Create Extended Stored Procedures In Visual Basic

Mar 9, 2001

You know this sample ODS dll project:

I need to find a template like this in Visual Basic.

On this site I read through the xp_Encrypt project which was developed in VB. I did not see source code or a downloadable project file.

My searching on the internet hasn't yielded any practicle results, all examples are either how to use an extended stored procedure or are a MSVC++ project.

Anyone find VB related resources, anywhere? Books, TV, magazines????

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Extended Stored Procs In Visual Basic? COM??

Aug 2, 2000

Is it possible to write extended stored procs in VB? I do not know C or C++ or Perl or whatever ....

How about calling a COM from a stroed procedure???


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Only Functions And Extended Stored Procedures Can Be Executed From Within A Function. Sp_executesql Is A Extended Stored Prod

May 15, 2008

i have created the folowing function but keep geting an error.

Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.

Why am i getting this error!

Create Function myDateAdd
(@buildd nvarchar(4), @avdate as nvarchar(25))
Returns nvarchar(25)
declare @ret nvarchar(25)
declare @sqlval as nvarchar(3000)

set @sqlval = 'select ''@ret'' = max(realday) from (
select top '+ @buildd +' realday from v_caltable where realday >= '''+ @avdate +''' and prod = 1 )a'

execute sp_executesql @sqlval
return @ret

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How To Create Sql Database In Visual Basic

Jan 11, 2007

First i am newbie in vb and Sql server...

Is possible to create and attaching, via vb classic or VBA, a sql
database in this instance:\DVD377-14D9E48CSQLEXPRESS...
I have Sql Express.

Database name: mydatabase
Database Table: mytable

fiedl1 text format
fiedl2 text format
fiedl3 text format
fiedl4 date format
fiedl5 number format
fiedl6 text format

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How To Create Sql Database In Visual Basic

Jan 11, 2007

First i am newbie in vb and Sql server...

Is possible to create and attaching, via vb classic or VBA, a sql
database in this instance:\DVD377-14D9E48CSQLEXPRESS...
I have Sql Express(msde).

Database name: mydatabase
Database Table: mytable

fiedl1 text format
fiedl2 text format
fiedl3 text format
fiedl4 date format
fiedl5 number format
fiedl6 text format

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Create Sql Database From Txt File Via Visual Basic (6.0)

Jun 1, 2007

Admit have a txt file similar:

filed1 filed2
aaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb
cccccccccccc dddddddddddddd
yyyyyyyyyy zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How to create VIA VISUAL BASIC (ADO or DAO) a new SQL Server databse?

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Create Database With Visual Basic (Urgent)

Aug 22, 2006

can i run such a transact SQL script with VB

use master
create database Ayhandeneme
on (Name=AyhanDeneme_Dat, FileName='c:ayhandeneme.mdf')

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I Cannot Create A Brand New MDF (sql Server Database) With Visual Basic 2005

Apr 20, 2007

Hi everybody:

I go to Server Explorer, right click on Data Connection, input the server name (that is, my own computer), give a new name to the database to create, and then inevitably get the error window saying:

An error occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connectiong to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL server does not allow remote connections. (Provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40, could not open a conection to SQL Server)

So, how to open a connection to SQL server 2005? I looked in the msdn but found absolutely nothing.

Please help


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Extended Stored Procedures

Oct 12, 1999

I'm trying to execute an exetended stored procedure from a trigger. The scenario is this: when an input occurs on a table, my trigger is fired, the extended stopred procedure is to be run, and VB app is to be notified that there is new input to process.

Problem is, I can't seem to get the XP to run. I have written a minimal DLL
with VC++ 6, has nothing but the required __GetXpVersion function and the
trigger function, as:

__declspec(dllexport) SRVRETCODE xp_InputAlarm(SRV_PROC *pSrvProc)
{ return XP_NOERROR; }

__declspec(dllexport) ULONG __GetXpVersion()
{ return ODS_VERSION; }

Pretty simple. I have defined the XP in the master database, set the properties point to the DLL. Believe everything is set up properly. However,
when an input occurs, a run-time error is generated on the XP. Attempting to execute it in Query Analyzer gives this error:

"Cannot find the function xp_InputAlarm in the library D:CustomMedInstaCert SourceInputAlarmInputAlaInputAlarm.dll. Reason: 127(The specified procedure could not be found.)."

