Create Procedure Wizard

Jul 23, 2004

has anyone ever used the Create Procedure wizard in SQL server 2000?? is that effective

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A Wizard To Create Triggers

Apr 3, 2007

Hi Guys,
Is there any Wizard or software or tools that I can use to create Triggers for my tables ... !????
It is for MSSQL 2005 database
Thanks for your help,Mehdi

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Unable To Create A New Task Unless Use Wizard?

Dec 10, 2013

I just started having an issue with maintenance tasks. When I click on one of my jobs to modify it I get the following error. Also I am unable to create a new task unless I use the wizard? Could not load file or assembly 'msddsp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsComponentDiagram.CreateDdsView(Control parentControl)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Controls.DdsDiagramHostControl.set_ComponentDiagram(ComponentDiagram value)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DbMaintSequenceDesigner.get_DbMaintDiagramHost()


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Error In Create Subscription Wizard

Dec 4, 2005

When creating a subscription, if there is an error detected at the end - it creates the subscription but might not create the sql agent job, and it doesn't give you a chance to correct the error.

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Sqldatasource Replicating On Insert On A Create User Wizard

Apr 18, 2007

I have a create user wizard.  On the created user event.  I am calling a datasource.insert to insert the email, userid, and opt in to newsletter option into another table.
 For some reason it is inserting the value twice into the database.  I have checked possibilities for why this might be happening.  I am pulling my hair out. 
 Any ideas?

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Adding Extra Steps To A Create User Wizard (c#)

Feb 25, 2008

 Hi, Apologies in advance if you get confused by reading this.... I am trying to create an additional step in the Create Wizard User Control that is provided by The additional step that I want to add will come after a user will create their username, password, email etc. The information which I want to save in the extra step are details such as firstname, lastname, address, height, weight etc. (I am creating an online weight management system for dieticians).When I  run through the application, the username, password etc save perfectly to the database, but nothing happens with the other "personal information". There are no errors thrown so I don't know where the problem is coming from.I have included the code below as I have it:The code behind the Register.aspx file is as follows: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="InsertExtraInfo" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1 %>" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [aspnet_UserInformation] ([first_name], [surname], [address1], [address2], [city], [country], [number], [height], [weight]) VALUES (@txtFirstName, @txtSurname, @txtAddress1, @txtAddress2, @txtCity, @txtCountry, @txtNumber, @txtHeight, @txtWeight)" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1.ProviderName %>"> <InsertParameters> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtFirstName" Type="String" ControlID="txtFirstName" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtSurname" Type="String" ControlID="txtSurname" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtAddress1" Type="String" ControlID="txtAddress1" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtAddress2" Type="String" ControlID="txtAddress2" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtCity" Type="String" ControlID="txtCity" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtCountry" Type="String" ControlID="txtCountry" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtNumber" Type="String" ControlID="txtNumber" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtHeight" Type="String" ControlID="txtHeight" PropertyName="Text" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="txtWeight" Type="String" ControlID="txtWeight" PropertyName="Text" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
 Then the code I have behind the Register.aspx.cs page is: protected void CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        TextBox UserName = (TextBox)CreateUserWizard1.FindControl("UserName");        SqlDataSource DataSource = (SqlDataSource)CreateUserWizard1.FindControl("InsertExtraInfo");                MembershipUser User = Membership.GetUser(UserName.Text);        //object UserGUID = User.ProviderUserKey;        DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("UserId", UserGUID.ToString());        DataSource.Insert();    } I know there is a problem with the code on the aspx.cs page but I cant figure it out. I need the username / password information to relate to the personal details information. I know I have to create a foreign key in the asp_UserInformation table that will link to the username in the asp_Membership (where all the username / password info is stored) Any help will do, I'm almost in tears here!!!The Spud 

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How Do I Set Access 2002 Upsizing Wizard To Create Clustered-index On SQL 2005

Jun 3, 2006

Here is an extract from the Acc2Sql2.doc >>

By default, the Upsizing Wizard
transfers all indexes as nonclustered indexes. You can modify the Upsizing
Wizard to transfer the primary key index to a clustered index. To make this
change, start Microsoft Access and open the upsizing wizard library database.
For Microsoft Access 95, the filename is Wzcs.mda. For Microsoft Access 97, the
filename is Wzcs97.mda. When the database is open, click the Modules tab and open the
UT_ModUserConstants module. Search down to the UT_CLUSTERED constant. Change
the default value from False to True.

