Creating A Formated SQL Query And Email It

Feb 4, 2002

I need to create a "simple" sql query but have it formatted and then emailed
to individuals. I am trying to convert over from Oracle but I am having a
hard time getting the query to be formatted the way I want. Here is the select statement I tried to use with no luck with xp_sendmail:


Here what the output should look like with the column headers underlined and
then the column data (notice the column heading ALARM MESSAGE is on the
next line before any data):

-------------------- ----------- ----- ---------------- - - -


How can I run the query and have it formatted and emailed out?
What is the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you,


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Schedule And E-mail Query Results In HTML Formated Email

Aug 14, 2004

Could anyone walk me through how to do the following:

Schedule a query to run at a designated time
Embed the resulting table in a HTML email
Email the HTML formated results someone automatically

Can this be done with SQL Server only or is there a third party app?

I know its alot but I'm having a hard time finding resourses.

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Creating A Trigger That Sends An Email

Jul 26, 2000

Can anyone assist me?
I am trying to create a trigger within our local database that will allow me submit an email to a local exchange server. Its an internal email that our company has created for responses by candidates when the original stored procedure meets a condition of TRUE.

Is SQL 7.0 capable of sending emails to a specified address through a Trigger? I was told it could but have yet to come across any documentation backing this up.

Would anyone know the generic syntax I can use to create such a trigger?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Claude Johnson

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Creating Dynamic Email Messages On SSIS

Jul 20, 2007

Do you guys have any good links or suggestions relative to this?

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Output Needs To Be Formated Into Excel

Jan 3, 2007


I am using a sql command to produce outputs having 3 columns
Before running the sql I am spooling the output in .xls format
But when I open the .xls file (i.e. the spooled file) data of all the 3 columns appear in a single column with blank spaces between them
Is there a way by which I can ensure that each output column of the SQL appears in a seperate column in the excel Sheet


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Grouping By A Formated Column

May 13, 2008

I have a date column that formated and i need to group by it, how do it do this? i get this error code:

Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Column 'o.Initials' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

here is my query:
select * from(
, TechInt as Initials
, [Drug]
,[Missed PT Notes]
,[Pt Same Name]
,[PT Family]
,[Wrong PT]
,[Wrong Ques. Asked]
,[Rx/Refills Omitted]
,[Wrong Sig]
,[Wrong PT Address]
,[Write Date]
,[Wrong MD/MD Info]
,[Rx Should be Questioned]
,[TSTF],[Non-Link Image]
,[DC Date],[Days Supply]
,[No Call Card]
,[Order Count]
,[Credit Hold Procedure]
,[Sig Typo]
,[Verse Missing/Wrong]
,[Right Drug Wrong Form]
from tblaitinfo
pivot (count(ercode) for ercode in ([Drug],[Missed PT Notes],[Pt Same Name],[PT Family],[Wrong PT],[Wrong Ques. Asked],[DAW],[Rx/Refills Omitted],[Allergy],[Wrong Sig],[Strength],[Wrong PT Address],[Quantity],[SVQ],[Refills],[Write Date],[Wrong MD/MD Info],[Rx Should be Questioned],[TSTF],[Non-Link Image],[DC Date],[Days Supply],[No Call Card],[Order Count],[Credit Hold Procedure],[Routing],[Sig Typo],[Verse Missing/Wrong],[Right Drug Wrong Form],[Others])) p
group by formatdate

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Creating Stored Procedure To Send Email To Multiple Users

Sep 20, 2007

Hi Everybody,

I am trying to setup a stored procedure that runs through a Reminders table and sends an email to users based on DateSent field being smaller than todays date. I have already setup the stored procedure to send the email, just having trouble looping through the recordset.

