Create MSI Installer For SSIS Package

Sep 29, 2006

Can anyone sugest me steps to create the MSI Installer for SSIS packages

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Create Installer For Databae

Sep 10, 2007

can anyone tell me how can I create an installer for sql server 2005 db.

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How To Create Installer For Webservices

Nov 24, 2007

Hi Experts,
I have to create Installer or setup for my project.
My project Containg 2 webservices and one applicationProject.
I donot Know About Installer How To create SetUp For AboveProject . I want In setup wizard shows in grid it shows the 2 Webservices and PrudentialApplications. and How To add a sqlserver Bootstrapper in this application.

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Create An Installer For Sql Server 2005 Db

Sep 11, 2007

Can anyone tell how can I create an installer for sql server database.

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How To Create An Installer For Deploying Sql Server Express

Jul 19, 2007


I have created an installer for deploying Sql Server Express. My installer will start the process of installing Sql Server Express. However the installation of SqlServer Express will fail because it says another installer is currently running (which is my installer). Is there anyway to work around this problem?

The reason why I would like to create an installer for the installation of Sql Server Express is because I would like to configure the SqlServerExpress without the user fiddling with the ini file.


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Error Msg:SQLServer2005_SSMSEE.msi Is Not A Valid Installer Package

Apr 9, 2007

I have downloaded the msi file for the SQL Server Management Studio Express. However, clicking the msi file, showed a Windows Installer error msg that the installer package can not be opened because it is not a valid installer pckage.

Previously, I did download and install the SQL Server 2005 Express successfully. We need Management Studio Express in order to run the 'Enterprise manager'. Am I right?



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Is It Possible To Make An Installer Package(msi And Exe Files) For Stored Procedures,tables,views

Nov 9, 2007


I've a doubt regarding deploying and creating package (MSI and EXE files) for SQL Stored procedures,views,tables,functions,triggers etc.,just like ASP.NET application by publishing and deploying..Is it possible in the same way for sql objects.If so,pls help me how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

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Trying To Create A SSIS Package

Jul 3, 2007

Hello All,

I am learning SSIS and I am working through the Wrox book on 2005 SSIS. When I try to Import the files from the AdventureWorks2000 database I cannot see the Human Resources files. I was able to go through the wizard once and see the files and select them and proceed, but now I cannot see them. Please keep in mind I am a newby to this. What should I check for or what am I doing wrong?



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Can't Create New SSIS Package In VS 05

Jun 1, 2007

Is there anyone out there that can help me - please! I'm about to put my head through a wall.

I used to be able to create SSIS packages in VS 05. It's been a while since I've done it, but when I went in the other day, it would let me - all I can do is get errors. It tells me an "error prevented the view from loading" when it opens in control flow (blank packages and ones I created before all this started) and I get this error :

"Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)) (System.Windows.Forms)"

If I go over to the Data Flow tab and there are no errors until I click "Click here to add a new Data Flow task", then I get this :

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)"

So... here's what I've tried.

Uninstalled and reinstalled VS 05 and SP1 (this was before I realized the problem was with SQL).

Uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2003 Web Tools.

Made sure all the MSXMLs were registered.

Uninstalled and reinstalled all SQL Servers and Tools/Components.

Made sure all SQL Services were running under Local Account

Made sure Integrated Services service was running.

Applied all SQL patches.

I cannot get this to work and I need to be able to create packages. The only other step I can think of is wiping my computer and I don't want to have to do that.

Please please can anyone help me?? I've been scouring the internet and working on this for 1 day and 1/2.

View 3 Replies View Related

Using Transact SQL To Create And Add An SSIS Package

Aug 22, 2007

Can someone point me to any whitepaper on how to use a Transact SQL script to create an SSIS package. I will need to be able to run the script at various customer sites.

View 11 Replies View Related

Create SSIS Package Programmatically In VB6

Nov 28, 2007


I am working on modifying a VB6 app that dynamically creates DTS packages to copy data from one database to another depending on the selections made in UI. The project currently uses DTSPackage object library and DTSDataDump Scripting object library.
We are in the process of upgrading the server to SQL 2005. I am exploring the possibility of replacing code that generates DTS packages on the fly with SSIS packages.

