Create Copy Of Database And Place On Different Server

Oct 26, 2004

I am trying to create a copy of an existing database and place on a different sql server for testing purposes. Currently my method of doing this is to create a backup, then restore a database on my new sql server. But here is the problem I am running into. When I look in Enterprise manager I can see all of the stored procedures and tables and data just fine, which is how I would like it. But, when I open up Query Analyzer I am not able to run any queries because it says "invalid object name" error. I know that the object name is correct. I think that I am having a conflict between the users which were carried over from the source backup file and the users that are on my 2 new sql server. If anyone could help, I would really appreciate it. I am stuck at this point. I am guessing it is probably something simple I am just unaware that I need to do.


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How To Create A Copy Of SQL Server 2000 Database In SQL Server 2005 Express?

Jun 23, 2007

I have a database called 'DB1' in SQL Server 2000. I want to create the same database in SQL Server 2005 Express including the original data in tables.
How would I do that? I cannot find any option to do this upgrade in SQL Server Management Studio.

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Is There A Place Where I Can Find The Events That Takes Place In Sql Server?

Jul 20, 2007

Is there a place where i can find events that takes place in the sql server? Like adding data to a database or something like that....



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Create A Test Copy Of The Database?

Feb 8, 2007


I have a database on the server which is in production and I would like to create another copy and use it for testing purpose. so the application can point to the test database for testing purpose.

What is the best way to do? I guess I have to name the test one with different name right?

can I do it without detach the production one? or just copy the database - tables structures from the currnet one?


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How Do I Create A Copy Of An Existing Database? Please Help

Aug 10, 2007


How do I create a copy of an existing database using I have not been able to find solutions to the problem using Can someone please help me. Thanks


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Is There Any Method To Back Up The Database To Place Outside Of The Local Server System?

May 17, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if we could back up the databases to any place outside of the local server system? As I found, we can only back up the database to the local server system, so we have needs to share databases on network places. Is there any method to back up the database on network place rather than first of all I have to back up the database on a local server system, then copy it to the network place, that just sounds really inconvenient.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Create A Copy Of A Table In Sql Server

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table I'd like to copy so I can edit it and play around withthe data. How do I create copy of a table in SQl Server?Thanks,Bill

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Database Backup To Different Place

Mar 11, 2004

Hi All!

I know that if is want to backup my db on the c: drive i do this
TO DISK = 'c:isl_fs1DBName.bak'

BUT HOW do I take this to the network. I tried
TO DISK = '\isl_fs1DBName.bak'
it doesn't work please help

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Can You Use A VARIABLE In Place Of A Database Name?

Apr 8, 1999

Does anyone know if it is possible to use a variable in place of a database..table combination in a select statement

For Example: Instead of using the following with each database hardcoded in the SP:

select @dataused = sum(b.reserved)
from DBSglep..sysindexes b
where b.indid in (0, 1, 255) and segment != 2

I would like to loop for every database listed in sysdatabases and do this:

select @dbname = @dataname+'..sysindexes'

select @dataused = sum(b.reserved
from @dbname b
where b.indid in (0, 1, 255) and segment != 2

I have got the loop working, but just can't get the name substitution working as MSSQL dosn't seem to allow a variable after the FROM statement (it only seems to work with a hardcoded specific database..table name).

Any assistance in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated! :-)

Many thanks in advance...


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Backup Database At Different Place

Mar 11, 2004

Hi All!

I know that if is want to backup my db on the c: drive i do this
TO DISK = 'c:isl_fs1DBName.bak'

BUT HOW do I take this to the network. I tried
TO DISK = '\isl_fs1DBName.bak'
it doesn't work please help

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Database Saving Place

Nov 11, 2006


My english is not the best, but i will try my best.

I want to change the saving folder for the database from my systempartition to my datapartition (from c:labla to d:mydata), but i dont know how. I can see the folder but it is in gray font and unchangeable.

