Creating Table Trigger To Maintain FuzzyLookup Index

Apr 2, 2007


I've created initial indexes for my table for the fuzzylookup process. I clicked on "Maintained index" but I don't see any triggers created on the reference table.

Do I create the triggers to maintain indexes myself?

Does anybody know how to create these triggers in terms of schema_name, Data_Modification_Statements etc.?

Would it be "Alter index <index name> REBUILD command?

Appreciate the help.


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Creating Trigger On Creating Table

Jan 28, 2008


If I want to automatically insert a record which has default value in a table,
how can I create the trigger?

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Creating Index On Table...

Jan 22, 2008

i am new to using this sql server 2000....this is a very simple question to all u guys.....i am just in a learning any help from u guys is really appreciable....

i need to create a table customers with the following columns...
identity column to self-populate as the primary key,
joindate, leavedate, custcode, empID.

This is the one i tried:
create table customers (id int primary key identity (1,1) not null,
joindate smalldatetime null,
leavedate smalldatetime null,
custcode varchar (10) not null,
empid int not null
is tht code correct only???
and i also want the below one :
Create indexes on the leavedate, custcode and empid columns.

how to create these indexes???
and wht happens when i create them(like is thr any advantage of creating indexes???)


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DB Design :: Creating Appropriate Index For Table?

May 25, 2015

I have a table called as  A table :

 [AutoID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [ProID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [LID] [varchar](12) NOT NULL,
 [EventID] [varchar](12) NOT NULL,
 [HEventID] [varchar](12) NULL, 

How I should creating the appropiate index for this table?A few option that I think ok.

Opt 1 : creating a primary key on the autoID with create index . create non clustered index on ProID and EventID
Opt 2 : create a primary key on the autoID with non clustered index . create clustred index on ProID and EventID .
opt 3: create primary key on the ProID and EventID with clustered index.

I have read thru the article on the primary key, clustered and non clustered indexing. However when I want to applyied the indexing..I feel a bit lost.But among the 3 option.... what is the different..

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Index On Temp Table

Nov 12, 2014

In a Stored Proc I am creating the following temp table and index:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#ShipTo](
[Ship_to_Num] [int] NOT NULL,
[Country_key] [nvarchar](3) NULL,
[ship_to_Num] ASC

The stored Proc runs fine from "exec", but when you batch into a Job it gives the error that "PK_ShipTo" already exists! I even put in a drop table on #ShipTo, but the same effect.

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Problem While Creating Index For Temporary Table...

Sep 27, 2007


i have created index for a temporary table and this script should used by multiusers.So when second user connecting to it is giving index i mean object already exists.

So what i need is when the second user connected the script should create one more index on temporary table.Will sql server provide any random way of creating indexes if the index exists already with that name??

Thank You,

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Data Warehousing :: Creating A Table With Column Store Index?

Sep 26, 2015

I am trying to create a sample table in the Azure SQL  Data warehouse but its giving me a syntax error Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CLUSTERED'.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactInternetSales]
( [ProductKey] int NOT NULL
, [OrderDateKey] int NOT NULL
, [CustomerKey] int NOT NULL
, [PromotionKey] int NOT NULL

[Code] ....

what's the correct syntax

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Creating A Trigger To Insert Values From One Table To Another

Apr 15, 2008

hello everyone ,
i have a table named "Employee" with EmpID as PK.
 i want to insert EmpID one by one in another table named "AssignedComplaints"
so if i have all the EmpID inserted in "AssignedComplaints" table then on next insert operation , the first EmpID will be inserted and then second on so on.
like i gave u a sample
i have three EmpIDs in "Employee" table  named M1,M2,M3
first M1 is inserted secondly M2 and lastly M3.
now i have all EmpID in "AssignedCompalints" table.
now if i do want to insert again then the whole process will repeat , first M1 will be inserted secondly M2 and so on.
i need the query
i have created a trigger and will use this query in that trigger.