Is it feasible to do this in VB6 ? I have referred to similar posts which focus mainly on VB.NET or C#.
Any help with white paper or sample code would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

View 6 Replies View Related

How Create Msi For Install SSIS Package

Sep 6, 2007

how i will can create a install for SSIS package

View 3 Replies View Related

Create Database Within SSIS Package

Aug 22, 2006

I want to create a package that imports data from a Visual Foxpro database to SQL Server 2005 Express database. I used the wizard in BI Development Studio (similar to the DTS in SQL Server 2000) to create a package and noticed that the SQL statements created in the Preparation SQL Task only has code for creating tables. I want to make the package such that it first creates the destination database before creating all the related tables in it! When I tried to edit the SQL code to include DROP DATABASE and/or CREATE DATABASE statements, these were rejected.

Is it possible to do this or do I have to first create the database outside the package and then call the package? I want to make this a seamless process for clients who do not have the know-how of SQL Server database administration.


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How To Create An SSIS Package Correctly By Programming?

Oct 12, 2005

     Recently I try to create a package completely by c# code,not the ETL tool.

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SSIS - How To Create A Script That Can Be Used From Various Dataflows Within The Same Package

Sep 4, 2007


i have to manipulate/calculate an attribute at runtime in a number of dataset within a package.
since the manipulation will be the same for all these datasets and that it has to be done with a script, i am looking to find a way of creating a single instance of this script and call it as and when necessary.

could i use a variable of data type object and pass and retrieve parameters into and out of it?

lets assume the following scenary to illustrate my point.
i have to create a new attribute in two datasets ( ds1, ds2) which is based on the following attributes:

and that i want to create this new attribute as:

surname, firstname

so i am creating a single string composed of surname plus a comma and firstname.

thus i will be creating a new attributes called custNames for two or more dataset and it tomorrow it is decided that i should be done in a different way then i only need to amend in on place.

i know it is not clear but i will be glad to anwser any queries to clarify this question.



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Need Help To Create SSIS Package To Send Mails

Sep 25, 2006

Hi All,

I am new to SQL Server 2005, I need Help to create a SSIS package for the below taks,
My task is Refer a Column [Status] in the Logtable which is used to maintain the logs for the running processes, When ever any Rows with the "FAIL" status in Status column occurs in the LogTable then get the Respective ErrorRowNumber and get the Details of the Error from other 2, 3 tables which will be a simple SQL statements, when you get the Error Details then mail these details to the given Email id.

For this I need a help In creating a SSIS package which will continuously check the Status and if any FAIL status occurs then the Error details need to mail to mail id which are stored in the config files of SSIS package.

If any one has better idea to send the mails then please let me know.

if any online tutorial is available that will also help.
Thanks in advance


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Integration Services :: How To Create Package In SSIS

May 1, 2015

Create SSIS package for the below output:


Eno  ename  Eloc      Edept
1       Sid       Pune     101,201,301,401,501,601


Eno ename Eloc Edept
1 Sid Pune 101
1 Sid Pune 201
1 Sid Pune 301
1 Sid Pune 401
1 Sid Pune 501
1 Sid Pune 601

View 2 Replies View Related

Integration Services :: How To Create A SSIS Package

May 1, 2015

Create a SSIS package for following scenario.I have one excel file which will contain 10 records for Monday, 12 records for Tuesday, 7 on Wed, no records on Thursday so if records are there I get mail if no records are there I didn't get mail daily.

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How To Create A SSIS Package For Data Import.

Sep 20, 2007

I want to create a package to import some tables from database X from Server XYZ to database X of server ABC.
(As my X database on server XYZ is gets updating everyday so i need to update it on X of server ABC using the package.)
So i have created a package using the import export data transformationn services.
It runs fine while creating. i.e importing data for the first time. But when i have saved that SSIS package on SQL or File system and scheduled it to run daily, but if fails everytime. I am not getting the error its giving. Because everytime when i go to view history of that package it just gives me messages like step1 started by user xyz and failed.
Can you please help me to sort out this problem.
If possible give me steps which will help me to create package to run above scenario.
you can mail me the solution on

Thanks in advance.

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Unable To Open / Create SSIS Package

Mar 24, 2008

I am receiving the following error when attempting to create a new package in SSIS 2005. I have completeley re-installed, and even had our support folks re-image my pc, but no luck. Works fine on my laptop, and others are not having any issues.

Microsoft Visual Studio is unable to load this document:
Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bryan

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2k5 SP-2 : Unable To Install Windows Installer MSP File (SSIS && SSNS)

Mar 29, 2007

New thread.

I tried following/have info on prior long thread on issue ...

> Extracted SP-1
> Ran JS script (info below)
> Re-ran SP-2, failed. (info below)
> (DTS9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_dts.msp.log info below)


D:Hotfix_2175x86>cscript RepairMSPSource.js "D:Hotfix_2175x86"

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

Found patch located at: D:Hotfix_2175x86hotfixasfilessqlrun_as.msp
Attempting to repair the local cache for PatchCode "{731AC539-10A2-4073-ADD2-49F74ED65EE6}"
No action can be taken as the patch has not been applied on the local machine.

