Create Database From Code

Sep 13, 2006

Hi, I want to create a database setup on a server. I've scripted my database from sql server express. I've tested the code in the query window and it worked. When i pasted the same code in a sqlcommand command text....the debuger threw an sql exception....saying the sintax is wrong near keywords GO, USE, some forgein keys, and so on. Here is a chunk of the script.
USE [master]
/****** Object:  Database [estate_management]    Script Date: 09/13/2006 09:19:32 ******/
CREATE DATABASE [estate_management] ON  PRIMARY
( NAME = N'estate_management', FILENAME = N'D:MSSQLestate_management.mdf' , SIZE = 2048KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )
( NAME = N'estate_management_log', FILENAME = N'D:MSSQLestate_management_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1024KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)
 COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[admin]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[admin](
    [admin_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [log_in_id] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [password] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [admin_id] ASC
    [admin_id] ASC
Thanks for your time. 

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Cant Create New Database / CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied In Database Master (error 262)

Oct 2, 2007

 I am using SQL express and Visual web developer on windows Vista.
When I try to create a new database the following message appears.
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master (error 262)
I log on to my computer as an administrator.
Help appreciated

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Create Table By Code

Aug 12, 2007

I developed a program. This program will use a SQL server database. How can I create the database using code. I think I need to use sql scipt like this:

create database customers

But where should I write the script and How can I make VB code implement the script.

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Shrink DB And Create Backup Thru VB.NET Code

Jun 14, 2006


Is it possible to shrink a DB thru .NET.

Presently I have to go into the SQL server 2005 studio to shrink the DB.

To shrik the DB I right click on the DB and select all tasks -> Shrink -> DB

How would I do this thru SQL codse?

I would like to do it thru my VB.NET code as you would compact an ACCESS DB.

The reason I want to set it thru my code is :

The clients that use my program have no clue of

SQL or for that matter computer itself.

I just want them to click on a button on my application which should

do the shrinking.

Similarly for backup of the DB.


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How To Create A SAPConnection In .Net Code With .NET Data Provider

Dec 14, 2006

In the SQL Server Technical Article Microsoft .NET Data Provider for mySAP„¢ Business Suite

is a Code example of how to invoke a BAPI in .Net Code. First line shows how to create a Connection to SAP, but there is no information in which lib the SAPConnection type is stored:

SAPConnection con = new SAPConnection("ASHOST=<SAPserver>; CLIENT=<client>;SYSNR=<sysnr>;USER=<user>;PASSWD=<password>;LANG=<logon
con.Open();Does somebody can help me?

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Create A Dataset With .Net Code And Render Report From It. Possible?

Sep 20, 2007

I wonder if it is possible to create a dataset in code and then feed it to a Reporting Svcs (RS) report and have it rendered on the data from this dataset.
My collegues does this with Crystal and it would break my heart if I cant do this with (RS)...
I have tried to find a solution but so far, no luck.
Anyone have any ideas?


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How To Create A Stored Procedure Of This Code (inline Sql In Aspx) ?

Jun 2, 2006

I have some SQL code as inline SQL (bad habit, I know). Now I want to convert this to an sproc, but I'm pretty much out of ideas here. The code looks like this:
string SQL = "SELECT * FROM MyDBTable WHERE 1=1";
if (txtMyField1.Text != "")
SQL = SQL + " AND MyField1 = @MyField";
if (txtMyField2.Text != "")
SQL = SQL + " AND MyField2 LIKE '%'+ @MyField2 + '%'";
if (txtMyField3.Text != "")
SQL = SQL + " AND MyField3 LIKE '%' + @MyField3 + '%'";
I have an search page built on ASP.NET 2.0. Based on what the user has entered to the form fields, the SQL in constructed on the fly. Since this is now inside codebehind file (aspx.cs), I want to get rid of it and move it to an sproc. But the question is how ? Some simple SQL clauses are easy to convert to an sproc but this is causing me lots of issues.

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To Create Unique Table Names And Access Them In Code...