Greetings Thomas

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How To Let Result Data Place At Temptable Temperary For Other Mapping? Should I Create Temptable Firstly?

Dec 11, 2007

I have several problems of my coding, please give me some advice.

1. How to let result data place at temptable temperary for other mapping? should i create temptable first ?

2. When I got the duplicated record result, I require to map with the main tables (tblROrder & tblSOrder)to find out the record reference no. Please advice how to handle this issue with reference no. at the outcome.

Many thanks,
New Learner

***Coding as following

SELECT code, SMSNo, holderNo, count(*) From tblROrder

WHERE Day = @Day

GROUP BY code, SMSNo, SholderNo

HAVING COUNT(*) > 1<=====result will be found, but since i didn't get the RefNo at the listing, please advise how to let the outcome with RefNo

INTO #tmpOne (code, SMSNo, holderNo) <====error found

SELECT code, SMSNo, holderNo, GrossAmt, count(*) From tblSOrder

WHERE Day = @prmDay between D1 AND D14

GROUP BY code, SMSNo, holderNo, GrossAmt

HAVING COUNT(*) > 1<=====result will be found, but since i didn't get the RefNo at the listing, please advise how to let the outcome with RefNo

INTO #tmpTwo (code, SMSNo, holderNo) <====error found

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The Remote Copy Of Database X Has Not Been Rolled Forward To A Point In Time That Is Encompassed In The Local Copy

May 11, 2006


I set up DB mirror between a primary (SQL1) and a mirror (SQL2); no witness. I have a problem when I issue command:

alter database DBmirrorTest
Set Partner = N'TCP://';

The error message is:

The remote copy of database "DBmirrorTest" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy of the database log.

I have the steps below prior to the command. (Note that both servers' service accounts use the same domain account. The domain account I login to do db mirror setup is a member of the local admin group.)

1. backup database DBmirrorTest on SQL1

2. backup database log

3. copy db and log backup files to SQL2

4. restore db with norecovery

5. restore log with norecovery

6. create endpoints on both SQL1 and SQL2





7. enable mirror on mirror server SQL2

:connect SQL2

alter database DBmirrorTest

Set Partner = N'TCP://';


8. Enable mirror on primary server SQL1

:connect SQL1

alter database DBmirrorTest

Set Partner = N'TCP://';


This is where I got the error.

The remote copy of database "DBmirrorTest" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy

Thanks for any help,


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How Do I Quickly Populate A New Database With Place-holder Content?

Apr 28, 2008

I am using SQL server to create a rather complicated client database for a nonprofit organization. I have access to an ancient version of the database in Access format, but would rather create a new database from scratch instead of "up-sizing" the old database. Although the old database is mostly useless, it contains a goldmine of names and addresses that I could use to populate the new database that I'm creating. My question is this: Is there any relatively easy way to cut and paste from external data sources into a new SQL database? For example, I would love to just select twenty rows of "first names" from the old database and then paste that into my new table. Can anyone suggest any quick and easy tricks for populating a new database with place-holder content? Thanks! 

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Copy Database From V8 To V9 SQL Server

Oct 22, 2006

Hi dear devs, admins or users!I have following problem with the "SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition". I am in a small network and try to copy a database from a version 8.0 to a version 9.0 "SQL Server" (2 computers). I use the "Copy Database Wizard" and the process did 4 from 5 actions correctly, the last action with the name "Execute SQL Server Agent Job" fails allways. My "SQL Server Agent" process is started and runs well. In real I don't need the "SQL Server Agent" in any way in my database, so I don't understand why this process generates this error. I try to copy this old "Portal" "ASP.NET 1.1" database to my new "SQL Server 2005". Can someone help me?.ThanksArzu Bazman  · «US DEV  United Systems»

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Copy Database From One Server To Another

Oct 31, 2007

I have a MSSQL 2005 database in current server, since we are going to shift to another server, I need to copy the database to the new server for testing.
Can you please let me know what is the best way to do that? I have tried to use detach and attach, or "back up the database and then restore on the other server.", but seems not working for me. I want step by step instruction since I am pretty new for the DB migration.

