Count Records With Almost Similar Names

Oct 1, 2015

I want to count records which has almost similar name. Suppose record has company name like comcast and other record has company name like Comcast-xfinity, so how would I count this 2 records as Comcast?

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How To Basically Copy Tables With New Names Rather Than Create Similar Tables From Similar Manual Input.

May 26, 2007

I have a table that I am basically reduplicating a couple of times for each part of this database that I want to create.Each table basically has the same data: The tables will be called motherTable, fatherTable, sonTable, daughterTable and so on.I am pretty much using the following in each column: UserID, MotherID(or FatherID or SonID, etc., etc. and so on for each unique table), FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, BirthPlace, Photo, Age.I don't see an option to copy a table and just modify the second ID part and rename that table accordingly.How can I make this an easier way of creating these similar tables without retyping all these columns over and over again?Thanks in advance. 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Group Total Count Of Similar Items

Mar 30, 2015

We sell & ship packages that contain multiple items within them. The actual package (we call it the "parent item") is in the same table as the items within it ("child items"). If the record is a child item within a package, its "ParentId" field will contain the ItemId of the package.

So some sample records of a complete package would look like this:

ItemId | ParentId | Name | QtyAvailable
1 | NULL | Package A | 10
2 | 1 | Item 1 | 2
3 | 1 | Item 2 | 3

ItemId's 2 & 3 are items contained within the ItemId 1 package.

Now however, the client wants us to build a report showing all packages (all items where ParentId is NULL) however, they want to see the QtyAvailable of not only the package but the items as well (a total of 15 when using the example above), all grouped into a single line. So a sample report line would look like this:

Name | Available Qty
Package A | 15
Package B | 100

How can I do a SELECT statement that SUMS the "QtyAvailable" of both the parent & child items and displays them along with the package name?

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Merge And Sum Similar Records

Nov 20, 2012

I have the below in a table - TABLEA

Ref, Date, TIME, Code, Minutes
01117,2012-01-02, 541,BASIC,240.0
01117,2012-01-02, 541,BASIC,105.0

And I am trying to insert this into another table TABLEB but it wont allow as I am getting a duplicates error because of the unique Indexing on the table.


Ideally if I could run a query on TABLEA so that it would merge and sum the minutes where REF,Date,TIME,CODE are the same.

i.e., the above would become

Ref , Date , TIME, Code, Minutes
01117,2012-01-02, 541,BASIC,345.0

Is this possible?

Another option that would work for me is the TIME column info isnt required to remain at 541.

If there was a count increment on the rows it would allow the import to rum.

ie if the above became

Ref, Date, TIME, Code, Minutes
01117,2012-01-02, 1,BASIC,240.0
01117,2012-01-02 ,2BASIC,105.0

It would also import correctly.

The first option is which I would prefer.

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Searching Similar Records Within A Table

Oct 8, 2007


I have 4 tables :

Code Block
Create Table #Request ( [requestid] int , [stateno] nvarchar(5) , [cityno] int , Callid int, UniqueNo int);
Create Table #RequestDetail(reqdetailid int, [customername] Varchar(20), [customerage] int, requestid int);
Create Table #Call(Callid int,Calltype int,callDetailid int )
Create Table #CallDetail(callDetailId int,empid int)

Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(12123,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(53423,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(6532,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(82323,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(124235,1)

Insert Into #Call VALUES(111,1,12123)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(112,1,53423)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(114,1,6532)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(123,2,6532)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(134,1,124235)

Insert Into #request Values('324234','SA023',12,111,0);
Insert Into #request Values('223452','SA023',12,112,0);
Insert Into #request Values('456456','SA024',12,114,0);
Insert Into #request Values('22322362','SA024',44,123,0);
Insert Into #request Values('22654392','SA023',12,134,0);

Insert into #requestdetail values(1, 'Bill',23,'324234')
Insert into #requestdetail values(2, 'Tom',25,'223452')
Insert into #requestdetail values(3, 'Bobby',27,'456456')
Insert into #requestdetail values(4, 'Guck',29,'22322362')
Insert into #requestdetail values(5, 'Bobby',33,'22654392')

1. My stored proc will take the CallDetailID.

2. I have to find out the requests made on this calldetail.

3. After getting the request, i want to take the Customername, cityno of the request/requestdetail and pass it again to #request table to search for any duplicates within the request.