Found patch located at: D:Hotfix_2175x86hotfixdtsfilessqlrun_dts.msp
Attempting to repair the local cache for PatchCode "{8B7E2749-624E-4C61-92FC-2BC18307FF24}"
D:Hotfix_2175x86RepairMSPSource.js(159, 17) Msi API Error: PatchProperty,Property

Summary.txt OUTPUT BELOW

Time: 03/29/2007 10:54:04.278
KB Number: KB921896
OS Version: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, Standard Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Package Language: 1033 (ENU)
Package Platform: x86
Package SP Level: 2
Package Version: 3042
Command-line parameters specified:
Cluster Installation: No

Prerequisites Check & Status
SQLSupport: Passed

Products Detected Language Level Patch Level Platform Edition
Setup Support Files ENU 9.2.3042 x86
Database Services (ATLQQDW01) ENU SP2 2005.090.3042.00 x86 STANDARD
Analysis Services (ATLQQDW01) ENU SP2 2005.090.3042.00 x86 STANDARD
Reporting Services (ATLQQDW01) ENU SP2 9.00.3042.00 x86 STANDARD
Notification Services ENU SP1 9.00.2047.00 x86 ENTERPRISE
Integration Services ENU SP1 9.00.2047.00 x86 ENTERPRISE
SQL Server Native Client ENU 9.00.3042.00 x86
Client Components ENU SP2 9.2.3042 x86 STANDARD
MSXML 6.0 Parser ENU 6.10.1129.0 x86
SQLXML4 ENU 9.00.3042.00 x86
Backward Compatibility ENU 8.05.2004 x86
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer ENU 9.00.3042.00 x86

Products Disqualified & Reason
Product Reason

Processes Locking Files
Process Name Feature Type User Name PID

Product Installation Status
Product : Setup Support Files
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Description :
Product : Database Services (ATLQQDW01)
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Analysis Services (ATLQQDW01)
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Reporting Services (ATLQQDW01)
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Number : 0
Error Description :
Product : Notification Services
Product Version (Previous): 2047
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Failure
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixNS9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_ns.msp.log
Error Number : 1612
Error Description : Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file
Product : Integration Services
Product Version (Previous): 2047
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Failure
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixDTS9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_dts.msp.log
Error Number : 1612
Error Description : Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file
Product : SQL Server Native Client
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Description :
Product : Client Components
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Description :
Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser
Product Version (Previous): 1129
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Description :
Product : SQLXML4
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Description :
Product : Backward Compatibility
Product Version (Previous): 2004
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Description :
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Not Selected
Log File :
Error Description :

One or more products failed to install, see above for details
Exit Code Returned: 1612