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How To Copy A Database To Different Server ?

Jul 5, 2001


This should be a relatively simple question (and answer !) :-)

I would like to copy a database from one server to another and have created a backup file of the database in question and copied it to the new server. I then restored the database, no problem.

When I try to create a standard SQL user called 'DBTest' (which was on the original server and had dbo priviledges to the database) it works but as soon as I try to permission this user to the newly restored database I get the error:

"Error 15023: User or role 'DBTest' already exists in the current database"

The user DBTest does not exist in my newly restored database but does exist in the publi role in that database. I am not allowed to delete this user from the public role (option greyed out). Help !!!



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Copy Whole Database From One Server To Another

Jan 1, 2002

Hi all,

I am trying to fly by the seat of my pants here in my current job. I have been labored with the job of Database Admin and I am trying to copy a whole database from one of our main servers (SQL Server 2000) to one of the salesmen's laptops (SQL Server 2000 personal edition) to do demos of our new product. The current size of the database is about 50mb but I can't seem to copy it over without getting lots of errors. I have tried using Enterprise Manager's built-in tools for transfering database or import/export, even DTS and everything gives errors.

Could someone post an easy to follow, step-by-step guide to copying a database from one server to another?

Thanks in advance,

David Beaumont
Adelaide, South Australia

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Copy A Database From One Server To Another

Aug 15, 2001

I want to copy a database(in olap) from one server to another. I copied the .cab file and used the restore feature in Analysis Server in Analysis manager. Restore Database progress dialogue box came and it went to the step " Updating DSO" and the program hung. So, I terminated the program, and the next time, I could not connect to my server under Analysis Servers. Any help how I could do that and why this happened?

Thanks in advance,

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Copy Database - Same SQL Server

Jan 12, 2004

I am fairly new to SQL Server. I have a hosted sql server with unlimited licensing and database has been created on it from outsourced vendor.
I need to create a duplicate database, on same server, different directory, with a different name for development and testing.
I have been told to simply to a backup and restore with MOVE, however in my research I have come across things to be aware of and even errors. I am a newbie dba for small company and I do not want to take chances ruining their current database.
Does anyone have any directions-specific advice?
Your help will be greatly appreciated!

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Copy Database To Web Server

Dec 12, 2006


I'm new to SQL Server (I've worked with MS Access for several years but am now ready to step up to the next level).

I'm working with SQL Server 2000 - I have a copy of Developers Edition on my XP Pro computer at home and work mostly with shared web hosting accounts that have SQL Server 2000 available on them.

I recently received a database backup file from a client, which I was able to restore using the Query Analyzer and RESTORE. I now have to 'move/export/upload' this database to a shared web hosting account - I've created a 'blank' database on the web server (same name as restored database) and have a username and password.

This is where I'm stuck - how do I get this restored database on my local machine to a web server? Do I do this via the Query Analyzer or some other type of wizard? (I'm not even sure how to 'connect' to the web server database.)

I'm sure I'm not providing enough background, but any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

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Copy Database Across Server

Jan 26, 2007

How can I quickly copy a database including everything (tables,constraints,views...etc) to a different server ? I used a DTS package which is in my opinion a pain. I get so tired of all those constraint restrictions, not allowing me to just drop the tables and replace it. I wish I could just drop the whole database and create a copy from production with a simple command. I know I can go through all the tables and drop the constraints, do the DTS copy and then recreate the constraints, I was just hoping for a method to bypass that part.
Any ideas ?


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How To Copy Db From One Database Server To Another

Oct 22, 2007

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have several Production SQL server 2005 databases that need to be copied to a different (test) SQL server 2005 database server. What is the best way to copy the existing structures over to the test environment.
I'm new to sql server, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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Copy A Database From One SQL Server To Another.

