Covert Connection From Access To SQL

Jul 4, 2004

Edited by haidar_bilal - Please place your code within < code > and < /code > tag. Thank you.

I've got to convert the following functions so it connects to the SQL server that uses this connection string: ("server=(local);database=BCA;Trusted_Connection=yes")

The code below works fine to an Access db. I know I've got to change all the Ole objects below to SQL objects to connect to SQL server. But try as I might, I'm still not getting them right. Can anyone help by showing me how to change the code? Please just take the code and substitute the SQL connection strings for the Access string. That way even I could understand it. Sigh.

Public Class Functions

Public Function GetCommandObject(ByVal strCommand As String, ByVal strPath As String, ByVal ExecuteIt As Boolean) As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand

Dim objConnection As Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection = GetConnectionObject(strPath)


Dim objCommand As New Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(strCommand, objConnection)

If ExecuteIt = False Then

Return objCommand



End If


End Function

Public Function GetConnectionObject(ByVal strPath As String) As Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection

Dim objConnection As New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strPath)

Return objConnection


End Function

Public Function GetReaderObject(ByVal strCommand As String, ByVal strPath As String) As Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader

Dim objCommand As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand = GetCommandObject(strCommand, strPath, False)

Dim objReader As Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

Return objReader


End Function

End Class

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Dec 11, 2007

Hi Guys,

Can you help me.. I want to convert this table
No. LineNo
01 3
02 0

No. LineNo
01 03
02 00

What query should I do?



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Covert Date

Apr 18, 2008

how to convert date like :-9/2009 - to- 2009-01-09 00:00:00.000


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How To Covert Text To Datetime

Jan 31, 2006


I have a field which is text. I want to convert it to datetime.

(the value of the field which has its data type as text is a date)

thanks inadvance

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Transact SQL :: How To Covert Numeric Values To Abc

Jun 9, 2015

I want to convert every numeric values into textstring like abc in sql or

My encoding is as under


How can i covert these all numeric values equally above coding in sql server or

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Import Access Tables (set Up As Pass-through Table Types To Oracle )--OLE DB Connection To Access Cannot See Them

Mar 17, 2008

Access Connection

create a new Connection Manager by right-clicking in the Connection Managers section of the design area of the screen. Select New OLE DB Connection to bring up the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box. Click New to open the Connection Manager. In the Provider drop-down list, choose the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and click OK.
Browse to the Access database file and connection set up---all good!!!

Dataflow task
Add an OLE DB Source component
Double-click the icon to open the OLE DB Source Editor. Set the OLE DB Connection Manager property to the Connection Manager that I created . Select Table from the Data Access Mode drop-down list.
I cannot see the tables set up as set up as pass-through table types to a Oracle 9i db

Any ideas please help

thanks in advance

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Data Access :: Server Rejected The Connection - Access To Selected Database Has Been Denied

Jun 10, 2015

I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.

But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013.  The queries still work for users still using MS 2007. 

I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.

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Data Access :: JDBC Connection Is Not Using Username Passed In Connection String

Sep 16, 2015

I am using sqljdbc41.jar to connect with MSSQL database, it is working fine on my local machine.Where as on the remote server, same class giving me error

Login failed for user '<domain><windows loginID>'
My connection string is URL...

I am using sqljdbc41.jar  and on 64 bit processor , I am using following command which included path for sqljdbc_auth.dll java -Djava.library.path= C: sqljdbc_4.1enuauthx64 TestDao and error is Login failed for user '<domain><windows loginID>' why it is not picking up username passed in connection string. I have 2 machines, one is local and other is remote. on both machine I login using my domain, it is working absolutely fine on local then why the error is coming on remote machine.Both the machines are identical.

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Data Access :: MS Access ADODB Connection To Stored Procedure - Cannot Retrieve Data

Sep 22, 2015

I'm trying to re-write my database to de-couple the interface (MS Access) from the SQL Backend.  As a result, I'm going to write a number of Stored Procedures to replace the MS Access code.  My first attempt worked on a small sample, however, trying to move this on to a real table hasn't worked (I've amended the SP and code to try and get it to work on 2 fields, rather than the full 20 plus).It works in SQL Management console (supply a Client ID, it returns all the client details), but does not return anything (recordset closed) when trying to access via VBA code.The Stored procedure is:-

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [Clients].[vms_Get_Specified_Client] Script Date: 22/09/2015 16:29:59 ******/


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Access Connection To Hosted Database?

