Count # Of Results From SELECT Statement

Jun 6, 2008

Hey all - VERY new to SQL so I apologize if I butcher normally trivial things :)

Looking to run a query that will retrieve the number of results returned from a select statement...

Currently have a LicenseID table with a Software column...the statement that works on it's own that i've got is:

SELECT * FROM Software WHERE LicensesID = 2

Currently when I run that with the data so far I get 4 results returned to can I add to that statement so that instead of displaying the results themselves, I just get the number 4 returned as a total number of results?

Thanks all!

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Select Top N Results In A Group; Count(*)&<=n

Jan 18, 2003

Two tables: CompanyPrices(CompanyID, ProductID, Price), CompanyRegion(CompanyID, Region)
ProductID is the primary key.

I want to get 10 smallest prices in each Region. In other words, I am looking for 10 cheapest prices in each region. So, if there are 20 regions, I should get excatly 200 rows having prices for products from 200 companies if there were at least 10 companies in each region.

I tried the follwoing, but get incorrect results.

select S1.Region, S1.Price from (select CompanyPrices.*, Region from CompanyPrices inner join CompanyRegion on CompanyPrices.CompanyID=CompanyRegion.CompanyID) S1 inner join
(select CompanyPrices.*, Region from CompanyPrices inner join CompanyRegion on CompanyPrices.CompanyID=CompanyRegion.CompanyID) S2 on S1.Region = S2.Region
group by S1.Region, S1.Price having count(*)<=10 order by S1.Region, S1.Price

However, if I want to get 10 cheapest products for each company, the above sql works by modifying the join condition. Instead of S1.Region = S2.Region , I use S1.CompanyID = S2.CompanyID and I get correct results for 10 cheapest products for each company.

select S1.CompanyID, S1.Price from (select CompanyPrices.*, Region from CompanyPrices inner join CompanyRegion on CompanyPrices.CompanyID=CompanyRegion.CompanyID) S1 inner join
(select CompanyPrices.*, Region from CompanyPrices inner join CompanyRegion on CompanyPrices.CompanyID=CompanyRegion.CompanyID) S2 on S1.CompanyID = S2.CompanyID
group by S1.CompanyID, S1.Price having count(*)<=10 order by S1.CompanyID, S1.Price

I am not sure what is wrong in the first query and why it does not work when the second one works. Could someone help in making the first query work to give me correct results?

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Trying To Get A Count In A Select Statement

Oct 21, 2007

When I try and execute this query I get the belwo error.
I want to get the ItemName and the Count as one column.
How can this be done? 
SELECT itemName, itemName +' - '+ COUNT(itemName) AS itemNameCount FROM tblItems GROUP BY itemName
ERROR: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Spark Plug - ' to data type int.

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Using A Count W/in A Sub Select Statement

Mar 2, 2006

I'm trying to create a DTS package that uses CDO to send users an email. I need to create a sql query that counts two columns. I also need to create aliases for these two columns and then reference this in the sendEmail function. I have something that looks like this but I'm getting a DTS error. I think that it's because I'm not using an alias to reference Valid and Invalid. Can someone tell me how to alias the subselect columns correctly?? thanks :)

select advertiseremail, accountnumber from miamiherald where AdvertiserEmail is not null (select Valid = (select count (*) from miamiherald where validad = 1), Invalid = (select count (*) as Invalid from miamiherald where validad = 0))

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Help With COUNT In SELECT Statement

Jul 20, 2005

Could someone assist with getting the count function working correctlyin this example please. I know the count function will return all rowsthat do not have null values, but in this case I want to count all therows except those with a zero sale price, (which are unsold).The table shows works offered for sale by an artist, with a positivefigure under SalePrice indicating a sale, and I want to count thenumber sold by each auction house, and sum the sale price by auctionhouse. The table is as follows:NameSalePriceAuctionDowling12000ChristiesDowling 0ChristiesDowling10000ChristiesDowling 0ChristiesDowling 0ChristiesDowling 6000SothebysDowling 0SothebysDowling 0SothebysDowling 8000SothebysDowling 0SothebysDowling 0SothebysDowling 0SothebysWhen I run this query:SELECT MyTable.Name, Count(MyTable.Name) AS [Number],Sum(MyTable.SalePrice) AS TotalSales, MyTable.AuctionFROM MyTableGROUP BY MyTable.Name, MyTable.AuctionHAVING (((MyTable.Name)="Dowling") AND ((Sum(MyTable.SalePrice))>0));The results are:NameNumberTotalSalesAuctionDowling 5 22000 ChristiesDowling 7 14000 SothebysThe TotalSales is correct, but the Number (Count) is incorrect, as therows with zero were also included. The results should be:NameNumberTotalSalesAuctionDowling 2 22000 ChristiesDowling 2 14000 SothebysHow do I prevent the unsolds (zeros) being counted?Thanks in advance,John Furphy

