Does anyone know if there's a way to create a certificate from a hex string rather than a backup file? i.e:
Code Snippet
create certificate from 0x123ABC...;
rather than
create certificate from 'C:mycert.cer' (or whatever the syntax is)
I know that you can do this for assemblies (and in fact I use this) - is there an equivalent for certificates? If not, why not?
hey, I am having a weired issue(donno whether its weired or not.). I have a user who has db_owner rights on a database. But when he is trying to create a certificate he is getting error. "Msg 15247, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 User does not have permission to perform this action." Remember he is having db_owner rights on that particular database. is there any other permission that i have to give him.
Just wondering if anyone knows if you can create a certificate from a byte[]. For example, you can create an assembly using CREATE ASSEMBLY FROM 0x...; specifying the hex representation of it - can you do the same with a certificate? This means that you don't need to save the file to disk before loading it into the database.
I'm trying to create a user (from certificate): USE master GO CREATE CERTIFICATE UnsafeSample_Certificate ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'All you need is love' WITH SUBJECT = 'Certificate for example_sp', START_DATE = '20070201', EXPIRY_DATE = '21000101'; BACKUP CERTIFICATE UnsafeSample_Certificate TO FILE = 'C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentshunterSampleCert.cer' WITH PRIVATE KEY (FILE = 'C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentshunterSampleCert.pvk', ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'Tomorrow never knows', DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'All you need is love'); CREATE USER UnsafeSample_Login FROM CERTIFICATE UnsafeSample_Certificate; GRANT EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY TO UnsafeSample_Login;
But I'm getting error: "Cannot find the login 'UnsafeSample_Login4', because it does not exist or you do not have permission."
Where i should change rights? User (which i'm using to connect to server) has "sysadmin" server role...
i m trying to send message between different server instance using service broker.
and for security purpose i am trying to create certificate. for that i have used makecert.exe and get a certificate and a private key. but when i am creating certificate using that file it is showing error
the code is --
CREATE CERTIFICATE ctfSourceServerMaster
FROM FILE = 'C:SourceServer.cer'
WITH PRIVATE KEY ( FILE = 'C:SourceServer.pvk', DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'PrivateKeyPassword' )
i have created the file SourceServer.cer' and SourceServer.pvk' by using makecert.exe tool.
the idea behind creating the certificate ctfSourceServerMaster is to give transport security.
I am running the particular script in the master database.
but still i am getting error
The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format.
Hi, We are trying to implement Service Broker between SQL Server Express and SQL Server on the Same machine and we are having problems with certificates. We are creating a certificate on SQL Server, backing up the certificate on a file system and then loading certificate on the SQL Server Express from the file and we are keep getting the following error: Msg 15208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format.
Following script runs fine on SQL Server.
Code Snippet
use master
Create Master Key Encryption BY Password = '45Gme*3^&fwu';
BACKUP MASTER KEY TO FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerPrivateKeyMasterB.pvk'
Create Certificate EndPointCertificateC
WITH Subject = 'C.Server.Local',
START_DATE = '06/01/2006',
EXPIRY_DATE = '01/01/2008'
TO FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerEndPointCertificateC.cer'
Following script runs on SQL Server Express:
Code Snippet
Create Certificate EndPointCertificateC
From FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerEndPointCertificateC.cer'
FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerPrivateKeyMasterB.pvk',
If we run the script other way around, it works fine. If we use the SQL Server on some other machine, the script works fine. But only on the same machine, it throws this error. We made sure the permissions and everything. Let us know if there is any work around or what are we doing wrong.
Hi there,I have created a sp and function that returns amongst other things acomma seperated string of values via a one to many relationship, thecode works perfectly but i am not sure how to test its performance.. Isthis an efficient way to achieve my solution.. If not any suggestionshow i can improve it.. What are the best ways to check query speed???MY SP:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Jobs_GetJobsASBEGINSELECT j.Id, j.Inserted, Title, Reference, dbo.fn_GetJobLocations( location, salary, summary, logoFROM Jobs_Jobs j INNER JOIN Client c ON j.ClientID = c.idORDER BY j.Inserted DESCENDGO--------------------------------------------MY Function:CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetJobLocations (@JobID int)RETURNS varchar(5000) ASBEGINDECLARE @LocList varchar(5000)SELECT @LocList = COALESCE(@LocList + ', ','') + ll.location_nameFROM Jobs_Locations l inner join List_Locations ll onll.LocationID = l.LocationIDWHERE l.JobID = @JobIDRETURN @LocListENDAny help or guidance much appreciated...
hello, I installed my sql 2000 database server in my Lan server,and I installed the in my computer(workstation).now I want to develop my system in my computer with the remote sql 2000 database. So how to create a security connect string of web.config in my project ? thanks in advanced!