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Creating A Trigger To Automate Insert Into Another Table

Jan 14, 2008


i am facing a problem with creating a Trigger to insert into another table.

i have 4 tables namely:

i want the trigger to create a new row in the DeliveryOrder when i creates a PurchaseOrder.

I tried the following:


ON PurchaseOrder



INSERT INTO DeliveryOrder (DeliveryOrderNo,DeliveryOrderDate, SupplierID, DeliveryOrderStatus)

VALUES (PurchaseOrderNo,PurchaseOrderDate,SupplierID,'d')


but it cant work. Help required.


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Creating Clustered Index On View With Table Containing XML Data Types Takes Forever And Causes Timeouts

Apr 21, 2007

I am trying to create a clustered index on a View of a table that has an xml datatype. This indexing ran for two days and still did not complete. I tried to leave it running while continuing to use the database, but the SELECT statements where executing too slowly and the DML statements where Timing out. I there a way to control the server/cpu resources used by an indexing process. How can I determine the completion percentage or the indexing process. How can I make indexing the view with the xml data type take less time?

The table definition is displayed below.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AuditLogDetails](

[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[RecordID] [int] NOT NULL,

[TableName] [varchar](64) NOT NULL,

[Modifications] [xml] NOT NULL,






The view definition is displayed below.



SELECT P.ID,D.RecordID, dbo.f_GetModification(D.Modifications,P.ID) AS Modifications

FROM dbo.AuditLogParent P

INNER JOIN dbo.AuditLogDetails AS D ON dbo.f_GetIfModificationExist(D.Modifications,P.ID)=1

The definition for UDF f_GetModification

ALTER function [dbo].[f_GetModification]( @Modifications xml,@PID uniqueidentifier )

returns xml

with schemabinding



declare @pidstr varchar(100)

SET @pidstr = LOWER(CONVERT(varchar(100), @PID))

return @Modifications.query('/Modifications/modification[@ID eq sql:variable("@pidstr")]')


The definition for UDF f_GetIfModificationExist

ALTER function [dbo].[f_GetIfModificationExist]( @Modifications xml,@PID uniqueidentifier )

returns Bit

with schemabinding



declare @pidstr varchar(100)

SET @pidstr = LOWER(CONVERT(varchar(100), @PID))

return @Modifications.exist('/Modifications/modification[@ID eq sql:variable("@pidstr")]')


The Statement to create the index is below.




[RecordID] ASC


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I Wrote My Own Configuration Tool To Maintain The Connection Strings In A SQL Table

Mar 29, 2006

I wrote my own VB app to maintain all of my connection strings and link them to packages. I then grab them at run time and set them as variables in memory.

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Transact SQL :: Maintain Log Table Of User Into Separate Database In Server

Sep 4, 2015

I have a table tbl_User(ID,UserName,UserPassword,UserStatus).

When some value insert into tbl_User the log data should insert in to another database table. How can I achieve this ???

Is any new features related to trigger that can be done in new database from one???

SQL Server 2014 Enterprise

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Trigger Doesn't Log Into The Audit Table If The Column Of Table Has Trigger On Is Null

Jan 23, 2008


I have a trigger set on TABLE1 so that any update to this column should set off trigger to write to the AUDIT log table, it works fine otherwise but not the very first time when table1 has null in the column. if i comment out

and i.req_fname <> d.req_fname from the where clause then it works fine the first time too. Seems like null value of the column is messing things up

Any thoughts?

Here is my t-sql

Insert into dbo.AUDIT (audit_req, audit_new_value, audit_field, audit_user)

select i.req_guid, i.req_fname, 'req_fname', IsNull(i.req_last_update_user,@default_user) as username from inserted i, deleted d

where i.req_guid = d.req_guid

and i.req_fname <> d.req_fname


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Help On Index And Trigger

Aug 16, 2006

Hello Friends,

I am new to sql server. i am not understanding use of index and trigger. Please can any one help me by providing links or examples.