Jan 17, 2006

Hi all,My program is a central data processing application built in ASP.We have different companies that use different web pages on another webapplication (from different countries) to load some inventory data(merchandise - clothes).Here is my requirement: Load different types of data (in differentformats) into a common set of tables, to do this I have to firstfilter, do lookup's, use cross-reference tables on this data and thenload it into a couple of tables.Since data is so different everytime, I want to have one main storedprocedure in which I can build the table (I know the format of thisdata so I know what columns/types to create) into which I will feed thedata.After this I will create other stored procs/udf's that reference thistable (probably from the same main stored proc) 'cleanse' the databefore loading into the actual tables.How feasible is my approach? (if you can call it one :-) I do not wantto have seperate tables for each country, that will be too many and sothis plan...If not any other ideas will be really helpful.thanks much

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Is It Possible To Create A UDF From A .NET 2.0 Assembly That Uses Dllimport To Call Unmanaged Code?

Jan 23, 2006

I have been reading up on everything I can find on this subject and I am not clear if this is allowed within the SQL Server 2005 CLR. My function calls work within a Windows form project, but don't run when invoked from a SQL function. I don't get any errors or warnings when creating the assembly and functions within SQL Server, but when running via a select statement, the spid just hangs and I have to stop & restart the service to kill the process. I have been investigating the security settings for this assembly, but I think I have that covered via the RunTime Security Policy settings in the .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool.

Any insights, knowledge, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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Integration Services :: C# Code To Create File From Variable Value?

May 5, 2015

My Execute SQL Task will store the file name into a variable(mFile) of type string datatype.

Now I wanted a script task (C# code) to create a filename from the variable (mFile) value.

Since it is a common issue I tried a lot in the internet but none of the queries worked.

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Reporting Services :: Using Custom Code To Create A Heatmap?

May 21, 2015

Below is code I am using to create a heatmap in SSRS. THe code seems to be working well except for one glitch. Sometimes numbers in the "middle of the pack" are white. Obviously they should be one the of colors listed below. Why numbers would be white when I declared only white for IsNothing. 

  Public Function GetHeatmapColor(ByVal textBoxValue, ByVal minDataSetValue, ByVal maxDataSetValue) As String
        Dim colours As String() = New String() {"White","DarkGreen","Green","ForestGreen","LimeGreen","YellowGreen","Yellow","Gold","Orange","DarkOrange","OrangeRed","Red"}
                If IsNothing(textBoxValue) = True Then
            Return colours(0)

[Code] ....

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Create Store Procedure To Put Information Of Running Code Into New Table?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a code that is working, and want to create a store procedure in order to put the information of the running code into a new table.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package - Create Different TXT File For Each Code

Jun 25, 2015

EDate Datetime,
Code varchar(255),
Cdate int,
Price int
drop table Test

[Code] ....

I have this Query and the below output:

EDate Code CDate Price
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 22
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 28
2015-06-24  RX 20150701 43

[Code] ....

Now the task is to create  SSIS package which will create different .txt file for each Code

1) RX20150624.txt
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 22
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 28
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 RX 20150701 43

2) NG20150623.txt
2015-06-23 00:00:00.000 NG 20150701 43

3) HO20150624.txt
2015-06-24 00:00:00.000 HO 20150701 43
And so on..

But the requirement is to have a dynamic query where we can have more number of Codes or less number of codes and similarly the package should generate dynamic text files, one .txt file per code. What is the best way to create a package which can meet the above requirement?

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How To Create Apps That Write Code To Retrieve Data With Foreign Keys?

Apr 6, 2007

Hi GuysOff late, I've grown with programming that requires more than a number of tables that has foreign keys with other tables' primary keys. It takes a really cumbersome coding to retrieve the code from another table with the other table having foreign keys. My question is, how do we program VS 2005 such that it does all the retrieval of the data from the database instead of us writing the code all by ourself?Is it really good database technique to bend the normalcy rules and have one to two columns having redundant data?Can anyone tell me how to write code that retrieves the foreign key data when the data from the other table is called?Thanks

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Boolean: {[If [table With This Name] Already Exists In [this Sql Database] Then [ Don't Create Another One] Else [create It And Populate It With These Values]}

May 20, 2008

the subject pretty much says it all, I want to be able to do the following in in code):
{[If [table with this name] already exists [in this sql database] then [ don't create another one] else [create it and populate it with these values]}
How would I do this?

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Dynamic Create Table, Create Index Based Upon A Given Database

Jul 20, 2005

Can I dynamically (from a stored procedure) generatea create table script of all tables in a given database (with defaults etc)a create view script of all viewsa create function script of all functionsa create index script of all indexes.(The result will be 4 scripts)Arno de Jong,The Netherlands.

