Creating A Generic Package To Import A Variable Number Of Columns

Jan 26, 2006


We are building an application with
a database that contains Jobs. These Jobs have properties like Name, Code etc.
and some custom properties, definable by the application admin. For bulk import
of Jobs, we want to allow the import of an Excel sheet with the columns Name,
Code and a variable amount of columns. If the header names of these columns in
the Excel sheet match the name of a custom property in the system we want to add
the value of that cell into the database as property

In our Data Flow of our Import
Package in SSIS we added an Excel Source that points to a test excel sheet with
the Name and Code columns and €“ for this example - 3 custom property columns
(Area, Department, Job Family). When we configure the Excel Source in the Excel
Source Editor, we have the option to select the Columns from the Available
External Columns table. But here lays the problem, we do not know at design
time, what custom property columns to expect. We DO expect the Name and Code
columns, but the rest is uncertain at design-time.

That raises the question: Is there
some way to select all of any incoming columns (something like a SELECT * in
T-SQL)? This looks like a big problem since it would mean that the .DTSX XML that is
being generated at design-time would need to be updated at run-time to reflect
the variability of the columns that might be encountered while reading the excel

Then, we thought, we could add a Script
Component to our data flow that passes some kind of DataSet (or DataReader) in
which we can walk through the columns ourselves? But then still, we miss the
option to include ANY of the columns while reading an Excel sheet (or any other
datasource by the looks of it)

We are aware of the option of
optional columns in combination with the RaggedRight option, but it seems that
we would have to put all of the columns of a row in just one column and then
extract all the columns later with Derived Columns. But then, since the source
import file is being prepared by an application admin, we want don€™t want to
burden him with this horrendous task of putting everything in one

We would like to have some way of
iterating through all the columns, either in a Script Component or maybe with a
Pivot/Unpivot mechanism.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there other options we should have considered?

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Variable Number Of Input Columns

May 2, 2007

We are trying to use the Import/export wizard to load a text file to a SQL Server 2005 database. The input file has a variable number of columns per row. For example, the first row has 3 columns, the second has 7, the third has 3, etc. The number of columns varies from 2 to 9 in the input file. The columns are separated by an uptick (`) and the rows are terminated by {CR}{LF}. We are using code page 1252. On processing, the wizard reads the first row (with 3 columns) ok, but then assumes all the other rows have 3 columns and parses the rows accordingly, ignoring the field and row terminators.

The process worked fine with SQL Server 2000. Is there some setting that we are missing, or some configuration on the database that we should be checking?

Thank You

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008

Hi, I need to update a number of columns in a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I am updating all varchar fields and nvarchar fields to be converted to lower case. The problem is that the table structure is amended over time as columns are added programmatically, so I do not know which tables have which columns and if so which of them are varchars.

I can get a table of which fields I need to update using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and I can do the update with UPDATE tblxxx SET column = LOWER(column)

But what I don't know is how to step through my temporary table and do the updates. I can do it in ASP.NET, but that involves pushing commands and data between ASP and SQL, and will be too slow. How do I do it in SQL?


Dave Stephens

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008


I need to update a number of columns within a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I want to convert all varchar and nvarchar columns to lower-case versions of themselves. The problem is that the table structure is changed programatically, and so at any point in time I cannot be certain what fields are in which table, and what data type they are.

I know that I can get a lit of columns using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and do the update using:

UPDATE tblABCDE SET column = LOWER(column).

In ASP.NET I can pull in this temporary table using a SQL Data Adapter, and then step through the records to formulate the UPDATE statements and execute them all. However, I hope that this is possible in SQL too, so that I do not have to keep firing data/commands between ASP and SQL, as it should be quicker, and is also neater.

If so, how do you do it?


Dave Stephens

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008


I need to update a number of columns within a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I want to convert all varchar and nvarchar columns to lower-case versions of themselves. The problem is that the table structure is changed programatically, and so at any point in time I cannot be certain what fields are in which table, and what data type they are.

I know that I can get a lit of columns using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and do the update using:

UPDATE tblABCDE SET column = LOWER(column).

In ASP.NET I can pull in this temporary table using a SQL Data Adapter, and then step through the records to formulate the UPDATE statements and execute them all. However, I hope that this is possible in SQL too, so that I do not have to keep firing data/commands between ASP and SQL, as it should be quicker, and is also neater.

If so, how do you do it?