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Creating An Index Timing Out

Oct 31, 2007

I am creating an index on a table wit 35 million records but I get the error
 'TT_ObjPerformance' table- Unable to create index 'IX_TT_ObjPerformance_CACode'.  Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
How can I get the index created?
ThanksSQL Server newbie

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Help On Creating A Covering Index????

Apr 2, 2007


Trying to optimize a query but not sure what to do. I have this query on which I ran an exec plan,

SELECT qaTestSuite.TestSuiteID, qaTestSuite.TestSuiteStart, qaTestSuite.TestInterface, qaTestSuite.TestVersion, qaTests.TestMachine, qaTestSuite.TestClientMachine, qaTests.TestLogin, qaTests.TestLabel,
qaTestSuite.TestCLPs, qaTestSuite.TestSuiteEnd, qaTests.TestID, qaTests.TestIDInternal, qaTests.TestStart,
qaTests.TestName, qaTests.TestTier, qaTests.TestNo, qaTests.TestWFBCalled, qaTests.TestWFBTime,
qaTests.TestSearches, qaTests.TestSearchesTime, qaTests.TestResult, qaTests.TestEnd, qaTestMssgs.TestMssgsID,
qaTestMssgs.TestMssgTime, qaTestMssgs.TestMssgType, qaTestMssgs.TestMessage, qaTestSuite.TestMode
qaTests with(NOLOCK) ON qaTestSuite.TestSuiteID = qaTests.TestSuiteID INNER JOIN
qaTestMssgs with(NOLOCK) ON qaTests.TestID = qaTestMssgs.TestID
order by qaTestSuite.TestSuiteStart DESC

and it gives me the following results:

Use a Bookmark (RID or Clustering Key) to look up the corresponding row in the Table or Clustered Index.

Physical Op: Bookmark Lookup
Logical Op: Bookmark Lookup
Est. Row Count: 128
Est. Row Size: 4760
Est. I/O Cost: 0.368
Est. CPU Cost: 0.000141
Est. Execs: 1.0
Est. Cost: 0.368888(89%)
Est. Subtree Cost:.415

BOOKMARK:([Bmk1004]), OBJECT:([QAMaster].[dbo].[qaTestMssgs]) WITH PREFETCH

I have no idea what to do with that. Anyone have any clues? What I found online was that I should make a Covering Index, but I didn't find
any patterns on how to do that. Any one have ideas of how to do this?

Thanks very much for your help!


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Creating A Unique Index

Jul 20, 2005

HiI tried the following from the help file...When you create or modify a unique index, you can set an option toignore duplicate keys. If this option is set and you attempt to createduplicate keys by adding or updating data that affects multiple rows(with the INSERT or UPDATE statement), the row that causes theduplicates is not added or, in the case of an update, discarded.For example, if you try to update "Smith" to "Jones" in a table where"Jones" already exists, you end up with one "Jones" and no "Smith" inthe resulting table. The original "Smith" row is lost because anUPDATE statement is actually a DELETE followed by an INSERT. "Smith"was deleted and the attempt to insert an additional "Jones" failed.The whole transaction cannot be rolled back because the purpose ofthis option is to allow a transaction in spite of the presence ofduplicates.But when I did it the original "Smith" row was not lost.I am doing something wrong or is the help file incorrect.Dan

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The Index Entry For Row ID Was Not Found In Index ID 3, Of Table 357576312

Jul 9, 2004


I'm running a merge replication on a sql2k machine to 6 sql2k subscribers.
Since a few day's only one of the merge agents fail's with the following error:

The merge process could not retrieve generation information at the 'Subscriber'.
The index entry for row ID was not found in index ID 3, of table 357576312, in database 'PBB006'.

All DBCC CHECKDB command's return 0 errors :confused:
I'm not sure if the table that's referred to in the message is on the distribution side or the subscribers side? A select * from sysobjects where id=357576312 gives different results on both sides . .

Any ideas as to what is causing this error?