Which I think means it can't find the proper entry point (xp_InputAlarm) in the DLL. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Extended Stored Procedures

Jan 6, 2005

Is there any way I can create an SQL script on any extended stored procedures? I need to see what they do. I looked in books online, but it didn't help. Thanks.

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Extended Stored Procedures - C/C++ Only?

Jun 13, 2001

I am working with Visual Basic and SQL Server 2000. I am looking to convert some of the VB into extended stored procedures, yet everything I've been reading has said that xp's can only be written in C or C++. Is this true??


Caroline Kaplonski

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Extended Stored Procedures

Jan 6, 2005


I'm trying to call XP_CMDSHELL from a stored procedure that's not in the Master db. How do I call XP_CMDSHELL? I've tried "Use Master" but I get an error telling me that I can't use "USE" inside of a stored procedure.


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Triggers, Extended Stored Procedures, And VB5/6

Sep 30, 1998

I would like to know if the the DLL`s one can build with VB5/6 can be used to construct Extended Stored Procedures in MS SQLServer 6.5? If so, how does one do this. All the reference material I`ve come across is for C

Thanks in Advance - Ralph

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Triggers, Extended Stored Procedures, And VB5/6

Sep 30, 1998

I would like to know if the the DLL`s one can build with VB5/6 can be used to construct Extended Stored Procedures in MS SQLServer 6.5? If so, how does one do this. All the reference material I`ve come across is for C

Thanks in Advance - Ralph

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Access To Extended Stored Procedures

Jul 18, 2007


How can I remove access to extended (xp_) stored procedures?
Is there any revoke on <stored_procedure_name> ... command? How can I generate a script of all users who have execute privileges for these procedures? Also, is there any way of restricting (instead of removing) access to those procedures?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

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Only Functions And Extended Stored Procedures Can

Jun 18, 2008

Hi all,
In one of my UDF I use the following functions:

and len(@int_date) = 4
and isnumeric(substring(@int_date,5,6)) = 1

when I use the function I get

Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.

Yes, when I comment the two lines the function works fine.
Ehm.... why can't I use these functions in my function ?
Thanks: Peter

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Extended Stored Procedures DB-Lib Alternative

Jul 20, 2005

Since DBlib is no longer the suggested method for connecting back tosql server from an Extended Stored Procedure, has anyone built anyextended stored procedures that use other connection methods likeOLEDB? Has anyone seen links to any sample extended stored proceduresthat use something other than db-lib? In particular I am interestedin something that connects back to the database as the user whoinvoked the extended stored procedure. I haven't had much luckfinding any.Also, is there an alternative for the bcp api that is a little morecurrent and has support for newer datatypes like bigint? We currentlyuse the bcp api from an extended stored procdure written in C++, butnow need to add bigint support which the bcp api doesn't have.Thanks for any advice.

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Extended Stored Procedures In SQL 2005?

Sep 9, 2007

The Extended Stored Procedures (Written in C++ unmanaged code) are supported in SQL Server 2005????


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Credentials And Extended Stored Procedures

Jun 11, 2007

I have a database script that uses the extended stored procedures sp_OACreate and sp_OCMethod to execute an .exe file. The .exe file is located on the same machine as the SQL Server. At this time it does nothing but log the name of the user calling it.

When I execute the script from Management Studio (logged in as myself) the user being logged as the caller of the .exe is still NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. I don't know why NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM is the caller, cause the SQL Server service runs under another domain account.

I have tried playing around with EXECUTE AS USER but no matter what, the caller of the .exe is always logged as NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM.

Are there any way I can pass my credentials to the executable that I am calling from the T-SQL script?

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Creating Extended Stored Procedures In C Sharp ?

Apr 26, 2004

Is it possible to create an extended stored procedure in C Sharp.
This is for Sql Server 2000.

Books online mentions that you have to use c / c++ to create an extended stored procedure.
However have Microsoft added any support so that the same thing can be done through a simpler language like C Sharp.


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Passing Parameters To Extended Stored Procedures

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to pass parameters to an extended stored procedure, to noavail. I would like to pass two integers to the dll and I have thefollowing three snippets:1. The C++ portion of the dll:....declspec(dllexport) int myAddNumbers(int m, int n)....2. The creation of the extended stored procedure:EXEC sp_addextendedproc myAddNumbers , 'foodll.dll';3. The usage:create function TestFunction()returns integerasbegindeclare @rc integerexec @rc = myAddNumbersreturn (@rc)endHow do any of the above three things need to be modified in order tomake this work?Thanks!!!

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Are Clr Sp's And Extended Stored Procedures The Same Thing In SS2005?

