I want to be able to create a duplicate database and update / refresh it daily automatically. This database copy would be used for testing purposes so I don't want it to write back to the original database. Is replication of some kind the answer?
I have a client that is using the free MSDE database engine. There is no graphical interface that I know of to manage the day-to-day tasks. I need to do a daily backup to a disk file. I want to start the backup at 7:40pm. My client then will copy that disk file to tape duing his system-wide backup at midnight. I setup a batch file and executed it in osql but the job is not working. No disk file has been created in the last 3 weeks. I don't have a clue what I am missing. Can someone please look at this and tell me how to fix it??
Thanks in Advance!
Debbie Erickson USE master EXEC msdb..sp_delete_jobserver @job_name='PetDB Backup', @server_name='Server06' GO USE master EXEC msdb..sp_delete_jobschedule @job_name='PetDB Backup', @name = 'ScheduledBackup' GO USE master EXEC msdb..sp_delete_jobstep @job_name='PetDB Backup', @step_id=0 GO USE master EXEC msdb..sp_delete_job @job_name='PetDB Backup' GO USE master EXEC msdb..sp_add_job @job_name='PetDB Backup', @enabled=1, @description='Backup Petdb' GO USE master EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobstep @job_name='PetDB Backup', @step_name='Nightly petdb maint', @subsystem='TSQL', @command='BACKUP DATABASE Petdb TO DISK = ''E:PetlicData BackupPetdb.bak''', @database_name='petdb' GO USE master EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobschedule @job_name='PetDB Backup', @name = 'ScheduledBackup', @freq_type=4, @freq_interval=1, @active_start_time='194000' GO USE master EXEC msdb..sp_add_jobserver @job_name='PetDB Backup', @server_name='Server06' GO
I have a table that I'll call 'places'. This is a table of places to visit and might look like this:
id (autoincrement), name, town, latitude, longitude, etc1, etc2, description
1, My barn, Toronto, 43.44, -79,443, y, n, "Country barn"
2, run down house, 46.4432, -79.4322, y, y, "this is an old house that seems to have been forgotten"
4, parking lot, 45.4322, -80,4333, n, n, "An vacant parking lot, overrun with grass"
I'm trying to implement a 'revert' feature sort of like Wikipedia's (Undo) where if someone vandalizes an entry in the table I can revert it. People can edit the description and latitude, longitude. The ID and name generally stay the same.
I'd like to copy the entire row (about 20 columns in a single row, I didn't list them all) to a temporary table or new row. I think using a new row in the same table might not be a good idea because it would cause the autoincrement ID to increase and I plan to delete the temp row when done with it anyway. Don't want too many gaps in the ID field.
Basically I want to have a script (I'll code it myself) that I can approve or disprove the changes to the row. If the changes are invalid (someone has put bad info in, erased the GPS fields, etc) then I just delete the temporary row and nothing changes.
If it's a valid change then I'd have to do something like an UPDATE to update the original row with the info from the temp table.
eg. OLD data from 'places'
2, run down house, 46.4432, -79.4322, y, y, "this is an old house that seems to have been forgotten"
NEW data put into 'places' via UPDATE command:
2, run down house, 46.4342, -79.4222, y, y, "this is an old house that seems to have been forgotten. I have fixed the GPS data that was inauurate."
So it's a matter of updating the old row and deleting the temp table afterwards. I'm not familiar with stored functions or routines in SQL. I use Server Management Studio but only for running queries and viewing the columns - I don't know how to store any routines in the database.
All my code is done simply by sending strings to SQL from Active Server:
sqlst = "insert into table <whatever>" Set objRs = objCmd.Execute(sqlst)
So if it's possible to accomplish this just through executing a few queries, great. Otherwise I might have to learn how to do a stored routine in SQL.
I want to import data from a live site database into a development database (SQL Server 2005 Express) using the DTSWizard. Once I copy/paste the live database to my dev machine, I cant attach the live site database because it has the same name as the database on the dev site.A simple solution I would assume is to change one of the names. But I can't seem to change the "orignal file name". A backup/restore won't work for me because I made table/field changes to the dev database. Thanks --Dietrich
Hi everyone, I'm migrating some information for a client at the moment. They had everything in Excel files and I'm getting them into SQL Server. There are some differences in the way I am storing data and the way they were storing data.