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Count(*) And Select In The Same WITH Statement

Apr 22, 2008


I have a query:

-- main select
WITH Orders AS
ROW_Number() OVER(MyDate ASC) RowNo,
** rest o the query ***
FROM Orders

--count of records
FROM ** the same query as above ***

In this case it can happen that when counting records there will be different number of records that it was at time of paging. Also server has to execute this query twice and the query is quite complicated means that takes time.

Is there any better way to get number of rows in the same part of query with paging ?

Thanks for help

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Cycling Through Results Of A Select Statement

Aug 30, 2004

I am new to stored procedures and T-SQL so please stick with me. I have a table that holds information about companies. I am trying to write a stored procedure that when run will query that table and find out if there are more than one entry of that company. All company names in that table must be unique (they can only occur once), if they occur more than once I need to flag it for reporting.

So what is the best way to go about this? Essentially what i was thinking was doing a select * on the table and then going from the first entry to the last and at each entry running a select * from table where companyname = @nameofcompany. @nameofcompany would be the name for that entry. If the select statement revealed more than one entry then i would know there was a problem.

Like I said I am new and this is probably very simple but i need a little help getting started


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Select Statement That Groups Results

Dec 16, 2013

I have a table with three columns. Name, book#, category.

I need to write a select statement that looks at the book# and category and returns all the names that match that into one joined our combined result. So if my name column had john, Jane, Jim, jack, and Steph in unique rows that matched it would bring back a resulted formatted as. John, Jane, Jim, jack, Steph. So I could place that in a field for reference.

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How Do I Print The Results Of My SELECT Statement?

Mar 15, 2008

After running a select statement in vb 6, how do i send the results to the printer. Here is the code i've written so far:

Private Sub ProcSelectRecords()
Dim MyConn As ADODB.Connection

Set MyConn = New ADODB.Connection
Dim MyRecSet1 As New ADODB.Recordset

MyConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:DocumentsA2 Computing Courseworkdb1.mdb"

Set MyRecSet1 = MyConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tblItem_Sales")

End Sub

Im using MS Access as my backend

any help would me much appreciated.

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Select Statement Returns No Results

Jun 6, 2006

I am using the following conditional select statement but it returns no results.

Declare @DepartmentName as varchar
Set @DepartmentName = null
Declare @status as bigint
Set @status = 4
IF (@DepartmentName = null) BEGIN

SELECT CallNumber AS [Call Number], Problem, Solution, Note
FROM AdminView
WHERE (Status = @status)
ELSE IF (@DepartmentName <> null) Begin

SELECT CallNumber AS [Call Number], Problem, Solution, Note
FROM dbo.AdminView
WHERE (Status = @status) AND
(DepartmentName = @DepartmentName)

when i run the 2nd half by itself it tells me to declare @status but not @departmentname. whats going on???

Chris Morton

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Need A Count Of '0', Even If Criteria Is Not Met In A Select SQL Statement

Feb 19, 2008

I have the following Select SQL Statement in which I get the count of the 'Code' column based upon a criteria and Group By clause:BEGIN
SELECT Code, COUNT(Code)as exprCount1a
FROM dbo.[Test]
WHERE Section = '1' and Item = 'a' GROUP BY Code ORDER BY Code
The results of the statement:
Code | exprCount1a 
1              22              44              1
I would like the following results:
Code | exprCount1a 
1              22              4
3              04              1
Note: Code ' 3 ' doesn't have any rows that meet the select count statement criteria but I still need to populate ' 0 ' in the results.
Thank you in advance

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SELECT Statement Not Giving Me Desired Results

Jun 27, 2006

I have the following SELECT statement attached to a dropdown box:
SELECT [Workshop] FROM [Workshops] WHERE Workshop <> (SELECT Workshop FROM Workshop_Registration WHERE FullName = @FullName AND Completed = @Completed) ORDER BY [Workshop]
I am trying to get all workshops (50 or more) from the WORKSHOPS table that the logged in user is not already registered for.  This works perfectly as long as the student is registered for at least 1 class.  It populates the dropdown with all of the other classes.  If they aren't registered for a class then it doesn't list any classes.  The problem is definitely the subquery, but how do I make it to where if the subquery doesn't return any results (student not registered for anything), I get all of the workshops in the dropdown?  Any help is appreciated!

