Test #1 Returns 20971 rows * 25 = 524,725
Test #2 Returns 14169 rows * 37 = 524,253
Test #3 Returns 6808 rows * 77 = 524,216
Test #4 Returns 5140 rows * 102 = 524,280
With the similarity of the total byte count returned, I would assume that a buffer or something is being overrun, is this a configuration parameter possibly.
If I perform the select against the linked table as such
Select * (for fields list)
I get all rows returned. The issue only exist when accessing the views that are created against the linked server.
I'm trying to create a WHERE clause that will have different results depending on a parameter that is entered. For example, if you put in a number, it will only calculate the rows where the column ID matches that number. However, if you put in 0, which doesn't exist in that column ID, it will instead calculate all the data in the table.
So the below would be a very basic idea of what I'm trying to do, but I'm not sure how to do it with proper syntax.
Hello,I am trying to bulk copy some data from a text file to SqlServer. In my case, the table in SqlServer is simple. It has two columns: Symbol <nchar(5), Primary Key> and Company <nvarchar(50)>. Each row in the text file is Symbol and Company separated by a "#". Below is the code of my bulk copy: public static void StartImport(string sourceFile) { SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connString_local, SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock); bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "dbo.NasdaqSymbols"; DataTable dt = CreateSymbolDataTable(sourceFile); bulkCopy.WriteToServer(dt); } private static DataTable CreateSymbolDataTable(string filePath) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataColumn dc; DataRow dr; dc = new DataColumn(); dc.DataType = Type.GetType("System.String"); dc.ColumnName = "Symbol"; dc.Unique = true; dt.Columns.Add(dc); dc = new DataColumn(); dc.DataType = Type.GetType("System.String"); dc.ColumnName = "Company"; dc.Unique = false; dt.Columns.Add(dc); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath); string input; while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] s = input.Split(new string[] { "#" }, StringSplitOptions.None); dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["Symbol"] = s[0].Trim(); dr["Company"] = s[1].Trim(); dt.Rows.Add(dr); } sr.Close(); return dt; } The problem is, I got the following exception when I tried to call my StartImport method (thrown from SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer): System.InvalidOperationException: The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type nvarchar of the specified target column. It turned out that the problem seems not to be String to nvarchar; because when I use a source text file which contains only about a dozen of rows, it works! I have no idea why SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer works fine on a small set of data. Or is there something I overlooked? Thank you for time and help.Gary
Hello all,I have two tables - Projects and ProjectStructTable Projects contains master records of the projects, ProjectStructallows to define a project herarchie and contains the fieldsPrjStructId, ProjectId, PrjStructName, ..., ParentIdPrjStructParent contains a reference to the parent or to itselves ifrecord is top-level-record for a project.I try to create a trigger on table Projects (INSERT) whichautomatically creates the top-level-entry in ProjectStruct but Ididn't succed.Tried to use (several variations similar to)INSERT INTO ProjectStruct (ProjectId, PrjStructName, ParentId)SELECT prjProjectId, 'top-level',IDENT_CURRENT('ProjectStruct'))FROM INSERTEDbut this inserts a reference to the last inserted record. Why thishappens is pretty clear to me, but I found no way to get the referenceto the identity column of the record currently inserted.Is there a way to do this?
Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
CREATE VIEW InvoiceBasic AS SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal From Vendors JOIN Invoices ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
I need to know All those unique IDs that have "start" against them, but have not got "stop" against them, I'm not interested in the other content strings.
I need to query it based on a specific application ID.
there will be many records from each IDnum, but only one start for each. I need to know all those IDnums that have "started" and not "stopped"
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
I had given one of our developers create view permissions, but he wants to also modify views that are not owned by him, they are owned by dbo.
I ran a profiler trace and determined that when he tries to modify a view using query designer in SQLem or right clicks in SQLem on the view and goes to properties, it is performing a ALTER VIEW. It does the same for dbo in a trace (an ALTER View). He gets a call failed and a permission error that he doesn't have create view permissions, object is owned by dbo, using both methods.
If it is doing an alter view how can I set permissions for that and why does it give a create view error when its really doing an alter view? Very confusing.
I have a table in a database that has very old and not very relational and I want to create a quick view to show the information in a better way. Let's say that the table has 4 fields : id , child1, child2, child3. I want to create a view from this table that will show two fields : id and child. So, my table currently looks like this:
Sigh, probably simple, but somehow I just can't get it to work..
I have a complex view which generated about 9000 results, and I use a SP to select certain results from that view. How can I modify the results of the SP? for example I want to add a zero to every single companynumber the SP gives me...
*it's friday, i know* Any help would be appreciated!
