Creating Custom Sequence Container

Oct 4, 2006

I have a package that is going to have roughly 20 sequence containers in it. Each of these containers is going to have the same start task and the same end task. The data flow task(s) in each sequence container will differ. So I was thinking I would create a custom sequence container that would implement the common steps I need in each of my containers. I started to create a task that would inherit from Sequence, but I found that it is sealed. Bummer.

What is involved in creating a sequence task by inheriting from Task? I see that Sequence implements IDtsSequence. But looking at this interface, it seems like I would have to build the logic to execute the workflow contained in my sequence.

Any pointers?


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Loop Container Inside A Sequence Container

Jul 25, 2007

Has anyone ever seen this issue?

If i place a loop container inside a sequence container the connectors within the loop container disappear.... is this a bug - will the loop tasks still run in the correct order?? or will they fire off willy nilly??

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Sequence Container

Apr 26, 2006

i am trying to insert data into a table and roll back if this fails. What i have done is created an Execute SQL task with a SQL statement of BEGIN TRANS .. if the constraint = success then it goes to a Sequence Conatiner that amoungst other thing includes an Execute SQl task that does INSERT statement . outsied of the container i have 2 execute sql tasks that to a COMMIT TRANS ond a ROLLBACK Trans . when executing it i get an error the Rollback Transaction request has no corrasponding Begin tranaction. I have seen this in a SSIS created by one of the Wizards and it works fine, im oviously missing something fundemental .. any pointers ?

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Sequence Container And Checkpoints

Mar 6, 2008

hi people, i have crashed on a this problem. I have a sequence container and on this container I have set "FailPackageOnFailure=true". Now in this container there are 2 tasks. The first one is preceeding the second one. Now both this task have set "FailParentOnFailure=true". Both task are the same and their purpose is to drop table A.

1) I run the package and it fails, because there is no table to drop.
2) I create the table manualy and run package again.
3) I see, that the first task is beeing just SIMPLE OMMITED and the second task runs

In general, everytime any task in a sequence container invokes failure, next time is beeing ommited regardelss of its status. How can this be fixed ? Thanks

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Validating Sequence Container Freeze

Feb 16, 2007

I am attempting to open up my ssis integration project but when I try to open up packages it says @ the bottom "Validating Sequence Container" and it just stays there. I cannot click on anything and nothing is responsive. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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How To Set The Disable Property At Runtime For Sequence Container

Nov 8, 2006

I have a package that contains multiple SEQUENCE CONTAINERS,
each execute a bunch of tasks. I try to use the script task to dynamically
disable or enable each of these SEQUENCE CONTAINERS base on parameters that pass
in from parent package, but for some reason, I can€™t set the disable value to
True/False at runtime. Anyone knows how to do this?

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Strange Behaviour With Sequence Container Task

Sep 21, 2006

Hi everyone,
Our VB application throws .dtsx on-demand by using Threads. Everything's fine but a little detail:
when it goes to launch a SSIS package with a only task, concretely a Sequence Container task (empty, without tasks inside) fails Prevalidate method.
Attach you the snippet of code:
pkgResults = pkg.Validate(Nothing, Nothing, EventsSSIS, Nothing) -- pkgResults returns me Failure {1}
If pkgResults = DTSExecResult.Success Then
Validate method, as usual, do EVENTSSSIS.PreValidate event and after that, returns instead of follow raising events.
Perhaps it's mandatory to set one task as a minimum, I don't get the point at all
Any guidance or thought will be welcomed,
Thanks in advance and regards,

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Sequence Container Allows Bleedthrough Of Constraint Objects

Jan 10, 2008

I am working with SSIS and use Sequence Conatiners extensively. I have become frustrated enought to stop what I am doing and create this thread in the MSDN SSIS forum.

When working with expanded container objects, constraint objects connecting control objects not in the container can be seen. The control object is hidden (sent ot back) but the constraint objects remain visible (sent to front.)

This is extremely frustrating as the unwanted constraint object can be interacted with and not only interfers with the visual presentation during design, it also allows for unintended changes.

I have implemented SSIS upgrades from MDSN but either haven't implemented the appropriate upgrade or an upgrade doesn't exist for this.

Are there any suggestins or comments that can help me get my sanity back?



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Sequence Container && Error Message Question

May 17, 2007


I have a sequence container that contains a bunch of tasks.

