Creating A Trigger With 2 Parameters
Mar 5, 2008
I'm using a Database called COMPANY and witihn this I have a table called Works_on.
I'm looking to create a trigger for update on Works_on that if the Hours coloum changes it MUST NOT be reduced and also that it can't be increase by more than 5%
Any idea how I can code this??
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Jan 28, 2008
If I want to automatically insert a record which has default value in a table,
how can I create the trigger?
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May 31, 2000
when i was trying to create a database like
i am getting the message
Incorrect syntax near '@dbname'.
is it possible to create a database like this
if yes how
Thanks alot on advance.
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Mar 21, 2007
Hello all,
Hope that someone can help with this. I am trying to write an expression that will return a date using the two of the parameters on the report. I tried using CAST but VS will not allow that.
The parameters are..
There are going to be twelve columns on the report, each one representing a month out of the time frame selected. If the user were to select January 2007 the columns would then display --Jan 07, Dec 06, Nov 06 and so on.
Thanks so much for any help in this.
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Dec 7, 2005
I want to create a trigger in SQL 2000 Enterprise, but not sure about triggers, how they work, etc. I just know that I was told I could create a trigger when new info is added to one table and check another table to see if this info is already in the other table, if not, copy the data to the other table too.
Would this be what a trigger can do for me?
what would be the best place to learn how triggers work, how to write one and install it, test it, etc?
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Oct 22, 2007
I have 3 tables on my db, Projects, ProljectAllocationLog and Users
Project consists of Projectid(PK), ProjectName, UserID
ProjectAllocationLog consists of ProjectAllocationID(PK), Projectid, UserID,Date
Users consists of UserID (PK), Fullname
Over the course of time the user allocated to a project may change. The db has been set up to always show the most current user in the UserID of the Projects table,
I want to create a log that will record everytime that user has changed. (ProjectAllocationLog)
Having read through some examples posted on Forums, I believe that I can do this with a trigger, but I am not sure if I am doing it right, the trigger I have written is
Create Trigger tr_UpdateAllocationLog
ON Projects
AFTER Update
If NOT UPDATE (Userid)
SET @PROJECTID= (SELECT projected FROM Inserted)
SET @NEWUSER = (SELECT UserID from Inserted)
INSERT INTO ProjectAllocationLog (ProjectID, UserID, Date) VALUES (@PROJECTID, @NEWUSER, GETDATE())
I would appreciate any comments
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Apr 17, 2008
I do have one table "ABC" in DB "Master" & other table "XYZ" in DB "Test".
Both tables are having same structures & same data currently. Now i want to create trigger in such a way that after every insertion & updation on table "ABC" in DB "Master" will insert & update records in table "XYZ" in DB "Test" respectively.
Can any one help me out?
Prashant Hirani
Where Dreams Never Ends
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Dec 30, 2007
I'm trying to create a SQL job in SQL Server and am a little unclear about the formatting.Here's a snippet from the stored procedure that creates the job:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spArchive] @DB varchar(30), @Date DateTimeAS EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_name = 'ArchiveIncentives' , @step_id = 1 , @step_name = 'ArchiveAHD' , @subsystem = 'TSQL' , @command = 'spArchiveAHD ''@Date''' , @on_success_action = 3 , @on_fail_action = 2 , @database_name = '@DB' , @retry_attempts = 1 In this case, the job will be calling this stored procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spArchiveAHD] ( @dtArchiveBefore DateTime)AS I'm unclear about these lines: @command = 'spArchiveAHD ''@Date''' @database_name = '@DB' Do they look correct to you or should I drop some/all of the apostrophes?Robert W.
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Aug 16, 2004
I need help writing an Update trigger that puts the current date in a changed record. I understand the basic idea but can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Jun 5, 2004
i am trying to create a trigger which when I insert a "y" on a student table in insCheck column, instructor table will create a record of the same person.
The reason is there are two tables are in my DB, student and instructor table. Student can be a instructor so whenever insCheck conlum in studnent table is checked as "y", instructor table should be populated.
Both table studentId and instructorId inserted as manually so that I am not sure how i should populate the instructor's table just fName, mI, and lName and I have go back to the instructor table and populate the rest of the table manually or is there any way to poppulate the insturctorid also while trigger is populate the name onthe instructor table.
