Create Trigger To Use AFTER DataAdapter.Update()
Feb 5, 2005
I'm using DataAdapter.Update() to update data in a table. My question is; how do I create a trigger that works after the update has completely finished?
For example if my update adds 50 new rows to a table the trigger I've currently got fires after each new row that is added ie 50 times in total. Is it possible to get it to trigger after the last (ie 50th) row is added???
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May 8, 2008
I have a table with somefields, here i will only mention on which i need to perform an action, possibly with the use of Trigger.
Fields = Active, inactiveDate
Active Field is of bit datatype mean conatins 1 or 0,
1 means the user is active, but when i change the active field to 0, and make the user inactive i want the date to be populated automatically to inactiveDate field when active field is changed to 0.
any help is much appreciated
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Aug 17, 2007
I have the following situation.
I have one table named as "Order", and other table as "Shipment". Now, I want to check if one column name "Status" in the "Ă–rder" table has been changed (when it becomes status = 7) then I need to insert records in "Shipment" table.
Order Table:
Shipment Table:
I tried to create a trigger, but it is not working properly;
Create Trigger trg_InsertShipment ON [dbo].[Order]
FOR Update
'001' as SID,
'Nothing' as Shipment_Description,
'01/01/2007' as DateTime,
'Ready' as Status
WHERE Order.Status = 7
But it inserts the records into Shipment Table every time the status field or any other field in the Order Table is changed. What I want is that, "When Status Column in Order Table is Updated to 7, then insert record in Shipment Table".
How can I do that???
Thanks in advance...
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Sep 25, 2007
Hi, I am populating a datagrid with data from one sql table, I add additional columns and then wish to write it back out to another table. I have written the following code to acheive this, however it keeps throwing the follwing exception - "Update requites a valid UpdateComman when passed a DataRow collection with modified rows"
I've looked and I can see what the problem is, can anybody help please?
Private Sub FillData()
'SQL connection
Me.sqlconnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Me.sqlconnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("CuroConnection")
Dim sql As String
If Request("action") = "gen" Then
sql = "select item from tblPickList where GroupName = 'xxx'AND Category = '" & Category2 & "' ORDER BY item ASC"
ElseIf Request("action") = "fav" Then
sql = "select identifiertext as item from tblfavourites where HRID = " & Session("hrid") & " and type = 3 ORDER BY identifiertext ASC"
ElseIf Request("action") = "spec" Then
sql = "select item from tblPickList where GroupName = '" & GroupID & "' AND Category = '" & Category2 & "' ORDER BY item ASC"
End If
ds = New DataSet
da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlconnection)
da.Fill(ds, "tblPickListTemp")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'may possibly add a favourites column here at a later date to ensure no duplication
Dim dr As DataRow
For Each dr In ds.Tables("tblPickListTemp").Rows
dr("HRID") = Session("hrid")
dr("Flag") = 0
DgrdFavourites.DataSource = ds
End Sub
Public Sub CreateTempRecords()
'SQL connection
Me.sqlconnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Me.sqlcommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Me.da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Me.sqlconnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("CuroConnection")
Dim sql As String
sql = "Insert into tblPickListTemp (Item, HRID, Flag) values (@Item, @HRID, @Flag)"
sqlcommand.CommandText = sql
sqlcommand.Connection = sqlconnection
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@Item", "Item")
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@HRID", "HRID")
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@Flag", "Flag")
da.InsertCommand = sqlcommand
End Sub
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Sep 16, 2004
this is probably a piece of pie to fix but i be having some problems......
i have this peice of code to update the sql dataapadapter
Dstest1.Tables("test").Rows(0)("hello") = Me.textboxhello.Text
SqlDataAdapter1.Update(Dstest1, "test")
this does not work, it does work however if i replace the Me.textboxhello.Text
with a value in quotation marks or with another text box not linked to that feild in the table... it does not work with the relevant text box!!!!!!!!
thanks for all your help
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May 18, 2007
Hy, again! I am at the begining of an application. I have some modules that insert, delete and update only one row at one table. My question is should I use dataadapter.Update() or ExecuteNonQuery(). I prefer ExecuteNonQuery because I want to build a class : DataLayer to implement my own InsertProcedure(), UpdateProcedure(),DeleteProcedure(). I want speed in my application, so which is the best: dataadapter.Update() OR ExecuteNonQuery(). Thank you!
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Aug 2, 2007
Hi -
I know my way around VS but I am just exploring "advanced" SQL Server 2005 and have run into a challenge which I think a trigger could solve, but I am not sure and also don't know how to set that up. So any help or links to tutorials are highly appreciated.