03/29/2007 10:15:12.964 ================================================================================
03/29/2007 10:15:12.964 Hotfix package launched
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 Local Computer:
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 Target Details: BPATLQQDW
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 commonfilesdir = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 lcidsupportdir = D:Installs1033
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 programfilesdir = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 programfilesdir_wow = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 supportdirlocal = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:15:12.996 windir = C:WINDOWS
03/29/2007 10:15:13.011 winsysdir = C:WINDOWSsystem32
03/29/2007 10:15:13.011 winsysdir_wow = C:WINDOWSSysWOW64
03/29/2007 10:15:13.011
03/29/2007 10:15:13.011 Enumerating applicable products for this patch
03/29/2007 10:15:13.027 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:15:13.043 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:13.043 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:15:13.043 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:13.043 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:15:13.683 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:15:13.699 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:15:13.730 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:13.730 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:15:13.730 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:13.730 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:15:13.996 Found SQL 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:15:20.886 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.886 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnSQLServr.exe
03/29/2007 10:15:20.886 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance ATLQQDW01: 3042
03/29/2007 10:15:20.902 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.902 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnSQLServr.exe
03/29/2007 10:15:20.902 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Product discovery completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 SP Level check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Product language check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Product version check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 SKU check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:20.917 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:15:20.933 Found OLAP Server 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:15:43.214 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:43.230 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAP\Binmsmdsrv.exe
03/29/2007 10:15:43.230 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance ATLQQDW01: 3042
03/29/2007 10:15:43.230 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:43.230 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAP\Binmsmdsrv.exe
03/29/2007 10:15:43.230 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:43.230 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Product discovery completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 SP Level check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Product language check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Product version check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:15:43.245 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:15:43.261 Found Notification Services 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:05.558 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:05.589 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242\Binsservice.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:05.636 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance : 2047
03/29/2007 10:16:05.636 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:05.651 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242\Binsservice.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:05.651 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:05.776 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:05.792 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:05.792 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:05.792 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:05.808 Product discovery completed during the install process for NS
03/29/2007 10:16:05.808 SP Level check completed during the install process for NS
03/29/2007 10:16:05.808 Product language check completed during the install process for NS
03/29/2007 10:16:05.808 Product version check completed during the install process for NS
03/29/2007 10:16:05.808 Baseline build check completed during the installation process for NS
03/29/2007 10:16:05.808 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:16:05.823 Found Report Server 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:12.354 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.354 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting Services\ReportServerinReportingServicesService.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:12.370 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance ATLQQDW01: 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:12.370 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.370 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting Services\ReportServerinReportingServicesService.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:12.370 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.370 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:12.370 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:12.370 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 Product discovery completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 SP Level check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 Product language check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 Product version check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 SKU check completed during the install process for ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:16:12.386 Found DTS 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:34.463 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:34.463 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS\Binnmsdtssrvr.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:34.495 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance : 2047
03/29/2007 10:16:34.495 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:34.495 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS\Binnmsdtssrvr.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:34.495 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:34.495 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:34.495 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Product discovery completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 SP Level check completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Product language check completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Product version check completed during the install process for Integration Services
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Baseline build check completed during the installation process for Integration Services
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:16:34.510 Found SQL 2005 Tools product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:56.666 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:56.682 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools\BinnVSShellCommon7IDESQLWB.EXE
03/29/2007 10:16:56.682 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Product discovery completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 SP Level check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Product language check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Product version check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 SKU check completed during the install process for SQL Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:56.697 Baseline build check completed during the install process
03/29/2007 10:16:56.713 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:56.713 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:56.713 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:56.729 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:56.729 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:57.119 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:57.135 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:57.151 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:57.151 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:57.151 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:57.151 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:57.479 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:57.494 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:57.510 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:57.510 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:57.526 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:57.526 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.244 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:58.260 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:58.276 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:58.276 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:Program FilesCommon Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.291 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"
03/29/2007 10:16:58.291 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Program Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.619 Found Redist 2005 product definition
03/29/2007 10:16:58.729 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.729 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSqlncli.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.729 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.729 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.729 description = SQL Server Native Client
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Native Client
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 package = HotFixSqlncli
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 productcode = {F9B3DD02-B0B3-42E9-8650-030DFF0D133D}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 upgradecode = {A6B19337-7392-4765-8675-5C25B758BA37}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:58.744 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 File Details: sqlncli.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 Instance Details: SQL Server Native Client
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 fullversion = 9.00.3042.00
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 productcode = {F9B3DD02-B0B3-42E9-8650-030DFF0D133D}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 sp = -1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSqlncli_x64.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 description = SQL Server Native Client
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server Native Client.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Native Client (64-bit)
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 machinetype = x64
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 package = HotFixSqlncli_x64
03/29/2007 10:16:58.760 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 upgradecode = {6EC3319D-84BE-4C32-AA91-7D6057CF05A5}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 File Details: sqlncli_x64.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSqlSupport.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 alwaysinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 description = Setup Support Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 details = Service Pack for the SQL Server support files.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.776 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 keyqualifier = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 legalproductname = SQL Server 2005 Setup Support Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 package = HotFixSqlSupport