Jul 20, 2005

Hello:I'm new in the SQL server world. But I need to copy one SQL databaseon machineA to machineB. By looking at the tool bar, I think exportwill do the job for me, is anybody can provide the detail info? DO Ineed to create an empty database on MachineB first, any documentationrepository I can read and learn?Thank you so much!Sincerely,QG

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Copy A Database With Copy The .mdf File And Attaching It With A New Name?

Nov 4, 2006


if i have a given database (a model) and i want to copy this database in the same database instance. Is it ok to copy the mdf and ldf file and attach the files with a new database name in the same instance.

Or is the datebase name part of the .mdf file?


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Cant Create New Database / CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied In Database Master (error 262)

Oct 2, 2007

 I am using SQL express and Visual web developer on windows Vista.
When I try to create a new database the following message appears.
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master (error 262)
I log on to my computer as an administrator.
Help appreciated

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SQL Server Express - Database Copy?

Oct 23, 2006

I created a web application (ASP.Net with a SQL DB backend) using Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and the bundled SQL Server Express.Everything works perfectly on my local machine.Now I need to upload the application and DB to my hosting provider.  My hosting provider suggested I backup the db, upload it with FTP, and they would restore it for me on the production server.However, I can find no option to "Backup" a DB in SQL Server Express or in Visual Studio.  Am I missing something?Using Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and SQL Server Express, how does Microsoft envision us copying our DB's into production?Thanks a lot,Chris

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MS SQL Server 2005 - Copy Database From V8 To V9

Nov 5, 2006

Hi dear devs, admins or users!
Two weeks ago I had a problem with transfering databases from v8 to v9, I placed the question here (original message attached), but I received not the answer which I need. I try to transfer databases with the CDW ("Copy Database Wizard"), which should run through 5 action steps. The process stops after the 'action 2', the step "Create Package" failed allways. The error message which I receive is "Library not registered". I was very surprised, because two weeks ago the process stoped after the action 4 (4/5) while the step "Execute SQL Server Agent Job". I changed nothing on my system or databases. The only thing I can remember is the "Microsoft Update" downloaded and installed a new patch, but it wasn't a SQL Server 2005 update or something with databases. 
I have now two questions. What means the error "Library not registered" while the CDW process and what could be the reason for the error in 'action 5' "Execute SQL Server Agent Job" while the CDW process?  **(CDW = "Copy Database Wizard")
[original message from 2006-10-17]
I have following problem with the "SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition". I am in a small network and try to copy a database from a version 8.0 to a version 9.0 "SQL Server" (2 computers). I use the "Copy Database Wizard" and the process did 4 from 5 actions correctly, the last action with the name "Execute SQL Server Agent Job" fails allways. My "SQL Server Agent" process is started and runs well. In real I don't need the "SQL Server Agent" in any way in my database, so I don't understand why this process generates this error. I try to copy this old "Portal" "ASP.NET 1.1" database to my new "SQL Server 2005". Can someone help me?
Arzu Bazman  · «US DEV  United Systems»

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Copy Database Into SQL Server 2000

Aug 17, 2005

I have a old dos base foxpro data.  How can i move a copy of it into sql server 2000.

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How To Copy A Database From A Server To A Laptop

Jun 27, 2001

I need to copy a database from our SQL server box to a laptop. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Copy Database From SQL Server 2000 To 7.0

Aug 10, 2001

Is it possible to copy a database from SQL Server 2000 to a server running 7.0? The servers are part of different networks so an intermediate file must be used.

Backing up the 2000 db and attempting a restore in 7 does not work -- it did not find the database info in the file.


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How Do I Copy A Table From One Database To Another On The Same Server

Sep 27, 2001

How do I copy a table from one database to another on the same server?
Anyone knows a stored procedure to do this

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Copy SQL 2000 Database To SQL 7.0 Server

Sep 12, 2002

I have to get a copy of a SQL 2000 db over to my SQL 7 test server. I think the only way is to DTS from the SQL 2000's EM after registering the SQL 7.0 Server. Any thoughts or suggestions anyone? - Rob

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