4. If found return the details of the original record :

[A similar requirement was solved earlier, but the structure has changed. This is a seperate requirement with different table strucure. Hence a new post. ]


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SQL Server 2014 :: Merge Similar Records From Excel?

May 19, 2015

I am working on a project that will require me to get a flat data file (excel spreadsheet) with hundreds of thousands of records. Each record is an Owner, and specifically what they own. There will be a field for OwnerName that I want to figure out a way to pull the data into a database like;

Table(Owners) - make sure owner is listed only once

Table(Properties) - joined to owners showing all properties that person owns

Now the tricky part, the owner names might not be exactly the same. Some records might have;

Smith, John
John Smith
Smith, John T

To make matters worse, this will be a continuous process. I will receive updated excel spreadsheets from time to time and will need to import the new records, many times overwriting the old data. For the good news, there should be an OwnerID that will be unique within the excel data. So as I am merging similar records into the Owners table, I should have a list of OwnerID's that can forever be used to link to the owner.

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Query Help, Get Count Of Names Having Distinct Letters

May 8, 2007

here is a query


select count(d) from (select distinct left(name,9) as d from bscs where region like 'n1' and name like 'Alc_%')

what i am trying to do is to get count of the names, having distinct letters in left 9 positions and some conditions too. How to do it?

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Returning Random Records And NOT Similar (random Questions)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I need to extract randomly 5 records from the table "Questions". Now I useSELECT TOP 5 FROM Questions ORDERBY NEWID()And it works. The problem is that I need an additional thing: if SQLextracts record with ID=4, then it should not extract record with ID=9,because they are similar. I mean, I'd like something to tell SQL that if itextracts some questions, then it SHOULD NOT extract other ones.How can I do it?Thanks!Luke

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Understand Names Of All Available Tables / Number Of Records

Aug 31, 2014

SQL query to understand the names of all the available tables , number of records in these tables and size of these tables?

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Get Records Count

Nov 18, 2007

i have this function
it return 0 but the sql statement in the sql query return the right number?how is that
i want to get the number of records any other idea or fix?
Public Function UserAlbumPhotoQuota(ByVal userID As Integer) As BooleanDim Conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Conn").ConnectionString)
Dim strSQL As StringDim dr As SqlDataReader
strSQL = "SELECT *, (select count(*) from userAlbumPic where userID=" & userID & ") as rec_count from userAlbumPic "Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()cmd = New SqlCommand(strSQL, Conn)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
dr.Read()userQuota = dr("rec_count").ToString
End Function

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Help With Count Records

Jan 14, 2008

Hello All,
 I'm wondering if you guys can help me with a problem to count every record in a table; however, I must match this table with another table to get the category names.  I have tried this SQL statement in the SQL Express and it works very great.  
SELECT aspnet_Category.CategoryName, COUNT(*) AS Expr1FROM aspnet_Category INNER JOINaspnet_resources ON aspnet_Category.ApplicationID = aspnet_resources.ApplicationId AND aspnet_Category.CategoryID = aspnet_resources.CategoryIDGROUP BY aspnet_Category.CategoryNameORDER BY aspnet_Category.CategoryName
However, when I tried to put this into my code, it gives me a error. <System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, True)> _Function GetDataByCount_CategoryID() As CategoryDataTableGetDataByCount_CategoryID = Adapter.GetDataByCount_CategoryIDEnd FunctionFailed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
Can you please help me to fix this error? 
Thank you, Vic. 

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Count The Records

Mar 5, 2004

I need to export records to a text file and simply index them. i.e. in the pipe delimited file I need a column with the ordinal value of each row.

1|"Jane Doe"|"23 Western ave"|...
2|"Jamie Delom"|"5 East Street|...
3|"Nat Girshon"|"5678 Main Street|...

Would anyone be able to tell me how I could build this within the SQL query without creating a physical table and using IDENTITY functions?

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Count All &>0 Records

Jan 24, 2007

does not seem work, how can I count all record and fundedamount>0?


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Count Records

Jan 20, 2008

i am just an beginner with sql and i am quite sure this will be a simple question
i am looking for a methode to count the number of records how can i do this?