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How To Put A Select Statement And Get Results In A Stored Procedure

Feb 2, 2008

Hello,I have written a stored procedure where I prompt the user for the Year and the Month (see below)How do I take the variable @TheMonth and find out how many days is in the month and then loop to display a total for every day in the selected month.Can someone please point me in the right direction.
CREATE PROCEDURE crm_contact_frequency_report
@TheYear         varchar(4),@TheMonth      varchar(2)
/* EMAILS (B) */(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject  WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (B.directioncode = 1)) AS    Total_EmailOutgoing,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject  WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (B.directioncode = 0)) AS    Total_EmailImconing,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject  WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (B.directioncode IS NULL)) AS    Total_EmailNotListed,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Email B ON A.subject = B.subject  WHERE (YEAR(B.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(B.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)) AS    Total_All_Emails,
/* PHONE CALLS (C) */(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject  WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (C.directioncode = 1)) AS    Total_CallOutgoing,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject  WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (C.directioncode = 0)) AS    Total_CallIncoming,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject  WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (C.directioncode IS NULL)) AS    Total_CallNotListed,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN PhoneCall C ON A.subject = C.subject  WHERE (YEAR(C.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(C.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)) AS    Total_All_Calls,
/* FAXES (D) */(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject  WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (D.directioncode = 1)) AS    Total_FaxOutgoing,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject  WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (D.directioncode = 0)) AS    Total_FaxIncoming,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject  WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)  AND   (D.directioncode IS NULL)) AS    Total_FaxNotListed,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.CampaignResponse A   INNER  JOIN Fax D ON A.subject = D.subject  WHERE (YEAR(D.CreatedOn) = @TheYear) AND (MONTH(D.CreatedOn) = @TheMonth)) AS    Total_All_Faxes
FROM   CampaignResponse AGO

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Update Select Statement To Yield Results

Oct 22, 2014

I have the followinf select statement..

SELECT - 1 AS OrganisationID, '--Please Select--' AS OrganisationName
SELECT OrganisationID, OrganisationName
FROM tblOrganisation
ORDER BY OrganisationName


OrganisationID OrganisationName
22 Animal
15 Birds
-1 --Please Select--
40 Reptiles
36 Snakes

I want the results to be:

OrganisationID OrganisationName
-1 --Please Select--
22 Animal
15 Birds
40 Reptiles
36 Snakes

How can I update my SQL select statement to yield these results..

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Insert Statement Using Results Of Select Query

Feb 11, 2015

I need to insert data into a table based on the results returned by a select statement. Basically, the select statement below gives me a list of all the work orders created in the last hour.

select worknumber from worksorderhdr where date_created > DATEADD(HOUR, -1, GETDATE())

This might return anywhere between 5 and 50 records each time. What I then need to do is use each of the work numbers returned to create a record in the spec_checklist_remind table. The other details in the insert statement will be the same for each insert, it's just the worknumber from the select statement that needs to be added to the insert where the ?? are below:

INSERT INTO spec_checklist_remind (form, record_type, linked_to_worknumber, spec_checklist_id) values (5, 0, '??',52)"

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Results Of SQL SELECT Statement Into Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

I need to run a stored procedure on all the results of a select query.For a simplified example, I'd like to be able to do something likethis:SELECT JobID, QtyToAddFROM JobsWHERE QtyToAdd > 0Then for the results of the above:EXEC sp_stockadd @JobID, @QtyToAddWhere the above line ran for every result from the above select query.Anyone able to shed some light on how to do this?Many thanks,James

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Storing Results Of Select Statement In @variable

Feb 11, 2008

I'm new to sql stored procedures but I would like to store the results
of an sql statement in a variable such as:

SET @value = select max(price) from product

but this does not work, can someone tell me how I would go
about in storing the results in a variable.