Jun 28, 2012

I have a SQL Server 2005 database hosted by a provider that has about 500 databases on their site. I am running Access2007 on a Windows 7 Home Premium edition.

What I am trying to do is create a new Access2007 application and attach (i.e: Link) to the SQL Server tables. I am using SQL Authentication.

I have done this before where i attached via ODBC to Oracle, but it was on the corporate network - not on a hosted server. When i try to walk thru the Access process, it does not seem to let me give it the database name. I have the connection string i use in C# (for example: Data Source, Initial Catalog, UserID and Password), how to connect with Access2007.

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Find Database Access By Tcp Connection

Feb 10, 2004

Ok, lets see if I can put what I am looking for into words.
I run a MSSQL server, I show in my logs that a connection is being made to my server from a remote ip. I have contact the owner of the ip in question and they state that they have no buisness with us and they should not be connected to us. According to netstat the connection to us is established on 2 different remote ports to 1433. My question, is there any logging on sql that I can turn on, look at to see what database this connection is accessing? Thanks

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Online Connection Between Access And SQL Server

Mar 23, 2007

Hello,I am trying to develop a database solution for an organisation inIndonesia.This organization has a number of offices and users throughout thecountry. They all need to maintain their own data, but I also need tocreate a central database, to store all of the data, and share databetween the individual users. The problem is that the internetconnections are not reliable, so a online solution isn't possible. Iam planning to implement stand alone databases in Access, which "sync"with the central server. This sync could happen automatically (maybedaily), or could be initiated by the user. This Sync would/could takeplace when the internet connection is working.I am very familiar with Access, but I suspect that I will need to useSQL Server for the central database. I have not used SQL Serverbefore, and have a few questions:Is it possible to host a SQL Server, so that it is "Online"? What do Ineed to do for this? Does this need to be hosted by an ISP, or couldit been hosted on a computer in our office? What are the securityconsiderations?Is it then possible to connect to this SQL Server from the Accessdatabases in the various locations to "Sync" the data? If I could runSQL statements from the stand alone databases which could access theonline SQL Server I could write the code for the Sync procedure. Thebit that I am unsure of is how to connect to the SQL Server?Could anyone point me in the right direction? Examples? References?What sort of technology to use?I know VB and how to write SQL statements, it's just the connectivitythat I am unsure of.Thanks in advance.CheersMichael

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Vc++ 2005 Connection Access Database

Aug 16, 2007

Dear all
if i want to write one program use vc++2005 to connection access database with MFC system , which idea is best.
does any sample code i can use in this case or any concept i can read it first?

best regard

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Remote Connection To Access DB File

May 10, 2008

hi ,all
what should i do to connect db file on the server ,

at first i putted the file in shared folder and i connected from server explorer .
iam not satisfied with this solution i want more professional one (ODBC,......,ect)
what is the best way .

My Tools are ;Vista OS,VS2008,SQlServer2005.


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Cannot Open Connection To Access Database.

Jan 1, 2007

I am very new to VB.Net but my goal is to build a web app that ineracts with an Access database. This is a very small scale app so I am not interested in using SQL server. I created my Access database and the udl file for connection information.

I created a class that opens a connection to the database when the webpage loads.

I get the following error though,

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException was unhandled by user code
Message="The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'C:InetpubwwwrootTest1RaceData.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data."
Source="Microsoft JET Database Engine"
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal..ctor(OleDbConnectionString constr, OleDbConnection connection)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open()
at clsDBConn.Open_Connection() in c:inetpubwwwrootTest1App_CodeclsDBConn.vb:line 12
at Default2.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwrootTest1Default2.aspx.vb:line 8
at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

The database is not open so I know it is a matter of security. I have configured IIS to use an admin account and the Access db does not have security turned on. In the UDL file I have selected read/write access and the test connection works.

Can anyone help me narrow down the root of this error,

Thanx in advance,



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Refreshing SQL Connection From Access ADP File

May 21, 2008

I have many buttons in Access ADP that trigger feeding a table with different data.
Let's call the table tempTable1. I have 600 buttons that feed the make table with all kinds of data:

Code SnippetSELECT * INTO tempTable1 From AnyDataSourceSPViewTable

. There is another menu bar button that only opens

tempTable1. The result for tempTable1 is always correct when you use Query Analyzer. However Access ADP recognizes the change in the table structure when the connection is refreshed. Is there is any way that we can automate the connection refresh procedure or an easier way to get the desired results?