Code Snippet

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[hrDB_SendEmail]



DECLARE @FirstName nvarchar(256),

@LastName nvarchar(256),

@To nvarchar(256),

@ToMgr nvarchar(256),

@Subject nvarchar(256),

@Msg nvarchar(256),

@DateToSend datetime,

@Sent nvarchar(256),

@ReminderID int,

@RowCount int,

@Today datetime,

@Result nvarchar(256)

-- Get the reminders to send


@ReminderID = r.intReminderID,

@DateToSend = r.datDateToSend,

@FirstName = e.txtFirstName,

@LastName = e.txtLastName,

@To = e.txtEmail,

@Subject = t.txtReminderSubject,

@Sent = r.txtSent


(auto_reminders r INNER JOIN employee e ON r.intEmployeeID = e.intEmployeeID) INNER JOIN ref_reminders t ON r.intReminderType = t.intReminderTempID


(((r.datDateToSend)<20/12/09) AND


-- Send the Emails

WHILE(LEN(@To) > 0)


EXEC @Result = sp_send_cdosysmail @To, @ToMgr, @Subject, @Msg


-- Mark the records as sent

IF @Result = 'sp_OAGetErrorInfo'


SELECT @Sent = 'Error'



SELECT @Sent = 'True'

UPDATE auto_reminders


auto_reminders.txtSent = @Sent, auto_reminders.datDateSent = @Today


intReminderID = @ReminderID



From the code you can probably tell I am new to writing stored procedures, so I apologise for any obvious errors. My major problems are :-

how to loop through each record

how to get todays date

whether the struture of the procedure is correct
Also, if you think there is an easier way or a better method, please suggest it. I am open to any suggestions you may have,

Thanks in advance

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DTS To Export Formated Date To Excel

May 24, 2004


I am trying to output data from my sql table to an excel spreadsheet and send it by email which works fine, the problem is he wants the date to be in the format d-mmm-yy, which is easy to format in excel manually, but he do not want to do this manually. I tried to do this when I select the date from the table to spreadsheet, "select convert(char,value_date,106) from table", but this don't get transported to the excel spreadsheet, I get my results on the spread sheet as dd/mm/yy. Can you please help either to set the date on excel forever to be in this format "d-mmm-yy" or to force this output to excel

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Returning Formated Real Values

Jan 21, 2008

I have some Sp that return real values, I''m using function like SELECT CONVERT(REAL,field) FROM .... to ensure that conversion and rounding is done.

When I got the values in my application (Datagrid) I receive values having even 9 decimals

How can efectively return only 2 decimals from my query?


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Select Query To Get Email Id

Feb 2, 2007

I have three tables as


In grade table i initalised grades for designations from designation table

those designations have been initalised in employeemaster for employees

If I select particular employee code depending on designation iam getting his higher authority designation

now if i select designation from higher authority i need to get particular authority email id from employeemaster

Malathi Rao

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Query To Get The Domain From The Email

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I wanted to get the domain name from the email in a query..So if the email is Join Bytes!, I just to display hotmail.comThanks in advance for the help.AJ

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Email The Results Of The Query

Apr 17, 2007


I want to email the results of the query. The query output can be email either as the HTML body of the email to be sent or as a excel attachement.

I am wondering as to what would be the best way to achive this.

a) I could have a email client module in C# or VB.NET 2.0, which would fetch the query resultset and store it in a dataset. I format it as HTML body and send the email using System.NET. For excel, can use XSLT

Please suggest if there is any other approach that would be more suitable.


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Query Trigger Email To User

Aug 6, 2013

I need to trigger an email to user when a work order due date is approaching 1 day prior to the due date. Also I need to trigger when a user adds, delete, or modify work order to check on work order due.

Not sure how to query it in SQL.

Due Date = NeedByDate
user = AssignedTo

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Sending Query Result By Email

Aug 30, 2007

Hi Guys,

Whats the best way to send a small query result using Send Email Task. I have log table not more then 50 rows with 3 columns I need to query this table and send email.

I tried using Exe SQL Task and in result set I tried to store in variable so that I can attached that variable as email source. I think query result I can't store in string variable like this. Any simple way?

Thank you - Ashok

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Stored Procedure, SQL Query And Email

May 25, 2007

I have a situation that I need to accomodate as follows:

Customer account table as a bit value as to whether to send an email

For each customer with a true value set I need to run a query against their products table to check whether the reorder value is less than current stock.

if the recordcount for this query is > 0 then I need to send the customer an email using the address in the customer file.

This process needs to be run once per week.

Can anybody offer advice, samples as to resolve this problem


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Automatically Email Query Results

Aug 14, 2007

I'm very new to SQL but I have figured out how to do my first query. Now I would like to automate it to send the query as an attachment to users automatically (scheduler/cron??). How would you go about this, I need step by step hints. I'm using SQL Query Analyzer ver 8.00.2039 to generate the query from CDR records. Is this even possible?

