Count How Many Times Column Is Populated With A Number Per ID
Jul 10, 2013
What i want to do is count how many times the [Omnipay_Account] column is populated with a number per parentid.
In the [Omnipay_Account] column you can either have a null or a 15 digit number
Idea result layout would be three columns these columns would be
Every row, would need to be grouped via the parentid number
ParentId Omnipay MSIP
My query is
FROM [FDMS].[dbo].[Dim_Outlet]
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Sep 15, 2006
Is there a way to get the number of occurances of a word within a specific row?
I want to query a dataset and have a column act as the number of occurances of a word within that row. I also need to use Full-Text searching... Is this possible?
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Jul 28, 2015
Some logic for calculating the count for changed values.
E.g. :--
1 10
1 20
1 20
1 20
1 10
1 10
1 10
1 20
1 10
Here in the above table my value changed from 10 to 20 and so.., so Val column value changed 4 times, so I need the result like :
 id     count
 1        4Â
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Oct 24, 2013
I am having following data:
I want to count number of occurrence in column c3. i.e., count 1 occurred value 9 times, count 2 occurred value 3 times, count 3 occurred value 3 times.
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Feb 3, 2008
I have a table employee with 4 columns,
empno fname lname deptno
1 abc def 10
2 fff hhh 20
3 abc def NULL
4 abc def NULL
5 abc def 50
suppose i want to know the total number of null values in a particular column say deptno how shuld i write a query?
select count(deptno) from employee
where deptno IS NULL..
When i query this i get the result as 0..
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Jul 4, 2012
SELECT ((ACOS(SIN(34.37769 * PI() / 180) * SIN(latitude * PI() / 180)
+ COS(34.37769 * PI() / 180) * COS(latitude * PI() / 180) * COS((132.404738 - longitude)
* PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515) AS ranges FROM completeyuubinwithlatlon having ranges<=3
First, I have that code whenever i disregard the "having ranges<=3" it selects record but when I include it it returns error. The problem is I want to just select records with ranges less than 3 do I do that.. and I want to count the number of selected rows and store it on a column on the same table.
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Aug 23, 2006
I have a table with two columns:
OwnerName Owner
OwnerName is populated. Owner is not.
I want to populate the Owner column with the OwnerName in alphabetical order. I have already created a function to do this.
Select fnGetOwner(OwnerName) from OwnerTable. This returns:
Smith, John
Smith, Mary
How do I populate the blank Owner field beside the OwnerName in the OwnerTable?
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May 12, 2006
Is it possible to count the same field with different criteria. It would be something like this.
So you would execute a statement which would count(car_brand) with two different criteria.
I am not sure if this is possible or if there is another way to approach it.
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Apr 24, 2014
I need to write a SQL to find number of hours between a begin time and end time. The fields are varchar. There are several date functions in sql, but I am not able to figure out how to get the hours between two times that is not in date format.
0900----- 1500
1000----- 1700
1000----- 1230
0930----- 1030
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Aug 2, 2007
Need help to create a query to count how many times over a specified time the tag(s) equal the value of 1.
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Sep 14, 2007
I have a table with about 10 million rows, its been logging data incorrectly and I want to start again.
I just get a message about the server timing out, what can I do?
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Dec 14, 2014
I got this ERD and I have 2 questions about it:
What is the minimum number of times that R2 can appear in the connection? and what is the maximum?
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Jul 11, 2007
Hi, I was wondering if any SQL Server gurus out there could help me...I have a table I'm trying to apply a full text catalog to, however no results are ever returned due to the text column being cataloged being of varbinary(max) that's being populated from a converted nvarchar(max) value - I've narrowed it down to this specifically, populating with non nvarchar text seems to work fine.To re-create the problem quickly...If I populate the column viaCONVERT(varbinary(max), 'test text')then there is no problem, I get results as expected.However if I populate the column viaCONVERT(varbinary(max), CAST('test text' as nvarchar(max)))no results are ever returned.Is this a bug with SQL Server 2005 Full Text Indexing? I'm happily creating full text catalogs when an nvarchar is not getting converted into a varbinary.I'm setting the Document Type column to '.html' (I've tried changing this to '.txt' in case it was a fault with the html ifilter but the problem persists so I believe I can rule this out).The reason I need to convert an nvarchar to varbinary is that the table holds multi-lingual text and I'm adding a html meta tag <META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="ES"> to the beginning in order for the full text indexing word breaker to select the correct language to catalog the text with. The aim being to provide more relevant searches in users native languages (I've read a few articles that describe this technique, but it's the first time I've tried to apply it).Any pointers / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers,Gavin.
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Jul 11, 2007
Hi, I was wondering if any SQL Server gurus out there could help me...
I have a table I'm trying to apply a full text catalog to, however no results are ever returned due to the text column being cataloged being of varbinary(max) that's being populated from a converted nvarchar(max) value.
To re-create the problem quickly...
If I populate the column via
CONVERT(varbinary(max), 'test text')
then there is no problem, I get results as expected.
