Create A Table That Shows Month / Day And Year?
Jan 30, 2015
How could I create a table that shows the month, each day in that month and the year and give me the option to set a start date & and end date? This is sql server 2005. I have used this before, but it doesn't allow me to see the days in the month. Essentially I want my output to be
Day Month Year
01-01-2012 January 2012
01-02-2015 January 2015
03-01-2015 March 2015
08-02-2020 August 2020
CREATE TABLE #yourTempTable([MonthName] VARCHAR(9), [Year] INT);
INSERT INTO #yourTempTable
FROM #yourTempTable;
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Jul 21, 2015
I'm wanting to create reports in SSDT 2012 which is connected to a 2008R2 database. I want to have parameters on for my reports where a user is able to select a year such as 2014. Unfortunate my table containing the data has two columns with a date value. the first is of the int type and contains an epoch formatted date. The second is a varchar type and shows the date as 2015-07-01 08:00:00. I would like to be able to write a query to return the year, monthnumber and daynumber from either of these columns.
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Mar 21, 2015
I like to create an SQL view to divide amount 300,000 between 12 month starting from Month July 2014 to June 2015 as shown below
Amount Month Year
25,000 July 2014
25,000 August 2014
25,000 September 2014
25,000 October 2014
25,000 November 2014
25,000 December 2014
25,000 January 2015
25,000 February 2015
25,000 June 2015
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Feb 3, 2015
I'm trying to create a WHERE statement that will calculate values from our current fiscal year to the last complete month.I'm using code that was created for us that does the calculations for our entire fiscal years. I thought I had fixed the WHERE statement to work like we wanted last year, but it appears to be broken now after trying it again in January and February. I'm guessing my WHERE statement only works for March and up, but how to get it to work for every month. Most attempts I'm trying it's just returning very large and inaccurate values.
I included my WHERE statement below of what I originally had that worked last year. The @BeginYear/Month/etc are retrieved from a different table and @Month is just set to MONTH(GETDATE())-1.
(YEAR(SA3.DocumentDate)=@BeginYear AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)>=@BeginMonth AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)<=@Month)
(YEAR(SA3.DocumentDate)=@EndYear AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)<=@EndMonth AND MONTH(SA3.DocumentDate)>=@Month)
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Dec 11, 2006
i have some classes that I want to group by month/year (note:i dont need the day of the month)
how do i wirte my sql so it only gives me the dictinct groups month/year of the classes I have so that it comes out like so..
i try with my sql below but i cant get the groups th come out in order. i dont think it sees it as a date value.
dbo.classgiven.classdate date of the class.thank you all
SELECT DISTINCT { fn MONTH(dbo.classgiven.classdate) } " + "/" + "{ fn YEAR(dbo.classgiven.classdate) } AS monthyear,{ fn MONTH(dbo.classgiven.classdate) } AS monthcode FROM dbo.classT INNER JOIN dbo.classgiven ON dbo.classT.classcode = dbo.classgiven.classcode WHERE ( = '-1') AND (dbo.classT.coned IS NOT NULL)", conNorthwind )
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,We are using Month-year tables to keep the history of long transactionof our application. For example:We capture the details of a certain action in table"TransDtls<CurrMonth><CurrYear>" (this month: TransDtls072005).This way tables keep growing. every month a new table gets created. Wehave done it because we estimated that every month year table willcarry around 2 - 3 Lac records and most of the time the operations willwork on current month year table.Avoiding this way and carrying on with single table instead of "Monthyear" table might lead us system performance issues.But now we are a bit confused on the way we are heading and also facingthe implementation issues like manipulating data from different"month-year" tables. Could anyone please help us to make our visionclear on this?Looking for your valuable comments.Thanks.