For each client they stored, they had something like Rel1 Rel2 Rel3 100 101 102
Now, what I have is a seperate row for each of Rel1, Rel2 and Rel3 so I would have 3 seperate rows with identical information except for Rel1. So I would have: Rel1 100 101 102
So one way I thought of doing it was inserting a new row specifying that the value for Rel2 should be stored in Rel1 and for the next row that the value for Rel3 should be stored in Rel1.
Now, I am able to do this but SQL Server inserts an extra row will the NULL value in Rel1. Does anyone know why this would be happening? I think what it is doing is finding a NULL value in Rel3 after creating the two extra rows and is inserting that NULL. So I think I need to check for NULLs and not allow it to create a new row if, say, Rel3 is NULL.
Any pointers are gladly welcome. (I know it's complicated )
Instead of me testing my scripts on my main commerce database I was wondering if there was an easy way to duplicate my most currnet database as another database...
that way if I screw up I can just delete it and try again
I looked at the restore as in enterpirse manager, but I don't think thats it
Please Help me... How to create duplicate table dynamically(In Code). I have written query like this... select * into table2 from table1. But this creates only structure and data. I need to create along with constraints also(Primary key, default,index). Please help out me....
We have this sporadic problem where when we go in to save an edit on a SSRS report subscription, it gives us a duplicate job number error. When I look at the Jobs in the Agent, there are duplicates, so I need to manually delete both duplicate jobs, then the subscription save will work. If we delete just 1 of the jobs, the issue seems to clear for a while, but then reoccurs. This has happened to us on multiple reports, but not consistently. The subscriptions look fine.
Ok I have the Sql all written and I was going to use MYSql but it wasn't working. I was told that MSSQL worked with the files but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it. I installed the desktop version so it is running but now how do I create and edit databases and tables and so forth. Help is greatly apprieciated as the only other sql I have done is for php forums. Thanks and If you could tell me if I need to download another program to do it graphically or something that would be awesome.
EDIT: I am using Windows Server 2003 Enterprise if that makes any difference. ISS 6.0 (kind of understand some of it)
i am trying to create a database by using a store procedure. This stored procedure takes two input parameters. i want to assign these parameters to the 'Filename' attributes when i'm creating the database both for the .mdf and .ldf files. However i keep getting an error.
These work ------- FILENAME ='c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdblog.mdf',
These do'nt work-------- FILENAME = @Databasepath, FILENAME = @Databaselogpath,
Here is my code: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE rico_dbasescript @Databasepath varchar(100) = 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdb.mdf' , @Databaselogpath varchar(100)= 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdblog.ldf' AS IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'Sardonyxrioctestdb') DROP DATABASE [Sardonyxrioctestdb]
this gives me an error because there's no filename. I would like to know if filename is mandatory? Thanks as i got an error when running saying no filename.
I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express for an application.
SQL Server 2005 Express supports 4GB user data per database. Because need over 4GB(may be 20GB ~ 30GB) data space, I should split database which each max size up to 200 MB. And create 100 databases.
Is it reasonable? If true, what about the performance or system's overhead?
I have a reporting server with 5 databases which are currently being updated via log shipping. These databases need to be (read) accessed by the users. All users have System Admin perms due in order to access the databases. I need to tighten security on the server and remove SA perms from the users. The largest database is about 8gb and is growing slowly. What is the best way to move the databases efficiently from the source server to the reporting server? The log shipped databases can't be backed up and restored due to the standby mode. DTS is an option but may pose time issues due to database size especially as the databases grow in the future. Replication is another option but i have heard it has alot of issues. Any help is welcome. Thanks.
Is this possible? I seem to remember doing it with SQL Server 7 a long time ago. The Microsoft Knowledgebase says it's not possible with 4.2 through 6.5, but nothing about 7.0 and up.
