Create New Database Based On A Template Using SMO
May 6, 2007
Hi All,
I'm working on a web application where the user needs to be able to create and name new databases that are identical in structure to other existing databases (that is, all tables, stored procedures, functions, indexes, etc.). This is so that they can create a new database for each client and need to be able to do this through the web application. Having hunted around a fair bit, I've established that SMO is capable of doing pretty much everything that I want. The only problem is that everything I do seems to be based on the actual SQL Server and associated databases rather than the ones I have created in the App_Data folder.
The relevant code (so far) is:Dim sqlServer As New Server()
With sqlServer.ConnectionContext
.ServerInstance = "(local)"
End With
For Each db As Database In sqlServer.Databases
Dim newDatabase As New Database(sqlServer, DbName.Text.ToString)
This does actaully create a new database, just not where I want it! Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I can create a copy of a database in the App_Data folder?
Thanks & regards,
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Apr 26, 2006
Hello,I need to be able to CREATE DATABASE by copying an existing
database.I would be doing this inside of a web app during an event.How do I set this up on SQL 2005 ?Thanks!Here's an article on how to do it in PostgreSQL
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Jul 20, 2005
Can I dynamically (from a stored procedure) generatea create table script of all tables in a given database (with defaults etc)a create view script of all viewsa create function script of all functionsa create index script of all indexes.(The result will be 4 scripts)Arno de Jong,The Netherlands.
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Jul 9, 2006
I accidentally altered the CREATE TABLE template from SQL Server Management Studio Express. Now I don't have the original. Could somebody please post CREATE TABLE template.
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Dec 29, 2006
Does anyone know where I can download a C# CLI Assembly template?
In VS 2005 there are no defaults to create a C# SQL Assembly like the sample HelloWorld. Rather than modifying the Hello World, I'd like to get an original template for creating a new project just like the templates to create a new Windows project.
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Mar 20, 2008
insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=D: esting.xls;', 'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from pubs.dbo.authors
I am using similiar query to above to create a excel file, however for this to work, I need to create a template file which has the same columns as the authors table. Is there a way to NOT to define template columns , as I some times will not know which columns will be available... as teh query is dynamic....
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Jun 29, 2007
i have sql server 2005 dev and bids installed. i want to create a dtsx package, but when i go to File>new>project the template to create an interogation services package is not there. the template for Olap projects is missing also. it used to be present before i upgraded my system to Vista. Could this be a vista issue or do i just need to install a patch or something simple like that?
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Jul 8, 2006
I accidentally overwrote the CREATE TABLE template in SQL Server Management Studio Express. Could someone please post the original template?
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Feb 14, 2001
Hi! I'm new to SQL Server 7 and I hope I could get some help. I'd like to duplicate an empty database and use the duplicate for the transactions. I want the empty database to somehow act like a template so, whenever I want to, I could create a new instance of it. Problem is I don't know if it is possible to do that on SQL server (it's possible in Access). If it is possible, I hope any of you could tell me how. Thanks.
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Dec 5, 2005
Hi. I'm running VS2005 and trying to use the SQL Database installed template (right-click my project in Solution Explorer / Add / New Item / SQL Database template ("An empty SQL database for local data") to create an MDF file per the "AbsoluteBeginner-Lesson08" video available on MSDN. When I click "Add", I get an error stating that "Connections to SQL Server files require SQL Server Express to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:". I'm running SQL 2000, SQL 2005 and SQL Express 2005 (all work and can be hit from Management Studio) on 2003 Server. I'm assuming that it's because the Express instance is a named instance, not the default but I can't find any references. Anybody else had this probelm? Thanks.
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Jun 18, 2008
I created a database called sports and then created a table which I'm going to use as a template for other tables within the same database.
What is the proper way to structure and implement copying this template table?
Should I store the template table under the system tables folder?
How do I copy the template table and create a new table from this template?
Thanks you
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Aug 6, 2007
Per MSDN instructions I downloaded the folliwng: .NET Framework 2.0, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Compact 3.5, and Visual Basic Expess Edition. When following the tutorial to create a database, I was never able to see the Local Database template. I am taking the programming lessons in VB, and I am up to Creating Your First Datatbase. It is a requirement that SQL Server Compact 3.5 be installed. Which I have done.
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Oct 2, 2007
I am using SQL express and Visual web developer on windows Vista.
When I try to create a new database the following message appears.
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master (error 262)
I log on to my computer as an administrator.
Help appreciated
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Jul 28, 2004
Hi All,
I would like to create a view based on a variable (a date).
CREATE VIEW testView (@myDate)
select * from testTable
WHERE testVar = @myDate
This is far from what the final view would look like, but if anyone knows if something similiar to this can be done, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Jan 23, 2002
Hi guys,
Can anyone please tell me how to create a table based on a query.