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How To Count The Records In A Datatable

Mar 4, 2007

I have the following:        Dim ResourceAdapter As New ResourcesTableAdapters.ResourcesTableAdapter        Dim dF As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.GetDataByDistinct        Dim numRows = dF.Rows.Count        Dim dS As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.CountQuery        Dim sumRows = dS.Rows.Count        DataList1.DataSource = dF        DataList1.DataBind()        LblCount.Text = numRows        LblSum.Text = sumRows    numRows is the number of records in a particular category.  CountQuery is a method that returns the total number of records in all the categories.   I don't know how to get the result of that query, the code line in bold isn't right.  How do I get this number?Diane 

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Select Count(*) For Getting # Of Records

Nov 23, 2007

I am writing a piece of code in ASP.NET and I'd like to get the # of records on a table and used this code:
Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='G:Aco ProntoBSCBSC_v1.mdb'"Dim Con As New OleDbConnection(ConnString)
Dim Cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM Metricas", Con)Dim reader As OleDbDataReader
reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader()Dim NumMetr As Integer = Val(reader("Expr1"))
I am getting an error that that's no data in the table.
Any suggestions?

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Get Records With A Count Total

Feb 14, 2008

Hello, I am having problems with this query below:
 1 SELECT Table1.Email AS Email,
2 Table2.UserName AS Username,
3 Table3.Members_Paid AS Paid,
5 FROM Table3 AS e JOIN Table3 AS m
6 ON e.Members_Sponsor = m.Members_ID
7 WHERE (e.Members_Sponsor = m.Members_ID)) AS TotalRecords
9 Table2 ON Table1.UserId = Table2.UserId INNER JOIN
10 Table3 ON Table2.UserId = Table3.UserID
11 WHERE (Table3.Members_Sponsor = @UserId)Basicly what I am trying to do is get all members that belong to a certain manager along with those members count total of members they have below them.The code above is giving me the count of the first member only, not different counts for each member.Hope you understand what I am trying to say and do here. Hope someone can help me out cause this hase been driving me crazy for a few days now.

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How To Count Number Of Records

Feb 26, 2008

can anyone tell me how to count number of records(rows) in a table without using "COUNT" function.for practise iam trying to implement it through queries.

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Count Number Of Records

May 13, 2008

Using linq what would be the most efficient method of counting the number of users in the users table? 

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Count Of Specific Records

Jan 30, 2004

I'm having problems constructing a query. I need to get a count of emails in my database, but only the emails that appear 2 or more times.
Can anyone help?


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Count Records In A Top 10 Query

Dec 5, 2005


Im trying to make a top 10 list of col1 and and at the 11:th place it should show a number of record that dosent make it to the top 10 list...

i have this so far, and it dosent give me anything...

col1 is varchar 254


ex of output

place1 100
place2 50
place3 25
place11 500

a query that only gives me the place11 number is enough

thx in advance //Mr

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Count Records Between Two Dates

Apr 20, 2004

Hi all,

I've got a quick question.

How would I count the number of records between two dates.

I started with something like this.

FROM tSurveyPerson
WHERE (dtAdded BETWEEN '2004-03-01' AND '2004-04-01')
GROUP BY dtAdded

but as you probably all know this ain't right. I would like to get just the number of records.


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Count Distinct Records

May 15, 2008

how can i count in sql the number or records taht would be returned if i did

select distinct site,date from allrecords

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Count Repeting Records

Jan 12, 2007

hi, i have 10 records in my column empno in my table as follows:

records are
1,5,8,9,1,7,4,8,9,5.i want to show the repeting records and how many times it is repeted ie count
please give me query for this.

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Count Of Related Records??

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I was wondering if it was possible to build a query that will include acolumn that will provide a count related records from another table.Although there is a way to achieve this through programming in thefront end, I would like to know if it possible to achieve the samething through a SQL statement alone.For example, say you have two related tables, Invoices andInvoiceItems. InvoiceID is the primary key of Invoices.Invoices tableInvoiceID PO_Num CompanyID-------------------------------1 37989 32 87302 43 78942 3InvoiceItems tableItemID InvoiceID PartNo Qty---------------------------------------1 1 ABA 32 1 ASLKDJ 23 1 9LF 84 2 IEPOW 185 2 EIWPD 36 2 DSSIO 17 2 EIWP 58 2 DC93 49 3 85LS0 8Then a query that has the Invoices table plus a count of InvoiceItemsfor each InvoiceID would generate this:InvoiceID PO_Num CompanyID ItemCount-------------------------------------------------1 37989 3 32 87302 4 53 78942 3 1Does anyone have any ideas how this would be done?Thank you.