Bit of an obscure one here, so please bear with me. I have two copiesof a database which should be identical. Both have a complex viewwhich is identical. I can open the views and the data is as expectedand match. I can query it in several ways as detailed below. The 5thversion of the simple query below based on the second copy of the viewfails, but works under the first copy./*1 Statement below works*/SELECT *FROM AgentHierarchyWHERE AdviserId = 6069819/*2 Statement below works*/SELECT *, AH.AdviserLastName, AH.AdviserFirstNameFROM AgentHierarchy AHWHERE AdviserId = 6069819/*3 Statement below works*/SELECT *, AH.AdviserLastName + ', '+ AH.AdviserFirstNameFROM AgentHierarchy AHWHERE AdviserId = 6069819/*4 Statement below works*/SELECT AH.AdviserLastName + ', '+ AH.AdviserFirstNameFROM AgentHierarchy AH/*5 Statement below fails*/SELECT AH.AdviserLastName + ', '+ AH.AdviserFirstNameFROM AgentHierarchy AHWHERE AdviserId = 6069819The error I get is to do with conversion of data within the view. It'sa little complex, but the view works fine. It looks to me like when Irun the 5th statement above, it re-runs the view and then finds anerror.So, I took the complex view and ran that with the data output into atemporary table with the queries above run against that, and it worksfine. The problem is that the statement I need is based around the 5thone above (part of an update statement).I'm struggling to understand why some of the queries above work andone doesn't. If you look at 3 and 5 I'd expect them both to fail. Ifit failed consistently I could get further into it.The problem is that it's a little difficult to get the view itselfchanged as it was supplied by a third party, but if it hasn't changedand the data hasn't changed then it's got to be something else causingthe problem.Anyway, as I said, it's a bit obscure, but if this sounds familiar I'dbe interested in your opinion.Thanks in advance.
We have a large number of applications that use various sql databases. They need to validate and do lookups of information such as employees and addresses. Currently, we load data from oracle into our main sql server and push the data out to various servers. This could perhaps be simplified with replication, but is now done with some dts packages.
We are wondering if there could be a better way to do this. We would like to go directly against oracle for the address data and to sql for the employee info.
An idea I had was to have our programmers create a web service that could be called from our .net applications. That works fine for in house applications, but some vendor applications need to see a table or view. We can write a CLR proc that can connect to the web service and provide data in table format I believe.
How could we get this into a view? I've tried creating a function that calls the proc and returns the table-valued variable to the view, but it seems the functions doesn't like using 'exec myProc' in the select_statement parameter.
I suppose we could have them make an additional connection to the lookup information, stored on a central database...they are probably doing this anyway to get to the validation db on the same server.
I have a view over 5 tables that has started giving unreliable results. There are three records that should be different, but in a production Access database, the view is giving three identical records where there should be three unique records. I have tested the view within SQL Server Management Studio and it gives the correct records there. But, I have attached this same view into the same Access database with two separate names. One instance of the view within Access database gives the correct records, and the other gives the incorrect (duplicated) records. I have attached screen shots that show these two separately named incarnations of the same SQL View, with the duplicated data, or the unique data highlighted.
I have also included the SQL query specs for this view.
what I can do to this view in order for it to always give us the unique records that we need, rather than sometimes the correct records, and sometimes the incorrect records.
I have a sproc in my database that when editing in VS 2003 shows different results. The sproc code is: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.VMUsage_GetRaw @VMBox nvarchar,@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT *FROM VMRawUsageWHERE (ACCOUNT = @VMBox) AND (CONVERT(datetime, DATE + ' ' + TIME) > @StartDate) AND (CONVERT(datetime, DATE + ' ' + TIME) < @EndDate) When I open the SQL statement in the designer and run (and enter my parameters) I get a recordset returned, but when I just "Run Stored Procedure" and enter the same parameters I get no results. The same occurs when I run the sproc from my website (no results). Any ideas what is happening between the two?
I do not know if you can see my reply after yours. Any way I try it here again.
In the DTS Export Wizard, after select the source (SQL Server)and destination (Excel), I have 2 choices:Table copy or query.
When I use query, I can place my sp there, and the export works fine exactly as you recommended. Thanks a lot.
But when I selected a table copy, I was given a "Select Source Tables" popup form, I can see all the table names there, but can not find any views in the database. I do not know why. Am I in the right place this time?
I have created a view thats pulling data from two different tables to combine them into one report.
table 1 lists the client code and table 2 lists the client partner and they're linked by a variable.
When running the report the result shows the client codes with their respective partner however any client codes that didn't have a partner are not displaying in the report and I need all client codes to be displayed even if there's no partner.
Is there a way I can make this display all results and if the client partner doesn't exist for it to still display as 'Null' for the partner but still display the client code?
