I am doing some work in microstrategy reports and using SQL data cube. I am creating a summary report (Counting on Unique ID) in MS where when I put in a particular attribute/column from cube it splits the data count down into 2 separate values that I have defined in the select case statement of the SQL query.
I want to work out a ratio of the count unique ID between these two values but can't do this in MS report as it is not a physical column but summary split of data.Is there a way I can do this in SQL? My summary looks something like this:
====================== =========================
**Y** N **Y** N
========= ========== ========= =========
570 140 89 56
Where the Y/N field is the one I have split down against the N/E column. I want to work out ratio between the 2 "Y" fields but in SQL. Here is a SQL example snapshot of my data:
Unique_ID New/Existing Application Attend_Interview
========= ======================== ================
12554445 E Y
65766879 N N
53375654 N Y
44323224 E N
93656786 E Y
wondering if I might be able to do a procedure or similar or something more dynamic in SQL query?
I have below tables in my power pivot.Fact 1 & Fact 2 - connected directly to Mainframes - Data is from the same table broken up due to size of the data.Date Table - Relation ship between both the fact tables.How do i create a summary pivot to get the number of tasks that have been completed in each month.
I have a query as below - Select TeamName , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/07/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Jul 07] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/08/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Aug 07] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/09/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Sep 07] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/10/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Oct 07] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/11/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Nov 07] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/12/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Dec 07] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/01/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Jan 08] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/02/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Feb 08] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/03/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Mar 08] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/04/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Apr 08] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/05/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [May 08] , SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/06/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Jun 08] FROM dbo.uView_DimHC_Team_Details_View1 where TeamParentID < '3' GROUP BY TeamName ORDER BYTeamName
This basically creates a table where I have team names as rows, month names as columns and team strength as each value. Now I want to add one row at the bottom which gives a summary which basically calculates all the values in that column. I am displaying this on web where I can do this using gridview but the problem is I am using the same gridview for 2-3 different queries which have different columns so the rowdatabound method can not be used. How can I get aggregate row at the end of table from this table?
I'm trying to use the Ratio to Parent sproc - [URL] .... The problem is that the stored proc appears to be pegged at 4 decimal places (which translates to ##.##%). This is losing precision and isn't adding up to 100% when the ratios are summed individually.
Can this be fixed within SSAS or will i need to modify the assp code? .NET decimals are meant to automagically scale, so not sure why it's coming out as (5,4) but my .net coding knowledge is fairly poor.I get the correct behaviour if hardcode a ratio to parent MDX calc (the resulting ratio has as many decimal points as are required)
I know similar questions have been asked but I wanted to try my luck that my issue is somehow different.
I am querying a database which has detail information (sales transactions) and is grouped by customer. I also have a table with one record for each customer with some historical sales information (summary information). The requirements for the report are to have the sums of the sales for each customer along with the historical data for that customer in the same row in the table. I haven't found a way to do this using one dataset and from what I've read, the current version doesn't support joining multiple datasets over a grouping field (customer).. or at all.
Columns are obviously fixed, but not rows. I want to show this data using lables and SqlDataReader for report purpose like; Label1.text=dr("value16").toString( ) Label2.text=dr("value28").toString( ) Label3.text=dr("value31").toString( ) etc
Do you have any idea how i can do it or am I approaching it in the wrong way????
I've been struggling with this for about 2 weeks now and can't seem to get any further.I have two tables: orders and orders_extended. They can be joined by the common orderid field (example SELECT * FROM orders JOIN orders_extended ON orders.order = orders_extended.orderid WHERE 1=1)I need to create a report that sums the following fields:
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), orderdate, 101) As orderdate , COALESCE ( CASE WHEN orders_extended.productprice < 0 THEN 'DISCOUNT' ELSE orders_extended.productnumber END , CASE WHEN orders_extended.productnumber LIKE '%AB%' THEN 'PRODUCTGROUPAB' ELSE orders_extended.productnumber END , CASE WHEN orders_extended.productnumber LIKE '%CD%' THEN 'PRODUCTGROUPCD' ELSE NULL END
What I'm trying to accomplish is to get the total dolloar amount of sales for each day for each payment type on one line per productgroup.
I have a table census data containing the number of people having ages ranging from 0 to 120 years. Year 0 is in a column called F_0 and year 120 is in a column called F_120 with everything in between.
For example, when I create a script for the table the column for year 0 appears as: [F_0] [numeric](38, 8) NULL
I've already created 2 summary columns (people 0 to 18 years old and people 19 to 59 years old).
I follow the same methodology to create a summary table for people from 60 to 100 years old, but all the calculated values are NULL.