Dave Stephens

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Variable Number Of Columns In A Temporary Table

Nov 8, 1999

How do I create a temporary table in a stored procedure with differeent number of columns?
That is: sometimes ten columns, sometimes 24 etc.

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Dataset Into A Table Or Matrix With Fixed Number Of Columns, Variable Rows

Jul 13, 2007


I have a dataset with 2 columns, a rownumber and a servername - eg

rownumber servername

1 server1

2 server2


15 server15

I want to display the servernames in a report so that you get 3 columns - eg

server1 | server2 | server3

server4 | server5 | server6


server13 | server14 | server15

I have tried using multiple tables and lists and filtering the data on each one but this then makes formating very hard - i either end up with a huge gap between columns or the columns overlap

I have also tried using a matrix control but cant find a way to do this.

Does anybody know an easy way to do this? The data comes from sql 2005 so i can use a pivot clause on the dataset if somebody knows a way to do it this way. The reporting service is also RS2005



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Flat File Data Source With Variable Number Of Delimited Columns

Feb 26, 2007

I am writing a package that will process delimited flat files that will come in one of a few different versions. Within each flat file, the number of delimited columns will be the same, but each version of the file has a different number of columns. I have tried configuring the flat file data source to expect the version with the largest number of columns, but it will then throw away rows that have less than this number of columns (warning: There is a partial row at the end of the file).

Is it possible to use a single flat file data source that will work with all of the different width files?

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Integration Services :: Load Data From Flat Files Having Variable Number Of Columns

Jun 23, 2015

I want to load flat files into a single table. But the flat files can have variable number of columns upto a maximum of 10 columns. The table in my database has 10 columns in it. So in case if I load a flat file having 6 columns then rest of the columns in the table will have nulls. I don't want to use script task for this  as I am not good in writing C#code.

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Package Configuration For Generic Pathnames And Specific Filenames

Apr 3, 2007

It's very easy to make a generic xml configuration file for the connection to the database for all packages my project contains. The connectionstring is the same for all these packages

Now I want to do the same for all flat file sources I have in my project where the connectionstring is not the same for all packages.

For example I use the following flat files in my project:




If I move the packages to the production database the flat file sources are located in another directory.

So in fact for the flat file sources there is a generic part for all files (in this case 'c: ') and a specific part ('AAA.txt', 'BBB.txt' and 'CCC.txt').

Can I indicate this in the package configurations sections? And how?



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Integration Services :: Any Way To Extract Multiple Tables Using One Generic SSIS Package?

Oct 22, 2015

I need to export multiple tables from a database to multiple csv files (one for each table).

Rather than use SSIS and have multiple OLEDB sources and destinations (one for each table), is there a way to have a generic package that will export all the tables in the database ?

One way I can see is to use BCP in a loop - with the loop powered by a select statement that links to something like sys.tables etc, (or another table that i prepped with just the tables I want if I dont want them all).

i.e I would use a stored procedure that uses BCP (called via XPcmdShell) - so not via SSIS - although I could wrap up the whole thing in SSIS - but there is no realy need.

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How To Enter More Number Of Rows In A Table Having More Number Of Columns At A Time

Sep 24, 2007


I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns

For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?

Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls

( SQL Server 2005)

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Limitations In Term Of Number Of Tasks And Number Of Columns

Jun 5, 2007


I am currently designing a SSIS package to integrate data into a data warehouse fact table. This fact table has about 70 columns among which 17 are foreign keys for dimension tables.

To insert data in that table, I have to make several transformations and lookups. Given the fact that the lookups I have to make are a little complicated, I have about 70 tasks in my Data Flow.
I know it's a lot, but I can't find a way to make it simpler. It seems I really need all these tasks.

Now, the problem is that every new action I try to make on the package takes a lot of time. At design time, everything is very slow. My processor is eavily loaded each time I change a single setting in one of the tasks, and executing the package in debug mode takes for ages. If I take a look at the size of my package file on disk, it's more than 3MB.

Hence my question : Are there any limitations in terms of number of columns or number of tasks that can be processed within a Data Flow ?

If not, then do you have any idea why it's so slow ?

Thanks in advance for any answer.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Creating A Table With Updatable Columns And Read-only Columns

May 26, 2015

Here is My requirement, I'm not sure if this is possible. Creating table called master like col1, col2 col3, col4 , col5 ...Where Col1, col2 are updatable - this can be done easily

Col3, col4 are columns in another table but these can be just a read only ?? Is this possible ? this is possible with View but not friendly with share point CRUD...Col 5 is a computed column of col 2 and col5 ? if above step can be done then sure this can be done I guess.