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Advantages Of Using Nonclustered Index After Using Clustered Index On One Table

Jul 3, 2006

Hi everyone,
When we create a clustered index firstly, and then is it advantageous to create another index which is nonclustered ??
In my opinion, yes it is. Because, since we use clustered index first, our rows are sorted and so while using nonclustered index on this data file, finding adress of the record on this sorted data is really easier than finding adress of the record on unsorted data, is not it ??


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Creating Primary INDEX Problem

May 30, 2000

I created table and also I define the primary key its okay

but when I generate the SQL script for that table its not
creating the primary key

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[table1] (
[emp_id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[emp_name] [char] (25) NULL ,
[emp_address] [nvarchar] (50) NULL

PS: I want to use emp_id as primary key but its not defined in the sql script

Thankx a lot

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Creating Index In DESC Order

Apr 15, 2003

Does anyone have a general rule or guide on when to use this SQL 2000 option when creating indexes? I was thinking generally on nonclustered indexes where the column would be unique and incremental and usually filtered on by range and often used in the order by clause. Such as columns of datetime or integers datatypes. Thanks.

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Creating And Moving Clustered Index

Dec 20, 2006

have a 3rd party app (can't change) which has some bad sql. I have a table that is used in the sql which if I put a clustered (I had an index on the fields in the sql but it would ignore and table scan) will use and stop doing table scan. this is a million row table that is growing. the data going in is pretty mich insert only. I have a separate array and file group which I have moved indexes to last year. 2 questions

1. If I would make a clustered index on the separate RAID and file group, doesn't the table need to go with it. I thought the clustered index and table had to be on same File Group

2. If I do this anyone see any issues with moving this table and index on this file group

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Performance Creating Clustered Index

Sep 29, 2005

Hi Guys,

I have a SQL 2000 sp3a server on Windows 2000 sp4. Running dual proc server with hyper threading enabled, 3gb memory attached to a HP EVA 5000 SAN.

One of the tables is 67gb and contains 140,000,000 rows. Recently someone dropped the clustered indexe so i`m trying to put it back (i've dropped the non clustered indexes as no point leaving them there whilst clustered builds).

The problem i am having is the rebuild is taking forever!! It ran for 23 hours before someone rebooted the server (!). The database is currently recovering from the reboot but i need to work out what is causing the appalling performance so i can get the index rebuilt. There are no reported hardware problems.....

There are multiple file groups involved and i found i was getting an extent allocation rate of 1.5 extents a second and same for deallocation.

Any advice on how to trouble shoot this?

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Creating A Primary Key As A Non Clustered Index

Jul 18, 2007


I have created a very simple table. Here is the script:

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[IndexTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[IndexTable]


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IndexTable] (
[Id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Code] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL


CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CusteredOnCode] ON [dbo].[IndexTable]([Id]) ON [PRIMARY]


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IndexTable] ADD

The records that i added are:

Id Code

1 a
2 b
3 aa
4 bb

Now when i query like

Select * from IndexTable

I expect the results as:

Id Code

1 a
3 aa
2 b
4 bb

as i have the clustered index on column Code.

But i m getting the results as:

Id Code

1 a
2 b
3 aa
4 bb

as per the primary key order that is a non clustered index.

Can anyone explain why it is happening?



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Creating A Trigger - Not Sure How

Dec 7, 2005

I want to create a trigger in SQL 2000 Enterprise, but not sure about triggers, how they work, etc. I just know that I was told I could create a trigger when new info is added to one table and check another table to see if this info is already in the other table, if not, copy the data to the other table too.

Would this be what a trigger can do for me?

what would be the best place to learn how triggers work, how to write one and install it, test it, etc?

