I am currently writing a program that will use a SQL database. I am use to writing programs that are used to connect over some type of a network, but for this project I need to be able to load the Database and it's tables to the system locally. If anyone has a suggestion it will be greatly appreciated, or any sites for documentation on it. Thank you.
Hi,I'm just looking for some general advice on how to approach something.I have two tables A and B, containg common fields of product, salesdate and qtyo.Some records contain the same data and I want to dump them in a newtable called C and leave Tables A and B containg only data thatdoesn'r match.How do i go about approaching this??Regards,Ciarán
what the program will do if we caught that exception .. i need some suggestions ... i got this exception(String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.).. will it affect the functionality of the program...
I have written a program using vb 2005 express that will create menu items after the user presses a particular button. So if the user picks a mountain dew then inside the reciept window(list box) the user will see 1 MT DEW $1.00 also as the user selects more items the price is calculated and displayed also.
This part of the program works fine. After using the program for a while I realized that I will need to update prices and be able to add and subtract items from the menu that customers order from. The way I accompolish this now is to go back into my code and rewrite alot of code. From reading the forums I think that a database would be a good solution because what I have gathered so far is that by seperating the data into tables i.e price_table it would be easy to update anything in that table and not have to change the code anywhere else.
I have created a database that contains a table for menu items and each item has a menu_item ID,menu_Name and I also have a Price table and each price now has it's own price_ID
I would like to have code under the button click event like so:
createMenuItem(By Val Food_ID as Database object, By Val Price_ID As Database object)
Food_Cost = Quantity * Price_ID
I know that this code does not work but If someone reading this has any ideas which part of database programming this falls under I could use a nudge in the right direction.
In a nutshell I would like to create menu items using the id's from the database
the data in the database would remain static and would only be used to supply arguements for my procedures and function that I use now.
I have been writing this piece of software for quite a while. And as it got bigger and bigger (more forms, more datasets) I started experiencing the following problem.
Well, I use an MDF file as a database container that gets copied to the destination directory after each build.
Well here is what happens: I launch my application, work with it, search the database and so on and so on. Then I exit the application. I launch it again and I get en exception saying that file counld not be located on the disk. I close the app, and run it again. I get the same thing. Somtimes after a couple of tries I get an error saying that my user does not have rights to access the default database. (I have windows authentication on SQL server)
Now here is the trick: I open SQL Server Management Studio Express detatch (Delete) the database from the default server (the only one in the system ".SQLEXPRESS") and the application runs again.
What am I doing wrong? How can I programatically detatch the database from the server (Maybe some sql command)? Do I need it though?
This is the connection string that I use for connection:
Code Snippet Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MyAppDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=10;User Instance=False
But the confusing part of it is that it happend on my work computer and not on my home computer. I have the same User/Password/Workgroup/VS version/MS SQL versoion/Windows version on both machines.
hi. When i click on the button, it will go to another page called fileB.aspx, it will query database based on textbox parameter from fileA.aspx and display gridview on fileB.aspx It is based on sqldatasource. abit noob on programming visual basic.Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'Code go here.End Sub
I am reading a guide telling how to create a private server and it says I need to restore the database. So I go to File->Open->File->My Computer->Local Disk->Program Files->Microsoft SQL Server->MSSQL.1->MSSQL->Data->GunzDB. Then the following message comes up: "The file cannot be opened because it is being used by another process. Please close all applications that might access this file and try again."
The question is, how do I get past this? I need the answer as soon as possible, I am a newb with this program so I don't entirely know what I am doing. I have tried searching for the answer, but I cannot find anything.
the idea is to put together a folder that is in some place in the computer, like "c:excel_fles" and the database full backup in a single .bak file, the database can be recovered with sql server management studio(but no the folder), the restoration of the program can be done with a program, I think it can be done with msdb, but I'm a little lost in the road.