@value is declared as int

Thanks in advance,

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Getting A Variable That Has A SELECT Statement To Return Results

May 21, 2006

I have concatenated a long Select Statement and assigned it to a variable. (i.e.)

@a = Select * from foo ---Obviously mine is much more robust

How do I execute @a to actually Select * from foo?

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Transact SQL :: Delete Statement From Select Results

Jul 24, 2015

I'm trying to delete the selected data from a table colum from a select statement.

This is the select statement

SELECT  RFC822  FROM  SQLGOLDMINE.DBO.MAILBOX MB WHERE ((MB.CREATEON >= '2014-07-24' AND MB.CREATEON <= '2015-07-24') OR (MB.MAILDATE >= '2014-07-24' AND MB.MAILDATE <= '2015-07-24')) AND (MB.MAILREF LIKE '%auction notification
& invitation%')

What the delete statement would look like. I've tried replacing Select with delete from but get a sytax error.

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TSQL: I Want To Use A SELECT Statement With COUNT(*) AS 'name' And ORDER BY 'name'

Jul 23, 2005

I am very new to Transact-SQL programming and don't have a programmingbackground and was hoping that someone could point me in the rightdirection. I have a SELECT statement SELECT FIXID, COUNT(*) AS IOIsand want to ORDER BY 'IOI's'. I have been combing through the BOL, butI don't even know what topic/heading this would fall under.USE INDIISELECT FIXID, COUNT(*) AS IOIsFROM[dbo].[IOI_2005_03_03]GROUP BY FIXIDORDER BY FIXIDI know that it is a simple question, but perhaps someone could assistme.Thanks,

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Zero Count Values Not Appearing In SELECT Statement

Sep 17, 2007

Hi all

I have the following tables:

Code Snippet
Abbreviation varchar(50)
CREATE TABLE #Lkp_OtherCircles
Circle varchar(50)
Name VARCHAR(50),
IsActive bit
CREATE TABLE #Tbl_UserDetails
AssociateID INT,
CircleID INT
INSERT INTO #Lkp_Circle VALUES (1,'C1')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_Circle VALUES (2,'C2')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_Circle VALUES (3,'C3')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_Circle VALUES (4,'C4')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_Circle VALUES (5,'C5')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_Circle VALUES (6,'C6')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_Circle VALUES (7,'C7')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_OtherCircles VALUES ('C3')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_OtherCircles VALUES ('C4')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_OtherCircles VALUES ('C5')
INSERT INTO #Lkp_OtherCircles VALUES ('C6')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User VALUES ( 101,'U 1','True')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User VALUES ( 102,'U 2','True')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User VALUES ( 103,'U 3','True')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User VALUES ( 104,'U 4','True')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_User VALUES ( 105,'U 5','True')
INSERT INTO #Tbl_UserDetails VALUES(101,3)
INSERT INTO #Tbl_UserDetails VALUES(102,4)
INSERT INTO #Tbl_UserDetails VALUES(103,5)
INSERT INTO #Tbl_UserDetails VALUES(104,5)
INSERT INTO #Tbl_UserDetails VALUES(105,3)

SELECT ISNULL(Circle,'Total') Circle, ISNULL(COUNT([HeadCount]),SUM(1)) AS [Total]
WHEN #Lkp_Circle.Abbreviation IN (SELECT Circle FROM #Lkp_OtherCircles) THEN #Lkp_Circle.Abbreviation
WHEN #Lkp_Circle.Abbreviation NOT IN (SELECT Circle FROM #Lkp_OtherCircles) THEN 'Others'
ELSE 'Total' END,ISNULL(#Tbl_UserDetails.AssociateID,0) AS 'HeadCount'
FROM #Tbl_User INNER JOIN #Tbl_UserDetails ON #Tbl_User.ID = #Tbl_UserDetails.AssociateID INNER JOIN
#Lkp_Circle ON #Tbl_UserDetails.CircleID = #Lkp_Circle.ID
WHERE #Tbl_User.IsActive='True' AND #Tbl_User.ID>0 AND #Tbl_UserDetails.AssociateID>0
) AS PivotTable

DROP TABLE #Tbl_User,#Tbl_UserDetails,#Lkp_Circle,#Lkp_OtherCircles

--Circle HeadCount
--C3 2
--C4 1
--C5 2
--C6 0
--Others 0
--Total 5
--Circle HeadCount
--C3 2
--C4 1
--C5 2
--Total 5

The criteria for Others is that those circles which are not part of #Lkp_OtherCircles i.e. C1,C2,C3 and C7 clubbed together. I have tried checking for the condition ISNULL when for that circle there is no user but the end result is same. Can someone tell me where I am going wrong and how to correct it?