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 productcode = {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 upgradecode = {3A91FA19-A197-467C-850F-0AFE90899371}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupport<MachineType><LCID>
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 parameters = REINSTALL=ALL
03/29/2007 10:16:58.791 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 File Details: SqlSupport.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 Instance Details: Setup Support Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 fullversion = 9.2.3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 productcode = {53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 sp = -1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSQL.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 description = Database Services
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 details = Service Pack for the SQL Server database engine, and the tools for managing relational and XML data, Replication, and Full-Text Search.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 installer = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 legalproductname = SQL Server Database Services 2005
03/29/2007 10:16:58.807 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 package = HotFixSQL
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 productname = SQL9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 sqlutility = sqlcmd.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 validateauthentication = true
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 File Group Details: MSP
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 File Details: sqlrun_sql.msp
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 Instance Details: ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 agentservicename = SQLAgent$ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 associatedhotfixbuild = 1520
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 clustername =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.822 ftsservicename = MSFTESQL$ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 fullversion = 2005.090.3042.00
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 id = MSSQL.1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 installsqldatadir = D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 installsqldir = D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 name = ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 productcode = {130A3BE1-85CC-4135-8EA7-5A724EE6CE2C}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 servicename = MSSQL$ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 sku = STANDARD
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 sp = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 type = SQL Server Standalone Product
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 vermajbld = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixAS.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 description = Analysis Services
03/29/2007 10:16:58.838 details = Service Pack for Analysis Services, and the tools used to support online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 installer = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 legalproductname = SQL Server Analysis Services 2005
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 package = HotFixAS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 productname = OLAP9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 File Group Details: MSP
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 File Details: sqlrun_as.msp
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854
03/29/2007 10:16:58.854 Instance Details: ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 associatedhotfixbuild = 1520
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 clustername =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 fullversion = 2005.090.3042.00
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 id = MSSQL.2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 installsqldatadir = D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 installsqldir = D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAP
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 name = ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 olapservicename = MSOLAP$ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 productcode = {8ABF8FEB-ABB0-40DC-9945-85AF36EF30A9}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 servicename = MSOLAP$ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 sku = STANDARD
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 sp = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 type = Olap Standalone Product
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 vermajbld = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixNS.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.869 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 description = Notification Services
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 details = Service Pack for Notification Services, a platform for developing and deploying applications that send personalized, timely notifications to a variety of devices or applications.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 installer = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 legalproductname = SQL Server Notification Services 2005 instances
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 package = HotFixNS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 productname = NS9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 File Group Details: MSP
03/29/2007 10:16:58.885 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 File Details: sqlrun_ns.msp
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 Instance Details: NS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 associatedhotfixbuild = 0
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 clustername =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 fullversion = 9.00.2047.00
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90NS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 id =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 installsqldatadir =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 installsqldir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 name =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 productcode = {C0B81E26-F7D0-4E84-941A-21C438BC586D}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 qfelevel = 2047
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 sku = ENTERPRISE
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 sp = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 type = Tools Only
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 vermajbld = 2047
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.901 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixRS.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 description = Reporting Services
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 details = Service Pack for the Report Server and Report Builder, which manages, executes, renders, and distributes reports.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 installer = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 legalproductname = SQL Server Reporting Services 2005
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 package = HotFixRS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 productname = RS9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 sqlutility = sqlcmd.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.916 validateauthentication = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 File Group Details: MSP
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 File Details: sqlrun_rs.msp
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 Instance Details: ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 associatedhotfixbuild = 1520
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 clustername =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 fullversion = 9.00.3042.00
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 id = MSSQL.3
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 installsqldatadir =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 installsqldir = D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting Services
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 name = ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 productcode = {E930E839-998E-42F9-97E2-71FC960DB1B7}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 rsservicename = ReportServer$ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 servicename = ReportServer$ATLQQDW01
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 sku = STANDARD
03/29/2007 10:16:58.932 sp = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 type = Report Server Standalone Product
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 vermajbld = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixDTS.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 description = Integration Services
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 details = Service Pack for Integration Services, a set of tools and programmable objects used to create and manage packages that extract, transform, and load data, as well as perform tasks.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 installer = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 legalproductname = SQL Server Integration Services 2005
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 package = HotFixDTS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 productname = DTS9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.947 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 File Group Details: MSP
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 File Details: sqlrun_dts.msp
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 Instance Details: Integration Services
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 associatedhotfixbuild = 0
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 clustername =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 dtsservicename = MsDtsServer
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 fullversion = 9.00.2047.00
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 id =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 installsqldatadir =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 installsqldir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTS
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 name =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 productcode = {8E408A85-E0E5-4094-903F-8675707AC313}
03/29/2007 10:16:58.963 qfelevel = 2047
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 servicename = MsDtsServer
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 sku = ENTERPRISE
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 sp = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 type = Tools Only
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 vermajbld = 2047
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixTools.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 baselinebuildmax = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 description = Client Components
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 details = Service Pack for the interactive management tools for running SQL Server, including SQL Server Configuration Manager, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Profiler, and Replication Monitor.