<<< end quote
Question: I am using ACCESS 2002 upsize wizard, I searched my computer for *.mda and could not find any wzcs*.mda. How do I set it so that it creates clustered-index instead of non-clustered-index?

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Stored Procedure Wizard

Feb 5, 2007

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance.  I am new to SQL Server 2005 and am trying to understand the Stored Procedure Wizard.  In SQL 2000, it seems that the wizard does a lot more fo the actual generation of the sproc.  Also, I haven't figured out how to change the wizard to create an update, insert, or delete sproc.  I'm hoping that I'm simply not understanding how to effectively use it, but it really seems like the wizard has taken a step back.  Can someone give me some insight or articles on how to effectively use this?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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ASP.NET Wizard + Stored Procedure

Feb 21, 2007

HI,I have created a wizard control to collect user informations.First step : Personal informationsStep Two : Educational informationsAfter user completed and click finish button I want to add Personal informations to 'Personal' table in my sql server database.And also Educational information in to 'Educational' table.Using Stored Procedure  (here it is)CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1   @Fname varchar(10),  @Lname varchar(10),  @Email varchar(50),  @Tel varchar(20)AS  INSERT INTO Personal (Fname, Lname, Email, Tel)  VALUES (@Fname, @Lname, @Email, @Tel)  RETURN  So Now I want to add another stored procedure for Educational table.How do I do this.Should I modify this.But Educational info should goes to 'Educational' table not to 'Personal' How do I chieve this. Thanks 

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Stored Procedure Wizard

Nov 24, 2005

SQL 2000 had a Stored Procedure Wizard and I was wondering where it is in SQL 2005 or if it even exists any more. If it is gone was an alternative created?

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Stored Procedure Wizard

Feb 7, 2007

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I am new to SQL Server 2005 and am trying to understand the Stored Procedure Wizard. In SQL 2000, it seems that the wizard does a lot more of the actual generation of the sproc. Also, I haven't figured out how to change the wizard to create an update, insert, or delete sproc. I'm hoping that I'm simply not understanding how to effectively use it, but it really seems like the wizard has taken a step back. Can someone give me some insight or articles on how to effectively use this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Stored Procedure Wizard Missing

Nov 10, 2006

anyone know where the stored procedure wizard went in sql 2005?
 in 2000 it was so easy to check the type of SP you wanted and then it automatically wrote all the fields and value tsql for that - literally took 1 minute to create an insert update delete stored proc on any table.
i don't see that in sql 2005
let me know, if you know.
thanks - Jeff

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Where To Look For Extended Stored Procedure DLL Wizard In VS 2005

Dec 12, 2005


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Cannot Find Select Stored Procedure Wizard In SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I was using the SQL 2000 stored procedure wizard to create storedprocedures. I can create insert, delete and update SPs however I amnot able to create the select SP. The wizard does not offer the optionof selecting "select" type SP. thank you for your replyscompraj

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Existing Storeed Procedure And Wizard Report Generator

May 9, 2008

I have an existing (working) SP that when I try to drop into the reoirt wizard gives me errors. The procedure runs in SQL management Studio, works in an existing rdl, even returns data in the repor wizard but also returns errors and therefore I can't continue. My work around is to drop it into an existing rdl; then I lose the Report Wizard features of generating a slick, quick repport.

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SqlDataSource Set To Stored Procedure, Tests OK In Wizard, Does Not Return Data When Executed

Apr 27, 2007

With a  Gridview Control, I set the SqlDataSource to be a stored procedure in a Sql Sever database. 
Using the wizzard to configure the datasource, the test returns lots of rows.  After completing the wizzard, the gridview control does not show the column names in the VS2005 designer.  For the gridview column headers the values are Databound Col0, Databound Col1, Databound Col2, ....)   This tells me I have a problem.
 I tried the same thing with a  simpler stored procedure. This test stored procedure does not call anything else, takes several input parameters, returns rows.  The column names show in the gridview control as expected.
 So I am trying to figure out why the first case of gridview with sqldatasource is not working and the second case works .  The stored procedure that is not working with my gridview calls multiple inner stored procedures and has #TEMP tables. My complex stored procedure ends with Select * from #Temp.
 Could the calling of other inner stored procedures and use of #temp tables contribute to the problem?  If yes then what is the strategy for using a gridview and loading it with the data that the complex stored procedure returns? 

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Apr 12, 2006


I have currently a problem with setting up the permissions for some developers. My configuration looks like this.