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Oct 26, 2006
Does anyone know of a way to use a funtion for returning records based on fiscal reporting periods like Quickbooks uses for example "This Month", "Last Month", "This Quarter", "Last Quarter", "This Year", "Last Year". While I realize that I can create a very long date time parsing routine for this but it is not very elegant or useful. I thought there might be a way to do this already with an existing function.I have created a stored procedure that I pass a @ViewRange Parameter to and it returns the records that I want but I need this ability in several procedures and wanted to turn it into a stored procedure.IF @ViewRange = 'This Month' SELECT TOP 20 Customer.LastName AS Customer, SUM(Sales.AmtCharge) AS Amount FROM Customer INNER JOIN Sales ON Customer.CustNo = Sales.CustNo WHERE (MONTH(Sales.InvDate) = MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) AND (YEAR(Sales.InvDate) = YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) GROUP BY Customer.LastName ORDER BY SUM(Sales.AmtCharge) DESC;IF @ViewRange = 'Last Month' SELECT TOP 20 Customer.LastName AS Customer, Sum(Sales.AmtCharge) AS Amount FROM Customer INNER JOIN Sales ON Customer.CustNo = Sales.CustNo WHERE(MONTH(Sales.InvDate) = MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - 1) And (YEAR(Sales.InvDate) = YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) GROUP BY Customer.LastName ORDER BY Sum(Sales.AmtCharge) DESC; Any ideas?
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Mar 4, 2007
I am trying to make a query on one table, an invoices table, and Iwant to see how many orders are in each monthYear Month Count---------------------------2006 01 802006 02 1102006 03 208....I cant just do Distinct MonthPart because we have years, so to getthese three columns, is just beyond my SQL skills.Any suggestions or pointer would be greatly appreciated!!!!
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Sep 18, 2013
I have the following script that calculates Sales by month and current year.
We run a Fiscal year from April 1st thru March 31st.
So April 2012 sales are considered Fiscal Year 2013.
Is there a way I can alter this script to get Fiscal Year Totals?
select ClassificationId, YEAR(inv_dt) as Year, cus_no,
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 4 then salesamt end),0) as 'Apr',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 5 then salesamt end),0) as 'May',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 6 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jun',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 7 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jul',
[Code] ....
Data returned looks like the following.
ClassificationID Year Cus_no Apr May June ....
100 2012 100 $23 $30 $400
100 2013 100 $40 $45 $600
What I would need is anything greater than or equal to April to show in the next years row.
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Aug 30, 2004
I have three web form controls, a ddl that contains the day, another ddl that contains the month and a textbox that contains the current year. To send the date chosen by the user to the database, I join the three web form control values so that the resultant string is ‘day/month/year’ thus:
CmdInsert.Parameters("@Date").Value = day.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + month.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + year.Text()
And the resultant string is: dd/mm/yyyy, for example 30/08/2004.
But the problem is if the user does not select any day or any day and month, then the resultant string is for example; 00/08/2004 or 00/00/2004, but the problem is the database does not accept this format as datetime. How can I do it?
I want the user has the possibility to chose as well only the month and year, and as well only the year. Is it possible to send to the database the datetime format with only the month and year, or only the year?
Thank you,
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Feb 25, 2004
I'm using PHP with SQLServer2k to create a page containing monthly counts of episodes at a facility occurring between two user selected month/year combinations. For instance, the user could select 10/2003 and 2/2004 and facility X and get a line for each month showing the count of episodes occuring in that month.
The problem is that the episode date is stored in three integer fields (epiday, epimonth, epiyear) and I'm having a terrible time getting them into a format where I can use them in a between statement.
I've tried evaluating the parts of the episode date seperately like:
(epimonth>=10 and epiyear=2003)
(epimonth<=2 and epiyear=2004)
and that works, but what happens when someone wants to see from 10/2002 to 2/2004?
Any suggestions on the best way to do this?
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Apr 2, 2008
I have a table with a datetime field 'TheDate'. Currently dates are stored as 'mm-dd-yyyy 00:00:00'. Is there a way to get just the month, day and year parts, '01/01/2008' into the field without changing the field data type to varchar? I'm asking because when I do this:
declare @MyDate as datetime
set @MyDate = '04/02/2008 18:00:00'
select substring(convert(varchar,@MyDate,101),1,10)
I get '04/02/2008', but when I do this:
update TheTable
set TheDate = substring(convert(varchar,TheDate,101),1,10)
I'm still getting a date in the format 'mm-dd-yyyy 00:00:00' stored in the table. I'd like to be able to lose the time portion, but I'd like to be able to keep the datetime datatype for date math purposes. Can it be done?
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Feb 2, 2004
I am trying to get my db to return a date in the format day/month/year but its returning the american version month/day/year.
I'm using a DatePart function that converts my date:
( @fDate datetime )
RETURNS varchar(10)
RETURN ( CONVERT(varchar(10),@fDate,101) )
This returns te american version, can anyone help me to get this to convert the UK way.