I have a failure constraint that goes from the sequence container to execute sql task. The execute sql task then sends out an email upon a failure of the container, which is triggered by the failure of any given task inside the container.

My question is, is there a way to pass a SPECIFIC error message to the execute sql task?? That is, if one of the components inside the sequence container fails, I would like the email message to reflect the error message of that particular component, not just that the container failed, as there are different levels of severity of errors, depending on which component failed.

Thanks much

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Integration Services :: Precedence Constraint For Sequence Container

May 16, 2015

I have (6) sequence containers, each with a data flow task and script task. The script task renames the file and the data flow uses an OLE DB Source connection to export to a flat file using the Flat File Destination connection.For sI have been unable to move from the 1st sequence container to the 2nd (and the next and so on...). I am trying to do this "on success" (on failure I generate an email notification within each container), but am apparently missing a piece to this because after the sequence container executes, which it does successfully, nothing happens.

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SSIS Sequence Container,data Flow Task

Nov 28, 2005

I am creating a staging database in which I am loading required tables from 2 different sources.
I have 30 different tables to load from source 1 and 10 different tables from source 2.
This is the way I am doing, in Control flow task I am using Sequence container and in that I included the data flow task, the data flow task
has source OLD DB connection from where I select the table and then destination OLE DB connection where I load the data.
So for 30 tables I have one Sequence container with 30 different data flow task and each data flow task has OLE DB source and OLD DB destination.
I wanted to find out if this is the efficient way to do, or if there is any other way to do this.
And for source 2 shall I put in another package or shall I use the same package with different sequence container and follow the same steps
as for Source 1 tables.
Please advice.

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Integration Services :: Can Sequence Container Have Multiple Checkpoints

Sep 21, 2015

I have a sequence container in my Package and this sequence has more than one control flow tasks.

Can I create the checkpoints such that only the failed component inside the sequence container runs again and not the other successful components/tasks in the sequence container?

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Cannot Delete Sequence Container Error: Collection Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: C

Jan 26, 2006

I have a Sequence Container with an Exec SQL Task in it. I can't delete the task or the container. I can't disable them.

Here's how I got there:

I put a Dataflow Task and the Exec SQL Task in the container, then set a precedence constraint. Lots of complaints moving either of them. Managed to delete the Dataflow Task, but now can't do anything.

Any dieas?


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Integration Services :: Expressions Not Working After Exiting A Sequence Container?

Sep 21, 2015

I have an SSIS package that is pretty simple.

An Execute SQL task returns one row with two values that are correctly stored into variables.

Based off those two variables, a sequence container is chosen to execute.

That sequence container then does magic. The last step of the container has an execute SQL task that runs and stores the result in a variable - let's call this[User::result] with type Int32.

Based off the value in [User::result] one of two final tasks run. A non zero value executes one task; a zero value executes another. Basically,SOMETHING runs after this.

Simple? I thought so... except Step 4 doesn't work. If I set a post-execute breakpoint on the sequence container, the variables are populated as expected, but nothing else runs. If I add another task to run (without a conditional expression) to run after the sequence container completes, the pre-execute breakpoint shows the data looking exactly as I expect.

Those script tasks are just MessageBox.Show calls and the expression, as you can see, doesn't use variables at all.

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Integration Services :: Sequence Container Doesn't Alert Failures

Aug 19, 2015

I have a sequence container with 2 task into. If one of the tasks alert a failure then the sequence container should alert a failure too, but it doesn't. For testing I forced the error with setting the attribute ForceExecutionResult to Failure for one of the tasks. The task fails, but the sequence container succeeds.

I tried:

- changed the Precedence Constraints from AND to OR between the 2 tasks into the sequence container
- changed the attribute FailPackageOnFailure setting True
- changed the attribute FailParentOnFailure setting True

but nothing happened.

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Pre-Execute AcquireConnection Method Call Fails Inside Sequence Container (transaction Required)

Jun 1, 2006

I've created an SSIS package that contains a Sequence Container with TransactionOption = Required. Within the container, there are a number of Execute Package Task components running in a serial fashion which are responsible for performing "Upserts" to dimension and fact tables on our production server. The destination db configuration is loaded into each of these packages using an XML configuration file. The structure of these "Upsert" packages are nearly identical, while some execute correctly and others fail. Those that fail all provide the same error messages.

These messages appear during Pre-Execute

[Insert new dimension record [1627]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "DW" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: component "Insert new dimension record" (1627) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020801C.