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Can CREATE DATABASE Or CREATE TABLE Be Wrapped In Transactions?

Jul 20, 2005

I have some code that dynamically creates a database (name is @FullName) andthen creates a table within that database. Is it possible to wrap thesethings into a transaction such that if any one of the following fails, thedatabase "creation" is rolledback. Otherwise, I would try deleting on errordetection, but it could get messy.IF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE DATABASE ' + @FullNameEXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] ( [ID][int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Blob] [image] NULL , [DateAdded] [datetime]NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] WITHNOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Image] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ) ON[PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorEND

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Create Script To Create/Refresh Identical Database

Mar 26, 2008

I'm new to using SSIS and have been reading and learning slowly how to use it. I'm trying to create an identical copy of our database for reporting. I've used the Import/Export wizard, but have had some issues with foreign keys and with sql_variant columns.

I've tried searching for anything but haven't had any luck as of yet. I guess I don't even know where to start or what to look for.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Right Code Statements Of SqlConnection &&amp; ConnectionString For Connecting A Database In Database Explorer Of VB 2005 Express?

Feb 14, 2008

Hi all,

In the VB 2005 Express, I can get the SqlConnection and ConnectionString of a Database "shcDB" in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) by the following set of code:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form1

Public Sub InsertNewFriend()

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
If the Database "shcDB" and the Stored Procedure "sp_inertNewRecord" are in the Database Explorer of VB 2005 Express, I plan to use "Data Source=local" in the following code statements to get the SqlConnection and ConnectionString:

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=local;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Is the "Data Source=local" statement right for this case? If not, what is the right code statement for my case?

Please help and advise.

Scott Chang

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Create Mining Structure And Mining Model With Code

Oct 18, 2006

Dear friends,

I encounter a serious problem.

I would like to develop an application that can create Data Mining structures and a mining model in SQL Server 2005 with VB.NET. I tried the code from book Data Mining with SQL server 2005 in chapter 14 but did not work. Any good idea?

Please help me.

Best regards,


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Create Mining Structure And Mining Model With Code

Oct 20, 2006

Thank you very much for your help.
The errors that I can see in the code that you gave in your answer are the following and they are more or less the same as I had previously

I tried the code but initially I have encounter the following problems.

1. In any line that have the declaration As Server, As Database like in
Public Function CreateDatabase(ByVal srv As Server, ByVal databaseName As String) As Database gives me the problem that type Database is not declared the same type Server is not declared and it does not give me any option.

2. In addition to that for As DataSource, As RelationalDataSource, As RelationalDataSourceView, As ScalarMiningStructureColumn, As DataSourceViewBinding, gives me the problem that type is not declared.

3. Finally in mc = New MiningModelColumn("Yearly income", Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID("Yearly income", Type.GetType(MiningModelColumn))) is not accesible in this context because it is 'Private'.
I have some more problems but I thing that by solving the above that I referred I will solve the rest.

Thank you any way.
Best regards,

PhD student

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Query By Database Or Code

Nov 8, 2007

I have a database and would like to retrieve specific data via queries. This database is also connected to an ASP .Net 2.0 application to be the front end. Ive created the query in the database. Would you recommend i use parameter names to retrieve the data via code or should i have the query within my code to retrieve the data?

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Retrieving A Value From A SQL Database In Code Behind

Nov 29, 2007

VWD 2005 Express.  I need to retrieve a value from a SQL database from the code behind a page and assign it to a variable.  In Microsoft Access I can do this using the DLookup function.  What I need to do is get the data that results from the following query into a variable:
SELECT [SystemUserId] FROM [SystemUser] WHERE ([Username] = @Username)
The name of the data source is SqlDataSource2
Also, in Access I can create a recordset from a query and then process through the recordset.  Can that be done in VB code in VWD 2005 Express?

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Database Code Structure

Apr 26, 2008

What method would you suggest is the best way to deal with a website?

Say for example, writing SQL. Am I better using Stored Procedures and adding methods for accessing there or just writing the SQL inline. What do you think about this? Is it totally overkill to use stored procedures in a small website?  