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 installer = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 legalproductname = SQL Server Tools and Workstation Components 2005
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 package = HotFixTools
03/29/2007 10:16:58.979 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 productname = SQLTools9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 File Group Details: MSP
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 File Details: sqlrun_tools.msp
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 Instance Details: SQL Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 associatedhotfixbuild = 1520
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 clustername =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 fullversion = 9.2.3042
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 id =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 installsqldatadir =
03/29/2007 10:16:58.994 installsqldir = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 name =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 productcode = {1DD463C0-A50A-4394-B7E4-5895C02F9E0D}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 sku = STANDARD
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 sp = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 type = Tools Only
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 vermajbld = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixMsxml6.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 build = 6.10.1129.0
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 description = MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 details = Service Pack for Microsoft XML 6.0 Parser.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 legalproductname = MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:59.010 package = HotFixMsxml6
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 productcode = {A43BF6A5-D5F0-4AAA-BF41-65995063EC44}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 upgradecode = {1B117BA7-5BC1-419E-820E-7D4F3F412C7B}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 File Details: msxml6.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 Instance Details: MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 fullversion = 6.10.1129.0
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 productcode = {A43BF6A5-D5F0-4AAA-BF41-65995063EC44}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 qfelevel = 1129
03/29/2007 10:16:59.026 sp = -1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixMsxml6_x64.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 build = 6.10.1129.0
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 description = MSXML 6.0 Parser
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 details = Service Pack for Microsoft XML 6.0 Parser.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 legalproductname = MSXML 6.0 Parser (64-bit)
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 machinetype = x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 package = HotFixMsxml6_x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 upgradecode = {5BBED1F8-E6F3-4A02-BC97-26D35BE200CA}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.041 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 File Details: msxml6_x64.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSqlxml4.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 description = SQLXML4
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQLXML 4.0.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 legalproductname = SQLXML4
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 package = HotFixSqlxml4
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 productcode = {36DD7006-7BFE-4E3D-AF6E-FA734BC879B7}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.057 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 upgradecode = {D9CA3D82-6F1B-41A7-8141-B90ACA8F865B}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 File Details: sqlxml4.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 Instance Details: SQLXML4
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 fullversion = 9.00.3042.00
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 productcode = {36DD7006-7BFE-4E3D-AF6E-FA734BC879B7}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 sp = -1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSqlxml4_x64.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.072 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 description = SQLXML4
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQLXML 4.0.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 legalproductname = SQLXML4 (64-bit)
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 machinetype = x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 package = HotFixSqlxml4_x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 upgradecode = {F457D8E6-7686-437D-9B17-E21D45CCABD8}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.088 File Details: sqlxml4_x64.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSQLServer2005_BC.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 build = 2004
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 description = Backward Compatibility
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 details = Service Pack for the Backward Compatibility components, including Data Transformation Services Runtime and SQL-DMO.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 package = HotFixSQLServer2005_BC
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 productcode = {69880C00-08DD-4385-B752-9C62656F6D1E}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:59.104 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 upgradecode = {1E70C6C9-E1B7-4A74-BC8C-8EB5D010CEC9}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 File Details: SQLServer2005_BC.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 Instance Details: Backward Compatibility
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 fullversion = 8.05.2004
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 productcode = {69880C00-08DD-4385-B752-9C62656F6D1E}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 qfelevel = 2004
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 sp = -1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSQLServer2005_BC_x64.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 build = 2004
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 description = Backward Compatibility
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 details = Service Pack for the Backward Compatibility components, including Data Transformation Services Runtime and SQL-DMO.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.119 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility (64-bit)
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 machinetype = x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 package = HotFixSQLServer2005_BC_x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 upgradecode = {7B6BF434-3C72-4DB3-8049-FEF31AEAFF9A}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 File Details: SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSqlWriter.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.135 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 description = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 machinetype = x86
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 package = HotFixSqlWriter
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 productcode = {E9F44C98-B8B6-480F-AF7B-E42A0A46F4E3}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 upgradecode = {65D8E1DF-6201-4B53-A0F9-E654F8E80F97}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151
03/29/2007 10:16:59.151 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 File Details: SqlWriter.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 Instance Details: Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 fullversion = 9.00.3042.00
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 productcode = {E9F44C98-B8B6-480F-AF7B-E42A0A46F4E3}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 qfelevel = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 sp = -1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 Product Enumeration Results:
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 INF File Name: D:InstallsHotFixSqlWriter_x64.inf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 baselinebuild = 1399
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 build = 3042
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 description = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 details = Service Pack for Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer.
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 kbarticle = KB921896
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 kbarticlehyperlink =
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 lcid = 1033
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer (64-bit)
03/29/2007 10:16:59.166 machinetype = x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 package = HotFixSqlWriter_x64
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 packagetype = Hotfix
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 productname = Redist9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 recommendinstall = 1
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 servicepackname = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 Setup
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 splevel = 2
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 supportdir = D:Installs
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 upgradecode = {E9031696-DD39-4C25-BAEB-425FF28279EA}
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 version = 9
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 File Group Details: MSI
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182 File Details: SqlWriter_x64.msi
03/29/2007 10:16:59.182
03/29/2007 10:17:27.916 Registry: Opened registry key "SystemCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager"
03/29/2007 10:17:27.916 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "PendingFileRenameOperations"
03/29/2007 10:17:27.931 Registry: Read registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0
03/29/2007 10:17:27.947 Registry: Read registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0
03/29/2007 10:17:41.838 Registry: Set registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 1
03/29/2007 10:17:41.838 Registry: Set registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0
03/29/2007 10:17:41.884 Locked file: Checking for locked files
03/29/2007 10:17:45.744 Locked file: C:Program Filesmicrosoft sql server90dtsinnmsdtssrvr.exe (MsDtsServer [MsDtsSrvr.exe] - 8060)
03/29/2007 10:53:18.873 Locked file: Checking for locked files
03/29/2007 10:53:26.482 Attempting to pause the 32 bit ngen queue
03/29/2007 10:53:27.294 Installing product: NS9
03/29/2007 10:53:27.294 Installing instance: NS
03/29/2007 10:53:27.310 Installing target: BPATLQQDW
03/29/2007 10:53:27.310 Installing file: sqlrun_ns.msp
03/29/2007 10:53:27.326 Copy Engine: Creating MSP install log file at: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixNS9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_ns.msp.log
03/29/2007 10:53:27.326 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller"
03/29/2007 10:53:27.326 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug"
03/29/2007 10:53:27.873 MSP returned 1612: The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
03/29/2007 10:53:27.873 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller"
03/29/2007 10:53:27.873 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug"
03/29/2007 10:53:27.888 Copy Engine: Error, unable to install MSP file: D:InstallsHotFixNSFilessqlrun_ns.msp
03/29/2007 10:53:27.888 The following exception occurred: Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file Date: 03/29/2007 10:53:27.888 File: depotsqlvaultstablesetupmainl1setupsqlsesql