So the following is successful: [Under_19] AS (((((((((((((((((([F_0]+[F_1])+[F_2])+[F_3])+[F_4])+[F_5])+[F_6])+[F_7])+[F_8])+[F_9])+[F_10])+[F_11])+[F_12])+[F_13])+[F_14])+[F_15])+[F_16])+[F_17])+[F_18]) PERSISTED,
But this is not: [Over_60] AS (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((([F_60]+[F_61])+[F_62])+[F_63])+[F_64])+[F_65])+[F_66])+[F_67])+[F_68])+[F_69])+[F_70])+[F_71])+[F_72])+[F_73])+[F_74])+[F_75])+[F_76])+[F_77])+[F_78])+[F_79])+[F_80])+[F_81])+[F_82])+[F_83])+[F_84])+[F_85])+[F_86])+[F_87])+[F_88])+[F_89])+[F_90])+[F_91])+[F_92])+[F_93])+[F_94])+[F_95])+[F_96])+[F_97])+[F_98])+[F_99])+[F_100])+[F_101])+[F_102])+[F_103])+[F_104])+[F_105])+[F_106])+[F_107])+[F_108])+[F_109])+[F_110])+[F_111])+[F_112])+[F_113])+[F_114])+[F_115])+[F_116])+[F_117])+[F_118])+[F_119])+[F_120]) PERSISTED,
I have a source table with App_Id, App_Type , Tier_Type, Date_Id as columns. I have a destination table with Date_Id, Total_App_Count, Booked_App_Type_Count, Approved_App_Type_Count columns.
I need to count the Total number of records , count of records with App_Type = "Booked" and count of records with App_Type = "Approved" and populate in my destination table.
What all the steps i need to create in SSIS to get this results ?
On Microsoft performance monitor, what is the difference between SQL Server Cache Manager: Cache Hit Ratio and SQL Server Buffer Manager: Buffer Cache Hit Ratio? We have a production server where the buffer cache hit ratio is consistently at 99%, which is normal. However, the cache hit ratio is 73%. What is the difference between the two hit ratios, and why would we have such a significant difference between the two?
Just wanted to know what is a general rule of thumb when determining log file space against a database's data file.We allow our data file for our database to grow 10%, unlimited. We do not allow our log file to autogrow due to a specific and poorly written process (which we are in a three month process of remove) that can balloon the log file size.Should it be 10% of the Data file, i.e. if the Date file size is 800MB the log file should be 8MB?I realize there are a myraid of factors that go against file size but a general starting point would be nice.ThanksJeff--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com
I have been seeing this strange statistics in one of our servers. The cache hit ratio has gone beyond 100%, it is currently showing 124%. Has anyone seen this before.
I have a large dell server with 4 processors, and 8 gig of memory on win 2000 advanced with sql 2000 enterprise edition running a 3rd party app. My cache hit ratio averages about 76%. I thought the gneral rule was if you get below 80% to add more memory. However my memory manager shows I am only using 71% of my memory and have a full gig available. I have the sql server set to use about 7.1 gig of the 8 gig on the server. My ? is if I am only using 71% of my memory, will will adding more memory actually help my cache hit ratio
I have a calculated member that is a ratio calculation. It works fine but I would like that the value for the "All" member to be the sum of the children.
So I have the following MDX where the calculated member [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM Cost] does not give me good results for the "All" member:
MEMBER [TOTAL YEAR CONTRACT] AS sum({[Total Year]},[Dim Contract].[Contract Number].[563131])
MEMBER [TOTAL YEAR BU] AS sum ([Total Year])
MEMBER [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU PVN] as
([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[PVN], [TOTAL YEAR BU])
MEMBER [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU BO + ADM] as
([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM], [TOTAL YEAR BU])
MEMBER [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM Cost] as
([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[PVN], [TOTAL YEAR CONTRACT])
/ ([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU PVN], [TOTAL YEAR BU])
* ([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU BO + ADM], [TOTAL YEAR BU])
ON 0,
{[Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM Cost]}
,[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit Code].currentmember.name
<> '071MIND1'
ON 1
FROM (SELECT ([Dim Year].[Year].&[2008]) ON 0
FROM (SELECT ({[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit Code].[071MIND1]
,[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit Code].[071DIDD1]}) ON 0
FROM [BV Contract Margin DW]))
When I launch this query I obtain: TOTAL YEAR BU BO + ADM Cost All - 45013 (I would like to obtain here - 90651) BO + ADM Cost 071MIND1 - 35680 BO + ADM Cost 071DIDD1 - 54971
Please do you know what should be changed in this query to obtain the good results?