I am a newbie to developing .net applications unfortunately my boss and my colleaques think i am a pro (interview went too well) and i would like to get at least this months paycheck before am fired....so i here's my dumb question:
I want to create a SQL database from my vb.net application using stored procedures, however i want to be able to set the Filename attribute ('Filename = C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$SARDONYXINSTANCEData estdb.mdf') by means of a input parameter to the stored procedure. like so... Filename = @databasepath.
HERE is what i have: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE PROCEDURE rico_dbasescript @Databasepath varchar(100) = 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdb.mdf' , @Databaselogpath varchar(100)= 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdblog.ldf' AS
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'Sardonyxrioctestdb') DROP DATABASE [Sardonyxrioctestdb]
The above procedure works fine when Filename = 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctestdb.mdf' but bombs out when Filename = @Databaselogpath.
I attempted to create a view in SQL Server 2000 that Unions twoqueries. The first part of the query gets data from the local server,the second part gets info from a linked server. (The query works finein Query Analyzer.)I received this error when I tried to save the query:ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] The operation couldnot be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable tobegin a distributed transaction.[Microsft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server][OLE/DB providerreturned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specifiedtransaction coordinator.]After a little reading I discovered the "Database limitation":"A view can be created on a table only in the database the viewcreator is accessing".That's my problem... is there a simple solution or alternative tocreating a view?Thanks,Matt
Dear Readers, Is it possible to create a query that access multiple sql express databases? Or is it possible to link a table in one database from another?
I have VB2008 express edition and SQL server 2005. When i try to create a new local datasource in my project, the datasource seems to be created just fine however an error message comes up. If i try to create the datasource by selecting it on the 'add new item' menu, an error message says
"The data provider required to connect to the local data file could not be found. The file will be added to the project but the typed Dataset associated with the project will not be created."
If I try to create the datasource by selecting 'add new datasource' from the datasources pane, i can create the connection to a new or existing database but when i click next to proceed to the page defining the dataset, an error message says
"An error occured while converting this connection: Data provided identified by guid ' 7c602b5b-accb-4acd-9dc0-ca66388c1533 ' could not be loaded"
For various reasons a new desktop application I am developing is using the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Release Candidate to store local data. On my development machine (XP SP2, VS2005, SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition) the software is able to create the database file, and read and write to it fine.
However on our test machine, which does not have any of the development tools the software is unable to create the database. A System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException is thrown. The message is: "SQL Mobile usage is restricted on this platform. To use SQL Mobile, you must install SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005, or the Tablet PC SKU." Obviously this goes somewhat against the blurb for SQL Server CE.
Is this something that will be fixed shortly? Or is it the intention that databases can't be created on machines that do not SQL Server or Visual Studio installed? (Incidentally the reason for creating the database on the fly is that we are encrypting it, using the users credentials, so that only they can open the database.)
My application uses 2 databases from 2 different server. When i create a report model in business intellegence development studio I can only create 1 datasource for each database, and 1 datasource view for each datasource. Then when I create a new report, I can only use one datasource.
Is it possible that my report can be built on more than one databases?