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT C.cltCode AS ClientCode, C.cltSortName AS SortName, C.cltTerminationDate AS [Term date], dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal AS Department, C.objInstID AS ClientID FROM dbo.cdbClient AS C INNER JOIN dbo.vcltAttrib6 ON C.objInstID = dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainObjectInstID GROUP BY C.cltSortName, C.cltTerminationDate, dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal, C.objInstID, C.cltCode ORDER BY ClientID
Hello,I am trying to create a view that shows the followingField1: Sum of Amounts from Table AField2: Count of Amounts from Table AField3: Sum of of Amounts from Table BField4: Count of Amounts from Table B......Field3: Sum of of Amounts from Table HField4: Count of Amounts from Table H......Things are a bit more complex but this is the gist.I am using SQL 2000.I know how to do this pretty easily using a stored procedure. But howcan I do it in a view? A SQL server won't meet my needs in thissituation.I tried OpenQuery ('myserver', 'exec myprocedure') but get the messagethat my server is not configured for data access. I tried the systemstored procedure to set data access to true but nothing seemed tohappen.I also tried Select * from (Select Statement1, select statement2)but got syntax error at the comma between statement1 and statement2.Trying to use select Statement1 as ABC to does not seem to work either.Is there a way to do what I want without making 15 views and then afinal view that shows them all together? I know I could probably dosomething by creating a ton of functions, but it really seems thisshould not be that hard...I am definitely open to any easy suggestions!Thanks,Ryan
Hi All,I have two tables, one is about member infomations, the other is thecatergoriesmember_info(id,name,email,phone)member_categories(id,category)how can create a view like this (id, name, category1, category2,category3) with high performance?Thanks in advance.Joshua
I have 2 TableAuthorsID Name1 Clint2 Voke BooksBookID ID BookName Price1 1 Book1 10 2 1 Boo21 12 3 2 Book3 6 4 1 Book4 13 5 1 Book5 2 Now I want to List All Authors and only show Most Expensive book Name of each Author.So I need this Fields :ID,Name,BookName,BookID,Price. How could I Write SQL query For It (I want to show results in DB Without Using SP).I want to Create NEw Views Which Shows my required Results. thanks,
Does anyone know the method to transfer result data of a view or stored procedure in MS SQL 7.0 to MS Access or Excel , Manually or automatically? I did not find the right tool in SQL 7 to do so.
I notice we can transfer table from SQL 7 to MS Access / Excel through DTS. But did not find any tool/menu to transfer result of view / stored procedure.
I am new to SQL 7. Maybe this is a silly ?. Any help will be appreciated.
I have a view I've created which displays client sortname, partner and date added which displays 7 results.
When I add another table to this view to display the Industry it then only gives me 4 results as the other 3 results have no Industry instead of giving me the 7 results and showing the Industry column as empty for the other 3.
Is there a way I can make it show all 7 results and havethe column where the industry is empty display the other results instead of not displaying any results at all for them?
Script: SELECT dbo.cdbClient.cltSortName AS ClientName, dbo.vcltAttrib4.ainTVal AS ClientPartner, dbo.vcltAttrib422.ainDVal AS [Date Added], dbo.cdbAttribInst.ainTVal AS Inudstry FROM dbo.cdbClient LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.cdbObject ON dbo.cdbClient.cltCategoryID = dbo.cdbObject.objID LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Code] ....
In the above script the cbdAttribInst table has the Industry column I need which is 'ainTVal'...
I am looking for an example of a store procedure that will run a existing view and copy the results to a table. Every time it runs the table needs to be truncated. Will run once a day.
My view is a follows
SELECT PClass FROM mydatabase.dbo.ProductClassDes WHERE (ProductClass <> '_RBS') AND (ProductClass <> '_EDT') AND (ProductClass <> '_BMS') AND (ProductClass <> '_PAZ') AND (ProductClass <> '_PBC')
View results need to be copied to a table tblCurrentProductClasses that will only contain one field PClass.
Hi, I have a query written in SQL 2000 which returns incorrect result. The query uses left outer join and a view. I read an issue related to this in one of microsoft bug report in this article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321541.
However, there's a slight difference in the sympton second bullet wherein instead of a expression the query returns a fixed string for one of the column value.
Although the issue mentioned in article seems to be fixed. The later one still seems to be reproducible even with Service Pack 4. However, this issue doesn't appear in SQL Server 2005.
Here's the query to reproduce this error.
Code Snippetcreate table t1 (pk1 int not null,primary key (pk1)) create table t2 (pk1 int not null,label1 varchar(10) not null,primary key (pk1)) go insert into t1 values (1) insert into t2 values (2, 'XXXXX') go create view V as select pk1, 'ZZZZ' as label1 from t2 go select A.pk1 as A_pk1, B.pk1 as B_pk1, B.label1 as B_label1 from t1 as A left outer join V as B on A.pk1 = B.pk1 go
This query is similar to the one mentioned in the article except that in the SELECT clause of CREATE VIEW statement I am passing a fixed value for column "label1".
I just want to confirm that this is an issue and no fix is available for this so far.
I am building a view to be used to drill down into a Lightswitch app I'm building and to drive this I want to use a view based off the selection of that value several other values will be given to the user to choose from related to the first selection. I've created a view using the following statement:
SELECT DISTINCT TOP (100) PERCENT ARSFamily, ARS_Index FROM dbo.csr_standards_cmsars ORDER BY ARSFamily
but the results come back with ALL the records of the source table (509 rows) when there should have only been 29 rows returned (the appropriate number of families or unique groups). The index is necessary to have Lightswitch use the view as a data source.what I'm doing wrong here?