... which are followed by

[Connection manager "DW"] Error: The SSIS Runtime has failed to enlist the OLE DB connection in a distributed transaction with error 0x8004D00A "Unable to enlist in the transaction.".

[Connection manager "DW"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8004D00A.

While still in debug mode, I can check the properties of the "DW" connection and successfully test the connection within the packages that fail.

The same packages run successfully when tested outside the container (i.e. no transaction) or when the configuration file is modified to point the "DW" connection to a development version of the db which is running on the same server as the source database.

I have successfully used DTCtester to verify that transactions from source to destination server are working correctly. Also tried setting DelayValidation = True with no change. I have opened a case with Microsoft and am awaiting a reply so I thought I'd throw a post out here to see if anyone else has encountered this and might have a resolution. Here's some more on the environment:

Source Server:

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP0

Destination Server:

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1
SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition SP3 (clustered)

Thank you in advance for any feedback you might be able to provide.


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Custom Sequence And Concurrency

May 25, 2008


I need to generate a custom sequence the sequence logic is based on a datepart and a 6 digit unique number.

The existing solution uses a table where it stores the last generated sequence and when a new sequence is to be generated the table row is locked so nobody gets to update it until work is done and then the locked row is incremented by one.

I have serious doubts about the scalability of that approach is my guess right ?

I am thinking of using a identity column but the problem is everyday the sequence should start from 0000001.

so for example today it should start from
and tomorrow onwards it should start from
080526000001 etc..

I have coded a stored proc which depends upon a helper table and generates that and if it is a new day then it truncates that table so the identity column is reset.

is there a way to call the stored proc like this

insert into my_tables
SELECT stored_proc,other_values ...........


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Class And Sequence Diagrams Describing SSIS Framework (for Custom Components)?

Jun 30, 2006


Can anyone tell me where I might find the Class and Sequence Diagrams for the SSIS framework (for Custom Components)?

I've just started trying to create some Custom Transform Components and
I'm really struggling to get my head around the component lifecycle
(i.e what methods are called when, with what arguments, and why) with
just the BOL documentation to guide me.

Thanks in advance,


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Creating Alphanumberic Sequence Number

Oct 12, 2007

Database in:SqlServer builtin interface with VS05
I want to create a unique ID that identifies a row.
Id:STU+(SeqNumber) for Student and
Id:EMP+(SeqNumber) for Employee
[Question]:But how can i create sequence number and store it for use like that of ORACLE

Current Idea:Based on registration info if type is student generate STU+seq num and insert to table along with username and other details and if employee like wise.
So a procedure will receive this from user and append that with seqnumber and stores that in the table

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating A Custom Column?

May 14, 2014

creating a custom column that will put a list of 5 values for each unique value(or in this case Employee).

So I have a Employee table were I pull a list of all active employees -

Example -


What I want to do is add a column that has 5 values and create a row for each value

I want it too look like this -

024Swanson, a
024Swanson, b
024Swanson, c
024Swanson, d
024Swanson, e

[Code] ....

Currently all my query looks like is this -

SELECT EmpID, LastFirst, Email
FROM dbo.EmpList
WHERE (Active = 1)

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SQL 2005: Creating Custom Primary Key

Mar 27, 2008

Hello everyone!

Even though I am not "new to SQL Server", my experience in working with it has ebbed and flowed, and working with SQL Server is not something that happens for me even on a monthly basis.

I work as an in-house programmer for a financial investment company and I have been asked to work on a database that is to hold financial data.

One of the requirements for the tables has been that the Primary Key should be [name_of_the_table] + [Identity].

So, for example, for table "tblEquities", the values of the Primary Key would be:


My questions are:
1) Is it possible to achieve this by using just one column, as in defining a formula for the "Computed Column Specification" , something that would look like "'tblEquities' + Identity()"?
2) If the above is not possible, I assume it's much easier to just define a column as being Identity column and then create a 2nd computed column that would aggregate the name of the table with the value in the Identity column, so that I end up with a column holding the desired values? (I guess it would look something like
"'tblEquities' + [Identity]")

Also, I have been asked to find out what SQL 2005 have/offers, in term of guaranteeing referential integrity. Are the "Database Diagram", as well as the "Relationships" dialog box, the tools that would meet that criteria or does SQL 2005 contain other tools that would help in this regard?

Thank you!

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Creating Custom Tables During MSDE Setup!