DB A is the productive database.

DB B is a kind of "development" database.

Now we have a couple of users call them BOB, DAVID, ...

who are members of the db role db_reader and db_writer for the productive db a but they should be allowed to do nearly everything on db b.

Therefor I added them to the db role db_owner for db b.

For testing purposes I tried to "CREATE" a view TEST as BOB in database B but I received the error message

'Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 3

CREATE VIEW permission denied in database 'b'.'

I cross checked the permissions on db level and I even granted all available permissions on db level but nevertheless I receive this error message.

What's my mistake?

Of course it worked fine when I give them sysadmin rights but then they have far too much permissions.



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Create Procedure To Create Many Triggers And Procedure

Apr 19, 2002

Hi guys.

I am trying to create a procedure which should drop all existing triggers and can create about 40 differnt triggers in a table.

I cant use "GO" statement in a procedure.

Is there any way to create a procedure like that?

I dont want to run this as a script.

please advice.

--Note: Many triggers use same kind of variable names inside.


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The Old Inability To Toggle/change/switch Between ALTER PROCEDURE &<---&> CREATE PROCEDURE Bug (or Is It A Feature?)

Apr 1, 2007

Keep in mind this is my first compiled SQL program Stored Procedure(SP), copied from a book by Frasier Visual C++.NET in Visual Studio2005 (Chap12). So far, so theory, except for one bug (feature?)below. At some point I'm sure I'll be able to laugh about this, akinto forgeting a semi-colon in C/C++, but right now it's frustrating(time to sleep on it for a while).Problem--For some reason I get the error when trying to save files where twotables (called Author and Content), linked by a single key, form arelationship.By simple comparison of the source code in the textbook and my program(below) I found the difference: instead of, like in the textbook, theStored Procedure (SP) starting with "CREATE PROCEDURE", it*automatically* is (was somehow) given the name of 'ALTER PROCEDURE'and I cannot change this to "CREATE PROCEDURE" (you get an error in MSVisual Studio 2005 Pro edition of "There is already an object namedXXX in the database", see *|* below). No matter what I do, the SP isalways changed by Visual Studio 2005 to 'ALTER PROCEDURE'!!!(otherwise it simply will not save)Anybody else have this happen? (See below, others have had this happenover the years but it's not clear what the workaround is)Keep in mind this is my first attempt and I have ordered somespecialized books on SQL, but if this is a common problem (and Isuspect it's some sort of bug or quirk in VS2005), please let me know.Frankly I think SQL as done by VS2005 is messed up.Here are two Usenet threads on this problem:(1) or, or, second thread implies this is a bug--any fix?Also this bug might be relate to the fact I've switched (and notrebooted) from Administrator to PowerUser after successfully changingthe permissions in the SQL Server Management Studio Express (see thisthread: )Regarding this problem I might try again tommorrow to see if rebootinghelps.BTW, in the event I can't get this to work, what other SQL editor/compiler should I use besides MS Visual Studio 2005 for ADO.NET andSQL dB development?RL// source files// error message:'Authors' table saved successfully'Content' table- Unable to create relationship 'FK_Content_Authors'.The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint"FK_Content_Authors". The conflict occurred in database "DCV_DB",table "dbo.Authors", column 'AuthorID'.// due to the below no doubt!--CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertAuthor /* THIS IS CORRECT (what I want)'CREATE PROCEDURE' not 'ALTER PROCEDURE'*/(@LastName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL,@FirstName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL)AS/* SET NOCOUNT ON */INSERT INTO Authors (LastName, FirstName)VALUES(@LastName, @FirstName)RETURN--ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.InsertAuthor /* WRONG! I want 'CREATE PROCEDURE'not 'ALTER PROCEDURE' but VS2005 won't save it as such!!!*/(@LastName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL,@FirstName NVARCHAR(32) = NULL)AS/* SET NOCOUNT ON */INSERT INTO Authors (LastName, FirstName)VALUES(@LastName, @FirstName)RETURN--*|* Error message given: when trying to save CREATE PROCEDURE StoredProcedure: "There is already an object named 'InsertAuthor' in the dB

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How Do I Create A Database Wizard To Install My Database Anywhere

Nov 9, 1999

Hi.. i have created a project which uses SQL 7 as a database and have finished it. MY supervisor wants me
to create a wizard that will be able to install the database on any NT 4.0 machine. How do i start and go about doing

Please help

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Importing Data From Oracle 8i/9i To SQL Server 2005 Using SQL Server Import And Export Wizard (AKA DTS Wizard)

Oct 20, 2006

Hi All,

I have become frustrated and I am not finding the answers I expect.

