Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
CREATE VIEW InvoiceBasic AS SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal From Vendors JOIN Invoices ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
Can I dynamically (from a stored procedure) generatea create table script of all tables in a given database (with defaults etc)a create view script of all viewsa create function script of all functionsa create index script of all indexes.(The result will be 4 scripts)Arno de Jong,The Netherlands.
Hi!! If I have declared a variable, such as char variable_name[x], and have assigned it a value, how do I go about passing this value to an SQL query such as: SELECT * FROM variable_name where my value replaces variable_name. Cheers, Marc
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
I have a select statement that works fine. Now I need to create a view with this statement and I have problems with the variables that I need to declare.
Is there a way to include the declare command in a view?
I can not use a stored procedure this time.
This is the statement:
DECLARE @FirstDate DATE, @SecondDate DATE, @ThirdDate DATE SELECT @FirstDate = MAX(fecha_valor) FROM MPR_Historico_Posiciones ---SELECT @SecondDate = MAX(fecha_valor) FROM MPR_Historico_Posiciones WHERE fecha_valor<> @FirstDate SELECT @SecondDate = dateadd(week,-1,max(fecha_valor)) FROM MPR_Historico_Posiciones
Hi, I'm a complete newbie to SQLServer and t-sql generally. What I want to do is create a new variable in a stored procedure based upon the value of another variable.
eg in the loop below I want to create 10 new variables, called @var0,@var1,@var2 ...@var9
declare @varname nvarchar(10) declare @i integer
select @i=0
while @i<10 begin set @varname = cast(('@var'+cast(@i as char)) as nvarchar(10)) set @i=@i+1 end
I would like to know if for example i have some tables in my DataBase and i need from each table to get for instance, the Name by the ID, how can i make only one procedure which use parameters and variables so i can use this SP to get the Name By ID for all the Tables?
I was tasked with witing a stored procedure to send out emails based on certain criteria. One of our developers decided to take care of the criteria in another process and pass variables for me to use. I am not quite sure how to go about this, but below is what I started with. I declared his variables, and then set up a couple of my own for the email subject line and text.
create PROCEDURE [dbo].[SendWelcomeEmails] AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
[Code] ....
Do I need to use a cursor or can I just specify using if, then else? Also not sure where to SET the individual subject lines.
I had given one of our developers create view permissions, but he wants to also modify views that are not owned by him, they are owned by dbo.
I ran a profiler trace and determined that when he tries to modify a view using query designer in SQLem or right clicks in SQLem on the view and goes to properties, it is performing a ALTER VIEW. It does the same for dbo in a trace (an ALTER View). He gets a call failed and a permission error that he doesn't have create view permissions, object is owned by dbo, using both methods.
If it is doing an alter view how can I set permissions for that and why does it give a create view error when its really doing an alter view? Very confusing.
I am stuck on creating views using the variables. I keep on getting the 'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch error. I understand that views need to be the first statement, but I have a lot of views that need to reference specific variables - is there any way to do this?
The code I am using is as follows:
DECLARE @view varchar(MAX) DECLARE @database varchar(30) SET @database = 'KateTEST3'
--Insert views SET @view = 'USE ['+@database+'] SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON;
CREATE view [dbo].[userssupplier] as SELECT * FROM dbo.Users WHERE (User_Type = 4.0) OR (User_Type = 5.2)' EXEC(@view)
After upsizing an access mdb backend to SQL Server 2005, some of the access frontend queries need rewriting.
One of my Access queries contains several joined tables (tables that used to live on users local c drive) and also references the value of a form control as its where criteria. When this is run against linked sql tables it is very slow.
So I thought I would use a view to represent the joined tables and link to that in Access, but views don't allow you to pass parameters. How do I create a view that I can link to in my access front end whose contents will vary based on a passed parameter from Access? I am OK at vba coding so I can call to this object in code if necessary. The recordsource needs to be updateable.
I have an installation script and want to create a database based on some data in a table (config). Testing the script though I get a message:
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1 Line 12: Incorrect syntax near '@DBData'.
The relevant sql is:
declare @DBName varchar (40) declare @DBData varchar (40) declare @DBLog varchar (40) declare @DBSize int select @DBName = obj_txt from config where obj_nm='DBName' select @DBData = @DBName + '_Data' select @DBLog = @DBName + '_Log' select @DBSize = obj_int from config where obj_nm='DBSize' raiserror('Creating Database %s ....',0,1,@DBName) with nowait
Create Database @DBName on @DBData = @DBSize Log on @DBLog = @DBSize
I don't think there's anything wrong, apart from the fact I am using the local variables. Is this allowed on a Create Database statement? I haven't found anything in Technet that may help.