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Select Statement With Count Within Another Select

Aug 23, 2013

I am using three tables in this query, one is events_detail, one is events_summary, the third if gifts. The original select statement counted the number of ids (event_details.id_number) that appear per event_name (event_summary.event_name).

Now, I would like to add in another column that counts the number of IDs that gave a gift who attended an event that were also listed in the event_ details table. So far I have come up with the following. My main issue is linking the subquery properly back to the main query. how to count in the sub-query and have the result placed within the groups results in the main query.

SELECT es.event_name, es.event_id, COUNT(ed.id_number) Number_Attendees,
SELECT COUNT(gifts.donor_id) AS Count2
FROM gifts
WHERE gifts.donor_id = ed.id_number
) subquery2


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Trying To Use The Results Of A Case Statement In My Select List In My WHERE Clause?

Aug 10, 2006

I am fairly new with SQL and still learning. I have used a case statemtent for a column in my select list and want to use the results of that statement's field in my WHERE clause but it is not working for me. Here is the code I have so far:

case when pc.duedate >= l.duedate then pc.duedate end as RateDueDate,
FROM loan l
inner join participation p on p.loanid = l.loanid
inner join paymentchange pc on pc.loanid = l.loanid
where p.investorid = '12345' and RateDueDate is not null
order by l.loanid, pc.duedate

I want to put the results of this case statment in my where clause like highlighted above but it is not working because RateDueDate is not an actual column in the table. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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SQL 2012 :: Using Count Function And Case In One Select Statement

Jul 9, 2014

I am selecting the count of the students in a class by suing select COUNT(studentid) as StCount FROM dbo.student But I need to use a case statement on this like if count is less than 10 I need to return 'Small class' if the count is between 10 to 50 then I need to return 'Medium class' and if the count is more than 50 then 'Big class'.

Right now I am achieving this by the following case statement

SELECT 'ClassSize' = CASE WHEN Stcount<10 THEN 'Small Class'
WHEN Stcount>=10 and StCount<=50THEN 'Medium Class'
WHEN Stcount>50 THEN 'Big Class'
select COUNT(studentid) as Stcount FROM dbo.student) Stdtbl

But can I do this with just one select statement?

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Cannot Construct A SELECT DISTINT COUNT... Statement In SSCE 3.1

Oct 4, 2007

Hi everyone,

sorry to b a pest again! Before I made the decision to change the DB used in my app from SQL Server Express to SSCE, I had no problems with constructing a SELECT statement as laid out in the Title.

Basically, I have 2 tables with a one-many relationship between them. In the Parent table, I had a SQL Statement as follows:

SELECT DeptID, DeptName,

(SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(Active) FROM Documents WHERE (Documents.DeptID = Dept.DeptID) AND
(Documents.Active = 'True') AS CountOfActive

Now in SSCE 3.1, I get an "Unable to parse query" error message when I construct the same SQL statement in my dataset designer.

Any thoughts on how I may solve this?

Much thanx!

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Excluding Part Of Select Statement If No Data Is Returned In Results

Aug 22, 2006

I have a query that returns results based on information in several tables.  The problem I am having is that is there are no records in the one table it doesn't return any information at all.  This table may not have any information initially for the employees so I need to show results whether or not there is anything in this one table.
Here is my select statement:
  SELECT employee.emp_id, DATEDIFF(mm, employee.emp_begin_accrual, GETDATE()) * employee.emp_accrual_rate -
(SELECT SUM(request_duration) AS daystaken
FROM request) AS daysleft, employee.emp_lname + ', ' + employee.emp_fname + ' ' + employee.emp_minitial + '.' AS emp_name,
department.department_name, location.location_name
request AS request_1 ON employee.emp_id = request_1.emp_id INNER JOIN
department ON employee.emp_department = department.department_id INNER JOIN
location ON department.department_location = location.location_id
GROUP BY employee.emp_id, employee.emp_begin_accrual, employee.emp_accrual_rate, employee.emp_fname, employee.emp_minitial,
employee.emp_lname, department.department_name, location.location_name
ORDER BY location.location_name, department.department_name, employee.emp_lname
The section below is the part that may or may not contain information:
  SELECT (SELECT SUM(request_duration) AS daystaken
FROM request) AS daysleft