Here is the challenge: I have a table with a number of fields, among them RequestID (bigint) and Booktime (datetime). What I would like to happen is whenever someone writes a value different from NULL into RequestID, Booktime gets set to the current timestamp. When RequestID gets set to NULL, Booktime gets set to NULL.
Is there a way to do this with a trigger (or an otherwise elegant way)?
Thanks in advance for ANY help or ideas.
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Jun 24, 2008
please help create trigger condition on update
FROM empList
WHERE (unit = 9)
update [dbo].[empList]
set unit = CASE WHEN SELECT na,empID, unit
FROM empList
WHERE (empID IN (111, 222, 333, 555)) AND (unit = 9))
then '4' else t.fld1 end
i have an emmployee table
empid unit
1111 3
2222 9
3333 9
4444 2
5555 2
6666 1
7777 9
8888 2
9999 9
i need help create trigger condition on update like this
WHAN ON UPDATE they have unit =9 THAN
empid unit
1111 3
2222 4
3333 4
4444 2
5555 2
6666 1
7777 4
8888 2
9999 4
ONLY IF someone update EMPID=2222 OR 3333 OR 7777 OR 9999 and UNIT=9
THAN automatic change 9 TO 4
TNX for the help
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Apr 30, 2007
hi,CAn i have one trigger for both Update and DeleteDelete Trigger---------------------create Trigger [tr_delete_user_log]on [dbo].[user_log] for deleteasbegininsert into z_user_log select * from deletedendTrigger Update---------------------CREATE Trigger [tr_update_user_log]on [dbo].[user_log] for updateasbegininsert into z_user_log select * from deletedendCan i have one trigger instead of these Triggers ..
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Jul 13, 2004
I am having trouble getting an Update call to actually update records. The select statement is a stored procedure which is uses inner joins to link to property tables. The update, insert, and delete commands were generated by Visual Studio and only affect the primary table. So, to provide a simple example, I have a customer table with UID, Name, and LanguageID and a seperate table with LanguageID and LanguageDescription. The stored procedure can be used to populate a datagrid with all results (this works). The stored procedure also populates an edit page with one UID (this works). After the edit is completed, I attempt to update the dataset, which only has one row at this time, which shows that it has been modified. The Update modifies 0 rows and raises no exceptions. Is this because the update, insert, and delete statements do not match up one-to-one with the dataset? If so, what are my choices?
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Nov 30, 2006
I am trying to use DataAdapter.Update to save a file stream into SQl Express.
I have a dialog box that lets user select the file:
I want to put
I am thinking that it might just be some syntax issue, but I looked online, and didn't find much answers.
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Jun 4, 2007
Apologies if this is a silly question
I have a basic table "Customer" which has
After I insert or Update a row in this table I need to update the SearchData column
only for that Id
I'm sure this is only a basic update but all the examples I can find are for inserting into other tables not the row itself.
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May 2, 2008
I am trying to insert data into 2 different tables. I am using dataadapter and dataset.
Protected Sub SubmitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SubmitButton.Click
Call ConnectionString()
Dim insertSQL As New SqlCommand()
insertSQL.Connection = sqlConn
insertSQL.CommandText = "SELECT location.CountryName, location.CityName, location.BuildingName, location.FloorID,, rooms.FloorID AS Expr1 FROM location INNER JOIN floors ON location.FloorID = INNER JOIN rooms ON = rooms.FloorID"
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter()
da.SelectCommand = insertSQL
Dim scb As New SqlCommandBuilder(da)
Dim ndr = ds.Tables("location").NewRow
Dim ndr2 = ds.Tables("rooms").NewRow
ndr("FloorID") = FloorIDDDL.SelectedValue
ndr("CountryName") = CountryNameTextBox.Text
ndr("CityName") = CityNameTextBox.Text
ndr("BuildingName") = BuildingNameTextBox.Text
ndr2("name") = RoomNameTextBox.Text
ndr2("FloorID") = FloorIDDDL.SelectedValue
ErrMsgLbl.Text = "Information saved successfully"
Catch ex As Exception
ErrMsgLbl.Text = ex.ToString
End Try
End Sub
The above code does not throw any error. It also does not update the tables.
Your help will be appreciated.
