Is there a way to export query results to an excel fie and add that file as an attachment in the email? All this has to be done using SQL query and it needs to be automated. My coworker tried using Openrowset and BCP, but it is not working.
I've been googling this for a while now and can't seem to find any elegant answers.
I'm looking for an automated way to present a FORMATED Excel Spreadsheet to the Customer from a stored procedure output.
Can anyone advise me the best method of doing this - should I / can I assign an Excel Template to the DTS Task output ?
His mind is set on Excel and the formatting is basic and easy to write in a Macro which I've done, but this requires human interaction to finish the task (Automated Run Once on opening etc).
In an ideal world an individual would send an email to the Server with two formated parameters (@FromDate & @ToDate) and would be emailed back a ready formatted S/Sheet. But I believe he would be willing to just select the relevant SpreadSheet for the Daily / Weekly / Monthly periods dumped.
I am running a SQL stored procedure which runs 3 queries on 3 different SQL tables. What is my best option to export the results of these 3 queries to excel?
If it matters they are all SELECT queries, and at most will return < 500 rows.
I am trying to create a DTS package that uses a sql stored procedure to generate a set of results and export those results to an excel spreadsheet on a server.
The trick is that the stored procedure accepts a parameter for Bank_Number (there are 10 of them). Therefore i was wondering if there was a way to somehow create the package to run the stored proc 10 times, each with a different bank number as the parameter and generate 10 different excel spreadsheets, one for each bank with it's results.
Can this be done using DTS or do i have to try another method?
I am trying to create a DTS Package which will run a SQL query and export the results to an Excel file. I would like to the name of the excel to be "dynamic". What I would like is for the name to be ChronicDownSiteReport - mmddyy.xls. The mmddyy is the date which the package is executed. How can I do this? Also, I want this package to be excuted at 1am every Sunday Morning. I have attempted to schedule this to run, but when I come to work on Monday, the excel file is not present and the email, which is sent telling me that the file was created is not in my mailbox.
I need to create an report from SSRS and then exported it in excel for the user. It has dynamic header/footer and dynamic excel sheet name. The developer told that it is not possible to have both the things dynamic.
Anyone know why cells within a matrix that are formatted as numeric export to Excel with a cell format proprty of "General"? Cells within a table however export with an appropriate format.
Hi,I am using a .dqy file to import some rows from a sql server 2003database to microsoft excel. Unfortunately, I have am importing morerows than excel can handle. Is there a way around this?It appears that there is no equivalent of the LIMIT(offset, number ofrows to return) function of mysql in tsql. Had there been anequivalent, I would have created multiple .dqy files, which would querythe database for pages of results as appropriate. There is an upperlimit to the number of records that there can be in the database, sothis would have been a feasible solution.Also, I must use .dqy files (or something equivalen) because thequeries are invoked from a website, and it is necessary to download theresults, sort/filter, etc. (in excel).Thanks for any suggestions.
I am just wondering if anyone has a code to send query results to a spreadsheet package eg. MS Excel. i) Automatically send the query result(s) to the package ii) open the spreadsheet package;
I've got a query that returns the data I need. I want to put the query in a stored procedure such that, when the SP runs I get a pipe delimited text file on disk. I don't really want to mess with SSIS, etc. Is there a Q&D way to do this?
I'm looking for a tool that can schedule stored procedures or queries and save the results to pdf or excel (preferrably both). SQL Server 2000, so 2005 reporting services are out, though if that has the capability I'd like to know because that might convince some of the powers that be to upgrade.
Every month a client sends a spreadsheet with data which we use to update matching rows in a table in the database. I want to automate this using a DTS package but am having quite a bit of trouble accomplishing what I think should be trivial task. I've been attempting to use a Transform Data Task with a modification lookup but I just keep inserting the rows from the source excel spreadsheet in to the existing destination table without ever modifying the existing data.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated as to a best practice approach.
I need to export the data directly using a query from sql server. This is just a temporary extract. Copy pasting the result in excel is giving mis-alignment.
All, Is there any way we can export the SQL Query result into an excel sheet, i tried the options 'results to grid, results to file' but nothing seems working.
Im using this query to select ,calculate and format data like Refer here for more understanding:-
Select DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, RowDateTime), 0) As RowDateTime, Avg(Meter1) As Meter1, Avg(Meter2) As Meter2, Avg(Meter3) As Meter3 From TableName Group By DateAdd(Hour, DateDiff(Hour, 0, RowDateTime), 0)
I want the output of the query to be written in the excel Sheet.
Our company wants to allow our customers the ability to import employee data. Each customer's employee data changes depending on things like organisation structure etc. so the format of the data to be imported needs to change. We can do a lot of this with dynamic SQL, but are looking at moving it to SSIS as we think it will save us a lot of pain later on and for other features in SSIS.