Feb 22, 2008

...we understand that perhaps some xp's might come with the product, but for sp's that we author ourselves, are they two different things in 2005, and if so, why would one be chosen over the other?

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Disabling Extended Stored Procedures For Security

Jun 29, 2007

Our security team wants us to disable access to (or drop) all of the built-in extended stored procedures in MSDE 2000 as they feel it is a vulnerability. Where can I find out which extended procs are safe to disable or how we can disable them during install time? Or, is the security team being too cautious and we should just tell them to leave these intact?

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How To Get The Results When Executing Extended Stored Procedures.

May 28, 2007

Hi. Does anyone know how to display the results if i execute "xp_fixeddrives, xp_availablemedia and xp_subdirs" commands with VC++ 6.0? I can't obtained the results using Recordset class. Can someone help me? Thank you.


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Stored Procedure Error When Run From Visual Basic In Access

Jan 23, 2002

I am working in an access data project. I have a stored procedure that runs fine when I open and run it directly in sql. When I use the DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure method in VB code, the stored procedure also runs fine (and successfully adds records as it should) but then I
get an error: #7874 "...can't find the
object...'[Name of sp'". This halts the vb code and is a
problem. Here's example code from a sp that causes
this problem:

Insert into Table (Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4)
Select Field1, 'Test', Field5, GetDate()
from View1

I understand there may be another syntax to run a stored procedure from access visual basic other than DoCmd. I would very much appreciate guidance as to how to do this.

Thank you.

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Passing Parameters To A Stored Procedure In Visual Basic

Jan 5, 2007

Hi peeps,

I need some help with passing parameters to a stored procedure from my visual basic code.

Unfortunately im a bit of a novice with Visual basic and therefore have very little experience with it.

I have written a stored procedure in VS 2005 which when executed from the server explorer appears to retrieve the results that I require. However I am at a loss for how to actually call this procedure from my visual basic code.

The stored procedure is fairly simple requiring 5 colums from 2 tables. The procedure requires a single parameter to be passed to it.

The code for the procedure is listed below:


Name: usp_display_all_users

Description: Displays activeuser, personid, comment from table: pswds

Userid and sort from table: people

Where the username is like the parameter supplied.

Both tables joined on personid

Author: Iain Blackwood

Modification log: Change

Description Date Changed by

Created proc 02/01/07 Iain Blackwood


ALTER PROCEDURE usp_display_all_users


@searchStr nvarchar(128) =''



SELECT dbo.pswds.activeuser, dbo.pswds.personid, dbo.people.userid, dbo.people.sort, dbo.pswds.comment


dbo.people ON dbo.pswds.personid = dbo.people.personid

WHERE (dbo.people.sort LIKE @searchStr + '%')

ORDER BY dbo.people.sort


The Visual Basic application I am working on firstly requires login details from the user to build a connection string for the SqlConnection. Once these vaules have been succesfully retrieved the application should display a view with the data returned by the stored procedure (in this case the stored procedure should use the default input parameter value of an empty string to return every row of data from the tables). However I also require that the stored procedure be called if the user enters a search string into the relevant textbox.

I have managed to reproduce the view I require with the following code however this is using SQL commands passed directly to the an SqlDataAdapter and not by calling the Stored procedure that i have written.

Private Sub fillDataGrid()


' 1: Fill the data set with all Accounts

' 2: Diplay the Data to the data grid

' delcare a new SQL connection

sqlCon = New SqlConnection(conStr)

' Delcare and build the SQL Command String: WILL BE REPLACED BY STORED PROCEDURE

Dim comStrPeople As String = "SELECT pswds.activeuser, pswds.personid, userid, sort, pswds.comment"

comStrPeople += " FROM pswds INNER JOIN"

comStrPeople += " people ON pswds.personid = people.personid"

comStrPeople += " ORDER BY sort"

' Display the command string: TEMPOARY

testlbl2.Text = comStrPeople

' Declare a new SQL data adapter

sqlDataAdapter1 = New SqlDataAdapter(comStrPeople, sqlCon)


' Declare a new dataset

sqlDataSet = New DataSet

' fill the sql data adapter with data from dataset: called PeoplePswds

sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(sqlDataSet, "PeoplePswds")

' Fill the forms datagrid view with data from the Dataset table PeoplePswds

DataGrid1.DataSource = sqlDataSet.Tables("PeoplePswds").DefaultView

Catch ex As Exception

' Display suitable error message

MessageBox.Show("Unable to retrieve Account Data at sub fillDataGrid" + ex.Message)

End Try

End Sub


I Guess what im asking for is someone to show / help with how the stored procedure is called from the visual basic code and passed the parameter/s required.