HelloI am tring to figure out why our SQL server is a bit sluggish fromtime to time.It is running a dual XEON, with 2.5 GB RAM, and a fast SCSI I/O subsystem setup as follows.OS, mirrored 2 drivesSQL DATA 16 HDD RAID 10SQL LOG 4 HDD RAID 10SQL tempdb 4 HDD RAID 10OS = win 2003SQL = sql2000 standard editiondbcc showcontig shows me nothing special, it looks okI launch performacne monitor and add SQL server cache manager: hitratioand it is constantly at 7% and never changes up or down, it is justconstant.Can this be correct? and if so it sounds rather bad, we have ahandfull of large tables that are heavily used and enough RAM to holdthem all in RAM so I really do not understand why the cache hit ratiois not higher.Any hints would be greatrgdsMatt
How do I author a SQL Query which meets the following requirement: Display a ratio of (instances where status is a success)/(instances where status is a success or instance is a failure). The below syntax is incorrect. However, I hope to beter explain what I am trying to accomplish using the incorrect SQL query below.
SELECT SUM(Case When Status = "SUCCESS")/SUM( Case When Status = "FALLBACK") FROM ruleResults;
Maybe I am just a lot better at this than I thought, but I figure that somewhere there is a mathematical rule that is being overlooked. When I run dbcc sqlperf (lrustats) on some of my production machines, I sometimes end up with a cache hit ratio (which is defined as a percentage, mind you) that is slightly over the limit:
Statistic Value -------------------------------- ------------------------ Cache Hit Ratio 100.00898 Cache Flushes 0.0 Free Page Scan (Avg) 0.0 Free Page Scan (Max) 0.0 Min Free Buffers 331.0 Cache Size 4362.0 Free Buffers 9434.0
I suspect some counter somewhere is getting wrapped around its 4 byte limit. Is there any reliable source for getting statisics about SQL Server performance? Users tend be unreliable and say everything is slow.
I'm putting together some monitor scripts, have buffer cache ratio etc etc but struggling to get an accurate script for the current procedure cache hit ratio...
This issue just happen recently. The buffer cache ratio went from > 90%to 50% and has slowly been climbing back up over 8 hours or so. Itscurrently @ 76%. Is this something I should take action on immediately?It seems to be coming back to normal...
HiI have trouble with MSSQL2000 SP4 (without any hotfixes). During last twoweeks it start works anormally. After last optimalization (about few monthsago) it works good (fast, without blocks). Its buffer cache hit ratio wasabout 99.7-99.8. Last day it starts work slow, there was many blocks anddedlocks. There are no any queries, jobs and applications was added. Nowbuffer cache hit ratio oscilate about 95-98. I try update statistics andreindex some hard used tables, but there is no effect or effect is weryshort (after few hours problem return).Mayby somene know what it could be?Is it possible to estimate how each table (using DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS orDBCC SHOWCONTIG or others) how the table affect on total buffer cache hitratio?Marek---www.programowanieobiektowe.pl
Hi, In m*y SQL server 7.0, when using Performance, I see in graph: Buffer Catche Hit Ratio Counter (SQLServer Buffer Manager objects)always is maximum (100). What does this mean ? What's the Buffer Catche Hit Ratio? How do I configure SQL server to performance? Thanks in advance.
Trying to create a summary table of current product table, so that they is only 1 line for each product (even if the product is in both warehouses - in this case take table for warehouse 1) Therefore standard case statement becomes:
CASE WHEN exists (select product from stock where warehouse = '02' and product = stock.product and product in (select product from stock where warehouse = '01')) ProductDescription = (select distinct long_description from stock where warehouse = '01' and product = stock.product) ELSE ProductDescription = (select distinct long_description from stock where product = stock.product and (warehouse = '01' or warehouse = '02')) END
Is there another way of writting this, instead of repeating the above code for each column in the table?
I have a table which contains a sports schedule: team1_id,team2_id,result1,result2
result1 is for team1_id result2 is for team2_id
I want to run a query to get summarize the two id fields with their assoiciated results: For Example the dataset might look like this: row 1 - id1=20,id2=30,result1=1,result2=3 row 2 - id1=30,id2=20,result1=2,result2=2 row 3 - id1=20,id2=40,result1=3,result2=1 row 4 - id1=40,id2=20,result1=1,result2=3
how do I build the query to merge the ids and thier respective results into one countable dataset
[Code] ...
I need to show the ratios beside each bar (shown in red) as shown in the above diagram.
I created a PowerPivot measure which is a ratio Ratio = Number of Events/Time calculated on 12 months. I would like the grand total to be this Rate Sum(Number Of Events)/Sum(Time calculated).
In my Pivot I have one measure which I called Value and this value can have different types depending on one attribute.For instance one attribute is number of events, an other one is time and the third one is ratio.I want to display a custom grand total simple sum for events and time and a calculation of my ratio for ratio.
For instance 201501 201502 201503 TOTAL Number of events 8 10 10 28 Time 5 5 4 14 Ratio 8/5 10/5 10/4 28/14