Thank you for any guidance.

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Send Query Results Via Email

Sep 27, 2007

is it possible to use send mail task to send results of a query via email? if it can be sent then what would the result look like? will it be like excel type format or fixed length? or comma delimited?

and obviously -- how can I accomlish it?

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Generate A Email Using Smtp Server (was Help With Query....)

Jan 21, 2005

Help with query: I currently cannot be alerted by SQL Mail so I would like to take the script that was generated by SQL server and using the store procedure sp_sqlsmtpmail to generate a email using smtp server to alert me. The store procedure does work. I would like to know if this is possible.



-- Script generated on 1/21/2005 10:04 AM
-- By: MAMSIsa
-- Server: (local)

IF (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts WHERE name = N'Demo: Full tempdb'))
---- Delete the alert with the same name.
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_delete_alert @name = N'Demo: Full tempdb'
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name = N'Demo: Full tempdb', @message_id = 9002, @severity = 0, @enabled = 1, @delay_between_responses = 10, @include_event_description_in = 5, @database_name = N'tempdb', @category_name = N'[Uncategorized]'


Exec sp_sqlsmtpmail
@vcTo = '',
@vcBody ='Check out problem Immediataly.',
@vcSubject ='DOCSITE01FDK - Full Tempdb Log'


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Email Address Domain Strip Of Query

Oct 1, 2007

Could this query be made more efficient?
It takes ages to run it. It strips of everything from an email address and keeps only the domain.

SUBSTRING(Mailaddress, CHARINDEX('@', Mailaddress) + 1, CHARINDEX('.', SUBSTRING(Mailaddress, CHARINDEX('@', Mailaddress) + 1, 100)) - 1) AS mail_domain

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MS SQL 6.5 Procedure To Send Query Results Via Email

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm not sure if this is possible as i've googled everywhere, but i have aselect query that returns a customer record with their associated salesorders. I would like to automate a process which sends an email reminder toeach customer in the database, that has outstanding orders. This emailreminder should have the results of the query regarding their account.The table structure are as follows.---------------------Customer_tbl---------------------CustomerIDAccountNoNameEmailAddress---------------------Order_tbl---------------------OrderIDCustomerIDReferenceAmountDateOutstanding_flgCan anyone help?Sen.

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Transact SQL :: Create Alert Email From Query

Jun 21, 2015

How can I turn this query into an Email alert if one of the counts are GT 50. The Source are machines that I capture counts(Unprocessed_Cntr) from every 5 minutes and load to the Load_Time_Capture table. I also add a datetime to each capture(Unprocessed_Capture ).  

If any individual source has a count > 50 or if the combined(ALL) GT 50 send an email to support person.  

                  WHEN 1 THEN 'ALL'
                  ELSE [Source] END AS 'Input Source',           
                 avg([Unprocessed_Cntr]) as 'Average Queue Past 15 Min' 
FROM        Load_Time_Capture
WHERE Unprocessed_Capture >=  DateADD(mi, -15, Current_TimeStamp)

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Transact SQL :: Send Email Only If Query Contains Results

Aug 8, 2015

I’m running a data integrity procedure from an agent job that is a scheduled weekly maintenance task which emails the results of my query, and is working properly.

I would however like this to only receive the email it the query contains results, and not send it no records are found to prompt me to take action.
My code less the personal information
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail     
= '',
= '',
= 'Database Integrity - Import Errors',

[Code] ....

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Email Subscription With Different Email Per Report Page

Jul 6, 2015

I have a report that gets sends out through a subscription and sometimes the report has multiple pages and all those pages appear within one email.Is it possible to set the subscription in such a way that an email is sent per page when the subscription executes.

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Dbmail Doesn't Rely On IIS SMTP, How To Set Bounced Email Redirect Email Etc.? Thanks

May 4, 2007

Under IIS SMTP I can set bounced email redirect etc. how to do that with dbmail, the idea is I can get the list of bounced emails somewhere so I can create a report.

Any idea?