Thanx Flakkie

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Extended Stored Procedures -&> Loading Linked Files

Feb 11, 2004

Hello everybody

I actually wrote a stored procedure (in xp_wrapper.dll) that is using a dll (original.dll) which uses a license file (no file extension).... clear? :)


All the required files are placed in the BINN dir of the server.

The problem is now, that original.dll can't find it's license file. It seems, that this file was not load by SQL Server.

How can I load this file into SQL Server's heap?


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Performance Of Extended Stored Procedures In SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

What is the overhead of using extended stored procedures?I created a table with 500,000 rows.1) I ran a select on two columns and it runs in about 5 seconds.2) I ran a select on one column and called an UDF (it returns aconstant string) and it takes 10 seconds.3) I ran a select on one column and called a UDF that calls an extendedstored procedure that returns a string and it takes 65 seconds.I also tried running test 3 with 4 concurrent clients and each clienttakes about 120 seconds.

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Only Functions And Extended Stored Procedures Can Be Executed From Within A Function.

Jun 7, 2006

Hi, l've created an function [GSM].[KPIAging], and test it in studio by substitule declare value, i.e.
SET @sCellName = "CELL1M_1"
SET @dDate = CAST('06/Jun/2006' AS DATETIME)

EXEC GSM.KPIAging @sCellName, 'CSSR', @dDate

It work fine and return the desired result, but when l used this function in SQL,
FROM GSM.GSMCellDaily_vw

I got the following error, i.e.
Msg 557, Level 16, State 2, Line 19Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.
Does anyone have any idea on this, and what's the workaround for this?

Thanks you!

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Only Functions And Extended Stored Procedures Can Be Executed From Within A Function.

May 7, 2008

Hi mister, I have this script sql but I get this error:

Mens. 557, Nivel 16, Estado 2, LĂ­nea 1

Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.

DROP FUNCTION ObtenerTablaPorNombre2


CREATE FUNCTION ObtenerTablaPorNombre2 (@ParamNombreTabla VARCHAR(100))




DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(max)

DECLARE @params nvarchar(max)






SET @cmd = 'SELECT ' + @Descripcion + ',' + @CIF + ' FROM ' + @NombreTabla

--EXEC (@cmd)

SET @cmd = 'SELECT @pDescripcion, @pCIF FROM @pNombreTabla'

SET @params = N'@pDescripcion varchar(100), @pCIF varchar(100), @pNombreTabla varchar(100) '

EXEC sp_executesql @cmd, @params, @pDescripcion = @Descripcion, @pCIF = @CIF, @pNombreTabla = @NombreTabla




SELECT * FROM [dbo].ObtenerTablaPorNombre2 ('tabla2')
-- Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function

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Using EXECUTE Statements Calling An Extended Stored Procedures From Function..

Apr 29, 2004

Hi, all
I'm using Sql server 2000
I want to make select statement dynamically and return table using function.
in sp, I've done this but, in function I don't know how to do so.
(I have to create as function since our existing API..)

Following is my tials...
alter Function fnTest
( @fromTime datetime, @toTime datetime)

RETURN Exec spTest @from, @to

Yes, it give syntax error..

2. So, I found the following

From Sql Server Books Online, Remark section of CREATE FUNCTION page of Transact-SQL Reference , it says following..

"The following statements are allowed in the body of a multi-statement function. Statements not in this list are not allowed in the body of a function: "
* EXECUTE statements calling an extended stored procedures.

So, I tried.

alter Function fnTest
( @fromTime datetime, @toTime datetime)

RETURN Exec master..xp_msver

It doesn't work... syntax err...

Here I have quick question.. How to execute statements calling an extended stored procedures. any examples?

Now, I'm stuck.. how can I create dynamic select statement using function?

I want to know if it's possible or not..

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Transact SQL :: Only Functions And Some Extended Stored Procedures Can Be Executed From Within A Function

Sep 11, 2013

I have this function called fn_GetTimedKey() when I run it in my SQL2005 environment it works fine.

When I run it in my SQL2008R2 environment I get the error:

Only functions and some extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.

The SQL2008R2 server is new. What can I look for?