My Two tables DDL are like down below
create table student(
studentId char(4) not null primary key,
fName varchar(25) not null,
mI char(1) null,
lName varchar(25) not null,
insCheck char(1) not null,
create table instructor(
instructorId char(4) not null primary key,
fName varchar(25) not null,
mI char(1) null,
lName varchar(25) not null,
instructorQual varchar(100) not null,
thanks for your help in advance!
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Feb 29, 2008
There are 2 tables: OrderID and Order_Details
(OrderID int
Constraint Order_ID_pk primary key
, CustomerID nchar (5)
, EmployeeID int
, OrderDate datetime
, RequiredDate datetime
, ShippedDate datetime
, ShipVia int
, Freight money
, ShipName nvarchar (40)
, ShipAddress nvarchar (60)
, ShipCity nvarchar (15)
, ShipRegion nvarchar (15)
, ShipPostalCode nvarchar (10)
, ShipCountry nvarchar (15)
CREATE TABLE Order_Details
(OrderID int NOT NULL
, ProductID int NOT NULL
, UnitPrice money NOT NULL
, Quantity smallint NOT NULL
, Discount real NOT NULL
, constraint Order_Details_PK
Primary key (OrderID, ProductID)
Create a Transact SQL procedure, customer_activity, that would, for a given CustomerID, return the number of orders that customer has made, average amount of all the customer orders, and the maximum customer’s order. The CustomerID should be the stored procedure’s input parameter. The stored procedure should use the view customer_orders.
what kind of code to create this? it says i need to use a view customer_orders, which i made:
create view customer_orders as
select orders.orderID, customerID, sum(order_details.orderID) as orderamount
from orders, order_details where orders.orderID=order_details.orderID
group by orders.orderID, customerID
but i don't know how to do it.
Next: the trigger:
Write a trigger that would, for any order entered (inserted), print the order amount as well as the customer’s average and maximum order so far, by using the view and the stored procedures created in this lab.
please and thank you
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May 22, 2008
I have problem with Triggers,Iv never done it before except @school!!
One of our clients Server has same database names(WeighBridge) but Different Instances(1got Express and Other3 have SQL2005).There is a weighbridge scale on SQL Express Database.
I want to create a Trigger that Automatically updates everytime there is weighbridge scale In other Databases that have SQL2005.
If someone can help please a code or tell me what to do,
Create a Trigger on a Table ot Database??
Please Help!!!!!!
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May 22, 2008
Hi Everyone,
I have a database which once every week gets backup/restored and then renamed for training purpose. The problem is that I got trigger on some of the tables and once the database gets renamed the trigger failed to work as it referring to the old database name. I have idenify all the trigger and done a ALTER TRIGGER. However I can't seem to get it to run as a JOB. Tried to create a store procedure but get a error as the ALTER TIGGER is after CREATE PROCEDURE I could do it as a SQLstring but theirs alot of trigger, want to know if there any other ways of doing it. Please help
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Apr 6, 2014
I am creating a trigger in SQL Server that will activate when my Athelete table has something "Inserted"
So far it works except for the fact that it won't insert a null into the Equipment_ID field. I need it to autoincrement, or do the last number + 1...
INSERT INTO Equipment Equipment_ID, Equipment_Model, Equipment_Year, Equipment_Brand, Equipment_Color, Equipment_Condition_Rating)
VALUES ('Big Spin','2016','K2','Blue','5')
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Feb 29, 2008
I've got a ContactInfo table, that stores a variety of information about a contact (i.e. first/last name, address, phone, date of birth, status, etc.). I seem to be randomly loosing contacts though. Older backup's of my database still show a given contact, but the current one doesn't. It's happened a few times, and I can't seem to track what's causing it. (Nothing that I'm doing *should* be causing the contact to be deleted).
I'm looking to create a delete trigger for the table, so that any time a record gets delete, it will record what record got deleted (contactID, firstName, lastName), as well as what time it got deleted, and if possible, what function cause the delete (what function was accessing the table when the delete happened).
I've got some basic knowledge of SQL, and SQL statements, but my knowledge is limited... so any help on this would be greatly appreciated - or, if someone could point me to a website with good suggestions and examples, to help me create a trigger to monitor this stuff. I would be greatly indebted for any help that could be offered.
Here is kind of a shell for a delete trigger that I have been able to put together from some various examples I've found.