I am trying to build a Windows application using: Windows XP Pro ; VS Pro 2005, C# and SQL2005.
I have 2 database table3 as follows: eg 1) myGameRecency which contains columns : GameId (identity specification column/primary key/not null), Date (not null), [1], [2], [3], [4] , WeeksSinceDr0, WeeksSinceDr1, WeeksSinceDr2 2) myGameFrequency which contains columns : AllBallsFrequency , WeeksSinceDrawnAllBalls
Using the myGameRecencyAllBalls table --- I wish to insert a 0 into a column corresponding to a ball that has been drawn, eg if a 4 has been drawn, then a 0 will be inserted into that column. If a ball has not be drawn, then the value in that column will be a running total, signifying the number of draws since it was last drawn ( ie since a 0 was inserted into that column).
I place a 1 in the column corresponding to the number of weeks since a number has been drawn. The name of the column is therefore the concatenation of the string literal 'WeeksSinceDrawn' and the value held by the variable, @lastRowCount obtained by the lastrow_CURSOR.
I have declared a variable @colName to hold the concatenation / Set @colName = 'WeeksSinceDr' + CONVERT(nvarchar(max), @lastRowCount) and then tried to use it as follows: SET [@colName] = 1
however, I receive an error message advising me that I have an invalid column name. Is there any means of setting a column name by concatenating two variables or , a string literal and a variable ?
is this possible to retireve data from view where i need only userid with rolekey1.? tried with a function but its taking more time? any options in doing it in the view itself?
I have a view based on two tables. Now I want to update that view in such a manner that the columns of both the tables are going to update. Can you suggest me what code I should write so that I can update that view.
I have a spreadsheet that we download from one of our customers that contains Sales Order Release information. The spreadsheets contains 1-n releases per part #.
I have a SQL 2000 view that groups this information into a smaller table (after importing into SQL).
I need to take this view and create 1-n release records based on our production run qty and put it in a new table. I have a field in my view that contains the desired # of records to create.
Since I never used TSQL to loop through table/view, how do I do this. Following is what the output should look like:
From SQL view --------------------------------------- Part #: 11124A1 Qty Due:175 Run Qty: 50 # Release to Generate: 4
I would need to create multiple variables with the same format forfuture update, what I did is listing them separately, is there an easyway to combine them in one step? please see query below. Thanks a lot!--Current Query--SELECT cast(0.0 as money) as balance_1,cast(0.0 as money) as balance_2,cast(0.0 as money) as balance_3,cast(0.0 as money) as balance_4,cast(0.0 as money) as balance_5,cast(0.0 as money) as balance_6,cast(0.0 as money) as balance_7,cast(0.0 as money) as balance_8,account_no,XXXINTO table1FROM accountCan I do something like this? This one didn't work.SELECT balance_1 to balance_8 (cast 0.0 as money),account_no,XXXINTO table1FROM account
I'd like to be able to call different packages from a control flow. These packages will have different requirements for parameters therefore I'd like to create them dynamically.
Is this possible? Can I do it using a script task?
in my report model project, i'm able to successfully create and deploy a report model based on a data source view that is in turn based on a table object in my data store.
but if i try to create a report model that's based on a a data source view that is in turn based on a view in my data store, well then, the report model that gets created comes up blank - i.e. shows no objects.
What gives? Is it not possible to create a report based on a view? that can't be right!
Hi all, I have two tables (staging and Cdate) and neither objects has any constraints. staging table has ID, date, A, B, and C fields and Cdate has id,date and day fields. I need to update/insert date from Vdate into staging where staging ID=' ' and date is null Here is the code I wrote, however, it seemed the information was updated to one date only instead of time series - Cdate contains time series in column date. Anyone can help to fix it? Thank you for the help!
update s set s.date=c.date FROM cdate c join staging s on(s.id=c.id) Where s.date is null and id=2
HiI have two databases: Customers and Operations. In Customers database I havemade a view based on a few tables from both Customers and Operations (leftjoin - customers without any operations). In the same database (Customers) Ihave created a stored procedure based on the view. Finally I'd like to giveto some users permission only to exec the stored procedure.Have I to add the users to Customers? If yes, please describe me how tolimit the users privileges only to execution the stored procedure (no rightsto open tables or view from Customers).Regards,GrzegorzPs. I had sent the post on microsoft.public.sqlserver.security, but I had noanswer.