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Creating A Trigger

Oct 22, 2007

I have 3 tables on my db, Projects, ProljectAllocationLog and Users

Project consists of Projectid(PK), ProjectName, UserID
ProjectAllocationLog consists of ProjectAllocationID(PK), Projectid, UserID,Date
Users consists of UserID (PK), Fullname

Over the course of time the user allocated to a project may change. The db has been set up to always show the most current user in the UserID of the Projects table,

I want to create a log that will record everytime that user has changed. (ProjectAllocationLog)

Having read through some examples posted on Forums, I believe that I can do this with a trigger, but I am not sure if I am doing it right, the trigger I have written is

Create Trigger tr_UpdateAllocationLog
ON Projects
AFTER Update
If NOT UPDATE (Userid)


SET @PROJECTID= (SELECT projected FROM Inserted)
SET @NEWUSER = (SELECT UserID from Inserted)


INSERT INTO ProjectAllocationLog (ProjectID, UserID, Date) VALUES (@PROJECTID, @NEWUSER, GETDATE())


I would appreciate any comments

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Need Help While Creating Trigger

Apr 17, 2008


I do have one table "ABC" in DB "Master" & other table "XYZ" in DB "Test".

Both tables are having same structures & same data currently. Now i want to create trigger in such a way that after every insertion & updation on table "ABC" in DB "Master" will insert & update records in table "XYZ" in DB "Test" respectively.

Can any one help me out?

Prashant Hirani
Where Dreams Never Ends

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Access Violation Creating Clustered Index

Oct 26, 2000

Hi, Folks!

I'm receiving Access Violation Error when I'm trying to create a clustered index on a datetime field on a table that have around 4 million records, if I create the index nonclustered, no problem, but clustered the system raise this error!

Any help will be appreciate a lot!

Thanks in advance!

Armando Marrero
Cti. Miami

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Creating Non Clustered Index On DateTime Column

Dec 24, 2014

I have 5 million rows of table, and going to create Non Clustered Index for Datetime values column. Creating Non clustered Index on Datetime value column will affect performance or not.

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Creating An Index Whilst Extracting Data

Nov 28, 2007

Anyone know the syntax and function to create a self incrementing index whilst extracting data? I'm using the Derived Column tool. The extract will be a full extract everytime, not incremental.

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Problems Creating Full Text Index

May 17, 2008

Hi all,

Im new to sql and very interreseted in the Full text features, however when im trying to execute the following query:

USE Updater

CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON dbo.Servers (ServerName)


ON UpdaterCatalog



Where ServerID = Int NOT NULL IDENTITY and ServerName = VarChar(255) NOT NULL and UpdaterCatalog is just created

I get the following error:

Msg 7653, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

'ServerID' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. A full-text search key must be a unique, non-nullable, single-column index which is not offline, is not defined on a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column, and has maximum size of 900 bytes. Choose another index for the full-text key.

I cant seem to figure out why this wont work since unless im mistaking, both fields are legal.

Note that creating an index on any other table doesn't work either.

Im running Sql server standard edition (32 bits) on VISTA Ultimate X64

Thanks in advance,


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Creating An Update Trigger

Aug 16, 2004

I need help writing an Update trigger that puts the current date in a changed record. I understand the basic idea but can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Creating A Insert Trigger

Jun 5, 2004

i am trying to create a trigger which when I insert a "y" on a student table in insCheck column, instructor table will create a record of the same person.

The reason is there are two tables are in my DB, student and instructor table. Student can be a instructor so whenever insCheck conlum in studnent table is checked as "y", instructor table should be populated.
Both table studentId and instructorId inserted as manually so that I am not sure how i should populate the instructor's table just fName, mI, and lName and I have go back to the instructor table and populate the rest of the table manually or is there any way to poppulate the insturctorid also while trigger is populate the name onthe instructor table.

My Two tables DDL are like down below

create table student(
studentId char(4) not null primary key,
fName varchar(25) not null,
mI char(1) null,
lName varchar(25) not null,
insCheck char(1) not null,

create table instructor(
instructorId char(4) not null primary key,
fName varchar(25) not null,
mI char(1) null,
lName varchar(25) not null,
instructorQual varchar(100) not null,

thanks for your help in advance!

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