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Count All Records In All Tables

Apr 13, 2006

I need some help with this. I was able to count all the records in ourdatabase using the user_tables and user_tab_columns tables afterrefreshing the statistics on this database.We are doing an upgrade of a system and I will not be able to refreshthe statistics during the upgrade. I need more of a manual process ofrunning these queries.Now I do:select A.table_name, round(A.num_rows,0) as rowcount,count(b.table_name) as ColumnCountfrom dba_tables A, dba_tab_columns Bwhere A.table_name = B.table_name and A.owner in ('PS','SYSADM')group by A.table_name, A.num_rowsorder by rowcount desc, columncount descBut I can't use the num_rows anymore so I was thinking more to do this:Select A.table_name from(select count(*) from A.Table_name B where A.Table_name =B.Table_Name)from user_tableThis does not work for me since I don't know how to pass the table_namefrom the first select to the second select. The logic is there but thesyntax is not.Please help.

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Count Records In Several Months

Feb 18, 2007

Hi,I've a small problem. I have a table in which one column is date. I want tocount the records for statiscs in a temptable grouped by months lets say 12months back.e.g.month 1 counts 164 rec month 2 counts 87 records and so on.I tried to solve this like this with a function SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLEWHERE DATEDIFF(m,Col1,GETDATE())=@counter.But I don't know how to get this thing count from 0 up to 11 to get thisthing recursive.Does anyone know how to tackel my problem? I wouls apreciate any answer.Greetz to you all

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How Do I Get A Count Of All Records Returned.

Apr 9, 2007

I'm trying to put the total number of records returned from from a query in the bottom of our report. I don't want to do a count(*) in my sql stmt.


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Count Of Records Greater Than?

May 29, 2007

Hello All,

Trying to set up a column in a grouped matrix that displays a count of all record over a specificed number.

The field I am counting are response time of transaction and I want to count how many were over 500 milliseconds. I though it would be something like this...

Code Snippet

=Count(Fields!ResponseTime.Value > "500")

However, this appears to just return the count of all rows and ignores the "500" part.

Am I missing something? If someone could post a alternate code snippet, that would be great.

Thanks in advance,


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Count Of Records Returned

Oct 18, 2007

How can i get a Count of the number of records returned

Here is my code
Im using VS2005 connected to SQL Compact v3.1

myCmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text

myCmd.CommandText = "Select * From tblParts"

Dim myDataAdapter As SqlCeDataAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter(myCmd)

Dim myDataSet As DataSet = New DataSet()


TblPartsDataGrid.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables(0)

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Count Records In Sqlcommand Or Sqladapter?

Apr 13, 2007

Hi everyone? I have a small problem here, I want to count the records found under the following method:  Public Function ValidateAssembly(ByVal assyno As String) As DataSet

Dim SQLConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(Connstr)
Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsVendorInfo As DataSet = New DataSet("AssemblyHeader")

Dim cmd As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand

Dim BMItemno As New SqlParameter("@v_assyno", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10)

BMItemno.Value = GetBomAssyNo(assyno)

With cmd
.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM dbo.cfn_bom_get_assy(@v_assyno)"
.Connection = SQLConn
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
End With

adapter.SelectCommand = cmd

Catch x As Exception

End Try


Return dsVendorInfo

End Function I want to see if this can be done and passed to the actual dataset? Is this possible? Or do I need to pass the found results from my query to a sqlreader? Also, Im I forced to put my colums together in a DataTable before actually binding to the DataSet? Thanks everyone!   

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Display Count Of Records From The Same Table &> 1

Dec 27, 2007

How would I list the users in the users table that have duplicate IDs or count of IDs > 1?The UserName field is unique.
State   UserName     First          Last         ID         City         CountTX       Kkeaton         Kathryn     Keaton     1001     Dallas      2TX       KakiKeaton    Kathryn     Keaton     1001     Dallas      2I think I have to use a subselect? If I use group by then it won't show both records. It shows only one of them.Thanks

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Retrieve Records Affected Count From ADO?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,If I run an action SP from MS Access using ADO:...cmd.executewhere the SP is something like Create...Update tbl1 set fld1 = 'something' can I retrive the count of records affected like from Queryanalyzer?Thanks,Rich*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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