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Jan 18, 2008
My DataAdapter.Update() Method is running this query against my database and all the parameters and the formatting looks correct to me. I was wondering if anyone could identify obvious errors.... Thanks!
exec sp_executesql
N'@Name nvarchar(50),
@PriContactFName nvarchar(50),
@PriContactLName nvarchar(50),
@PriContactWork nvarchar(20),
@PriContactFax nvarchar(20),
@PriContactCell nvarchar(20),
@PriContactEmail nvarchar(50),
@MainOfficeLocationAddr1 nvarchar(50),
@MainOfficeLocationAddr2 nvarchar(50),
@MainOfficeLocationCity nvarchar(50),
@MainOfficeLocationState nvarchar(50),
@MainOfficeLocationZip nvarchar(15),
@Description nvarchar(50),
@Original_ClientID int,
@ClientID int',
@Name=N'Brinker International',
@MainOfficeLocationAddr1=N'1234 Burkwood',
@Description=N'This is a good client.',
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 15
Incorrect syntax near 'NewUpdateCommand'.
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Feb 10, 2004
I have never used triggers before and I have tried to solve one problem. If I have the column "currency" in a table and want to make sure that the entered value i valid in relation to another table that contains valid currency formats, I did it like this:
CREATE TRIGGER [trigger_checkCurrency] ON [dbo].[Client]
declare @currency as char(50)
declare @country as char(50)
declare cur cursor for SELECT currency, country
OPEN cur
fetch cur into @currency, @country
if not exists(select * from listinfoid where listname = 'currency' and listid = @currency)
set @currency = (cast(@currency as varchar (3)) + ' is not a valid currency')
RAISERROR (@currency,16,-1) with log
if not exists(select * from listinfoid where listname = 'country' and listid = @country)
set @country = (cast(@country as varchar (3)) + ' is not a valid contry')
RAISERROR (@country,16,-1) with log
fetch cur into @currency, @country
update Client set currency = UPPER(currency), country = UPPER(country)
I use a cursor to handle multiple rows in an update query.
Is there an easier och better way to do this?
I´m a bit unsure of this code.
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Apr 11, 2008
How to create trigger to stop the delete , updation and insert in the table of database ....
How can i stopped .......................I want to apply on whole table of database
Pls help me out.
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Jan 11, 2008
Hi everyoneI am trying to create a DELETE Trigger. I have 2 tables. Table1 andTable2. Table 2 has all the same fields and records as Table1 + 1extra column "date_removed"I would like that when a record is deleted from Table 1, the triggerfinds that record in Table2 and updates the date_removed filed withcurrent time stamp.The primary key on both is combination of domain,admin_group and cn.CREATE TRIGGER [tr_updateTable2] ON [dbo].tbl_Table1FOR DELETEASUpdate Table2SET date_removed = getDate()I'm stuck here, how do I manipulate on Table2 only the records thatwere deleted on Table1, so to only update date_removed filed for themin Table2?I guess i need to compare domain, cn and admin_group, but I don't knowhow.Any help would be greatly appreciatedThanks! :-)
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Jan 24, 2008
how to do this
i have table of employee ,evry employee have a unique ID "empid"
empid VAL_OK
111 0
222 0
333 0
now insert multiple insert to my work_table shifts for all month for evry employee
like this
(this is work_table)
empid date val
111 01/02/2008 1
111 02/02/2008 2
111 29/02/2008 5
--next employee
222 01/02/2008 1
222 02/02/2008 4
222 29/02/2008 6
--next employee
--next employee
--next employee
now i need for evry OK insert (for all month) each employee
go to the TB_Employee
and update each employee once !!
from VAL_OK=0 to VAL_OK=1
like this
empid VAL_OK
111 1
222 1
333 1
like this i know who is the employee have shift for all month and who NOT !
i think it like this
Code Snippet
Create trigger for_insert on tb_work
For insert
if @@rowcount = 1
Update tb_employee
val_ok= 1
/* when @@rowcount is greater than 1,
use a group by clause */
Update tb_employee
val_ok= 1
select empid from tb_work
group by tb_work.empid
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Jul 20, 2005
Are there any limitations or gotchas to updating the same table whichfired a trigger from within the trigger?Some example code below. Hmmm.... This example seems to be workingfine so it must be something with my specific schema/code. We'reworking on running a SQL trace but if anybody has any input, fireaway.Thanks!create table x(Id int,Account varchar(25),Info int)GOinsert into x values ( 1, 'Smith', 15);insert into x values ( 2, 'SmithX', 25);/* Update trigger tu_x for table x */create trigger tu_xon xfor updateasbegindeclare @TriggerRowCount intset @TriggerRowCount = @@ROWCOUNTif ( @TriggerRowCount = 0 )returnif ( @TriggerRowCount > 1 )beginraiserror( 'tu_x: @@ROWCOUNT[%d] Trigger does not handle @@ROWCOUNT[color=blue]> 1 !', 17, 127, @TriggerRowCount) with seterror, nowait[/color]returnendupdate xsetAccount = left( i.Account, 24) + 'X',Info = i.Infofrom deleted, inserted iwhere x.Account = left( deleted.Account, 24) + 'X'endupdate x set Account = 'Blair', Info = 999 where Account = 'Smith'
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Mar 18, 2008
how to create new CLR trigger from existing T-Sql Trigger Thanks in advance
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Jan 3, 2005
I have a big problem. If anyone can help.