We want to deny access to sql server 2005 database by the sql management studio or any other sql editor while our developed application can access the database even malicious user gets the login name and password by disassembling our code
SELECT TOP 1 @From = CONVERT(char,CreateDate,101) FROM CustomerInfo WHERE TicketNum = (SELECT TOP 1 TicketNum FROM CustomerInfo WHERE CreateDate <= DATEADD(mm, -30, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ORDER BY CreateDate DESC) SELECT @To = CONVERT(char,GETDATE(),101)
SET @DBName = 'Archive_SafeHelp' CREATE DATABASE @DBName + ' ' + @From + ' ' + @To END
I am trying to create a database based on the name contained in the variables. I get the error 'Incorrect syntax near '@DBName'. How do i accomplish this?
I am working on site in asp.net with c# and using database sql server 2000 and managing all the data on server i have created one database on server and in that i have created 15 table. should i continue with the same or create another database for table. tell me how many tables should i maintain in one database. and what precausion should i take while mainting database to increse the speed of site.and what precausion should i take to avoid serverload please guide me i dont have an idea. thanks for spending ur valuable time for me.
Sorry, I'm a newbie out there when it comes to creating database. I currently have an ASP.Net project which requires a database. I spent the past few days thinking about how to create a proper database for the application but to no avail. I think tis thread might be out of point for tis forum, but i am really in need of help.
Here goes the storyline of my database:
The project is an online project management system, meant for students to submit their deliverables (reports, eg. Minutes, agenda, project monitor chart) Lecturers will access the web application to grade the student’s submission. The application must allow administrators to add in new subjects. When a new subject is added, the subject leader will set a dateline for a particular module to be submitted. Eg, minutes dateline. Once the dateline is due, the system will inform the lecturers in charge of who/which group did not submit the module. Lecturers and subject leaders can then generate warning letters to be sent via email to the students involved. Lecturers and subject leaders will be able to make announcements through the system as well.
A student can either submit his/her work as an individual or as a group. A student will be studying more than 1 subject. A subject will consist of more than 1 module. Every module will have a dateline for its submission. Students can make more than 1 submission for each module. Students belong to different groups/classes for different subjects. For different modules, there will be different fields to be inserted into the database. Example, in the “Minutes module�, the student will have to be able to key in the objectives, the date of the meeting, the venue, its members, absent members, actual minutes, action by and meeting end time.
In the “Project monitor chart module�, the student will have to key in the week/date, the name of the member, task involved, as well as the status.
When a new subject is created, the subject leader will have to specify the percentage of each different module. (Eg, Exams – 40%, Term test 15%, and so on.)
A subject will also be taught by more than 1 lecturer. So subject leader will specify the lecturers teaching that particular subject.
I hope someone out there can help me out on the construction of a database for the above storyline. Thanks a lot.
Is there any tools to create a database with tables, views, and all that jazz with a GUI. I went through the exammle on beta.asp.net but the way they created their db was with a script. I want to create everything with a GUI app. If this gui app doesn't exist can someone point me to where I can find more info about creating db, tables etc with sql server 2005 express? Thanks in advance.-Daticus
I have an excel document that Imported to access database. That database should count the number of tickets created by each tech rep; list the area, sub area and description of call created by a the tech rep. Can access perform this task and if yes, any idea I to approach that project or should i use SQL, And if access won't be able to do it. please make a suggestion how to approach this project. it will be nice if i can get the steps.
EXAMPLE Request Id SRS Started Call Description Area Sub Area Request Status Closed Date Assign To Created By
This actually created the database. Now, I wanted to view this database info being stored inside the SQL Server system tables. I looked at "sysdatabases" table and found an entry as expected for "krish" but I could not trace where the info corresponding to the size of the database was stored ie.25MB . (I looked ad "sysdevices" but couldn't find any entry for the newly created database).
suppose if we want to create a database and all it relative things to a new server , for that if we restore the backup copy of that databas in a new server will it create the database and restore the data. Is it enough to restore the backup copy or we need to restore the log also.
I've done a lot of stored procs and modified tables but now I need to create a very basic database from scratch and wonder on how the best way to get started or any good tutorials out there.
I need help for creating a database, it's an exercise for my school, we just began to learn SQL, about entities, relationships (one to one, one to many...), creating tables, but the thing is i don't know where to start, i think i need to practise but it's hard to transform a text into a database, i think i need some help from you guys and i hope you will help me.
