I have two table studenTtable and courseTable which is each student take more than one course . 1:M...for example Student1 take 2 courses (C1 , C2). Student2 take 3 courses (C1,C2, C3).I need to create a table/View that contain student information from StudentTable plus all the courses and the score for each course from CoursTable in one row.
for example Row1= Student1_Id ,C1_code ,C1_name ,C1_Score ,C2_code,C2_name ,C2_Score Row2= Student2_Id,C1_code, C1_name,C1_Score,C2_code ,C2_name ,C2_Score , C3_code,C3_name,C3_Score
and since Student one just have two courses , I should enter NULL in 'Course 3 fields'.My Struggle is in the insert statement I tried the following but it show an error
Insert Into Newtable ( St_ID, C1_code,c1_name, C1_Score ,C2_code ,C2_name,C2_score,C3_code ,C3_name,C3_score) Select (Select St_ID from StudentTable) , (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from Coursetable,SudentTable where course.Stid =Studet.stid) , (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from course ,student where course.Stid =Studet.stid ), (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from course ,student where course.Stid =Studet.stid );
I'm fully aware that the New table/View will break the rules of normalization ,but I need it for specifc purpose.I tried also the PIVOT BY functionality but no luck with it .I also tried writing a code using Matlab (because it is high level sw that it is easy to learn for people not expret in programming as me) but didn't know how to combine the Student and Courses Matrices in my loop.
Hi, I come back again. Can anyone help me to create table with many-to-many relationship. Here is my three tables tbl_Networks ( NID int identity(1,1) primary key, NetworkName nvarchar(256) )
tbl_Categories ( CID int identity(1,1) primary key, CateName nvarchar(256), NID int )
tbl_Sim ( SID int identity(1,1) primary key, NID int, CID int, NameOfSim nvarchar(256) ) My problem is 1 value in tbl_Sim may have multiple values in table tbl_Categories and vice versal. And I don't know how to organise them
I am trying to create a new mining structure with case table and nested table, the case table (fact table) has alread defined the relationships with the nested table(dimension table), and I can see their relationship from the data source view. But why the wizard for creating the new mining structure showed that message? Why is that? And what could I try to fix it?
Hope it is clear for your help.
Thanks a lot for your kind advices and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
I am fairly new to SQL and I am currently trying to createa SQL table (using Microsoft SQL) that has a recursiverelationship, let me try to explain:I have a piece of Data let's call it "Item" wich may again contain onemore "Items". Now how would I design a set of SQL Tables that arecapable of storing this information?I tried the following two approaches:1.) create a Table "Item" with Column "ItemID" as primary key, somecolums for the Data an Item can store and a Column "ParentItemID". Iset a foreign key for ParentItemID wich links to the primarykey"ItemID" of the same table.2.) create separate Table "Item_ParentItem" that storesItemID-ParentItemID-pairs. Each column has a foreign key linked toprimary key of the "Item" Column "ItemID".In both approaches when I try to delete an Item I get an Exceptionsaying that the DELETE command could not be executed because itviolates a COLUMN REFERENCE constraint. The goal behind these FK_PKrelations is is that when an Item gets deleted, all childItems shouldautomatically be deleted recursively.How is this "standard-problem" usually solved in sql? Or do I inned toimplement the recursive deletion myself using storedprocedures or something ?
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
I use the following 3 sets of sql code in SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to import the csv data/files to 3 dbo.Tables via CREATE TABLE & BUKL INSERT operations:
-- ImportCSVprojects.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
ProjectID int,
ProjectName nvarchar(25),
LabName nvarchar(25)
BULK INSERT dbo.Projects
FROM 'c:myfileProjects.csv'
GO ======================================= -- ImportCSVsamples.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
SampleID int,
SampleName nvarchar(25),
Matrix nvarchar(25),
SampleType nvarchar(25),
ChemGroup nvarchar(25),
ProjectID int
BULK INSERT dbo.Samples
FROM 'c:myfileSamples.csv'
GO ========================================= -- ImportCSVtestResult.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
AnalyteID int,
AnalyteName nvarchar(25),
Result decimal(9,3),
UnitForConc nvarchar(25),
SampleID int
BULK INSERT dbo.TestResults
FROM 'c:myfileLabTests.csv'
======================================== The 3 csv files were successfully imported into the ChemDatabase of my SSMSE.