However if I populate the column via
CONVERT(varbinary(max), CAST('test text' as nvarchar(max)))
no results are ever returned.
Is this a bug with SQL Server 2005 Full Text Indexing? I'm happily creating full text catalogs when an nvarchar is not getting converted into a varbinary.
I'm setting the Document Type column to '.html' (I've tried changing this to '.txt' in case it was a fault with the html ifilter but the problem persists so I believe I can rule this out).
The reason I need to convert an nvarchar to varbinary is that the table holds multi-lingual text and I'm adding a html meta tag <META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="ES"> to the beginning in order for the full text indexing word breaker to select the correct language to catalog the text with. The aim being to provide more relevant searches in users native languages (I've read a few articles that describe this technique, but it's the first time I've tried to apply it).
Any pointers / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers,
UPDATE: Below is a T-SQL script you can run to demonstrate the effect I'm experiencing...
Code Snippet
-- Create test database
USE FullTextTest
-- Create test data table
varbinarycol VARBINARY(MAX),
documentExtension VARCHAR(5),
-- The below single entry WILL BE FOUND (the text source is being entered directly)
INSERT INTO TestTable (pk, varbinarycol, documentExtension) VALUES (NEWID(), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX),'<META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN">test entry 1'), '.html')
-- The bellow two entries below WILL NOT BE FOUND (the text source is taken from an NVARCHAR(MAX) value)
INSERT INTO TestTable (pk, varbinarycol, documentExtension) VALUES (NEWID(), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), CAST('<META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN">test entry 2' AS NVARCHAR(MAX))), '.html')
INSERT INTO TestTable (pk, varbinarycol, documentExtension) VALUES (NEWID(), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), CAST('<META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN">test entry 3' AS NVARCHAR(MAX))), '.html')
-- Create the full text catalog
sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON TestTable (varbinarycol TYPE COLUMN documentExtension LANGUAGE 1033)
-- NOTE: You might need to give the catalog a chance to build before running the script below.
-- Now do a search that SHOULD RETURN 3 ROWS of data, but ONLY 1 ROW IS RETURNED
SELECT CAST(varbinarycol AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) FROM TestTable WHERE CONTAINS(varbinarycol, 'test')
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Apr 11, 2015
In my staging table I am having data like below
ABL¯ABL¯0¯0¯ABL¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ABL¯ABQ¯480¯825¯DLS¯AMA¯ABQ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ABL¯ACD¯808¯1255¯DLS¯ELP¯TCS¯PHX¯ACD¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ABL¯ADE¯1256¯471¯DLS¯AMA¯ABQ¯LSV¯ADE¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ABL¯AFT¯1140¯1744¯DLS¯LAX¯FON¯AFT¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ABL¯AHM¯1178¯1637¯DLS¯LAX¯AHM¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ABL¯ALB¯1769¯1825¯DLS¯WIL¯ALB¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
ABL¯ALE¯1041¯1150¯DLS¯ALE¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Now I want to find the Number of times a '¯'character appears in a string. I should get output 14
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Jun 22, 2015
How is the best way to make a function for summing an arbitrary number of times values (table parm?)- I 've read it's necessary to convert to seconds, sum then convert back, but Im' wondering if there's an alternative.
Here's the example I want to sum:
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Mar 21, 2015
I'm trying to quantify the number of times folks use SQL Server Management Studio to change client data in one of our production databases. Does SQL Server keep this statistic? How do I get to this data?
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Oct 1, 2015
In report builder 2.0, I cannot determine how to display the number of times a field has been filled out when a  one to many relationship is involved. I get an error every time I use two aggregates.
ID, Symptom_ID
1, 111
3, 222
3, 333
3, 444
5, 666
The result should be 3 out of 5 records... Or even better displayed as a percentage of the total 60%
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Jun 25, 2014
I need to have a script where it ask the user for a value, the script will search for all records that match the value. Then it will display the numbers of records found and ask the user to enter a different value. The rest of the script will use this new value and increment by 1 n times as the number of records found. I started the script where it will ask for "HANDLE" and display the number of records found with that "HANDLE"
declare @HANDLE as varchar(30)
declare @COUNT as varchar(10)
declare @STARTINV as varchar(20)
set @HANDLE = ?C --This is the parameter to search for records with this value
set @STARTINV = ?C --User will input the starting invoice number
I just can't figure out how to proceed to use the entered invoice # and increment by 1 until it reach the number of records found.