Here's the gist, we support both Oracle and SQL for our product and we would like to migrate our Clients who are willing/requesting to go from Oracle to SQL. Seems easy enough.

So, I create a Database in SQL 2005, right click and select "Import Data", Source is Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and I setup my connection. so far so good.

I create my Destination for SQL Native Client to the Database that I plan on importing into. Still good

Next, I select "Copy data from one or more tables or views". I move on to the next screen and select all of the Objects from a Schema. These are Tables that only relate to our application or in other words, nothing Oracle System wise.

When I get to the end it progresses to about 20% and then throws this error about 300 or so times:

Could not connect source component.
Warning 0x80202066: Source - AM_ALERTS [1]: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.

So, I'm thinking "Alright, we can search on this error and I'm sure there's an easy fix." I do some checking and indeed find out that there is a property setting called "AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage" in the OLEDB Data Source Properties. Great! I go back and look at the connection in the Import and .... there's nothing with that property!

Back to the drawing board. I Create a new SSIS package and figure out quickly that the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage is in there. I can transfter information from the Oracle Source Table to the SQL Server 2005 Destination Table, but it appears to be a one to one thing. Programming this, if I get it to work at all, will take me about 150 hours or so.

This make perfect sense if all you are doing is copying a few columns or maybe one or two objects, but I am talking about 600 + objects with upwards of 2 million rows of data in each!!

This generates 2 questions:
1. If the Import Data Wizard cannot handle this operation on the fly, then why can't the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage property be shown as part of the connection
2. How do I create and SSIS Package that will copy all of the data from Oracle to SQL Server? The source tables have been created and have the same Schema and Object Names as the Source. I don't want to create a Data Flow Task 600 times.


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Feb 5, 2008

CREATE PROC selectpro
@id INT=1
SELECT * FROM [contain-1]
RECOMPILE indicates that SQL SERVER does not cache a plan for this procedure and the procedure is recompiled as run time.
What is purpose statement above?
why use RECOMPILE?

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Create Procedure

Nov 7, 2002


I would like to have a default header everytime anyone create a stored proc on the server.

when someone clicks on create new procedure, it should come up like this:


Created By:
Date Created:

I saved a templet in Model database with this header. Somehow still when we try to create new procedure, it doesn't show the header.

Does anything else need to be done besides saving the templet?

If changing the way in the MOdel database is not the correct way to do it, How else can I accomplish this so that developers are forced to fill in the information?


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Create Procedure

May 19, 2008

I am trying to create a procedure but I am not sure how to script this correctly.

@newprice DECIMAL(5,2),
@margin DECIMAL(5,4),
@mincalc DECIMAL(5,2),
@maxcalc DECIMAL(5,2)
UPDATE item set item_prc_3 = @newprice
where item_lst_lnd_cost/@margin BETWEEN @mincalc AND @maxcalc
and item_id in (select item_id from item where item_prc_1 like '%9.99')
and item_cat in ('AB', 'AC', 'AD', 'AH', 'AM', 'AS', 'AT', 'DB', 'DC', 'DD', 'DH', 'MB', 'MC', 'MD', 'MH', 'MM', 'MU', 'SM', 'UA', 'UC', 'UM', 'UO', 'UU', 'VM', 'VU')
and item_id not like '*%'
and item_id not like 'A%'
and item_id not like 'C%'
and item_id not like 'L%'
and item_id not like 'Q%'
and item_id not like 'R%'
and item_id not like 'Z%'

The query throws an error that only shows the @ symbol as the stop point. What did I do wrong?

Brooks C. Davis
IT AdministratorLogistics Manager SFTF LLC dba Ashley Furniture Homestores
DELL POWEREDGE 2850 Dual Core Xeon x3 = 1xDB 1xSQL 1xTS | DELL POWEREDGE 2950 Quad Core Xeon = 1xTS | SERVER 2003 | MS SQL 2005 | PERVASIVE EMBEDDED V.9

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Procedure To Create DB

May 4, 2007

Hi All.
I just start use SQL2005. I have code
How to create procedure if value of FILENAME will specify before procedure will run.