2 questions to ask: (1) How can I designate the Primary and Foreign Keys to these 3 dbo Tables? Should I do this "designate" thing after the 3 dbo Tables are done or during the "Importing" period? (2) How can I set up the relationships among these 3 dbo Tables?
I want to create a view from table j25_teamlist2014 with the 7 columns shown below. But I only want the rows which don't have a Status of 'Not Available'.This sql works fine apart from the Team Name and Team Captain columns display the team which is an interger ie Row 1 shows 1 in the Team Name and Team Captain columns instead of 'My Team' and 'Jo Bloggs'.Also when viewing the original table and the new view the structures are slightly different.
CREATE VIEW j25_availableteamlist2014 AS SELECT Team, Day, Time, Lane, Team Name, Team Captain, Status FROM j25_teamlist2014 WHERE Status NOT LIKE 'N%'
I have a view which works fine but I cannot display the data in the Report tool because its
CCSID is HEX. If I could create it to temp table
I think then there would be an easy way to get around this problem.
This is the code:
CREATE VIEW astlib.acbalmpk AS ( (SELECT LMLTPC, COALESCE(IRLOC1,'') as IRLOC1, COALESCE(IRLOC2,'') as IRLOC2, COALESCE(IRLOC3,'') as IRLOC3, IRPRT#, IRQOH#, IRWHS#, '' as IEPRT#, '.00' as IEQOH#, '' as IELOC1, '' as IELOC2, '' as IELOC3, '' as IERIDC, '' as IEWHS#
the first three columns come directly from the OrderDetails table, InStock is computed by finding the sum of Qty of all of the lines in the StockTransactions table for this item. ToShip is a field for the user to enter a value they'd like to ship currently. TotalShipped is the sum of what is in the ToShip box and all previous entries in the StockTransactions table related to the current OrderDetail record. Backordered is computed by taking ToShip and subtracting InStock (if the value is a negative number, then display zero).
The objective is to create a user friendly way to enter lines into the OrderDetailsTable. the values place by the user in the Qty field for the items listed in front of them should be saved as entried in the StockTransactions table with ActionType = 1.
I'm not sure if a view is the best way to go about this.
I read that the there's no equivalent command of sqlcmd's -W in osql - we only have to resort to LTRIM(RTRIM(). However, just wondering if anyone has a better solution?
I also would like to create a table from a select statement that has UNION in it. For instance, in Oracle, it would be like:
Code Snippet create table mytable as select a,b,c from table1 union select a,b,c from table2
--Then somehow iterate each value in the field dbname to create a view something like Create View viewcreatedfromtable As Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcd Union All Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcde
[Code] ....
I tried this, but it is only printing the last result returned not the entire result set
Code: Declare @database varchar(max), @sql varchar(max) Declare c1 Cursor For Select Program from tocreateviewfrom Open c1
Create view All_employee AS SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM dbo.Employee UNION ALL SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM Emp_201402.Employee
But we have a different "Schema" for same table because we have archive table with same table name but with different schema name. Now we have req to make view which contain data of all table. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it in a view.
SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Count INT, @TotalCount INT, @SQL VARCHAR( MAX ) DECLARE @Schema TABLE ( ID INT, NAME VARCHAR(512) ) INSERT INTO @Schema SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SCHEMA_ID), Name FROM sys.schemas where name like '%emloyee%' ORDER BY schema_id ASC
[Code] ....
Don' think that works.
Is this possible with a view or it other way to do it?
We have two databases with same schema and tables (same table names, basically main DB and a copy of the main DB). following is example of table names from 2 DBs.
CREATE TABLE #SourceDatabase (SourceColumn1 VARCHAR(50)) INSERT INTO #SourceDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6') SELECT * FROM #SourceDatabase DROP TABLE #SourceDatabase CREATE TABLE #ArchiveDatabase (SourceColumn2 VARCHAR(50)) INSERT INTO #ArchiveDatabase VALUES('TABLE1') , ('TABLE2'),('TABLE3') , ('TABLE4'),('TABLE5') , ('TABLE6') SELECT * FROM #ArchiveDatabase DROP TABLE #ArchiveDatabase
We need a T_SQL statement that can create one view for each table from both the databases(assuming both databases have same number of tables and same table names). so that we can run the T_SQL on a thrid database and the third DB has all the views (one view for each table from the 2 DBs). and the name of the view should be same as the tables name. and all 3 DBs are on the same server.
the 2 temp tables are just examples, DBs have around 1700 tables each. so we ned something like following for each table.
CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE1 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE1] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE2 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE2] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE3 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE3] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE4 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE4] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE5 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE5] CREATE VIEW DBO.TABLE6 AS SELECT * FROM [SourceDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ArchiveDatabase].[dbo].[TABLE6]
I have 2 identical tables one contains current settings, the other contains all historical settings.I could create a union view to display the current values from table A and all historical values from table B, butthat would also require a Variable to hold the tblid for both select statements.
Q. Can this be done with one joined or conditional select statement?
DECLARE @tblid int = 501 SELECT 1,2,3,4,'CurrentSetting' FROM TableA ta WHERE tblid = @tblid UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,'PreviosSetting' FROM Tableb tb WHERE tblid = @tblid
Here is the error I am getting'role' table saved successfully'users' table- Unable to create relationship 'FK_users_role'. ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_users_role'. The conflict occurred in database 'raintranet', table 'role', column 'role_id'.table rolerole_id intname varchar 50table usersusers_id introle_id inTrying to get table.role_id to be related to role.role_idAny help would be appreciated
hello all, I am new to SQL server and dont have a clue on how to create a one-to-one relationship in sql server2000. Say, I have a table 'A' with a PK <customer_id> and another table 'B' with a PK <order_id>. Now to define a one-to-one relation between them how to do that? thanks in advance.
What is the best way to relate the name in dbo.server and name in dbo.ProcessorInfo so this is a one to many? Obviously I can't set the name column as a PK as I have more than 1 record of the same value in it.
How do I create a relationship between two tables when the two columns that should connect each table have different names?
i.e. Table Person Column Name < -- > Table Employee Column Person Name
The two columns actually contain the same data type but different field name and size. I know this involves a series of steps. What are they? Could you please include some sample code.
Hi. I get this error when i try to create a relationship in a db diagram (sql 2005) "'tblActivedir' table saved successfully 'tblClient' table - Unable to create relationship 'FK_tblClient_tblActivedir1'. Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_tblClient_tblActivedir1' on table 'tblClient' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints. Could not create constraint. See previous errors."
What i have is 2 tables. 1 named client 1 named activedir
In the client table the columns i want to bind with activedirtable are FR1 and DC1 I want to bind them in the ID of the activedir table (both, in different fk relationships) so that they get the id of activedir. Fr1 has an fk relationship with activedir (pk is activedir' id) and DC1 exactly the same in another fk. So i want both columns to comunicate with activedir. If p.e. activedir has 3 elements (a,b,c) when i delete element a then werever FR1 or DC1 have this element(binded to it's id) then the element will also be deleted (id of the element) from both FR1 and DC1 I don't want to set Delete and Update action to none because i want the element changed or deleted from activedir, to do the same on Fr1 or DC1 or both. Any help? Thanks.
Hi, I have metadata that stored my table structure and relationship. I would like to know is it possible to create table relationship programatically? Any sample?
NozzleTbl is another Table.At the moment I am referencing only one NozzleTbl thrice. But how can I reference a collection of NozzleTbl thrice?So that in the c# code I could access the collections as:
Hi, I need help in creating a trigger before delete. The trigger should be in such a way that it should display a message, if there is any relationship with other table.
For example I have a table with employee details which have empid as primary key. I have another table with employee salary details where empid is foreign key. The trigger should check the relationship with these two tables. If I try to delete an emploeyee from employee details table and if there is a relationship of that employee with the salary table then the trigger should print a message. If there is no relationship then the trigger should perform the deletion. I want to create a trigger like this.
Hi, I am trying to create a create for two table A and table B which have no relationship each time. For TableA, there are 3 columns like ID, APoints1, APoint2. For Table B, there are also 3 columns as ID, Qty, BPoints. There is no internal relationship for these two tables. But there may be same ID inside A and B for some records. Now I want to create a datagrid for displaying the information as :
Please Notice that I can't use directly SQL script as following from table A and table B because there is no relationship for Table A and Table B, otherwise the recult set would be wrong:
Select A.ID, Sum(A.APoints1 + A.APoints2) - Sum(B.Qty * B.BPoints) WHERE A.ID = B.ID group by A.ID
I have a problem related to create or show relationship digram in sql server 2005. Especially, I want to show relationship diagram that I established in sqlserver 2000 in sql server 2005 but I can't and I don't how to do it.