I'm very new to SQL server and can use some help. MyTable has ColumnA, which contains strings composed of 1 to 4 numeric characters (0 thru 9) followed by alphabetic characters. For example, "53ASDF". In my query, I need to create ColumnB, which takes the numeric prefix from ColumnA's string and prepends it with zeros, if necessary, to create a string of exactly 4 numeric characters. For example, I could get the following result:
ColA ColB "6abc" "0006" "457def" "0457" "7232hij" "7232"
I have implemented a temporary solution using a CASE statement: SELECT ColA, ColB = CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(LEFT(ColA, 4)) = 1 THEN (LEFT(ColA, 4)) WHEN ISNUMERIC(LEFT(ColA, 3)) = 1 THEN '0' + (LEFT(ColA, 3)) WHEN ISNUMERIC(LEFT(ColA, 2)) = 1 THEN '00' + (LEFT(ColA, 2)) WHEN ISNUMERIC(LEFT(ColA, 1)) = 1 THEN '000' + (LEFT(ColA, 1)) ELSE '' END FROM MyTable
Because of additional complexities, I need to implement the solution with a loop instead of a CASE statement. Can someone please describe such a solution?
I'm very confused about how variables work in SQL Server, but made an attempt to implement a solution. Hopefully, someone can make corrections and describe how to use it with a SELECT statement. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. This is what I started with:
DECLARE @ColBstring char(4) DECLARE @num int SET @ColBstring = '' SET num = 1; -- Get the numeric prefix from ColumnA's string WHILE(isnumeric(substring(colA, 1, num)) = 1) @ColBstring = (substring(colA, 1, num) num = num + 1
-- Prepend the ColumnB string with zeros WHILE(LEN(@ColBstring) < 4) @ColBstring = '0' + @ColBstring
I have a table tblCustomers in a one-to-many relationship with tabletblProducts.What I want to do is to create a stored procudure that returns a listof each customer in tblCustomers but also creates a field showing astring (separated by commas)of each matching record in tblProducts.So the return would look like:CustID Customer ProductList1 Smith Apples, Oranges, Pears2 Jones Pencils, Pens, Paperetc...Instead of:CustID Customer Product1 Smith Apples1 Smith Oranges1 Smith Pears2 Jones Pencils2 Jones Pens2 Jones PaperWhich is what you get with this:SELECT tblCusomers.CustID, tblCusomers.Customer,tblProducts.ProductFROMtblCusomers INNER JOINtblProducts ONtblCustomers.CustID = tblProducts.CustIDI'd appreciate any help!lq
add a number to the end of an ID to create a series.For example, I have an EventID that may have many sub events. If the EventID is 31206, and I want to have subEvents, I would like have the following sequence. In this case, lets say I have 4 sub Events so I want to check the EventID and then produce:
312061 312062 312063 312064
How can I check what the EventID is, then concatenate a sequence number by the EventID?
Requirement: When we create SSIS Pacakge using Businessinteligence studio.Each Source and Destination or whatever we using the Control required DB Connection.
we connect theDB server and Database Table through manaully .Instead of Manual i need dynamic Global varible for Connection String .How to achieve this connection string.
because suppose we create SSIS Package in Developement Server Latter We change the Server from Developement to Another Testing Server . at that time we dont requierd for changing manulay.any one pls reply me.
Same as in Dotnet we give configiration XML file .we gave the Connection strng. how to in SSIS we do?