Hey everyone, I have just started getting into to SQL and am completely brand new to the whole concepts of relational databases. Someone on this forum pointed to the MSDN videos on LEARNVISUALSTUDIO.NET which have been very helpful. Unfortunately while learning about relational databases and looking at the program that I want to design and make using them, I have run into a pretty big wall, concerning the primary key and foreign key. For my program, I am trying to save an object, and lets say the base class is SLIDE. Now SLIDE will store basically most of the information that I will ever want to store, such as timeCreated and mainText and slideID(primarykey). But there are other classes that derive from slide that will store just a bit more information than that because of what they are. Lets say there is a class derived from SLIDE called PERSON that stores its parentNode, which is to say something that this slide specifically belongs to and has a reference to. Now the tricky part is that in this program, every single slide can have a reference to another slide, that you would see displayed and that you could just click on and view if you wanted to. Now relating what I just told about the classes in my program to a relation database standpoint is what confuses me. If I make a table SLIDE, it would hold incomplete data about the PERSON object, because that object has more data than SLIDE has. The answer to this was to make another table called PERSON, which would have more columns. But now we arrive at the big problem: The primary key called maybe SLIDEID would be different in this new PERSON table than in the other table called SLIDE (or any other derived class). Therefore the link between these tables is messed up. In my object orientated mind I am thinking of static class variables that would still stay constant for derived classes, so that when I make a PERSON slide it will increment off of the primary key of the SLIDE table. In other words, is there some sort of super TABLE that you can derive from, like an abstract class, where the primary keys of other tables can build off of because they will be used as the same type of reference to eachother. If none of this made sense to the reader, I am greatly sorry. I do not really know what else I can say to convey to you the problem I have. Maybe its because I am so used to object orientated languages that this is making it so difficult to explain. If however you do understand what I am talking about, please think about it and help me find a solution to this problem. I am not an experienced programmer, but I do very much enjoy it and I am very excited about starting to make this program, and I have learned that before I start coding it is very important to have a very firm design in mind first. Thank your for reading, Jeremy
Hi, I have looked and loked for the answer to this question and made no progress. I want to install MSDE on one of our servers, however, when I went to install it, I found that there was another MSDE already installed and running (it was an agent running with our backup software Veritas). Is it alright to create another database and have 2 running simultaneous on the same data engine? Is there any type of limitations that I sould know about - such as number of allowed accesses at one time? Any help is greatly appreicated.
I am having a problem with creating databases in MS SQL 2005 Server. When I attempt to assign an User Mapping for my SQL user account to the newly created database, the "dbo" user and schema is already assigned. When I try to drop this user in favor of my own, I receive an error message: Cannot alter the user "dbo" (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15150). I am connected to my database engine through the "sa" account.
I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it. Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance,
- Noble Bell
I'd be interested in knowing how VS doesn't allow you to create a database. What error are you getting? There are two ways to create databases, depending on your goal:
To just create a database on your server, do the following:
Open the Server Explorer Right-click on Data Connections Click Create New SQL Server Database Specify Server Name and Database Name
Your database will be created and you can start working with it.
Embed a database in your project:
On the Project menu, click Add New Item. Select SQL Database from the list and give it a name. Click OK
This will run you thorugh a wizard to create the database. If your having problems doing either of these, you may not have SQL Server installed on your computer or VS might be pointing to the wrong Instance Name. Check out the Option dialog under Database Tools:ata Connection and verify that the correct instance is specified.
I am trying to create a similar project and I also recieve an error while trying to create a database...
"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could Not Open A Connection to SQL Server."
Now let me explain what i am trying to do ... I am trying to create a web interface for the data that I want to store in the SQL database. I have installed VS2005 & SQL Server Express 2005 on my local machine. I want to develope this project on my local machine and then transfer it to a server once i have finished the project.
If i am doing this all wrong, please let me know !
OK I think I am missing something here. I have installed the newly released SQL Compact Edition, Server Tools, and Tools for VS SP1. According to the documentation you can do the following to create a SQL Compact Edition DB:
Creating a SQL Server Compact Edition database on the server
In SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer.
In Object Explorer, click Connect, and then choose SQL Server Compact Edition.
In the Connect to Server dialog box, select <New Database€¦> from the Database file drop-down list.
In the Create New SQL Server Compact Edition Database dialog box, type a file path and file name for the new database file. You can optionally select the default sort order and choose whether you want to encrypt or password-protect the database. If you choose to encrypt or password-protect the database, type a password, and then click OK.
Click Connect to connect to the new SQL Server Compact Edition database. The database is now displayed in Object Explorer.
I see no reference to or any option to create or connect to a SQL Server Compact Edition database in SQL Mgmt Studio. I had SQL 2005 Mobile installed previously and this still shows as an option. What I am missing here? Is SQL Mobile now SQL Compact Editon?
I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it.
I'm having some problems writing T-sql statement in visual studio 2005 because i cant find either the query analyzer or enterprise manager in the version of sql server installed. Please kindly put me through that or do i need to create the database outside visual studio. Please will be greatful for this if u can help.