Am using Access 2003 connected to SQL 2005 and trigering the events via VBA.

thank you,

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Connection Manager To Connect Ot Access Mdb

Feb 8, 2006

How do you setup a conntection in ssis to connect to an access mdb? I have used DTS to upload access tables to sql and want to do the same in the new ssis services. I migrated the DTS package but the connection in created for the access mdb does not work in ssis and is shown to be be illegal. The migration did not post any errors when it migrated the package.

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ODBC From Access To SQL Connection Wizard Will Not Come Up.

Apr 11, 2006

When I choose ODBC from the link tables wizard it just disapears. No error message at all just poof. Any one have any ideas?


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How To Create A Connection To Access Database

Dec 27, 2006

Hi guys,

I want to create a report from Access Database. Can anybody tell me how to connect and create a data source from Access data source. A step by step guide is preferable. I am more concerned on the connection string.


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Access To SQL Express Connection String

Jun 1, 2007

I need to hardcode my TCP port to a SQL Server Express named instance. You guys have any examples I could see. I keep getting an error when I try to connect:

Run-time error 2147467259 BBNETLIB connection open parse connection paramaters, invalid connection. I'm trying to connect to a local instance on a Windows 2003 server.

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Access Connection Count At The Same Time

Jan 15, 2007

I want to learn access connection gives how many user to connect at the same time.

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Connection An Access Db To Sql Express Backend

Jan 3, 2007

can someone advise me as to what i have to do to connect an access frontend to an sql server express backend db on another server.

can i somehow link the tables so a user can enter in data in the access db they are familiar with but it will actually go into sql server.

please help

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Establishing An Access Linked Server Connection On SS7

May 11, 2000


No matter how I configure my link going thru EM I get a 7399 or 7303 error. First I tried to link to an Access 2000 db on a Windows 98 station. Next I installed Access 2000 on the test server with SS7, SP 2 (Windows NT 4, SP 5) and still the same errors. Is it possible to set up Access 2000 as a linked server on SS7? Can you give me the brainless man's walk-thru so I can get over this hump?

Thanks in advance,

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Sql Server Access Denied By Non Trusted Connection

Jan 19, 2005

hi at all, i know that in here there was a lot of thread over this argument, but none can helps me.
I'm newbie on sqlserver. I'm first installed an instance of SQL Server 2000 with enterprise manager.
As previous topics i cannot log into server because 'sa' user is not associated with a trusted connection. In installation time i selelected "windows only" authentication (because in mixed mode at end of installation i caught an error and installation was canceled). Now i **must** to connect with "sa" user, because i must to connect on sql server via jdbc driver from a java application. So i really cannot use windows authentication, but i must use sql authentication.
Someone, ***please*** (i'm really deprived of hope, i spent 1 entire day to install correctly server and client components!!!!), can guide me to configure my installed sql server instance to accept connections with sql authentication?
My sql server version is 8.00.194.

thank you at all!

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Analysis Service Connection To Access Database

Feb 22, 2004


I was doing steps on page 15 of attached sheet

I was doing the microsoft example about cube to setup DSN SOURCE CONNECTION to ACCESS database (food mart) when i do a test

but after i do design storage and go to Process the cube
it gives me error

'test connection failed because of an error in initializing provide
(microsoft) ODBC DRIVER manager data source name not found and no default driver specified

one more error found
Microsoft ODBC DRIVER MANAGER driver sql connect attr failed: IMOO6


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How To Access SQL Express 2005 Remote Connection?

Jul 11, 2007

I have written a database application using .mdf in visual studio 2005 using (Windows XP sp2)

The app runs fine on the local machine. But I want to access the database from another computer (remote connection)

My Questions:
1. How to host the database file (mydb.mdf) on server machine?
2. How does connection string change on the client side?

Any other idea?


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Can't Access Server Remote Connection Through WiFi

Sep 23, 2013

When i connect the SQL server Remote Connection Through LAN that time it working fine but i switch over to wifi connection that time it is not working, and also the system not find SQL server Instance Name..

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Access To Several SQL Servers Implementing Trusted Connection

Jan 16, 2007

Being an IT consultant, I have to visit a number of customers having applications running on SQL Servers that implement trusted connection security model. In addition, all of these companies have their own DOMAIN settings, and security implementation.

How can I access to databases without changing the DOMAIN settings of MY notebook? I do not want them to switch to SQL security model, and I do not want to create any security hole in those companies.