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SELECT Query - Different Columns/Number Of Columns In Condition

Sep 10, 2007

I am working on a Statistical Reporting system where:

Data Repository: SQL Server 2005
Business Logic Tier: Views, User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures
Data Access Tier: Stored Procedures
Presentation Tier: Reporting ServicesThe end user will be able to slice & dice the data for the report by

different organizational hierarchies
different number of layers within a hierarchy
select a organization or select All of the organizations with the organizational hierarchy
combinations of selection criteria, where this selection criteria is independent of each other, and also differeBelow is an example of 2 Organizational Hierarchies:
Hierarchy 1

Country -> Work Group -> Project Team (Project Team within Work Group within Country)
Hierarchy 2

Client -> Contract -> Project (Project within Contract within Client)Based on 2 different Hierarchies from above - here are a couple of use cases:

Country = "USA", Work Group = "Network Infrastructure", Project Team = all teams
Country = "USA", Work Group = all work groups

Client = "Client A", Contract = "2007-2008 Maint", Project = "Accounts Payable Maintenance"
Client = "Client A", Contract = "2007-2008 Maint", Project = all
Client = "Client A", Contract = allI am totally stuck on:

How to implement the data interface (Stored Procs) to the Reports
Implement the business logic to handle the different hierarchies & different number of levelsI did get help earlier in this forum for how to handle a parameter having a specific value or NULL value (to select "all")
(WorkGroup = @argWorkGroup OR @argWorkGrop is NULL)

Any Ideas? Should I be doing this in SQL Statements or should I be looking to use Analysis Services.

Thanks for all your help!

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SSIS Script Task Alters Package Variable, But Variable Does Not Change.

Oct 25, 2006

I'm working on an SSIS package that uses a script to grab some XML from a webservice (I'd explain why I'm not using a web service task here, but I'd just get angry), and I wish to then assign the XML string to a package variable which then gets sent along to a DataFlow Task that contains an XML Source that points at said variable. when I copy the XML string into the variable value in the script, if do a quickwatch on the variable (as in Dts.Variable("MyXML").value) it looks as though the new value has been copied to the variable, but when I step out of that task and look at the package explorer the variable is its original value.

I think the problem is that the dataflow XML source has a lock on the variable and so the script task isn't affecting it. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of problem, or know a workaround?

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Several Different Errors When Creating And Running SSIS Package. Package Runs Successfuly Sometimes.

May 2, 2008

Hi All,

I am in the process of moving from a 32-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054) to a 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054 with 4 CPUs and 8GB of memory on Win 2003 SP2) and the process has been very frustrating to say the least. I am having a problem with packages that I created on my 64-bit SQL Server. I am importing a few tables from the 32-SQL Server into the 64-bit SQL Server using the Task --> Import to create the package.

Sometimes when I am creating a package I get the following error in a message box:

SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

The SSIS Runtime object could not be created. Verify that DTS.dll is available and registered. The wizard cannot continue and it will terminate.

Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. (System.Windows.Forms)

Other times when I run a package that has run successfully before I get the following error:

Faulting application dtexecui.exe, version 9.0.3042.0, stamp 45cd726d, faulting module unknown, version, stamp 00000000, debug? 0, fault address 0x025d23f0.

Other times I get this error message:

.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.1433 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (79FFEE24) (80131506)

And still other times

The package appears to hang when running. By this I mean that the Package Execution Progress shows progress up to a point then it just stops. (The package takes about 17 seconds to run normally) CPU usage is at 1% and the package cannot be stopped.

I have deleted and re-created the package several times and I have also re-installed the service pack on the SQL Server (9.0.3054) but that did not help.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to try?


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Does Not Work --ETL Package Tutorial (Lesson 1: Creating The Project And Basic Package )

Nov 4, 2006


I am new to SSIS. I followed the direction of the tutorial Creating Simple ETL Tutorial package in BooksOnline. I have tried more than five times and have done exactly as suggested in the tutorial but it does not work.

The URL is:

I get these warnings and finally fails:

1)[Lookup [30]] Error: Row yielded no match during lookup.