So I need it to return results whether this sub query has results or not.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Stored Procedure And SELECT Statement Return Different Results

Dec 4, 2014

I have a stored procedure on a SQL Server 2008 database. The stored procedure is very simple, just a SELECT statement. When I run it, it returns 422 rows. However, when I run the SELECT statement from the stored procedure, it returns 467 rows. I've tried this by running both the stored procedure and the SELECT statement in the same SSMS window at the same time, and the behavior is the same. The stored procedure is:

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [mobile].[GetAllMobileDeviceUsers] Script Date: 12/04/2014 */

[Code] ....

When I do this in the same SSMS window:

exec mobile.GetAllMobileDeviceUsers

EmployeeName = LastName + ', ' + FirstName
FROM EmployeeInvData ee

[Code] ....

I get two result sets. The first is 422 rows; the second is 467 rows. Why?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Incorrect Prefix Error (select Count Statement)

Oct 7, 2015

Naming convention and what am I doing wrong here:

,(Select Count(C2.AppID) From Channels c left join Applications a on c.ChannelID = a.SourceID left join Contracts2 c2 on a.AppID = c2.AppID Where Channels.ChannelID = c.ChannelID and c2.DateContractFunded > (Select dateadd(yy,-1,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate() ), 0))) and c2.DateContractFunded < (Select dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate() ), 0))) ) As FundedLastYear
FROM Channels AS C
INNER JOIN ChannelContacts AS CC ON C.ChannelID = CC.ChannelID
INNER JOIN ChannelProductPlan AS CPP ON C.ChannelID = CPP.ChannelID
INNER JOIN tblLuMktReps AS MR ON C.MarketRepID = MR.MarketRepID
INNER JOIN tblLuHoldingCo AS HC ON C.HoldingCoID = HC.HoldingCoIDError message:

Msg 107, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The column prefix 'Channels' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

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Transaction Count After EXECUTE Indicates That A COMMIT Or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION Statement Is Missing. Previous Count = 1, Current Count = 0.

Aug 6, 2006

With the function below, I receive this error:Error:Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 0.Function:Public Shared Function DeleteMesssages(ByVal UserID As String, ByVal MessageIDs As List(Of String)) As Boolean        Dim bSuccess As Boolean        Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection()        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("", MyConnection)        Dim i As Integer        Dim fBeginTransCalled As Boolean = False
        'messagetype 1 =internal messages        Try            '            ' Start transaction            '            MyConnection.Open()            cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION"            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            fBeginTransCalled = True            Dim obj As Object            For i = 0 To MessageIDs.Count - 1                bSuccess = False                'delete userid-message reference                cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID AND UserID=@UserID"                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID))                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                'then delete the message itself if no other user has a reference                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID1"                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID1", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar                If ((Not (obj) Is Nothing) _                AndAlso ((TypeOf (obj) Is Integer) _                AndAlso (CType(obj, Integer) > 0))) Then                    'more references exist so do not delete message                Else                    'this is the only reference to the message so delete it permanently                    cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID2"                    cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID2", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                End If            Next i
            '            ' End transaction            '            cmd.CommandText = "COMMIT TRANSACTION"            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            bSuccess = True            fBeginTransCalled = False        Catch ex As Exception            'LOG ERROR            GlobalFunctions.ReportError("MessageDAL:DeleteMessages", ex.Message)        Finally            If fBeginTransCalled Then                Try                    cmd = New SqlCommand("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", MyConnection)                    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                Catch e As System.Exception                End Try            End If            MyConnection.Close()        End Try        Return bSuccess    End Function

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Is There A Way To Hold The Results Of A Select Query Then Operate On The Results And Changes Will Be Reflected On The Actual Data?

Apr 1, 2007

hi,  like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right?  so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records  and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance! 

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Sep 3, 2007

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SELECT * FROM table1
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Aug 23, 2006

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Jul 20, 2005

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