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SQL 2012 :: Create Stored Procedure In SSIS Package

Jun 5, 2014

I have a really big stored proc that needs to be rolled out to various databases as part of db installs I run through SSIS.

The Stored proc is too long to run using Execute SQL Task. Is there another way that just running the create script manually.

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Integration Services :: How To Create SSIS Package With Mails

Aug 17, 2015

I am new to SSIS. I have a requirement that from a flat file need to import the data into SQL Server DB(SQl Server2008r2).

1.When the file doesn't found in dir need to send a mail.
2.error reading And writing ,on which record the error occurred and capture the error details and need to send mail.
3. In success also need to send a mail.

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Dynamically Create An SSIS Bulk Insert Package

Sep 26, 2007

I am looking high and low for some assistance with developing a VB .NET solution that I programmatically create a package and add tasks. I am adding a BULK INSERT task to load large FLAT TEXT files into SQL Server 2005 tables. When I execute the application I execute a package validation and it always returns FAILURE. I have been reading and searching like crazy and I have bought 2 microsoft books, TO NO AVAIL! Can anyone PLEASE help me with this. Thank you!


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SQL 2012 :: Dynamically Create Connection To A Database Within SSIS Package

Aug 6, 2015

I am trying to dynamically create the connection to a database within an SSIS package.

the requirement is to allow the user to pass through the database as a variable and that variable will dynamically create the connection string in the connection manager.

Is this possible, if so how?

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USING BI Studio How To Create Dynamic Connection String In SSIS Package

Jun 19, 2006


I need help for Connection string:

Requirement: When we create SSIS Pacakge using Businessinteligence studio.Each Source and Destination or whatever we using the Control required DB Connection.

we connect theDB server and Database Table through manaully .Instead of Manual i need dynamic Global varible for Connection String .How to achieve this connection string.

because suppose we create SSIS Package in Developement Server Latter We change the Server from Developement to Another Testing Server . at that time we dont requierd for changing manulay.any one pls reply me.

Same as in Dotnet we give configiration XML file .we gave the Connection strng. how to in SSIS we do?

Thanks & Regards


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Integration Services :: SSIS Package - Create Different TXT File For Each Code

Jun 25, 2015

EDate Datetime,
Code varchar(255),
Cdate int,
Price int
drop table Test

[Code] ....

I have this Query and the below output:

EDate Code CDate Price
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 22
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 28
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 43

[Code] ....