2) [Lookup [30]] Error: The "component "Lookup" (30)" failed because error code 0xC020901E occurred, and the error row disposition on "output "Lookup Output" (32)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

3) [DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Lookup" (30) failed with error code 0xC0209029. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.

4) [DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0209029.

Can someone help me with this tutorial error? or Am I doing something wrong.

Thank you,

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Passing A Variable Value (Package Scope) To A DTS Package Embedded Into Execute DTS 2000 Task

Jul 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?


Subhash Subramanyam

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Variable In A Foreach Loop Becomes NULL When Package Executed As Child Package

Dec 3, 2007

I have created a SSIS package with a Foreach Loop including a Data Flow Task, which in turn include a Row Count component which pass the row count value to variable with package scope. The variable is used in an Execute SQL Task following the Data Flow Task.

The package executes successfully when executed on its own, but when executed as a child from a parent package (which only include an Execute Package Task) the variable from the Foreach Loop becomes NULL.

There are a lot of other variables in the package receiving values dynamically without any problem, the row count variable however is the only variable in the package that receives a value as part of a Data Flow (and used in following tasks within the Foreach Loop).

Why does the variable become Null? For your information, I am using a variable with package scope and no variables from the parent package are used or passed from the child package to the parent package.

(For your information, we are running the 64 bit version)

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Parent Package Variable Assignment Issue In Child Package.

Dec 26, 2006

have one main package from which 7 other child packages are called. We are using
ParentPackage variables to assign values for variables and database connections.

While the values from ParentPackage variable get assigned to some of the
packages properly, to others it doesn€™t assign the value.

For example:
Except for one of the packages the database connection string gets assigned
properly to all other packages.

Similarly, in another package one of the
variables doesn€™t get assigned. In other packages it is assigned properly.

have checked all the other property values and they are exactly the same.

We cannot make any head or tail of this erratic behavior.

Please Help.

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Run Package On Server CPU Is Done Through SQL Agent: How To Set User Variable In Package Then?

May 9, 2007


I have packages stored in SQL store. I was letting users run the packages from a .net app that I made with


Now I have noticed this causes the packages to run on the client pc cpu, as well as the network traffic is done via the client pc, in my particular case this is slow.

From the doc and in this forum I have found that you can run a package on the Server cpu through sql agent, let packages be run in a sql job. after that you can start a package from an application with the SQL sp_start_job .

But How do you set a user::varibale in a package if you have to start the package from a sql agent job ?

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Creating Number Column

May 14, 2008

I have a ACTION column. i.e Its only disply SELL/BUY.



How to create another column display like this



Help me anyone...

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Creating Number Column

May 14, 2008

I have a ACTION column. i.e Its only disply SELL/BUY.



How to create another column display like this



Help me anyone...

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Creating An Auto Number

May 23, 2008


I am inserting some data from a temp to an existing table. The existing table has a primary key that is a number that just appears to be number 1-460 (there are 460 rows in the table). The data type for the primary key is int.

When I insert from my temp table to the existing I want to be able to add the next number in but am not sure how I can set that up??
I have pasted my code below. I am inserting into Lab_test_add_conf and the primary key value is lab_test_conf_id. In my select statement where I am getting the values to input I just put a number for now but that isn't going to work. You can ignore the rest of the numbers I have inserted and commas with no values I actually need to go add those to the temp table and just set their default values but I just first wanted to determine how I can create an autonumber. This is a third party software so I don't want to change the actual datatype of the existing table.

Insert Into Lab_Test_Add_Conf

select '460','2250',labtestkey,valuecode,value_description,'L',value_type,units,
from #TempLabTestConfigImport

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Error Creating Package - Failed To Save Package File ... Emp EmpD4B.tmp With Error 0x80040154 Class Not Registered

May 19, 2006

I had just installed SQL 2005 dev on my laptop and got an error message when I tried to create a package using the BI IDE. I received the same error using VS2005 IDE. But the project was created regardless without any packages. When I tried to create a new package in the project, I received the same error again, but with an option to view the error details.

Following is the text of the error details:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error creating package


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


I found a similar post that suggested that they try the following:

regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 msxml4.dll
regsvr32 msxml6.dll

But msxml6.dll could not be found.

I did get a copy of this file from a coworker, and after copying it and registering it, I was able to add a package to the project.

My concern now is what is the likelyhood of this being the only file missing from the installation.

I'm wondering if I should reinstall, or (if it exists) do a repair on the installation.