I want to retrieve the last update time of database. Whenever any update or delete or insert happend to my database i want to store and retrieve that time.
I know one way is that i have to make a table that will store the datetime field and system trigger / trigger that can update this field record whenever any update insert or deletion occur in database.
But i don't know exactly how to do the coding for this?
Is there any other way to do this?
can DBCC help to retrieve this info?
Please advise me how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 8, 2015
I have a table where table row gets updated multiple times(each column will be filled) based on telephone call in data.
Initially, I have implemented after insert trigger on ROW level thinking that the whole row is inserted into table will all column values at a time. But the issue is all columns are values are not filled at once, but observed that while telephone call in data, there are multiple updates to the row (i.e multiple updates in the sense - column data in row is updated step by step),
I thought to implement after update trigger , but when it comes to the performance will be decreased for each and every hit while row update.
I need to implement after update trigger that should be fired on column level instead of Row level to improve the performance?
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May 30, 2008
I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question.
I run an update statement like "Update mytable set status='S' " on the SQL 2005 management Studio.
When I run "select * from mytable" for a few seconds all status = "S". After a few seconds all status turn to "H".
This is a behaviour when you have an update trigger for the table. But I don't see any triggers under this table.
What else would cause the database automatically change my update?
Could there be any other place I should look for an update trigger on this table?
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Feb 15, 2008
I've to write an trigger for the following action
When a entry is done in the table Adoscat79 having in the index field Statut_tiers the valeur 1 and a date in data_cloture for a customer xyz
all the entries in the same table where the no_tiers is the same as the one entered (many entriers) should have those both field updated
statut_tiers to 1
and date_cloture to the same date as entered
the same action has to be done when an update is done and the valeur is set to 1 for the statut_tiers and a date entered in the field date_clture
thank you for your help
I've never done a trigger before
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May 10, 2006
I want to update two tables in one page. So I created two FormView bound on two SqlDataSource controls, and I create a Update button on the bottom of page. And I writen some codes as below:
btnUpate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
But, the records haven't updated.
In SqlDataSource2_Updating() function, I found all the parameters is null.
So, how to modify my code to do it.
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Dec 17, 2001
I have an update trigger which fires from a transactiion table to update a parent record in another table. I am getting no errors, but also no update. Any help appreciated (see script below)
create trigger tr_cmsUpdt_meds on dbo.medisp for UPDATE as
if update(pstat)
update med
set REC_FLAG = 2
from deleted dt
where med.uniq_id = dt.uniq_id
and dt.pstat = 2
and dt.spec_flag = 'kop'
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May 30, 2008
I am trying to update a fields with an UPDATE statement but I keep getting the error message when I run the query.
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
I have this Update trigger that I know is causing the error message because I guess it's not built to manage multi-row updates.
Can someone help me re-write it. I also tried using the WHERE p.ID = p.ID but when I do that it modifies all rows in the modifieddate column instead of just the cells/rows that I'm updating
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[MultitrigCA]
ON [dbo].[ProdDesc]
IF UPDATE (codeabbreviation)
sET p.ModifiedDate = GETDATE()
FROM ProdDesc AS p
WHERE p.ID = (SELECT ID FROM inserted)
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi there,I'm a little stuck and would like some helpI need to create an update trigger which will run an update query onanother table.However, What I need to do is update the other table with the changedrecord value from the table which has the trigger.Can someone please show me how this is done please??I can write both queries, but am unsure as to how to get the value ofthe changed record for use in my trigger???Please helpM3ckon*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Apr 3, 2008
i have a database with about 20 tables. i appended to each table a column "UpdatedOn", and i want to write a trigger to set the date of the update date in that column, using a trigger.
i want to avoid the trigger launching for the last column (UpdatedOn).
how can i detect the rows that changed, and modify only the update date/time?
i read something about TableName_Inserted and TableName_Deleted, but i would prefer to copy as generic as possible the data from there, meaning, not to write column names in my script.
another idea i thought about was to prevent the trigger executing if no other column except for UpdatedOn changed, but... i encounter some trouble, when i try to pass column name (as string) to UPDATE() function.(Error: Expecting ID or QUOTED_ID)
thank you in advance.