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'trDeleteContactInfo' AND type = 'TR')
DROP TRIGGER trDeleteContactInfo
on ContactInfo
EXEC master..xp_sendmail '',
'Contact has just been deleted from ContactInformation Table'
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Feb 28, 2008
I've got a ContactInfo table, that stores a variety of information about a contact (i.e. first/last name, address, phone, date of birth, status, etc.). I seem to be randomly loosing contacts though. Older backup's of my database still show a given contact, but the current one doesn't. It's happened a few times, and I can't seem to track what's causing it. (Nothing that I'm doing *should* be causing the contact to be deleted).
Can anyone help me with setting up a simple Delete Trigger, so that whenever a contact gets deleted from the table, it will log as munch information as possible about what just happened (maybe what functions just got ran, what info just changed, whatever...); so that way I can try and get some more information on the problem, and try and diagnose what is causing the deletions.
I've got some basic knowledge of SQL, and SQL statements, but my knowledge is limited... so any help on this would be greatly appreciated - or, if someone could point me to a website with good suggestions and examples, to help me create a trigger to monitor this stuff. I would be greatly indebted for any help that could be offered.
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May 30, 2006
I am new to sql and asp, I am using visual web developer and have table that when it gets change I would like to see another table populated with the information. This is the two tables I have
First one has the information in it that users will insert in it
asset_id int Unchecked
asset_desc varchar(50) Checked
serial_no varchar(50) Unchecked
model_no varchar(50) Checked
category bigint Unchecked
Manufacturer varchar(50) Checked
Mac_address varchar(50) Checked
service_pack varchar(50) Checked
owner bigint Unchecked
location bigint Unchecked
date_acquired datetime Checked
date_deactivated datetime Checked
system_asset_no varchar(50) Checked
cs_desc varchar(50) Checked
vendor varchar(50) Checked
modified_date datetime Checked
action varchar(50) Checked
Next table is the one I want the information to go in
history_asset_id int Unchecked
history_asset_desc varchar(50) Checked
history_serial_no varchar(50) Checked
history_model_no varchar(50) Checked
history_category bigint Checked
history_manufacturer varchar(50) Checked
history_mac_address varchar(50) Checked
history_service_pack varchar(50) Checked
history_owner bigint Checked
history_location bigint Checked
history_date_acquired datetime Checked
history_date_deactivated datetime Checked
history_system_asset_no varchar(50) Checked
history_cs_desc varchar(50) Checked
history_vendor varchar(50) Checked
[modified date] datetime Checked
action varchar(50) Checked
the column action is for the name of person updating and modified date is the system date. My trigger is this
Create TRIGGER Trigger4
ON dbo.t_asset
INSERT INTO history_asset_id
(history_asset_id, history_asset_desc, history_asset_orderno, history_asset_invoiceno, history_asset_yellowno, history_asset_serial_number,history_asset_cost, history_asset_fedpart, history_date_acquired, history_asset_cond, history_cat_id, history_bld_id, history_loc_name,history_date_deactivated, history_asset_dispvalue, action, modified_date)
VALUES ('@asset_id','@asset_desc','@asset_orderno','@asset_invoiceno','@asset_yellowno','@asset_serial_number','@asset_cost','@asset_fedpart','@date_acquired','@asset_cond','@cat_id','@bld_id','@loc_name','@date_deactivated','@asset_dispvalue','@action','@sysdate')
Can anyone please help me or point me in the right direction,
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Sep 17, 2007
I'd like to create a primary key value (incremental) within a trigger and set it in a primary key column.
Any idea anyone? Do I define my trigger as a On INSERT, Instead of INSERT? I tried both but it doesn't seem I'm doing things right.
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Jul 26, 2000
Can anyone assist me?
I am trying to create a trigger within our local database that will allow me submit an email to a local exchange server. Its an internal email that our company has created for responses by candidates when the original stored procedure meets a condition of TRUE.
Is SQL 7.0 capable of sending emails to a specified address through a Trigger? I was told it could but have yet to come across any documentation backing this up.
Would anyone know the generic syntax I can use to create such a trigger?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Claude Johnson
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Feb 16, 2007
I want a stored procedure to run everytime the batch Status field is set to 'Released'
CREATE TRIGGER [CSITSS].[tdecker].[FB401BV_TRIGGER] ON [CSITSS].[dbo].[Fbbatch] FOR UPDATE [Status]
DECLARE @Batch int
EXEC @RC = [CSITSS].[tdecker].[GLP_FB401BV_BATCH] @Batch
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Feb 11, 2004
I have a problem that definitely has me stumped.