Hey,First, sorry if this post appear twice, because, I can not find my postrecently send, trying to post it once again.I'm out of ideas, so, I thought, will search help here again :(I'm trying to prepare a view for ext. app. This is in normal cases veryeasy, but what if the view structure should be dynamic?!Here is my point (I will siplify the examples).I have a table:create table t_data (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,valvarchar(10) not null,data varchar(100) not nullconstraint [PK_t_data] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_data (val, data) values('1111111111','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('2222222222','1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz 1234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('3333333333','12345abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('4444444444','67890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz12345 67890abcdefg12345hijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghij klmnoprstuvwxyz')insert into t_data (val, data) values('5555555555','1230abcdefghijklmnoprst12345uvwxyz1 234567890abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz67890abcdefghijk lmnoprstuvwxyz')gocreate table t_dataVal (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,valvarchar(10) not null,fill varchar(4) not nullconstraint [PK_t_dataVal] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('1111111111','AAAA')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('2222222222','KKKK')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('3333333333','DDDD')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('4444444444','ZZZZ')insert into t_dataVal (val, fill) values ('5555555555','CCCC')gocreate table t_conf (id bigint identity (1,1) not null,start int not null,length int not null,description varchar(20) not null,constraint [PK_t_conf] primary key clustered(id) with fillfactor = 90 on [PRIMARY] )goinsert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (1,10,'value_1')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (11,3,'value_2')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values(55,15,'value_3')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (33,2,'value_4')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (88,1,'value_5')insert into t_conf (start, length, description) values (56,7,'value_6')goNow here is the issue:table t_conf contain data, which can be modified by user. The user isseting the appropriate values.Now, there should be a view, which returns:- as headers (collumn names) this what is defined in description columnof t_conf (for example: value_1, value_2 ... value_6)- as values, substrings of all data from t_data, cutted with start andlength values for appropriate decription from t_conf.- first two columns of view, should be column val and fill of t_dataValtableSo the effect should be like this:valfillvalue_1value_2value_3value_4value_5value61111111111AAAA1234567890abc....2222222222KKKK1234567890abc....3333333333DDDD12345abcdefgh....4444444444ZZZZ67890abcdefgh....5555555555CCCC1230abcdefghi....of course, for all other value_x should be the appropriate substringsshown.Sounds simple, hm?Well, I'm trying to do this, since yesterday evening, and can not :(In real life, the call of view/function might happend a lot.The table t_data might have around 4000 records, but the data string islonger (around 3000 characters).Application, might acess a udf, which returns table, and I was focusingin that.Was trying, to create local temp table in function, to insert values,using cursor over t_conf.Unfortunately, everything what I get, is just a vertical representationof the data, and I need it horizontal :(The other problem in function is, that I can not use exec() (wll known)so I can not even create a table,dynamicly, using as column names description value from table t_conf,and as size of field length from this table.Sorry, that the description is maybe not exactly for my problem, butthis is because I'm not even sure, which way to use :(any help will be appreciated!Thank You - Matik
I created a view that joins several tables together and added an instead of insert, update trigger on it. My trigger works when I do an update/insert directly to the view, but it doesn't seem to fire when an insert/update is made to any of the tables that the view is based on. Is there a way to have the trigger fire when something happens to the tables that the view is based on? The application that the database is using is something that was purchased so I don't have access to the code to change any SQL statements that it's using.
I am working on SSRS. Based on parameter value I needs to call the related view. Below are my current expression query. but it has some error.
=IIF(Parameters!RacServiceOfferingsOnly.Value=0, SELECT * FROM VW_FLIGHT_SHEET_SUMM_RAC_N WHERE "TransferDate" BETWEEN DECODE(:StartDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:StartDate) AND DECODE(:EndDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:EndDate) AND (:TransferType IS NULL OR :TransferType = "Direction"),SELECT * FROM VW_FLIGHT_SHEET_SUMM_RAC_Y WHERE "TransferDate" BETWEEN DECODE(:StartDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:StartDate) AND DECODE(:EndDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:EndDate))
Hi All, I'm working on a web application where the user needs to be able to create and name new databases that are identical in structure to other existing databases (that is, all tables, stored procedures, functions, indexes, etc.). This is so that they can create a new database for each client and need to be able to do this through the web application. Having hunted around a fair bit, I've established that SMO is capable of doing pretty much everything that I want. The only problem is that everything I do seems to be based on the actual SQL Server and associated databases rather than the ones I have created in the App_Data folder. The relevant code (so far) is:Dim sqlServer As New Server() With sqlServer.ConnectionContext .ServerInstance = "(local)" .Connect() .Disconnect() End With
For Each db As Database In sqlServer.Databases ListView1.Items.Add(db.Name) Next
Dim newDatabase As New Database(sqlServer, DbName.Text.ToString) newDatabase.Create() This does actaully create a new database, just not where I want it! Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I can create a copy of a database in the App_Data folder? Thanks & regards, Paul