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Sep 14, 2004
I have a table that has a number of data fields,I need to be able to capture datatime when the date field was entered or entered value changed.I was told I need to create a trigger on that table that contains all the fields.
I have seen the syntax for creating triggers, and read some documentation but I am still in the dark as how to create what I need to.
I was hoping to see if somebody had a similar example or an advice, anything is more than what I have at the moment.
CREATE TRIGGER NotifyDateFieldUpdates
ON RelocateeRemovalist
DECLARE @RemovalistNumber VARCHAR(200)
/*InspectionDate */
DECLARE getInsp CURSOR FOR SELECT RelocateID,RemovalistNumber
FROM INSERTED a LEFT JOIN DELETED b ON (a.RemovalistNumber=b.RemovalistNumber and a.RelocateID=b.RelocateID)
WHERE a.InspectionDate IS NOT NULL AND b.InspectionDate IS NULL
OPEN getInsp
FETCH NEXT FROM getInsp INTO @RelocateID, @RemovalistNumber
INSERT INTO RelocateeRemovalistFieldEntry(RElocateID, RemovalistID)SELECT
RelocateID,RemovalistID FROM INSERTED a LEFT JOIN RelocateeRemovalistFieldEntry b ON
(a.RelocateID=b.RelocateID AND a.RemovalistNumber=b.RemovalistNumber)WHERE b.RElocateID is null
UPDATE RelocateeRemovalistFieldEntry SET InspectionDateDateTime=GETDATE()
WHERE RelocateID=@RelocateID aND RemovalistNumber=@RemovalistNumber
FETCH NEXT FROM getInsp INTO @RelocateID, @RemovalistNumber
This is what I was able to come up with so far,but when i check the syntax it gives me an error "Ambiguous column name "RelocateID" and "Ambiguous column name "RemovalistNumber" I don't know what is it trying to tell me here and couldn't find much help.
Regards and thanks
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May 9, 2008
i do have my 'Product' TABLE IN DATABASE 'ABC'
6001 computer NULL ENVD14
6002 keyboard NULL ENVD14
6003 mouse NULL ENVD14
6004 cables NULL ENVD14
6005 processor NULL ENVD14
Product_Mst OUTPUT
6001 0 computer NULL ENVD 14
6002 0 keyboard NULL ENVD 14
6003 0 mouse NULL ENVD 14
6004 0 cables NULL ENVD 14
6005 0 processor NULL ENVD 14
Now i want TO CREATE TRIGGER such that every updation in Product TABLE will UPDATE the appropriate record IN Product_Mst
FOR example IF i fire below query IN ABC Database
UPDATE Product
SET PRODUCT_DESC = 'Available' WHERE Product_Code = 6001
Then the OUTPUT OF the Product_Mst shoub be..
Product_Mst OUTPUT
6001 0 computer NULL ENVD 14
6001 1 computer NULL ENVD 14
6002 0 keyboard NULL ENVD 14
6003 0 mouse NULL ENVD 14
6004 0 cables NULL ENVD 14
6005 0 processor NULL ENVD 14
Means i want to increment the version by 1 and Insert that records into Product_Mst Table at every updation.
I hope i am clear with my question.
Prashant Hirani
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Jan 6, 2015
We have Tables like parent and Child Table.Like we have Child Table as Name AcademyContacts,In that we have Columns like
Guid(PK)Not Null,
AcademyId(FK), Not Null,
Email Id,Null
Since we have given Null to ''Workphone'',''Cellphone '', ''Email ID''.when inserting the data into these table.if the particular columns are empty while inserting also the data will get populate into the table.And.I need is if these columns are ''Workphone'',''Cellphone'' , ''Email ID'' they cant insert the data into table.
Like it must trigger like ''Please enter atleast one of these ''Workphone'',''Cellphone'' , ''Email ID'' columns.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi everybody,How can I Update a field from another table by Trigger? Can someone sendme the statment to do it?I have a table called Clients with fields : ID_Clients, ClientAnd Another called Doc with fields : ID_Doc, ID_Clients, ClientThese tables are in different databases and I would like to esure theintegrity by add a Trigger to update in Doc´s table the field Clienteverytime it´s changed in the Client´s table.Thanks for Attetion.Leonardo Almeida*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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