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Help Me In Writing The Code In Database

Jun 6, 2008

Hi Friends, Please any one help me in writing the code in thisI have 3 fileds1)empId-->textbox2)Roles-->4 radiobuttons(MN,PL,TL,CL)3)Responsibilities--->3 check boxes(profile,register,change password)I have 3 tablestable1:RoleMasterTable:roleID        roleName1              MN2               PL3               TL4              CLtable2:ResponsibilityMasterTableresId      resName1           profile2          register3          changepasswordtables3MasterTable:empId          roleId     resIdthe form conatains the empId,Roles(radiobuttons),Responsibilies(chechboxes)for example  I have to enter empId=1select one radiobutton that is "PL"and I can select check boxes profile,register and manyafter submitting the button("submit) these details has to store in the database table i.e master tableI have to show the final o/p like this in the tableMasterTableempId     roleId    resId1              2           1,2Please any one help in this I am beginner in database c# programmingPlease its very helpful to me............Thanks & RegardsGeeta                

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DTS To Execute Vb Code Within A Database?

Dec 30, 2005

i have a piece of code in an adp that is currently behind a form but i could put it in a module and make it public if i need to. how can I use DTS to run this piece of code? which connection and task could i use. can this even be done? i have little experiance with DTS.



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This Code Does Not Update My Database,

Dec 15, 2007

Where am I going wrong? I have no idea where to start to look for any incorrect code because it all looks ok! Please help!!!
I am entering a record into 5 textboxes - I can see the new record when I open the datagrid view, but when I close the programme and reopen it the record disappears, this code looks ok to me so where is it wrong? Obviously the record is not being written to the database so that when I reopen the programme there is nothing to fill the dataset..........any ideas?
Your help is appreciated!!!

Private Sub BtnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click

Dim TheNewRow As DataRow
TheNewRow = Mainform.Dataset1.Tables("ChartTable").NewRow
TheNewRow("Chart Number") = TB1CN.Text
TheNewRow("Chart Title") = TB2CT.Text
TheNewRow("Edition Date") = TB3ED.Text
TheNewRow("Print Date") = TB4PD.Text
TheNewRow("Edition Number") = TB5EN.Text

Me.Visible = False

End Sub


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Detach Database From Code

Mar 6, 2008

I have the need to detach a database from code, at the moment I am using 'SSEUTIL -d' for this in my code and it works OK but now I want to change to using an SQLCommand. Here is my code so far:

Code Snippet

Dim conDatabase As SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=MyMDFPath"; Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=60;User Instance=True")
Dim comDetach As New SqlCommand("EXEC master.dbo.sp_detach_db '" + MyMDFPath + "'", conDatabase)

However, when I execute this I always get the following exception:

Code Snippet

Cannot detach the database 'MyMDFPath' because it is currently in use.

It seems obvious to me that the problem is that to do the detach I create a connection - how do i get around this?


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Database Creation Using VB.NET Code

Jul 6, 2006


I think its silly question but i expect some solution .

Is there any way to create sql sever database by using VB.NET code ? I have to create database,tables,sps and also transfer the data from one database to newly created database.

Please, if somebody have some solution then guide me in detail.

Thanks in adv.

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Database Create ODBC Connections To Access Database Directly And Update Data?

Sep 10, 2012

We have a SQL database that uses Active Directory with Windows Authentication. Can users that are members of the Active Directory group that has read/write access to the SQL database create ODBC connections to access the database directly and update the data? They dont have individual logins on the server. They are only members of the Active Directory group that has a login?

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SQL Security :: How To Create Database Specifications On Newly Created Database Automatically For Audit

Jul 15, 2015

I am setting up SQL audit on sql servers in my environment based on requirement. I want to create database specifications ASAP database created. I tried DDL trigger but Audit doesn't support triggers. So I created audit specifications on model database. the only problem with this is every specification created on new database with same name.database specification name includes newly created database name or other methods to create database specifications on newly created databases.

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How To Create A New Database From An Existing Database Saved To An External Hard Disk?

Feb 20, 2007

Hi, My server went dead(problems with the hard disk), but I have a copy of the whole sql server directory including the database in a external hard disk. I have a new server now and I would like to copy this database (with the reports from reporting services too) from the external hard disk to my new server. can anybody help me please? Thanks.

Note : I have a plain copy of all the sql server directory with all the files including the database not a SQLServer backup done with the wizards.

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Create Database Permision Denied In Database ' Master' (MS SQL SERVER, ERROR 262

Feb 17, 2007

Cn not do anything with my sql server, everything i trt to do i get this message, user does not have permision, etc, ,

I am running windows Vista Business, SQL SERVER 2005

so what going on here

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