This will be the end results:
Count=5 --results from query
STARTINV=00010 --Value entered by user
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Nov 30, 2006
i just want one row instead of multiple rows results.
declare @name varchar(30)
declare @count int
declare @a int
set @name = 'dennis dennis'
set @count = 0
set @a = 1
while(@count < len(@name))
select count(substring(@name, @a, 1)), substring(@name, @a, 1)
where substring(@name, @a, 1) = 'd'
select @count = @count +1
select @a = @a+1
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a single update statement that updates the same column multipletimes in the same update statement. Basically i have a column thatlooks like . which are id references that need to be updatedwhen a group of items is copied. I can successfully do this withcursors, but am experimenting with a way to do it with a single updatestatement.I have verified that each row being returned to the Update statement(in an Update..From) is correct, but that after the first update to acolumn, the next row that does an update to that same row/column combois not using the updated data from the first update to that column.Does anybody know of a switch or setting that can make this work, or doI need to stick with the cursors?Schema detail:if exists( select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.ScheduleTask') and type = 'U')drop table dbo.ScheduleTaskgocreate table dbo.ScheduleTask (Id int not null identity(1,1),IdHierarchy varchar(200) not null,CopyTaskId int null,constraint PK_ScheduleTask primary key nonclustered (Id))goUpdate query:Update ScheduleTask SetScheduleTask.IdHierarchy = Replace(ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy, '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.', '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.Id as varchar) + '.')FromScheduleTaskINNER JOIN ScheduleTask as TaskCopyData ONScheduleTask.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDTaskCopyData.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDcharindex('.' + CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.',ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy) > 0Query used to verify that data going into update is correct:selectScheduleTask.Id, TaskCopyData.Id, ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy, '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.', '.' +CAST(TaskCopyData.Id as varchar) + '.'FromScheduleTaskINNER JOIN ScheduleTask as TaskCopyData ONScheduleTask.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDTaskCopyData.CopyTaskId IS NOT NULL ANDcharindex('.' + CAST(TaskCopyData.CopyTaskId as varchar) + '.',ScheduleTask.IdHierarchy) > 0
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May 28, 2015
I have a column with XML data stored in it. I need to update that column several times with new values for different nodes. I've written a CLR function to update the XML quickly but the update is always based on the initial value of the xmlData column. I was hoping that the subsequent updates would be based on the new data from the prior update (each xmlTable has several newData rows). Do I have to make this a table valued function and use cross apply?
UPDATE xmlTable
SET xmlTable.xmlData = Underwriting.UpdateByDynamicValue(xmlTable.xmlData,newData.NodeID,newData.NewValue)
FROM xmlTable
JOIN newData
ON xmlTable.ID = newData.fkXmlTableID
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Jul 10, 2015
How can I write it in SQL? I have a table that column  A   has two values of  Product  and Cost...Where value of A is Product, I have to add 6 more rows, and add column b with values from 1 to 7 for each rows ( counter)Where value of A is Cost, I have to add 4 more rows, and add column b with values from 1 to 5 for each rows ( counter).
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Nov 26, 2007
I use SQL 2000
I have a Column named Bool , the value in this Column is 0�0�1�1�1
I no I can use Count() to count this column ,the result would be "5"
but what I need is "2" and "3" and then I will show "2" and "3" in my DataGrid
as the True is 2 and False is 3
the Query will have some limited by a Where Query.. but first i need to know .. how to have 2 result count
could it be done by Count()? please help.
thank you very much
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Feb 26, 2008
can anyone tell me how to count number of records(rows) in a table without using "COUNT" function.for practise iam trying to implement it through queries.
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May 13, 2008
Using linq what would be the most efficient method of counting the number of users in the users table?
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Nov 30, 2005
The following SQL works on Access and Oracle to return the number of
Groups(Rows) of the SQL. In MS-SQL this SQL is not valid. What is the
equivalent in MS-SQL?
Select Count(1) FROM (Select ShipRegion, Sum(FREIGHT) as [TotalFreight]
from ORDERS WHERE OrderID < 123456 GROUP BY ShipRegion )
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Nov 11, 2005
hey, how would i count the number of rows, with out using a loop??
thanks, Justin
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Jul 9, 2009
I have one table tbl_resume.I have store all resume in one column ...RESUME...i have to count Number of words(Skills) used in resume :- JAVA or C++
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Sep 12, 2014
I know I have had this before, but I can't remember what I did to fix it.I have a field that is varchar. I need to count the numbers up.
Claim Count
When I do my query
Select Distinct count([Claim]) from Table
It comes up with 2.How do I have it recognize that I need the actual number count? I need it to be 43.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi all,Do you know how can I count the number of cubes and number of databasesin SQL Analysis Services using T-SQL?Thanks.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello, DeanTry this:select distinct c1, c2 into #tmp_1 from t1select count(*) as cnt from #tmp_1drop table #tmp_1With best regards.
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Feb 5, 2007
Hi all,
In the report I am working on, I have a "textbox39" in a table which has groups. I want to have another "textbox29" outside the table to count the number of "textbox39"s that are actually displayed and also the number of "textbox1"s that have a certain value (e.g. "1") in the final report. I tried to use "Sum(ReportItems!textbox39.Value)" but the compiler complains
Error 1 [rsAggregateReportItemInBody] The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox29' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers. d:perfperfreportingprojectPerformanceTestDetails v.3.rdl 0 0
Error 7 [rsReportItemReference] The Value expression for the textbox €˜textbox29€™ refers to the report item €˜textbox39€™. Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope. d:perfperfreportingprojectPerformanceTestDetails v.3.rdl 0 0
Anybody has any idea how to solve it?
Thanks so much,
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