I have a view that looks at data in a different database. Some of the fields in the view are updateable and some are not. I am trying to create a trigger against the view that will allow me to audit the updates into an audit table. I am having problems when trying to execute the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
I keep getting the message...
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 4, Procedure updDocInfo, Line 1
Invalid object name 'vwDC_DocInfo'.
Where vwDC_DocInfo is the name of the view.
Does anyone have any idea why I might be getting this error? The VIEW definitely does exist and I am executing the script in the same database as the view.
The script is included below...
ON [vwDC_DocInfo]
SELECT @ModifiedDate = GETDATE()
-- Audit OLD record.
INSERT tblAudit_DC_DocInfo
0 AS AuditType,
USER AS ChangedByUser,
@ModifiedDate AS DateChanged
-- Audit NEW record.
INSERT tblAudit_DC_DocInfo
0 AS AuditType,
USER AS ChangedByUser,
@ModifiedDate AS DateChanged
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Mar 10, 2006
hi,i am a beginner to ms sql server2000i have a tablecreate table ddd (a int, b int)by table structure is a bnow when i enter a value in b column suppose '2' in column bbext time when i insert a value in the column a i have to get the valuein b as 3 is thi spossible with triggersinsert into gdg values (1,2)a b1 2insert into gdg (a) values(2)a b2 3----------------> i have to get this 3 automaticallyis there any method to get thispls help mesatish
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Jul 20, 2005
I am extremely new at SQL Server2000 and t-sql and I'm looking tocreate a simple trigger. For explanation sake, let's say I have 3columns in one table ... Col_1, Col_2 and Col_3. The data type forCol_1 and Col_2 are bit and Col_3 is char. I want to set a trigger onCol_2 to compare Col_1 to Col_2 when Col_2 is updated and if they'rethe same, set the value on Col_3 to "Completed". Can someone pleasehelp me?Thanks,Justin
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Jan 21, 2008
I am using a 2005 SSAS cube as a datasource for 2005 SSRS report with multivalue parameters. I use the design mode query builder to generate my MDX. I then add my parameter to my parameter field in the filters section. The name and value of the parameter in the dataset editor is as follows:
Name: FacilityFacilityNumber
Parameter: Parameters!FacilityFacilityNumber.Value
I then proceed to layout mode and then open up report parameters. I then check the multivalue box and select non-queried available values. I choose non-queried radio button because I want my asp page to be passing in the parameters, not a dropdown list.
The problem is that when I try and preview the report and I type in just one parameter I get the following:
"Query (1, 437) The restrictions imposed by the CONTRAINED flag in the STROSET function were violoated"
After looking through a couple of forums I found that adding the following Parameter value in the data tab and dataset editor would help me out a bit:
"[Facility].[Facility Number].&["+Parameters!FacilityFacilityNumber.Value+"]"
Ok so now (in layout mode) I type in one parameter and I get a report back, BUT when I try to type in a second or more parameter I get the same error as before:
"Query (1, 437) The restrictions imposed by the CONTRAINED flag in the STROSET function were violoated"
Here is the MDX query that I am using for this report:
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Claim Count], [Measures].[Item Reasons Count], [Measures].[Charged Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Facility].[Facility Number].[Facility Number].ALLMEMBERS * [Claim Status Codes].[CLaim Status Code].[CLaim Status Code].ALLMEMBERS * [Claim Status Codes].[Claim Status Description].[Claim Status Description].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@FacilityFacilityNumber, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Claims Remittance]) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS
Please, if anybody know's what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it.......I have to have my report accept non-queried multivalued parameters. Thanks
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Apr 15, 2008
hello everyone ,
i have a table named "Employee" with EmpID as PK.
i want to insert EmpID one by one in another table named "AssignedComplaints"
so if i have all the EmpID inserted in "AssignedComplaints" table then on next insert operation , the first EmpID will be inserted and then second on so on.
like i gave u a sample
i have three EmpIDs in "Employee" table named M1,M2,M3
first M1 is inserted secondly M2 and lastly M3.
now i have all EmpID in "AssignedCompalints" table.
now if i do want to insert again then the whole process will repeat , first M1 will be inserted secondly M2 and so on.
i need the query
i have created a trigger and will use this query in that trigger.