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Help Split List Of Email Add Comma For Evry Email

May 12, 2008

need help
split list of email add comma for evry email
i have tabe "tblLogin" and in this table i have field emall
like this


need to do ilke this

Code Snippet
@list_email = (SELECT emall FROM tblLogin)

--------------------------i get this ; ;

@recipients = @list_email

Code Snippet

IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM [db_all].[dbo].[taliB] )




FirstName AS 'td','',

LastName AS 'td','' ,

Date_born AS 'td','' ,

Age AS 'td','' ,

BirthdayToday AS 'td','' ,

BirthdayThisWeek AS 'td'

FROM [Bakra_all].[dbo].[taliB] ORDER BY LastName FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))

SET @body ='<html><H1 align=center>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</H1><body ><table border = 1 align=center dir=rtl>









SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

@recipients =N'',


@body = @body,

@body_format ='HTML',

@subject ='ggggggggggggggggggggg',

@profile_name ='ilan'



print 'no email today'

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Export Query Results To Excel File And Add As Attachment In Email

Jan 2, 2014

Is there a way to export query results to an excel fie and add that file as an attachment in the email? All this has to be done using SQL query and it needs to be automated. My coworker tried using Openrowset and BCP, but it is not working.

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Query To Pull Data From Multiple Columns (Three Email Fields)

Mar 12, 2015

I need a query to pull the data from Sql server. my requirement is i need to pull the data from multiple columns, in that there are three email fields are there like email1, email2, email3. i need query to retreive the data from table first it search for email in the above 3 fields if any one of the fields contains the record the it display as Main mail id.

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SQL 2012 :: Possible To Send Pivot Query Results As Automated Database Email?

Nov 26, 2014

possible to send Pivot query results as automated database email ?

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Load A Text File With Email Addresses And Compare Against A Database Table That Has Email Addresses And User_id

Jul 12, 2007

Hello ALL

what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.

I also want to update some users using a different text file.

Please help me with the best way to do this

Thanks in advance

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Creating A Query In ASp.NET SQL

May 18, 2008

Hi, i have been able to create a query in in the sever explorer.
I want to create an statement as a new column.
In Access i would do it like this (Agg: [Scored]-[Against])
But how do i call a new column Agg in SQL and then tell it to take Against away from Scored?

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Help Creating Query

Apr 1, 2008

FROM dbo.mw_PagesTagMap
WHERE (TagID = tag.TagID)) AS TagWeight
FROM dbo.mw_Tags AS tag

This query works exactly how I want it to.
I would like to modify this to NOT return any column that has a TagWeight of 0

FROM dbo.mw_PagesTagMap
WHERE (TagID = tag.TagID)) AS TagWeight
FROM dbo.mw_Tags AS tag
WHERE (TagWeight <> 0)
I thought this would do it but I'm getting an error "invalied column TagWeight".
How would I get this to work?

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Need Help Creating Query

Jul 23, 2005

I am working with employee schedules. Each schedule is comprised ofsegments (shift, lunch, break, training, etc.) that have rankings.Each record has the employee id, the date the shift starts, the startand end time of each segment, the duration,the segment type and itsrank. The start and end times of the schedules can overlap, but thesegment that has the higher rank takes precedence.As a simple example, an employee working 8a-5p will have two records.The shift segment from 8a-5p and a lunch segment from 12p-1p. Thelunch ranks higher so, even though the shift goes from 8a-5p, from12p-1p, the lunch takes precedence.What I'm trying to do is build a query that will collapse the segments.So given the example above, I will now have three records: shift8a-12p, lunch 12p-1p, shift 1p-5p.I have been racking my brain but I just can't figure it out.Ultimately, a programmer in my office will display this in a bar chartformat with each segment type having its own color. I'm trying to do asmuch of the work in SQL so he doesn't have to calculate this stuff inthe code.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.Angela

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Need Help Creating A Query..

Apr 15, 2008

Hey all, am a bit new to SQL so excuse my ignorance I am wanting to create a query that uses 2 parameters and returns 20 random records that meet the criteria.
One of the parameters is stored in a different table to the one im querying, and the other is a selection made by the user on a VB form.. If its any help, my table schema is:

QUESTION: (QuestionID, Text, Answer, Category, AbilityLevel)

I need AbilityLevel to match a variable stored in the VB form and Category to match a value selected by the user from a combo-box.

I really dont know where to begin with this so any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. apologies if this is too VB related to belong in this forum!

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