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Oct 10, 2014
I have a set of records that will always be the same. A template if you wanna call it that.
"SELECT ID, Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, Field6, Field7 FROM TABLE WHERE Field2 = 000"
This returns a 20 record set. The user will click a button and create another set of 20 records, where they can make changes accordingly.
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Mar 3, 2015
I have select to split FullName on LastName and FirstName columnselect
Substring(FullName, 1,Charindex(',', FullName)-1) LName
,Substring(FullName, Charindex(',', FullName)+1, LEN(FullName)) FName
from Table1
Is it possible to create function based on that select? If yes. How it to do?
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Nov 9, 2007
I have the following data,
CustomerID EngID EngCount
1 A11 2
2 B12 1
3 C10 3
I need to display it as,
CustomerID EngID EngCount
1 A11 1
1 A11 1
2 B12 1
3 C10 1
3 C10 1
3 C10 1
Create a record based on the EngCount. So CustomerID of 3 has 3 records as shown above.
How to do?
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May 3, 2006
I need to create CLR Based Stored Procedures using VS2005 Standard Edition in Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition. Unfortunately, when I create a new project in VS2005. I can not find the template to create a Sql server project using C#. I re-install sql server and Vs2005, the problem still there. Does Vs2005 standard edition support create sql server project? Thanks a lot.
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Nov 23, 2007
I'm looking for the best solution for creating database tables based on
a Word Document with a table. I've attached part of the table from the word doc. This document is base on a template for audit reporting.
What I assume is I would need first to start of by creating two tables.
One table would consist of the fields of the horizontal upper most data e.g.
conformance, noncomformance etc. The other table would consist of the vertical fields of the word doc table, e.g. editorial, Auditee Name etc. If my assumption is correct, what primary key and foreign key would I need to have?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have two tables: TestA and TestB. Both tables have 3 fields: ID,Name, and RunDate. I need to create a query which will join the twotables first on Name but then I need to match up the RunDates eventhough the RunDates won't be the same.CREATE TABLE TestA (ID INT IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), RunDateDATETIME)CREATE TABLE TestB (ID INT IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), RunDateDATETIME)INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 1', '9/1/2004 12:00PM')INSERT INTO TestB VALUES ('Account 1', '9/1/2004 12:15PM')INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 1', '9/2/2004 1:00PM')INSERT INTO TestB VALUES ('Account 1', '9/2/2004 1:15PM')INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 1', '9/3/2004 3:00PM')INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 2', '9/5/2004 4:00PM')INSERT INTO TestB VALUES ('Account 2', '9/5/2004 4:15PM')Here's a common scenario:User updates TestA data for Account 1 on 9/1/2004 at 12:00pm. Thenthe user updates TestB data for Account 1, 15 minutes later. I wantthese two records to match. The user must always update TestA databefore they update TestB data. Therefore, there might be more rows inTestA then in TestBHere's what the results should look like for the above data.Name TestA Date TestB Date---- ---------- ----------Account 1 9/1/2004 12:00pm 9/1/2004 12:15PMAccount 1 9/2/2004 1:00pm 9/2/2004 1:15PMAccount 1 9/3/2004 3:00pm (NULL)Account 2 9/5/2004 4:00pm 9/5/2004 4:15PMAny help would be much appreciated!!!!
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Mar 25, 2008
I need to create records based on date range on monthly basis, please help.
Here is an example:
ID Startdate EndDate
1 20070301 20070522
and I need to create the following data set based on start and end date range
ID Startdate EndDate
1 20070301 20070331
1 20070301 20070430
1 20070301 20070522
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Sep 5, 2007
I would like to know if is possible to create dynamic reports based on cubes. What i mean is,after creating a cube with a couple of dimensions and measure if is there any way to give the normal users on the report manager or report builder the freedom to choose their own dimensions/measure so they can output the report with the choosen criteria.
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Nov 10, 2014
I am wanting to creating a column based on a value in a flatfile, and insert that value into the destination table...
I have a flatfile and a oledb destination, I dropped a script component on the dataflow tab, and I am wanting to take an existing field and create a for lack of a better word, "CODE" field based on that value. How would I accomplish this?
Example--- where description = Test1 code = 1, Test2 code = 2, and same thing for Test3
Description code
Test1 1
Test2 2
Test3 3
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Mar 11, 2008
Ok, I have two parameters - @StartDate and @EndDate. We only care about the date part of these paramters. What I would like to do is create a table with one record for each date between these two values. For example:
@StartDate = '01/01/2008'
@EndDate = '01/8/2008'
Should yield a table with 9 records in it for every day between @StartDate and @EndDate like so:
01/01/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/02/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/03/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/04/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/05/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/06/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/07/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
01/08/2008 <datacol1> <datacol2>
I know I could just do a WHILE (@StartDate <= @EndDate) loop and insert records into a temp table but I'm looking to see if there are any new methods/techniques to achieve this with a more simple statement.