I have an app that I created and I am trying to upload the MS SQL DB to my web host. I downloaded MS SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard and then open up Visual Studio 2005. I right click my database, and then try publishing it. I convert to a MS 2000 DB (was originally 2005). I save the .sql statement and try copying into the host's (Godaddy) query analyzer. (It's only about 400k). Well, I tried cutting and pasting the doc so I could see exactly where I get the error. I get a good part of it successful, but then I try the pasting the code below (not modified at all) and get the error about "unclosed quotation..." I skip this and go to the next process, and is successful, but often, I am getting this error.... WHY? Please help. Code copied directly from generated script from MS Publishing wizard:
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[aspnet_Users_DeleteUser] Script Date: 02/07/2007 18:34:18 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[aspnet_Users_DeleteUser]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1) BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[aspnet_Users_DeleteUser] @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @TablesToDeleteFrom int, @NumTablesDeletedFrom int OUTPUT AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 DECLARE @ErrorCode int DECLARE @RowCount int SET @ErrorCode = 0 SET @RowCount = 0 SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications a WHERE u.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName IF (@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN GOTO Cleanup END -- Delete from Membership table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers'') AND (type = ''V'')))) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_UsersInRoles table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 2) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 2) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_UsersInRoles'') AND (type = ''V''))) ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_Profile table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 4) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 4) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_Profiles'') AND (type = ''V''))) ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Profile WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 8) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 8) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User'') AND (type = ''V''))) ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_Users table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1,2,4 & 8) are all set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1) <> 0 AND (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 2) <> 0 AND (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 4) <> 0 AND (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 8) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE @UserId = UserId))) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN 0 Cleanup: SET @NumTablesDeletedFrom = 0 IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END' END GO ***************************ERROR:****************************
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string 'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[aspnet_Users_DeleteUser] @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @TablesToDeleteFrom int, @NumTablesDeletedFrom int AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranS... /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[aspnet_Users_DeleteUser] Script Date: 02/07/2007 18:34:18 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[aspnet_Users_DeleteUser]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1)BEGINEXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[aspnet_Users_DeleteUser] @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @TablesToDeleteFrom int, @NumTablesDeletedFrom int ASBEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSESET @TranStarted = 0 DECLARE @ErrorCode int DECLARE @RowCount int SET @ErrorCode = 0 SET @RowCount = 0 SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications a WHERE u.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName IF (@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN GOTO Cleanup END -- Delete from Membership table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers'') AND (type = ''V'')))) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_UsersInRoles table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 2) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 2) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_UsersInRoles'') AND (type = ''V''))) ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_Profile table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 4) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 4) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_Profiles'') AND (type = ''V''))) ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Profile WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 8) is set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 8) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N''vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User'') AND (type = ''V''))) ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END -- Delete from aspnet_Users table if (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1,2,4 & 8) are all set IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 1) <> 0 AND (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 2) <> 0 AND (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 4) <> 0 AND (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 8) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE @UserId = UserId))) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN 0Cleanup: SET @NumTablesDeletedFrom = 0 IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCodeEND' ENDGO
I am trying to create a encrypted row in my database Everything here worked except that when i run the final query to decrypt the data It just comes up with null for each row. Even if i do a query to show me the rows that are not null It's like it is saying yeah there is data here but I am only going to show you null instead of what I am supposed to decrypt.Here is what I tried from start to finish Create Certificate TestCert Encryption By Password = 'Password' With Subject = 'SQLCert', Expiry_Date = '12/01/2050';
declare @Test nvarchar(50) set @Test='123456789'
insert into testenc (testencry) Values (encryptbyCert(Cert_ID('TestCert'),@Test ))
select convert (Nvarchar(50), DecryptByCert(Cert_ID('TestCert'), testencry,N'Password')) As Test from testenc
im trying to drop all certificates on my database, and then the master key, but cannot do this as there are objects encrypted by one particular cert that i called fcert. I done this ages ago and cannot remember what i encrypted with this cert. to drop the master key i have to drop the cert and to drop the cert i have to make sure no objects are encrypted by it. how is this achieved?
I can use "CREATE CERTIFICATE" to add a CER certificate into a SQL database. How can I do so with a PFX certificate? From the document, it can be done so with a CER file and a PVK file, but only a PFX file.
I'm having this really strange issue with mirroring.
I've followed the instructions on to the letter, leaving out the witness server part, as I don't have one.
All works OK, but when activating the mirroring on the principal server I get the usual error 1418 error. I fired up SQL Server Profiler to see what was happening, and the following error emerged.
Connection handshake failed. The certificate used by the peer is invalid due to the following reason: Certificate not yet valid. State 104.