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Sep 10, 2014
This is my table and data
CVID | WorkExperience
I need to convert into this result
CVID | WorkExperience
283873 years
681818 years 5 months
9656812 years 2 months
1135484 months
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May 5, 2015
My DB contains company names repeating themselves several times (in the same column).
Can I create a new table that shows only the distinct names, and use it to work with the data?
My intention is to allow my users to choose only from the options within the DB (mimic in a way the list validation option in excel)
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Aug 2, 2002
Does anyone know how I can get last day of month
if I pass a function a given month and and given year.
@Month = 2
@Year = 2004
The result I would need is 29 because there are 29 in
the month of February in the 2004.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
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Apr 14, 2008
Hello All,
i have three textboxes in a page and i want fill those textboxes with the date, month,year respectively.....
i have a datecreated column in discount table in a mm/dd/yy format to extract the date, month, year from this format and put the value in textboxes..?
Any help..
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Apr 30, 2007
Hi every one,
I have a database table and currently users may retrieve records for a specified date range by providing the start and end dates and then records between those dates provided are retrieved. For example if users wanted to view all records entered in april, they would have to select 04/01/2007 as the start date and then 04/30/2007 as the end date. The records for april would then be displayed in a gridview.
How can configure my sql query such that instead the user selectes a month from a dropdownlist of 12 months. I would love a user to just select the desired month from a list instead of selecting start and end dates. Eg if they are intrested in a report for june, then they should just select june from the list instead of specifying the start and stop dates. HOW can i achieve this.
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Nov 12, 2007
I'm trying to get my head around this, any help would be appreciated. I have a calendar table I've created for use with a billing report. It would be great to have a column that had the first day of the month for every row entry (so for every row representing a day in february, that row would have February 1st, in datetime format). I thought it would be easy to create and populate this column at first, but I'm finding it much more difficult. Does anyone know how to populate this column?
Thanks in advance,
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Mar 31, 2008
i have to input month/year can u tell me what would the datatype of that column? - should it be datetime or just month/year? what would be the datatype?
i have to make function called getQuantityByMonth that when given the following inputs:
input: campaign,begin month/year, end month/year
returns the item sales for the items in a campaign with the following column headers...
output: period, periodint, campaign, itemnmbr, totalquantity
@startmonthyear datetime
@endmonthyear datetime
This is hardcoded, but the output of this is an example of what i would want. The purpose of this is to be able to do a multi-line graph.
select 'Oct 07' as Period, 200710 as PeriodInt, campaign,itemnmbr, totalquantity from
select 'Nov 07' as Period, 200711 as PeriodInt, campaign,itemnmbr, totalquantity from
select 'Dec 07' as Period, 200712 as PeriodInt, campaign,itemnmbr, totalquantity from
select 'Jan 08' as Period, 200801 as PeriodInt, campaign,itemnmbr, totalquantity from
select 'Feb 08' as Period, 200802 as PeriodInt, campaign,itemnmbr, totalquantity from
select 'Mar 08' as Period, 200903 as PeriodInt, campaign,itemnmbr, totalquantity from
order by itemnmbr, periodint
thanks for the help.
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Dec 19, 2007
hi! i have this following query:Select DATEADD(YEAR, -2, @sDate),(dateadd(dd,-(day(dateadd(yy,1,@sDate))),dateadd(yy,1,@sDate)))..the results of these are:2005-01-01 ,2007-12-31 but i want 2007-12-31 to be can i do that using dateadd function?
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Oct 24, 2007
Hi,The problem here in hand is comparing the month & year ranges rather than the entire date. I am passing a start month and start year along with the end month and end year, now the query that i have written does not seem to be appropriateMy Query:MONTH(Date_Added) BETWEEN @StartMonth AND @EndMonthAND YEAR(Date_Added) BETWEEN @StartYear AND @EndYearFor some reason this works fine if i specify the startmonth as 1 and endmonth as 12, whereas if i specify 1 and 1 it doesnot work. Can anyone help me by refining my query so that i can search a particular date within mm/yyyy and mm/yyyy. Thanks in advance.Santosh
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Jan 9, 2006
I tried below but it doesnt work
select date_field from tbl group by DAY(date_field)
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Jun 2, 2008
hai freinds ,
This is the query iam using to retrieve year and its month from a datetime column
quote:Select Distinct DateName(mm, col_datetime) as 'Month',
as 'Year'from table_name
Order By DateName(mm, col_datetime)
result for the above query is
month year
june 2008
june 2007
july 2007
july 2008
aug 2007
aug 2008 and so on.....
but my need is
month year
june 2008
july 2008
aug 2008
june 2007
july 2007
aug 2007
and so on.....
so can someone fix it or give me a idea
thanks friends
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Dec 17, 2007
Hi i have a where clause which i think i need to change
i currently have the code below but dont think it right
i think it needs to be (O_Date) between @month1 @year AND @month2 @year2, but not sure how this should be done?
