/04/2005 12:20:300====1
04/05/2005 12:15:300====0
04/05/2005 12:10:300====0
04/05/2005 12:20:300====0
04/05/2005 12:20:300====0
04/05/2005 12:20:300====1
04/06/2005 12:15:300====0
04/06/2005 12:10:300====1
04/06/2005 12:20:300====0
04/06/2005 12:20:300====1
04/06/2005 12:20:300====0
I want to count number of Active and Inactive Items per day. How can i do this. Following is the desired result set according to the above data..
I can get count total count per day using following query.
Select Dateadd(day, Datediff(day, 0, date), 0) as date, Count(id) as [Count]
from myTable
group by Dateadd(day, Datediff(day, 0, date), 0)
order by date desc
how does i change this query to get desired result....?
Muhammad Saifullah
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Jun 18, 2015
I have conducted a thorough search in the forums and cannot quite find my answer. I have a date field called open_date. If the open_date is more than 30 days old, I need to count it. I have started with the following code:
SELECT 'Older_Than_30Days' =
WHEN >= 30 THEN '1'
ELSE '0"
My problem is the WHEN.
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Mar 27, 2008
I need to count the records in a table with a datetime field equal to system datetime. It looks like it is trying to match time also since time is in field too. I just want to match date only. My sql is below. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to handle this?
Date from code
DateTime todaydt = DateTime.Now;
Table Data format
[cal_str_tm] [datetime] not null,
Data in cal_str_tm field - 3/27/2008 9:43:16 PM
@todaydt datetime
SELECT @total = COUNT(cal_int_id)
from dpcalldtl
where (cal_callstat != 'COMPLETED' and cal_str_tm = @todaydt)
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May 30, 2004
Anyone knows how to get a Table's Row Count from system tables?
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Oct 5, 2013
I'm trying to get the number of records from one table where a column matches another column in a 2nd table. I then need the total values of another column that it has selected.
SELECT HOLIDAY_REF].holiday_id, COUNT([BOOKING].booking_status_id) AS record_count COUNT([BOOKING].total_value) AS total_value FROM [HOLIDAY_REF] LEFT OUTER JOIN [BOOKING] ON [HOLIDAY_REF].holiday_id = [BOOKING].booking_status_id WHERE [BOOKING].holiday_id=[HOLIDAY_REF].holiday_id && booking_status_id = '330'
holiday_id | holiday_name
1 | Italy
2 | Russia
3 | Spain
holiday_id | booking_status_id | total_value
1 | 330 | 2500
3 | 330 | 1500
1 | 330 | 1750
2 | 330 | 1240
2 | 330 | 5600
Results would be:
Holiday_id | holiday_name | total_value | record_count
1 | Italy | 4250 | 2
2 | Russia | 6840 | 2
3 | Spain | 1500 | 1
Not sure I'm going about it the right way.
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Nov 23, 2005
I have data like this in a two column temporary table -ID Age23586 323586 323586 223586 223586 123586 123586 123586 123586 1I need to create a temporary table that look like this:ID Age1 Age2 Age3 Age423586 5 2 2 0However, what I get is this:23586 5 NULL NULL NULL23586 NULL 2 NULL NULL23586 NULL NULL 2 NULLHere is the query that I am managed_object_id, (select count(Age) where Age = 1) As Age1,(select count(Age) where Age = 2) as Age2,(select count(Age) where Age = 3) as Age3,(select count(Age) where Age = 4) as Age4into #enhancementCount from #enhancementsgroup by managed_object_id, AgeWhere's my mistake?Thanks-Danielle
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Sep 26, 2007
How can I get a quick count of all tables in a database? Is there a way to do this? Can the table count exclude system tables?
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