I am trying to get SQL Express to use a certificate for SSL encryption between the server and client. Our company has a certificate server and I already did generate a server certificate from it. I installed the certificate in the "local machine" store and I also have the CA certificate in the trusted root on the server machine. (XP PRO)
When I use the configuration tool, I get to the "protocols for SQLEXPRESS" area, I click properties, I select the certificate tab, but there are no certificates available from which to choose.
Can someone shed some light on where I might go from here?
As we know ,certificate is a digitallly-signed security object that bind the public key to the principal who holds the private key.
Say i create a certificate by using create certificate DDL, then use it to encrypt data and decrypt data as follows:
Code Block create certificate cert1 encryption by password='p@ssw0rd1' with subject='certificate test' go declare @plaintext varchar(100) set @plaintext='abcd' declare @cipher varbinary(8000) set @cipher=encryptbycert(cert_id('cert1'),@plaintext) select convert(varchar,decryptbycert(cert_id('cert1'),@cipher,N'p@ssw0rd1'))
Is that mean i create public key implicitly when i run "create certificate cert1 encryption by password='p@ssw0rd1' with subject='certificate test'"?
What cryptography algorithm would be use when i use the certificate to encrypt data ? Where is private key? I ensure I use the public key which generated from "create certificate " DDL to encrypt data .I want to know which private key i used when i execute decryptbycert to decrypt.
What I wont is to be abele to do is to send a message from €śSender€? to €śReceiver 1€? or €śRecevier 2€?.
I am abele to send a message from €śSender€? to €śReceiver 1€? but if I send a message to €śReceiver 2€? I get a dialog security problem I think. If I use profiler I can se in €śReceiver 2€? the events:
Broker:Connection Audit Broker Login Broker:Message Classify Audit Broker Conversation = Certificate not found Broker:Message Undeliverable
And I cant find what´s wrong, this Is my scripts for etch instance.
USE master
CREATE CERTIFICATE Cert_sevapc311_pub AUTHORIZATION andon FROM FILE = 'C:Cert_sevapc311'
GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::[Grafik_Service_Send_ROBOTSRV] TO andon
-- Grant RECEIVE permission on the queue. GRANT RECEIVE ON [Grafik_Queue] TO andon GO GRANT CONTROL ON SERVICE::[Grafik_Service_Send_ROBOTSRV] TO andon GO
--DROP REMOTE SERVICE BINDING Grafik_sevap CREATE REMOTE SERVICE BINDING Grafik_sevap TO SERVICE 'Grafik_Service_Recive_sevapc311' WITH USER = andon GO
--DROP REMOTE SERVICE BINDING Grafik_andonpc017 CREATE REMOTE SERVICE BINDING Grafik_andonpc017 TO SERVICE 'Grafik_Service_Recive_Andonpc017' WITH USER = andon
€śReceiver 1€?
use master
I have been trying to create a certificate for use with SQL2005. I found openSSL to create a cert but I am not sure how to use it.
When I go into SQL Config Manager / Protocol Properties / Certificate Tab... I do not see any certificates. The list is empty. Where are these certs pulled from and how can I create one on my own?
Here are the Reqs:
Certificate Requirements
For SQL Server 2005 to load a SSL certificate, the certificate must meet the following conditions:
The certificate must be in either the local computer certificate store or the current user certificate store.
The current system time must be after the Valid from property of the certificate and before the Valid to property of the certificate.
The certificate must be meant for server authentication. This requires the Enhanced Key Usage property of the certificate to specify Server Authentication (
The certificate must be created by using the KeySpec option of AT_KEYEXCHANGE. Usually, the certificate's key usage property (KEY_USAGE) will also include key encipherment (CERT_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE).
The Subject property of the certificate must indicate that the common name (CN) is the same as the host name or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server computer. If SQL Server is running on a failover cluster, the common name must match the host name or FQDN of the virtual server and the certificates must be provisioned on all nodes in the failover cluster.
I have SQL Server 2012 and want to encrypt my connections by using a wildcard [URL] ssl certificate from a trusted party. After installing my certificate i want to selecti in in de SQL Server Configuration Manager but the certificate does not appear in the properties of protocols.
In older versions it was possible to add the thumprint of my certificate to the registry, but in this version that result into a sql server that cannot be started anymore.