WHERE MONTH(O_Date) Between @month1 AND @month2
and YEAR(OW.O_Date) Between @year AND @year2
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Jan 19, 2008
My data is mainly updated each month. Most of my tables have a month and year column. I have many statements such as this when I need to join tables:
SELECT equity FROM vMonthlyFirmSummary WHERE MonthlyInputs.year = vMonthlyFirmSummary.year AND MonthlyInputs.month = vMonthlyFirmSummary.month
Is this bad database technique? Do you think instead I should try to create a string key field such as 2007-01 (Year - Month)? Please give any insight on how to make the DB simpler. Thanks.
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Mar 8, 2008
I need to see if a record has been inserted into a table, and the condition is if the record has been inserted for the current year and month and day, if not, I can insert a new row.
SO I need to do:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE Created = @Created)
But it has to be comparing the year,month and day (excluding the time part of the datetime type).
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Dec 9, 2014
I have the below data. I need to produce a report that shows customer and total sales who had the max sales by year.
Order ID Cust ID Year Sales
O1 C1 2000 100
O2 C1 2000 150
O1 C2 2000 50
O1 C1 2001 150
O2 C3 2001 200
Cust ID Year Sales
C1 2000 250
C3 2001 200
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Jan 15, 2007
Tried this: SELECT CONVERT(varchar,fieldMonthYear,107) 'Month in Question' FROM .....That returns: Apr 01, 2006What I need is this: April 2006 or even Apr 2006. But no date for the day.Is there a way I can trim the center 4 characters of this now converted varchar? This is in a datalist, btw. Thanks!bs.
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Jan 18, 2007
I am writing a usage query, I need to determine what the current month and year is. If the current month is 1, then I need Year-1. I keep getting this error Line 5: Incorrect syntax near '='.
If I comment out the case statement just evaluate the (YEAR(User_Date) = YEAR(DATEADD(yy, - 1, GETDATE())))or (YEAR(User_Date) = YEAR(GETDATE())) by itself, the query works. What I am missing? Anybody?1 SELECT CONVERT(char(10), User_Date, 101) AS userdate, COUNT(*) AS CNT, User_Name2 FROM Users3 WHERE (User_Name = 'Joe Bob') AND (MONTH(User_Date) = MONTH(DATEADD(mm, - 1, GETDATE()))) AND 4 case MONTH(User_Date) when 1 then 5 (YEAR(User_Date) = YEAR(DATEADD(yy, - 1, GETDATE())))6 else (YEAR(User_Date) = YEAR(GETDATE()))7 END8 GROUP BY CONVERT(char(10), User_Date, 101), User_Name9 ORDER BY CONVERT(char(10), User_Date, 101), User_Name
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May 18, 2004
hi guys.
I have a datetime column in my SQL server database.. I need to select the value from the table by passing month and year only..
any suggestions..??
Thanks in advance..
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Feb 13, 2001
I want to set up stored procedures that let me group data into months. I use the data to produce charts so I need to be able to group into month and year like '01, 2000', '02, 2000'. What is the best way to produce data grouped into month and year from a date field? Using the Month and Year functions I get data like 1,2000 and 11,2000 which don't stand up to a text sort.
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May 14, 2004
My table contains only the PLAN Year and the PLAN MONTH. What I want is to create a view based on this table which will display a Date as well (despite the fact that date is not stored in the underlying table). The date can be the 1st of the month. I hope the example below will clearly explain my request (I want the 'Derived Date' using the Year and Month)
I'll appreciate your help.
YearMonthDerived Date
and so on ....
Many thanks in advance. I'll appreciate your help
Can someone also help me how to insert TABS in a post. I have tried many spaces but the end result is still not what I wanted... as you can see the 3 columns of my example are kind of overlapping whereas I wanted to clearly separate them
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