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Jun 12, 2008
I am using the tables created by the aspnet_regsql.exe tool for security. Basically, I need to ensure that an account named Administrator is never deleted. I also have a role named administrator, and I need to make sure that Administrator is never removed from the administrator role.Can I create a trigger to ensure that the Administrator is never deleted and that the Administrator is never removed from the Administrator role? I know it will probably be two separate triggers: one on the aspnet_users table and one on the aspnet_usersinroles table.Thanks a lot for the help!
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Jan 14, 2008
i am facing a problem with creating a Trigger to insert into another table.
i have 4 tables namely:
i want the trigger to create a new row in the DeliveryOrder when i creates a PurchaseOrder.
I tried the following:
ON PurchaseOrder
INSERT INTO DeliveryOrder (DeliveryOrderNo,DeliveryOrderDate, SupplierID, DeliveryOrderStatus)
VALUES (PurchaseOrderNo,PurchaseOrderDate,SupplierID,'d')
but it cant work. Help required.
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May 21, 2007
I'm hoping one of you will be able to help me because I haven't had very good luck finding any information on this.
I'm kind of new to SQL, but I'm learning as much as I can.
I created a web form that sends a new record to a SQL 2005 table I setup.
This all works exactly as it should, but I would like to have an email sent out every time a record is added to this table.
I have SQL Mail setup and I ran a test and it worked, but I can't seem to find any info on how to create a trigger that will send an email to me when a new record is added to the table.
My Database is called Engineering
The table is called ESSPartNumLog
And I have the following Columns that I would like to send in my email..
ESSSequence (PK,int, not null)
MaterialType (nvarchar(255, null)
ESSPrefix (nvarchar(255, null)
PartDescription (nvarchar(255, null)
Project (nvarchar(255, null)
PM (nvarchar(255, null)
Any ideas, or can you point me in the right direction?
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Apr 15, 2008
Hi all,
My code below creates a trigger that fires whenever a change occurs to a 'myTable' row, but this is not what I want. I only want to log changes made to a single field called 'Charges', when that field is changed I want to log it, can anyone tell me how to modify my code to do this, thanks
Create Trigger dbo.myTrigger
ON dbo.[myTable]
Declare @now DATETIME
Set @now = getdate()
Insert INTO dbo.myAuditTable
SELECT 'BEFORE',Charges,@now, suser_sname()
Insert INTO dbo.myAuditTable
SELECT 'AFTER',Charges,@now, suser_sname()
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Feb 1, 2008
When a record is to be inserted, how can I check whether the insert is succeeded or not?
SELECT @id=id,@name=name FROM INSERTED
INSERT INTO MySubTable(id,name) VALUES(@id,@name)
-- if failed, rollback
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Jan 23, 2008
I need to create a stored procedure that will have about 10-15 queries and take 3 parameters.
the variables will be: @lastmonth, @curryear and @id
@lastmonth should inherit Session variable intlastmonth
@curryear should inherit Session variable intCurrYear
@id should inherit Session id
One example query is SELECT hours FROM table WHERE MONTH ='" + Session("intLastmonth") + "' AND YEAR ='" + Session("intCurrYear") + "' AND [NUMBER] = '" + Session("id")
The rest of the queries will be similar and use all 3 variables as well.
How can I go about this and how will queries be seperated.
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Sep 9, 2014
I need to create a Stored Procedure in SQL server which passes 6 input parameters Eg:
ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_extract_Missing_Price]
@DisplayStart datetime,
@yearStart datetime,
@quarterStart datetime,
@monthStart datetime,
@index int
Once I declare the attributes I need to create a Temp table and update the data in it. Creating temp table
Once I have created the Temp table following query I need to run
SELECT date FROM #tempTable
WHERE NOT IN (SELECT date FROM mytable WHERE IN (list-of-input-attributes) and index = @index)
The above query might return null result or a date .
In case null return output as "DataNotMissing"
In case not null return date and string as "Datamissing"
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Feb 17, 2008
Hi all,
I copied the the following code from a book to the query editor of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE):
USE AP --AP Database is installed in the SSMSE--
@InvTotal money OUTPUT,
@DateVar smalldatetime = NULL,
@VendorVar varchar(40) = '%'
SELECT @DateVar = MIN(InvoiceDate)
SELECT @InvTotal = SUM(InvoiceTotal)
FROM Invoices JOIN Vendors
WHERE (InvoiceDate >= @DateVar) AND
(VendorName LIKE @VendorVar)
Then I executed it and I got the following error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spInvTotal3, Line 12
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
I do not know what wrong with it and how to correct this problem.
Please help and advise.
Scott Chang
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