What shall I want from the system administrator so that I can login into their domain without changing my domain settings?



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SQL Server 2005 Express Connection And MS Access

Dec 14, 2007

I just installed SQL Server Management studio express. I am trying to remotely connect to a SQL Server Express 2005 remotely. I was given the server name, user name and password, and used SQL Server authentication. It connected fine, and I was able to get at the intended database.

I then went to ODBC data sources to add this SQL server using SQL authentication. I entered the server, user and password, and I got a nebulous "could not connect" error. I thought is may be because I still was connected in SQL Server Management studio express, so I closed it and tried again with the same error. I then reopened SQL Server Management studio express and tried to reconnect, and got the same nebulous error, and have not been able to connect since.

I tried rebooting and reinstalling SQL Server Management studio express, but had the same result. Does anyone have any idea what I may have done and how to undo?


Steve Colino

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Intermittent 'Cannot Acquire Connection' To MS Access Error

Sep 27, 2007

I'm getting an intermittent error 'DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER' when attempting to connect to an Access mdb. We have a weekly package that fails almost every other week. The package uses a FileSystem task to copy an Access mdb which we use as a template. It has a single table structure which is empty. The FileSystem copy task creates the 'clone' in a different folder with a new file name. The new file name has the current date embedded in it. The next task is a DataFlow task which fills the single Access table with data. It uses an OLE_DB connection to the Access mdb. Since the destination mdb is created at runtime in the FileSystem task, I have set the DelayValidation = True for the DataFlow task. The package is called from a 'master' package via an Execute Package Task. The master package is launched from a web application. Interestingly, when I use the 'restart from checkpoint' feature it restarts the package at the DataFlow task and runs it successfully. I have used the 'restart from checkpoint' after each failure and it has always worked. When I try to isolate the problem in a test package I am unable to reproduce the error. Our SqlServer version is Enterprise Edition (64-bit) with SP2.

Anyone have a similar experience? Thanks in advance.

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Access Denied - Remote Connection To SSIS

Oct 24, 2006

We have 2 SQL2005 servers currently. 1 is a dev box, the other production. To grant remote access to SSIS, I added my developers to the local Distributed COM Users group and also gave them remote Access and remote Activation on the MsDtsServer component.

This worked just fine. Recently we applied SP1 and the follow-on hotfixes to all SQL components. I followed the install order prescribed in the Q article and applied all component fixes. My developers are now unable to access SSIS remotely unless I add them to the local administrator's group. I don't see anywhere that a log gets generated to help me track down what's going on. Nothing shows up in my Windows security log, despite enabling audit logging on: Accout Logon Events, Logon Event, Object Access, and Privilege Use.

Is this a know issue in SP1 or the hotfixes? I'm hesitant to apply the patches to my production box until I can resolve this issue.


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Access 2007 Connection To SQL 2000 REALLY Slow

Dec 19, 2006

I have an Access2000 ADP that I want to run under Access2007. The problem I have is that some forms take up to 45 seconds to open in Access2007! These are not complicated forms--just simple navigable reference forms like setting up transaction types etc. that are based on basic select statements like:

SELECT * FROM ArReceivableType

Where ArReceivableType is a reference table (less than 10 columns, all int or nvarchar(100) max) containing about 15 or 20 rows. They open instantly in Access2000.

I put a trace on to see what is happening on the SQL Server, and I noticed heaps of nasty code like this that generates tens of thousands of reads:

select object_name(, user_name(sotblfk.uid), object_name(, user_name(sotblrk.uid) from sysreferences srfk, sysobjects sofk, sysobjects sotblfk, sysobjects sotblrk where srfk.constid = and srfk.fkeyid = and srfk.rkeyid = and user_name(sofk.uid) = N'dbo' and object_name( = N'FK_FaAssetTransactionWork_ArReceivableType_ArReceivableTypeId'

It looks like Access2007 is reading all of the constraints for the underlying table, including all foreign keys. My SQL database contains 1400+ tables all with properly constructed foreign keys and other constraints.

Any suggestion on how to NOT have Access2007 do this? Right now, Access2000 works great for this enterprise app, but I really like the new Access2007 features (and I don't want to still be developing Access2000 apps in 2010).

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Access Denied | Connection Open | Create File()

Aug 18, 2001

When i try to connect my sql client to my sql server on the internet i get a error message :" Access denied | connection open | create file()"

plz help


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