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Create Procedure

Nov 6, 2006


I try to create a very simple stored procedure,


@fil varchar


INSERT INTO XMLFaktura(Faktura)


(Bulk '@fil', SINGLE_CLOB) AS DocumentID

but I get an errormessage when I try to create it,

Msg 4860, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Importera_fil, Line 4

Cannot bulk load. The file "@fil" does not exist.

So my question is, how can i create the procedure?

Thanks for any help

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SQL Problem Cant Create A Procedure

Nov 8, 2007

create proc sp_fillrowintable(    @tablename nvarchar(50),    @colvalue    nvarchar(100),    @id int )asdeclare @colname nvarchar(30)declare @colid nvarchar(30)--declare @tablename nvarchar(50)--set @tablename = @tableselect @colid = column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = @tablename and data_type ='int'select @colname = column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = @tablename and data_type ='varchar' if(@id = 0)begin    select @id = max(@colid) from @tablename    Insert into @tablename values (@id,@colvalue)endelsebegin    update @tablename set @colname = @colvalue where @colid = @id end getting errors at my side while executing this script Msg 1087, Level 15, State 2, Procedure sp_fillrowintable, Line 21Must declare the table variable "@tablename".Msg 1087, Level 15, State 2, Procedure sp_fillrowintable, Line 22Must declare the table variable "@tablename".Msg 1087, Level 15, State 2, Procedure sp_fillrowintable, Line 26Must declare the table variable "@tablename".Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_fillrowintable, Line 26Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'. help me out  I want to insert and update rows for various table having only 2 columns in each table.want to insert and update rows in these tables. please tell me is it possible to do this through stored procedure or i have to do inline query in .net 

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How Can I Create Stored Procedure?

Feb 13, 2008

 forumid    questid   answerid   answer     replyby   replyon    1            1            1            xxxx        aaa        01/01/08(mm/dd/yy)    1            1            2            yyyy        bbb        01/02/08    2            1            1            zzzz        ccc        01/02/08    1            1            3            hhhh         bbb        01/04/08    2            1            2            uuuu         vvv         01/04/08    1            2            1            tttt            ooo        01/05/08suppose i give forumid value=1 i want following answer recent reply and no.of replies  forumid    questid   answerid  no.of.reply  answer     replyby   replyon            1            1            3            3               hhhh        bbb       01/04/08      1            2            1            1               ttt            ooo        01/05/08 

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How To Create Store Procedure

Dec 6, 2005

Hi all,

I am not familiar with the Store Procedure, so just want to know how to create the store procedure? For example, i want to write a store procedure for Login validation to check whether the username and password is correct. So what should i do???

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Drop And Create Procedure

Feb 4, 2005

I have to run a Big Sproc for make a lot of updates and insert. because trigger it take to many time.
I can drop the trigger before the procedure and recreate it after, but I wondered whether there existed of other solution?

Can I deactive the trigger? I'm affraid too got two copie of code for the trigger that why I dont really like the Drop-Create solution...


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How To Create Store Procedure

Dec 6, 2005

Hi all,

I am not familiar with the Store Procedure, so just want to know how to create the store procedure? For example, i want to write a store procedure for Login validation to check whether the username and password is correct. So what should i do???

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Create Store Procedure

Feb 14, 2006

I need your help again.
I want to create a store procedure that add new employee name to employee table. Before insert i would like to check wheter there already has this employee name. if so, don't insert.

i have two input parameters (@fname, @lname).

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Create Procedure Error

Feb 23, 2007

hi. i'm trying to create a stored procedure but it keeps messing up and i have absolutely no clue why. here is what i have:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_OfficeReportStats AS



INSERT INTO TempWorkDB (ProsAtty, Stat)

SELECT DefendantCase.ProsAtty, COUNT(DefendantCase.ProsAtty) AS CountOfProsAtty FROM DefendantCase LEFT JOIN DefendantEventPros ON DefendantCase.VBKey = DefendantEventPros.VBKey WHERE DefendantEventPros.EventID=2 AND DefendantEventPros.EventDate BETWEEN DATEADD(MONTH,-2,GETDATE()) AND GETDATE() GROUP BY DefendantCase.ProsAtty

UPDATE OfficeReport SET NC2=TempWorkDB.Stat FROM TempWorkDB WHERE TempWorkDB.Prosatty=OfficeReport.ProsAtty


this code works in query analyzer just fine but it says i have an error at TempWorkDB. I do not have a TempWorkDB in my database currently. Waht am I doing wrong? thanks for you help!

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