Now the task is to create  SSIS package which will create different .txt file for each Code

1) RX20150624.txt
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 22
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 28
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 43

2) NG20150623.txt
2015-06-23 00:00:00.000 NG 20150701 43

3) HO20150624.txt
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 HO 20150701 43
And so on..

But the requirement is to have a dynamic query where we can have more number of Codes or less number of codes and similarly the package should generate dynamic text files, one .txt file per code. What is the best way to create a package which can meet the above requirement?

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Create SSIS Package To Script Out DB Objects (1 File Per Object)

Nov 29, 2007

We are in the process of trying to automate our production releases (what a concept ;-)

The database is SQL server 2005
All objects are being stored in VSS
Using Nant and Cruise Control for the actual migrations.
I have two directories - Create (for a brandnew database) and Change (db object changes)

In my 'Change' script, I do the following -

1 - Take backup of database
2 - Migrate objects from 'change' directory to production
3 - Script out all objects of database and save in the 'Create' directory

For the #3, I was hoping I could create an SSIS package that would
script out all database objects and save them on the VSS server.

I'm new to SSIS and want to verify it's something that can be done before I start down that path.
If anyone has any examples or references, it would be much appreciated.


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ActiveX Script In A SSIS Package - Calling An FSO To Create/manipulate Files

Jul 3, 2007

I have a SQL2000 DTS package that executes vbscript to loop through a recordset which:

- runs a stored procedure and populated tables

- builds a recordset from the populated tables to write records to an Excel file

- writes status to text files with either the error or success notices

I use FSO to set up the success and error files, but the scheduled job in SQL2005 which calls the SSIS package returns the following error:

"Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x0015F74C"

I can successullly run this (vbscript) in both the SSIS package via the BI Development Studio and in MS Access (exactly the same code in both) - but not as a SSIS package called in a scheduled job in SQL2005.

I am at an impasse with this ... any and ALL assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.



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Integration Services :: Create SSIS Package Checkpoint-file Property With UNC Path

Aug 26, 2015

I can set the propperty of the checkpoint file to a local drive, but not to a UNC path mapping, mapping to my host server. (loop back)

Example: "I:FILEFILE1$InputArchiveOntwikkel " is possible as checkpoint file property.

S11487O$InputArchiveOntwikkel  is not possible, though this is the same folder on the local host.

For data source both unc path and drive mapping are allowed. Why this difference?

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If I Had Any Hair Left I'd Pull It Out. How Do I Create A SSIS Package Which Creates A Table That Never Expires?

Mar 6, 2007

Hello everyone,

I'm not at all comfortable with SSIS so please forgive me if I overload you all with information here:

I need to create a data table using SSIS which does not delete the previous days data. So far all the data tables we use to write reports in Visual Studio are constructed in SSIS as follows.

1 - Excecute SQL Task - DELETE FROM STOCK
2 - Data Flow Task
4 - OLE DB Destination (Creates table STOCK)

The data tables which are created this way are stored in a data warehouse and scheduled to refresh once a day, which means that any data from yesterday is lost when the updates run. So, I tried to create a table which never has its previous days' data deleted by using just the last three steps above - and it worked great in Visual Studio, no problem at all. However, when I added this SSIS Package to the Update Job in SQL Server Management Studio, the job totally rejected the packed with the message: "The command line parameters are invalid. The step failed".

I thought I could work around this problem by asking the job step to excecute a simple SQL query to insert the data from table1 into table2 (and would thus negate the need for a SSIS Packege at all), but it threw me a curve ball with some message about not being able to use proxy accounts to run T-SQL Scripts.

If anyone knows how to create a SSIS package in which the data never expires please could you impart some wisdom my way. I only need to do this once for a specific report.

Please, when answering, bear in mind that I'm a simple fellow with little understanding of the inner workings of SQL Server and its various components, so please use short sentences and simple words.

Thanks in advance,


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Integration Services :: Create SSIS Package Dynamically For Inserting Data From Flat File To Table?

Sep 30, 2015

I have requirement like  to develop dynamic package for inserting data from flat file to table.

Find below points for more clarification :--

1) if I changed the flat file values and name  in source variable AND  the table name should be also changed based on variable value .

2) it should dynamically mapped with column values with source file as we have to insert data in target table.

See below diagram for more clarification.

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Job Running SSIS Package Keeps Failing But The SSIS Package By Itself Runs Perfectly Fine

Aug 30, 2006

Hey, I've a few jobs which call SSIS packages. If I run the SSIS package, it runs fine but if I try to run the job which calls this package, it fails. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? None of my jobs that call an SSIS package work. All of them fail.

Thank you


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