Here's the code for the function:

EXEC master..xp_usg_gettimedkey_VAL @v_Key OUTPUT

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Stored Procedure Not Returning OUTPUT Parameters To Visual Basic Program

Mar 24, 2008

I have coded a stored procedure to return nearly all of the columns of a single record selected by using a unique key value. The record is in an SQL database, not within an in-memory DataSet. All of the parameters that I wish to have returned to my program are defined as OUTPUT; the two key values are defaulted to INPUT, as there is no need to return them to the calling program. I also have defined the direction of these parameters in the calling SQLDataAdapter function. However, when I run this, the values returned are either the current date for my DateTime parameters, Nothing for my Char parameters or 0's for my integer parameters.

When I try testing the sproc alone, by using the "Step Into Stored Procedure" action in Visual Studio, I get a message in the Debug Output window indicating that parameter @TktClassID was expected and not supplied. This is an OUTPUT parameter, which makes me question why I should be providing any sort of value for it within my VB code. Following are the function definition from my SQLDataAdapter class that calls my sproc, and the sproc itself. I appreciate any help that anyone can provide.


Public Function Fetch(ByVal ticket As Ticket) As Ticket
Dim connbuilder As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder
connbuilder("Data Source") = "ITS-KCGV7VZSQLEXPRESS"
connbuilder("Integrated Security") = "True"
connbuilder("Initial Catalog") = "ITSHelpDesk"
Using conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connbuilder.ConnectionString)

Using comm As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("dbo.TicketFetch", conn)
comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim parm As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter

'Add Input parameters (i.e. Key values)

'Add @TicketYear parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TicketYear", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Value = DBNull.Value
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
'Add @TicketID parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TicketID", SqlDbType.Int)
parm.Value = DBNull.Value
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

'Add Output parameters

'Add @TktClassID parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TktClassID", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.TktClassID
'Add @TktRequestTypeID parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TktRequestTypeID", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.TktRequestTypeID
'Add @DateOpened parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateOpened", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateOpened
'Add @DateClosed parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateClosed", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateClosed
'Add @DateLastAssigned parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateLastAssigned", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateLastAssigned
'Add @DateLastStatusChange parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateLastStatusChange", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateLastStatusChange
'Add @TktStatus parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@TktStatusID", SqlDbType.SmallInt)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.TktStatusID
'Add @DescrRequest parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DescrRequest", SqlDbType.VarChar)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DescrRequest
'Add @DescrResolution parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DescrResolution", SqlDbType.VarChar)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DescrResolution
parm.Value = " " 'Handle bug?
'Add @OpenStatus parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@OpenStatus", SqlDbType.Bit)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.OpenStatus
'Add @UserLastUpdate parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@UserLastUpdate", SqlDbType.Char)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.UserLastUpdate
'Add @DateLastUpdate parameter
parm = comm.Parameters.Add("@DateLastUpdate", SqlDbType.DateTime)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
parm.SourceColumn = ticket.DateLastUpdate
End Using
End Using

Return ticket

End Function


USE [ITSHelpDesk]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[TicketFetch] Script Date: 03/24/2008 08:40:53 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: Tim Peters
-- Create date: 3/17/2008
-- Description: Fetch Ticket from Ticket table
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TicketFetch]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@TicketYear smallint = 0,
@TicketID int = 0,
@TktClassID smallint = NULL OUTPUT,
@TktRequestTypeID smallint = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateOpened datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateClosed datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateLastAssigned datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateLastStatusChange datetime = NULL OUTPUT,
@TktStatusID smallint = NULL OUTPUT,
@DescrRequest varchar(500) = NULL OUTPUT,
@DescrResolution varchar(500) = NULL OUTPUT,
@OpenStatus bit = NULL OUTPUT,
@UserLastUpdate char(10) = NULL OUTPUT,
@DateLastUpdate datetime = NULL OUTPUT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

-- Insert statements for procedure here
@TktClassID = [TktClassID],
@TktRequestTypeID = [TktRequestTypeID],
@DateOpened = [DateOpened],
@DateClosed = [DateClosed],
@DateLastAssigned = [DateLastAssigned],
@DateLastStatusChange = [DateLastStatusChange],
@TktStatusID = [TktStatusID],
@DescrRequest = [DescrRequest],
@DescrResolution = [DescrResolution],
@OpenStatus = [OpenStatus],
@UserLastUpdate = [UserLastUpdate],
@DateLastUpdate = [DateLastUpdate]
FROM [dbo].[Ticket]
WHERE [TicketYear] = @TicketYear AND [TicketID] = @TicketID

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