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How To Import From A String Representing A Number...

Oct 29, 2007


I am importing from a comma delimited text file. A certain string column has values that represent numbers, such as "US$ 20", "30", "40 - 50". I would like to import the number, and if the cell does not contain a string representing a number (example: "I don't know"), a NULL value should be imported instead for that cell.

Thanks a lot.

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Creating Alphanumberic Sequence Number

Oct 12, 2007

Database in:SqlServer builtin interface with VS05
I want to create a unique ID that identifies a row.
Id:STU+(SeqNumber) for Student and
Id:EMP+(SeqNumber) for Employee
[Question]:But how can i create sequence number and store it for use like that of ORACLE

Current Idea:Based on registration info if type is student generate STU+seq num and insert to table along with username and other details and if employee like wise.
So a procedure will receive this from user and append that with seqnumber and stores that in the table

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Creating Table By Variable Name

Feb 16, 2004

How can i Create a table with variable name
suppose variable x=tab1
I want the table created to be tab1 if x=tab2 then table created shd be tab2.. so how can this be dynamically done(creation of tables as well as stored procs)

i tried : create table @x .. it doesnt seem to work
please help

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Creating SQL Command From Variable

Apr 29, 2008

This is a really simple question. When I set my variable (the one will hold my SQL Command) property "EvaluateAsExpression=True", I don't get the option to edit the expression, I was expecting to get a little button that would open the "Property Expressions Editor" if pressed.

Am I doing anything wrong? Should I edit my SQL Command somewhere else and then Copy+Paste on my variable expression?

I need to pass a ServerName as a field to my query and I'm doing that by looping through a list of servers...

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Creating A Sequential Row Number In A Query Resultset --- Is It Possible?

Feb 17, 2005

Hello everyone,

I have a stored procedure that supplies rows for a front-end DataGrid that allows custom paging. The stored procedure must return the requested "page" of rows as identified by a sproc argument. Currently, I'm loading the the query's result set into a temporary table that has an identity column as primary key. I then run a second query against the temp table that uses the identity column value to strip out the requested "page" of rows and return them to the front-end DataGrid.

I'd like to eliminate the temporary table. To do so I would need to create the equivalent of an identity column in the query's sorted results and reference this value in the WHERE clause in order to return only the requested rows.

Does anyone know of a way to generate a sequential number (starting at 1) within a query (and after the rows have been sorted by the ORDER BY)? I don't think this can be done but I put it out for those who may know better.

Thanks for your help. If you know this is impossible, that would be helpful feedback as well.


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Transactions With Variable Number Of Inserts

Nov 30, 2004

I'm stumped how to achieve my goal using stored procedures. I have a front end application that calls stored procedures to insert data. For example, customer pays a bill. To complete the payment process a command in the app is run which calls a stored procedure to insert a tender record and a second stored procedure to insert a transaction record. A customer can pay one to many bills at one time so the number of times the insert stored procedures are called is variable. I want to be able to use the begin transaction, commit and rollback statements so if there's a problem inserting a record all the inserts are rolled back. Previously the app used the visual basic begin transaction, commit, rollback, statements however I want to now use SQL stored procedures for inserts and updates. I've been struggling with this for some time and hope someone can help me.

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Using Variable Number Of Search Strings With VBA

Mar 5, 2015

I have created a kind of search function in my Excel sheet where the user can select multiple items from different listboxes.

To save the items I use an array. So in one case only 1 items off the array is filled, but another time maybe 3 items are filled in the array.

I use the array to search in a SQL database (this is string rva(i) in the code). But when the array is empty it results in an error.

This is what I have so far. (the rule at the bottom won't work also )

rc.Open "SELECT [Datum],[RvA_Nr], [RvA_Letter], [Afdeling], [EVAL], [Matrix], [Component], [AS3000], [AP04], [Rec] FROM dbo.QHSE_2ndline_history " _
& "WHERE [Afdeling] = '" & afd & "' AND [Datum] >= '" & datum1 & "' AND [Datum] <= '" & datum2 & "' AND " _
& "CASE WHEN '" & rva(1) & "' <> '' then [RvA_Nr] = '" & rva(1) & "' END AND" _
& "([Matrix] LIKE '%" & matrix(1) & "%' OR [Matrix] LIKE '%" & matrix(2) & "%' OR [Matrix] LIKE '%" & matrix(3) & "%' OR

[Code] .....

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