I give you the exercise, and what i found :
Project wants users to be able to initiate debates, post articles and get to the achieved items. A user should be able to write as many articles as desired after having register with login and passport
However articles should contain these references for more http links, URL, summary of the content; 1 or more books, article, doc, case studies …
1)Identify the data objects and relationship and draft the initial ER Diagram with entities and relationships. Normalize model as far as you can
2)write the SQL query / link (url) and corresponding summary
About the 1) Entities : users --> login and password associated (one to one relationships one user = one login/password) Articles --> associated with the users accounts (one to many)
I am not sure for creating the different tables, im a bit lost... :s
About the 2) totally lost, i need the 1) to make the SQL Query (i know a bit about queries)
I hope you will help me, i am a beginner in SQL (only one course taken) and it is our first exercise, thanks for your help all!!!
Hi, I am developing a Translator for a Mobile Phone and i have to create a database for storing English, Esperanto and French words. What are the SQL statements should i write to create the database and how can i deploy the database in a Mobile Phone/PDA?
I have a test database running on the server. Now what I want to do is to create a dev db that has the exact same data model as the test one so that I can test out my application on the dev db and then migrate it to the test db. Can somebody tell me how I can achieve something like that.
I have downloaded and installed 2005 express. All I want to do now is create a new database. I do not see where to do that. All that was installed was the SQL Server Configuration Manager and the Surface Area configuration. Am I missing something. I guess I am looking for something similar to Enterprise Manager. Where is it?
I'm rusty with database design just yet so trying to improve. This is my way of creating a database in Access but before i swap over to SQL structure i would like a good foundation.
Overall the way i looked at it was you had to have one table that held all your results that users entered and the query took care of the rest??? So for example (Red indicates a Primary Key)
Ok your'e probably thinking what if i need to add another Employee or how would i retrieve Employee or month details - to add another Employee the user would have to enter the details on another form which allows them to add another Employee. To select an Employee on the Order Form i would create a combo box which allows the user to pick an Employee.
To create a query to pull product Code, Description, qty, price and Employee name (to see which employee placed the order) i would add the following to a query
This is the way i thought you should create a database but i'm a developer therefore only work with databases when the query is created by a db admin. Guess i have something wrong here?? if so how would you go about creating this type of database? Overall purpose of the database is usually a user entering data and retrieving data every so often.
I am developing a test solution using Visual Studio and need a sql database. I have sql Management Studio (2008 & 2014) but when I try to create the database I get an error saying I need administrator permissions (or similar). This is a personal laptop with only me as a user and I AM the administrator.How do I create the database?
Hi. Im brand new to using SQL. I downloaded the SQL Server 2005 Trial Edition (Enterprise Evaluation Edition) and installed it. How do i create a database ? The only thing i can seem to open is the SQL Server Configuration Manager which just lets me start the Server. Did I install it wrong or open the wrong program? If someone could help I would greatly appreciate it.
I have been using microsoft office access to create database and connect to application built. This is the first time trying to create database using the sql server. How do i create a database using this?
Do i use the sql server management to create it?
Is there any step by step tutorials?
How do i connect the database to the web developer?
I've seen several post asking for that possibility, but all 've read, didn't help me.Some sing SQLDMO, other suggest to use SQLSMO, others only explaining to connect to a server and then do "CREATE DATABASE".I will do this within .Net. Connecting to a SQL Server 2005 and execute "CREATE DATABASE" I could realize.But how doing this with SQLExpress? Trying to do SqlConnection.Open with a non existing DB does not work., says "file not exists".Or do I only have the wrong connection string? Can someone post here an excample connection string, which works with a non existing database?Some hints I've read make me considering to use SQLSMO. But I don't have it on my computer. Where do I get it from? Any links would be nice.
I've tried copying the tutorials and this is the result: test6 below is accepted: CREATE TABLE test6(id smallint,first_name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,last_name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,movie nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(id)); test7 below is rejected: CREATE TABLE test7(id smallint auto_increment,first_name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,last_name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,movie nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(id)); My provider is GoDaddy, the error message is -2147217900, with "Line 2: Incorrect syntax near 'auto_increment'.