We're stuck at a fairly early part of the process as we don't know how to dynamically import our spreadsheet. So far our best idea is to connect to the excel connection as the only step in the data task and then to use a script task on the control task, write code to connect to the excel source (set the excel source to not treat the first row as headers so we can do a 'select top 1 *...' ) then create a dynamic sql command to create the table.
Once this is done we would then have another data task that actually puts the data into the newly created table. This all sounds very difficult though. What are the options for doing what we want to do... have a feeling that we're missing something basic.
I have two SQL queries that we would like to automate. Ideally we want them to both be scheduled to run and dump their results to a single Excel spreadsheet with two workbooks, one for each query
Is it possible to do this? If not, sending each query to a seperate XLS or CSV file would be OK
Here are the queries:
SELECT p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.unvouched_document_type, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.date_created, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.unvouched_document_no, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.line_number, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.po_no, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.po_line_number, po_line.created_by, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.item_id, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.item_desc, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.qty_received, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.qty_vouched, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.order_date, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.location_id, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.supplier_id, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.supplier_name, p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.extended_cost_home FROM P21.dbo.p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report, P21.dbo.po_line po_line WHERE po_line.po_no = p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.po_no AND po_line.line_no = p21_view_unvouched_po_currency_report.po_line_number
I am trying to fetch records from excel sheet using Select Query but I am getting the error message saying
"Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)"." Here is my Query, sp_configure 'show advanced options',1 reconfigure with override go sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1 reconfigure with override go reconfigure SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C:M2MworkedworkedBOS.xlsx;HDR=YES', 'select * from [Sheet1$]') AS A;
I pulled some examples of using a subquery pivot to build a temp table, but cannot get it to work.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pyr') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pyr GO SELECT vst_int_id, [4981] AS Primary_Ins, [4978] AS Secondary_Ins,
The problems I am having are with the integer data being used to create temp table fields. The bracketed numbers on line 7-10 give me an invalid column name error each. In the 'FOR', I get another error "Incorrect syntax near 'FOR'. Expecting '(', or '.'.". The first integer in the "IN" gives me an "Incorrect syntax near '[4981]'. Expecting '(' or SELECT". I will post the definitions from another effort below.
Hi, when I copy and paste results from query analyzer into Excel it appears that values with zeroes at the end loose the zeroes. Example, if I copy and paste V128.0 into an Excel cell it comes out as V128 or if I copy 178.70 it displays as 178.7 - any ideas? I'm using SQL Enterprise Manager for 2000.
When I open the spreadsheet in Excel 2000, it works fine. When I try to print, it crashes Excel. In testing, I narrowed it down to the Header/Footer, because it also crashes when I go to Page Setup and click on the header/footer tab.
However, I can print the same spreasheet from Excel 2007.
Am I just dealing with a "you need to upgrade all your clients" situation, or is there a known issue with certian formatting that is passed out with reports that is not supported by older versions of Excel?
I am using Reporting Services 2005 SP2 to serve up the report that is exported to Excel.
l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.
So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.
Hi, Based on the "SQL Book Server Online" from MSSQL 2000 I wrote the following codes in order to export the search results in XML format. se pubsselect 1 as tag, null as parent, stor_id as [store!1!stor_id], stor_name as [store!1!stor_name], null as [Order!2!Ord_Num], null as [Order!2!ord_date] from storesunion allselect 2 as tag, 1 as parent, sa.stor_id, null, sa.ord_num, sa.ord_datefrom sales sajoin stores ston sa.stor_id = sa.stor_idorder by [store!1!stor_id], [Order!2!Ord_Num]for xml explicit The problem is that I want to results to be something like: <stores> <store> <stor_id>6380</stor_id> <stor_name>Eric the Read Books </stor_name> <order> <ord_num>A2976</ord_num> <ord_date>1994-09-14 00:00:00.000</ord_date> </order> <order> <ord_num>722a</order_num> <ord_date>1994-09-13 00:00:00.000</ord_date> </order> </store> <store> <stor_id>7066</stor_id> <stor_name>Barnum's</stor_name> <order> <ord_num>6871</ord_num> <ord_date>1993-05-24 00:00:00.000</ord_date> </order> <order> <ord_num>QA7442.3</ord_num> <ord_date>1994-09-13 00:00:00.000</ord_date> </order> </store></stores> How can I get the results in this format? And, also, how can I export them directly into an xml file and save it on the disk? Thank you in advance for your answers.
i have an SSIS package that exports to an excel file. This works fine. the problem is that it appends the data instead of overwriting the file. Is there any way to overwrite the file like you can with a flat file? I have to email the file everyweek and don't want to have to clear it out manually. Any help would be appreciated