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Sep 1, 2015
I have the following table (Table does not have unique key id )
Last Name First Name DATE Total-Chrg
Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 -4150.66
Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 1043.66
Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 1043.66
Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 4150.66
Jaime KRiSH 5/3/2015 4150.66
Peter Jason 5/1/2015 321.02
Peter Jason 5/1/2015 321.02
Peter Jason 5/23/2015 123.02
I want the results to be in following way
Uniq ID Last Name First Name DATE Total-Chrg
1 Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 -4150.66
2 Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 1043.66
2 Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 1043.66
3 Jaime KRiSH 5/1/2015 4150.66
4 Jaime KRiSH 5/3/2015 4150.66
5 Peter Jason 5/1/2015 321.02
6 Peter Jason 5/1/2015 321.02
7 Peter Jason 5/23/2015 123.02
May be we may do by dense_rank or Row_Number, but I couldn't get the exact query to produce based on the above table values. There are some duplicates in the table(which are not duplicates as per the Business). For those duplicated Unique ID should be same(Marked in Orange Color which are duplicates).
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Sep 25, 2006
Can this be done? Please advise. Thanks.Is there any template available in sql for creating forms?
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Feb 16, 2005
Can someone give me a clue on this. I'm trying to insert values based off of values in another table.
I'm comparing wether two id's (non keys in the db) are the same in two fields (that is the where statement. Based on that I'm inserting into the Results table in the PledgeLastYr collumn a 'Y' (thats what I want to do -- to indicate that they have pledged over the last year).
Two questions
1. As this is set up right now I'm getting NULL values inserted into the PledgeLastYr collumn. I'm sure this is a stupid syntax problem that i'm overlooking but if someone can give me a hint that would be great.
2. How would I go about writing an If / Else statement in T-SQL so that I can have the Insert statement for both the Yes they have pledged and No they have not pledged all in one stored proc. I'm not to familar with the syntax of writing conditional statements within T-SQL as of yet, and if someone can give me some hints on how to do that it would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks in advance, bellow is the code that I have so far:
Select Results.custID, Results.PledgeLastYr
From Results, PledgeInLastYear
Where Results.custID = PledgeInLastYear.constIDPledgeInLastYear
Insert Into Results(PledgeLastYr)
Values ('Y')
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Feb 7, 2008
Mr. Pearson,
I am currently reading your article titled, "MDX in Analysis Services: Create a Cube-Based Hierarchical Picklist". This article is directly applicable to a problem we are currently trying to solve regarding ragged hierarchies as input parameters.
I have not read the entire article through but am in the process of doing so. Also, I will be trying to implement your solution.
I have one question, will SSRS support multi selection when using a hierarchical picklist? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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Oct 23, 2015
I am looking to create an SSRS report based on multiple locations. There will be one report that presents a summary of all reports, and then individual report for each location.Instead of creating 2 separate reports, is it possible in SSRS to display different datasets based on the parameter selected?
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Aug 28, 2007
I'm trying to create a fairly simple custom transform component (because I've read that's the easiest one to create) which will take one column from a flat file source and based on the first row create the output columns.
I'm actually trying to write a component that will solve the now well known problem with parsing CSV files in SSIS. I have a lot of source files and all have many columns so a component that can read in the first line from the CSV file and create the output columns automatically will save me lots of time when migrating the old DTS packages.
I have the basic component set up but I'm stuck when trying to override the OnInputPathAttached method because I don't know how to use the inputID to get the first line from the input (the buffer).
Are there any good examples for creating output columns dynamically based on the input buffer?
Should I just give up on on the transform and create a custom source component instead?
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Oct 21, 2015
I have the below script to create directories based on my select statement.
create table students
f_name varchar(100),
l_name varchar(100)
insert into students values ('John','Smith'),
[Code] ...
The result I am getting is truncating the directory names as in the below:
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Aug 10, 2015
I am using the following script to check existence of table in the Database and create it dynamically...
This is working when table not existed, it error-ed when the table existed...
This script i am using in the Exec Sql Task.....
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "declare @ODSDB varchar(50)
declare @SQLSTMT varcha..." failed with the following error: "There is already an object named 'addressTable' in the database.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not
set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
declare @ODSDB varchar(50)
declare @SQLSTMT varchar(max)
set @ODSDB = 'SampleDB'
set @SQLSTMT = '
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(''' + @ODSDB + '.dbo.addressTable'') and Type=''U'')
[Code] ...........
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