Nov 13, 2004

Hi folks, i need ur guidance.
I have a few DDL and DML scripts which i want to be automatically applied during MSDE setup; or an .MDF file be attached automatically. Please suggest an easier way!


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Creating Custom Primary Key In SQL Server 2005

Mar 11, 2008

I currently have a website which is using ASP.NET 2.0, C#, and SQLServer 2005. The website will be used to enter grants for auniversity. When a new grant is entered, I need to generate a primarykey. The primary key will need to follow the format: Two digit forfiscal year, then number of the grant for that year. Example:Year 08 and 14th grant of the year would be: 0814How can I implement this. Right now, I have a "New Grant.aspx" pagewith a Submit button. I am guessing the date is going to be formattedin C#. How can I check what the last primary key in the database is?Also, it seems to me that SQL Server insists that the primary key be32 bits long, however my primary key will only be 4. How can Ioverride this? Thanks.

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Help! Creating Custom Data Flow Task

May 19, 2007

I'm trying to create a custom data flow destination, and it has a custom property that needs to get value from variable(similar to the FileNameVariable property of Raw File Destination), how can I do that?

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Creating A Custom Assembly - Can't Find Directory For DLL

Dec 20, 2007


The main problem I am currently facing is that I do not have the following directory to place the DLL file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsReport Designer. It is the "Report Designer" part that is missing. I tried adding it, but that didn't work.

Any ideas why that is?

Thank you.


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Creating A Custom Data Source Component.

Jan 15, 2008

I would like to write a custom data source component for SSIS. I was wondering if there are any tutorials / examples for this that are available.


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Creating A Custom Transformation Component Walkthrough

Apr 10, 2006

Microsoft published a "Creating a custom transformation component Walkthrough" published on

Does anyone know where to get the Hands-On Lab Files mentioned?



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Creating A Custom Connection Manager Sample

Feb 28, 2006

does anyone know where this can be obtained? it did not come with the RTM. it does not seem to be available via download either?

a little help here!

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Creating Error Output For Custom Components

Feb 14, 2006


I have a 2 custom components - source and destination.

I want to create an error output for each, to allow the users of my component to handle errors the way they choose.

I only found a property in IDTSOuptut90 named isErrorOut - a boolean property indicating whether this output is an error output or not.

Does anyone have additional documentation / articles / code samples regarding how to really populate the rows in the error output?


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Creating And Configuring Custom Conflict Resolver.

Aug 12, 2005


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Help Creating A Custom Export Type Via IRenderingExtension

Jan 17, 2008

Hello all, I am developing my own custom export type via the IRenderingExtension interface, and I am having a fundamental problem getting it to work.

I followed this guide written by James Yip,, and managed to compile my SampleRenderer class and properly configure SRSS so that my 'Sample' export format is now available in the export dropdown in Report Manager.

However, upon actually exporting a report, the result is a blank file. I have absolutely no idea why the stream I create isn't getting through to the final file.

Here is my render method:

Code Block
public bool Render(Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.Report report, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection reportServerParameters, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection deviceInfo, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection clientCapabilities, EvaluateHeaderFooterExpressions evaluateHeaderFooterExpressions, CreateAndRegisterStream createAndRegisterStream)

System.IO.Stream stream = null;
System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = null;


stream = createAndRegisterStream("users", "txt",System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, "text/plain", false, StreamOper.CreateAndRegister);

streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(stream);

if (streamWriter != null)

//closing the stream here results in an exception
if (stream != null)


return false;

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here?


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Tips On Creating Output Columns In A Custom Transformation

Aug 14, 2007

I would like my transformation to automatically create an output column for each input column. Any tips? I can't seem to determine which event to listen to or method to override.

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Attn Microsoft : Incorrect Screenshot - SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Hands On Training - Creating Custom Components

Jun 25, 2006

Hi All,

I am not sure if this is a correct forum to discuss on the document posted @ on SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Hands on Training - Creating Custom Components.

I am assuming Microsoft Developers are constantly monitoring this forum.

In the document - SSIS Creating a Custom Transformation Component .doc on Page 2 -
Exercise 1 - Writing the no-op data flow transformation component -
Task 1 - Create a new C# Class Library Project

The textual description talks about creating a new Visual C# Class Library project in VS 2005 but the screenshot accompanying it shows the creation of new "Integration Service Project" in VS 2005.

Please change the screenshot appropriately to avoid confusions.


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